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A 12 Year Old Norwegian Girl Is Getting Married On Saturday

Every little girl’s dream is to wear a white wedding dress and marry her price charming when she grows up. But for Thea, a 12 year old girl from Norway, that is happening a little too soon.                   

On Saturday, she’s going to marry her thirty-seven year old fiancé, Geir. Thea is sharing her thoughts and plans about this special occasion on her blog. She is talking about the dress, the food, her hair and everything else connected with the wedding.

 “My dream has always been that I want to be a vet because then I can work with horses and stuff like that all the time. But when I talked about it today so Mom said that I do not really need and work on some things or going to school now that I’m marrying Geir,” blogged Thea yesterday.

You must admit that the first thing that came to your mind when you read this was: “There is no way this is real.” 

And guess what, you are right.

This particular marriage won’t happen. However, the alarming number of 39,000 girls that are getting married before they turn eighteen is real. This is the case in countries like Niger, Chad and the Central African Republic, where more than two out of three girls are getting married before they turn eighteen.

This topic is becoming a global problem, and some predict that in this decade 142 million girls will have been married before they turn eighteen.

This blog was an idea of the campaign by Plan Norway. The aim of Thea’s blog is to present the global problem of child marriage. Their plan is working. More than 660,000 unique visitors have visited Thea’s blog. That is roughly 12 % of the country’s population.

A lot of people were tricked by the blog’s posts. And that’s no surprise at all, since the blog is honestly and openly describing all the details around the wedding. Cakes, make-up, hair styling are just some among Thea’s descriptions connected with the wedding. Thea also talks about the challenges of being a child bride and how that will affect her life.

Some of the visitors of Thea’s blog think that her marriage is real. Therefore they are provoked to post heartfelt and sincere advice to Thea. Plan Norway is counting on shock and outrage about the idea of a child bride in Norway, and is hoping that the word will spread around the world.

 “Actually I’m not very happy today just because I and my mom just arguing. I asked her if I could ask Sara and Annikenin wedding because I do so want them to come so they can know that we can remain friends even though I’m getting married and not see at school every day,” writes Thea in a translated post.

“To open the eyes of Norwegians to these tragic facts, we needed to adopt strong measures. Therefore we decided to put the brutal reality in a Norwegian context, so that the whole population takes an active position and helps in the fight against child marriage. This has shown to be a very effective way of telling the stories,” said Annika Diseth Yri, a Plan Norway communications staffer, via email.

Those who will visit Thea’s blog will be directed to Plan International’s “Because I am a Girl” champagne. The top of the blog says “Stopp Bryllupet” which means stop the wedding.

Then visitors will be provided with links to the campaign, Plan’s work and how to sponsor a girl. Everyone is encouraged to join the champagne against child marriage. They can spread the word around via social media with the #stoppbryllupet tag.

Yri said that the campaign “Because I am a girl” has reached more than 10 million people. According to her, the wedding this weekend will be covered by global media, including television outlets from Germany and Russia. 

Plan Norway has achieved their goal. More and more people are getting involved in the campaign to stop child marriage around the world.

 “We believe this massive response is due to the fact that we chose to bring the issue of child marriage home to a Norwegian context,” said Yri.

“We have seen that this has been effective method to get people engaged in the issue. We as Plan Norway are both impressed and grateful of the response of the Norwegian people.

People who normally don’t engage in development issues, are now campaigning to stop child marriage and sharing our message.”

The first story about this wedding was covered by Buzzfeed and the Independent.

Smoothie vs Shake: What is the difference?

shake vs smoothie

Difference between smoothie and shake

Smoothies and shakes are both drinkable, refreshing treats. However, quite a number of people really don’t know the difference between the two. So, smoothie vs shake: What is the difference? Well, you’re in luck, because of this article solely designed to answer just that, as best it can. Both these drinks can be found at numerous restaurants and shops, and can also easily be made in the comfort of your home. Most people usually believe that smoothies are healthier but that, unfortunately, is far from the truth in some instances. The differences between both these drinks boil down to the base ingredients used.

A basic smoothie may have the consistency similar to a shake but it’s not. It is usually a blended beverage with a thick consistency that is made from pureed vegetables, liquids, and fruits, Yogurt, milk, or juice is the initial go-to base ingredient for any smoothie-making process. However, some smoothies can just contain all fruit. In such cases, it largely comes down to your personal preferences. Some people like to add oatmeal and grain to thicken the consistency of their smoothie. Additional flavor options, such as protein powder and honey can be added for nutrition and taste.

Difference between shake and smoothie

A shake or milkshake, as it’s commonly referred to all across the globe, is usually taken as a sweet treat or dessert. Typically, they aren’t used as meal replacements as you would with smoothies. Shakes are normally taken alongside a meal. The base ingredient of any true shake is a dairy product and it’s always either ice cream or plain milk. Flavors are added using powders, syrups, or/and real fruits, however, most regular shakes get their flavor from flavored ice cream. Unlike smoothies, milkshakes can be topped off with candy toppings and whipped cream to make them taste better.

Overall Nutrition

Smoothies have generally low-fat content, unless you’re using some ingredients with high-fat content such as peanuts or peanut butter, but are high in carbohydrates. Many people take smoothies as a healthier option and alternative to milkshakes largely due to the fact that they believe since fruits are a base ingredient when making smoothies then it should stand that smoothies are much healthier than shakes. Shakes, unlike smoothies, contain huge amounts of saturated fats and have a much higher calorie level compared to smoothies. Funny enough, they contain sufficient amounts of protein and calcium even though they do happen to have high amounts of sugar.

Smoothie vs Milkshake

  • Smoothies thick consistency comes from the pulp brought in by the pureed fruits and vegetables while shakes are silky smooth due to the creamier base ingredients used
  • Milkshakes usually have a good amount of proteins in them while smoothies generally do not
  • Both shakes and smoothies can be healthy options for you so long as you try to prepare them by yourself in the comfort of your home. When ordering one from outside your home, ask questions on how it was prepared
  • Smoothies are your best bet for a pre-workout beverage option while shakes are fantastic for once you’re done with your workout
  • Common flavors for a smoothie are mango, kiwi, pineapple, strawberry and green vegetables (for the famous green juice which happens to be a smoothie)
  • Common flavor for a shake is chocolate, caramel, vanilla, and strawberry.


On matters concerning your nutritional requirements, both shakes and smoothies can equally be healthy options for you so long as you prepare these beverages by yourself. Furthermore, always remember that smoothies are designed for the pre-workout while shakes are better taken after the workout due to their protein content. Whenever ordering these drinks outside your home, make a point of inquiring about the base ingredients that were used when making them.

Schools Remind Parents To Take Some Responsibilities For Student’s Manners.This Poster Went Viral!!!

Back in time when schools were way stricter and discipline was on a much higher level, parents were fully confident that their child will not only receive a proper education, but also some valuable manners which will serve children well in life and further on in their development as individuals.

However, a school poster that went viral got us thinking. How much are teachers responsible for the manners and personality of the child and when should the parents step out and take things into their own hands?

It’s true that in the past teachers were using physical contact to establish their authority in the classroom and nobody found that weird or illegal, however times have changed and so did people.

Different generations require a different approach and physical contact or disciplining a child with a stick or pulling the hair is out of the question and even banned by the law.

Nowadays schools and teacher in particular have to find a creative way to stimulate children to love school and they also have to find alternative ways to create a positive atmosphere in the classroom and a healthy working environment.

It seems that teachers can’t do wonders in the classroom, especially not if the child has different manners or is thought differently at home. In those cases, teacher rely on the parents’ consciousness and assistance.

School poster is all over the Internet

So, the question still remains, when do teachers’ responsibilities end and when do parents take over? In order to clarify things up and draw a specific line between school and home, a Portuguese school decided to set some ground rules by printing the parents’ responsibilities and sticking them all over the school so everyone can see and read them.

The action taken by this school draw a lot of attention and now it’s all over the Internet. As soon as the school decided to share and post this poster on their Facebook page, they immediately triggered viral attention and reactions from people and other schools from all over the world.

According to the poster, the school clearly states when parents should take full responsibility for their children’s manners and discipline and through all the five points, the school separates itself from these responsibilities.

Here is a full look of the school’s poster and their five points for parents’ responsibilities:

Points in depth

Reading this school poster, there are different views and reactions from parents and schools from all over the world.

However, if we take into consideration that schools, teachers and parents in general want only the best for the children, then we may as well agree that sharing or separating responsibilities is only a fair share.

Point 1

It’s true that the child’s first words should be words or kindness and curtsy, which later at school are only emphasizes.

Rude children often get in quarrels with their mates and their teachers and they end up missing out on the important part of school education.

Without the help of parents, the words please, I’m sorry or thank you will be just another learnt lesson, without truly sending the right message or acquiring the true notion behind these words.

Point 2

If children don’t respect their parents’ authority or word, how do we expect from them to show sympathy towards other children or show respect towards teachers and elderly people?

This behavior should be expected both at school and home, without schools having to change the child from scratch and teach him/her of simple, basic manners.

Point 3

It’s also clear that children don’t have their first meal at school or they also don’t learn how to clean after themselves.

Here it’s not mentioned that children are expected to clean the canteen or cook their own meals, on the contrary they are expected to have respect for the food and the environment that they are living in.

Point 4

If children don’t take care of their toys or they break everything it comes to their hand, then why not doing the same thing at school.

Only children may have some problems sharing toys or belongings, however it should never be at the point where they grab other children’s belongings or destroy the schools inventory.

Point 5

The last point strongly emphasizes the real purpose of school, or education. In order to draw a clear line between home and school, parents are notified that school is just a reinforcement and broadening of the knowledge that children acquire first at home and later on at school.

However, schools can only wish good for their children and parents should only support their ideas and participate fully in the development and the building of personality of their children.

Even though some parents and schools agree or disagree with such posters hanging out in the hallways, it’s up to us to decide whether we’ll participate in such action or we’ll be aware enough to figure this out on our own.






Pope Has ‘PROOF’ Of ALIEN LIFE: Sensational Claim By Legendary Astronaut In Leaked Email

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange published a claim back in October that unveiled emails associated with the Hilary Campaign. Ergo, to make things more interesting, the account that was hacked was none other than John Podesta’s, the former chairman of the Hilary Clinton presidential campaign.

Podesta also served as chief of staff to President Obama as well. The emails presented came from Dr. Egdar Mitchell, the astronaut from Apollo 14, who was also the sixth person to walk on the moon.

Experts investigated the leak and initially claimed that it came from Russian hackers, trying to mingle with the Clinton campaign.

The leaked emails uncovered scheduled meetings between many participants to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy.

Fun fact: zero point energy is something that is being studied in quantum physics and can be defined as a vacuum energy, exploiting an energy that exists in molecules even at near zero temperature. 

One of the planned participants at the anticipated meeting was Terri Mansfield, whose intention was to inform them on the Vatican’s awareness of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

One of the emails that mentions the Vatican in the association with ET is:

“Dear John, As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February. It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. 

My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI. Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China.

However with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth. I met with President Obama’s Honolulu childhood friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was able to tell her briefly about Zero Point Energy.

I believe we can enlist her as a confidante and resource in our presentation for President Obama. I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.”

When it comes to the Vatican, one cannot avoid the obvious connection with religious interpretations. The instance with the connection of the Vatican and ET is no exception.

Before jumping into the entire story at hand, we must first realize that ET and the Vatican are intertwined and that religion does not challenge the belief of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

In fact, the Vatican is no stranger to this subject, thus having participated in the discussion of extraterrestrials. Roman Catholic and friend of the pope, Monsignor Corrado Balducci, has stated that we have already initiated contact with extraterrestrials.

“The existence of these beings is real. We can’t have doubts.” – Monsignor Corrado Balducci

 The fact that such religious men discuss the topic of extraterrestrials so openly is quite intriguing. Pope Francis stated that he would even baptize them in order to make them feel welcome.

“He created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive at their fullness of being.

He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality.

And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things.” – Pope Francis

When researched thoroughly, we can find that religion essentially does sanction the presence of extraterrestrial life.

Taking into regard the religion of Sikhism, for instance, God did not limit life to our planet. In contract, He established it throughout the cosmos. In Christianity, there exist numerous understandings of extraterrestrial life.

This goes to show that most religions do accept the existence of life beyond our planet and even encourage it. Whether or not the Vatican will use this to their advantage for the good of the people and the planet, or a way to gain power, we will have to wait and see.


How Bruce Lee Exploded A Stereotype With A One-Inch Punch

Is there a person on this whole planet who doesn’t know who Bruce Lee is? Nope. Despite being known as the “strongest man ever”, he was a lot more than that.

For too many years, Hollywood’s archetypal action hero was portrayed as a towering, masculine, no-nonsense-kind of white guy that seamlessly swept aside the ‘bad guys’ always threatening to kill innocent people or destroy the world altogether.

At the same time, these 20th-century American movies also helped to create another, far more damaging cultural misrepresentation and stereotype that saw Asian men being portrayed as servants, deviants, or as far-fetched as wily and desexualized people.

It wasn’t until the late 60s of the 20th century and the emergence of Bruce Lee – the little known American-born actor of Asian heritage – that these stereotypes were refuted and a new pop-culture was born.

Bruce Lee, who was born in San Francisco, raised in Hong Kong and spent much of his adult life in the United States, perfectly embodies and blends the two cultures, a fact that helped his career skyrocket in the span of just a few short years.

“He was constantly shuttling across the Pacific,” La Frances Hui, an associate film curator at the Museum of Modern Art, told the NY Times.

“So if we want to think about where Bruce Lee belongs, where he came into being, it is in these transits and migrations.”

Playwright David Henry Hwang – who devoted an entire play to Lee’s life – described the actor as the first Asian man to embody all of the conventional American movie markers of masculinity.

“He creates a new archetype in the West,” he said. “The Asian-American male hero.”

Bruce Lee’s career spanned over a period of three years, during which he starred in five action packed movies that quickly propelled him to stardom. Even today, everyone still knows who Bruce Lee is.

His carefully crafted image, the lean, muscular body, stripped to the waist, was in stark contrast with the typical portrayal of Asian man as depicted in Hollywood movies preceding his rise to stardom and acted as a powerful rejection of those diminishing roles. 

“Those bodily displays made him unique: an Asian-American star whose masculinity and physical prowess were front and center, not only in the films themselves, but also on promotional posters, billboards and merchandise around the world,” wrote the NY Times in their piece dedicated to Lee’s rich legacy.

In the 1972 film “Fist of Fury” (also referred to as “The Chinese Connection”), his character is matched up against a group of more than 20 students at a martial-arts academy. They circle him before rushing in to strike, only to be stopped by a simple twitch of Lee’s hands.

You guessed it – he has to strip off his top first.

“That’s the moment when you know he’s going to start kicking ass,” said Mr Maeda, a professor at the University of Colorado who is also working on a cultural biography about the legendary actor.

Lee’s small but muscular body is often measured up against much larger, often Western, opponents, including Chuck Norris, or a Russian killer played by Robert Baker, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in “Game of Death”.

“He has a very masculine body, and at the same time he is not a big man,” said Ms. Hui, the MoMA curator.

Lee is unquestionably the stand out performer among the martial-arts stars of his era, with his intense focus, the precision of his moves and the sheer fury of his fights – augmented by his signature screeching – forming the cornerstone of his enduring legacy that continues to live on and on.

“When he enters a fight,” Ms. Hui said, “he becomes kind of an animal.”

This legacy extends to his training, as he incorporated techniques from a wide range of disciplines, from Japanese karate to Chinese kung fu, building on the best of each.

“He ends up being a predecessor of mixed martial arts,” Mr Hwang said.

All in all, in a short period of time, Bruce Lee managed to become a legend that is unique and unmatched, even today. There has not been a single actor that has been compared to him and he was and still is, despite his vulnerable side, one of the greatest “honks” on the screens. 


5 Exercises That Burn The Most Calories

Get off the misconceptions right away. If you ever felt you need to hit the gym and do exercises with treadmills, stationary bikes or elliptical bikes for burning more calories, you are wrong.

You don’t need a gym to burn extra calories; you just need to invest a reasonable amount of time in a day for exercising these five workouts.

Yes, gym equipment does show how many calories you are burning, but if you do these five exercises, you will burn the same amount or more calories easily. If running or walking isn’t your thing, do these cardio routines for burn the fat without working for too many hours. You can burn these calories without running at a fast pace with these amazing exercises.

Stick to exercises you’re most comfortable with so that you can do them every day. It will give exercise to several muscles making it a perfect workout without needing a machine or spending on the gym. The number of calories you burn with these exercises are said calculating the person’s weight as 155 pounds. Check out according to your weight for better results.

1. Planks

If you are familiar with planks, then it’s a great workout. Go into plank position placing hands underneath shoulders, maintain a flat back engaging the abs. Place a smooth towel or cloth under the foot. On the floor, push your body across the room, one side to another counts for one trip. You will manage to shed around 12 calories per round. In this way, you can increase the number of rounds calculating how many calories you’ve burned, and you want to burn.

2. Burpees

Burpees give you a complete body workout. For this, you will have take plank position, move your knees towards the chest. Jump and raise your arms above head. While landing, bring back the knees to chest position and kick legs back. It’s an intense workout and will burn more than ten calories per minute. The calories burnt depends on the weight of the person and also the intensity of the workout, know how many calories do burpees burn.

3. Renegade row

If you have dumbbells or hand weight accessories. Take plank position carrying the weights in hands. Lift an arm keeping your elbow at 90 degrees aligning the back the forearm. Hold for few seconds, lower down and repeat. Renegade row burns more calories compared to other exercises. It burns about 15 calories in a minute if you maintain the intensity.

4. Jump Lunges

Keep your feet together and bend the elbows to 90 degrees, lunge forward. Jump straight raising your arms above head to ceiling keeping the elbows bent and land by keeping the opposite forward on the front. Repeat. Jump lunges burns around 12 calories per minute.

5. Squat to press

Hold hand weights in both the hands and stand with shoulder-width apart feet bending the elbows to 90 degrees with palms forward. Take the squat position and hold on for two counts. Push the heels and stand up straight lifting weights towards the ceiling. It’s a strength exercise and works great for weight loss. Burns around 14 calories every minute.

Choose an exercise you are comfortable with and do it every day. Try all the exercises whenever you get time, once you get used to it, you can do it flawlessly and easily from next time. Do not forget to enjoy while exercising; enjoyment tricks you to believe you like it, and you would do more. Happy exercising!

Netflix Increases Prices In New Test

In the evolving technology, you have too many choices to choose from if you want to watch a TV series or anything without having to pay for a bundled cable package. Many people show interest in spending money for Netflix rather than paying for the cable package. Netflix is a great competitor in this market giving you the best options at reasonable prices.

You will always have a new series for watching, and it has plans ranging from $7.99-$11.99, making it cost less than your night out to movies. Netflix has gained huge audience because of their original content and are looking forward to test hike prices before they increase permanently.

Netflix start running their hike tests in Australia and the Netflix cost is now changed from $8.99-$9.99 to $14.99-$17.99. Though it was initially claimed it was ‘weekend-only’ pricing, Netflix dismissed them and concluded that they are testing on lengths and times. The testing isn’t limited to weekends. So, no one has to generally pay more for enrolling or watch on weekends. Netflix admitted to being testing charges for the services and goods with Australian test. Company doesn’t want to repeat their mistake of 2011 where several people cancelled and rioted contributing to a huge decrease in the subscription lists.Company came up with all possible ways and took the advantage of budget prices and other factors to make a good name, they released addictive series like Jessica Jones, Orange is the New Black, Stranger Things, etc.

Over the years, Netflix increased its value, and there was an increase in the subscription. The company made a price hike in 2013, but it was a single dollar increase, so it didn’t create any major issues. Netflix is planning to do a price surge in Australia specifically because of the government’s recent decision to charge 10% services task for supplies like streaming services and digital content affecting companies like Netflix and much more making them improve their price.

Netflix surge pricing is not a weekend thing claimed the company is clarifiying about how they always test new things depending on the time and viewers behavior.

The test of hike price is carried out for better understanding the value of Netflix among customers. The test might not be available to everyone on general, but the chances of the price hike are huge considering the Netflix tax decision. Netflix’s price increase has good reasons to support it because, in order to create new content and become available for the international audience too, they will have to raise money.

Netflix cost is still a touchy subject to the customers. Around 800,000 subscribers unsubscribed Netflix six years ago owing to the price increase. Netflix removed their plan and separated DVD rentals making it affordable again.

However, there wasn’t a major subscribers loss when $2 was increased monthly. Netflix cost isn’t the only factor to worry about for the consumers. They also will have to pay service tax for Netflix and other Internet Services. New Zealand imposed a similar tax of 15% last year. At present, the tests of hikes in price are limited to Australia.

A Filipino Doctor Discovers a Possible Cure for Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that holds its grip on more than 400 million people worldwide. The World Health Organization reports that it has been estimated that 422 million people were affected by diabetes in 2014 and the number is rising rapidly.

This disease is not a joke, as it is the major cause of kidney failure, blindness, stroke, heart attacks, and lower limb amputation. The WHO also predicts that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030.

Its consequences can be however delayed or completely avoided by leading a special diet, doing physical activity, along with taking proper medication and going to regular checkups and treatments for complications.

Now, Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco, doctor of Metabolic Medicine in the Philippines, claims to have found a solution which can help in the fight against diabetes and that may as well prove to be a cure for the same.

Dr. Dy-Liacco states that the underlying cause for diabetes is not the high sugar levels in the blood, but rather the deficiency of important minerals in our body. He claims that if the body is supplied with the essential minerals needed, one can function much more normally.

Based on his conclusions, he created a recipe for people who suffer from diabetes which can be prepared in 5 minutes. This drink can help the person supply the body with the needed minerals and be able to fight diabetes more efficiently.

For this recipe, the main ingredient is (believe it or not) Chili peppers. We did some research to find out why exactly he chose Chili peppers as the main ingredient, and we found some very interesting information:

The minerals that Chilies are abundant with are Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium and Zinc. In short:

  • Calcium and Phosphorus are essential for strong bones and teeth;
  • Copper is needed for the creation of red blood cells and the health of the nerve cells and the immune system;
  • Iron is responsible for the distribution of oxygen throughout the body;
  • Magnesium is needed for the functioning of every organ in the body, especially the heart, muscles and kidneys;
  • Manganese helps in the formation of connective tissue, bones, blood clotting factors and sex hormones;
  • Phosphorus also helps in filtering out waste in the kidneys;
  • Selenium is an antioxidant that helps fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals; and last but definitely not least –
  • Zinc plays an important role in the immune system, growth, reproduction, vision, taste, and smell, blood clotting, and proper insulin and thyroid function.

Chili peppers also contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which is important for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. Diabetes directly affects the blood vessels and it indirectly affects the skin. It also poses a great threat on the heart and the kidneys. So, in short, Vitamin C is indeed needed.

However, the good news doesn’t stop here. Chili peppers contain a good amount of the Vitamin B group. They contain thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and pyridoxine (B6).

Bearing in mind that the nerves are also badly affected by diabetes, the Vitamin B group is essential for their healing and protection, especially Vitamins B1 and B6. Concerning eyesight, riboflavin has been shown to be effective with the prevention and treatment of certain eye problems.

The ingredients for the recipe and the procedure are simple:

  • 12 pieces of Chili Peppers
  • 2 raw eggs
  • ½ tsp sea salt

Cut and grind the chili peppers;
Combine with the raw eggs;
Add the salt;

Try to get organic free-range eggs, as you will need to use them regularly.

The ingredients are completely natural, so it’s perfectly safe to assume that you can take this drink daily. However, be careful not to cause problems to your stomach with all that spiciness. Perhaps taking something to protect the stomach walls beforehand would be a good idea.

We strongly recommend consulting your doctor before deciding whether this could be a suitable supplement. We do not encourage the replacement of current medications with the above mentioned drink and we strongly recommend caution.

Curious Mind Magazine does not make any claims and only reports the statements of the sources involved.

Nutrition and You
World Health Organization
University of Maryland Medical Center

The Strongest Girls Are The Girls With Anxiety

The feeling of unease that keeps her awake in the night is the same feeling that makes her worry about problems that are not there and future events that will probably not happen.

The feeling of anxiety makes her fear the future because she thinks that something bad is about to happen and she is not ready for it. This feeling never disappears.

Everyone has felt anxious at some point, usually before an important event or during school examination. Some experience anxiety more often and sometimes it results in panic attacks or phobia. But for some people, anxiety is the feeling that shapes their everyday life.

Even when everything is going smoothly, she wonders what’s the bad thing that will happen to her the next day. She doesn’t expect the universe to let her be happy for a long period, so she is sure something bad will surely happen.

As a result, she doesn’t enjoy life at its fullest because she is constantly thinking about the future and about the negative things that happened to her.

Some people would label her as a pessimist and she is often called “wet blanket”. But there are days when nothing motivates her to get rid of the feeling. In her head, the others don’t understand her. And they probably don’t.

Only a person who has experienced anxiety knows how she feels. They would understand her whenever she decides not to go somewhere and stay home alone.

But she knows that’s not good for her and she is aware that she doesn’t make sense even to herself sometimes. Life doesn’t happen under the cover, but outside, together with other people.

Nothing is perfect and everyone is experiencing bad days sometimes. But to everyone else, bad days pass by quickly and they are forgettable.

To her, every detail has its own place in the puzzle and she tends to focus on the ugliest pieces that won’t fit. Minor comments or criticism can be stuck in her head for days or weeks.

Often, she looks at others and envies them for their happiness and carelessness.

But more often, she finds strength to go out, in spite of her fear and anxiety. Her anxiety has been present for years, but that’s what made her strong. Whenever she felt like not good enough, she tried hard to show the world that she, too can be the best.

That voice that keeps telling her to stay home has been there since she was little. There were times when the voice leaded her through everything. But she found a way to ignore it after some time. And she smiled again. 

No matter how strong the feeling is or how loud the voice, she finds the way out. She goes out, she speaks and she socializes, no matter how frightened she feels.

Whenever she wishes to cancel the plans for going out or stop trying, she finds strength to do what she has to do. She knows it’s smarter and better to go out and socialize. She knows it’s good to volunteer to do the presentation. And she gets the job done. Always. 

She doesn’t let anxiety rule over her. She knows how important it is to focus on the positive thoughts only and she ignores the negative ones.

It’s hard for her to go out of her comfort zone, but she challenges herself to do new things that make her leave the comfort zone every day. She is a hard worker and she is persistent to succeed.

Often, she feels inferior to the others. She lets her anxiety rule over her because she feels she can’t handle it. But she never gives up. She always rises again, stronger and braver than before.

That makes her fierce and courageous. She is much more mature than the other girls at her age because she faces challenges every day. Challenges which make her grow.

Whenever she doubts herself, she doesn’t realize that she is stronger than the others. She is not aware that life with anxiety has made her what she is now – tough, wise and mature.

She is a girl that could fight the whole world and win.


Johnny Depp Intends To Buy Site Of Wounded Knee Massacre And Gift It Back To The Native American People

In a world where violence has been accepted more than the act of marching for peace, you rarely see someone doing something for the good of the people out of the goodness of their hearts. Doing right by society is seen as pure naivety, as was once witnessed by the righteous movements of Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa.

In a groundbreaking act, Johnny Depp aims at buying back the ancient site the Native Americans lost back in the 1890 massacre. By buying back what was theirs to begin with, Depp hopes to makes things right for the people of the land.

While conducting an interview for The Daily Mail, Depp mentioned that he anticipates on buying back Wounded Knee Creek and dedicating it to his fellow Native Americans in honor of the massacre that occurred in 1890.

According to History, on December 29, 1890, the U.S. government annihilated 146 Sioux at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge reservation, located in South Dakota. As Depp mentioned that he has been told he partakes Native American roots, it is safe to say that he is emotionally attached to the people of the land, their culture, as well as the site they lost.

In the interview, he states, “It’s very sacred ground and many atrocities were committed against the Sioux there,” he said. “And in the 1970s there was a stand-off between the Feds (Federal government) and the people who should own that land. This historical land is so important to the Sioux Culture and all I want to do is buy it and give it back. Why doesn’t the government do that?”

He also stated, ‘The main thing was, “Are we doing right by the Indian? Let’s not make any mistakes here. The idea was to give back to them and to make sure that we got it right,” he said in the lengthy interview.

We cannot know for sure the real reason behind Depp’s inspiration to take such action, but can only guess that his role of Tonto in The Lone Ranger surely did encourage him quite the bit.  

To paint a clear picture of just how serious he was to give back to the Native American people something they lost long ago, Depp devoted a substantial amount of time and energy investigating about the numerous communities and what they thought about the whole idea.

Luckily, he did gain the authorization from many Native American groups before accepting the role Tonto in The Lone Ranger began. Apart from the fact that Native American blood runs through his veins, no matter how much, while filming the movie, he made sure that the people were represented in the right light.

As for the actual price of the site at Wounded Knee, it stands at $3.9 million, which is only a part of what was made at the box office from the move.  

 “I am doing my best to make that happen. It’s land they were pushed on to and then they were massacred there. It really saddens me,” he stated.

The act of purchasing the Wounded Knee land in order to show respect and honor of worship his fellow people portrays Depp’s pure dedication in correcting the wrong that occurred over a century ago. It signifies his deep and utter respect towards the Native American culture and tradition, which in turn helps raise and spread historical awareness.
