
Home Lifestyle
Enrich your home and family lifestyle with Curious Mind Magazine. From inspirational stories and spiritual wisdom to hygge, astrology, and meditation, broaden your perspective on various spheres of life.

I Am Gradually Learning Not To React To Everything That Upsets Me

I am gradually realizing that I don’t have to let everything that happens to me affect me. I am gradually realizing that I don’t have...
One Piece Of Paper Cannot Save A Marriage Going Downhill

One Piece Of Paper Cannot Save A Marriage Going Downhill

One piece of paper does not solve couples’ issues and especially not marriage. It’s a formality.  One piece of paper cannot make you and your...

How to become more resilient at work

We’ve all seen the signs that say ‘keep calm and carry on’ – but many people don’t know that this motto originated from the...

Sometimes The Woman That Is Always There For Those Around Her Needs Someone To...

When you are the woman that is always there for those around her – you have a deep, waste ocean of feelings within you....

People Enter Our Lives For A Reason: They Are Either A Lesson Or A...

We don’t meet people by chance. No one enters our lives randomly. Instead, every person walks into our lives for a reason: They are...
Distinct Signs You’ve Found Yourself A Real, Faithful Friend

5 Distinct Signs You’ve Found Yourself A Real, Faithful Friend

Friendships enrich our lives. They provide enjoyment and comfort. They bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into our lives.  But, sometimes it can be...

This Is Why Being In A Relationship Is Too Hard For Someone Who Overthinks

Life is hard and challenging enough as it is. But, if you add a loud and anxious mind to that combination, it becomes completely...

Holistic Methods of Self Care You Should Try 

Self care is very much a buzz word in society today. From articles and books to Instagram infographics, there isn’t one area of the...

Adjusting to Single Life After a Long-Term Relationship

Breaking up is the worst. You’ve dedicated a lot of your time, energy, and heart into getting to know a person believing that you’re...

How Traveling Makes You a Better Person

You only live once (YOLO). There’s nothing like the soft, warm feel of the sand under your feet, the cool, gentle breeze that touches your...