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Emotional Intelligence: The Secret To Thriving Relationships

When we talk about what makes a person likeable, some of the first words that come to mind include kindness, empathy, and compassion – all traits that indicate that they’re in tune with other’s emotions. And while we tend to think of these simply as positive personal attributes, experts describe it differently; individuals who demonstrate these skills are more likely to have a high emotional intelligence quotient (EQ). Rooted in self-awareness, EQ is a way of describing how someone identifies, understands, and handles emotions, and those with a higher EQ are more likely to have healthy personal and professional relationships.

Intimacy And EQ

One of the relationships that benefits most from emotional intelligence are our romantic ones, whether we’re just starting to date someone new or been married for years. In these close relationships, it’s easy to take out our own emotional frustrations on our partner or to become emotionally unavailable when stressed. These actions are those of someone who isn’t in touch with their emotions, who can’t manage them in a healthy way, and who even uses emotions as a barrier to closeness. But there are a number of simple steps we can take to improve EQ.

In Positive Psychology’s Emotional Intelligence Masterclass, teachers focus helping participants grow into emotional awareness, a skill that can be summed up as knowing what you’re feeling at any given moment. Participants also learn how to balance their emotions with rational knowledge, to better navigate tense situations. Many therapists use a similar approach – known in dialectical behavioral therapy as “Wise Mind” – to help people improve their relationships through emotional regulation.

Emotions In The Workplace

It’s not just our personal lives that benefit from enhanced EQ – our professional relationships are also more likely to thrive with better emotional management and insight. For example, high EQ professionals are better listeners. That’s because they know how to pay attention to what others are saying, reflect on those words and observe their own emotions, and then respond thoughtfully. This is active listening taken to the next level, and while all professionals can benefit from these skills, managers have the most to gain.

One of the key reasons that managers should focus on EQ development is that those with high EQ are able to set ego aside and work well with others. They know how to give praise and apologize, how to encourage and acknowledge. Most importantly, they are able to do this in a genuine way, rather than by rote. It’s so easy for managers and C-suite level professionals to end up in a bubble where their opinions are all that matters because they’re in charge, but leaders with a high EQ know how to stay humble.

Tuning In To You

The best thing about focusing on EQ as a growth area is that it yields benefits in all areas of life. Those with a high EQ can enter into conflict without escalating, can identify unproductive behavior patterns, and can walk away from situations that are at risk of spinning out of control. Most of all, EQ encourages a mindset that allows you to respond to your feelings, and to a given situation, rather than react to it. Too many adults don’t know the difference between these two approaches, but responses are considered and contextualized while reactions are impulsive.

Most of us grow in emotional intelligence as we age, but we can all make an effort to be more in tune with our own emotions, and those of others, even in the tensest situations. Once you begin to make that shift, you’ll notice an amazing difference in your emotional health and in. your relationships. It’s all about stepping into a different mental frame.

When It’s Time to Go: Relationship Habits That You Don’t Realize are Toxic

Have you ever heard the expression “love is blind?” Well, if you haven’t, the expression is talking about how when you’re in love with someone, you can be blind to their faults even when their faults are taken out on you. When your love is blind for your significant other, it usually takes someone else to let you know that you’re in a toxic relationship because you just can’t see it being that you’re the one in the relationship.

Psychology Today states that it’s common for people to be so blinded to their partner’s negative traits that they actually create an idealized image of their partner and it’s the idealized version of their partner that they see, instead of the real version of them.

To be fair though, you really can’t blame you’re significant other for displaying these habits because there isn’t a class you take in high school or college that teaches you how to be the ideal boyfriend or girlfriend. Yes, you learn about the fundamentals of sex and the anatomy of the body but there’s no real class that teaches you about relationships… ultimately you learn through trial and error.

Better to Find Out Now Than Later

When you’re in a toxic relationship, there are always red flags that signal you to leave but you either ignore them or you really don’t see them. The thing about red flags is that you want to catch them and do something about them before you get too far in the relationship and both people suffer.

This situation happens all the time, actually. Can you imagine getting so entangled in your relationship (despite the red flags), get engaged, and then get married? Next thing you know, you’re in an unhappy marriage and the only solution is to seek legal counseling. You don’t want to go through that… that’s why it’s better to pay attention to your significant other’s habits and any red flags they may signal to let you know that your relationship is toxic and you need to leave.

You or Your Partner Constantly “Keeps Score”

“Keeping score” in a relationship is when one or both of you are consistently bringing up each other’s past mistakes in the relationship. You’re pretty much starting a battle or competition with each other to see who has made the most mistakes in the relationship, turning the whole situation into a “scorecard.” The aspect about this that actually makes the relationship toxic is that you/your partner tries to use this scorecard to justify certain actions or behaviors.

This is something you want to nip in the bud as soon as you notice your partner doing this, or if you notice the both of you doing it. If you don’t, then you and your partner will end up spending your whole relationship trying to prove to each other that one person is more righteous than the other. This will base your entire relationship on guilt and bitterness, and there’s no happiness in that.

Your Partner Expects You to Be a Mind Reader

You’ve heard people say “say what you mean and mean what you say.” In a relationship, it’s very important to apply that statement. Your partner may have a desire, want, need, or thought but doesn’t verbally express what they want. Instead, they drop little hints or express passive-aggressive behaviors in hopes that you’ll know exactly what they want… no one is a mind reader so your partner can’t be mad at you if you don’t know exactly what they want when they don’t tell you what it is.

The aspect about this that makes it toxic is it clearly shows that you two aren’t comfortable with openly communicating with each other. If your partner is happy and feels secure in the relationship, they wouldn’t need to drop hints or expect you to know what they want without telling you what they want.

Your Partner Threatens the Future of the Relationship

Let’s say that you’ve had a bad day and your partner clearly sees that you’re upset and makes a statement saying “If you’re going to be negative like this all the time, then I can’t be with you.” A statement like that is so unnecessary. The aspect that makes it so toxic is that it’s a mind game.

Relationships are going to have ups and downs and the fact that they’re so quick to threaten to throw it away because something doesn’t go right or go their way is a major red flag that you’re in a toxic relationship and you need to get out of it.

The Power Of Creativity: This Is How Your Planners Makes your Wedding Awesome

So finally you have found your soulmate and you’re getting engaged. Congratulations! Now it is the time for the next step plan for big fat wedding! After all the relationships, breakups the very thought of finally settling down is sure enough to give you jitters. The queasy feeling before marriage is what every person goes through and it’s completely natural.

Having a perfect dreamy wedding is what every couple dreams of. The week before a wedding calls in for extensive planning, running here and there from vendor to vendor to get everything in place. After announcing their plan of getting hitched a couple binders trying to figure out how to trudge ahead with their wedding planning.

Weddings are an extensive affair and if not planned in advance then can prove to be tiresome. The idea of beginning the journey of togetherness with your beloved can be overwhelming but the path leading to the beginning of this journey needs to be prepared and all decked up to ensure a smooth sail. Its your wedding and everything needs to be perfect, a single glitch is enough to ruin your special day of love.

Its your wedding why stress yourself when you can make your life easier by hiring a wedding planner. Say goodbye to running behind vendors to get your work done and welcome a wedding planner to sit back and relax while they take care of the rest. Are you still unsure about the need of hiring a wedding planner? Here to resolve your doubts we have curated for you a list of reasons about why should you hire a wedding planner. Read on to know more.

Overexpenses? Whats that?

We know that weddings are an expensive affair and with the wedding market flooded with plethora of wedding elements sticking to a budget is difficult. The availability of wide variety of scrumptious cuisines, colorful décor elements, beautiful venues, and enchanting dresses is enough to consume a couple about what befits their wedding theme. It is at this moment that a wedding planner comes to the couple’s aid. A freaking awesome wedding planner is like a financial advisor who helps you to figure out the best use of your money and also helps in cost cutting and staying within a budget.

 A planner helps you get only the best at a price of less. Puzzled how? Well a professional wedding planner who has been in the industry over a long time would have contacts in the wedding market owning to which they can get you the best quotes for different wedding categories. A wedding planner is well versed with the market prices of various things and so can cater you with the best prices. To cite an example if you want to hire a photographer whose market rate is say Rs 100 per picture a planner owning to his contact with the photographer can get the same at Rs 50 per picture. Seems a budget friendly idea, right!

Time Savior

Weddings are once in a lifetime moment and every second of it is precious. Irrespective of whether you’re having a destination wedding or a city wedding you cannot afford to miss a single moment. It’s your special day and when your family is having fun and enjoying it you cannot waste your time by calling or emailing vendors or simple running after them to get your things in order. To enjoy your wedding to the fullest hire a wedding planner. A wedding planner makes you stress free and takes care of all the planning and saves your precious time to let you enjoy the ceremonies with your family and friends.

Makes your fairytale wedding a reality

Have you always been fancied by the royal fairytale weddings? Why not have your own fairytale wedding! Yes lovebirds it possible to transform your fairytale vision into a reality! Wondering how? It’s as simple as eating a pie, hire a wedding planner. The creativity and competency of a wedding planner is sure to add a happily ever after to your fairytale love story. Under the expertise guidance of a wedding planner you can have an enchanting wedding.


An enchanting wedding venue, charming décor, beautiful outfits, mesmerizing ambience, lip smacking cuisines these are the attributes of an ideal wedding. If you’re seeking to add the touch of perfectionism to your wedding then your quest ends with the hiring of a wedding planner. Owning to their experience in the field a wedding planner understands the requirements of couple well and hence can cater them with their needs. While planning your own wedding you might fail to pay attention to minutest details but a planner to yield perfectionism pays attention to even the smallest detail.

Handling the different wedding events is beyond the ability of a single person. Wedding planners are professionals who have a vast experience in handling a wedding. Are you planning for a destination wedding in India in the Kolkata the city of joy? Being a metro city it is densely populated and finding the ideal wedding vendors in the utter chaos of the city is a tedious task. So to easy out your burden and make weddings a hassle free experience consider booking top wedding planners in Kolkata. If you’re wondering how to reach for the best wedding planner in the city then worry not as Shaadidukaan is your solution. Choose from a list of the city’s best wedding planners and book them at an affordable price from our site. Happy Hitching people!

5 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Quality Sleep

We all need to get enough sleep to function well. Most of us need at least 7 hours of non-interrupted sleep every night. Our body uses the sleep function to go to work repairing itself. So, when there’s insufficient sleep, it starts to breakdown, affecting the immune system or repair work like healing skin abrasions and more serious health issues too.

The balance of chemicals that each perform a role in the body’s functionality is also not allowed to rebalance overnight when the quality of sleep is poor. Over time, this can cause related problems. Also, during sleep, the day’s events are linked to previous life experiences through making connections in the mental pathways. The brain’s memory center is then updated to include the last day’s activities. With insufficient sleep, many of these activities are badly affected.

Here are 5 signs that you’re not getting enough quality sleep.

1.      Memory Problems

If you don’t normally experience short or long-term memory problems, but you have begun to do so, then it could be due to sleep deprivation. Not being able to remember events from a few days ago is a clear sign that you might not be sleeping long enough.

Consider what the causes of lack of sleep might be. This could include poor sleeping posture or a sleeping environment that’s not dark or quiet enough. Also, if you snore or your partner snores, this could be waking you up too. In which case, fixing your snoring will help by looking into sleep aids, such as mouth strips.

2.      Repeated Bouts of Sickness

If you’re someone with a decent immune system, then you don’t usually pick up the cold or flu going around. Even if you do, you probably don’t get it too badly and it goes away quicker that other people.

However, if you find that sickness has become a far more common thing that you’re living with, then it could be a sign of not getting sufficient REM sleep. Your immune system gets rundown when you don’t let your body rest. During your sleep cycle, the body produces substances that act to protect against infections, virus and bacteria. This doesn’t happen as well when you are sleep deprived.

3.      Digestive Changes

Not getting enough sleep can cause you to put on weight. This is because the amount of sleep changes how much leptin or ghrelin hormones are released. The former tells your body when you feel sated and should stop eating. The latter is a stimulant to encourage you to eat more.

When you don’t sleep enough, leptin is reduced, and ghrelin is increased naturally. It’s possible this corelates to eating at night when staying up late. The weight gain comes into play with increased calorie consumption. Also, a lack of sleep reduces energy levels, making it harder to stay active and keep the calories off. An unhealthy lack of sleep can weaken your immune system. By sleeping more and taking a nutrient supplement like Balance of Nature you can strengthen your immune system.

4.      Hormonal Imbalance

The production of hormones is linked to your sleep pattern. It’s necessary to get at least 3 hours of sleep to enter the REM cycle.

Testosterone doesn’t get produced well until you are safely in the REM cycle, so interrupted sleep badly affects the hormonal balance in your body the longer it continues.

5.      Fatigue

If you find yourself yawning halfway through the afternoon, or you’re generally feeling lethargic even when you’ve fueled up with a good meal and adequate H2O, then you may be suffering due to not enough hours with your head on a pillow.

You never really “catch up” with your sleep per se, but you certainly can sleep more to let your body totally rest if you’re exhausted. Make sure your phone is blocking out blue light using an app and prepare your bedroom with close to complete darkness to sleep more deeply.

Sleep deprivation is very real. It can even cause accidents when falling asleep at the wheel. So, we’d recommend taking it seriously and ensuring you get plenty of shut eye every night.

This Is The Kind Of Man You Should Date After A Messy, Toxic Relationship

Relationships are supposed to make you happy. They’re supposed to make your life more meaningful, fulfilling, and exciting than it already is. They’re not supposed to bring disappointment, sadness, pain, and remorse into your life.

But, things never go according to plan in life. You never know what kind of people will walk into your life. You never know what kind of person will gain your trust, win your love, and then nonchalantly break your heart into thousands of tiny pieces.

But, there’s something I want you to know: If you have ever been in a messy, tumultuous relationship, then know that it wasn’t wasted energy, emotions, or time. Rather, it was a valuable lesson that you learned the hard way.

If you have ever been in this kind of relationship, then you know how you don’t deserve to be treated. You know what kind of person doesn’t deserve a place in your life.  

You see, being in a messy, toxic relationship is a painful experience, yet it’s also one that teaches you that not every person around you is as honest, good, and loyal as you are. That not every person in your life deserves your attention, respect, trust, and affection. That not every person that swears that they truly love you really means it.

When you finally pluck up the courage to put an end to an unhealthy, troubled relationship and let go of the toxic partner completely, you are left doubting your self-worth. You’re left thinking that begging for someone’s attention and love is all you deserve. You’re left thinking that you’re not good enough to love and be loved.

As you start to move on with your life, you start reconnecting with the people who you may have distanced yourself from or who your toxic ex-partner didn’t want to see around you. You begin feeling like you’re reconnecting not only with your loved ones but with your old self. You start feeling more enthusiastic and livelier.

You even start to date again, yet your relationships are nothing serious. It flatters you and makes you feel good when you change your hairstyle or dress in elegant clothes and some man out there notices that. It’s an amazing feeling when a guy is giving you his attention, complimenting you, trying to flirt with you, and making you feel desirable and sexy.

The attention and compliments you are receiving are helping you rebuild your confidence and become aware of all those things about yourself that you completely forgot about in your last relationship.

Yet, you still don’t feel like you are the old you. You still don’t feel like you are the person you used to be before the manipulative, selfish, toxic man walked into your life. You feel like you’re still carrying burdens from your past on your shoulders.

And all this prevents you from realizing one vital truth – the truth that a guy is going to walk into your life and give you all the attention, respect, and love you deserve. And you won’t even have to ask for them.

This man will accept and love you just the way you are. He’ll know all your insecurities and fears, but he won’t make you feel ashamed of them. He’ll see you at your worst, yet he’ll never make you feel weak. He’ll simply know that your weaknesses and imperfections don’t make the person you are. He’ll know that your flaws don’t reduce your worth and both your outward and inner beauty.

This man will wear his heart on his sleeve. He won’t feel ashamed to tell you, “I love you” every day. He’ll make sure you know how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.

This man will be fiercely loyal to you. He’ll never make you wonder if you’re his only choice or just one of his “options.” He’ll never make you feel like you have to compare yourself with other women.

This man will fight for your happiness. He’ll try to be the reason behind all your smiles and laughs and never the reason behind your sadness.

This man will always be there for you. He won’t neglect your problems, instead, he’ll consider them as if they’re his own. He’ll never leave you to deal with your worries on your own. He’ll stick with you through thick and thin.

This man will make you feel in ways you’ve never felt before. He’ll love you and take care of you in ways no one ever has. He’ll love you genuinely, deeply, intensely. He’ll love you wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

When this kind of man enters your life, trust me, you’ll know it – you’ll feel it in the depths of your being.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]  

4 Types Of Soulmates Sooner Or Later Everyone Meets In Their Life

When you hear the word “soulmate,” the first thought that comes to your mind is probably of that one man or woman who is your perfect match. But, a soulmate is not every romantic partner you encounter in your lifetime. In fact, a soulmate can come in the form of an acquaintance, a friend, or a family member.

A soulmate is someone who comes into your life when you expect it the least. Some soulmates stay for a limited period of time in your life and others stay forever. And what they have in common is that they all walk into your life for an important, specific reason.

Following are 4 types of soulmates sooner or later you’ll encounter in your life:

1. The Stranger Soulmate

This type of soulmate is a person you encounter randomly on the bus, at a party, in a shopping center, or while you’re on your way to work. When you meet this type of soulmate, you feel as if you’ve known them for your entire life although you’ve just met.

You don’t build a strong, lasting relationship with this person, you just interact with them for a brief period of time. However, although the interaction is short, both of you feel free to share with each other whatever comes to mind, even give each other wise pieces of advice, because you feel comfortable with each other.

2. The Friend Soulmate

The friend soulmate is the type of soulmate that you should cherish your entire life and never take for granted since they are here to stay for good.

This is the type of person with whom you could talk for hours and never get bored because you understand and know each other very well. Moreover, this type of soulmate is someone who never judges you for your flaws, mistakes, and decisions and someone who selflessly helps you navigate your way through life’s challenges, problems, temptations, and pains. This soulmate is usually your best friend.

3. The Lover Soulmate

This soulmate is not necessarily the man or woman you will get married to and spend the rest of your life with. In fact, this kind of soulmate ends up being your life partner only in the rarest of cases.

This soulmate could be your first crush, a short fling, a secret, brief affair, or just a casual, no-strings-attached kind of relationship. These soulmates normally stay in your life for a short period of time.

However, you always remember them because they teach you important things about yourself and help you become more aware of your feelings, needs, insecurities, and fears. They also teach you valuable lessons about relationships and life in general that will be beneficial for you down the road.

4. The Wrecking Ball Soulmate

This type of soulmate is not someone who enters your life peacefully. These soulmates walk into your life to shake everything up. They challenge your beliefs, assumptions, and expectations and they make you question everything you thought you knew about the world around you.

The relationship you build with this person can vary from a genuine, deep friendship to an intimate one. Nevertheless, it’s a relationship that shapes you into a different person and changes your perspective on life.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] 

How to Fight Cognitive Decline Associated With Aging

The Trouble with Aging

Although the saying that “everything gets better with age” is true of a good cheese and wine combo, it’s not the case with people’s cognitive abilities. Some subtle changes in your ability to think are considered a normal part of the aging process, but that doesn’t mean you must passively accept the idea that a decline in your mental acuity is inevitable.

In fact, there are a number of things you can do to help decrease your chances of experiencing mental decline as you age. We’ll be discussing some of those solutions in depth within this post.

Fighting the Decline

From the time we’re born, through 5th grade, and on, our cognition continues to improve; however, many of the thinking abilities we develop peak, on average, around the age of 30 and begin to slowly decline from there. The most common abilities that see changes can include but are not limited to, your thinking speed, multitasking, paying attention, and keeping information in mind.

To prevent cognitive decline, scientists suggest adopting a lifestyle that focuses on regular exercise, a Mediterranean diet, consistent, good-quality sleep, moderate alcohol consumption, and avoidance of drugs. Scientists also say engaging in mentally stimulating activities like reading, writing, crossword puzzles, playing music, group discussions, and playing board and card games can have a significant impact on your sharpness as the years go on.

None of these practices are guaranteed to protect you from dementia and cognitive decline later in life, as studies estimate about 60% of your mental acuity can be attributed to genetics. However, recent studies suggest that implementing the following lifestyle changes and maintaining them over time can slow and, in many cases, even prevent cognitive decline due to aging.

Adopt Healthy Habits

This may seem intuitive, but healthy habits can have a huge impact on your mental acuity. Regular exercise offers a wide array of health benefits that spill over into every facet of everyday life, including your ability to think clearly and experience regular, refreshing sleep.

In fact, a lack of physical exercise, high blood pressure, and obesity have been linked to a higher risk of cognitive decline. Depression has also been shown to have an impact on people’s long-term mental abilities, and depression can be alleviated with serotonin from exercise.

As Elle Woods said in Legally Blonde, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. And happy people don’t kill their husbands.” Or in this case, happy people don’t experience a decrease in mental acuity as they age.

Build a Solid Social Support Network

In the same vein, a poor social support network can also have devastating effects on your mental health over time. Studies have shown that persistent loneliness causes accelerated aging and can eventually lead to death. These same studies show that loneliness often leads to depression and can have the same long-term effects on your physical and mental health as obesity, excess alcohol, and cigarettes.

So what can you do to prevent loneliness and its effects?

Scientists say the only thing you can do is take action. Reach out to family members or friends you haven’t spoken to in a while, join a new activity you’ve never done before, or utilize Skype and other online social platforms. No matter what you do to alleviate the loneliness, make sure you are satisfying your innate human need for social interaction.

Engage in Mental Stimulation

Aside from a healthy diet, frequent and close social interactions, and physical exercise, you need to start training your brain as well. Whether this means taking Chinese lessons or taking a quiz to find out if you’re smarter than a 5th grader, it’s up to you.

Activities that require you to think critically and recall information are irreplaceable in the fight against cognitive decline. These activities can include reading, writing, dancing, gardening, and trying new pastimes that involve your brain but don’t add stress.

Although we’ve broken these strategies into groups, they function much like a spider web. Without a focus on each one of these interwoven parts, your effectiveness at preventing mental decline is reduced. Social interaction, regular exercise, and mental stimulation can all be done together in activities like hiking with friends, hosting game nights, and trying something new with the person you love.

You Can’t Avoid Time, But You CAN Avoid Cognitive Decline

Getting older doesn’t have to correlate with slowing down. If you start now with the strategies we outlined above, you’ll be much less likely to begin seeing decline once you reach 30. And even if you’ve already passed the big 3-0, there’s still time to delay or prevent diminishing cognition. Now is always the best time for a fresh start.

6 Reasons Why Everyone Is Obsessed with Matcha

The Japanese are known to have amazing delicacies in their country, from the well-known sweets like dangos and sakura-flavored snacks to savory goodies like takoyaki and okonomiyaki. But one thing that stands out the most is matcha tea. If you hear the word Japan, matcha comes to mind and vice versa. This type of green tea has been making international waves primarily because of its great taste and the loads of benefits this tasty treat has to offer.

With so many kinds of matcha to choose from, it is no wonder many have become obsessed over this green wonder. If a shop has a matcha-flavored item in their menu, many will try to get their hands on it and taste it for themselves. So what’s the deal with matcha? Here are five reasons why everyone is obsessed with matcha:

Various Health Benefits

Matcha is known to have various health benefits. Packed with antioxidants that are known to prevent aging and chronic diseases, matcha is considered a powerhouse of minerals by many. Tufts University conducted a study that has proven matcha contains twenty times more antioxidants compared to blueberries and pomegranates. This makes matcha a great way to help the body fight off diseases.

Because it contains a lot of antioxidants, matcha is also known as a great, healthy way to prevent cancer. Catechins in matcha, called EGCg, are responsible for protecting the cells from damage, killing cancerous cells and stopping its progression. This means that partaking in matcha is a great practical means of cancer prevention.

Great Coffee Alternative

Matcha is made by grinding up nutrient-rich young leaves of Camellia sinensis plants, which are known to have L-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid known for promoting relaxed alertness, focus, and memory. This makes matcha a natural brain booster and mood enhancer at the same time. Matcha has caffeine content depending on its grade and is known to be more than a shot of espresso! However, the L-theanine in matcha helps with concentration much more than when ingesting coffee. No caffeine-induced jitters means no stress!

Aids Weight Loss

Besides helping out with the protection of your body, the EGCg and caffeine content in matcha is known to boost metabolism as well. These natural chemicals in matcha help stimulate the body to secrete gut hormones that make you feel full. Take a cup of matcha after every meal to help lose those snack cravings.

With all the focus and energy boost obtained from a cup of matcha, one can definitely get the body moving even better when exercising. Matcha helps burn calories away much quicker than other drinks, so it’s recommended to drink a cup before starting the day. These natural catechins in matcha help activate the body’s ability to burn fat faster even when at rest. This makes it so that when you exercise and drink matcha as well, it boosts the fat oxidation or fat burning your body does when exercising. A neat and tasty way to get yourself pumped to pump some iron!

Helps Keep Your Pearly Whites White

It’s been mentioned here time and time again how matcha’s naturally occurring antioxidants, amino acids, and other chemicals help in various ways for your health, but no other drink comes close to keeping your choppers clean and protected like matcha. Many a matcha lover out there has taken matcha in its purest form, which is without sweeteners, and many love it that way! The one great thing about taking matcha this way is that it helps reduce plaque buildup and bacteria in the oral orifice.

It Tastes Great!

The list of things that make matcha great always come out lengthy, but it only reinforces the fact that matcha is one of the best consumables for a healthy life today. No matter the matcha grade, this wonder powder is considered one of the most versatile products, usable in almost every kind of edible item. It’s no wonder people get obsessed over it!

Matcha continues to be one of the most sought-after products for any health buff. If you’ve ever thought about testing matcha but aren’t convinced yet, then it’s high time you do! Grab a cup of matcha today!

When You Were Raised By A Strong, Loving Mother, You Grow Up To Be A Tough, Confident Woman

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you grow up to be a tough, confident, and self-respecting individual.

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you learn that the only person who is responsible for your happiness is YOU. You learn that you’re the only master of your life and that you’re the one who directs its course.

When you were raised by a tough, loving mother, you learn how to take care of yourself, your feelings, your needs, your desires, your passions. You learn to treat yourself with patience,  kindness, compassion, and dignity. You learn the importance of self-love and self-respect.

When you were raised by a tough mother, you learn how to survive without depending on anyone. You learn to speak up and stand up for yourself during arguments. You learn how to defend yourself when someone is criticizing you and trying to undermine your worth. You don’t allow anyone to take advantage of you and your kindness. You call out other people on their crappy behavior. You let everybody know that you don’t tolerate disrespect and bad behavior.

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you learn to accept and love yourself exactly the way you are. You learn to embrace all your annoying habits, whims, and quirks. You learn to overcome your insecurities and fears. You realize that your weaknesses and imperfections don’t make you a weaker and less important person than the rest. You realize that your flaws don’t determine your worth and happiness.

When you were raised by a strong mother, you realize that feeling worried, sad, or afraid doesn’t equal weakness. You realize that even the strongest and most confident women sometimes feel like their world is crumbling down in front of their eyes and yet they will always be there for the people they love.

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you learn what genuine, honest, deep, eternal love is. You realize what it means to love someone selflessly and unconditionally. You realize what it means to love someone from the bottom of your heart without expecting anything in return.

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you realize that when you genuinely love and care about someone, you don’t feel reluctant or afraid to sacrifice your own needs, passions, and even happiness for their own. You make sure they always feel happy, safe, and protected.

When you were raised by a tough, loving mother, loneliness is just an abstract term for you. Because you have someone who is always there for you. Someone who is always willing to patiently listen to your problems and help you ease your worries or pain. Someone who is ready to do everything to make you happy. Someone who is not afraid to walk through fire to make sure you’re safe and live a fulfilling, happy life.

When you were raised by a tough, loving mother, you learn what true, deep, lifelong friendship is. Because you have someone who is fiercely loyal to you. Someone who is always honest with you. Someone who is always there to pick you up when life knocks you down.

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you learn how blessed you are. Because you have someone who always believes in you. Someone who reminds you of your strength and qualities. Someone who makes sure you never doubt yourself and your worth.

When you were raised by a strong and loving mother, you realize that you have a guardian angel that will protect you from every pain and evil in the world. You have a role model. You have someone who will love you forever.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] 

Taking Control Over Your Life – The Anxious Person’s Guide

We all live under the impression we are in full control of our lives until the unpredictable happens. This is when we realize this is far from being true, and we start panicking. While the unpredictable can always occur, how you react to it makes the difference between being or not in control of your life. Dominating your anxieties and managing obstacles is what also puts us in full control of our lives. Below are some strategies that will help you manage better how you deal with, and react to what is happening in your life. (1)

Accept you are not in full control

Acceptance is the first step to mastering your own life. This doesn’t mean you have to act passively to what is happening to you. It only means that you have to accept that unpredicted and unasked for events can always occur, and they shouldn’t derail your entire life. It means you have to accept your life also depends on external events, which you may not always account for in your plans. This is the first step to always being ready to deal with the unpredictable.

Do things that scare you

If fear is what is holding you back, getting involved in things and activities that scare you can be a good form of exposure therapy. It will help you, in the long run, to face your fears easier, and become less sensitive to scary scenarios.

Breaking free from a life lived in fear is facing them. Are you scared to sit in the face of a large audience? Next time you go out, pick a karaoke night and sing in the face of all those strangers. This isn’t as useless at it initially looks. It will force you to master your negative emotions with more ease in more formal situations; a business presentation, for instance.

Sleep plays a determinant role

Anxiety and the lack of control are things that go hand in hand. And, apparently, they are both rooted in the lack of sleep discipline. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, and try to stick to a clear sleeping schedule. Discipline is the key word here and you should follow the same sleep schedule every night, to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm.

The lack of sleep structure and discipline are identified as roots of several mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression. You can’t be in control of your life when battling anxiety, so beware of your sleeping patterns.

Save money to control the unpredictable

Financial hardship is the least desired situation you want to find yourself in. However, when you are in control of this situation, your self-esteem goes through the roof. Save money, to prepare for the unpredictable.

When living without savings, you are not in control over your life. You can do as much as prioritizing expenses, without having an actual choice. And if unpredictable expenses appear, your entire life is thrown back, and you start panicking.

You can follow some simple money-saving strategies, the 50-30-20 being one of the most popular. In this budgeting strategy, you allocate 50% to paying off your bills and monthly expenses, 30% to clothing, entertainment, and so on, and 20% of your monthly income goes into your savings account.

Pick up a hobby that forces you to be cool-minded

Being in control of your life also means not letting yourself driven by emotions, exclusively. If you have difficulties in controlling your reactions and keeping a cool head, you can look into hobbies that virtually force you to keep your cool and avoid impulsive reactions.

You may be surprised, but Forex trading is one of those hobbies that might help you. You can’t trade currencies successfully without patience and discipline.

Get a good grasp of the basics and try to find reliable ECN brokers. These are good starting points, and you can build up from there.

Currency trading will also force you to outline clear goals for your journey and to define strategies that will help you reach those goals. Being able to identify risks, to keep fear and greed at bay are good lessons Forex trading will teach you. And that will put you in full control over your life. 

Ditch social media

Social media is outdated, and it prevents you from becoming your best self. It forces you to unintentionally compare yourself and your life with others’, it makes you waste time, and it is far from being as useful as it used to a while ago.

Use social media only as a tool to keep in touch with your loved ones. A social media-free regimen will help you a lot, in the beginning. After a while, you can start checking your feeds once a day, but no more.

Lists are your best friends

If forgetfulness and the lack of organization are the things that prevent you from being in full control of your life, making lists can be a good habit you can pick up.

Get a daily planner if this helps. Prioritize your activities based on their importance, and try to achieve as many goals as possible from your list. This will teach you discipline and organization and will allow you to refill your schedule with other important tasks and activities, as soon as you tackle the ones you have on your list.

Give up stimulants

Caffeinated drinks can be a real helper, but for the anxious person who wants to gain more control of their life, it can be destructive. It’s not about the substance itself, it’s about the amounts you ingest. And most people tend to consume too much caffeine and energizing substances. Besides, ditching caffeine can help you practice self-discipline and acquire more control of your life. After all, caffeine causes dependency and kicking off the habit will reinforce your discipline.

These are some of the best tips we can offer for those who want to gain more control over their lives. However, there are more strategies than the ones presented above, so feel free to do your independent research.