
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.
Exercise with oxygen therapy

Essential Features to Look for in an EWOT Oxygen Concentrator

Exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT) involves performing physical activity while breathing higher oxygen concentrations. Studies show EWOT enhances athletic performance, accelerates recovery, and provides...

Addiction Treatments: 7 Pieces Of Advice You Will Hear Only From Professionals

Addiction can be a difficult and overwhelming process to seek treatment for, especially if you don't know what advice to follow. You've likely heard...

9 Ways to Develop a Drug-Free Lifestyle to Maintain Abstinence

Commitment to a drug-free lifestyle and abstinence can be pretty challenging. While there are several things you can do to ensure long-term sobriety, it’s...
Mental Health

Advanced practice training for mental health nurses

The role of mental health nurses is crucial in healthcare, as they help to address the complexities and challenges of mental wellness. In the...
Eye Care

Dispelling Common Eye Care Myths With Dr. Gibran Khurshid for Optimal Vision Health

Having good vision health is an important part of maintaining overall health, which is why it's so important to make sure your eyes and...

5 Must-Have Components For a Well-Balanced Diet

A healthy and well-balanced diet is suitable for both physical and psychological health. Following a well-balanced diet and some components of it can reduce...
COVID-19 Sequencing

What is COVID-19 Sequencing?

COVID-19 was first detected in China in 2019. Since then, this pandemic has reached almost every country in the world and has led to...

Losing A Parent Can Affect You Psychologically And Emotionally

Losing a parent is undeniably one of the most difficult and painful universal human experiences. No matter how close you were to your mother...
Skincare Routine

6 Important Steps That You Should Include In Your Skincare Routine

Your skincare routine is important, and it's essential to make sure that you're doing everything you can to take care of your skin. Here...

Benefits of Probiotics for Vaginal Infection

The thought of vaginal infections terrifies women. Usually, the stigma of how people will react to the issue is appalling. Normally, people associate vaginal...