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Satisfy your curiosity with news on miscellaneous topics, including fashion, travel, pets, business trends, and many more.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Challenge Coins

Curious to learn more about challenge coins? Here's a complete guide with everything you ever wanted to know about challenge coins! Have you ever heard...

Choosing Between Indica and Sativa Strains

Marijuana is finally being recognized for the benefits it can provide for numerous medical conditions. With widespread acceptance though comes the question of what type...

A Horrific Photo Of A Drowned Man And His Daughter Highlights Harsh Reality Of...

The harsh reality of the migration crisis at the US-Mexico border has been captured in photos depicting the lifeless bodies of a man and...

93-Year-Old Woman Arrested Because She Wanted To Have An Experience To Remember Before It’s...

Greater Manchester Police apparently arrested a British granny, aged 93, thereby ticking off one thing on this lady’s bucket list. In a tweet that went...

Koko, The Incredible Gorilla Who Learned Sign Language, Died At Age 46

Koko, the intelligent animal who mastered sign language, the gorilla who touched the lived of millions as an icon for interspecies communication, died. The Gorilla...

Exhausted Tiger Suffers Seizure On Stage And Collapses After Being Forced To Jump Through...

Humanity never ceases to amaze me and disgust me at the same time. I’ve said this once and I will say it million times...

Self Education and the Path to Success

Though most people assume that “education” means “diploma,” you can learn in almost any environment with just a little help like enrolling in a...

These 2 Ladies Celebrated Their 30-Year Friendversary By Getting Cute Tattoos Of What They...

They say friendship is the purest form of love. And I agree. There’s nothing more genuine than the connection between two people who share...

Meteorologist Wears Her Toddler In A Swaddle While Reporting Weather Forecast

Susie Martin, a certified meteorologist and on-air weather person for the weather company Praedictix, has received the attention of thousands of social media users...

Woman Playing ‘Chicken’ With Her Children Runs Over And Kills Her Three-Year-Old Son With...

Lexus Stagg, a 26-year-old mom from Houston, was charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide for fatally striking her three-year-old son with SUV on June 11,...