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A Heartbreaking Story – Escaping From North Korea In Search Of Freedom

Imagine what would be like to live in a country with no internet access and no television. Imagine not being able to express your opinion freely, not being allowed to wear what you like, watch or read what you want.

And imagine that all that is happening right now, in front of our noses, in the 21century. The people in North Korea are living under such strict regime, being terrorized constantly.

Yeonmi Park, a young girl who managed to escape from North Korea is now able to tell her story about her life in North Korea asking people to act against the regime and stop such human rights violators.

Yeonmi Park is explaining how life was like in North Korea. She says there was only one channel on TV, where they would watch and listen to news only connected to and celebrating the regime.

She says there were no books, no movies, no songs and no press. They have never watched a movie about a love story actually they didn’t know what love was like. They didn’t know what it means to love your parents, love your partner. There was only love for the regime.

Yeonmi Park was born in 1993, and was immediately abducted, saying that she never knew the words freedom and human rights.

She remembers being nine years old and seeing her friend’s mother being publicly executed – and for what crime? She was watching a Hollywood movie.


Nobody could even dare to express doubt about the greatness of the regime because they would condemn three generations of the family to either imprisonment or execution.

Through pain, she recalls to her mother’s words not to speak her mind, not to even whisper because as she said even mice and birds could hear her.

Yeonmi was only four and was already terrified to speak or even think something bad because she was afraid that the dictator could read her mind.

Even when Yeonmi and her family decided to flee North Korea, things didn’t turn out so well.

The day they stepped foot into China she saw her mother being raped by a Chinese broker who targeted Yeonmi first. But her mother allowed herself to be raped in order to protect Yeonmi.

She says that life for North Korean refugees in China isn’t easy at all. Women and girls are sold over and over again even for a price as low as $200.

Things got worse when Yeonmi’s father died. She had to bury him secretly at 3 a.m. and she couldn’t even cry because she was afraid not to be sent back to North Korea.

When she looks back, she sees them walking across the Gobi desert following a compass, but when the compass broke down they were following nothing else but the shining stars. She said they felt like only the stars were with them and they called them stars of freedom.

When they arrived to Mongolia they were prepared to either death or dignity. If they were send back to North Korea they were prepared to commit suicide. They wanted nothing more but to live a life as every free man on Earth does.

Those who want to help North Korea, Yeonmi says, should read and spread the word in order to raise awareness about human rights in North Korea.

Do as much as they can to give a helping hand to those who are trying to escape North Korea. And more governments around the world should put a pressure to China to stop repatriation.

Yeonmi asks Chinese delegates of One Young World to help and support people from North Korea by speaking up. She asks fellow delegates to join her and make that a global movement which will free North Korea.

Watch the heartfelt speech of Yeonmi Park and please share. 


How To Change My Life For The Better In Just One Month (Complete Guide)

how to change your life in a month

Sometimes changing your daily routine or lifestyle may seem tough. However, it doesn’t have to be. Svetlana Pokrevskaya, a blogger who received a letter from one of her loyal readers asking her to share her lifestyle in order to help explains that there is a way to shape your life in just one month.

She says: This is how I changed my life for the better in just one month.

That’s right – she actually states that if you follow her routine, you will not recognize yourself. Although it may seem tough, once you begin exploiting it, you will come to realize just how unpretentious it can be.

Thus, she sat down, wrote everything she does step by step, and divided it into four parts, each accounting to one a week. Think about it – all you have to do is follow the steps to enhance your life to your liking. (1)

How can I change my life for the better?

The tasks include three things you need to integrate into your daily life in that one month to see amazing results. If you like what you see, she encourages you to endure.

First Week: Cleansing your body and mind

1. The first thing you need to incorporate is getting up at 6 AM.

This is the best “me” time, for things you can do before the rest of the world awakes. As this is the time when almost everyone is still sound asleep, your best bet is to use the time you normally wouldn’t get in different circumstances without any disruptions from the outside world.

That workout you’ve been meaning to pursue, but had no time for? Well, this is a perfect time! Studies have shown that the best and most effective time for exercise is in fact early mornings.

Not only is exercise good for your physical health, it also boosts your enthusiasm in the morning, making you more positive the rest of the day.

This way, the traffic on the way to work will be like a walk in the park, not the usual cranky experience. Being more optimistic about the day is guaranteed to boost productivity as well. The more you smile at life, the more it smiles back.

2. The next thing you need to consider is improving nutrition habits.

We all know that old habits die hard, which is why this next step is bound to be the toughest, requiring a remarkable combination of patient and will.

As most of us, you are probably using up all the energy you have to maintain your body working to overcome the unhealthy intake you consume, like alcoholic beverages and fatty foods. No one is perfect and neither are you, which means we all have something to eliminate.

This includes dropping fried food, junk food, empty calories, and sweet beverages. Cutting these things out of your daily diet will help a great deal. As these things are filled with toxins, they help no one.

Hence, eliminating them is the smartest thing you can do. Drop everything, turn to healthy, more raw food, and watch your life transform.

3. Taking up a sport is one of the mandatory things you need to do to make the change successful.

Svetlana shares that she personally loves sport and finds it obligatory to one’s well-being.

She prefers running, dancing and yoga, but you may take your pick. This does not have to mean you must join the soccer team; take a sport to your liking and do as much of it as you can, even if that means dancing in the elevator. 

Second Week: Placing order into your personal life 

1. In order to place an order in your personal life, you must clean your personal space first.

Get rid of everything you do not need. This includes clothes, makeup you are no longer using, and anything that does not serve you. Keeping old things not only maintains negative energy in your surroundings, it makes cleaning more hectic and dust present.

Your old memories are just that – old. Make room for new things to enter your life. Rid yourself of anything and everything that is old. Finally, after throwing everything away, take the mop and clean it all. The more refreshing space, the better you will feel.

2. Realize your responsibilities.

This next part is extremely vital. We all know responsibilities are above all else, but sometimes leave things for the next day anyway. We all have things we have wanted to do, but have been leaving them for a better day.

Well, it is never the best day. Whatever you have wanted to do, do it now. Have you been dying to take a road trip across the county?

Take a month off work and go! Waiting for New Years’ to come and start doing things has never worked, has it? This is why we make lists.

Take a moment, sit down and think of everything you have been meaning to do. Then, as you do it, tick it off the list. The feeling is so fulfilling it will shock you.

3. Work through your social life. 

That friend you have been dragging around for years that has made you absolutely miserable? Cut them loose, now. Bad relationships are harmful to your mental and spiritual health.

Although it may seem hard to do, it is the only way to allow yourself to grow. In order to grow, one must experience walking away with no explanation.

Learn the art of saying ‘no’ without hesitation. You have a right to your own happiness and that is non-negotiable. 

Third Week: Aims, Plans and Visions 

1. The proven most effective way to make your plans a reality is to write them down and carry them out. When we make long lists of tasks and fail to carry them out, it may burden us.  

Making realistic lists and actually finishing them may be the best way to go. In efforts to seem more productive, we may get carried away and end up making a mess of it all.

Therefore, when making these to-do lists, finish each task and tick it off. This does not only include your more serious obligations. (2)

Make sure to find free time to do fun things, like taking time for yourself, visiting friends and family, and doing things you love.

While preparing the plan, be sure to make it fun. No one wants to carry out tedious plans. You should be thrilled to do these things, not bored to death.

2. When preparing the list, don’t forget your most farfetched dreams.

This should be the most fun thing to do. Think of all the things you would like to accomplish that may seem a bit lunatic to someone reading them.

They should be things that seem extremely undoable. This may involve becoming a millionaire in 3 months or traveling the world at 90.

While imagining these things, remember that there is no obstacle holding you back from pursuing anything that comes to mind. You have all the resources you need, so what would you pursue?

She states that the first time she wrote back in February 2014, has now been completely achieved in its entirety. She even “finds it funny that her wishes were so modest, but at the time they seemed impossible to achieve.” Let that sink in.

3. Remember to plan everything on a daily basis.

This is extremely important: jot down a plan for the next day every evening. The length of the list doesn’t make a difference — it can be any kind of plan as long as it’s down on paper.

Doing it in the evening will help be more productive the next day, even if everything has not been carried out. This has been proven, so make sure to go through with it. Once finished, go over it and see where it leads to, if anywhere at all. (3)

Fourth Week: Spread your limits

1.Try living in a different way.

Once you give this a go, you will come to realize that even the tiniest of changes can take effect. For instance, try going for a latte on your own instead of with friends, give soccer a shot instead of basketball, or even buy a lighter shade of eyeshadow.

Give new things a try. Routines can be a drag, so try spicing it up on a daily basis. This way you will break from the routine and live a more fulfilling life.

2. Leave your comfort zone.

Those of you who have succeeded in carrying out all the steps mentioned so far, you have already come a long way and have managed to escapeyour comfort zone. But you should not stop there. Instead, look fear in the face and beat it.

The best way to beat fear is to do things scared. If you are afraid of deep water, dive into a pool. Tired of your job? Quit. Dying to start a rock band? Do it.

The only way to grow is to try new things, especially those you are afraid to pursue. (3)

3. Last but not least, take a break.

None of these things will come into full effect if you do not stop and take a deep breath. However, taking a break does not involve binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix.

It means turning off your Wi-Fi connection, and spending some alone This may involve going into nature or getting on a long train ride. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you give yourself some honest criticism.

Reflect on the past period and ask yourself if you are proud of your accomplishments. Do you need to make any major changes or are you on the right path towards enlightenment and accomplishments? What can you do to be better?

This is how to transform yourself in a month!

This is your life and your choices. By choosing to change your life for the better, you are automatically starting your improvement process.

This is not something that stops. Improvements last a lifetime but pay off, as you could never imagine.

The steps now seem simple, but once you incorporate them into your daily routine, watch the magic begin. Change is never easy, but it is inevitable for achievement.

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See What Happened When One School Banned Homework – And Asked Kids To Read And Play Instead

Do you think that our children are being swamped with homework lately? Do you agree that too much is required from them, especially from 5th graders and younger students? They spend a lot of time at school, but they are assigned a lot of work to do at home as well.

As a result, children have less time to do things that children their age are supposed to, play games, spend more time outside- actually, just be kids?  

Imagine a school where your children won’t be assigned any homework but just be asked to read with their parents or guardian at their own time.

The principal of the public pre-K-5th grade Orchard School in Vermont, Mark Trifilio, decided to give it a change to such project. Before the beginning of the school year 2016/2017, he asked 40 teachers from the school to give their opinion on the subject how much doing homework was helping kids learn and make progress.

Trifilio has been weighing the pros and cons of this idea, taking into consideration an unequal amount of homework assigned to students in different classrooms but same grade. According to him difference in homework assignments from grade to grade is illogical.

 After going through several researches on homework and its impact on students’ achievement in school, the principal concluded that doing compulsory homework in elementary school doesn’t necessarily mean great academic performance.

Alfie Kohn, a critic of homework, also says that spending a lot of time doing homework doesn’t have to result in higher academic achievement. (Alfie Kohn, September 6, 2006).

Instead we should allow kids in elementary school spend more time on leisure activities and engage in reading only when they feel like doing it.

Trifilio, suggested an experimental project to all 40 teachers. He proposed elimination on all homework in all grades and instead they should encourage students to read at home whenever they decide to do that. If students aren’t able to read on their own they should do that with their parents or guardian.

To his surprise all 40 members, including teachers in special-education and English-language teachers, passionately agreed to the idea and signed on the policy.

The policy was introduced on the school’s website which reads:

No Homework Policy
Orchard School Homework Information
Student’s Daily Home Assignment

1. Read just-right books every night (and have your parents read to you too).

  1. Get outside and play —that does not mean more screen time.
    3. Eat dinner with your family —and help out with setting and cleaning up.
    4. Get a good night’s sleep.

What were the results like?

Six months after beginning of the experiment, Trifilio was satisfied with the results. Students were achieving same results as before and in some cases they were doing even better.

They were no longer drown into homework , but rather had more free time at home to engage in some creative thinking and pursue their passions.

Students needed to read each night. The school provided books and reading materials for the children, but they were not asked to fill out logs like earlier.

In November, Trifilio sent a survey to the families asking them to give their opinion on the policy. 254 parents responded back and about 80 percent of them agreed that the policy was a success.

“We have a first grader, and at her age it’s much a chore for the parents as the kids. Instead we’ve been spending time reading. We don’t have to rush” -said parent Rani Philip about her child’s homework in an interview for Burlington Free Press.

However there were some parents who didn’t agree with the policy at all, worrying that their kids are missing a lot chances to learn something from doing homework and they are not getting enough prepared for middle school.

Although the subject about whether homework is positive or negative thing is still a matter worth discussing, according to a meta-analysis of research published in 2006 by researcher Harris Cooper and his colleagues, homework is not the key element in academic achievement in students.

It only has a humble effect on high school and college students when it comes to improving their academic performance.

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Kohn, A. (September 6, 2006); The Truth About Homework
Needless Assignments Persist Because of Widespread Misconceptions About Learning. Retrieved from http://www.alfiekohn.org
Higgins DeSmet, N. (2017, January 31). Orchard Elementary parents say yes to no-homework. Burlington Free Press. Retrieved from http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/
Cooper,H. Civey Robinson, J. A.Patall, E. (Spring 2006). Does Homework Improve Academic Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987-2003. Retrieved from http://classtap.pbworks.com/f/Does+Homework+Improve+Achievement.pdf
The Washington Post; What happened when one school banned homework — and asked kids to read and play instead https://www.washingtonpost.com/

What Anxiety Actually Is, Since It’s Certainly Not ‘Just Worrying’

Often mentioned, but rarely explained. Anxiety. What is it? How does it feel?

We are anxious because we live in a world of snobs. People who take a tiny part of us, professional identities, and use to them to come to some conclusions about how valuable we are as human.

People who are putting pressure on every single one of us to achieve a goal set by society in order to be successful. Anxiety is the fear and the overwhelming emotion of panic of not being able to achieve that.

 Anxiety is the notion of panic and fear you get in the middle of the day. It’s the sudden acid in your stomach causing you to question every single interaction and conversation you engage yourself into.

It feels like every single cell in your body moves so quickly and fast that your veins become blurry. Despite the constant metronome of your heartbeat inside your ears, it’s like listening to a spastic drumline.

You don’t even realize that you are cracking your knuckles, grinding your teeth, twisting that gold ring around your middle finger, or rubbing your pinky against your palm.

It’s avoiding eye contact, not because you are not interested in what the other person has to say, but because you are so focused on the sound of your own voice and hoping that through the other person’s ears they cannot tell that you are two octaves too high and on the verge of breaking, because your palms are too sweaty and you somehow forgot to speak with anything behind your words other than your insecurities.

It’s more than just sweating, shaking and shortness of breath. It’s a knot in your stomach, it’s a feeling of no control over your life, it’s like watching your world crashing down completely and sitting there like everything is fine.

It’s holding in your tears so much they burn your eyes.

Anxiety feels like fire.

Anxiety feels like drowning your demons, and then finding out they are Olympic swimmers.

It’s like a jump scare that lasts forever and won’t go away.

It’s coming to the conclusion that nothing adds up like it did in high school mathematics. You can’t carry the one and find the square root of the problem, because of most of the times, there is absolutely no problem.

There is no life or death situation. There is just feelings, an abundance of them. And you are feeling them all at once.

It’s the act of overthinking your overthinking.

It’s sitting in a crowded classroom, mentally rehearsing the word “Here!” waiting for the professor to say your name. It’s the fear of saying it so quietly, then having to repeat yourself, drastically increasing the chances of messing up and being embarrassed in front of your classmates.

It’s taking a test and finishing first, but being unable to stand up and walk in front of the whole class, causing you to nervously rub your sweaty palms together, and waiting for someone else to finish as well.

Anxiety sometimes can be truly downright crippling.

 It’s the perfect example of an iceberg – most people don’t see it, but the truth behind it is hidden deep underneath the surface.

It’s constantly hiding that side of you, scared to show someone else the true you. Scared of being judged, of being underappreciated. Scared of not being good enough.

From the outside, it’s very easy to think that somebody has it all figured out. Because someone’s hair is curled, and their cheeks are intentionally flushed.

Because someone’s clothes are ironed and their bed made up – they must not have a single care in the whole world. As if it were expected for the demons to be worn like a scarlet letter upon someone’s chest.

And people often assume that if you can’t see it – then it’s not really there. As if pain doesn’t exist unless you’re bleeding or dead.

But sometimes, the most painful demons are the ones that cannot be seen. So, people learn how to smile, how to grin and bear it. They don’t talk about it because that would make them the odd one out.

That would make them the replaceable one. The one that is the least important. That would make them the annoying one. The anxious one.

Anxiety makes you realize that some days are better than others and that some days are the worst – but they are just days.

Days you can get through.


Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits

When you were little you probably thought a successful and long-lasting love is the one where there are no fights and no lies. You lived in the fairy tales of your books thinking this would become true once you find your perfect partner.

But, let’s be honest and break the spell. Lasting relationships have a lot of fights and they sometimes do lie to each other. But they still survive. How?Researches and studies have confirmed it.

The two keys for a relationship to see a couple of birthdays and a lot of future are being kind and generous to each other.

Statistics says that only three in ten marriages survive and are healthy and happy.

This fact is pointed out by the psychologist Ty Tashiro in his book “The Science of Happily Ever After”.

Although three out of ten, they are maintaining a good strategy. They all care about the other partner’s feelings, are kind to them, and show respect and appreciation.

In the first stages of their study, social psychologists observed marriages when they were in a sort of crisis. Unmarried couples were also involved in the study and psychologists wanted to find out how a relationship can stay healthy and loving for a long time.

John Gottam was one of the psychologists involved in the study. They decided to connect the couples to electrodes and see how their bodies will react when they talk about positive and negative aspects of their relationships.

The couples were then observed in the next 6 years. According to their results, the researchers separated the couples into two groups: the masters and the disasters.

The former were the ones that had a healthy lasting relationship after six years, whereas the latter were unhappy in their relationships or marriages.

The “masters” had a tendency to be grateful to their partners and show respect and appreciation on purpose.

The “disasters”, on the other hand, were only focused on their partner’s errors ad mistakes. All they did was criticizing instead of showing appreciation. Contempt tore apart these relationships.

The most important factor in having a stable and lasting relationship or marriage was shown to be kindness. When partners show kindness, their partners feel understood and loved, and they also act kindly to them.

Kindness is not easy, but it isn’t always something that you are born with. It is a kind of muscle and trait that you can master.

Kindness does not mean that you will not express anger or never be mad. It will be a special way to do it, and that is the kind way – give an explanation to your partner.

One way to be kind is to be generous as well. That does not include buying expensive gifts when you want to apologize, but it includes generosity to your partner’s actions.

Whenever you feel angry about something, try being understanding and generous and you will see the other side. Being generous also includes affirming your partner’s joy, sharing their good moments, and be there for them in good times as well.

Although life can sometimes surprise couples in a negative way, they find their way through by being generous and kind to each other, every single day.

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Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/

7 DAMAGING Parenting Behaviors Keep Children From Growing Into Leaders

Parents always try their best to secure a successful future for their children. It is every parent’s dream to see their child succeed in life and they always try to direct their children in the right way.

However, parents who try to do their best can also make mistakes which, on the long run, may change the course or a child’s development in the opposite direction.

Throughout his research, leadership expert and best-selling author Dr. Tim Elmore has come across several mistakes that parents often make when raising their children.

These mistakes can lower a child’s self-confidence and limit their chances of becoming successful in their lives and their careers.

This is why we have summed up the 7 most intoxicating behaviors that can negatively impact the child’s development and their chances of success:

  1. Not letting your children experience risk

People nowadays have started looking at the ‘safety-first’ rule a bit too literally. In fact, parents can go so far as to practically insulate their child from any kind of risk. Being careful is one thing, but being too careful is harmful for your child.

People who were not allowed as children to play outside and return home with a scraped knee or a few bruises tend to develop irrational phobias. In fact, a child should go through some risks in life to learn how to handle the situations.

Otherwise, they will have trouble with almost everything which requires some risk taking. Taking risks means increasing your maturity and awareness of the possible outcomes in the future. Children who were isolated from this kind of experience tend to grow into highly arrogant and people with low self-esteem.

  1. Coming to the rescue too quickly

Letting your child face problems or the consequences of their actions is a key factor to their development. However, the opposite action of this is over-indulging your child with “assistance” in just about anything.

Failure or falling short is something your child needs to face, as you won’t be around their whole lives to fix or alleviate their hardships. That’s why you should let them gradually experience the challenges they need to face.

Stepping in at every moment will make your child incompetent in their adult life. Your child may feel ‘happier’ if you fix their problems, but they will fail miserably later in life if they don’t learn the skill needed.

  1. Raving over every move they make

Adjusting your reaction to the reality that is imposed is the best possible answer to every situation. You can’t call your child a winner if they didn’t actually win. Not everybody is a winner, but everybody can become a winner.

Having your child think that ‘only you are aware’ of how good they are, while the rest aren’t noticing it, means nurturing a very bad sense of vanity and the illusion that they are doing everything right.

Instead of comforting your child with rewarding words, help them figure it out and become better at whatever they are doing. Otherwise, raving too easily and disregarding poor behavior can eventually lead to children learning to cheat, exaggerate and lie to avoid the reality.

  1. Letting guilt get in the way of leading well

Every child will try to manipulate you out of saying ‘no’ or ‘not now’. They will cry and fee disappointed and this is natural. It’s not natural to say yes to everything they desire, so as not to make them feel bad.

You need to be realistic towards what you deem rewardable and fair. You need to teach your child to fight for what they really value and need without the help of tears or conditioning. Nobody will ask them if they feel good with the respective reaction when they develop their career.

Be sure to teach them that their success depends on their actions and good deeds. Let them understand that their actions aren’t connected to material rewards and that the good grade is a reward by itself, not the trip to the mall because of it.

Intrinsic motivation and materially unconditioned actions are the key to building a mature person.

  1. Not sharing past mistakes

Being a teen means being ready to take on new challenges and trying things on your own. We have all been through this. Parents usually say “do this, don’t do that”, but the biggest mistake is hiding your past mistakes from that period of your life.

As an adult, you need to let your child experience life in the way they choose, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t help them navigate through their choice healthily.

In fact, sharing relevant mistakes you did at their age and in similar situations can help them learn to make good choices.

When your teen faces consequences of a mistake they did, share how you felt in a similar experience you had. Explain to them what drove your actions and what lessons you learned from all that. Influence them in the positive way – the best way.

  1. Mistaking intelligence, giftedness and influence for maturity

A child’s intelligence and giftedness has little to do with maturity. It is just an indicator on how aware they are going to be about becoming mature and use that awareness to their advantage. However, many parents use intelligence as a measurement of a child’s maturity.

Many people possess high talent and/or intelligence, but can be caught in an unnecessary scandal because they didn’t act maturely enough. The fact is that even if your child possesses giftedness in one aspect, that doesn’t have to mean that it pervades all other areas.

Treat your child as an independent person to the point which is appropriate for their age. A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to how your child’s peers are handling responsibilities and how much freedom they are given.

  1. Not practicing what you preach

The responsibility of every parent is to teach their children to lead their lives as persons who are dependable and accountable for their words and actions.

However, many of the things parents teach to their children are not the biggest reality about themselves.

Preaching good personality is not enough. In fact, words have little influence compared to actions. If you tell your child that they shouldn’t lie, you should avoid telling any kind of lies too.

The thing is that your child will notice your actions more than your words and they will learn from them.

You should be diligent, honest and selfless and you need to show that to your child at all times.

In the end, admitting your mistakes and correcting them in front of your child will teach them more than forbidding them from doing the same.Leave everything better than you found it, and your child will note that and try to do the same.

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Article credit: Forbes

Dad Horrified To Find Vile Messages In Popular Game On Son’s iPad

Are parents aware of everything their kids are doing on line? What type of sites they are visiting or what kind of games they are playing? While we may think that every game on line is just a game, we can’t even begin to think of the danger that the game can contain.

Iain Morrison, ex rugby league player for Hull, England was a witness of a horrifying situation. He was mortified when he read the messages sent on his son’s iPad.

He shared the information on his Facebook page, warning everyone to pay close attention on what their children are doing on the Internet and who they are chatting with.

His sons, aged 8 and 11, were playing games on Roblox, which is supposed to be a safe gaming site for kids and teenagers. The concept of Roblox games is to invite kids into a virtual world where they create their own world, adventures, get involved in role plays, play different games, explore, craft items and much more.

While this may sound as totally safe and interesting game, it can be very dangerous too. Aside from the games, there is a chat available on the site which is used by predators to send inappropriate messages to children.

The site has more than 30 million monthly users, most of them children between the age of 8 and 12.

After reading an article about the dangers our children can come across to when playing games on line, Iain decided to ask their sons what kind of games they were playing on Roblox and what were they about.

When he found out that his sons were also chatting while playing he decided to take a look at it. He said that the games were aiming at children between the age of eight and twelve, and at first sight they seemed just fine and totally harmless.

But then he entered in the waterslide room with a pool and after only 15 minutes he was disgusted. He decided to speak up after seeing a disturbing message from a predator on his eight-year old son’s iPad game.

The 33 year old dad goes into details explaining how he was asked about the age, whether he was a boy or a girl, asked to go with them into the house and then into the bedroom where he was asked to lay on top of them. Then they started with the sexual movements and said that he looked sexy and cute.

Iain was appalled while reading the inappropriate comments popping up all the time thinking that his kids were completely unaware of what was happening to them.

He deleted the application immediately and shared his experience on his Facebook profile, intending to warn other parents to be more alert on which cites their children are spending most of their time.

Although with the best intentions, his post was received with different reactions from parents, some of whom weren’t as convinced as he expected them to be, while others were encouraged to share their similar experience.

This provoked Roblox’s spokesman to speak up and explain that they have published detailed advice for parents showing them what to do in order to keep their children safe.

It is allowed to players to block other users who are bullying, spamming or harassing them, no matter the age.

The site also provides several safeguards like chat filters, where the system detects and flags inappropriate language.

If the user is under the age of 13 their personal identifiable information won’t be revealed.

The spokesman also added that their team is constantly working on improving those filters in order to detect and block any new and creative ways of sending inappropriate messages.

There is also an extra friend filtering option and all accounts whose users are kids younger than 13 can only chat with their friends.

The spokesman also reassured parents that all these was backed up by a moderator network which uses an in-house team to review every audio, image or video which is uploaded on the site or in any of the games.

The spokesman encouraged users or their parents who notice any unsuitable behavior while playing the games to click on the “abuse report” function so those who were reported could be handled by the Roblox team.

Roblox spokesman pointed out that the most important thing and top priority of their team is the safety of the users, so they are constantly trying to improve the safety measures and reinforce users’ trust.

Therefore, he added, if parents had any questions, ideas or suggestions they should feel free to contact them on their email address at [email protected].

Protect Your Children. Share the Information With Your Friends and Family

Source: http://www.kidspot.com.au/

Man Tries To Give Serious BBC Interview, Forgets He Has Children

Parenting is everything but easy and this BBC correspondent Robert E. Kelly is the real example that parenting is a real struggle.

Try being a parent and being taking seriously at the same time. The worst case scenario happens, especially if your little one joins in and gives a special turns of the event.

So, here’s what happened. Kelly all suit up and ready to seriously discuss about South Korea, stands in front of the camera ready to do his job at his best. He starts to elaborate on BBC World News via webcam, when his little one decided to join in and participate in the call.

Because all of that wasn’t hilarious enough, his sibling joined in too, together with a stroller rolled.Then noticing them on the camera, Kelly tried to remain cool in the situation by apologizing and trying to salvage the situation, however people watching this interview went hysterical and this interview became viral within seconds.

Last one to try to save the moment was a woman who tried to hopelessly get the two kids out of the room and save the man’s reputation.

If the above description didn’t sound hilarious enough, watch and see it for yourself, because sometimes words can’t depict the moment.

Kelly acted like a pro, trying to stay calm and focused and he gets credit for that. As for the kids, they somehow managed to take his focus for a moment and be in the spotlight, stealing his moment entirely.

Watch this hilarious and epic moment on BBC:


Science Says Silence Is Much More Important To Our Brains Than We Think


Scientists at Duke University confirm that silence is indeed golden. This accidental discovery can drastically change the way scientists have looked at silence. It turns out that silence is one of the most productive stimuli for our brains.

Our brains are dependent on external and internal stimuli in order to build, reorganize and summarize new information.

This same fact led scientists at Duke University to explore the ways the brain builds patterns and creates new cells under the effect of auditory stimuli. To their surprise, silence turned out to be the most powerful one on a long-term scale.

In an experiment done on mice, scientists at Duke University tried to study the effects of auditory stimuli on mice.

Their primary intention was to see how different sounds and noises contributed to the changes in brain structure.

The experiment exposed four groups of mice to four different auditory stimuli: white noise, baby mice calls, Mozart piano music and silence.

All auditory stimuli contributed to a certain change in the brains of the mice, but none with a lasting impact.

However, the scientists never anticipated that silence would contribute to the brain to such a miraculous extent! In fact, they didn’t even intend to study the effects of silence in the first place.

The neurobiologists used silence as a control that wouldn’t produce any effects. To their surprise, with only 2 hours of exposure to silence a day, the mice in the control group developed new brain cells in their hippocampus.

The hippocampus is a region in the brain related to the formation of memory, emotion and learning.

Although, scientifically speaking, the growth of new cells in the brain doesn’t always contribute to the health, in this case the cells became functioning neurons under the effects of silence!

New cells in the brain may not be anything worth talking about a lot, but when these cells successfully reassign their role to neurons, the effects could be miraculous.

The growth and development of nervous tissue is called neurogenesis and it is what exactly happened to the mice under the effects of silence.

This new lead could possibly be the solution to many conditions that are related to decreasing rates of neurogenesis in the hippocampus.Conditions such as dementia and depression could be stopped and even reversed if silence were to be used as a therapeutic tool.

In practice, meditation is one of the oldest mental exercises that focuses primarily on silencing the environment and the brain. If you explore the meditative techniques, you will notice that they all recommend a starting point in silence.

However, meditation doesn’t stop there. This technique teaches you how to produce the effect of silence and how to silence the environment around you by ‘switching off’ your conscious thought and perception processes at any given time and place.

So, if you keep forgetting things, or if you feel depressed or stressed out, next time you want to get away from all that, try going somewhere quiet and peaceful.

Every auditory stimulus has its own benefits, but the lack of auditory stimuli may prove to be one of the most beneficial ‘stimuli’. No wonder people have been saying ‘silence is golden’.

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National Center For Biotechnology Information
Is silence golden? Effects of auditory stimuli and their absence on adult hippocampal neurogenesis


Tesla Converts An Entire Island Of American Samoa From 100% Diesel To 100% Solar Energy

It is more than apparent that Tesla’s successes augment unceasingly.  It has been a little while back since we have been talking about the Tesla’s all electric highway capable vehicles also known as Tesla’s EVs and the Tesla’s energy storage known as Tesla’s Powerwall.

As it has been anticipated, Tesla’s merger with the Solar City, which is by the way one of the biggest solar energy contractors in the United States of America, has ended up with something really phenomenal.

This merger which has been approved by the company’s shareholders has resulted in converting the entire island’s diesel usage to 100% solar energy city.Tesla has installed a 1.4 megawatt solar power farm and 6-megawatt hours of energy storage on the island of Ta’u, basically providing almost 100 percent of the island’s energy needs.

It’s a big change for the faraway island Ta’u, which is one of the five islands in American Samoa. Ta’u is a distant island which is located nearly 4,000 miles away from the mainland of the USA or more precisely away from the West Coast and about 2,600 miles away from Hawaii. This island counts nearly 600 residents.

They used to rely on diesel generators for all of their electric needs, which required the import of roughly 100,000 gallons of diesel per year and thus facing countless issues while transporting it and wasting it earlier than expected.At present, Solar City is powering almost the entire island of Ta’u with solar power. The island has an array of about 5,328 solar panels and 60 Tesla Powerpacks, which amount to 6 megawatt hour store and enable enough energy to power the island for up to three days in case the sun was not to shine for that long for some reason or the solar panels are somehow interrupted.Whereas, the micro grids used are developed in such a way that are supposed to allow the Ta’u islanders enjoy the electricity twenty- four hours a day, seven days per week. All praise is due to the incorporated endeavor as well as the technology of both Tesla and Solar City.

This project has been described as one of the most developed micro grids ever utilized and it has been funded by the American Samoa Development Authority, The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Interior too.

According to the Solar City the distant island Ta’u presents an instant capture of the current potentials at present time, not simply a greeting card from the time ahead.

They say that it is renewable power that is an economical as well as effective solution for raising the number of places and energy necessities, especially islands where inhabitants normally rely on fossil fuels which can effortlessly convey to micro grids powered by solar and storage nowadays.

It is more than obvious that after the merger has been accomplished, Tesla’s company has added another success and it is putting it steadier on its pedestal, thus enabling Tesla a position as a completely sustainable energy trident made of Powerwall, Solar City and EVs.

Source: www.electrek.co