
Home Narcissism
narcissistic relationship

Trapped by Love: Dr. Anthony Mazzella Unpacks Why People Stay in Narcissistic Relationships

Many individuals find themselves trapped in relationships with narcissistic partners, despite being fully aware of the toxic dynamic at play. The question is: Why?...
narcissist parents

12 Signs You Were Raised By Narcissistic Parents

Raised by a narcissistic mother and an ever-absent father myself, I understand the importance of having mentally stable parents to raise you. Because ever since...
narcissist manipulate

7 Clear Signs A Narcissist Is Trying To Manipulate You

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” says Jim Rohn, famous American author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. Certainly, the...
narcissism define

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Defined – How Narcissists Act, Love, And Break-Up The Whole...

Narcissists… are everywhere. These charming chameleons can sweep you off your feet and then destroy you as if you are garbage. Every single day...
how narcissists treat their exes

Why Narcissists And Psychopaths Stay Friends With Their Exes, According To Science

Although it may seem quite the norm when your former boyfriend or girlfriend wants to stay friends, studies have proven it may mean they...
How To Stop A Narcissist From Hurting You

How To Stop A Narcissist From Hurting You

Sadly, I know the pain of being in a relationship with a narcissist. I know the tears. I know the anxiety. I know the...
Narcissist’s Break-Up Games

The Narcissist’s Break-Up Games Revealed And Explained

Narcissists like it when they’re in the center of attention. Everything must be about them in a relationship. Sometimes this can be frustrating and...

How to Handle a Narcissist in the World of Estate Litigation

Dealing with a narcissist isn’t easy at the best of times, but having to handle one while you’re trying to resolve a Will dispute...

What To Do To Help Your Children When Their Other Parent Is A Narcissist?

Living with a narcissistic parent might seem funny at first, but children and parents who live with a person like this wouldn’t agree. It...
narcissism sociopath

Who Is The Narcissistic Sociopath And How They Will Destroy Your Life

Many people think that just because they are good and honest, everyone is like them. Sadly, there are people who don’t have goodness in...