A few of the most embarrassing thing you can do in front of others would have to be farting, burping and letting out amusing sounds.
However, these are normal body functions that we need to release in order to be healthy and in normal condition. If we had to choose the most humiliating one of all, it would have to be farting. Apart from the funny noise it makes when releasing gases, it also gives off am awful odor.
Although we are all aware of the fact that farting is part of the digestive process and must take place, no matter how disturbing, it is still a mockery. We know about the farting process these things; but are there hidden facts we are unaware?
1.In comparison to women, men tend to fart a lot more and seem to be more comfortable with it. It is a known fact that men do not find it as awkward as women to fart when they are not alone.
2. Did you know that the word ‘fart’ was coined in 1962 and is defined as wind emerging from the anus? Funny, right?
3. We fart most while we are asleep. Thank goodness!
4. Farts travel at 10 feet per second.
5. They are made up of hydrogen sulfide that decreases mitochondrial harm. This fact you might have known. However, did you know that smelling the odor could actually be healthy? The next time you or someone around you farts, be grateful.
6. A healthy, typical person farts around 14 times a day.
7. The 14 farts that we let out are just enough to fill a whole balloon. How about that?
8. If you are someone who farts around 14 times a day, then consider yourself healthy. However, if you are farting a lot less than this or not at all, you should visit a doctor.
9. The difference between those who fart quieter and let you horrible loud noises is the size of their sphincter. The tighter the sphincter, the louder the fart!
10. Out of all the animals and such, termites harvest the most fart. After that, follow sheep, camels, zebras, elephants, dogs and cows.
11. The next time your chew gum or drink soda, think twice. They increase your chances of farting.
12. Compared to men, women contain more concentration of hydrogen sulfide, and therefore have smellier farts. However, they are healthier to smell than men’s are.
You must have heard of this term at least once, if not more, and it is touted as the next big revolution in psychology. However, mindfulness is not something new to the world. In fact, it’s been present for centuries in the Eastern cultures.
It has emerged just recently as an idea throughout the Western world, and it’s being praised for its remarkable ability to help those practicing it to cope with any kind of situation in life.
While imagination exaggerates, and reason undermines, mindfulness is there to bring a balance between the two by introducing sense. Achieving mindfulness doesn’t take a lot, but it may seem difficult at first.
The main challenge that you may find is diverting your attention from everywhere and everywhen to the present moment, with a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude. Mindfulness takes practice and attention.
So, here are 7 habits that will help you practice mindfulness. Although they may look simple, practicing them will turn out to be challenging at first, but if you keep it up, these techniques will benefit you for a lifetime.
Practicing gratitude
Many people take the gifts in life for granted. However, all the joys of the life you live are blessings you shouldn’t overlook. Instead of desiring what you don’t have, practicing gratitude reminds you to enjoy you already have.
This technique is simple, and it takes just 15 minutes. The first thing to do when you wake up is to write down 3 things you are grateful for. You need to be as specific as possible, as this is the key to fostering gratitude.
The purpose of this exercise is to remind yourself of a good experience, event, person, or thing in life and to enjoy the good emotions that come with it. It serves to remind you that even if there are so many things that you don’t have in life, there are as many things that you already have.
Feeling your palms and feet
This technique will anchor you to the present moment, by focusing on your body. As Buddha once said, “The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live.” And that’s the present.
To practice this technique (and you can do it practically anywhere), simply direct your attention to your palms and feet. Notice how your feet touch the ground, feel the temperature of your palms, notice your state of comfort, and really anything else you can notice.
Once you have achieved awareness of your palms and feet, clench your hands tightly into fists and release. Do this repeatedly for some time. Don’t worry if your attention wanders away, just gently return it to the process and don’t judge yourself over it.
Noticing the environment
Staying in the present moment doesn’t require you to try manipulating your feelings and emotions. All you need to do is simply let go of whatever’s on your mind and start paying attention on what’s around you – and there are so many beautiful things you will notice.
Quickly take your attention away from this text and notice what’s around you. Start small, if you’re reading from your phone, look at the phone, then your hand holding it. As you go further, start noticing where you are, the things and the objects around you – expand your awareness.
Become aware of the objects around you, the colors, the shapes and textures, the sounds… everything. And don’t make any comments in your head on what you’re looking at – just take a moment to become acquainted with your surroundings.
Breathing deeply
The breath is our natural clock. The faster we breathe, the more tense we feel. It comes with shallow breaths that don’t bring a lot of oxygen, and your focus functions the way you breathe.
Every meditative technique requires you to breathe deeply, and for a good reason. Deep breaths increase awareness, calm the mind down, help you focus more clearly, and bring more oxygen to the body.
For beginning, start practicing by breathing in for 3 seconds and breathing out for the same amount of time. You can later increase the time, but don’t rush, as you may start feeling dizzy.
Listening, not just hearing
Many times, we are so obsessed with our pre-determined thought patterns that we don’t listen to what others are saying. We quickly develop bias toward the topic and start creating judgements about the person speaking to us.
Next time when you speak to someone, quickly catch those thought patterns and leave them aside. Let the person say whatever they are talking about and listen before you make a default judgement about it.
This focus will let you really notice the things they are saying and will help you achieve a better understanding of the person and the things they talk about.
Mindful eating
This kind of eating doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to change your diet – that’s another topic. It simply means that you need to experience the whole process mindfully.
When your meal is in front of you, notice the smells, colors, textures, temperature, flavor, and even the sound of your food (crunch!). Pay attention to the whole experience. If it’s a warm meal, feel the way your body warms up when you ingest it.
Feeling your body and experiencing all the senses while you eat will not only let you enjoy the food you eat more, but you will also learn to recognize what food is good for you, and what food you should avoid.
Mindful showers
Water has a cleansing effect, both physically and psychologically. However, many people forget to really experience the psychological effect of taking a shower. This is a pleasure nobody should miss out on, and it lets you focus on the present.
Next time you take a shower, pay attention to the pleasant warmth of the water gently caressing your skin. Inhale the beautiful smell of your shower gel, and enjoy the sensation of your hands passing over your skin.
With this, not only will your body be refreshed and clean, but you will also refresh and clean up your mind from the negativity it may have gathered up. All in all, a mindful shower is a blissful experience that will last for the rest of the day.
Keep on practicing these techniques and you will see how beautiful the present moment is.
With your awareness of the present, you will soon start to take control of the past and the future – things that not many know how to navigate through.
Taking care of elderly people requires special planning and preparation. There’re a lot of things that one should keep in mind to keep the old people fit and happy. In this article we’ll take a look on a few of those things. Let’s begin:
Caring Physically
First of all let’s take a look on things that you should do to take care of elderly people’s physical health:
#1. Keep an eye on their physical health: If an old man/woman has pain or any other physical issue, take him/her to the doctor and don’t overlook the issue. Besides pain weakness, extra drowsiness and fatigue are other critical health cues you should watch out for while taking care of old people.
#2. Instilling the importance of exercise in them: Exercise has its own place in our fitness, no matter how young/old we get. In fact, as we get old, the importance of exercise only increases. So for the sake of mobility, bone strength and various other benefits it’s critically important for elders to exercise regularly. You should try to install the importance of exercise in them. Given below are the exercise requirements for elderly people:
30 minutes of moderately intense (i.e. swimming, biking, running, walking etc.) exercise per day;
If you’re going to indulge in intense exercises (the ones that elevate heart rate and increase the rate of breathing), 20 minutes per day will be enough. And that too on alternate days (i.e. 3 days in a week).
Flexibility exercise (i.e. stretching, yoga etc.) for 10 minutes per day.
Also keep in mind that weight strengthening exercises (I.e. free weights, resistance bands and body weight) should not be done on consecutive days in old age. There must be a gap of at least one day between them.
Those who don’t exercise can also benefit from being physically active in other ways. For example, Range of Motion exercises can help them maintain the mobility of their joints.
#3. Homemade food: Consumption of fast and junk food is well known to have adverse effects on the health of anyone. And when it comes to health of old people, the effects can be very disturbing. So stick to homemade food for diet of old age people. Less oily and nutrition rich homemade food is critically important for old people to keep them healthy.
Caring Mentally
Along with physical health the mental health of old people also requires extensive care. Here’re a few things that you should do to keep the mental health of old people in check:
#1. Dealing with resistance: The first mental issue that you will have to tackle while taking care of an old person is resistance. Changes that are good for us usually require some work first, which leads to procrastination. And as we get old, that procrastination also turns into resistance. So be prepared to deal with that resistance. Speak to them when you and they both are in a relaxed and cheerful mood. Suggest them the necessary lifestyle changes that they need to stay healthy, and listen to what they say carefully. Even though you may not like to hear what they say, listen patiently. If needed, take help of other family members also. Sometimes friends can help in convincing better than anyone else.
#2. Respect them: This is also a very important thing. Respect is one of those things that all of us crave in life. And when we don’t get that, it hurts a lot. If this happens in old age then it can also lead to psychological trauma and some other medical complication (i.e. depression). So respect the old people.
#3. Help them cope with loneliness: As people get old, they realize that they can’t go wherever they want to meet their relatives and friends. They also realize that other people of their age have also got old, and after retirement settled somewhere else. This loneliness and lack of independence also leads to constant tension and hopelessness. So do everything that you can to reverse these experiences. Take them to friends and relatives wherever you can take them comfortably. Also visit them yourself as frequently as possible.
Doing these things will help a lot in keeping old people happy and healthy. Follow these tips and also share your own tips in the comments.
Once upon a time, it was just the two of you, holding hands whilst out taking a romantic stroll, gazing lovingly at one another over dinner at an exclusive restaurant. You enjoyed making love all over the house and regularly indulged in it. Then a squirming, loud and demanding little bundle of joy arrived at your home. Your new roommate and head of the household for the foreseeable future – your newborn baby.
No matter how much you think you are prepared for the arrival of your baby, when he or she actually arrives it hits like a ton of bricks. Life as you know it will never be the same again. You no longer hold hands when you go for a romantic stroll, your hands are otherwise engaged pushing a pram, or fishing around the oversize changing bag searching for wipes, a dummy, or Ragtag the button-eyed bunny.
Never mind gazing lovingly over at one another over dinner, just having time to re-heat that stew and eat your food while it’s still lukewarm is an achievement. And as for making love all over the house, that’s been replaced by cat naps. You lean languidly against the wall while the kettle boils, (coffee is your friend when your baby decides 3am is the perfect time for a play), closing your eyes for a moment of respite.
Romance and making love might be the last things on your mind as you try and adjust to life with a baby in tow, but finding time for one another is essential too. Your health and active life are important – keeping the spark alive is hard, but worth the effort.
Don’t Get Hung Up on Your Looks
Post-baby weight can make you feel a little unattractive, and lack of sleep can leave you feeling like you are not looking your best. While you might feel very self-conscious about your body, your partner will be more interested in celebrating the amazing things your body has just managed to do – giving birth is an incredible feat!
Although you feel you might not look the part, try and embrace your inner goddess and fuller, softer figure. You will regain your shape, just don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It would be a shame to shy away from intimacy just because you have a stretch mark or two!
Take a Break
When a baby has a nap, it’s tempting to feel like you should be catching up on chores. There are romper suits to wash, a floor that needs a hoover and potatoes that need peeling for tonight’s dinner. Although you can’t just abstain from all the house stuff (someone has to do it) don’t get caught up in a cycle of being busy every minute. Remember your baby is going to be waking up for milk regularly day and night.
That’s going to equal a lot of lost sleep. When a baby takes a nap, put down the dishcloth and get some shut-eye yourself. You need work, rest and play in your life – your baby is a delight but will certainly add to the workload, get your rest with regular naps and the play part? Well if you manage to conserve some energy you can use it up having some nocturnal fun with your significant other!
Use Your Imagination
Making love isn’t just about intercourse, penetration isn’t the be all and end all. There are plenty of other things you can do to demonstrate how much you love one another. How about a full kiss on the lips (go mad and use tongues)! How often have you walked up to your partner and passionately kissed them for no other reason than you want to?
Love letters may be a little outdated but how about a racy text or e-mail? Tell your partner what you would like to do to them (when you get a moment) and let them know what you would like them to do to you.
Make Time
Grandparents, aunties, and uncles, best friends – they all want to play a part in baby’s first year – so let them! You might not be ready to leave your little one in the early days, but you could set the table, light some candles and order a takeout. Let Grandma cover the night shift and enjoy some much-needed alone time with your partner. It doesn’t matter what you talk about, just relish being together and remember that you are a couple as well as parents.
When was the last time you woke up full of energy, focused, and ready to jumpstart your day? How often do get distracted when you’re in the middle of a project or when a deadline is looming over you at work? How often does your mind fantasize in other directions when you should actually be concentrating on work?
There are tons of daily lifestyle habits that make it difficult to concentrate throughout the day: lack of physical activity, poor diet, lack of adequate nutrients, sleepless nights, or everyday stressors at work and at home. We all suffer from at least a few of these problems, and in the end we all have to stay focused, stop procrastinating, and complete our work. Here’s a list of five simple but effective strategies that will boost brain function and increase your concentration.
Practice Mindfulness Meditation
Dozens of scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can help increase concentration, even if practiced for only ten minutes a day. Meditation offers dozens of benefits that go far beyond improving brain function and concentration, yet this is one of the most tangible benefits of mindfulness. This practice boost memory and concentration through relaxation techniques that help the brain think more clearly. In addition, this practice is an effective remedy against anxiety and depression.
Memory & Concentration Supplements
A balanced diet is essential for a good brain function but is not always easy to achieve. Fortunately, it’s easier to fight against nutritional deficiencies with supplements. Most people know that gingko biloba is an important memory stimulant, but there are many other supplements that can boost your brain function and concentration. One of the most important yet often neglected dietary supplement is folic acid. Folic acid is a group B vitamin necessary for good brain health. It also helps fighting depression and reduces inflammation. The vitamin is present in a wide range of foods, such as asparagus, Romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, and other green vegetables and is also easy to find as dietary integrators.
Switch Off Electronic Devices
It’s impossible to boost concentration if the brain is tired. And without a good night’s sleep, your brain will be tired at all times. To help your brain rest, switch off all your electronic devices before going to sleep. Don’t put your phone on silent – switch it off or leave it in another room. The light emitted by the sensors of the electronic devices slow down the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for the regulation of the circadian rhythm with consequent effects on your concentration, brain function, and productivity.
Maintain Constant Blood Sugar Levels
Our brain feeds on glucose and for a proper function, it needs constant blood sugar levels. The best way to do maintain them is through a balanced diet that is low in high glycemic carbohydrates, such as white bread and rice, pasta, biscuits, or pies. These foods can be replaced with foods containing complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. By eating complex carbs you will be able to maintain a constant level of sugar in your blood, with consequent benefits on your memory and concentration capacity.
Stimulate The Brain
It’s difficult to increase the brain function or boost concentration if the brain is not stimulated properly. As any other muscle, our brain needs training to stay in shape. There are many activities that keep the brain entertained, such as reading or doing crossword puzzles. Positive thinking and socializing are other two ways of improving memory and concentration. The most important is to avoid monotony by engaging in activities that involve all five senses, allowing your brain to receive the right amounts of stimuli.
Bad news or good news? The World Health Organization has put being single in the definition of infertility, making it a disability to reproduce.
Even if the WHO didn’t intend to put this in the literal sense, people without a sexual partner are now classified as ‘infertile’ for a simple reason.
The reason behind this is not to discriminate or insult single people out there, but a much nobler cause. This new classification will allow single people to receive the same priority as couples when it comes to in vitro fertilization.
Under these updated terms, single people (heterosexual and homosexual) who wish to have children will receive the same priority for IVF as couples have so far.
Single people who wish to be parents can search for sperm and egg banks like Cryos International for a wide range of fertility treatment options such as IVF, intrauterine insemination, home insemination, and Embryo Creation.
This means that those who want to remain single, or can’t find a suitable partner, can have a child of their own, and they will be given funds for IVF just as regular couples are.
The explanation behind this lies in the fact that the inability to find a suitable sexual partner in order to achieve conception can be considered as an equal disability as infertility, and these people should not be left out on this issue.
This idea has come to strong criticism, justified by the fact that medical fertility problems should not be equated with the social inability to find a partner.
However, the doctors who stand behind the study believe that even though it’s socially conditioned, the single status is nevertheless a cause for not being able to conceive a child.
Until now, the World Health Organization defined ‘infertility’ as the inability to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
This new change in the definition binds all countries to revise their IVF treatment priorities and provide funds for single persons too.
One of the authors of the new definition, Dr. David Adamson, tells the Telegraph that the new definition of infertility now includes the rights of all individuals to have a family, including both heterosexual and homosexual single men and women.
The WHO international committee will send the new definition of infertility to every health minister for consideration this year.
Regarding IVF, it has reported that since the first IVF birth in 1978, 6.5 million children had been born using this technique by 2013.
Now the American Society for Reproductive Medicine estimated that another 10 million IVF babies would be born by the end of 2020.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think that the new ‘infertility’ definition is justified? The opinions are strongly divided when it comes to this question. Does being single mean being infertile by default?
In a world of technology, the first thing we buy as a gift to a kid who learned to walk is an electronic device – be it an iPad, a smartphone, an Xbox, or a phablet. The kids seem so happy with their new gadgets, that they install their favorite games right away!
They play their favorite game more and more, they build their social media accounts, and soon enough, they start spending all of their free time in front of a glowing screen. Then, there comes a darker side to their joy. It soon turns into an addiction which disables them from normal functioning.
This may sound familiar to many parents, should they have noticed the signs.
According to a policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 8-10-year-olds spend nearly 8 hours a day in front of screens, while older children and teenagers spend more than 11 hours per day.
There is a good reason why tech designers and engineers are the most tech-cautious parents. In fact, all the biggest technological names have been very cautious when it comes to technology and their children.
Steve Jobs, Silicon Valley tech executives, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Amazon creator Jeff Bezos, and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales – they all have one thing in common, they don’t prefer technology in their children’s lives.
What causes this addiction to screens?
The psychology behind the ubiquitously glowing screens that make children burst in aggressive temper tantrums when they are taken away from them is particularly worrying. Which is more, these children become bored, uninterested, apathetic and uninteresting when being away from the devices.
Recent brain imaging research, as Dr. Nicholas Kardaras points, has shown that the technology our children are obsessed with affects the brain’s frontal cortex. This part of the brain controls executive functioning, including impulse control, in exactly the same way as cocaine does, says Dr. Kardaras.
This highly-arousing technology raises the levels of dopamine, which is the main culprit behind psychological addictions. This neurotransmitter controls the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. In other words, your child’s brain on video games looks like a brain on drugs. This addiction can be built very fast, and the effects can be very damaging.
Hundreds of clinical studies point to the fact that exposure to screens increases depression, anxiety, and aggression. It can even lead to a psychotic-like feature where the person loses touch with reality.
A disturbing fact is that we nurture this addiction into our children from a very young age. Statistics show that one in three children start using tablets before they can talk. This has grown to a current number of 18% of US college-age Internet users suffering from tech addiction.
As with every addiction, Dr. Kardaras notes that a detox procedure is needed before any kind of therapy can have any chance of being effective. In the case of tech addiction, this means a complete isolation from digital technology. This includes computers, smartphones, tablets, and TVs.
The prescribed time for the detox is four to six weeks, which is the time usually required for a hyper-aroused nervous system to come to a reset. After that follows the psychological treatment of the tech addict.
However, keeping someone away from digital technology is not an easy task in a tech-filled society. In fact, the whole procedure is so complex that taking preventive measures is much easier and painless.
Don’t let them cross the line – This is how
The first step is not to replace real attention by throwing a tech gadget to your child to please their needs for fun and entertainment. Dr. Kardaras recommends replacing Minecraft with Lego, iPads with books, and TV with nature and sports.
You could even demand from your child’s school not to give them a tablet or Chromebook until they turn 10 (or 12) if you have to.
You should have honest discussions with your child as to why you are limiting their access to screens. Ban all electronic devices at the table during dinnertime and don’t become a distracted parent because of your smartphone, as children will learn that habit from you quickly.
A healthy environment for a child is one with live social interaction, engagement with the real, natural world, and creative imaginative play. If you think that tossing them a smartphone to play games or watch cartoons is healthy, think twice.
The dopamine in children should come from outdoor games, genuine laughter and fun, and caring and loving parents – not from screens. Help your children find the real source of pleasure in life, and not get hooked on pointless activities that will eventually destroy their personality.
It is no wonder that the 14thDalai Lama of Tibet is often center of attention. Recently, he gave his commentary on the incidents that shook the world, like Paris’ attacks and other terrorist attacks which had left people feeling scared and desperate.
He said that praying to God to save us was ridiculous and it didn’t make sense since those events were started by humans only. People are responsible for all the bleeding that terrorism brought – not God.
His comments went viral along with his advice that this brainwashing of society must stop immediately, and people must realize that war is not an answer in order to change the direction in which our planet seems to be headed.
Dalai Lama writes:
This statement really is a piece of truth. If you think about it, all military organizations exist only to kill people. We are being brainwashed into believing that war is something glorious and glamorous, and going into war is definitely something we should be proud of.
It is true, however, that both men and women who enter the military service do it with a purpose to serve their country and nation, but what they fail to understand is that the whole idea of this international war on terrorism is a pure fabrication. They fight for the wrong ideals. In other words, the enemy they think they are protecting their country from is in fact a product of their own nation.
Dr. Michael Choissudovsky, University of Otawa’s Emeritus Professor of Economics points out that soldiers are brainwashed into thinking that they fight against a real enemy, but what they do not know is that the ‘real’ enemy they fight against is fully supported and financed by the Western military alliance.
Dalai Lama is actually saying that this is exactly why we feel that war is necessary and acceptable course of action – because we are made to believe that we are serving our country.
He continues:
We must put an end to this mass brainwashing and finally stop the killing and war in general. The soldiers must wake up immediately. They need to recognize the fact that it is a human being giving orders to another human being to pull the trigger which kills another human being. And it takes a human being to believe they are doing something marvelous.
This change has to come from within. We are the sole reason why war exists in a first place. We start it, we participate in it, and we prolong it. If every soldier refused to participate in it, there would be no wars.
No matter how evil these dictators that mobilize soldiers and cause international conflicts are, they could not do that and cause the murder of thousands of human lives if they didn’t have a military organization accepted and supported by society.
Many soldiers are starting to wake up and speak up, so we are on to a good start.
Dalai Lama goes on commenting on how expensive war is. We are talking about “thousands of billions of dollars” pure cash poured into the military and also into America’s Defense Department as ex Canadian Minister of Defense points out. This money “had been spent on projects which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief know nothing about.”
Rather than spending it on wars, this money could be spent for noble reasons such as alleviating poverty and hunger on the planet.
The fact is, if we are using money as a tool, why not use it to provide food, shelter and clothing for the less fortunate?
Special thanks to Dalai Lama for his courage to speak up on this problem and sending this essential message to the world!
The human aura has long been a concept only mentioned by spiritualists. Starting from as far back as the ancient Vedic teachings, the concept of the human aura has involved many interpretations and important information about ourselves.
It hasn’t been until recently that scientists found a way to detect the human aura and finally prove its existence, which can be measured and represented visually. But before we go there, you need to understand what the human aura actually is.
The aura of every living being is the subtle electromagnetic vibrations that come out of the body. These electromagnetic vibrations create a field around the body of the organism (in this particular case, the human body), which has long been known as an aura.
You will often hear that many are capable of detecting these vibrations and translating them into colors with their naked eye. In fact, some practice can indeed help you to detect the electromagnetic field around people and other living beings.
However, this teaching of how you can detect (as ancient as it may be), is not the focus of our article. If you want to read more about it, and how you can start detecting and reading people’s auras, you can go here.
With the rise of new technology, came the first efforts to prove the existence of the human aura. The pioneer in doing this is Semyon Kirilian, who started taking pictures of leaves subjected to a strong electric field. His photos are very interesting to see, although many argue that they are not a real representation of an aura.
Since his first efforts to visually represent the existence of the aura, many others have tried to find the appropriate technology that could read the electromagnetic vibrations coming out of our body. And they have succeeded.
How does it work? These vibrations vibrate at a specific frequency. Each frequency has its corresponding color and sound. Really, an aura could be translated both in color and sound. Here we’re going to talk about the color.
However, these vibrations are too subtle to be seen by the naked eye and perceived by the brain as existent, and that’s why we can’t see them. Only a highly trained brain, or a specific machine can detect them, the latter being more successful at it.
The discoveries in this technology, which can read people’s auras, have helped many to understand various aspects about themselves. Energy healers, reiki masters, and other people working with alternative medicine, are more increasingly using this technology.
It shows a visual representation of the electromagnetic field around the person’s body and the various colors are then translated into the energetic influences over the body. Usually, a healthy body comes with a set of distinct colors, some being more dominant than the others.
A lack of color in certain places means that there has been an energetic imbalance, which may be causing a physical or psychological illness. Also, the intensity of the colors is important too.
If the colors are too bleak, or too strong, they may be indicating that some physical or psychological aspects of the person are out of balance, being either too active (like some glands), or underactive.
However, conventional medicine has not yet started using the EM vibrational representations in practice. For now, alternative medicine healers and energy workers use this technology and it’s readily available for anyone with the money to buy it.
The electromagnetic field revels a lot about the person who is emitting it. With enough knowledge and practice, one can tell of the physical, psychological, and emotional state of that person, and offer a remedy for the same.
However, this field hasn’t been researched enough yet, and there is a lot we need to learn more about just how important the knowledge about this could be for our wellbeing. When it comes to believing or not, it’s simple:
Every living thing emits an electromagnetic field around them. This is a well known scientific fact. Modern medicine uses sound and light vibrations (audio and chromo therapy) to treat certain illnesses, and these vibrations directly affect and change the way our bodies vibrate.
While 10 years ago this was something that many were unaware of, nowadays science is discovering just how much vibration plays a role in our existence. Creating images of a human aura is just the simplest thing that can be done.
You have been hearing a lot of buzz about this business. You have skimmed through the internet articles, and heard a word or two from your friends about how raising worms can earn you easy money. Now this is something that interests you, but you’re clueless about where to start.
This is why we have come up with this article. Read on and learn how you can raise worms at home to earn money.
The earthworm which was once considered as an unpleasant crawler birthed after a nice rain has now ascended in status. This creature is now often found in containers, barrels, washtubs and bins. It has given support to many people by bringing bread on their tables and drapes on their backs. Sounds overwhelming but it’s true!
Get yourself aware of the term ‘vermicomposting’. It is the system accounted for raising worms and developing rich compost which is very effective for plants.
If you’re someone who enjoys working with natural things, then raising worms at home is definitely for you. Be ascertained, if done accurately, growing worms is irrefutably a remunerating business from a personal outlook and moreover, a fiscal one!
Raising Worms at Home – How to Start
Look for a suitable place. Make sure the bin or box is placed at a convenient location to make quick and easy disposal. The box or bin containing worms and beddings should be one foot high and have a depth of 2 feet & width of 3 feet. Temperature tolerable by worms is between 40-90 degrees F.
Buy a container. You can either buy a container or build one based on the dimensions mentioned above. You may paint the exterior of the container but leave the interior unpainted as the chemicals can pose to be toxic to worms. Make sure that you drill 12 one-inch holes at the bottom for drainage.
Prepare the bedding. Suitable sources for bedding are cardboard, print papers and shredded newspapers. Use only the black and white side of the newspaper as colored pages contain dyes posing a threat to worms. Use the paper shredder or tear the paper in parallel strips of about one-inch width. Place the shredded paper in the bin. Pour a gallon of garden soil and 4 gallons of water to ensure there is sufficient moisture. You should prepare the bedding prior 2 days before adding worms. Your bedding material should be moist and not soggy.
Get the Worms. You will need to buy 2 pounds of worm for each pound of your household garbage. These worms are readily available to buy for stocking. You can feed the worms on potato peels, spaghetti, orange peels, tea or coffee ground, and garden waste. Feeding can be performed either every day, twice or just once a week. The bedding should be changed and larger worms be harvested every 2 months. The old composed bedding and garbage can be used as a great nutrient-rich soil in your garden or around plants.
Who Buys Worms?
At this point, you must be wondering about the market of worms. Well, we have it covered for you.
They are sold in huge quantities and in a variety of markets. Fishing, fertilizer production, and soil improvement are only a few to mention. The need by fishermen and planters to purchase more worms is increasing with the growth in world population.
Fish-Baiting. The angling industry is a huge purchaser of worms worldwide. Fishing using live bait has effortlessly been a dependable approach to catch fish.
Breeding Stock. An extensive market for red worms is observed among those who are searching for ‘breeding stock.’ The end client might be another producer stocking new beds or a set-up cultivator restocking old beds.
Compost and Fertilizer Producers. Farmers largely depend on earthworms. The market to pitch these agricultural endeavors is therefore huge. Worms revamp soil quality and worm castings have a huge measure of nutrients helpful to improve soil quality.
Final Word…
Millions of dollars’ worth of worms are sold every year by common people like you. Raising worms is a fulltime yet profitable business for many. For some, it works as a supplementary salary. Many start it as a hobby for individual use; either for fish bait or recycling food waste. However, looking at its potential in terms of monetary value, they turn this hobby into a business venture with no considerable trouble.
You can also successfully raise worms at home depending on these handful of approaches and make your living!
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