
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

Tough Mudder vs. Spartan Race: Which One is Right for you?

Tough Mudder vs. Spartan Race – which one is right for you? You might have asked yourself that question if you love to stay...

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Can It Work for You?

When most people think of therapy, they picture a crying person lying on a couch pouring their heart out while a doctor nods quietly,...

Scientists Find That Taking a Hot Bath Burns As Many Calories As a 30-Minute...

How relaxing is taking a nice hot bath after a hard day of work and stress? What if somebody told you that besides the...

5 Common Breastfeeding Problems First-Time Moms Encounter

Holding your child for the first time is a priceless experience. For some, the overwhelming changes of being a first-time mom are indeed frightening....

Staying on top of the testosterone game in 6 ways

What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word Testosterone? If it’s something to do with manliness, well...

How the Intensive care is provided for the inpatient mental health?

All the diseases start from the mental health of a person. If a patient is mentally strong enough to fight with major diseases he...

7 Proven Health Benefits Of Gooseberries

Gooseberries are translucent fruits that are a native of Europe and southwest Asia. They are those berries that you can either use in fruit...

Ways To Deal With Medical Debt Without Making It Physically Or Mentally Taxing

Medical debt can be quite taxing, physically and mentally of course.  There are so many other people who have to work on it before...

Impact Of Financial Debt On Mental Health

There is a link between your financial situation and mental health. The psychological state is affected adversely by obligations. High financial debt is associated...

Affordable Health Care For Debt-Ridden Individuals

Why is the word debt so traumatic? This is because debt is not just about money. It is about a lot of psychological feelings...