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Satisfy your curiosity with news on miscellaneous topics, including fashion, travel, pets, business trends, and many more.

10 Golden Rules That Can Make You A Millionaire

Having just a couple of millions in your bank account would go a long way to having a much better and more interesting life,...

Scientists Proved It: The More Time You Spend With Your Parents, The Longer They...

If you have ever asked yourself how to improve the life and longevity of your parents and grandparents, the scientists have come with a...

This Is How Sweden Has Redesigned Streets To Route Around Bad Human Behavior

The need for safety on the road has been a very concerning topic for a very long time. The truth is, every 25 seconds,...

Dallas Is Getting A $600 Million Urban Park That’s More Than 11 Times As...

The city of Dallas has announced plans to build the biggest urban park in America – the Trinity River Part – that is set...

Canadian Man Who Disappeared In 2012 Is Found In The Amazon Rainforest

Anton Pilipa, a Canadian citizen, went missing in 2012 and was wandering the Amazon rainforest for 5 years, until he was found safe and...

3 Types of Applications That Has Changed The Modern World

“Change is inevitable”. This thought provoking statement is driven every time when there is change in life. But what if the whole lifestyle of...

11 Laws Of Mindfulness To Practice For Better Lifestyle

Mindful living is more and more present in the recent years, mostly because of the countless scientific proofs of its benefits. Actually, this practice has...

George Michael Secretly Gave Millions To Charity Throughout His Life. Here Is The List:

Last year was very harsh, a lot of famous people left this world. One of these famous people who passed away was the British...

Researchers Have Accidentally Made Batteries That Could Last 400 Times Longer

Science never ceases to amaze us. With each passing day, there are discoveries that hold the potential to change the way we live and...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was widely known as the father of the modern age. He is most famous for his  inventions of the alternating current (AC),...