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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

The Science Of Simplicity: Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day

Have you ever heard of the term ‘capsule wardrobe’? It refers to a concept that envisions owning and wearing a limited number of versatile...

Research Suggests Being Lazy Is A Sign Of High Intelligence

New research appears to demonstrate the hypothesis that brainy individuals invest more energy lazing around than their dynamic partners. Discoveries from a US-based review appear...

10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Repressing The Hell Out Of...

There are all sorts of people in the world; in a lifetime, you’ll get a chance to interact with a myriad of personalities, outgoing,...

What Anxiety Actually Is, And Why It Makes Relationships And Dating So Hard

Every beginning of a relationship is challenging, but the word challenging gets a whole new meaning for people with anxiety. I can still remember the...

Hate To Break It To You But You Are The Reason Your Life Sucks...

Do you think your life could be better? That you could achieve much more and you don’t get what you deserve? Well, let me...

The Strongest Girls Have A Loved One In Heaven

There is pain you feel when you break up a relationship or be betrayed. But there is a different heartache you feel only after...

Here Is How Complaining Physically Rewires Your Brain To Be Anxious And Depressed

Nobody can be positive, enthusiastic and perky all the time and that’s a fact. If you know that type of person, I’m sure that...

12 Huge Mistakes Parents Today Make For Their Child

Modern parenting approach has its good and bad sides – on one side we are creating little spoiled brats, on the other, we are...

The 15 Greatest Teachers In The World

At one point or another we were all impatient while waiting for the end of the school year. Luckily, there was always at least...

21 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Leave Your Baby Alone With Dad

Mothers and fathers always have different opinions when it comes to parenting and taking care of their child. While mothers are more careful and...