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17 Effective Ways To Boost Memory In Students And Older Adults

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Many people have a hard time remembering things. Students want to boost their memory to learn faster, and in the purpose to get high marks without resorting to assignment writing help services, adults want the same to be able to finish everything they need for the day. In short, we all want a better-working memory that will help us excel in life.

Before you go to the ways you can hack your brain to remember better, you first need to know what exactly memory is and how it is created.

There are two types of memory: short-term and long-term memory. The first is temporary and it usually serves to remember things you need to do at a particular moment, such as remembering a number you need to dial. However, the moment you dial the number, you kind of forget it (in most cases).

For this information to go into the long-term memory, it needs to be repeated, worked on, or put into the brain by using some tricks.

This requires a lot of effort and sometimes may require dramatical changing of your daily routine, but there are several strategies and techniques you can use to get more of your memory and are best for your memory and focus.

9 Effective Ways To Improve And Increase Memory In  Older Adults 

It is believed that people in old age cannot learn new things and enhance their grey matter. Fortunately, this isn’t true as the brain has the ability to change and adapt even in old age, and this ability is called neuroplasticity. When you stimulate your brain, you can create new neural pathways, alter the existing ones and adapt and react to them in ever-changing ways. 

You can use the power of neuroplasticity to increase your memory and cognitive abilities, enhance the ability to learn new information and improve your memory at any age. These proven strategies will show you how to do this: 

1. Give your brain a workout 

Very similar to the body’s muscles, the brain needs regular exercise to be healthy and work properly. Mental workouts are essential for gray matter and for improving brain function. According to one study, just 15 minutes of brain activity 5 days per week may improve your brain function, and work, and improve short-term memory. One of the participants’ challenges was to recall details and quickly memorize patterns. 

So, make some new brain-boosting activities and things that demand full attention and great mental effort, break your routine and challenge your brain to develop new brain pathways to help the memory loss. 

2. Meditate and exercise

Researchers in one study observed the brains of people who meditate regularly and have found that it can make long–term changes in the brain and enhance the brain’s plasticity and its function. It can also reduce age-related brain degeneration. (1)

Exercise, overall, is a great exercise for brain health and helps your brain to stay sharp. Exercising increases the oxygen flow to your brain and reduces some other risks besides memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

One of the most beneficial exercises for boosting your brain is aerobic exercise and some physical activities like hand-eye coordination and some complex motor skills. 

3. Keep stress in check

One of the first enemies of the brain is stress. If you are under stress chronically, it can destroy your brain cells and damage your hippocampus, the brain region where all new memory is formed and retrieved when needed. If you want to reduce stress, you can try the following tips:

  • Express your feelings instead of bottling them up
  • Set a healthy balance between work and leisure time
  • Take breaks throughout the day
  • Focus on one task at a time, rather than trying to multi-task
  • Set a healthy balance between work and leisure time
  • Set realistic expectations (and be willing to say no!)

4. Reduce sugar and high calories intake 

Although sugary foods are very delicious, they may play a big role in memory loss. One animal study from 2017, found that a diet high in sugary drinks can be related to Alzheimer’s disease. (2)

Drinking too much fruit juice may be connected to lower brain volume, which can be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease, so try avoiding sugary foods and processed sugars. Still, natural sugars such as fruit are good for your healthy diet, and you shouldn’t cut on these food sources. 

In addition, some research shows that high calories diet may lead to inflammation in some parts of the brain. For example, one study from 2009, had found that elderly human participants with an average age of 60 had a significant improvement in their memory when they reduced their calorie intake by 30%. (3

5. Eat dark chocolate

Eating cocoa flavonoids, the active components of chocolate may improve a person’s memory. 

In one study 30 healthy people who consumed dark chocolate had a better memory compared to people who consumed white chocolate without cocoa flavonoids. (4

To reap all the benefits from dark chocolate, you should eat dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher to get a concentrated dose of antioxidants. 

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep is very important for memory consolidation and in case you lack sleep, you have a poor memory for a certain amount of time. For example, one study found that nurses who made night shifts scored lower on math tests compared to those who made day shifts. (5)

Health experts recommend 6 to 8 hours of sleep for adults because it is essential for optimal and overall health. 

7. Increase caffeine intake

Caffeine may boost memory in the short term and in the long term. One study showed that coffee, as the most widely used stimulant, may improve short-term memory in students when taken in the morning. (6)

One other study found that participants who took coffee after a completed memory test boosted their memory compared to those who didn’t. (7)

8. Have a good laugh

Laughter is the best medicine; we all know that. What is more, it can improve your memory. When you listen to jokes, some areas of the brain are activated that are essential for creativity and learning. Contrary to emotional responses that activate specific brain areas, laughter engages more brain regions. 

So, surround yourself with fun and playful people as their laughter is contagious, and try imitating children as they are the real laughter experts. 

9. Make new friends

Many studies have shown that a life full of friends and entertainment has many benefits for your cognitive functions. According to one recent study by Harvard University, people with active social life tend to have better memory and don’t have any memory decline. 

Relationships stimulate brains, and there are many ways to start socializing lie joining a club, volunteering, or seeing friends as much as you can. 

8 Useful Methods To Boost Memory For Students 

1. Visualize concepts

Most people benefit greatly from visualizing the information they study. When you study, try to visualize charts, graphics, and photographs in your textbooks. You can even try creating visual cues by yourself, in case you do not have any. When you study, try to draw charts and figures on the margins of your notes and use pens and highlighters in different colors to group related ideas.

2. Readout loud

You can use this useful concept when you study and learn new material. You can just try teaching new concepts and information to a friend with whom you are studying with on loud voice. According to one research from 2017, reading materials loud can significantly improve memorizing the material. (8)

3. Rehearse and elaborate

One of the most useful techniques to encode the study material into your long–term memory is a technique called elaborative rehearsal.

What does this mean? It means that when you are studying a new definition for a term, for example, you need to read the most detailed description of what it means and repeat the whole process several times until your recalling is easier than in the beginning. 

4. Pay extra attention to complex information

The order of the information in the text plays a significant role in its memorizing, and you can easily notice that it is easier to remember text at the beginning of the chapter than at the end. This is called the serial position effect, according to scientists. (9)

So, when you start seeing that you have difficulties memorizing some part of the text, spend some extra time on it, or try reconstructing everything you have learned so it can be easier for you to remember. 

5. Change your study routine

If you have a habit of studying in one specific location, you can move to a different one for your new study session. In addition, when you study in the evening, you can try reviewing the same study material when you wake up in the morning.

6. Use conditioned–reflex memories

In every second of your life, the brain lights up in different areas under the influence of what you perceive, do, and feel. The brain re-lives the memories by lighting up the same way it did when it first experienced them.

For example, a certain part of your brain will light up from listening to a song, while you are experiencing a strong emotion caused by the one you love (which will cause another area of the brain to light up), and so on, and so forth.

The next time you hear that song, your brain will light up in all areas it lit up when that memory was created. Thus, your brain will relive the moment that you will perceive as a memory. What song reminds you of someone you love or used to love?

This reflex can be easily hacked into and you can train your brain to experience the information you need. It’s a conditioned reflex, just like a mouse that has started associating food with the ring of a bell.

So, if you are preparing for an exam, you can do this:

Take a cheap perfume that you haven’t used before and that doesn’t associate your memories with anybody or anything. Spray it onto yourself while you are studying and take a shower when you are finished. Then you could go to bed (read more about sleep and memory below).

Next time you want to remember the information you gathered while wearing the perfume, spray some of it onto yourself again. However, don’t use the perfume in other situations, except for studying.

You can do this with other stimuli as well. Like rubbing a pebble with a unique texture, or chewing a pack of gum with a different flavor. Give it a try.

7. Improve your perception

Sometimes, conditioned-reflex memory won’t help you out too much. It requires meeting conditions that are sometimes hard to meet. Working on your perception will improve your memory.

So, how to work on increasing your perceptive abilities?

Start by paying attention to every detail you can notice, like signs, colors, smells, sounds – pretty much everything you can notice. Next, ask yourself what you saw, try to revise the things you just noticed, and try to remember how they were ordered, what they were like, etc.

Practice this, so that it becomes your habit – perceiving things around you can help you out for many things besides memory. However, this is only the first step.

Next, you need to start analyzing your knowledge. Start connecting the dots and see how everything relates to everything – it really does. You need to start analyzing every new information and put it in relation to what you already know.

Things that can be grouped are more easily remembered, so connecting information to each other is a key element to remembering them more easily. Eventually, this technique will help you to remember so much, that you may even feel overwhelmed.

8. Pass the knowledge on

Sharing is not only something that is useful for others, but also for yourself. It has been proven over and over again that the best memory retention happens when you pass on the knowledge. Teachers know so much about their subjects not because they are all geniuses, but because they pass on the knowledge every day.

Whatever you learn, try to share it with someone who might find it interesting. Discuss the interesting things about it and make sure they understand what you are speaking about. If you are able to pass the knowledge on, you understand it. And if you are able to understand it, you remember it. 

5 Best Natural Supplements To Increase The Power Of Your Memory

Same as for your body, your brain needs a healthy diet to improve your memory, so try these nutrients and supplements as a natural medicine to boost your memory:

1. Get more Omega – 3

Many studies have shown that omega – 3 fatty acids are very beneficial for brain health. You can try eating more fatty fish such as salmon, trout, and sardines and some non–fish resources like spinach, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and soybeans. You can take Omega 3 as supplements, you can find many fish supplements online. Taking 1 gr. of EPA and DHA on a daily basis is recommended for keeping brain health. (10)  

2. Gingko Biloba

This is a boosting memory supplement that many people take for boosting their memory. Despite this, results from studies related to ginkgo Biloba supplements are mixed. It is available online and in every near pharmacy near the corner.

3. Resveratrol

This is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in the human brain and it is found that it can prevent damage to the hippocampus, the most important part of the brain, that is related to memory loss. (11

Some other animal studies proved that it can increase memory power and sharpen your memory. (12)

Still, additional research is needed to be more sure of its effects on humans. You find it in supplements in stores and online.

4. Acetyl-L-Carnitine

This is an amino acid that plays an important part in energy production and your metabolism, Moreover, there are studies that proved that it can make you feel more alert, boost your memory and slow down the aging process. It can also improve the signs of mild dementia in humans. (13)

You can buy it as a supplement in stores and online.

5. Vitamin B12

If you are deficient in this vitamin, it may cause a memory loss and scientists are doing some research to find the relation between the two. The risk of this vitamin deficiency increases as we grew older. You can take this vitamin naturally as it can be found in some foods such as fish in poultry or you can buy it online as a supplement.


Whatever you choose to be your main method of remembering things, you need to know this: certain circumstances contribute to better memory, while others make you forget things.

The most important thing that contributes to good memory is good sleep. The largest amount of information transfer from the short-term to the long-term memory happens during sleep. So, maintaining a good sleep pattern and at least 7 hours of sleep during the night is important.

Some foods can contribute to good memory, such as cocoa which can be found raw, powdered or in dark chocolate. Make sure to introduce it into your diet, if you haven’t already.

Memory’s worst enemy is stress. Although we face stress daily, make sure you find a way of combating it. The best practice for relieving stress is sport, meditation, and genuine fun. Spend time for yourself and relax when you can.

We hope you found this information useful!

Copyright © Curious Mind Magazine

Marijuana to the Rescue – Smoking Away Your Anxiety

Marijuana has been talked about as a product with many benefits, from pain relief to control of epileptic seizures. Now many are touting its moderate use in dealing with anxiety.

Marijuana, according to many studies, has properties that fight anxiety. People suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) have found benefits in marijuana.

Historically speaking, before the extensive scientific research done on marijuana, the plant was always associated with certain anxiety-reducing properties.

In the 16th century, the physician Garcia de Orta venerated the virtues of marijuana, stating that it would dispel people of “all worries and care”.

Science Supports

A lot of long-time users of marijuana also swear by its effect on reducing their stressful emotions. Research done in this regard includes a 2014 study by Vanderbilt University.

The study found that smoking a joint may result in increased levels of endocannabinoids. There are many researchers who attribute anxiety disorder to the lack of this chemical; hence marijuana can help assuage this condition.

Marijuana can also be used as a progressive substitute for pre-existing anxiety disorder medication. A recent study in Canada chronicled a set of people who were prescribed medical marijuana for pain and anxiety.

After 90 days, around 40% of the people observed skipped their usual doses of benzodiazepines. Thus, marijuana can help people reduce their dependence on pharmaceuticals too.

For PTSD treatment, it is believed that marijuana can help dull the negative memories and experiences that caused the condition in the first place.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety can come in many guises. It can be used in a constructive manner if you need to get things done. But anxiety becomes a problem when it has no direct correlation to what is happening around you.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders affect a significant amount of people in various degrees, but when it gets really serious it can impair social and professional lives. Panic disorder, social anxiety, PTSD, and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) are some of the anxiety disorders.

Use in Moderation

Let us not forget that for some smokers, a joint can cause a bit of paranoia and anxiety, rather than the opposite virtue.

With so many strains being developed over the last few years, it is recommended that users do a bit of research before picking the right weed for stress and anxiety.

There are many mild marijuana products that help calm the nerves. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main components in marijuana and is known to activate the serotonin receptors. Hence, Marijuana with higher CBD levels is more useful as an anti-anxiety measure.

Apart from the composition of the weed strain, other factors that can influence how you react to marijuana are pre-existing conditions, the environment around you, and your body’s tolerance for the drug. Marijuana in large doses is not recommended, as it may cause anxiety to increase.

There are many online resources that let you learn more about the virtues of this wonder plant. Catch up on its many healing and soothing properties and learn about new products that you can try out.

70 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Egg Fossils Have Been Discovered In China

Scientists have uncovered ancient dinosaur egg fossils, believed to date up to 70 million years back near a construction zone in the southeast region of China.

They have discovered five shells that have been buried in sandstone in China’s Guangdong Province, Foshan. The eggs were found buried below 26 feet, believed to have been conserved since the Cretaceous time.

Qiu Licheng, a researcher from Guangdong’s Archaeological Institute told China Central TV that they have discovered 5 eggs, 3 of which were destroyed. However, they are still quite visible.

He stated, “The other two have their imprints on the stone. The eggs were round in shape, belonging to phytophagous [plant-eating] dinosaurs.”

An interesting fact about the egg fossils is that they measure from 5.1-5.5 inches in diameter and were revealed in big portions of red sandstone exhumed from a local site. The amazing footage from the finding can be seen in the video below.

The exact age of the eggs or which species they belong to cannot yet be confirmed without further investigation into the discovery. However, concurring with the archeologists, we can state that the eggshells were indeed in impaired form, fluctuating in amount. What we can state for sure is that the shells were filled with sandstone, with their exterior still quite evident.

Although this is an interesting finding, it is not the first time dinosaur eggs have been found in exactly these regions of China. They are currently under observation at a local museum, with the results waiting to be confirmed.

The dinosaur eggs were found in Sanshui Basin, specifically in Foshan. This area encloses high levels of animal and plant life, which makes sense of the dinosaur egg findings. Nonetheless, as stated previously, this is not the first discovery found nearby. Dating back to the 1980s, they have also been unveiled near Heyun, findings of 43 dinosaur eggs.

When speaking about the Sanshui Basin, according to Foshan’s main geologist, Liu Jianxiong, one should take note that it is quite rich in fossils such as dinosaur eggs and that it is full of minerals. What a fascinating discovery.

Jianxiong concludes by saying that the findings are of vital value to their research on alluvial and paleoclimate.


This Is How Salt Lamps Are Helping People With Anxiety

Himalayan salt lamps can play a major role in helping you deal with stress and anxiety.Many people usually give them less credit than they deserve and often cast them aside when it comes to options for dealing with stress and anxiety.

How can that be explained scientifically? TVs, PCs, lap tops, phones, iPads, tablets and any other electronic devise we have around us emits positive ions.

Those positive ions increase the feeling of anxiety and stress. On the other hand when we are surrounded by negative ions the level of stress and anxiety diminishes.   

For that particular reason people are felling good whenever they spend time around a lake, a river, hiking a mountain or simply taking a walk in the park. Negative ions are all around those places.

Once you inhale those tasteless, odorless and invisible molecules they enter your bloodstream, produce biochemical reactions which increase the level of serotonin- hormone of happiness, thus helping you get rid of stress, depression and anxiety.

Well, Himalayan salt lamps do just that. They emit negative ions which replace the positive ones in your home.

Put a Himalayan salt lamp night light in your hallway or bedroom and finally get that good night sleep which is so important for your overall health.

The reason why Himalayan salt lamps are so effective is because they stimulate the same reaction you would get when gazing at serene nature- like sea, ocean, trees or a forest.

And speaking about nature, you could also oppose positive ions by bringing various plants into your house. Having as many plants as you possibly can, will not only add up to the décor they will also provide many benefits to the whole atmosphere and you’ll be grateful when you notice that the level of your daily stress has lowered significantly.

But if you aren’t a plant lover or you can easily forget to water them and they often die on you, then the answer for you are a few Himalayan salt lamps which you can place in different rooms of your home. Several Himalayan salt lamps will have the same effect as several plants in your home.

The main aim after all is to eliminate the positive ions emitted from the electronic devices you have in your home.

Another important perk that Himalayan salt lamps are offering is that they come in many sizes and shapes. So, depending on your taste you can choose the perfect Himalayan salt lamp for you.

If you prefer minimalism, you don’t have to buy a big rock lamp you can purchase a smaller one instead.

If you don’t mind a big rock lamp buy that kind because if the salt lamp is bigger, it will produce more negative ions and purify the negative energy from your home leaving you with lower level of stress and anxiety.

So, next time you go shopping buy your Himalayan salt lamp and live an anxiety free life. It’s an investment which you won’t regret.


11 Little Known Facts About Left-Handed People. No 9 Surprised Me!

Left-handed people make up about 10% of the population. In a world dominated by right-handed people, it sometimes feels unfair for the left-hand dominant ones that many items are made to be operated by the right hand.

However, being a lefty is not such a bad thing. In fact, left-handed people come with some advantages that right-handed people can only dream about.

Here are 11 little known facts about left-handed people that will show you just how well these people can do!

  1. Left-handed people can adjust more easily to seeing underwater

While it’s not quite clear why this is so, scientists think it has to do with the brain. Left-handed people have different parts of the brain dominant, so it perhaps has something to do with that.

  1. Osama bin Laden, Jack the Ripper and The Boston Strangler were all left-handed

Interestingly, the Latin word for ‘left’ is ‘sinister’. Do lefties hide something others don’t know about?

  1. Left-handed people are more likely to suffer from disruptive sleep disorders

In fact, scientists have linked the Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) to left-handedness.

  1. There are about 3400 words that can be typed by using only the left hand, compared to 450 words typed by using only the right hand

The longest words that can be typed using solely the left hand are dresses, sweater, decades, and tesserae. This makes lefties quite the fast typers.

  1. Left-handed people suffer from worse asthma and allergies than the right-handed people

Left-handed people might experience more asthma attacks in their childhood, compared to right-handed people.

  1. A whopping number of 30 million Americans are left handed

Worldwide, it has been estimated that lefties take up around 10% of the population, or in other words – 700 million people are left handed.

  1. Left-handed people tend to be better at architecture

Having their right brain dominant, they are better at visualizing and at 3D perception. That’s why there are more left-handed architects than right-handed ones.

  1. Lefties spend less time in line

Being in a right-hand dominant society, many people choose the right line when standing in one. Lefties, however, tend to choose the left line.

  1. 4 out of 7 recent U.S. presidents are left handed

The left-handed U.S. presidents are as follows: James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.

  1. The English word ‘left’ comes from the Old English ‘lyft’, which means weak, idle, or useless.

The French word for ‘left’, ‘gauche’, also means awkward or clumsy.

  1. Left-handed men earn more money after college than right-handed men

Statistics have shown that left-handed men who have graduated from college earn 13% more than their right-handed counterparts. However, statistics show that left-handed women earn 5% less than right-handed women. 

Are you one of those 10%? Do you know a leftie?


12 Healthy Foods That Fight Anxiety And Depression

Healthy Foods Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety is a medical condition which manifest itself by nervousness, worrying, fear and affect the way you behave, react to certain situation as well as affect your everyday living. It seems as something remote to us, however the reality is different.

About 40 million Americans are affected by anxiety , which judging by the number is not as uncommon as we think it is and sadly the numbers are expected to rise in the future.

Regardless of the causes, everyone affected by the anxiety disorders can find their own way to keep the disease under control and manage to cope with it in the most possible way.

The most usual way of treating anxiety is by using medications, which are followed by many side-effects and possible discomforts. That’s why in those cases, people affected by the anxiety disorders tend to find out the cause behind the disease and leave the medications aside.

Food can also be a cure and in order to make the most of it, we need to use the following 12 amazing foods which address the underlying dysfunctions which lead to anxiety. Check out the list:

1. Food which balances your hormones in the gut

Full-fat kefir is the super-delicious dairy drink and it’s also referred as the most potent probiotic available on the market. We all know that kefir is fermented which also contributes to its increased nutritional value and the positive effect it has on the gut.

The gut is the place where your “happy” hormone, the serotonin is being produced and coping with anxiety starts from the well-being of the gut. Kefir is loaded with vitamins D, A and K2, crucial for the proper brain functioning and extremely important for the bacterial balance in the gut.

2. Food which promotes brain health

The amazing avocado is loaded with all the needed nutrients to keep anxiety disorders under control. Avocados are also known as your brain’s best friend, supplying it will all the necessary ingredients needed for best performance of the brain, including monounsaturated fats and the B vitamins.

Avocado can also come in handy for your blood pressure, helping you to naturally lower your blood pressure.

  1. Food which fights inflammation

Even though the word fatty meat doesn’t seem appealing at all, you may want to consider twice because fatty meat is loaded with omega-3 fats, which are known to be beneficial for your over-all health, including decreasing anxiety.

Alaskan salmon and grass-fed beef are rich in omega-3 fats and consuming them can help you lower the inflammation and keep the adrenaline and cortisol under control.

  1. Food which prevents neurotransmitter impairment

Neurotransmitter impairment is closely connected with the lack of folic acid and later on is linked to anxiety disorders. Asparagus is the super-veggie loaded in sulfur and folic acid.

Only 5.3 ounces of asparagus can provide you with 60% of the recommended daily dose of folic acid. Asparagus is also loaded with B vitamins, potassium and a daily consumption of this veggie can contribute to improved health and a healthier diet.

  1. Food which balances zinc to copper ratio

The imbalance of zinc to copper may disrupt the proper functioning of the neurotransmitter and lead to anxiety and stress. This means that increased copper and decreased zinc may be closely connected with anxiety.

The miraculous sea food, oysters are what the doctors ordered. Loaded with zinc, their consumption may improve the ratio of the minerals and improve their balance.

  1. Food which will Calm you Down

Instead of taking a “chill pill”, take a “chill meal”. It may seem funny because of the rhyming, however leafy greens not only can improve your diet, but they also help you calm down and decrease stress and anxiety symptoms.

Whether you choose spinach or Swiss chard, you won’t regret it. All the leafy greens are loaded with crucial nutrients, such as magnesium, iron and zinc as well as C vitamin and B vitamins.

  1. Food which is loaded in antioxidants

Turmeric is the super-spice which enjoys its great popularity for a really good and justified reason. The curcuminoids or the antioxidants in the turmeric can protect your brain health and they’re also beneficial for your mood.

So, when talking about this amazing mood-food, turmeric can decrease anxiety and fight off stress and depression.

  1. Food which has soothing properties

We all know that certain types of food or beverages can soothe us immediately, however there is one herb in particular, which is notoriously famous for its soothing properties- the chamomile. Chamomile tea acts as a natural anti-anxiety medication, due to the soothing properties.

You have probably read that chamomile tea is great after a tiring and stressful day, because it calms the nerves in the most natural way. The same applies for anxiety disorders, chamomile tea eases the symptoms and helps you control the disease.

  1. Food which makes you feel good

Turkey reminds us of family, tradition and most of all, it reminds us of our most favorite holiday Thanksgiving. Well, we can definitely be thankful for the turkey served on the table, because not only do we continue the tradition, but we are also eating healthily.

The tryptophan in the turkey is what make us feel calm and relaxed after Thanksgiving dinner. However, consuming turkey is also beneficial for anxiety disorder patients. It will make them feel calm and at peace, just like on Thanksgiving Day.

  1. Food which gives you health and pleasure

As soon as you hear the word pleasure, you immediately think of something sweet, delicious and probably prohibited. Well, this is not the case for the dark chocolate lovers! It seems that you are missing out on a lot of health benefits if you avoid consuming dark chocolate in your diet.

Dark chocolate will calm your nerves, release stress and help you greatly with those anxiety disorder symptoms. Treat yourself with a bar of dark chocolate and you’ll feel much better in no time.

  1. Food which is loaded in chlorine

Organ meat lovers will love this information, because it seems that organ meet can help you cope with anxiety.

This is due to the presence of so many powerful nutrients including chlorine, which is known to be beneficial for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Organ meat is also known for the B vitamins it contains, especially the liver.

  1. Food which fights off stress

All the above mention foods contain some kind of soothing nutrients which calm us down, however there is one more beverage on the list which will be a pity to be left out.

Yes, we are talking about Rooibos tea or also known as the African red bush tea. A cup of Rooibos tea seems to get rid of the main stress hormone and has balancing effect. We can all use a good cup of Rooibos tea.

How To Tell Your Child That You’re Dealing With Anxiety Or Depression

When depression or anxiety holds the grip on you, your children can feel it, but they can’t understand it. It’s natural for them not to be able to understand something so complex, but it affects them nevertheless.

It’s your job as a parent to make sure that your children don’t suffer unnecessarily, and helping them to understand your situation is the best way to do that.

However, this is not an easy challenge too often. Explaining your child that you are suffering from something they can’t comprehend so easily, especially at immature age, is not an easy task. So, the best way many parents cope with the situation is they turn a blind ear to their children’s questions.

In these cases, parents usually deny any of those feelings that their child notices and change the subject. This way, however, the child can get the wrong picture. They may think that it’s their fault that the parent is feeling sad, depressed, or stressed out.

This in turn causes irritability, feeling of rejection, and even hate toward something that the child cannot understand – especially if you become that something in physical manifestation. Being open about the problem should not skip the most important ones in your life – your children.

So, how to walk this thin string, where your child is neither frightened and worried about you, nor feels guilty and rejected?

Tracey Starr is a Canadian writer and editor, and mother to a five-year-old daughter. She is also a parent who deals with depression and anxiety daily, and she has some words to say about dealing with this delicate situation.

In a telephone interview with Global News, she revealed that she had been dealing with depression since she her teenage years in high school, and had been diagnosed with anxiety in her thirties. In other words, she knows this feeling all too well.

However, what she does differently from many parents is that she doesn’t leave her child out of the part of being open about her illness.

Depression and anxiety are things Starr talks to her child about. She doesn’t want her child to see them as a cause of weakness and vulnerability, but as things that require one to be a fighter.

“If she sees me sad, she’ll ask why I’m crying,” said Starr. “And I’ll say, ‘Sometimes it’s hard for mommy to relax and put a smile on my face but I’m doing my best like I ask for you to do your best.’”

And although she doesn’t use the word ‘depression’ explicitly, as she doesn’t want to frighten her child, she does explain to her in a narrative that she would understand.

Doctors agree that Starr’s method is one of the best ways to communicate the problem with a child. However, they also note that not all ages are right for such information.

When is the best time to share about your condition with your child?

Dr. Jillian Roberts, a registered child and adolescent psychologist, says that the age, the circumstances, and the maturity of the child should be taken into consideration when parents tell their children about their problems.

She notes some distinct factors that play an important role in deciding what and how much to tell your child about yourself.

The maturity and the circumstances of the child play the key role in deciding what to share with your child about your problem.

Roberts explains that “a mature child who doesn’t have any major stresses could handle more information than a child who is slow to develop when it comes to maturity, or going through a crisis of their own.”

The age of the child is another thing that dictates the amount of information you should share. The younger the child, the less you should tell them about what is happening to you. Roberts exemplifies that a child in preschool or younger wouldn’t often need to know the condition the parent is going through.

Roberts adds that he younger the child is, the less stress they should experience, so until they become older, you will need to surround yourself with as much support as you possibly can.

Most importantly, doctors point to some ways you can tell your child about your condition.

Before going there, Roberts notes a very important thing: whatever way you use of telling your child that you don’t feel well, you need to stress that it’s not their fault in any way, and explain that you are getting all help you can get.

Starr also reassures her child.

“I say, ‘Mommy loves you, mommy is fine. Mommy just needs a moment but everything will be ok,” said Starr. “I say that to make sure she knows everything will be ok; I need to be her example. I don’t want to frighten her — I want to educate her.”

You can tell your child the way Starr does, speak to your child about your feelings and telling them that you are coping with the situation – show them the strength in all of that.

Using an analogy of a physical illness is what Dr. Shimi Kang, an adult and youth psychiatrist, points as a great method to explain to your child about mental illness. For example, just like asthma can get worse in the wintertime, so you can feel better or worse during certain circumstances.

With older children, giving them some power and discussing with them about what they’ve noticed about you is another thing Kang points as a good approach.

Whatever the approach, Kang stresses out the fact that your role as a parent is to teach them all the time. If they don’t understand, you shouldn’t take it personally. “Just teach them. Just like math – teach them about it,” says Kang.

Dr. Oren Amitay, a Toronto-based registered psychologist, suggest another way of telling them is by comparing your situation to that of celebrities your child may idolize or look up to. Saying that ‘so and so’ has that problem too shows them that even powerful people can have such problems.

Amitay says this approach is a great way for parents to be a role model to their children. She also stresses that it’s important to always remind your child that your illness isn’t happening because of them and that there’s nothing wrong with them that causes you to feel that way. 

Whatever approach you use to open up to your child, you should always be aware that a mental illness is just as important as any other physical illness. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, know that you shouldn’t feel shame about it and getting support is important.


People That Struggle To Get Out Of Bed Are More Intelligent

snooze button

Rising up early in the morning with early bird characteristics may be out of the picture in today’s world, science says.

According to a study conducted by Kaja Perina and Satoshi Kanazawa, pushing the snooze button on your phone means you are more intelligent than the world’s early birds.

Referring to the recent research, individuals who choose to sleep longer instead of instantly jumping out of bed are prone to making better and more ambitious life and career choices.

This says a lot about those who claim themselves to be “night owls” and prefer to work after midnight instead of early in the morning. Looking back historically, people who choose to delay their tasks for later on in the evening have been criticized for being lazy and immature.

Hitting the snooze button meant you were not interested in finishing your assignments on time, therefore delaying them by starting later.

Well, better times have come for the night owls. As we are so accustomed to getting everywhere on time, going to bed early and getting up early, it takes some hard-core intelligence to be able to cope and perfect the snooze button.

Since it is a fairly recent discovery, we as humans have not had much time to get used to it, never mind make it a daily habit. This is exactly why such individuals are praised upon being more intelligent.

Other studies that have been conducted at the University of Southampton and other various universities found that people who go to bed after midnight are happier and make more money than early birds.

How’s that for solid proof of proper conduct?

The next time you are scolded for going to bed too late, pushing the snooze button on your phone and waking up later than expected, pop out the studies and shut up the naysayers once and for all.

Renowned Heart Surgeon Tells the Truth About Heart Disease

The medical community has been largely undivided in their claims that elevated blood cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease.

For years the world’s most distinguished physicians insisted that low fat diets and medications for lowering cholesterol are the only accepted therapy for combating heart disease, with any deviations from these established practices considered a heresy or even malpractice.

This notion has now been openly challenged by a Dr Dwight Lundell, a world renowned heart surgeon who recently wrote an article in which he dismisses the abovementioned dietary recommendations and the cholesterol theory as ‘no longer scientifically or morally defensible’ and points to inflammation in the artery wall as the real cause of heart disease.

To support his claims, Dr Lundell points out the daunting statistics from the American Heart Association which found that despite the reduced fat content in their diets and the increased uptake of expensive statin medications, more Americans will succumb to heart disease this year than ever before.

In other words, Dr Lundell pinpoints these recommendations and the ‘cholesterol theory’ as part of the problem rather than the solution.

 Low fat diet – which is high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates – as well as foods containing omega-6 oils for long shelf life cause repeated injury to the blood vessels, leading to chronic inflammation in the artery wall and subsequently to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. 

Inflammation occurs when the human body is being invaded by bacteria, viruses, toxins or foods that it cannot process. This in turn causes cholesterol to accumulate and clog the blood vessel, leading to heart disease and strokes. A healthy artery would not obstruct the cholesterol’s flow throughout the body and thus would not cause these potentially fatal diseases.

Dr Lundell offers a rather plastic example on how foods loaded with sugar can lead to a potentially fatal case of inflammation.

When a person consumes simple carbohydrates, the level of sugar in the blood rises rapidly, causing the pancreas to secrete insulin in order to force the sugar into each cell where it is ‘stored for energy’. A cell already full with glucose will reject the ‘extra dosage’ and cause blood sugar to rise, which in turn prompts the body to produce more insulin and to convert the glucose into stored fat.

But how does this link to inflammation? Because blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range, extra sugar molecules attach to a number of different proteins that cause injuries to the blood vessel wall. Over time, these repeated injuries are likely to set off inflammation and subsequently heart disease or stroke. Dr Lundell compares the excessive intake of sugar to ‘taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels’.

Another major cause of chronic inflammation in the artery wall is the imbalance between the intake of omega-6’s – which are part of every cell membrane— and omega-3’s.

The excessive consumption of omega-6, commonly found in soybean, causes the cell membrane to produce a chemical called cytokine – a known agent that causes inflammation.

According to Dr Lundell, the modern day American diet produces an ‘extreme imbalance’ of these two fats in a ratio ranging from 15:1 to a whooping 30:1 in favor of omega-6. To illustrate the severity of the problem, it is worth mentioning that a 3:1 ratio is considered to be optimal and healthy.

What can we do to lessen the risk of inflammation? Dr Lundell strongly recommends that we avoid consuming sugar rich foods and processed foods ‘soaked’ in omega-6 oils (such as corn and soybean oil), and to increase the intake of proteins, animal fats and complex carbohydrates found in colorful fruits and vegetables.

In conclusion, it is clear that the now disputed cholesterol theory led to the creation of the very foods that cause an epidemic of arterial inflammation and heart disease.

All we can do is eliminate the consumption of inflammatory foods and get back to the foods our grandmothers used to serve. This, according to Dr Lundell, would reverse ‘years of damage’ in our arteries caused from consuming today’s mainstream American diet.

Source: www.myscienceacademy.org

How Being An Empath Can Lead To Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia And Exhaustion

One of the characteristics of being an empath is that they’re feeling a lot more than common people do, no matter how sensitive and emotional we think we are. Often, being alone is more relaxing than being with someone for an empath.

The reason for that lies in the energy people are transferring to empaths. All the negative emotions and thoughts transferred to the other can drain their energy and be exhausting for them.

Not many people are aware that they’re transferring their negative and positive vibes to the others. In the case of an empath, they receive every feeling and thought, bad or good. Imagine an empath in a room full of people.

The chances that there is someone feeling down around them are high. The chances that the empath will feel the same feelings afterwards are as high.

Everyone has negative thoughts and emotions sometimes. Usually, we process those emotions and let go of them during the day. If we don’t do that, we experience mind hyperactivity during the night.

You know those nights when you just can’t fall asleep no matter how tired you feel? This feeling can be dreadful and tiring, especially when you don’t know how to get rid of it.

The result of it is emotional and physical fatigue. We need time to recharge the batteries after an experience like this. We need a restart button.

Emotions and thoughts caused by past experiences can cause feelings such as anxiety, uneasiness, fear and even panic.

These feelings make our brain think that we are under threat, so the brain activates in order to help us by sending signals for hormone production. This results in an increase of the energy levels.

If we have other sources of stress and anxiety at the moment, it only increases the hormone release and makes everything worse.

When our body is under stress, the adrenal glands release hormones to save us from the danger the brain thinks we are in. These hormones help us deal with the challenges we are facing.

The problem occurs when these adrenal glands are stimulated extensively. Then, they produce a lot of energy and we have problems with our sleep because we feel hyperactive. This can be harmful for the glands and cause them to burn out.

Malfunction of the adrenal glands causes lack of energy and in an attempt to solve this, we consume food that contains high level of refined sugar and salt.

However, although these types of food give us instant energy, they don’t work long-term. And then, you crave for more and more and you’re left with low energy and hungry.

But, why do we crave for junk food when our energy levels are low? It turns out our body knows that we need sugar or salt. The problem is in the type of sugar and salt we take.

The refined sugar and salt that can be found in the processed food do not provide us with sufficient energy. Instead, natural sources of sugar and salt give a lot of energy and replenish the adrenal glands.

Apart from refined sugars and salts, coffee seems to be our savior when we want to stop feeling exhausted. The problem with coffee is that it can just worsen the situation by irritating the adrenal glands.

This results in energy imbalance throughout the day. Instead of feeling energized, we end up feeling more exhausted and not ready to face stressful situations because of the malfunction of our adrenal glands.

All of these problems can be solved with positive attitude, active lifestyle and healthy food choices. Sleep is an important factor here because when we sleep, the hormone release by the adrenal glands grows.

That’s why we feel refreshed and replenished in the morning. On the other hand, when our adrenal glands are exhausted, especially during stressful periods, one can wake up in the middle of the night or have difficulties to fall asleep.

Fully repairing the adrenal glands can take some time, but it’s not something anyone can’t do. Have in mind that some changes can be noticed immediately. Very soon, you will start to feel more energized and more positive.

Your sleep will improve and you will get more things done during the day as a result. Experts recommend having nutritional diet and eating organic food.

Improving the work of the adrenal glands can also be helped by meditation, since it helps us stay calm and relax.

Other activities that can be positive are also spending time with loved ones and doing enjoyable things, such watching a favorite movie or riding bicycle in nature.

When we are happy, our body is also happy and everything in it is balanced, including the adrenal glands.

One has to be careful about overdoing anything, even when it comes to exercising and dieting. Overdoing it can cause stress, which can have negative effect at the end.
