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It’s Time To Bring Home Economics Classes Back To School Curriculums Because Our Children Lack Fundamental Life Skills

economics class

A lot of parents and even teachers are complaining that what’s being taught in schools nowadays isn’t very practical in the real world. And this is not far from the truth.

Today’s students can solve complex mathematical problems or write a Shakespearean-style sonnet, but they still lack the skills necessary to cook a meal or fix things.

Undoubtedly, children can learn to cook, sew, build and fix stuff, and manage their basic finances at home with the help of their parents and grandparents. But, schools can do a far better job of providing young girls and boys with practical life skills that can help them live as independent and confident human beings.

Of course, school subjects, such as English, Science, Math, and History are all important – no one can deny that, but Home Economics serves to teach students the skills necessary to survive in the real world.

After all, what life skill matters more than knowing how to feed yourself and your family?

That’s the reason why Home Economics classes need to be reintegrated into school curriculums. Students need to be provided with the fundamental skills necessary to take care of themselves as well as their loved ones and handle their finances.

And undoubtedly, the skills students can learn in Home Economics classes last a lifetime.   

The Life Lessons That My Dear Taught Me to Be Happy with Myself

You should know those bad things in life are never really personal. My mother taught me that the dude who cuts your line does not really want to cut your line per se. It is just that she or he wants to get in front of life and you are just the unfortunate soul who has to bear the brunt of the same. You would see how life changes for the better when you stop taking things personally. Your life would become a lot better and your relationships will improve in a dramatic manner as well. Even if something is indeed personal if you treated it like it was not your life would be a lot better for it.

Never make anyone feel bad

You need to treat everyone with respect and dignity and this includes you as well. This is something my good friend Bill always told me. The part of not treating others poorly is pretty obvious but you may not always realize that you are always insulting yourself in the garb of modesty. With introspection, you would realize that it is something that has never benefited anyone, least of all you.

If you stop getting better you stop growing

This is really true for your mind as well as your body. You need to have the mind of a beginner and you should always be pushing the limits.

You should never stop learning in life. It is only when you are flexible – physically and mentally – that you would feel like a young person and you would be happy in life. If you really wish to expand your physical and mental flexibility you should try yoga. It is an excellent way to achieve this goal. I actually learned this from the life of a pro wrestler named Diamond Dallas Page.

Everything is basically a lie

It is natural that you are always debating about various things in life. You are debating whether they are true or not. It is better to stop doing that. Rather you should imagine all these to be lies.

In this case, choose a lie that would make you take some action. It may sound like a strange thing to do but you can be sure it would work.

Learn when to give up

There are times when giving up makes sense and it is simply because you are wrong in holding onto something. There are certain times when the act of holding on makes sense. This is when you know what you are doing is right but at the same time, you also know that it is going to be really difficult to succeed. In some of these cases, you may not also know where you are heading with it.

In these cases, you should definitely persevere. However, if you know that you are wrong and are not quitting just because you do not want others to think of you as a quitter it is time to let go. The way the life of my father turned out taught me this!

Failure can be good at times as well

It is expected that you would have heard this number of times in your life. The question that needs to be asked over here is are you at all proactive about the same? Just think of the last few projects that you did and how successful you were in those.

Now, did you do anything new with them? If you did well in all of them it means that you have not been stepping out of your comfort zone of late. You need to go bigger with your work every single time. There is a chance that you may fail but you would learn a lot too. You should stay motivated in tough times.

Actions speak the loudest

It is pretty self-explanatory when you come to think of it. My good friend Adam says that you should let your work do all the talking for you. You should not have to tell people what you have done, your work should be able to do it on behalf of you.

In fact, if you wish to get something in life this is surely the best way to go about it – take steps to go get it. It is true that talking and planning are important as well but if you do not take any action you are basically wasting your time doing all this.

Be kind

This is something that I have learned on my own having been on the receiving end of harsh behavior from basically everyone in my life. You need to know and understand that no one in this world has an absolutely easy life. You never know the kind of situation other people are in.

It is only when you put yourself in others’ shoes that you realize the kind of situation they are in.


If A Guy Is Genuinely In Love With You, He’ll Never Give Up On You

never let go

Does he really love me? Well, here’s the truth: If he truly loved you, you wouldn’t be asking yourself this question.

Yes, I know it sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. When a man is genuinely in love with you, he’ll never give up on you.

That’s the reason why you need to stop asking yourself why he’s been avoiding committing to you. You need to stop asking yourself why he sometimes makes you feel like you’re his second option. Like he just sees you as a temporary fling and nothing more.

Stop tormenting yourself with such stupid questions since there’s only one answer to all of them and it’s pretty simple: He is not into you.

Yes, you read it right – he is not into you. He is not confused. He is not trying to heal old wounds. And he doesn’t “need more time” to open up to you.

Instead, he knows perfectly well what he wants, and it’s not YOU. He just wants pieces of you. He just wants you to satisfy his desires. He wants you to make him feel loved. He wants to have control over you.

I know that deep down in your heart, you know he’s not the right person for you. You know he’s not ‘The One.’ You’re just too scared to admit it to yourself.

You’re afraid to admit to yourself that he isn’t intimidated by your strength, your freedom, your craziness, and your personality. You’re afraid to admit to yourself that he’s just making excuses. Because if he was genuinely in love with you, he’d ignore everything to fight for your love. He’d do everything in his power to ensure you stay in his life forever.

You must find the strength to accept the ugly truth. You must pluck up the courage to admit to yourself that he doesn’t feel about you the way you feel about him. You don’t matter to him the way he matters to you.

You must understand that no matter how bad your pure, warm soul is yearning for his love, you’ll never make him love you the way you love him. Because love can’t be forced. Love always happens naturally.

You need to accept the fact that you two aren’t meant to be together.

You’re meant to be with a man who will love you honestly, deeply, and unconditionally. A man who will show you what true love really feels like. A man who will show you that relationships don’t always have to be hard and painful. A man who will never string you along and take you for granted.

You’re meant to be with a man who will bring out the best in you. A man who will believe in your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. A man who will support your goals and ambitions.  A man who will be aware of your worth.

You’re meant to be with a man who will treat you and love you the way you deserve. A man who will be the reason behind your smile, not the reason behind your disappointment or sadness.

You’re meant to be with a man who will be willing to make compromises and step out of his comfort zone to make you happy. A man who will be willing to sacrifice his own happiness and needs for the sake of the relationship. A man who will fight every evil to make you feel safe. A man whose greatest fear will be losing you. A man who will never give up on you.

7 Foods to Avoid as an Athlete

A nutritious diet is a key to an athlete’s training and performance. The kind of diet that they possess at times is the spark that they need to perform at a certain level and have an edge over other competitors. Food has become a very component of the training and research into what foods are a healthier choice for athletes is fast picking up pace. Among the foods that the athletes should avoid, we have put together a list of seven foods that the athletes should definitely take off from their diet.

Diet Soda

A can of diet soda to quench thirst can be very harmful to the health of the athletes. Foods that contain artificial sweeteners are preferably avoided by the athletes. Diet soda with high content in artificial sweeteners and caffeine can adversely affect the health as they lead to weight gain and can lead to the development of digestive problems. They are also rich in calories and can give the feeling of a filled stomach and thereby depriving an athlete of healthier food.

White Bread

Carbs are essential for athletes as they are important for their strength building. However athletes usually avoid foods with carbs like white pasta, rice and white bread. The issue with white bread that it is made from refined flour. The white refined flour gets devoid of essential fiber, wheat germ and vitamin B while being processed. It loses it nutritional value and some studies also indicate that it can raise blood-sugar levels and increase risk of type-2 diabetes.


Athletes should be very conscious of the foods that can hinder their performance and that can interfere with their nutritional requirements. Alcohol is one such beverage that the athletes should avoid. A higher intake of alcohol has many adverse effects on athletes. For instance, it slows down muscle recovery, decreases sprint performance and weakens motor skills. Alcohol is also linked to dehydration which can lead to an increased risk of injury or heat stroke.

Bad Meat

Proteins are an essential component of an athlete’s diet. Meats are rich in proteins which give the athletes good source of energy, especially with regards to strength and bodybuilding. The question may then arise as to how meat can harm athletes? At times meats are highly contaminated. This can be due to environmental reasons or due to the antibiotics or other treatments that the animals are given for faster growth. These types of meats can be highly dangerous for the athletes as it may contain substances that actually may come under the category of banned substances. For instance bad meats may contain Clenbuterol, a drug banned by the Doping Agency. Unknowingly an athlete may eat such bad meat and he/she can then test positive for this banned substance. Therefore athletes should be very wise and critical about the meat that they eat. However there are many products available in the market that claim to help you pass a drug test. One of such products is Clear Choice Sub Solution. If you dread a drug test, see this page to know if this solution can help you pass a drug test.

Flavoured Yogurt

Yogurts are good for the health generally. However it is usually the flavoured yogurts that the athletes should definitely avoid. Flavoured yogurts have a good quantity of sugar. Particularly those yogurts that have fruits or granola as add-in are very rich in sugar. Consumption of these flavoured yogurts can hinder an athlete’s fitness. It can prevent one from having a lean physique. Because of the high quantity of sugar, it can also increase sugar levels in the blood which results in an increased appetite leading to overeating.


Caffeine benefits athletes in some aspects and some studies suggest that smaller amount of caffeine improves performance. On the contrary, black caffeine can actually be a food that an athlete should avoid because of the negative impact that it has on the athletes’ health. Black coffee can cause heartburn and also lead to building stress. A lot of caffeine intake encourages the release of stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and nonrepinephrine. These hormones adversely affect heart rate and blood pressure levels and thereby lead to tension building. Coffee is also known to have dehydrating effects on the body and therefore athletes should avoid intake of coffee.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is highly unhealthy for an athlete. For many it is a comfort snack especially when you are chilling out and watching a movie. This popcorn is rich in sodium and its packing is even more harmful. The packing contains harmful Perfluorooctanoic acid in the bag which has toxic elements. Filled with high amount of unsaturated fats and high sodium content, the popcorn does not help the athletes in any way whether it is to do with workout or recovery.

Well, good health is central to any athlete. The food that you intake and at the same time the food that they avoid are central to your performance and training.

A Job Agency Toronto is the Ultimate Solution

A Job Agency Toronto is the Ultimate Solution for a Job Seeker

Job agencies are getting popular in Toronto day by day and a huge number of companies have started to hire their services to fill various vacant positions. Keeping that in mind, more and more job seekers have also registered themselves in their database so as to rest assured about hearing positive news sooner or later.

However, if someone isn’t aware about how these agencies work and why he/she should search for a reliable job agency Toronto, then here is everything important to know about:

Purpose of Existence

The major aim of job agencies in Toronto is to find suitable candidates for companies who need temporary or permanent workforce. They are responsible to understand job description and screen candidates in their database to shortlist a few of them.

After finding potential candidates, the recruiters forward resumes and profile to employers for further hiring procedure. After a successful interview, job seekers can figure out whether they are going to get a job or not.

Types of Recruitment Processes

Considering the fact that companies have different requirements, recruitment agencies employ various methods to screen and recruit candidates. Let’s have a look at each of them:

  1. Recruitment and Selection

They are the type of recruitment where a job agency Toronto searches for permanent candidates for the clients. Their job starts when a client approaches them for hiring and ends as soon as a candidate is employed successfully. Recruitment and selection is one of the best methods for job seekers who are looking for permanent positions. They help companies, with limited resources, to avoid overspending on finding new workers.

  1. Project Sourcing

There are several names for project sourcing; co-sourcing, project work, outsourcing, secondment and contracting. It is a type of recruitment in which, a company is looking for temporary workforce to execute different projects. Candidates are permanently employed by the company while employed on various projects.

Project sourcing is favorable for freelance experts/employers who have specialized knowledge of working on different projects. The best part is that, new workers have better opportunities to learn new skills and gain a lot of experience.

  1. Interim

This staffing methods works for short-term projects. A job agency Toronto used to search employees on behalf of a company who needs to meet their seasonal or short-term project needs.

Practically, interim is completely different from how project sourcing works, because:

  • Interim focuses on immediate implementation of the work while project sourcing works best for long-term and medium projects.
  • Interim emphasize on filling general positions based on limited specialized skills and knowledge. Whereas, project sourcing focuses on certain positions requiring specialized knowledge.
  • Staffing agencies have temporary relationship with candidates. Once they successfully place them on desired positions, this relationship comes to an end. Project sourcing ensures permanent employment at the project sourcing company while interim work is actually temporary. It requires employees to search for a new job after completing the first one.

Why Should Job Applicants Hire A Staffing Agency?

When it comes to searching for a new job, a job agency can assist in the following two ways:

  • Recruiters may personally contact job seekers after finding their resumes or profile.
  • Job seekers can contact an agency to let them find a suitable job as per their profile.

Once they are certain about letting these agencies work for them, job seekers can enjoy the following key benefits:

  • These agencies are free to hire. They actually work on request and get paid by companies for every successful placement. In other words, job seekers don’t have to pay for anything!
  • Staffing agencies have extensive knowledge about the job world and are in a better position to figure out which employer is best for a particular candidate. They used to have a lot of exciting opportunities for everyone.
  • Staffing agencies have a huge network that allows them to quickly find the right match for job applicants as well as employers.
  • E best part is that these agencies have access to all types of jobs no matter if job seekers can see them or not.
  • Each agency works on a different recruitment process. Most of them keep candidates updated through their feedback and prepare them for future interviews and other stages.

All in all, job agencies are one of those resources that help job seekers as well as companies to meet each other and bring the best out from the market through mutual efforts.

Key Features of the Latest Bedroom Furniture Collections

Every year, designers are creating new and unique bedroom furniture. If you’re someone who loves to have the latest fashions in everything, you’ll certainly want to check out the newest furniture collections. Here are some of the features you’ll currently find in the new bedroom collections.

1.Upholstered Headboards and Footboards

Upholstered beds are nothing new. What’s new is how popular they are recent. People love the comfort of being able to lean back against their headboard and feel the softness of cushioned fabric instead of hard wood or metal. They also enjoy the sophisticated look of an upholstered headboard and footboard. Button-tufting makes these beds even more luxurious.

2. Geometric Patterns

Beds, dressers, and nightstands with geometric patterns have a special appeal for today’s furniture shoppers. The patterns may be carved into the pieces, added with mouldings, featured in fabrics, or painted on for an interesting effect. Black and white geometric patterns are stunning, and colorful designs bring warmth and cheerfulness into the room.

3. Gently Curved Designs

Gently-curved shapes are becoming extremely popular these days. Bristol County homeowners often like to visit this furniture store in Mansfield to find the newest pieces shaped this way. For example, sleigh beds usually have curves, anyway, but now, the curves may be softer and more rounded. Headboard top rails may have a pleasing gradual swoop that sets these furniture designs apart from past options. Dressers with serpentine fronts also fit into this intriguing category.

4. Matte Black Finishes

Black as a bedroom color seems to be more in fashion at some times than at others. Currently, fashion is not just black, but matte black finishes. The flat color has a more subtle look than a gloss black finish. At the same time, your bedroom will be a restful place to sleep because of the more calming effect of the deep, non-glossy color. And, if you want to add a little excitement, you can do it with contrasting pieces or colorful accessories.

5. Pops of Warm Colors

While neutral colors are still in vogue for bedroom furniture, the current trend is to add pops of warm color in your bedroom. You can often find bed sets that have accent colors painted into the detailing of their finishes. Or, you can add the colors with contrasting pieces. Accessories like brightly-hued comforter sets, pillows, throws, and artwork can bring even more vivid life to your bedroom décor.

6. Natural Materials

As people become ever more environmentally conscious, natural materials are taking their place as the most sought-after materials for bedroom sets. Solid woods with authentic woodgrain finishes fit in beautifully with this theme. Look for natural fabrics in upholstered pieces. To complete the all-natural look, add potted plants in your bedroom. 

If this is your year to buy bedroom furniture, you’ll be happy to know that all these features are available from online furniture stores. Choose a reputable furniture company and browse through all the bed sets they offer. You’re sure to find the right pieces for your home so you can stay up to date and be a true trendsetter.

How To Stay Mentally Strong After Rehab

When you are trying to recover even after rehab, you need to think about how you can stay mentally strong. There are some tips below that will help you with your recovery because you need to make sure that you have thought about how your mental recovery plays into your new life. You can make a new routine, try some new things, and change the way that you approach your sobriety. Employ all these tips when you are recovering and remember that you should do the thing that feels the best to you.

Where Is Your Sponsor?

A drug and alcohol detox center in Northern California will allow you to recover at your own pace, but you need to come home with a mentor. The people that are helping you out when you are trying to get better, you will be much happier about the fact that you can live a normal life. You can lean on these people during the day, and you can ask them for advice if you are not sure how to move forward with your recovery.

Be Mindful

There are many ways for you to be mindful, and you should try yoga or something like meditation to ensure that you can remain mindful during the day. You can even use an app that will teach you how to be mindful. It makes sense that you might feel a little bit scattered after rehab, and you can change all that if you are able to clear your mind at least once per day. You also need to consider how you are managing your feeling. This could lead to a meeting with a therapist who can help you.

Go To Therapy

Going to therapy is a great way for you to deal with your emotions and manage your recovery. You can go to a therapist who specializes in addiction, and that therapist can help you grow as a person. You need to remember that this could take some time, and you might even go to therapy if you feel fine. This is a safe way for you to learn about living sober, and your therapist can be another sponsor or mentor who will help you learn to grow.

Change Your Routine

You need to change your routine so that you are not going to places that are tempting. Most people who go back to old patterns will start using again, and they need to make sure that they have a new routine that will make it that much easier for them to avoid substances. You may not have thought about this, but you need to ask your friends to help you create new patterns especially when you go out.

You can stay mentally strong when you are using these tips and working with the people in your life to ensure that you can change your life and your routine. The people that are helping you can give you the advice that you need, and you can even go to therapy to manage your sobriety.

A Guide to All the Different Engagement Ring Settings and Styles

If you are looking to get an engagement ring, there are some things worth knowing. Click here to learn all about engagement ring settings and styles.

The most popular month to propose in the US is December, which makes sense. It’s a jolly time, all your loved ones are gathered together, so why not pop the question?

December’s coming up soon, so you may be planning on proposing to your loved one in the near future. But with so many ring settings and styles, how do you know which one’s the right one for your honey?

Here’s a guide to all the different engagement ring settings and styles so you pick the right one for your soon-to-be fiance.

Types of Settings

In this section, we’ll give you an idea of the types of settings you can get for your sweetheart’s engagement ring!


This is by far the most common type of setting for engagement rings. The metal wraps around the diamond(s) like a claw. The types include flat, pointed, or v-shaped.

You can either get 4 or 6 prongs. While 4 prongs will make your stone more prominent, 6 prongs will hold it down better.


The prong setting takes first place, and the bezel setting comes in second. The stone is surrounded by the metal, which holds it in place.

This setting is great for people who live an active lifestyle since with prongs, it can easily catch on clothes and other things. The bezel setting won’t snag, plus it has a simple, modern look.


This setting is named after the famous jewelry store Tiffany & Co. The Tiffany setting is a 6-prong setting that gives your engagement ring stone maximum shine.

You may have to spend a pretty penny to get the Tiffany setting since they’ve trademarked this setting. But you can definitely get a similar setting at any reputable jewelry store for less.


If you’re looking for a unique setting, then this is it. The tension setting holds the stone in place through the tension in the metal. Not only is this option special looking, but it’s also typically less expensive.

If you don’t trust that the gemstone is secure in a tension setting, then you can go for a tension-style setting instead. This gives the illusion of a tension setting ring, but uses either a hidden prong or bezel to hold the gem in place.


A channel setting engagement ring will definitely catch the attention of everyone around. In addition to a larger stone in the middle, smaller stones are embedded all throughout the band.

This setting doesn’t use prongs, so you won’t have to worry about it catching on your clothes.

Pavé (or Bead)

“Pavé” is the French word for “to pave.” Like the channel setting, the pavé setting is pretty flashy.

In fact, it’ll be shinier than the channel setting since there’s barely any metal showing. Instead, it’ll just look like stone after stone.


The halo setting highlights the center stone by placing smaller stones all around it around the band; thus, you get the “halo” effect.

You can use this setting to get creative. Instead of having a uniform color all across the band, you can consider having different-colored stones for the halo to further emphasize the middle gemstone.


This setting is named for how reminiscent the design is to the arches of a cathedral.

From the band, several “arches” rise up to hold the gemstone. This is a great setting to really draw attention to the main attraction. However, because of its high arches, this type of ring can catch on clothing easily.


With other settings, smaller stones placed next to one another can blur together since they don’t have anything separating. But with the bar setting, you’ll get a really clear look at each stone.

In this type of setting, each stone is partitioned with a vertical metal bar. If you only have one stone, then it has a vertical metal bar on either side.

Flush (or Gypsy)

In the flush setting, the stone is hammered into the band so it sits within it. This can put more emphasis on the band.

However, because there’s hammering involved, we don’t recommend using softer stones. They may not hold up well.


As the name suggests, the setting utilizes three gemstones right next to one another. These are put together with prongs.

It can be a very romantic gesture to propose with a three-stone setting ring, since it’s said to represent your past, present, and future together.


This is an interesting setting to give the illusion of a large gemstone. Instead of one single stone, you “cluster” up several small ones in the middle.

With the cluster setting, you can experiment with different shapes and sizes. This can look great on people with smaller hands or fingers.

Types of Styles

Perhaps you want to stray from the usual diamond engagement ring. For instance, an aquamarine engagement ring can be quite striking.

But what style should you get? Below, we’ll discuss the popular types of engagement ring styles.

Eternity Band

These bands are “eternal” because the entire thing is decorated with small gemstones. You can use prong, bezel, channel, or flush settings on these types of rings.

Split Shank

The “shank” is the part of the ring that goes around your finger, or the band. A split shank band can give you more metal and gems to work with. As a result, you can get a pretty unique looking ring.


If your honey’s into vintage things, then they’ll love a vintage style ring. Many jewelers can mimic Art Deco, Victorian, or Edwardian styles.

Often, they’ll utilize filigree and milgrain to give it that retro look.

Know Your Engagement Ring Settings and Styles

Before you walk into the jewelry store, make sure you know your engagement ring settings and styles. If you don’t, you can easily be overwhelmed in the store, which can lead to you either making a hasty decision or walking out empty-handed.

By reading this article, hopefully, you’ve learned a bit about engagement rings and know what you want to get your future spouse.

To learn more about love and relationships, consider taking a peek at the rest of our blog!


Things to Consider When Choosing a Good Rental Booth for the Next Las Vegas Trade Show

Las Vegas is more than just resort hotels in fancy neon lights, extravagant casinos, and sophisticated bars lining up the main street. The area has a growing reputation of being one of the friendly market-oriented cities in Southern Nevada that hold the best trade shows across the globe. 

Planning to promote your business through trade shows requires adequate knowledge and resources. For some investors, they find it pretty practical to rent a booth rather than spend a significant amount of time planning and designing the booth alone.

If your company has been looking for good exhibit booth rentals Las Vegas, consider these following points:

Experience In the Industry is Very Important

Trade shows present a great opportunity to take your business to a specific audience. So see to it that the design of your booth gives justice to the quality of your brand. In evaluating design companies, always consider its reputation with regards to appealing exhibits that still produce positive results. 

You can also ask them about the displays they produce yearly. Also, inquire how much of their business dealings are from customers who repeatedly asked for their service. Always remember that the number of repeat customers is an excellent determinant of the design firm’s quality service. 

Consider Some References 

Getting references is one way to get honest reviews about the services of booth rental companies. Here are some questions that you should bear in mind when you talk to a previous customer:

  • Was the booth rental company able to maintain the agreement regarding the budget and your allotted deadline? 
  • Were there any issues that arose during the process? If so, how did they manage to handle it? 
  • What, in particular, are the customer services were they able to give you?

Knowing the experiences of their previous customers will help verify the reliability and credibility of a particular rental organization.

 Request For Their Portfolio

 For you to have a better evaluation of the company’s services, find time to visit their website. For sure, some photos of the design work that they produce will be available for viewing. The kind of portfolio that they have will mirror the quality of the services they provide. 

 Their portfolio is a great way to know if they can give you the kind of service that you hope for your business. Website pages are typical when you consider to exhibit booth rentals in Las Vegas. Use this to your advantage.

Knowing The Actual Place Where Your Booth Will be Built and Designed

 More often than not, designers that have no manufacturing facility will have the work subcontracted. That means you would not be able to know the people that are getting your booth designed. It is crucial that when you agree with an exhibit designer, you should request for on-site meetings.

 On-site meetings will allow you to personally meet the people who will build the exhibit booth for the trade show. 

 Looking for an excellent exhibit booth rental in Las Vegas might be finicky. However, it will surely help a lot in promoting your business and invite potential clients if you choose one that could respond to your needs as an investor.

How to Train Yourself to Sleep on Your Left Side?

Let’s make one thing clear right away:

Hugging a pillow on the left side is more beneficial for your health than sleeping in any other position, experts say.

It helps relieve snoring, reduces the risks of heart attack, and prevents heartburn and reflux.

These are only the most common advantages. So, it’s no wonder why more and more people want to train themselves to sleep on the left side.

If you’re one of them, here are some tips that will ensure a fast and smooth transition to left side sleeping, whatever your current pose is.

#1 Revise Your Mattress (Or Get a Mattress Topper)

If you haven’t replaced your mattress in years, it might just be not suitable for side sleeping anymore.

Side sleepers typically need more contouring for their hips and shoulders so that they could keep their spine correctly aligned. However, old mattresses tend to sag over time, which makes them incapable of supporting the spine properly.

Also, if you used to sleep on your back or stomach before, you probably have a firmer bed, which isn’t the best choice for side sleeping either.

So, ideally, you need to head to a mattress store and get yourself the best side sleeper mattress. Not all people can do this right away, though. If that’s the case, you can refer to a temporary solution — a mattress topper.

Toppers are an affordable way to alter the overall feel of your mattress and make it more suitable for your new sleeping style. They can give you just the right amount of cushioning and proper support for your spine.

As a starting point, you can choose one of these mattress toppers if you sleep on the side and see how it turns out.

#2 Upgrade Your Pillow (And Don’t Limit Yourself by Having Only One)

Along with upgrading the mattress, you also need to choose a more suitable pillow. Studies show that getting the right pillow can help you maintain the natural cervical curve and relax strained muscles. This, in turn, can make your sleeping on the side more comfortable, especially if you’re just starting to implement this habit.

So, what makes the right pillow for a side sleeper?

  • It’s thick and fluffy. Side sleepers typically need the highest pillow to make sure their neck is parallel to the mattress. Tight and moldable pillows made from solid memory foam or shredded foam work best. Or, you can choose a pillow with an adjustable loft and change it to your liking.
  • It sleeps cool. Side sleepers tend to sink deeper into their pillows, which means they are more prone to getting hot during sleep. So, opt for natural materials, such as buckwheat hulls or down, or choose pillows with gel-infused materials.
  • It’s durable. The ability to maintain shape and offer support for years is crucial for every pillow. Choose high-quality and certified materials, as they have a longer lifespan and will withstand active exploitation better.

Also, don’t limit yourself to just one pillow. Additional pillows between your knees or under your hands, if you like to stretch them out, will remove the strain from your muscles and support the spine alignment. This, in turn, will make your side sleeping more comfortable and therapeutic.

#3 Try Sleeping on the Sofa (Or Facing the Wall)

If you used to be an avid back or stomach sleeper, it might be a real challenge for you to change your sleep habits even with the right mattress and pillow.

Fortunately, you can try these recommendations to help yourself transit to side sleeping:

  • For back sleepers: try sleeping on the sofa. A narrow sofa just won’t give you enough space to turn around. To make this temporary sleeping spot a bit more comfortable, you can use a mattress topper and trim it to fit your sofa’s width.
  • For stomach sleepers: sleep facing the wall. Lie on your left side facing the wall. Perhaps you will need to move your bed to another place in the room so that when you try to turn on your stomach, you will face the wall and keep sleeping on the side.

Note that while you’re transitioning to side sleeping, the quality of your slumber may not be that great. So, it’s better to take a vacation or do this on weekends so that the sleep quality wouldn’t affect your productivity.

#4 Be Consistent (And Keep Going at Your Own Pace)

Finally, don’t fall into despair if you can’t switch to side sleeping right away.

Approaching your goal by small but consistent steps may work for you better.

It may be helpful to work on your bedtime routine and develop relaxing rituals and techniques that will allow you to fall asleep in any position and any place.

Consistency is key here. So, keep putting effort into changing your sleeping style, and one day you will form a good habit that will keep you healthier and prolong your life.