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Get the Healing You Need: 8 Reasons to Seek Out Women’s Therapy

It’s okay to seek help. Here are a few reasons why you should go to women’s therapy with what’s bothering you.

In any given year, 43.8 million adult Americans experience mental health issues and women experience them at a higher rate than men. Many women take on multiple roles in life, such as caretaker, breadwinner, and even therapist for their loved ones. So it should come as no surprise that life’s burdens can sometimes be too much.

But there’s no shame in seeking out therapy, as it can have many benefits for your mental well-being. Thankfully, it’s becoming less taboo and more widely accepted. If you’re wondering if you should do so yourself, below are 8 reasons to seek out women’s therapy.

  1. Relationship Troubles

Almost all of us struggle with issues in relationships. Conflict is bound to arise when two people are involved and cohabitate. Perhaps you don’t want to air your dirty laundry to your friends and family or you just have no one to talk to besides your significant other.

Therapy can be highly beneficial since it makes you face difficult issues you may not want to address. It’ll let you take a good look at your relationship and see if it’s healthy or not. It can help in a decision of whether to stay together or break up.

  1. Depression and/or Anxiety

A growing number of people are experiencing depression and anxiety, especially women. Many are told to soldier on through life and to just push through, but that may be harmful in the long run.

While some depression and anxiety may be part of normal human life, sometimes, it’s more than that. Whether it’s a chemical imbalance or stressful life events, we may need intervention from a therapist to get on the right track again.

By seeking therapy, you may be referred to a psychiatrist who can prescribe the right medications to help manage your mental health.

  1. Addiction to Substances

There’s tremendous pressure on women to succeed, especially when in male-dominated workplaces. As a result, some may turn to substances like drugs and alcohol as an escape.

While these substances offer temporary relief, it’s just burying the issues at hand. Not only can therapy help you face these problems, but it can also be the first step in quitting your addictions and leading a healthier life.

  1. Eating Disorders

Because of social media and regular media, there are some unrealistic expectations regarding women’s bodies. Many resort to unhealthy habits to try and attain the perfect body, according to society.

Whether a woman’s underweight because of anorexia or overweight because of binge eating, neither are good, both physically and mentally. Eating disorders can also be a form of addiction since it offers an escape from reality.

If you feel like you’re struggling from an unhealthy relationship with food, a therapist can help you get to the root of your issues and guide you through a healthier journey in life.

  1. Abuse

Unfortunately, many women will encounter people who are abusive towards them, either physically, sexually, mentally, or financially. This abuse can come from a number of people in their lives, such as their parents, partner, friends, or coworkers.

Trying to deal with abuse on your own can lead to several other issues on this list, like depression, addiction, or eating disorders. Abuse is tough; exponentially so when it’s from someone you trust. It’s easy to spiral out of control on your own, so seek out therapy to get guidance from a trustworthy person.

  1. Problems with Moods

Whether it’s fluctuating hormones or a struggle to effectively handle your emotions, your moods may sometimes be too much. Feeling your emotions is a completely normal thing, but if you feel like the world’s constantly crashing down on you, then therapy can be beneficial.

Depending on the severity of things, there may be a few courses of action. At the very least, you can talk out your moods with the therapist to get a better understanding of yourself. They can then assess whether or not you need to see a psychiatrist to get medications for any mood disorders.

  1. Big Life Changes

Going through any kind of major life change can do a number on your mental health, even if it’s a positive change. This can be especially true if you like stability and regularity; anything that shakes up your routine can have a huge impact on your well-being.

Going to women’s therapy sessions can not only help provide some stability in your life, but you can also get some guidance as you make any type of major transition. Your therapist will teach you healthy ways to handle life events so the next ones won’t be so difficult to get through.

  1. Neutral Third-Party Opinion

You don’t have to be experiencing any major life changes or issues in order to seek out women’s therapy. Even if you feel completely happy and healthy, it’s good to talk with a therapist, since they can give you tools to cope with anything that comes your way in the future.

They can also provide neutral third-party opinions for anything you wish to discuss, even if it’s something as simple as an argument with your significant other over who washes dishes. When you get an outside perspective on things, it can help you take a step back and see yourself in a different light.

By going to therapy, you can pave the way for tremendous personal growth and better relationships with everyone in your life.

Get Perspective and Help with Women’s Therapy

As you can see, there are many legitimate reasons to seek women’s therapy. There’s definitely more than 8 reasons; if you feel like you need help in any way, it’s good to book a session, even if your reason isn’t on our list. Life is tough to navigate, but with a good therapist by your side, it can be much easier to handle.

For more interesting articles, please check out our psychology section.


7 Reasons Why High Quality Pictures Matter on Your Website


To make your website stand out, it’s important to have high quality pictures. In this guide, we explain why quality matters.

You know what they say; a picture truly is worth a thousand words—especially in the online world.

That said, not all pictures are equal. And if you’re using low-quality images on your site, all the words those pictures are saying aren’t very good.

Quality can be expensive, both in the traditional sense and time-wise. But, investing in high-quality pictures can pay-off big time, in the long run.

Are you looking for a quick way to take your website to the next level? We’re here to help!

Here are seven reasons why you need to start using quality pictures on your website.

  1. Boost Your SEO

If your company has a website, but no one can find it, is your site benefiting you?

If you don’t have a lot of traffic on your website, it won’t take long for it to become a money pit. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help get your website noticed. All you need to do is make sure you’re paying attention to your SEO.

Good search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to the success of websites. And, using high-quality, well-formatted images can help you give your site the boost it needs.

Adding images to your website is one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve its SEO without having to hire a professional SEO expert.

  1. Maximize Your Design

Good web design is critical. Including high-quality pictures in the design of your website is one surefire way make sure your site looks its best, no matter what your layout.

Great images also translate to mobile very well, which is essential in our mobile-centric world.

  1. Stand Out

Odds are, you aren’t the only professional or company in your field. So, how do you get your site to stand out? By using unique and high-quality images.

Stock photos are fantastic, in a pinch. But, when it comes to creating a good website, run-of-the-mill, or cheap stock photos can become more harmful than helpful.

Stock photos, especially low-quality ones, can make your website feel less authentic. And, so many companies use stock photos on their sites nowadays, consumers can tell the difference.

If you want your site to stand out among your peers, you need to invest in unique, high-quality pictures. While your competition is stuck all sharing the same five, low-quality stock photos, you’ll stand in a league of your own.

Check out this guide, for more information on finding the best pictures for your website.

  1. Be Kind to Your Users

Nothing can kill a website quite like confusing web design.

When it comes to running a successful website, you have a matter of seconds to help your users find what they’re looking for before they click away. If you use low-quality images that don’t represent your site, users won’t want to waste their time clicking around until they find what they want.

High-quality images can help you create an inviting and easy to navigate website that your customers will be happy to explore.

Remember, when it comes to web design, your goal should always be to create a good looking and simple to navigate user interface. 

  1. Look More Professional

Because so many people rely on the internet for their day-to-day shopping these days, there’s a very good chance your website will be your first impression for a lot of your customers.

You want to make sure you look like you know what you’re doing.

High-quality images can help give your website the polish it needs to look more authentic and reliable.

  1. Building Your Brand

When it comes to online marketing, there’s nothing more important than your brand.

Building and maintaining a strong brand is essential to success in the online world, and high-quality images can help you do just that.

The images you choose will help you set the tone for your entire site and give your users a good idea of what they can expect from you and your company before they even leave the homepage.

  1. Spread Your Site Around

While SEO is vital, a lot of people who come to your site won’t do so via a search engine. You also need to make sure your website is highly “shareable.”

People aren’t going to share links to your site if they don’t feel like there’s anything there worth sharing. And one of the quickest ways to create pages that people will want to spread around is by including a few high-quality images.

People are far more likely to click on a link that includes a picture than one without. And, if that one picture is going to serve as a flag for your entire website, you want to make sure it reflects the overall quality of that site.

Using Quality Pictures on Your Website

The long and short of it is this: people like pictures.

When it comes to online content, images and video come out leagues ahead of written content. Including pictures on your website is an absolute must.

But you can’t stop there.

Users can tell the difference between low-quality stock photos and high-quality, unique pictures. And, their preference is pretty clear. By investing a little extra time and money in creating quality pictures, you’ll give your website the boost it needs.

Are you looking for more business advice, tips, and tricks? We’ve got you covered!

Check out the rest of our blog for more posts on how you can transform your website or improve your online presence.

Ultimate Guide To Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Let’s talk about laser hair removal. That dreamy goal of smooth skin every day, no awe about impromptu beach trips and no blushing denials of shaving in between appointments to your waxing technician. So, laser hair removal always seems to be one of the more misunderstood procedures. Will it work on blonde hair? Do I have to let the hair grow between appointments? With cutting edge equipment and technology in a boutique spa environment.                         

Missoula’s Aesthetics Medical Spa and Skin Care Center  is here to answer any of your questions. So here is some useful discussion to get you started on that road to the skin as smooth:

How Does It work?

When science can improve skin we get excited and it doesn’t get more exciting than a laser. In this connection, laser treatments can be a very effective solution. When it comes to hair removal, the laser passes over the skin and finds the pigment deep within the hair follicle called melanin. The laser heats the melanin and in turn, this damages the hair follicle.

Do You Have Light Hair?

Indeed, light-skinned, dark-haired people respond more successfully to laser hair elimination, however, that’s not to state that others will not see results. Aesthetic Medical Spa and Skin Care Center recommends an examination to extensively examine your alternatives as well as generate a therapy strategy that’s specific to you. They are experienced in dealing with people for hair removal with both reasonable and also dark complexion. It depends on our competent medical professionals to choose the best innovation for your skin type.

Contrary to other types of hair removal, the areas of the body with the thickest, coarsest hair respond the quickest and will usually require fewer treatments than areas with finer hair. This makes the bikini area, legs and underarms excellent candidates for laser hair removal and you can expect significant results within 6-8 treatments.

When Do You Need This?

You can have the treatment at any time, but we recommend not having a tan, so best to schedule your sessions before your beach vacation and not after. You should shave a day or so before each session so as not to leave singed hairs on the surface.

Does It Hurt?

It feels similar to a snap. Mind you, we can also prescribe a topical numbing area for sensitive areas and can use other patient comfort techniques to make the experience as painless as possible. But for every flick, think of the hundreds of waxing room ceilings you will never have to stare at ever again.

What It’s Like Living With Depression And Anxiety At The Same Time

Living With Depression And Anxiety At The Same Time

Having anxiety and depression at the same time means having this never-ending war in your head. It means living with two powerful sneaky demons fighting for control over you. And the sad thing is that neither of them ever wins or loses.

If you still find it hard to understand what it’s like living with depression and anxiety at the same time, then try to imagine what it’s like struggling with anxiety first:

Imagine constantly having racing thoughts.

Imagine constantly fearing that something bad or tragic might happen as soon as you leave your house.

Imagine having a panic attack at work or in a bar or restaurant and feeling like you can’t breathe, and you’re unable to do anything about it but just sit and wait for it to end since if you begin reacting to it, those around you will think you are being dramatic or disruptive.

Imagine constantly worrying about what other people think about you.

Imagine constantly trying to make other people like you.

Imagine feeling an overwhelming need to prove your worth since you think everyone around you thinks you’re weird and secretly hates you.

Now try to imagine what it’s like struggling with depression:

Imagine having no motivation to do anything, even to get up in the morning.

Imagine not believing in your own strength and qualities.

Imagine doubting your self-worth every single day.

Imagine not caring about anything at all because nothing seems important to you.

Imagine feeling like no one understands you.

Imagine thinking that you’re useless and worthless.

Now imagine what it’s like struggling with both at the same time.

Imagine having no motivation to get out of bed in the morning and at the same time worrying about all the things you have to do that day.

Imagine trying hard to succeed in life but all the while thinking that the time and energy you invest in your work and family don’t matter at all.

Imagine constantly worrying about your problems but feeling too exhausted to search for ways to solve them.

Imagine trying to make everyone like you but then thinking that there is no point in doing that.

Imagine listening to one voice telling you, “Do something about your condition! Talk about it to your family and friends.” And then listening to another one screaming at you, “Do not overreact! Stop complaining! Do not bother others with your problems! No one really cares about you anyway!”

Imagine feeling a strong desire to fight and live yet at the same time feeling a deep desire to give up.

Imagine living with those two opposing forces and doing your best to cope with both of them every single day.

Imagine doing everything in your power to prevent these two demons from making your life a living hell.

Imagine trying to be patient and gentle with yourself, believe in yourself, and gather the strength to conquer these two demons and move forward every single day.

This is what it’s like to live with depression and anxiety at the same time.

Stop Devoting Your Time To Individuals Who Drain Your Energy And Trash Your Happiness

Individuals Who Drain Your Energy And Trash Your Happiness

Stop devoting your time to individuals that make you feel bad about yourself. Individuals that enjoy bombarding you with sarcastic and hostile comments. Individuals that judge you and criticize you, even when they don’t know anything about you.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that weaken your confidence. Individuals that judge you because of your insecurities and fears. Individuals who make you doubt your own strength and qualities. Individuals who make you feel weak and unimportant.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that are always trying to undermine your achievements. Individuals that envy your successes, milestones, and happiness. Individuals that don’t want you to be happier and more successful than them. Individuals who don’t want to see you fulfill your goals and dreams. Individuals who want to drag you down.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that expect your opinions, needs, and passions to match their own. Individuals that don’t respect your opinions when they differ from their own. Individuals that make you feel like you are weird for liking the things that you like.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that act like they are superior to you. Individuals that act like they are smarter, tougher, and better than you. Individuals that make you feel like you’ll never be good enough for them no matter how hard you try.

Stop devoting your time to individuals whom your feelings, needs, opinions, and desires mean nothing to. Individuals that don’t listen to you when talking to them. Individuals that don’t care about what you have to say to them. Individuals that couldn’t care less about you.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that don’t think twice about taking advantage of you. Individuals that want to make you act in ways that suit their needs and wishes. Individuals that want to make you feel like you owe them something.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that are manipulative and selfish. Individuals that call you only when they need something from you. Individuals that are nowhere to be found when it’s YOU who needs help.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that suck all the positive energy out of you. Individuals that fill your life with unnecessary drama and tension. Individuals that don’t even deserve a second of your attention.

Stop devoting your time to individuals that ruin your self-esteem and trash your happiness. Individuals that don’t deserve your kindness, compassion, and love. Individuals that don’t deserve YOU.

Dear God, Thank You For Guiding Me Each Step Of My Life

Thank You For Guiding Me

Dear God,

I may not have everything that I want, but I really want to express my gratitude to You for all the gifts You’ve given me in my life.

First of all, thank You for always guiding me in the right direction. Thank You for guiding my decisions and heart. Thank You for helping me stay focused on what’s right and pure.

Then thank You for the wisdom and strength You give me each day.

Thank You for sending into my life people who make me feel happy and fulfilled. People that make my life more meaningful and more exciting.

Thank You for all your lessons. Thank You for teaching me to be grateful for everything I have in life, even when I feel sad, disappointed, and hurt. Thank You for teaching me how important it is to respect and appreciate my family, my friends, and all those who are close to me.

Thank You for the lessons I had to learn the hard way as well.

Thank You for forgiving me for the times I made a mistake and hurt someone’s feelings unintentionally or deliberately.

Thank You for forgiving me for the times I let my worries and fears control my mind and I allowed pride to wreak havoc over my life.

Thank You for not hating me when I was rude, selfish, cruel, and ungrateful. Thank You for not giving up on me when my faith was shaken.

Thank You for giving me second chances to get things right and repent.

Thank You for sending people into my life that I look up to.

Thank You for the times You’ve inspired me to learn new things about the world around me and gain new perspectives on life.

Thank You for all the problems and pains You’ve sent my way because each and every one of them have made me wiser and stronger.

Thank You for giving me the strength and courage I needed to face every challenge and hardship in my life.

Thank You for keeping me far from the traps of temptations.

Thank You for never allowing me to lose faith in myself.

Thank You for giving me the faith I need when I see no hope.

Thank You for mending my heart every time someone broke it. Thank You for healing my wounds.

Thank You for always protecting me and my family. Thank You for protecting us from the evil intentions of the enemy.

Thank You for all your patience. Your kindness. Your generosity. Your love.

Thank You for guiding me each step of my life.

Thank You for everything.

I Promise: One Day You’ll Be Everything Someone Ever Dreamed Of

Everything Someone Ever Dreamed Of

One day you will be the person who will inspire someone to believe again. You’ll inspire them to believe in their qualities, their strength, their potential, their uniqueness. You’ll inspire them to believe in the goodness of others. You’ll inspire them to believe in true love.

One day you will be the torch to someone’s darkness. You’ll be the light that will guide them through their own maze of insecurities and fears. You’ll be the person who will encourage them to find their inner strength to face and overcome their weaknesses.

One day you will be the person who will fix someone’s broken heart. You’ll heal their wounds. You’ll mend their wounded soul. You’ll make them smile again. You’ll make them feel happy, fulfilled, and cherished. You’ll teach them how to love again.

One day you will be the person who will remind someone of their worth. You’ll remind them of their individuality and their greatness.

One day you’ll be the reason why someone is no longer afraid to fall in love. You’ll be the reason why they no longer build walls around themselves. You’ll be the reason why they no longer hide their heart and suppress their feelings. You’ll be the person who will show them that love doesn’t always have to be hard and painful.

One Day You’ll Be Everything Someone Ever Dreamed Of

One day you’ll be the person that will show someone that genuine love does exist. You’ll show them that love can feel effortless. You’ll show them what true, deep, unconditional love is. You’ll show them what genuine passion really feels like.

One day you will be everything someone ever dreamed of. You’ll be the person who will represent all of their dreams and hopes. You’ll be everything they ever wanted to have. You’ll be the person they thought they would never meet. You’ll be their best friend. Their lover. Their cheerleader. Their protector. Their guiding light. Their perfect imperfection. Their hope. Their whole world. Their forever person.

One day you’ll be the person that someone will be grateful for having in their life. You’ll be the person that will make them feel alive.

One day you’ll understand why all your previous relationships failed. You’ll understand why those you dated broke your heart and left you. You’ll understand why they weren’t right for you. You’ll understand why God, fate, the universe, or you name it, had other plans for you.

Because one day you’ll find someone who will be the right person for you. Someone who will accept and cherish you for who you are. Someone who will embrace your imperfections. Someone who will adore your smile. Someone who will enjoy watching you laugh. Someone who will bring out the best in you. Someone whom you’ll mean the world to. Someone to whom you’ll be everything they ever dreamed of.

Walking In The Rain Reduces Your Stress Levels And Helps You Relax

Perhaps the idea of walking in the rain sounds crazy to you, but trust me, it shouldn’t, and in what follows I’m going to explain the reasons for it.

A lot of people love rainy days. Some enjoy listening to the sound of rain because they find it soothing and others like the coziness and sense of peacefulness they feel when they are sitting by the window and watching the rain pouring down.

Well, it turns out that rain can reduce your stress levels and help you relax. The pleasant smell of rain, you know – that of wet earth and clean air you experience when raindrops hit the ground, can calm your mind.  This scent is known as Petrichor and is produced by bacteria.

Despite reducing your stress levels, studies have shown that walking in the rain has the following benefits too:

1. Walking in the rain helps you relax.

The brain recognizes the sound of rain as non-threatening and this makes it soothing. The sound of rain is calming and can help you relieve stress.

2. Exercising in wet, cold conditions burns more calories and fats than exercising in hot weather.

One study that aimed to determine the effects of rain on energy metabolism while running in cold weather has shown that “energy demand increases when running in cold conditions.” This helps increase your metabolism.

3. Walking in the rain helps you exercise faster and longer.

When you do physical exercises, your body temperature increases. This may decrease your speed. So, in order to cool you down, your body redirects the blood flow from your working muscles to your skin, thereby reducing your performance.

Rainwater can cool you down and keep you from overheating during physical exercise. As a result, you’ll be able to exercise faster and longer.

4. The air is cleaner and fresher after it rains.

Atmospheric chemists at MIT have found that rain is very effective in cleaning the atmosphere. Namely, as raindrops fall through the atmosphere, they can absorb tiny aerosol particles before they hit the ground. When droplets and aerosols attract or coagulate, this process clears the air of sulfates, soot, and organic particles.

5. Walking in the rain can do wonders for your hair and skin.

Walking in the rain keeps your hair and skin moisturized. Rainwater is alkaline in nature, which means that it helps maintain the pH level of your skin. It also keeps your hair moisturized and makes it softer.

6. Walking in the rain teaches your body to adapt.

It teaches your body to adjust and react to different conditions. 


1. Ritsuko, Ito, et al. “Effects of rain on energy metabolism while running in a cold environment.” Retrieved from PubMed.

2. Stevens, CJ, et al. “Running performance in the heat is improved by similar magnitude with pre-exercise cold-water immersion and mid-exercise facial water spray.” Retrieved from PubMed.

3. Chu, Jennifer. “Study explains how rain droplets attract aerosols out of the atmosphere.” Retrieved from MIT News.

4. Halton, Mary. “Petrichor: why does rain smell so good?” Retrieved from BBC.

This Goes To All Stay-At-Home Moms Out There: You Are Not Alone

This goes to you: The stay-at-home mom who sometimes feels lonely although she is never alone. The mom who sometimes wants to run away from the people that she can’t imagine living without. The mom who gives everything to her children and husband and who does everything in her power to make her family happy although she sometimes feels like this is slowly killing her.

Yes, you are a stay-at-home mom and you’re grateful that you stay home and take good care of and raise your kids, but you don’t want this to be all you become.

You don’t want to live your life struggling with frustrations which result from the emotional challenges of caring for children full time.

I know you feel like no one understands you. No one understands that being a stay-at-home mom is just as much a job as any other job, except for the fact that you don’t “leave work” at 5 p.m. every day. This is a non-stop job.

 Stay-At-Home Moms

No one understands why you are exhausted. No one understands why you easily get irritated by small, unimportant things and problems. No one understands why you sometimes feel like you’re losing your sense of self. No one realizes that being a stay-at-home mom was not what you dreamed of when you were a little girl.

No one realizes that you live a silent life even with all the children-shouting going on around you. No one realizes that you sometimes struggle with feelings of loneliness although you’re never alone. No one realizes that you’ve spent many nights crying on the kitchen floor because your day was too tiring and overwhelming.

No one understands why your house is still in a mess after you have been home all day long. No one understands why you often compare yourself to other parents. No one understands how awful you feel when someone says to you that being a stay-at-home mom is not a “real” job or that it’s great sitting at home all day. No one understands why you sometimes feel like a failure.

No one bothers to realize that you, too, had a career at one point in your life. You, too, went to work and contributed to your family finances. You, too, felt important.

But, you know what? You still are! You are still important!


Because you take care of your toddlers and spouse. You fight for their happiness. You do your best to make them feel protected and safe. You teach them what genuine, pure, selfless love is. You teach them how to love others wholeheartedly and unconditionally. You teach them how to treat others with compassion, respect, and dignity.

You teach them that family always comes first. You teach them that having a family is life’s greatest blessing. 

CBD vs. THC: Differences, Health Benefits, and Effects

Marijuana and cannabis products are rising in popularity and becoming legal in more US states. They seem to be everywhere these days – you can buy them in the form of oils, edibles, tinctures, vapes, capsules, creams, gels, supplements, and more both online and in stores.

 Still, many are still confused about whether consuming these products is really beneficial. Others are skeptical and unsure whether they’ll make them high.

 This skepticism is natural because the two compounds getting the most attention at the moment, CBD and THC, are both present in the cannabis plant but have very different effects on our body.

This article aims to clarify the differences and similarities between these two compounds and explain the health benefits and risks of each one of them.

 The Difference Between CBD and THC

Cannabis contains over 100 compounds called cannabinoids. The most well-known of these compounds are Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

 CBD products can be derived from either hemp or marijuana. Both of them belong to the cannabis plant family. The main difference is the content of THC in each of them: hemp contains less than 0.3% THC and quite a lot of CBD, whereas marijuana contains more than 0.3% THC. THC is a psychoactive compound that is known to make users high.

 THC and CBD also have a similar chemical structure: 30 hydrogen atoms, 2 oxygen atoms, and 21 carbon atoms. However, these atoms are arranged differently, which gives THC and CBD different properties. As a result, they have different effects on the human body.

 How do THC and CBD Affect the Human Body

Both THC and CBD interact with receptors in the human endocannabinoid system which is responsible for controlling a number of bodily functions including memory, sleep, mood, and pain. 

THC tends to bind with receptors located in the brain that are responsible for controlling feelings like mood and pain. That’s the reason why consuming marijuana produces euphoric feelings and makes users high. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive, which means it doesn’t make users high. It binds with other receptors in the endocannabinoid system which are linked to feelings of well-being.

 The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Cannabinoids

Here’s how cannabinoids work with the ECS in the human body:

As mentioned earlier, the cannabis plant contains more than 100 cannabinoids, i.e. compounds that interact with our ECS (endocannabinoid system). The ECS is made of a network of receptors that work with cannabinoids to control important functions in the body.

The first cannabinoid receptor was discovered in the 1980s. About a decade later, scientists were able to classify the receptors in two categories: CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are located in parts of the brain which are in charge of various mental and physiological processes like motor coordination, high cognition, memory, and emotion, whereas CB2 receptors are located throughout the immune system and the central nervous system.

The interaction between cannabinoids such as THC and CBD and these receptors can contribute to a number of health benefits including anxiety relief, pain alleviation, mood management appetite stimulation, etc.

Health Benefits of CBD and THC

Nowadays, people use CBD products to help treat a number of conditions and ailments, ranging from arthritis to anxiety. Some claim that it can help with insomnia, chronic pain, and even cancer; however, research on CBD’s health benefits is scarce and there’s no scientific evidence to confirm these claims.

 So far, there’s scientific evidence that CBD helps with epilepsy and seizures. As a result, the US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first cannabis-derived medication, Epidolex, which is used to treat two rare and quite severe forms of childhood epilepsy – Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. 

CBD is said to help with the following ailments:

  • seizures
  • chronic pain
  • inflammation
  • migraines
  • depression
  • psychosis
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • anxiety
  • nausea

THC can be helpful with the following conditions:

  • chronic pain
  • pain caused by multiple sclerosis
  • nerve pain
  • anxiety
  • muscle spasms
  • tremors in patients with Parkinson’s disease
  • glaucoma
  • low appetite
  • nausea
  • insomnia

Side Effects

The human body can handle CBD very well, even in higher doses. When side effects do occur, they’re usually a result of interaction between CBD and other prescription drugs you may be taking.

 Some of the CBD’s side effects include:

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • drowsiness
  • upset stomach
  • fatigue
  • lightheadedness
  • lowered blood pressure
  • crankiness

The situation with THC is different as its psycho-activity can lead to a number of side effects such as:

  • vomiting
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • problems with concentration, balance, and memory

Make sure to consult a health care professional before taking any CBD products. 

CBD and THC: Are They Legal?

Laws related to cannabis are changing frequently. Marijuana is still illegal under federal law, even though some states have legalized it for medicinal and/or recreational purposes. 

In December 2018, the US Congress passed a Farm Bill which made industrial hemp legal in all fifty states. However, there are certain rules about how and where hemp-derived CBD products can be sold.   

Check the laws in your state before purchasing any products that contain THC or CBD. 

Final Thoughts

Although THC and CBD share some similarities, they are quite different. Bottom line is, neither THC or CBD is better. They both offer great health benefits and you can use one or both of them to provide relief for the condition you’re suffering from. Some people find THC’s psycho-activity beneficial; it all depends on individual needs.