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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

8 Habits Of Highly Attractive People

Do you know what makes a person attractive? If you follow the law of attraction that says we don’t attract what we want but we...

8 Ways An Alpha Woman Stands Out From Everyone Else

An alpha woman is a woman who is powerful, fierce, bold, sharp, and self-confident that shines with grace and beauty. You cannot find this...

8 Signs You’re Dealing With A Psychopath

A psychopath is a selfish person who lacks empathy, caring, a sense of responsibility while being overly confident and sometimes even violent. And while...

Science Says: Cheaters Continue To Lie Because They Stop Feeling Guilty

When it comes to cheating in relationships, we are told to be careful with serial cheaters. If a person is unfaithful to someone they...

Science Says People Who Swear Are Smarter, Funnier, And Healthier

I f#@^king love swearing – and it’s very difficult being a teacher who loves swearing. You just can’t help blurting out some inappropriate words...

25 Signs There Is A Toxic Person In Your Life

It is a well-known truth that there are plenty of toxic people out there. And, it is not that the people are toxic per...

5 Rare Personality Types – Find If You Are One Of Them

Every person is different with a unique personality. And even though there are no two personalities that are the entirely the same, some of...

11 Habits Of Confident People That Make Them Highly Lovable

Confidence is the belief in one’s ability to succeed in any area of their life. However, finding a healthy balance can be tricky. If...

Bullying Expert Explains How You Can Stop Being Bullied The Easiest Way

"All the bullying experts agree on one thing - that bullying is an imbalance of power; that someone's trying to have power over you....

5 Ways To Make Your Brain Stop Worrying, According To Science

According To California's National Institute of Mental Health, more than 18% of adults in America suffer from chronic anxiety and depression, which are characterized by excessive...