
Home Lifestyle
Enrich your home and family lifestyle with Curious Mind Magazine. From inspirational stories and spiritual wisdom to hygge, astrology, and meditation, broaden your perspective on various spheres of life.

How to become more resilient at work

We’ve all seen the signs that say ‘keep calm and carry on’ – but many people don’t know that this motto originated from the...

Adjusting to Single Life After a Long-Term Relationship

Breaking up is the worst. You’ve dedicated a lot of your time, energy, and heart into getting to know a person believing that you’re...

7 Important Lessons Most People Take An Entire Lifetime To Learn

Harsh as it may sound, but life is short indeed. And I can’t help but notice that most people take life for granted. We...

Silence – The Most Underrated Thing That You Need More Of

We all have busy lives. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we easily get caught in our daily tasks and...

A Simple Guide To How To Truly Forgive Someone And Let Go Of The...

When someone does you wrong, it can be really difficult to get over it and move on. Regardless of whether someone has hurt you...

8 Valuable Lessons Time Has Taught Me Through The Years

  1. As much as you want, it’s impossible to please everyone. So, instead of wasting your energy trying to please those around you all...

5 Clever Ways To Deal With Judgement And Criticism Positively

The renowned American author and motivational speaker Wayne Dyer said: “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” And I...

Stop Wasting Your Love On Those Who Aren’t Ready To Love You

I know you think this is hard. I know you think that it’s impossible to stop loving someone whom you’ve loved and cared about...

From a Small Town to New York City: 4 Tips for a Smooth Transition

Are you one of the thousands of people who are moving to New York City from a small town? You definitely have many stories...

An Honest Letter To Every Judgmental And Hypocritical Person In My Hometown

Dear judgmental, small-minded and hypocritical people from my neighborhood, I never really met your level of perfection and righteousness, did I? It seems like whatever I...