The popularity of e-cigarettes is driven in part by the fact that they do not contain the same high levels of toxins and carcinogens as do combustible cigarettes, and the growing recognition of their usefulness as a smoking cessation tool. The level of nicotine contained in e-cigarettes and vape juice has raised some questions, especially since Stanford researchers have claimed that a “nicotine arms race” is going on in the e-cigarette industry, suggesting that purveyors are in a rush to provide products with higher nicotine levels.
The Stanford claim overlooks two things: Vaping is becoming a generally accepted method for smoking cessation, and many e-cigarette vendors are also offering products that are completely nicotine-free.
Why add nicotine at all?
Clinicians provide a variety of smoking cessation tools to smokers, all of which contain nicotine. Patches and gum, two of the most commonly-used tools, deliver nicotine to the smoker without the harmful smoke. The reason for that is that nicotine, not the smoke itself, is the addictive agent that causes people to become addicted to cigarettes. Like patches and gum, when smokers use e-cigarettes as a means of quitting smoking, they deliver nicotine without the harmful effects of tobacco smoke.
A benefit of using e-cigarettes in this way is the ability to choose vape liquids with progressively lower percentages of nicotine, and ultimately, liquids with no nicotine at all. Studies have shown that e-cigarettes are more effective as a smoking cessation tool than are other nicotine replacement therapies, with the New England Journal of Medicine reporting that a one-year abstinence rate was 18 percent in an e-cigarette trial group, with 9.9 percent in the group using other nicotine-replacement therapies.
Why nicotine replacement therapies fail
Vapor Authority reports on Harvard School of Public Health reports pointing to the failure of standard nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), noting that the Harvard study showed that a third of adult smokers who quit using an NRT had relapsed, and that the relapse rate was the same as for those using NRTs as those without, regardless of whether they received professional counseling.
The blog notes that, according to Greg Conolly, director of the Center for Global Tobacco Control at Harvard School of Public Health, “NRTs and other nicotine-related products are not an indefinite solution. Rather, they are designed to ameliorate withdrawal symptoms, which can occur from the initial time of quitting until about six months out. NRTs are then no longer used once the withdrawals go away; however, temptation or other factors are not addressed by physical nicotine therapies.”
That’s the key to NRT’s failure – it addresses the immediate concern of nicotine withdrawal, but it does not address the smoker’s desire to smoke. Vaping, on the other hand, does – and it provides a longer-term solution that can continue to satisfy the psychological desire to smoke, long after nicotine withdrawal has run its course. This of course, is the prevalence of nicotine-free vaping liquids, which provide the sensation of smoking, without the chemicals and nicotine.
The benefits of nicotine-free vaping
For those who wish to quit smoking, NRTs such as a patch does not satisfy the urge to smoke, nor do they provide a meaningful replacement for the sensation that smokers enjoy. Vaping without a nicotine-based e-juice does offer that sensation, while also delivering a smoother experience without the harsh chemicals. Also, the flavors of nicotine-free e-juices tend to be more pronounced and pleasing. Smoking, or vaping, isn’t all about nicotine and smoke – it’s about a sensation. Vaping can provide that sensation, if the user chooses, through nicotine-free e-juices that can easily replace the desire for nicotine much better than traditional nicotine replacement therapies.
Where does the connection between a software developer and a blogger start? The answer is quite simple – at the very beginning. In other words, in order for an online blog to exist, it must first be created by a developer who coded and crafted everything in the website. This is where one’s interest takes part. Many people strive to study and learn different codes to create many uses with it. Coding could be used to create apps, computer software, and even websites that are used for online blogs. Once created, there is an unlimited amount of knowledge you can teach through your informative and descriptive writing. Finally, an online blog belongs only to the person writing it. He or she is the only one who is in charge and says what should be included, therefore, giving the blogger a sense of ownership. So, the three reasons why you should begin an online blog are: it makes you a creator, a teacher, and gives you a sense of ownership. (1)
When creating a website for an online blog, not everyone will understand the concept of using coding. But, one can still feel the sense of creativity through the written proportion. This can be a valid reason as to why a person should start an online blog. They are literally creating a small story for an individual to read, whether it is a daily update or a life story, or an exemplification essay. The point is to go from having a blank page to a screen full of jokes, updates, stories, etc. In that sense, it could give a person joy in taking time out of their busy lives to write a blog and share that joy.
Secondly, bloggers have different reasons as to why they write a blog every day. One of those reasons can be for educational purposes, to spread one’s knowledge to whoever may be interested in reading. There are many people out there who would like to teach everything they know, i.e. software development, blog writing, programming, etc. How to become a software developer? How to find your first job? What languages are most in-demand? These are the kind of topics many people would share so that others may be better educated through reading the blog. Once again, not everyone is interested in technology. But that doesn’t mean they can’t educate about other topics in their blog. A person who is interested in cooking, for instance, could easily write a recipe or a story related to it. Another person may even write about being a college student and their daily struggles. The point is that we, the bloggers, are educating the reader through a simple story.
The beauty of having a Technology Blogis the fact that you are the boss of what goes on it. The blogger may not have a manager who is nagging them to finish it within a certain time limit. There is no clock in and work your eight hours than clock out. You basically write when you feel like it and stop when you desire. An individual can even make a paying job out of blogging. So, of those who say, “I need to make some sort of income but don’t want to work for someone else”, then creating an online blog can provide that, therefore giving that blogger a sense of being some sort of an entrepreneur.
No divorce is ever perfectly amicable. The residents of California know it better than anyone, considering that the divorce rate in this state is higher than the average across the country by 10%. But the important thing to remember is that you can remain friends with your ex if you both work for it. If you don’t need this for yourself, you should do this for your children who need both of their parents to get along instead of poisoning the kids with your mutual spite and negativity. (1)
How to Remain Friends with Your Ex after Divorce
1. Let the volatile emotions settle
If you want to remain friends with your ex, you shouldn’t rush it. Give both of you time to cool off after the ordeal that is the divorce. By trying to contact each other right away you will only exacerbate the negative emotions caused by the situation. Therefore, the risk of saying something there is no coming back from will increase.
Instead, you should take time to process your new situation and let your ex do the same. Settle into your new routine and don’t try reaching out until you are perfectly sure that the anger and resentment festering within you are muted or removed completely. At that time, you will be able to focus on rekindling whatever spark there was that brought you together initially.
2. Go for the least stressful divorce
Your chances of remaining friends will be much better if there is liminal litigation involved in your divorce proceedings. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to go for a quick divorce in California. This will require minimal paperwork and will allow you both to move on with your lives reasonably fast.
If this option is impossible for you, at least hire a good lawyer. Entrust the bulk of your divorce proceedings to them so you can take your mind off the paperwork for a while.
3. Focus on the bigger picture
If it’s your anger about the personal insult that’s dragging you down into the pit of fury, you need to try and cope with it by looking at the bigger picture. Yes, you’ve been hurt and this isn’t fair. However, this is hardly the main thing at stake here. Your children need to have their parents as positive role models, so you have to be at least civil to each other. You also need to move on with your life if you want to make any progress and support yourself.
When you look at a situation like this, the reason that pushed you toward divorce in the first place seems much less important. It won’t go away, and likely your anger won’t go away either. However, when you think about the impact of this on your and your children’s lives, you’ll see how this situation is only another hurdle to overcome.
4. Do regular check-ins
Friends don’t just ignore each other until the moment they are forced to interact. Therefore, you need to be active in maintaining your new relationship and check in with each other.
Today you can do this through short messages, so you won’t even have to be in the same state to do this. The point is to contact each other regularly, if briefly, and make sure that the other party is healthy and reasonably happy. (2)
So, Can You Stay Friends with Your Ex?
The answer to this question varies for everyone. Most of it depends on the reason for your divorce as well as both of your willingness to work on changing and maintaining your relationship in its new ‘friends’ status. But this is definitely not impossible, so if you have kids, it’s your duty to them to at least try to get along.
Five people are standing around a downtown corner when suddenly gunshots ring out. Some people hide, others run, while others freeze in place. When the shooting stops and the smoke clears, five people now realize they have become witnesses – to some degree or another – to a violent homicide in broad daylight.
With five individuals willing to describe to police their version of events, you’d think investigators would have their facts straight before lunchtime. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. All five witnesses end up describing things a little differently from one another. While the spine of the story stays the same – someone was shot and killed on the corner – nobody seems to agree on anything else.
This phenomenon is known as the “Rashomon Effect” named after the 1950 film Rashomon directed by Akira Kurosawa, in which multiple witnesses to a murder give their own versions of events when testifying to a judge. The truth is impossible to determine due to the varying descriptions offered by those who were there.
While naturally relevant to justice system proceedings, the Rashomon Effect also applies to more broader experiences and events including those at home. Anyone with several kids knows how a singular incident is bound to have several interpretations, all of which conveniently serve the best interests of the individual giving their version of events.
Consider how the Rashomon Effect influences business as well. The business transcription services provided by essentially act as safeguards against the inevitable headaches brought on by the Rashomon Effect. A hard copy of what was said during meetings, presentations, and other business activities proves crucial in preventing the negative consequences of conflicting reports and recollections.
To some, the reason for the Rashomon Effect is glaringly obvious: people are highly motivated to make themselves look good even at the cost of the truth. Going back to the family example, your child doesn’t want to get into trouble for drawing on the living room wall so he’ll gladly offer up a version of events that makes it sound like it was entirely his sister’s idea. Likewise, when interviewed, your daughter will explain things to make herself out to be blameless. People grow up to understand why this is wrong but that doesn’t mean they no longer do it as adults.
While depicting ourselves in the best possible light is one explanation for the Rashomon Effect, it doesn’t paint the entire picture. Many of those who end up demonstrating the Rashomon Effect do so with an honest intention to tell the truth. As far as they know, they’re providing an exact version of events. The problem is they aren’t. Why is that? It boils down to three factors: perception, memory, and reporting.
Everyone’s perception of the world around them is a little different. From the quality of our senses to the preconceived notions we have in our heads, the way we interpret an event will always vary from one person to another. This explains how two people witnessing the same event may describe various details differently; their brains processed this information differently from the onset.
Most people think of a memory like a computer file saved to a folder somewhere in the brain waiting to be recalled when needed. The truth is our memories are more like a never-ending game of telephone we play with ourselves over time; when recalling a memory you’re accessing the memory of the last time you remembered it. Every time you recall the information, you’re essentially replacing the old memory with a new one. Over time, this has the consequence of altering the memory in various ways, making it harder for us to recall events with accuracy despite assuring ourselves otherwise.
The initial perception and resulting memory of an event – and the ways in which both can be inaccurate – combine to form the way we report the information to others. A person’s way of reporting information will change depending on numerous variables, resulting in the descriptions of a singular event seemingly varying from one person to another.
We conclude by returning to the scene of the crime – how do investigators piece together an accurate timeline of events when every witness tells a slightly different story? Easy – they do their job. If they do it right, investigators will account for the Rashomon Effect before coming to any final conclusions.
Life in our modern day society seems to have brought a new form of “stress.” Stress that is chronic and insidious. Evolutionary psychologists believe that “modern” stress occurs due to an existing mismatch between the current environment and the environment of evolutionary adaptation. Gallup’s 2019 Global Emotions Report shows that Americans were more likely to be stressed and worried than the rest of the world.
The majority of Americans (55%) in 2018 said they had experienced a high level of stress during the day. This percentage was one of the highest rates out of the 143 countries studied. This high number beat the global average (35%) by a full 20 percentage points. According to the report, Americans between the ages of 15 and 49 are among the most stressed in the U.S. Roughly two in three of those younger than 50 said they experienced stress a lot.
According to the American Psychological Association, people experience stress when they perceive that demands placed on them — such as work, school or relationships — exceed their ability to cope. Though always viewed in a negative context, some stress can be useful at times. Acute or short-term stress can have protective and beneficial effects because the fight-or-flight stress response is nature’s fundamental survival mechanism. When under threat, the nervous system responds by releasing stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which set the body for emergency action.
This means that stress is key to survival. However, too much stress can be detrimental. Chronic or long-term stress affects the immune, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine and central nervous systems. To control stress, you must first recognize its signs. Chronic stress symptoms include, but are not limited to, irritability, anxiety, depression, muscle pain, high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia.
Since stress is unavoidable in modern life, and everyone is different, so are the ways they choose to manage their stress. Here are the top three alternative techniques that according to many people have shown to help reduce stress in the short- and long-term.
Yoga is a system of physical, mental, and spiritual practices, deeply rooted in Indian philosophy. According to the Harvard Mental Health Letter, recent studies suggest that yoga can reduce the impact of stress and help with anxiety. Stress can cause us to breathe in a rapid and shallow way. This, in turn, leads to more anxiety. Practicing yoga teaches you breathing techniques that help you calm at the times you may be feeling stressed or help you increase your energy level when you are feeling down. Yoga teaches that the breath is the link between your mind and your body. Controlled breathing can help you feel better mentally and physically. Yoga also enables you to relax the mind.
When we are stressed, our mind becomes busy. Learning to focus the mind through meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for relaxing and slowing down. Since it is also a physical exercise that involves different body poses, yoga helps you relax your body. Specific body postures have a deeply calming effect on the whole system. Due to this, regular practicing creates an improved sense of overall well-being. Yoga encourages us to exist in the present moment and to live in a more mindful, conscious and connected way. Perhaps this is the reason why yoga is described as “the union of mind, body, and spirit.”
What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is an alternative and complementary medicine during which the therapist guides the client into a state of hypnosis, or intense, focused concentration. Once the client is under hypnosis, the therapist works with the client to uncover and resolve psychological issues, such as breaking bad habits or coping with stress. Since the overall goal is to create a relaxed but conscious state where individuals feel comfortable enough to discuss their circumstances without becoming overly anxious or emotional, hypnosis is ideal for stress management. Namely, gaining control over negative thinking patterns and reframing them can empower us to overcome stress.
This way through addressing the subconscious, people are focusing on the root cause of their stress. According to The Mayo Clinic, people who think positively experience much lower levels of stress and anxiety. By reframing your thinking to be more positive through hypnotherapy, can lead to reduced rates of depression and better cardiovascular health. Moreover, positive thinking will empower you to cope with and manage stressful situations more effectively.
CBD oil
The growing popularity of CBD products as anti-anxiety supplements is backed with plenty of research, though there is still a long way to go. A small study conducted in 2010 found that cannabidiol could reduce symptoms of social anxiety in people with a social anxiety disorder (SAD). Brain scans of participants revealed changes in blood flow to the regions of the brain linked to feelings of anxiety. Cannabidiol not only made participants feel better but also changed the way their brains responded to stress. Moreover, according to Medical News Today, in 2016 researchers found that cannabidiol can reduce anxiety in children and help them sleep better. The case study conducted in 2016, explored whether cannabidiol could reduce symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety-provoked sleep disorder in a child with a history of trauma.
CBD helps reduce stress and boost mood by calming your overactive mind. CBD oil for depression modulates the actions of the endocannabinoids and potentiates the effects of serotonin. But how does it work? The endocannabinoids produced in our bodies play an essential role in the regulation of several physiological conditions and numerous diseases. They help to regulate several body functions such as mood, pain sensation, sleep, and appetite. Endocannabinoids work by binding to specific receptors through which they increase the effect of the serotonin which is famous for improving mood and reducing stress levels. Serotonin also acts by binding to its receptors in brain cells, followed by a series of events within each brain cell stimulating processes that improve overall mood and stress control.
Any method that is generally used instead of conventional medical treatments, which aims to achieve the healing effects of medicine, however relying on pseudoscience, is considered to be alternative medicine. These methods focus on cause and prevention, overall health, and non-traditional, often natural treatments. Moreover, alternative medicine includes philosophy and practice that is inclusive of a variety of world cultures.
Complementary medicine is a scope of medical therapies that also fall beyond the scope of conventional medicine but may be used alongside it in the treatment of disease and ill health. It is a more modern approach to diagnosing and treating symptoms.
Even though there is a growing awareness among patients about CAM, effectiveness and sometimes the safety of many CAM therapies are uncertain. The reason behind this is the fact that well-developed clinical trials for many CAM therapies are lacking.
Why are more and more people turning to complementary and alternative therapies?
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health reports that more and more Americans are use CAM for health concerns and general wellness. According to their annual survey, more than 30 percent of adults and about 12 percent of children use health care approaches that are not typically part of conventional medical care. Why are an increasing number of patients turning to CAM therapies?
People use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices in pursuit of improving their health, and seeking less invasive, non-drug, low-cost approaches to strengthen their well-being. Some studies show that one of the reasons why patients turn to CAM it is because it aligns with their philosophy and they want to expand their options. Another reason why an increasing number of patients turn to alternative medicine is the fact that it takes a highly individualized approach to their patients, customizing treatments to be useful for the particular person experiencing symptoms (rather than targeting the symptoms alone).
Most popular complementary and alternative medicine therapies
Acupuncture – Acupuncture is one of the most popular types of traditional alternative medicine, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. This ancient practice started in China approximately 3000 years ago and spread to other cultures, including Japan, Korea, Viet Nam, and other Asian societies. It consists of a vast array of procedures that stimulate specific points on the body. The best-known variety includes the practice in which thin needles are inserted into the body controlled by a practitioner or electrical stimulation. Studies suggest that acupuncture can help in offering relief with specific pain conditions, such as back and neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, and headache.
Other studies find it helpful not only for chronic pain but also for depression. However, the evidence on all counts is mixed. During the past 40 years, acupuncture has increased in popularity, evolving into one of the most utilized forms of complementary, integrative medicine in the United States. According to a study, more than 10 million acupuncture treatments are administered annually in the United States alone. Its popularity, particularly in the West, can be attributed in its effectiveness for pain relief and to the fact that more and more scientific studies have begun to offer proof for its efficacy.
Sound Bath Therapy
Sound Bath Therapy, an ancient therapeutic practice, is re-emerging as a popular method in the realm of complementary and alternative medicine due to its profound impact on mental and physical well-being. This therapy involves participants being “bathed” in sound waves produced by instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, and voices. Various healthcare workers from all around the world are attending a sound bath training program as the number of patients interested in it rises. The reason behind its growing popularity is multifaceted. Primarily, it offers a non-invasive and holistic approach to stress reduction and relaxation. In a world where digital overload and high stress have become commonplace, individuals are seeking methods to quiet their minds and alleviate anxiety without relying on pharmaceuticals.
Sound Bath Therapy promotes deep relaxation, enhances mental clarity, and supports emotional equilibrium, thereby catering to the modern individual’s need for natural and accessible means of self-care. Furthermore, its appeal is broadened by the minimal effort required from participants, making it accessible to virtually anyone without the need for special skills or physical exertion. This ease of accessibility, combined with the tangible benefits experienced by many, cements Sound Bath Therapy’s position as a sought-after practice in the pursuit of holistic health and wellness.
Herbal medicine – Herbal medicine is the use of plants and plant extracts to treat disease. It has its roots in every culture around the world. Modern (primarily Western) herbalism emphasizes the effects of herbs on individual body systems. Herbs are used for their anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, expectorant, antispasmodic, or immunostimulatory properties.
Well-known systems of herbal medicine are Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine. These practices believe in the central idea that there should be an emphasis on health rather than on disease. Ayurveda is a healing system based on the notion that good health depends on the balance between mind, body, and spirit.
Originating from India, it focuses on restoring balance in the body through a personalized plan that can include massage, specialized diets, herbs, aromatherapy, and exercise. Traditional Chinese Medicine is another type of traditional alternative medicine. It is an ancient medical system that takes a deep understanding of the laws of nature and applies them to the human body. It encompasses many different practices and is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Taoism which dates back more than 5,000 years.
Today it’s becoming more and more common for people to use medical cannabis. It has the potential to provide many healing benefits that address the body and mind as a whole, especially when combined with other forms of alternative therapy, such as yoga and acupuncture. However, cannabis is also widely used independently, as alternative medicine. Cannabidiol (CBD), especially in the form of CBD Oils, are used in treating inflammation, pain, epilepsy, managing sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, acne, and many other conditions.
Products containing the compound are legal in many American states where marijuana is not, and can be bought online or in physical shops. For example, in Alaska CBD oils can be obtain both, online and in stores. The widest product range are sold online, through the manufacturer’s websites or online retailers. In the states where the recreational use of cannabis is legal, CBD oil can be bought also in dispensaries.
Homeopathy – Homeopathy originated in Germany in the 18th century. It is based on the philosophy that both the cure and the ailment come from the same situation. Namely, a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people and the lower the dose of the medication, the higher its effectiveness. Homeopathy also uses herbs and natural medicines.
This type of CAM is one of the more popular and accepted models of alternative medicine. Over 200 million people use homeopathy regularly and are included in the national health systems of many countries, e.g., Brazil, India, Mexico, Switzerland. However, homeopathic medicines are primarily used by a small segment of the U.S. population, usually for conditions such as cold or back pain.
Osteopathy – Osteopathy is non-invasive manual therapy that aims to improve health across all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework. Osteopaths rely on manual contact with patients for both diagnosis and treatment and employ a wide variety of manual therapeutic techniques within their clinical practice. According to the National Health Interview Survey, 19.4 million U.S. adults used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation.
It was developed by U.S. physician Andrew Still in the mid-1800s, and it’s recognized by the World Health Organisation as a traditional system of medicine. As a complementary therapy, it is used alongside conventional treatment to improve health. Osteopathic intervention can help treat arthritis, back pain, headaches, tennis elbow, digestive issues, and postural problems.
Final thoughts
CAM methods that have been used successfully for centuries in other cultures and countries are often helping patients alongside conventional medical treatments. However, before using alternative medicine, it is wise to do some research to help you make an informed decision.
Funerals are something that none of us wants to think about, never mind talking about and planning. Despite this, however, it’s something that will be an unfortunate reality for all of us. As such, putting some thought into our funerals, as well as a few other notable areas, before we pass can have quite a few different advantages. This is especially true when it comes to how people remember us, as well as where people can go when they wish to visit us. This leads us to our burial areas, or, more specifically, our headstones.
After all, for the majority of us who want to be buried after we pass on, we’ll want a headstone that not only looks great but can last for a considerable amount of time after we’ve departed. That being said, there are quite a few things we need to think about when it comes to a headstone, with one of the most notable aspects being the material that it’s made from. While a granite memorial headstone may be one of the more popular choices for headstones, it’s not the only material on offer.
Many people may be surprised to hear that there are quite a few different materials for headstones. These can offer quite a variety of unique looks and more. However, these choices can quickly make decisions about your headstone somewhat more complicated, as each material offers its own advantages and disadvantages. Because of that, it’s worth noting which materials can be used, as well as what kind of advantages many of these materials offer compared to others.
Different Materials For Headstones
A granite memorial headstone has been one of the most popular choices for materials for decades. This popularity has chiefly been because of its adaptable and customizable look. Perhaps one of the most obvious ways that this has been highlighted is in the variety of different colors that it can come in, which adds quite a range to your choice of the headstone. On top of this, it’s also adaptable to a certain extent, as professionals will be able to modify the look of a headstone for your needs.
On top of this, granite has been seen as one of the more durable materials to choose from, so you’ll be able to ensure that it’s one of the longer lasting choices. With that in mind, it can be one of the more obvious choices for an impressing headstone that lasts for generations and be appreciated by your children and grandchildren for years to come.
While many of the most notable choices for a headstone are actual stones, bronze is one of the few metals that have been popular. This is chiefly because of the large number of design choices that you can make with it, as well as its overall durability. On top of this, it doesn’t need too much maintenance, no matter what season it is. It’s also one of the more affordable choices, making it a budget-friendly choice for those who are economically-minded.
Marble has been seen as one of the more visually amazing choices for a headstone because of its natural beauty. Furthermore, it’s also been well-known for lasting a significant amount of time, so you won’t need to worry about the headstone lasting a while after you’ve gone. On top of this, there’s also a significant amount of customizability for it which makes it much more personal for your grave. (1)
When it comes to a high degree of versatility in colors and shapes, there are very few that can match sandstone. As a result, it’s become known for being one of the more popular, and visually stunning, material choices for a grave marker. This color choice can range from sandy to grey, and a few different colors in between. However, despite being a relatively durable choice, it can end up falling apart with an excess of rain.
Iron has always been seen as one of the more popular materials that can be used to create a headstone. This has chiefly been because of how durable and long-lasting it is, while also being somewhat visually appealing. However, this durability may end up coming at quite an expense as you’ll need to go to a professional blacksmith to have it custom made, which may result in a significant cost. That being said, this also means that you’ll have a greater degree of control over how the headstone eventually looks.
This is another material that many people might find surprising, but it’s something that has carved out its own market. This is chiefly because it offers quite an interesting unique look to a grace. That being said, as unique as a slate headstone may look, it’s not known for its longevity and may end up crumbling as time goes past.
Fieldstones were originally the most common material for headstones, as it was the primary way of marking out a grave when we first started having burials. While this isn’t the most visually attractive type of grave marker, it can be somewhat unique and is still done by a significant amount of people in the modern world. On top of this, the majority of people who go this route also choose some kind of marker to help further the grave stand out. Furthermore, many people have elected to have their names and dates simply engraved on one of these stones.
This is perhaps one of the least common materials to choose from, but it’s one that can add quite a unique look to your grave. However, this uniqueness does come at the price of not being as long-lasting as many other choices. Because of that, a member of your family may eventually need to replace it after a few decades, which can end up being more hassle than it’s worth. That being said, it’s a great choice for those who want their grave to decompose back into the environment and have as small an impact on the area as possible.
How To Choose The Best Material For Your Headstone
When it comes to choosing the best material for your headstone, there’s no right or wrong choice. This is chiefly because it can end up being quite a personal decision, and one that’s individual to each of us. That being said, a headstone can be one of the few physical impressions we leave once we’ve, unfortunately, passed on. Because of that, we’ll all want one that lasts a considerable amount of time once it’s been placed, while also looking as nice as possible while doing so.
While many people have gone for the likes of a granite memorial headstone because of how impressive it is in many areas, the choice should still be personal. That being said, you should always look at how durable the material is when you’re considering the right one for you. How the headstone looks is an obvious thing to look out for, but you should think about how it’s going to look in a few years, or even decades. This should be done regardless of whether or not regular maintenance is done on it, as we’ll all want our headstone to look great for as many years as possible.
Expanding your mind often goes hand in hand with extending your horizons.
Indeed, some of the most spiritually enriching experiences often materialize through travel – few activities are as intellectually stimulating as navigating through unfamiliar landscapes, meeting new people and tapping into novel cultural traditions.
So if you’re up for a bit of global rebalancing, here are six cathartic vacations to take in 2019. (1)
Isle of Iona
Even if you’re not religious, visiting Scotland’s Isle of Iona is an unforgettable experience. It’s considered the cradle of Christianity for Caledonia as it’s where St Columba established the religion’s first mission in the territory. Visitors commonly report that it’s a ‘thin place’ where the barriers between physical and spiritual dimensions are easily breached.
Blarney Castle
If you’re familiar with Ireland, you’ll know that great craic (conversation) is the foundation of the nation’s culture and the Emerald Isle has never been short of poets and wordsmiths with worldwide reputations. Kissing the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle supposedly endows anyone with the power of eloquence, so it might be a worthwhile stop on the European leg of your trip.
Loreto Bay Shamanism
With verdant valleys and blissful beaches nestled between magnificent mountains, Mexico’s Loreto Bay is one of the world’s most beautiful spots. So it’s the perfect place for a five-day retreat featuring activities like shamanic journeys, sound healing, and visioning. Check out for booking information.
No one knows for sure what the true purpose of this massive ring of monolithic stones in Wiltshire, England really is. But it’s been around for eons and the best guess is that it was used by Druids and Celts for ancient religious ceremonies. Taking an organized Stonehenge tour should shed more light on this iconic site’s history.
White lions of Great Timbavati
The Timbavati Game Reserve in South Africa is home to some of the world’s most spiritual animals – the world famous white lions. And two or three times a year, you can take a Star Lion tour to see these rare felines in person. Visit for more information.
Shaolin Kung Fu
Not all holistic health journeys are sedated – Shaolin Kung Fu training in Deng Fen, China, is a prime example. If you want to train to be a serene yet lethal exponent of this ancient art by studying under the expert eye of Master Shi Yanchen, book your high-kicking vacay at
Getting there
When it comes to finding the best deals on flights from the US to any international location, is tough to beat. Its powerful comparison engine means that results are ultra-relevant, precise and up-to-date.
And if you’re reaching departures in your own vehicle, has airport parking for LAX and virtually every other major airport across the nation and beyond. When you’re embarking on a chilled-out vacay where the main purpose is cleansing your body and soul, you don’t need the pre-flight hassle of taking public transport.
Pick whichever of these cathartic vacations best floats your boat and you’ll have a totally brilliant time – you can thank us later.
So ends our list, but please share your own spiritual vacay tips in the comments section.
With the world’s unceasing evolution, there are several small business ideas that are worth pursuing. Of course, you’ll want to start a business that will not only bring in more profit but will also survive long-term. By creating the kind of business that suits your personality and skill set, you’ll have the chance to become your own boss and build something that’s very rewarding in itself.
If you’re a soon-to-be entrepreneur in a wide range of industries, here are the top ten hot small business ideas you can try to help you make more money:
Business Planning Service
If you’re the kind of person who always has that business mindset, then you may be ready to venture on a business planning service. Under this category, what’s expected from you is your expertise and skills in writing a business plan, which is undoubtedly essential to any business. With more entrepreneurs who need the whole process of drafting a business plan, this kind of small business habit will surely be a hit. In case you need help from someone with the right experience, we suggest that you reach out to experts from scaling partners. They have the right experience to guide you through the international expansion hurdles and you can find more information here.
Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
If you’re a licensed CPA or an accounting specialist, you can offer accounting and bookkeeping services to a wide array of clients. With your knowledge and experience in processing invoice and payroll, generation of balance sheets, and tax filing, your clients will definitely line up for your services. So, if you have the right amount of resources to offer your accounting or bookkeeping service, this can be one of the best small business ideas to consider.
Facilities Support Services
If you have a good background in construction and maintenance, offering facilities support services can be a profitable small business idea to get started. This business focuses on providing a variety of services such as cleaning, painting, security, and building maintenance. With several companies that need these kinds of facilities services, you can make your way toward generating a healthy income out of this business.
Graphic Design
With the help of some computer programs, you can be the best graphic designer in town. Thus, if you have experience in art or design, graphic design is one of the best business ideas. Since many individuals and companies need a well-designed website, print works, and marketing ads, operating this kind of business will bring in more money. Apart from having a well designed website with attractive graphics, an online business also needs to ensure that the eCommerce or Shopify store follows the ADA WCAG compliance rules & guidelines for making it increasingly accessible to an extensive group of users, including those with vision-related and physical disabilities. Here, one can consult with agencies like “Xcompliant” for making any site WordPress ADA compliant with the best disability compliance features.
Event Planning
In today’s digital world, more people are looking for event planners who can pull off major events. Whether it’s a kid’s birthday party or a mother’s retirement celebration, event planning has become an in-demand small business idea these days. Thus, if you find managing the designs and logistics of your family’s events enjoyable, then you’ll have a brighter future in this kind of business. To be successful in your event planning business, you can start by offering services to partiers within your community, and you will, later on, receive recommendations and referrals.
If you consider event planning as one of the hot business ideas today, gather all the information you need to get started.
Food on Wheels or Food Trucks
Another small business idea you can explore is the food on wheels. Due to its convenience and accessibility, any food can be sold using mobile vehicles. From burgers, hotdogs, and fries to vegetarian meals, it’ll be easier for you to put up a money-making food truck. However, before you start selling food on wheels, be sure to comply with a set of ordinances and safety compliance standards that your local health department will require.
Catering Services
If you love cooking, but you don’t want to work in a restaurant, offering a catering service can be an excellent opportunity to start your own small business. Although you may need a kitchen, servers, and some assistant cooks, running a catering service is more manageable than opening a restaurant. If you see yourself in the cooking industry, then you should start this kind of business now.
Coffee Shop
Despite the most prominent coffee shops operating in the market today, starting an independent one on your own is still a big deal. If you have experience in making and serving lattes, espressos, and cappuccinos, a coffee shop in your own name can be a lucrative business. All you need to do is to put up your store in a convenient area for your customers and their vehicles, serve high-quality beverages made from specialty coffees, and know all the essential things before managing a business.
Pet Grooming Services
There are many animal lovers out there. Given such a situation, building up your pet grooming services can really be a good small business option. If you love hanging out with your pets and grooming them all day, you’ll surely have a future in your grooming business. So, start using your grooming skills and tools to serve your clients, and get the word-of-mouth recommendations you deserve.
Moving Company
Here’s the catch: many people are planning their move every year. Whether it’s a household or business relocation, starting up your own moving company can be a perfect small business idea. From moving boxes to many pieces of furniture, you can earn a lot of money by becoming a moving service provider. You can also save money from hiring more manpower so you can use that money on investing in apps that help you in mapping the fastest route home and to other destinations.
These days, venturing into small business ideas is becoming popular. With your interests, skills, and personality in your mind, you can turn the things that you love into a lucrative business. So, if you see yourself as a successful entrepreneur someday, use this list of hot small business ideas as your guide to selecting the right business path for you.
Today, the e-commerce market promises a significant offer for grocers as sales are shooting off the roof at over 13% annual increment, according to Kanta Worldpanel data.
Also, statistics from Kanta Worldpanel states that online grocery transactions are likely to grow to up to ten times the in-store sales in the next four years, reaching over $100 billion before 2023. Even with the promising trends, grocery retailers still have the chance to expand their horizon into the e-commerce space.
According to a presentation by IGD at the Grocery shop conference held in 2018, online grocery only has about 2% of the United States shopping activities. Retailers must work really hard to attract new shoppers, and increase the multi-shopping rate for first-time customers.
To fully utilize the journey, retailers must deep-research on how to integrate their digital offering to meet the needs of customers.
This digital offering includes options that swiftly deliver a product to consumers. The complicated task of fulfilling these promises is to incorporate several behind-the-scene strategies to provide shoppers with an easy and Swift experience ranging from grocery selection to delivery.
Retailers who put their heart at getting these fundamental processes achieved will have their business experience excellent growth and positive turnaround while building a reputation.
According to Mercato, an online grocery store, the following pillars will guide retailers in the process of creating a successful grocery delivery business.
Ist pillar: Incorporation
While most retailers have already integrated technological advancement like e-commerce grocery apps to skyrocket their sales, incorporation still remains the key.
Complicated or out-of-date systems that lack connection and infrequent communication can cause an operational setback, resulting in loss of revenue.
An incorporative approach will blend areas with weak connections. A few of the areas includes series of data sets (shoppers, products, and associates), third-party systems (coupons and loyalty), business processes/workflow, and everyone involved in the operational activities of the business.
2nd pillar- Analysis
Keeping track of shopper’s key data can help acquire imperative information, which can be significantly beneficial for competition analysis.
To utilize data for a more comprehensive view of shoppers, a retailer should create a digital platform that encourages e-commerce transactions and allows them to keep track of the data, enabling customer relationship control.
The retailer should then utilize the transactional data, strictly using every single data to the customer’s advantage and service delivery. They should continuously update this data and improve the overall customer’s experience.
3rd pillar- Organization
To ensure that the team, products, and processes are perfectly working to offer a satisfactory customer experience, it’s imperative to organize and perfect all sections of the grocery e-commerce operation.
It’s critical to gain trust and operations from different levels of the organization, from frontline managers to associates, cashiers, operations and logistics and head office. Any department flaking up with late assembly, packing, processing, and driving must be made to blend into the hardworking spirit. Of course, this involves hard work, but approaching the Job at hand strategically can make a huge difference in customer loyalty. Consider implementing prime quality custom retail boxes as part of this strategy, ensuring that the presentation of your products aligns seamlessly with the dedication displayed throughout your operational processes.
4th pillar-empowerment
Investing in-store associate is a very good way to land more customers.
Even with the modern day increasingly love for digital engagement, statistics indicate that the human touch still plays a crucial role. This is more important in services like click and collects.
An empowering employee can help deliver excellent service to shoppers by:
Creating a solid communication with employees as they’d do with a customer
Engage them in productive conversations through their preferred medium. Provide complete and concise information as regards to the sales target, company goals, and the individual role of employees to overall success.
Equipping employee with the right tool to do a good job
These include sharing mobile devices among staffs to complete a transaction or for inventory searches
Organizing an up-to-date training
It’s important to provide accurate and up-to-date training and support.
Investing in the digital world
Incorporating AI-inspired digital solutions allows an employee the chance to cooperate quickly and effectively with shoppers and stakeholders.
As far as e-commerce grocery is concerned, there’s no shortcut to an effective strategy. Inculcating the right strategies that aim at an excellent grocery purchase experience from order to delivery is the only way to go.
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