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8 Reasons to Try an Online Meditation Class

Meditation is an extremely useful skill that many people use to help manage stress, deal with anxiety, and even improve sleep! The introduction of online meditation classes – that is, the ability to learn how to meditate effectively without having to enroll in an in-person class – opens up so many opportunities for everyone to learn this useful skill set.

Here are some reasons why you should give online meditation classes a try.

Great for Social Anxiety

Meditation is a great way to control your anxiety, as we’ll talk about below. But taking an online meditation class can help combat a huge source of anxiety for some people.

Social anxiety can be crippling. If you have ever hesitated to attend an in-person meditation class because of the exposure to other people, an online meditation class might be the thing for you. Not to mention you don’t have to leave home to take part. With a busy lifestyle or other issues, online meditation classes can be the perfect solution.

Helps Control Anxiety

Even someone who is not socially anxious may use meditation to control their general anxiety. It’s a proven method to calm down when you are heading into the anxiety spiral. An online meditation class can help you overcome these spirals and learn how best to deal with anxiety in that moment.

Emotional Health and Well-Being

Emotional and mental health is incredibly important to our overall health. If you take care of your physical health, why not spare some time for your mental and emotional wellbeing? Meditation can help you stay on top of self-care and manage your mental health.

Stress Management

Stress is a huge part of our life. Unfortunately, we all have to find ways to deal with it. Meditation can help us find the tools to mitigate and manage our stress levels. With less stress, we thrive, we’re happier, less anxious, less tense, and sleep better.

An online meditation class can give you the tools to start managing your stress without having to wait for a specific day, and without the added stress of leaving the house.

Increase Attention Span

We’ve all felt our attention slipping during the day while we’re performing menial tasks. Even when this is used as a coping mechanism, it can be inconvenient for your attention span to fail when you need to complete a task.

Meditation promotes mindfulness and self-awareness, and can help you stay focused. An online meditation class is a great alternative for people who work from home, or who don’t have access to a meditation class in their area. Staying focused is well worth the effort!

Improve Sleep

Relaxation is one of the main features of meditation. Between busy lives, screens everywhere, and the impending anxiety of tomorrow, sleep can be a challenge. Meditation helps you learn how to relax, take time away from your screens, and carve out time for yourself.

A natural by-product of meditation is better sleep!


Online meditation classes can be taken anywhere, but the accessibility of these skills is also important. When you take an online meditation class, the skills you learn can be used anywhere. Very few of the techniques you’ll learn require dedicated spaces. As such, you can modify these skills for use in stores, on public transit, and anywhere that anxiety or negativity strikes.

It Can’t Hurt!

One of the biggest reasons you should try an online meditation class is because it can’t hurt! Online meditation can only help. Plus, meditation skills can be used in other areas of your life. Even if you don’t enjoy the format, you are sure to learn at least one skill to help you live better.

So why not try it? There is no risk involved in trying an online meditation class.


Online meditation classes can help you find a way to ease stress, sleep better, and even avoid social anxiety. You have nothing to lose from trying one of Nalaverse’s online meditation classes, but there are tons of benefits!

Important Dating Safety Tips for 2021

Dating Safety Tips for 2021

Dating is exciting, but the sad truth is that it can also be dangerous if you end up meeting the wrong person. And in 2021, it’s so important to be aware of the risks that come with dating online, which is something that a lot of people are doing, especially in the era of COVID-19.

To help you navigate the tough dating world more safely, we’ve compiled a few tips below. Check them out, and consider using these strategies when you’re looking for love.

Be Aware of the Risks of Online Dating

Online dating is fun and convenient, but it’s also an easy way to get scammed by a person who’s pretending to be someone they aren’t. So, when using any dating app, be sure to keep your private information to yourself. Don’t post details about yourself that you wouldn’t want in a public forum, and also be cautious about the information you share about yourself with your matches as well.

Run a Background Check to Find Out More About a Person

Now, let’s talk about background checks. Did you know that you could easily get more information about a person by simply searching for their details online? That’s right, you don’t need to be a detective to find out if someone has a criminal history or is lying about who they are!

This is one of the most important steps you can take when dating online, yet so many people aren’t aware of it or just don’t bother doing it. To get started, head to Nuwber and type in whatever information you have on a person, such as their name. This will help you figure out if they’re being truthful about who they are, where they live, and so much more.

Be Smart When Meeting Someone in Person for the First Time

If you have really connected with someone online, and you have grown to trust them enough to finally meet in person, there are still some precautions that you should take to keep yourself as safe as possible.

First off, let your family and friends know about the meet-up that you have planned with your date. This is yet another one of the simplest dating safety tips that is ignored by a lot of people because they don’t think it’s necessary. But, think about it. If something were to happen to you, your loved ones wouldn’t know where you went or where to look for you. So, be sure to inform them about where you’re going to meet your date and how long you plan on being with the person. Also, give them your date’s contact information as well.

A Few Extra Strategies to Stay Safe When Meeting for a Date

Here’s another thing to consider as you plan your first date with someone you met online: meet in a public place where there will be a lot of people around. This can help ensure your safety because you won’t be totally alone with someone you don’t know too well.

It’s also a good idea to go on your date with one or more friends. Perhaps set up a group date to help keep everyone safe.

And, finally, it’s a great idea to drive yourself to the location of the date so you can leave immediately if you feel the need to do so.

5 Ways to Quickly Relieve Neck Pain

Ways Relieve to Neck Pain

At any given moment, 1 in 10 adults is suffering in agony with neck pain from cycling. A whopping 50% of neck pain can be attributed to car accident injuries and, contrary to popular belief, the accidents don’t need to be serious to cause serious damage. Whiplash can be devastating to your neck and directly impact your quality of life. Here are 5 smart ways to give yourself fast relief from a sore neck.

  1. Apply Arnica Gel

Arnica gel is a lifesaver, this topical pain relief agent works by acting as an anti-inflammatory and a painkiller. Although these findings are not scientifically backed yet, I can highly recommend them. I work long hours quite regularly and my neck lets me know all about my bad posture and uncomfortable chair the next morning, I always apply arnica gel and it always helps until I can get a massage.

  1. Change Your Pillow Situation

Neck pain is the number 3 most common cause of chronic pain in America and until you can get the legal assistance you need for your neck and back injury, you need to find temporary fixes to help you get through the day. Many neck pain sufferers find that sleeping with only one pillow goes a long way in reducing their neck pain quickly. You can also try a water pillow, that way you can adjust your pillow daily until you find the right amount of firmness for your neck.

  1. Cold/Hot Compresses

Cold and hot compresses work like a charm for reducing and relieving chronic neck pain and back pain. You need to apply the cold pack first (ice back/frozen peas etc.) because the cold will slow your blood flow which will reduce your pain and inflammation. If you can massage or stretch out the cause of your neck pain, you can then apply the hot compress to promote circulation and speed up the healing process.

  1. Do Neck Stretches

Your neck muscles can be worked like any other muscle. Simple stretch exercises can be done daily and will help to prevent further neck injuries by helping you to strengthen your neck muscles. Neck stretches also help improve your range of motion and will easily get rid of a mildly sore neck. If any of these stretches hurt when you try to do them you should immediately stop and consult a healthcare professional.

  1. Get A Massage

Massage therapy is a tried and tested method for treating and preventing neck stiffness. Massages can help even in the case of severe neck pain but these should only ever be administered by a trained professional. If your pain levels are less severe you can try a few self-massage techniques to relieve the pain and tension. Considered one of the best ways to improve neck movement, massage is one of the best alternative medicines for treating chronic neck pain. Pinched nerves can often be the cause of bad neck pain, and they can also lead to problems with balance as well as cause dreadful headaches.

Neck pain can be debilitating but it doesn’t have to be permanent, if you get the right help at the first sign of trouble then your neck pain can easily be a thing of the past.

Online Casino Tips – How to Take Advantage of Casino Promotional Events and Special Packages?

In the world of online casino gaming, there’s a lot to learn. There’s basic knowledge that players should have before they even think about placing their first wager at a Singapore online casino, such as learning how to play a few of the casino’s most popular games and how to navigate through the casino’s website. Beyond that, however, online gamblers should learn about the online casino’s promotions and bonuses, as well as how to maximize their earnings from these types of casino deals. In this post, we’ll take a look at what online casino promotions are all about and how to take advantage of them.

When you enter a casino first but don’t despair, it’s easy to feel daunted; everybody was there! However, one of the smartest things you can do is take the time to learn as much as possible before you sit down at a table or slot machine. The more you know the way it works, the more likely you’re to win at a casino. So, before you choose a casino, read as much as you can about online casinos and the best online casino promotions.

Casino promotional events and special packages offer you a chance to get more bang for your buck when you play your favorite online casino games, from slots to blackjack and beyond. Well-designed promotions give you more than a single opportunity to win. They typically include a series of events in which you play for prizes such as free spins, cashback, trip packages, and other valuable prizes. The best casino promotional events include a series of contests, some of which are free to enter – all of which are fun.

You can play your first online casino at me88 online casino Singapore today!

What You Need to Know About Casino Promotional Events and Special Packages

Make A Wise Bet

Promotional events are a common feature of online casino betting. Whether it’s a simple free spin on one of their most lucrative games or perhaps a welcome package that you can use on multiple games, it’s great to have access to them. The best thing about promotional events is that they are usually offered by online casinos all the time, and if you keep your eyes peeled, you can find some that will allow you to play for free.

The main thing about playing casino games is having fun. After all, most people see casino games as just that, a game. They’re there to have a good time, to take a break from the day-to-day stress of life, to step away from the mundane and relax. That’s why most casinos offer a wide variety of different games, each catering to a certain type of experience.

While casino promotions can seem fun, for the most part, they are a lot of hype and not much actual benefit. Always remember that the house is stacked against you, and they are just trying to get you to spend more of your money. If you always remember to use common sense and to double-check anything, they tell you, you will be much less likely to fall for their tricks. No matter how much you try to convince yourself that you can beat the house, the odds are stacked against you. That’s why you’re never allowed to play on the money you wouldn’t lose. But there are still ways to improve your odds, and that’s where the tips in this post come in handy.

Keep an Eye for New Promos and Events All the Time

The word “promotional” immediately conjures up images of signs and banners, but that’s not the only kind of promotion you can expect to see at an online casino. In fact, you’ll want to take advantage of some of the less obvious promotional opportunities available to you. For instance, an online casino may offer you a free ringtone download when you sign up for a new account. While you’re at it, you should also look for special offers that give you extra points for playing your favorite games or give you a special bonus for using a special kind of payment method. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for tournaments, which are an excellent way to try out new games while competing against other casino players for real.

Casinos almost always promote their newly available casino packages and special promotional events to existing players. If you are a part of the casino’s loyalty club, you can get a heads up on these promotions, but even if you’re not, you can still sign up for the promotions, and they are also often advertised in the casino’s newsletters.

Know the Details Before Taking Advantage of the Promo and Offerings

As a player in the gambling world, you want to get the most out of your interactions with different casinos. One of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the most of your casino experience is to be informed about the different promotional events and special packages that are available to you. Special deals and promotional events usually come with special codes or unique promotional offers that help bring more value to your overall experience.

A growing number of online casinos are offering promotions on a regular basis. In fact, the promotions offered by online casinos have continued to improve in both quality and quantity. The casino promotions that are offered by online casinos are not restricted to the new players but are also offered to the existing players.

Online casinos offer a wide range of promotions and special packages to attract new players and keep players playing. But casino promotions and special packages are not all alike; they vary widely in terms of what they offer and how they work. The good news is that there is plenty of information available about casino promotions and special packages, as well as plenty of advice on how to use them to your advantage. If you want to take a chance now and enjoy these perks, check out me88 Singapore Bonus and Promotions.

4 Types of Support Groups for Cancer Patients: Which is Right for You?

Cancer support groups are there for those who have relatives who are undergoing cancer treatment, for patients who are tackling it themselves, or for survivors. There are many benefits associated with connecting to people like you or who are going through similar stressful situations. If you’re considering joining a support group, these 4 types will help you cope and make friends.

Why Choosing a Support Group Can Help

At first, you may feel afraid to join a support group. Telling others your story and listening to someone else’s experience can be difficult or even depressing. While no one can guarantee you’ll have a positive encounter, more often than not, participants come back to the same group because they can learn from a survivor’s experiences and give that same help to others.

In both a peer-led or professionally led cancer support group, one person will usually have more experience with the disease or have spoken to many people. Through their knowledge, they can help to work through your own personal situation by relating to you. The act of providing support can be just as crucial for the leader because they can use their compassion, problem-solving skills, and wisdom to connect to others, and you can do the same once you’re comfortable. 

Signs You Need to Seek Support

Even if you have a supportive group at home, there are multiple other reasons why you may need to seek a cancer support network. Cancer support groups are equipped to handle challenges associated with the disease because they’ve lived that reality. If any of these feelings or signs hit close to home, you may want to consider a support group outside of the family.

  • You’re having a hard time explaining your emotions, or your family can’t relate.
  • You need a safe place to express your fears without the potential of worrying your family.
  • You have questions you can’t find answers to about the emotional impact of cancer.
  • You want to have a connection with someone also battling cancer.
  • You want to learn from survivors how they coped with aspects of cancer.
  • You feel your family is worried and/or unable to be present emotionally.

A support group won’t take the place of medical advice, but it will help you develop coping strategies, express personal struggles, and recover at your own pace.

4 Types of Support Groups

Not all support groups are made the same, and finding the right group of people for you could be a process of trial and error. To get you started, try the following types:

  • Patient-Only: A patient-only support group can be run by a professional or peer but only includes the patient and no one else. This would be a place for patients who want to share their feelings without the possibility of their family hearing.
  • Patient and Spouse/Family: If you’re shy to meet new people or want to have someone to share the experience with you, try patient and caregiver groups. These groups allow your caregiver to discuss fears of loss or frustrations.
  • Spouse or Caregiver-Only: Spouses or caregivers can join their own support groups where they discuss the difficulties related to caring for a sick relative, child, or spouse. You can discuss these issues without unintentionally putting added stress on the patient.
  • Child Groups: Children going through cancer have their own groups, either with a parent or with an adult supervisor. Children who want to express their fears of a parent or relative going through cancer can also join a group.

Online support is available for all the above options, and they may be beneficial for some people who aren’t feeling well enough to drive or have children who want to join a group alone. An online community can share information quickly, but be careful of groups with leaders without proper credentials. Research all support groups before accepting any advice.


Undoubtedly, securing public health is of significant value in any developing and developed region as it determines the health status and behaviors of the population. The rise of the pandemic has made everyone conscious of their health, as an increasing number of people are taking measures and changing behaviors for a healthy lifestyle. It is well developed that a healthy community is pertinent for a country to progress. However, public health emergencies can pose substantial challenges to any country’s progress. For instance, it can impose significant pressure on the country’s economy at both micro and macro levels. It can further lead to social disruptions. Besides, public health emergencies may also destabilize governments and can negatively affect the defense force.

Technological advancements continue to evolve the healthcare industry and bring forward different areas of learning. The healthcare industry is struggling to keep up with the influx of patients worldwide, specifically during the pandemic. Public health departments provide support to the healthcare community by raising awareness about the importance of following healthy habits, the significance of the community’s well-being, and the consequences of not abiding by the preventive measures.

Public health workers – also known as community health workers, possess strong communication skills, solid observational competence, and attention to detail. Many people wish to make a career in a field that allows them to serve humanity and earn substantial money. Undoubtedly, the field of public health has gained significant momentum over the past few years. However, since the rise in the spread of infectious diseases, more and more universities are now offering online and on-campus programs. These programs equip students with the necessary skill set required for public health management. Some of these programs follow no GRE requirement; hence students can easily enroll themselves.

If you are a thriving student with a relevant background in healthcare, then feel free to get enrolled in Masters in Public Health online no GRE program. Since medical issues continue to rise, the need to promote public health has become pertinent.

This article lists some ways to improve public health in any community.

  1. Promote Healthy Habits via Media

Media can play an active role in promoting healthy habits and raising awareness about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. Media can promote healthy habits and emphasize the benefits of following a balanced diet as overeating can lead to obesity, and undereating can result in anorexia. People may not change their practices overnight as the transformation happens gradually. Promoting healthy habits will result in improved community health with fewer medical issues.

  1. Encourage Reusing and Recycling

Plastic is hazardous not only for human beings but for nature as well. Encouraging minimal use of plastic and providing people with other substitutes limits its usage, consequently promoting health. It is best to provide people with other alternatives such as reusable cloth bags to replace plastic bags, glass bottles instead of a plastic can, etc. Recycling can minimize the use of plastics and improve the community’s overall health.

  1. Promote Physical Activities

Without a doubt, promoting physical activities in any community can be one of the most important things one can do to keep people healthy. Physical activities help people keep their weight in check, improve brain health, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve individual ability to complete everyday activities. A prevalent misconception is that people have to do exercise daily. They often complain about not having enough time due to a packed schedule.

Notably, exercising does not necessarily mean to take a membership of the gym. One may prefer doing moderate-intensity aerobic activities such as brisk walking as it allows them to remain fit. Regular workouts strengthen immunity and keep illnesses at bay. As per health experts, people who exercise regularly lead a longer, healthy and happier life.

  1. Take Proper Sleep

As much as following a healthy diet and workout is necessary, taking proper rest and sleep every night is equally important. Modern life is hectic, and people have a long list of to-do tasks that await them as soon as they wake up in the morning. Many people compromise on their sleep to complete their activities, which ultimately takes a toll on their health. Inadequate sleep may not show adverse effects in a day or two, but it can be extremely harmful in the long run. Raising awareness about the significance of taking proper rest can enhance the public’s overall well-being.

  1. Plant more Trees

Nature has a healing quality, and people often comment that spending a few minutes amidst nature relieves their stress. A greener community is a healthy community. Perhaps, to improve public health, people can invest in planting more trees and promoting greenery. Trees purify the air, and create a positive impact on individual health and make them feel better.


Making small behavioral and lifestyle changes feel insignificant, but they can significantly impact your well-being. The secret is to stay consistent and follow these changes regularly. Replacing junk food with healthy edibles, exercising regularly, and having proper sleep are a few ways to improve the community’s health. Healthy communities can work better for nations’ progression and help countries succeed.

How Playing Games Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Playing Games Can Benefit Your Mental Health

There is a belief that online gaming and playing video games, in general, are detrimental to emotional and mental health. However, gaming has many benefits such as boosting cognitive abilities and improving problem-solving skills. Not to mention that gaming skills can be transferred to usage in the outside world.

Any type of game from video games, trivia board games, online bingo, or poker requires concentration and strategy. The level of concentration that games necessitate helps players develop the mental agility and problem-solving skills of the gamer.

If you have difficulty deciding on your next travel destination, consider using the country wheel. This tool is designed to help you randomly select a country and view its flag, making travel planning much easier. Try it and discover where your next exciting adventure will take you!

The many benefits of gaming

Dexterity and reaction times are also aided by playing video games and other games that require quick responses as bingo does. When playing bingo, the players must listen to the bingo caller so they can mark their cards quickly and be ready for the next call-out. Being mentally alert is a staple of any game.

Gamers also see an improvement in memory from playing video games. Many games require players to remember a considerable amount of information at one time. From knowing certain locations, where items can be found, which items are necessary, which quest or task needs to be completed, and even more complex mechanics such as how enemies or bosses fight and the best strategies to use against them.

Many games also put a great emphasis on memory, like remembering which numbers have been revealed, cards already dealt, the payout results of certain symbol combinations, and more. The memory is stimulated in many ways while playing games, and this beneficial effect does indeed transfer to areas of life outside of gaming.

Mental health benefits

Gaming also improves other areas of mental health, not just cognition. There are highly social aspects of online gaming and social interaction is proven to raise self-esteem and emotional contentment.

Players interact with each other through chat boxes, or voice party systems to coordinate missions, collaborate on strategies, or just to socialize in general. Even in online bingo and casino games players chat with each other between rounds. Socializing while gaming creates bonds and encourages people to work together to complete tasks together.

Socializing online, instead of in ‘real life’ might seem non-beneficial but interacting with friends over games or through messengers is still a helpful measure to combat social isolation. People grow close to each other through their shared interest in games, and through that shared interest they discover other interests they have in common. Deeper friendships are created through these experiences.

An improved attention span is another benefit of playing games. Gamers develop the ability to focus and notice small details, often many of them at a time, and must learn to resist impulsiveness. Concentrating on a game requires players to combine lots of different information at once, and at times this information can be conflicting—requiring the gamer to decide which information is important.

Gaming also has mental health benefits. When the physical function of the brain is improved through many cognitive benefits, like better social skills, these changes can result in positive impacts on real-life situations. 

Brands To Help You Look and Feel Your Best

Brands for Skin Care

Who doesn’t want to look and feel their best? The two often go hand in hand. When you feel good on the inside that manifests itself in many different ways. For example, a healthy diet, proper sleep, and enough hydration will usually lead to a better complexion and clearer skin. 

The old adage that “you are what you eat” tends to have a lot of truth to it. Similarly, there are more psychological elements that play a role in looking and feeling your best. For example, if you have a skin issue or even a blemish that is especially noticeable this can have a mental impact on your confidence and how people perceive you. This is rarely because people actually care that you have a blemish on your skin but, rather, because you THINK they care. The result is the reverse – in this case, you may feel the way you look. Use these products to ensure that you not only look good but also feel good so you can always put your best foot forward!

Hide Your Blemishes

As mentioned, no one likes blemishes. But some people think that when they get a facial blemish there is nothing they can do for a few days except avoid as many conversations as possible and stay away from harsh lighting. Of course, this causes anxiety which can lead to even more blemishes. When it comes to finding the best foundation HIDE has you covered. The products from HIDE enable you to cover up any problem areas you might have in a natural-looking way that totally blends with your skin. Start having more confidence in your skin’s appearance today!

Calming Runner Sunglasses

Running is great exercise and it’s especially healthy for your cardiovascular system. One of the issues is that running during the day can be hard on the eyes. UV rays and other distractions can take you out of the moment and into a place where you are counting the steps until you’re back home. Create a better, meditative running experience for yourself by trying the products from District Vision.

Gummy Supplementation

Create a consistent routine with vitamins that you actually enjoy taking. Cosmos Vita wellness makes some of the best vitamins on the market and, guess what, they’re gummies! If you don’t like taking pills or are just looking to try something new to improve your health consider supplementing the multivitamins or other products from Cosmos Vita.

A Better Anti-Aging Cream

While you can’t stop father time, you can certainly slow him down. Miami MD cream reviews show the incredible results that many have experienced by using Miami MD’s anti-aging products. If you have fine lines or wrinkles, give Miami MD a try to help improve your skin’s appearance. 

Smile Bright

A bright, clean smile is one of the first things people notice. Thankfully, there is a sensitive and convenient option in the form of the Supersmile professional whitening system. Forget spending hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars and plenty of time at the dentists getting your teeth professionally whitened, give Supersmile a try today!

Custom Skincare Solutions

Everyone is different – so, why should your skin be treated the same? Proven’s personalized skin care formulates custom skincare solutions meant just for you. Given Proven a try if your skin has specific needs and are looking for a more personalized solution.


Look your best to feel your best or feel your best to look your best – no matter how you look at it, the two go hand-in-hand. Try the products on this list to help yourself do both. 

Finding Licensed Professional Counselors And Therapists In Jersey City NJ

Finding Licensed Professional Counselors And Therapists In Jersey City NJ

We are social beings; we all need someone we could share our problems with, be it friends or our family members. We initially seek advice from people who have more experience than us, like our parents. We seek sympathy and comfort from those who are closest to us. We trust them to help us with our problems, even if they are only there to lend an ear to listen.

Although not everyone may help you relieve yourself of your problem, they are there to act as your support. For instance, there are cases wherein we may have issues with people closest to us, say a small argument that escalated into a big fight. In these types of instances, we seek out a third party who can help us resolve the issue. Licensed professional counselors are perfect for this role – they’re made for it, even.

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and we need to take care of it like how we take care of our body. We often neglect it, but mental health can affect our physical state (read more), along with other aspects of our life. Issues in our lives affect our mental state, many of them having to do with ourselves or with someone significant to us. Therapists are professionals who can help us deal with mental problems, and they also guide us in having a healthier mind.

Counselors play a good role in dealing with our problems with ourselves or significant others. Therapists, on the other hand, play a role in taking care of our mental health. But where can we find them? Below we list some tips in finding counselors and therapists that are accessible not just in Jersey City but in most cities around the globe!

Tips In Finding A Licensed Professional Counselor And Therapist

1. Websites

Great advancements in technology have made our lives easier; we can now even search for professionals with our handheld gadgets or by using a home computer! Websites are a good source for finding counselors and therapists, and several of them are listed for you to choose from – most of them with reviews! Through online counseling, you can also have therapy even in the comforts of your own home!

Today, as we face one of humanity’s greatest and most formidable health threats, Coronavirus, having therapy just by staying at home helps take care of your mental health without risking the physical. There are some drawbacks too, though! This may include having miscommunications, technical difficulties, and sometimes problems in getting prescriptions. Nonetheless, it is still a viable option in scenarios like today.

2. Ask Friends And Colleagues

One of the easiest ways to look for a counselor or therapist is by asking for recommendations from someone you know. It is easy because you can trust them and it may be much more comfortable for you to approach them than strangers.

3. Referral From Another Professional

If you plan to move out of your place and thus, become unable to meet with your usual therapist/s anymore, you can have your existing therapist refer someone new to you. They are a reliable source since they know who they refer to you and they have pretty good professional networks.

4. Look Up The Newspaper

Newspapers may contain information about many professionals, and that includes experts in mental health. You might also find contact information and the location of their clinic or workplace. The drawback is that you would not know if you like their therapies until you try them, or get a hold of feedback from previous clients.

5. Call A Psychology Department From Universities

Universities are included as a source in looking for professionals. It may be an unorthodox way of looking, but it is effective nonetheless. Many universities are updated about their graduates, and they hold records of their professional practice and field achievements. Plus, some universities have their counseling department where students can have counsel with a professional. Counseling departments can help refer you to professionals outside their workplace, and they may be a good source for private counselors as well.

6. Why Seek Out Professional Counselors Or Therapists?

There are many reasons people refuse to look for professional help. The most common reason for them not having therapy is because of how expensive it is, and they find it to be an “irrelevant” expense. Of course, some reasons might be acceptable, but let us dive into the brighter side of things. Here is why you need to have therapies from licensed counselors or therapists:

7. Their License Are Not For Show

With several certificates and achievements hanging up their wall, they are not there to only listen to your problems and have you pay for their time. They are trained to support you and give clarity to your issues and help you to find yourself. A licensed therapist can diagnose you and suggest treatments; they can also issue prescriptions if necessary. Counselors are there to work out with you, with your plans, and monitor your progress.

8. Cost-Effective

Therapy is expensive, but despite that, it is cost well spent. According to the British Columbia Psychological Association, therapies are cost-effective (link: https://www.psychologists.bc.ca/sites/default/files/pdfs/Psych_cost_effectiveness.pdf), and they could help save up money. It proved that keeping mental health optimal can reduce costs for healthcare expenses in the future.

9. Helps In Your Relationship With Other

Seeking professional help will also have a positive effect on your personal relationships – your relationship with your partner, friends, and the rest of your family. They help in identifying issues and help you find resolutions to certain situations you may be having trouble dealing with. Counselors are perfect for the role of the third person who is neutral and unbiased.

10. Helps In Your Mental Health

Maintaining or improving mental health is the main reason why you should look for professionals. They are trained to give treatments to help you if you are suffering from depression, general anxiety, phobias, etc. They help in keeping your mental state as healthy as it can be – and they can become your greatest confidant in life!

Why Vaccinated Individuals Need to Continue Exercising Caution

Vaccinated Individuals

It’s been over a year since the novel coronavirus turned life on its head. During this difficult period, many of us have gotten sick, endured loved ones getting sick, and lost people we care about to COVID-19. Additionally, in order to limit potential exposure and help curb the spread of the virus, we’ve rethought the way we do everything from going to work to buy groceries. With the highly-anticipated vaccine rollout finally underway, the world has started to breathe a collective sigh of relief. While this is undeniably hopeful news, it’s important to remember that we’re still dealing with an active pandemic. Furthermore, even after receiving your vaccine, you’d be wise to keep your guard up.

They’re Not Yet Fully Vaccinated

Although most of the available COVID-19 vaccines have a high rate of success, they’re not exactly magic wands. Each vaccine variant takes at least two weeks to fully set in, and this is doubly true in the case of the two-dose vaccines – which are the most widely available vaccines in the U.S. For starters, after getting your first dose, you’ll need to wait three to four weeks before receiving the second. Furthermore, even after you’ve got the second shot, you’ll need to wait at least two weeks for your body to sufficiently build immunity. During these wait periods, it’s entirely possible to contract the novel coronavirus, so it’s important to remember that immunity – or rather, 95% immunity – does not come instantly.

To learn more about available vaccines and COVID-19 precautions, get in touch with a seasoned medical professional. Since going to a doctor’s office or medical facility while an active pandemic is underway carrying a certain level of risk, it may be a good idea to explore remote healthcare options, like  https://everydaydoctor.com/, if you’re dealing with a non-emergency issue. 

The Exact Length of One’s Immunity is Currently Uncertain

Although research data is painting a more detailed picture by the day, there’s not yet a hard-and-fast determination as to how long the immunity people receive from vaccines lasts. While it’s currently looking at the two-dose vaccines that provide immunity for up to six months, it’s still too early to say whether this applies to the vast majority of people who will receive these vaccines. In fact, given how many people COVID-19 has infected and how many variants of the virus are out there, there’s a good chance that regular COVID boosters will be a part of our lives well into the future.    

They Don’t Have Full Immunity

At present, the two-dose varieties of COVID-19 vaccine are said to provide 95% immunity, with the one-dose vaccines commonly providing between 66 and 72 percent. This means that while the vaccines will provide you with a solid layer of protection, they do not imbue you with invincibility. If you have 95% immunity against COVID-19, the odds are clearly in your favor. However, as is the case with most vaccines, there are likely to be outlier cases – and in the absence of masking up, social distancing, and other precautions, you may wind up being one of them. To be clear, getting vaccinated should come as a tremendous relief – it just shouldn’t be taken as a sign that you can let your guard down.   

They’ll Set a Good Example

Throughout this trying time, people who have refused to wear masks and engage in other common-sense precautionary measures have continually made a bad situation worse. Among other things, this poor behavior has set a bad example for people who are ill-informed or unclear about how seriously the threat of COVID-19 should be taken. Even if your state doesn’t have a mask mandate in effect or the businesses you frequent don’t enforce mask rules or social distancing, it’s in everyone’s best interest that you set a good example of how one should act when faced with a pandemic of this magnitude. By wearing a face mask, practicing good hygiene, and social distance, your example stands to influence the behavior of others and may ultimately save lives.

After a year of uncertainty, there may finally be a light at the end of the tunnel. With more and more Americans receiving the COVID-19 vaccine by the day, many of us are hoping the pandemic created by the novel coronavirus is in its homestretch. While heightened vaccine distribution is certainly a cause for relief, it’s important to remember that the aforementioned pandemic is still ongoing and that we aren’t quite out of the woods yet.