
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

This Is How Salt Lamps Are Helping People With Anxiety

Himalayan salt lamps can play a major role in helping you deal with stress and anxiety.Many people usually give them less credit than they...

Everything What You Need To Do For Fixing Weak Glutes

Weakened glutes can have a big impact on the strength and flexibility of your hips. Weak glutes can impair the general athletic abilities and...

Colorado Is Using $3 Million From Marijuana Tax To Provide Food And Housing For...

Since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, besides the already known medical benefits the citizens have gained, the cities have also seen a great...

Scientists Find That Taking a Hot Bath Burns As Many Calories As a 30-Minute...

How relaxing is taking a nice hot bath after a hard day of work and stress? What if somebody told you that besides the...

Tough Mudder vs. Spartan Race: Which One is Right for you?

Tough Mudder vs. Spartan Race – which one is right for you? You might have asked yourself that question if you love to stay...

This Exercise Burns 6 Times More Calories Than Running

“Retro Running” is an exercise that is proven to burn 6 times more calories than regular running. Plus, it is fun and has many...

Top 8 Natural Treatments For Sciatic Pain

Sciatic pain or sciatica is something many of us will experience at one point in our lives. The name itself tells you that sciatic pain...

Just One Simple Exercise To Treat Sciatica And Lumbar Pain

Pinched sciatic nerve, or sciatica, causes acute discomfort and pain in the back and rear exterior of the thighs. Patients from 35 to 50...

Scientists Succeed In Destroying Breast Cancer In 11 Days Without Chemo!

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is estimated to be the most common cancer among women, with 29% of all cancer cases,...

The 12 Countries With The World’s Best Healthcare Systems

In order to claim that one country is prosperous and well developed we have to provide a firm evidence of it. For that reason...