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Great Ways To Better Your Life With These Daily Beauty Routines

Amazing secrets and tricks that you can add to your daily beauty routine to get the best skin, the best looks, and a great sense of self confidence.

Looking beautiful doesn’t require as much effort as you think. 

Increasingly, people are starting to realize the hidden cost of trying to maintain a particular look with the help of chemicals and plastic surgery. But standing out from the crowd and having the confidence to dress the way you want to is far more appealing.

Here are some of the best beauty routines.

Ditch the Makeup

It may sound counter-productive, but if you wear makeup every day it involves putting hundreds of chemicals onto your face to get a particular look. Over time this can have a negative effect not just on your looks – aging you and wearing your face out – but on your emotional and mental health as well.

This is one of the reasons a residential drug rehab center might encourage residents not to wear makeup.

It is tiring to put on a ’mask’ every day. Whilst it may be difficult to stop wearing makeup one day, taking the plunge can be a really useful exercise as it means you are able to appreciate your natural beauty. After a while, your friends and family will get used to your new look. 

The same can be said about dying your hair and plastic surgery: now more than ever people are interested in a version of beauty centered around an authentic self. 

Use Natural Products For Your Beauty Routines

Did you know that when you wash your hair with traditional shampoo and conditioner you are making your hair greasy by putting chemicals into it?

Instead, look either for alternatives to these products or try washing your hair without shampoo or conditioner for a month to see what happens: your hair might thank you for it. 

Dress the Way You Want

It is easy to feel you have to follow the latest trends and dress in ways you might not feel comfortable with but it doesn’t have to be that way. Find fashion trends and brands that you like. Use sites such as Pinterest and Instagram to find clothes you like and get inspiration.

And if the major high street stores don’t stock what you want then be sure to check out independent stores or make your own clothes that fit you.

Beauty is All About Finding Yourself

The best beauty routines are not about following the latest trends and spending hours on your makeup every day but discovering what you like and having the confidence to wear it. Highlight your best features and be proud of yourself.

Society today has a big focus on individualism and ultimately you will lead the most rewarding life if you know yourself and dress in the way you want. Spend some time figuring out what you like and don’t like. Experiment and find out what works for you. Don’t put too much stock in other people’s opinions.

If you want to read more great fashion tips and beauty secrets then be sure to check out the rest of our site.


Smart tips and tricks to reduce anxiety

People suffering from anxiety have a difficult time coping with some day-to-day tasks. This can impact the quality of their life, and they can get progressively more depressed and sad. Developing some skills will help you improve your day-to-day life and make the most of each moment you live. This article will help you become more productive and relaxed and it will teach you how to avoid and get out of the most severe anxiety attacks.

Learn how to breathe

Breathing plays a huge role in anxiety attacks. Learning some smart breathing techniques together will help you cope better with the stress you feel during these occurrences. The belly-breathing technique seems to work the best. Follow the steps below to learn how to do it.

  • Take a seat and close your eyes. Calmly take a breath in and a breath out. Focus on breathing through your nostrils, but as naturally as you can. Don’t force the process.
  • Focus on how air enters and leaves your nostrils. Now, place your hands on your chest and abdomen. Now do what is called the 4-3-4 technique. As you breathe in, count to four. Hold your breath for three seconds and count to four as you exhale. Repeat.
  • Empty your mind as you do this. Try to focus on your breath exclusively. As different thoughts start to cross your mind, ignore them and focus on your breathing again.
  • Now, repeat until you can forget about the anxiety-inducing thoughts you have. It will help tremendously.

Avoid stimulants

People with anxiety should avoid the vast majority of stimulants out there. From caffeine to energy drinks and drugs, everything is prohibited, in their case. If anxiety has made you rely on different drugs to cope with your feelings, visit a specialised rehab centre. From heroin treatment to marijuana treatments, and prescription medication treatments, these centres can help you ditch addiction and take better care of your mental health, at the same time. You may be surprised, but addiction usually stems from mental hardship. And today, professionals in similar centres focus on curing the mental element before tackling the addiction part.

At the same time, you should try to avoid soda. Although this is not a stimulant per se, it has a lot of sugar, which can worsen your symptoms.

Positive self-talk helps

Being anxious can make you put yourself down. So, learn how to be kind to yourself. Positive self-talk will help you deal easier with it. Instead of focusing on your anxiety, try to think that in spite of your affection, you can use strategies to overcome it. Try to think you are in control of your feelings and not the other way around.

To successfully overcome the struggles that come with anxiety, make sure you are aware at all time there are coping mechanisms that will help you at all times. Besides, to prevent further attacks, you should avoid some of the most common triggers that specialists have found. Learn what those triggers are and adjust your lifestyle.

Financial Tips for Seniors

Reaching your golden years is an accomplishment in and of itself. Getting here has taken you a lifetime of hard work, and during that time you’ve been working hard, budgeting carefully, and saving and investing so that you can afford retirement.

And now you’re here, but that doesn’t mean that your money concerns are gone forever. It’s crucial that you take care of your cash. Here’s how to maximize your wealth in retirement, as well as how to handle sudden expenses and financial problems.

Your budget is everything

You’ve made your money, but you still have to make it last. So make a retirement budget, and be conservative about it: you don’t want to outlive your money! Be sure to hang onto an emergency fund that lets you handle things like medical bills as quickly and as effectively as is possible.

And be wary of your own generosity: giving big gifts and bailouts to adult children and grandkids may feel good, but giving away too much too fast can wreck your finances and may later force those same kids and grandkids to help you.

Monetizing assets

A lifetime of hard work makes a difference. You may not be super-rich, but you do have wealth. But, if you’re like many seniors, you may find that too much of your net worth is tied up in things that are highly illiquid. This can include your home, for instance, or your eventual insurance payouts.

Finding ways to monetize these seemingly illiquid assets is one way to find the money that you need in order to maintain your lifestyle or handle expenses like medical bills. You should consider options like reverse mortgages and, in some cases, viatical settlements.

What is a viatical settlement? It’s when you sell your eventual life insurance payout for cash now, explain the experts at Sell My Life Insurance Policy. The idea is that you take a chunk of cash (at a discount) now, when you need it most, and give up the later life insurance payment (which, by definition, you wouldn’t be around to enjoy anyway).

Find a financial planner

You may not be earning a salary any longer, but that’s all the more reason that you should find a financial planner. It’s vital that your investments secure your future for as long as you live, and accomplishing that takes careful planning and smart decision-making.

A financial planner can help you plan for your future and enjoy your present. Smart investing and the right budget can ensure that your retirement savings last you for as long as they need to. You should also work with a financial planner (and with an attorney) to maximize your estate and the wealth that you are able to pass down to your heirs.

Be on the lookout for scams and fraud

Fraud is a serious crime, and scams are everywhere. And, unfortunately, fraud against seniors is particularly common and particularly dangerous. Seniors are targeted by con artists, scammers, and even their own family members.

As a senior, you need to stay as sharp as possible when it comes to potential scams and fraud. Be wary of phone calls and emails — not everyone is who they say they are. Learn the warning signs of scams, such as requests for private information like your bank account number. And prepare for your own cognitive decline by putting safeguards in place and planning for your future physical and financial health with the help of trusted family members and professionals.

Accounting Matters In Business – When To Seek Your Accountants Advice

Accountants have always played an integral part of the business arena. You may be the smartest businessman and may have expertise in every field of it. However, there will be turns when you aren’t able to proceed further without the help of an accountant. Because there are some parts for which accountants are mainly trained for.

Accountants are in charge of those aspects which don’t come within the easy understanding of all people. In this article, we have provided some of the instances when you definitely need to visit a trustworthy accountant. Let’s have a glance:

1.Design a Business Plan:

Writing down a business plan is the starting of either a success or failure. Because based on that you are going to execute your entire business plan. Thus, you must be able to write down a good plan, and for that, you need a good accountant. For accountants will be able to furnish you with software to help you with good financial projections and all. A good early start will mark a gradual success in your arena of business.

2. Ready to Delegate:

It is quite a wonderful feeling to have everything in control, no doubt. But then everything will have a saturation point. Because with every growing business, there will be more and more aspects that will need more critical and concentrated focus. And at that point of time, the reins may leave loose from your hands. This can lead to deterioration. Also, this can lead to lack of delegation, which is definitely not a good sign.

Try to delegate the financial affairs of your business, and for this, you need to find a good accountant as in the Nova Accountants. For accountants can sincerely as well as effectively manage your books.

3. Company’s Legal Structure:

The legal structure of businesses differs with different companies. Hence, it might be limited liability partnerships, corporations or limited companies, sole proprietors, traders, etc. Thus to have a good knowledge of which legal structure is the best for your company, you are sure to need the help of an accountant.

An accountant has a piece of considerable knowledge about all types of legal structure, and according to your ideas and guidelines, he or she can advise you as to which structure to follow. Or else a wrong decision can destroy your entire career as a businessman. So when selecting a legal structure, ask an accountant to detail its every feature.

4. Financial Outlook:

Business is majorly an association of borrowing and lending, and if one does not keep strict eyes on the pages, it becomes very easy to cheat him or her. It is not always possible for a person looking after everything to keep such a dense lookout and this when you need to get to an accountant. Now with the coming of an accountant, many other fields like measurement of key business metrics, comparing the salaries and payments with the total revenue, etc.

Also, accountants nowadays have become more tech-savvy and use newer software to reduce manpower. Accountants mainly simplify the issues (cash flow) like needed to be discussed by producing charts and graphs and making it easier for ordinary people to understand.

Wrapping Up:

There may be other minor situations when you’ll need to visit an accountant which depends on your business mindset and decisions. But in such cases, as mentioned above, without any hesitation walk straight to an accountant and seek for help. And it is sure to promote your business rather than hindering it.

The question how to find accountant for your business can give you a great headache but thanks to online platforms like Ageras that have made it easy to find professional accountants in just a few clicks. With a nationwide network of experts and a 100% free smooth system, businesses have found great success working with tax and accounting professionals through Ageras, and we are confident that you will too.

7 Tips for a Healthy Night’s Rest

If you wake up each morning feeling groggy, or more tired than when you went to bed, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with getting a good night’s sleep, and it starts to impact their daily lives. It’s important that you not only get enough sleep, but that the sleep you do get is restful. Sleeping for 8 hours each night won’t do you much good if you’re waking up every hour. So with that in mind, here are 7 tips you can use to sleep better at night, and then hopefully start feeling better throughout your days.

Invest in a Good Mattress

One of the most important things you can do is invest in a good mattress. Sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress will not only make it harder to fall asleep, but you’re more likely to wake up throughout the night. Mattresses can be expensive, but when you consider that you’ll be spending a third of your time there, it makes it worth the investment. Take some time to find the best place to buy a mattress, then consider all your options. Try out a few different models to see which one works best for you.

Eliminate Light in Your Room

A small amount of light in your bedroom can make it hard to fall asleep. Before going to bed, you should do everything you can to reduce the amount of light in your room. This means turning off digital clocks, closing the blinds all the way, and shutting off any lights outside the room that might spread into your bedroom. If you’re unable to significantly decrease the amount of light, consider using a sleep mask to simulate a dark room.

Wind Down Before Bed

A common reason many of us have trouble sleeping is because we do too much before bed. We watch TV, check social media, read emails, and much more, which keep our brains active. Before going to bed, it’s a good idea to unplug from all electronics and spend a decent amount of time winding down. Read a book before bed, or do some yoga stretches. If you can make this into a habit, your brain will start to recognize the routine and know that it’s time for bed.

Get to Bed Early

Perhaps the reason you’re not sleeping well at night is because you’re going to bed too late. Going to bed late, and getting up early, is not a good recipe for a strong night’s sleep. And even if you go to bed late, and get up late, it can still affect your rest despite getting enough hours. Our bodies are used to being up during the daylight hours, and asleep when it’s dark. If you mess with this natural rhythm too much, it can impact how you feel when you wake up.

Don’t Hit the Snooze Button

When you wake up in the morning, it’s tempting to hit that snooze button on the alarm. You may even set your alarm early just so you can hit it a few times. However, studies have shown that hitting the snooze button, and going back to sleep for 10-15 minutes at a time, can make you feel worse. Instead, you should work on rolling out of bed the moment you wake up. The more you lay there, or the more times you hit snooze, the more groggy you’ll feel throughout the day.

Watch Your Diet

Another important factor to consider is your diet. If you consume too many sugars before bed, this will keep your mind active as you try to fall asleep. Choose what you eat before bed wisely, and only go with foods and drinks that will allow you to wind down. Also think about if there are any foods that cause you discomfort and avoid these before bed. For example, if you have some lactose intolerance, it’s not a good idea to have a bowl of ice cream before bed, as the stomachache will keep you awake.

Stretch Throughout the Day

Finally, you could be having trouble sleeping because your muscles are tense. Tense muscles are unable to relax and will make sleeping uncomfortable. A good way to combat this is by stretching throughout the day, and then again before bed. By doing some quick stretches before bed, your body will be able to get into a more comfortable sleeping position, and you should be able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Start Getting a Good Night’s Rest

If you can implement some or all of the tips mentioned above, you should find that your are able to sleep better. If this isn’t the case, it’s then a good idea to talk with a doctor about other strategies you can try. We all deserve to have a good night’s sleep, so start taking measure to ensure you get one.


At some point in life, every woman wishes they looked better and younger. It is during such times that they would do anything to go back in time and take better care of themselves.

The need to look younger has caused massive growth in the cosmetic industry. There are millions of products ranging from creams, lotions, and masks that promise to reverse the aging process.

Additionally, people must realize that aging does not only apply to the skin but also to the brain. I would hate to age and not remember names.

On that note, below is a list of supplements that actually work in making your skin glow and looking more radiant as well as keep your brain going strong

  • Collagen

Collagen is a protein that is abundant in the body and is responsible for giving structure to the skin, connective tissue, bones and all muscles in the body.

As we grow older, the body produces less collagen. That is why it is essential to eat more of it.

Collagen is one of the most preferred anti-aging supplements as it helps reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.

To better understand the benefits of collagen, you can get more here.

  • Nicotinamide riboside

The best thing about nicotinamide riboside is that it increases your body’s mitochondria function. It is a form of vitamin B that protects the brain from toxins and stress.

It is also responsible for increasing the compounds that are responsible for cell protection, maintaining sleep cycles and repair of damaged DNA.

  • Fisetin

This is a plant chemical with powerful anti-oxidant properties. It is effective at reducing skin inflammations. It slows down the aging process as well as fight cancer cells; particularly cells that are responsible for breast cancer.

  • Whey protein

Whey protein has been the most preferred source of protein for bodybuilders. However, it is not them alone that can enjoy its benefits.

Whey protein is an asset to the liver as it provides amino acids that are needed for the formation of glutathione, which is responsible for neutralizing toxins in the body. It also supports all mitochondria processes.

Last but not least, it has anti-aging properties and is also an excellent supplement for improving brain function. So there is no reason why it should be missing from your stack.

  • Pyrroloquinoline quinone

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) should be at the top of your list when you are looking for anti-aging supplements. It is also an antioxidant so it reduces inflammations rather quickly.

Besides, it improves memory and our learning ability.

However, to reap most of its anti-aging benefits, PQQ has to be taken in supplement mode.

  • Polyphenols

This is a compound that is mostly found in brightly colored foods like blueberries. It is famous for slowing down the brain’s aging process as well as protect it from damage caused by free radicals and stress. It also enhances learning and memory.

Learn to consume a variety of foods that contain polyphenols to reap maximum benefit.

All in all, when buying supplements, one should understand that everyone’s biochemical composition is different so there may be varying results from one person to the other.

Get Health Insurance to handle medical cost

Insurance policy changes from state to state and so there are a need to have some expert professional insurance agents who can give you the detailed information. If you are living in the USA, opt for some best American Insurance company who can offer some best insurance with great benefits and affordable cost. There was a time when you need time to visit all such insurance company to get a policy but today online system has made all task quiet easy.

Before going for any insurance get quotes from different American Insurance companies, which can make a decision quite easy. Insurance is mainly to help you by offering financial aid if you are required to pay high medical bills or car repairing cost. No one is ever prepared for unexpected expenses and so if you have insurance it becomes easy to get help in such a situation.

Why Health Insurance is must for everyone?

Today many insurance companies in America are offering cheap health insurance for you and your family. This type of insurance would help you to deal with any unexpected medical bills. There is a different plan for medical insurance and so before going for anyone of it just connect with agents and get detailed information regarding different plans.

These plans must be selected based on your need and also the amount which you can pay premiums. Insurance limit is to be selected wisely to make sure you can pay the premium on time. Agents can make it easy to select the plan for you and your family. There are many plans which can even include you small children and so selecting wisely will help to save money and get good benefits. Any medical cost can be paid with insurance plan but make sure that you opt for a plan, which gives complete coverage.

Benefits of having health Insurance

  • Critical illness can cause many life-threatening diseases, which can make it very difficult to deal with medical bills. But if you have health insurance just be stress-free as cost related to diagnose would be handled by an insurance company.
  • People who are not able to pay bills and wait for an insurance claim can also go for cashless payment. This type of service will help to get claim amount instantly and thus you are not required to wait for the approval of the claim. But it needs you to get admitted in-network hospitals which are covered in your policy.
  • Medical expenses can make you tight on the budget and make it difficult to manage the expenses. B if you have insurance do not take tension as hospitalization expenses, medical expenses and even reports bills is paid by an insurance company.
  • Many healthcare insurance products also help to get tax benefits, which means you can get relief through policy. This is mainly to make people aware of the importance of health insurance.
  • Health insurance can be taken for adults, teenagers, students and even kids. Heath is wealth and so in case of any emergency such insurance would lower down your expense cost.

These American insurance companies care about their customer and make it easy to get claim amount for any unexpected accident. The whole insurance process is quite lengthy and time-consuming but such reliable companies make it quite easy. The processing time and even claiming process are quite easy for customers. The main aim is to fulfil customer requirement and so these companies always update their customers regarding any changes in policy.

The Beauty Of The Spiritual Journey Lies In Accepting Your Flaws

it's not all love and light

There are countless articles about self-help and positivity on the internet. And I’m sure that you come across hundreds of posts about the same subject on social media every day.

But, let me tell you something: Those posts do not reveal the entire story. Those posts can’t summarize the complexity of life. Because the truth is that there’s no such “influencer,” yoga master, or lifestyle guru that has it all figured out. No one has all the answers.

It is easy to get enticed by self-proclaimed spiritual teachers and gurus since they appear to always be positive. They give the impression that they can help you embark on your spiritual journey because they know the secret behind it. But, the truth is – they don’t.

The spiritual journey is a highly personal experience. It helps you deepen your connection with yourself so that you can understand how you can meet your needs. It helps you reconnect with your highest self – the self which is rich with strength, wisdom, joy, and love.

On this journey, you come across new adventures and discoveries every day. There will be days when you feel strong, happy, and powerful. But there will also be days when you feel weak. But, do not stress over this. Since even on days like these, you’ll still be strong. You’ll still be worthy. You’ll still be appreciated.

You see, the importance of the spiritual journey is that while you discover the strength, wisdom, and love inside of yourself, you embrace and fall in love with your weaknesses and imperfections as well. You begin to accept that you’re meant to experience both positive and negative emotions.

On the spiritual journey, you will learn how to embrace and cherish your flaws instead of denying them with positivity.

In addition, the spiritual journey will require you to reevaluate parts of your life which you’re ashamed of and you’d rather turn a blind eye to.

It’ll require you to face your beliefs and reshape or get rid of the ones which don’t benefit you.

It’ll require you to stop holding a grudge against people who have hurt you.

It’ll require you to face painful memories.

And it’ll also ask you to be truly honest with yourself about how willing you are to change. It’ll require you to answer questions, such as:

Are you willing to forgive?

Are you willing to reshape the beliefs that prevent you from growing and achieving true happiness?

Are you willing to break off relationships which drain your energy and suck the happiness out of you?

 Are you willing to break self-destructive habits?

Are you willing to accept anything life may throw your way?

So, what you need to understand is that only when you develop curiosity about how you live your life and become comfortable facing your insecurities, fears, and past pains, will you manage to heal your emotional wounds and evolve into the person you want to be.

And yes, this will take time, but it’ll be worth it!

Stop Doing These 10 Things If You Want To Live A Happier And More Fulfilling Life

How would you define happiness? What does it really mean to be happy, according to you?

Achieving true happiness is a common goal we all share. But happiness isn’t the same for everyone. To some people, happiness means living a life free of negativity and stress. For others, happiness represents strength and courage to accept or let go of things which don’t fill your heart with joy. And to some people, happiness means having a great career and making a lot of money.

But, regardless of the way you define happiness, the truth is that we all occasionally do things which make living a happy life harder than it needs to be. Indeed, we put limitations on ourselves. We cloud our minds with negativity and trivial things. We undermine our self-worth, we feel sorry for ourselves, and we punish ourselves as well since other people are making our lives a living hell.

And you know how they say, “Life is what you make it.” That’s why we need to get rid of these limitations.

Here are 10 things you need to stop doing if you want to live a happier and more fulfilling life:


Even if you got sacked from a job, even if you were disappointed by a friend, even if you were cheated on by your ex-partner, and even if you’ve made thousands of mistakes in your life, remember: YOU ARE WORTHY.

You are important. You are valuable. Because none of these situations can detract from your inherent worth.


Remember: You are the only one responsible for your own happiness. If you expect other people to make you happy, know you’ll always be disappointed.

If you’re constantly feeling stressed out and exhausted and if you’re constantly thinking negatively about yourself, then all your relationships, both romantic and otherwise, will be as miserable as your emotional state.

So, if you’re unhappy with your looks, personality, career, or you name it, know that there’s no such relationship that will make you happier. Because you’re the only one in charge of your own happiness.Stop Doing These 10 Things If You Want To Live A Happier


Everyone makes mistakes. But, what you need to remember is that your mistakes don’t define who you are. They don’t determine your worth. They are not you.

So, stop criticizing yourself for falling in love with the wrong person or for making bad decisions. Because your mistakes help you find the right people for you and make the right decisions.


Regardless of what you might have experienced in the past, you can’t change it. That’s the reason why there’s no point in stressing over your past experiences and letting them negatively affect the present or your ability to make plans for the future.

Just let go of your past and focus on the present moment.


I get it – you have experienced disappointment and pain. You’ve missed great opportunities and made bad decisions. But, guess what? So has everyone around you.

So, instead of indulging in despair and self-pity, smile and remind yourself that you are tougher and wiser today because of the negative things you experienced in the past.


I am not saying that you shouldn’t be there for others or that your feelings, wants, and problems are more important than those of others.

I am just pointing out that constantly putting other people’s needs before your own will never do you any good. It’ll just make you lose your sense of self and forget how to practice self-care which is the most beneficial thing that you can do for yourself.


Life is too short to be wasted on selfish, ungrateful, manipulative people that drain your energy and suck the happiness out of you. You should surround yourself with individuals who bring out the best in you and who make your life more meaningful, fulfilling, and exciting.


No matter how bad someone has hurt your feelings, know that by harboring resentment against them, hating them, and making plans how to take revenge on them, you won’t punish them or give them a taste of their own medicine. You’ll just make yourself feel worse. What you should do instead is forgive them and move on.


Instead of wondering why the grass is always greener on the other side and envying others their success, be grateful for what you already have in life.


Yes, it’s true – someone will always be more attractive than you, someone will always be smarter than you, and someone will always be more successful than you. But, they’ll never be YOU.

So, instead of trying to change yourself so as to impress others, accept and cherish yourself for who you are. Be proud of your qualities and strength. Embrace your quirks, annoying habits, insecurities, wounds, and fears. Your bad sides are exactly what makes you different from the rest.

Waterborne Disease-Type,Symptoms,Prevention

Waterborne Disease

Water is life. As we all know, two-thirds of our body is made up of water. We need to drink water to keep ourselves hydrated and away from a lot of physical ailments. But what if the drinking water causes some disease? It is essential to be sure that we are drinking clean and pure water. If not, a body can be hit by waterborne diseases. Some of the diseases with their causes, symptoms and cure are listed below.

Typhoid fever

Typhoid fever is caused because of Salmonella Typhi named bacteria. The bacteria are found in water, eggs and chicken. Typhoid fever can be life-threatening. It is the most common type of bacteria found. The bacteria affects the bloodstream and the intestinal tracks. Typhoid fever can be caused by consuming food and water infected by the bacteria.

Some of the symptoms of typhoid fever are a very high fever (104F) headache, weakness, loss of appetite, stomach ache, and some people may experience a body rash. To diagnose a typhoid fever blood and stool tests are conducted.

Prevention measures are fairly simple, keep your hands clean before eating food, and don’t drink untreated water. Consumption of raw fruits and vegetables is not advisable. All the information on how to stay healthy while traveling you can find on websites like CDC and TravelHealthConnect

You should keep your body and hands washed and clean before eating food. The patient needs to drink very clean water, which has been treated well and germs removed. Consumption of raw fruits and vegetables is advisable. Taking medicines according to the doctor’s prescription is a must.


This is a disease which is caused because of the bacteria Vibrio Cholerae. It is the most common waterborne disease which causes acute diarrhoea. The main cause of getting cholera is drinking dirty germs-borne water. The polluted water causes cholera. Person to person transmission is rare.

Cholera hits the GI tract and leads to acute diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea and dehydration. Drinking filtered clean water, washing your hands before and after eating food, cooking food in clean water, wearing thoroughly wash clothes are the precautions to be taken to fight cholera.

Hepatitis A

Caused by the Virus HAV, Hepatitis A is a liver-related disease. The disease gets transmitted in places which have poor and unhygienic sanitation conditions. If hygiene factors are not taken care of Hepatitis A can outspread drastically from person to person. A person infected with hepatitis A can affect the other peoples living close to them.

Hepatitis A is mainly caused because of dirty sanitation conditions, where water is also dirty. Water can infect the body in various ways

Jaundice, yellowness in the skin, eyes, passing very dark yellow urine, fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, high fever, stomach pain, and nausea are the common symptoms of Hepatitis A.

The family members of a person infected with Hepatitis A should maintain a distance from the patient. It is essential to follow good hygiene practices while washing hands. Water should be pure and safe while drinking and cooking.

Hepatitis E

Drinking contaminated water causes hepatitis B virus to circulate faster and cause the disease it is prone in places where human waste is allowed to be disposed of in rivers and ponds this water if not purified and used for consumption leads to Hepatitis E. Regular intake of dirty water missing out hygiene conditions causes Hepatitis E.

The most common symptoms of hepatitis B are passing dark urine and pale stools, jaundice, yellowing of the skin and eyes, loss of appetite, tender liver. At times the liver is affected so bad because of Hepatitis E that it damages the liver cells causing death.

Avoiding the consumption of contaminated water, avoiding street food cooked in unhealthy oil and using dirty water, avoid eating undercooked meat, washing hands with soap and water after using the toilet and having food are the precautions to be taken to fight Hepatitis E.

Traveller’s Diarrhoea

Traveller’s diarrhoea is one of the most common waterborne diseases which generally affects travellers. It is also known as Montezuma’s revenge and Aztec two-step. Travelling from one country to another, and the change of water affects the travellers immensely. Mostly Asian countries have a high rate of travellers getting this disease. Consumption of dirty water and food causes indigestion resulting in Traveler’s Diarrhoea. Bacterial enteropathogens cause it.

People affected by Traveler’s Diarrhoea can start getting watery loose motions, abdominal cramping, bloating, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, and malaise. Avoiding dirty water and food is the only precaution you need to take. If the problem persists proper medicines and treatments according to the advice of a medical practitioner is a must — a combination of antibiotics and antimotility need to be taken.


When a patient starts passing infectious blood in bowels, it is said to be Dysentery. People living in developing areas where sanitation conditions are not good are prone to Dysentery. This happens because the digestive system is affected because of the consumption of dirty water. The bacteria causing Dysentery thrives in the food and water polluted by human faeces. Amoebic Dysentery is transmitted by polluted water.

The symptoms of Dysentery are bloody diarrhoea, very high fever, extreme stomach pain, rapid weight loss. Dysentery causes diminutive stools with mucus and blood mixed, giving heavy cramps to the patient. Using germ-free clean water is the first precaution to be taken to avoid Dysentery. Keeping your hands clean before and after using the toilet as well as having food is a must. Avoid shaking hands with people who are suffering from Dysentery.

Clean and pure drinking water is the key to keep the human body healthy. It keeps the body hydrated and fights many diseases. Clean water also helps to increase the immune system of the body. Consumption of contaminated and dirty water leads to life-threatening diseases which will leave a patient very sick, tired and fatigued. Taking care of hygiene, good sanitary conditions purifying processes of drinking water helps to fight waterborne diseases and stay healthy.

But the waterborne disease can be avoided easily if you have access to pure and healthy drinking water. There are various kinds of water purification system in the market which produce pure and healthy drinking water. RO Care India is one of the best-known water purifier service provider in India. Thus install a water purifier and drink safe and healthy drinking water.