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Best Numerology App for Android & I phone | Tarot Life

Are you curious to know about your numerology number? Or are you looking for the best ways to find out about a numerology app? If you are suspicious or interrogative, then you must grab the essence of the importance of numbers in our daily lives.

Numbers may seem like nothing distinctive. They are just a part of mathematics or day to day calculations. This is where the majority of human beings lack in understanding the importance of these numbers.

These numbers have colossal powers of sniffing your future and drawing the blueprint of your whole life. Also, celestial beings use these numbers as a method of sending their signals to you. If you are wondering how it happens then keep reading to know it all.

Many of the apps are implementing prediction methods today to give a sneak peek in the future to the users. Numerology Apps is one such category of these prediction apps.

You might be familiar with future prediction methods that involve your natal birth chart, or the predictions based on your name, Palmistry, Vedic astrology, horoscope, etc. But, did you know that your future can be determined even with the help of these numbers?

Yes, numbers have a significant effect on your life events like your health, relationships, love, career, personality traits, etc. The best thing about dealing with numbers is that these are highly sorted. No complexities, only a fixed set of numbers you have to deal with!

A Numerology App can do it for you easily. But before going directly to the app, let us satisfy the hunger of the ones who doubt about the relevancy of numbers in future prediction.

How are Numbers Used for Predictions? 

Numbers utilize a piece of basic information that involves two entities of your life. One is your name, the other being your date of birth. All of the calculations that numerology implements are through these two parameters used in different combinations.

Some numbers may use only your date of birth, some may use only your name while some may pick data in combination from both your name and your date of birth.

Based on the data of your name and date of birth, certain calculations are done. The calculations are not random instead they exercise a fixed algorithm which is easy to follow. As a conclusion, it is just a matter of belief. The intention and trust matters.

What are the Major Numerology Numbers?

Major numerology numbers are as follows

  1. Life Path Number
  2. Destiny Number or Expression Number
  3. Maturity Number
  4. Personality Number

Numerology readers and numerology apps implement two types of numbers broadly. One is Cardinal Numbers and the other is Master Numbers. All of the numbers that Numerology predicts use these two numbers for future foretelling.

Cardinal Numbers are the ones that range from 1 to 9 while Master Numbers are only 11 and 22. Master Numbers are not further reduced to a single digit while Cardinal Numbers are extracted by reducing the numbers to a single digit.

How to Calculate the Life Path Number?

This number uses just your date of birth. It is the easiest one to be calculated. Just add all the digits of your birth date and reduce the final digit to a single number except for the Master Numbers.

Significance of the Life Path Number – It tells about major opportunities, achievements, and challenges faced by an individual in his/her life. If you are struggling with achieving happiness and fulfillment then this is the number you should seek for.

How to Calculate the Destiny Number?

Every alphabet corresponds to a numerical value, and calculation of this number is done with the help of numerical value of your name. You can refer to the data provided below for the same.

Root number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alpha bets A, J, S B, K,T C, L,U D, M, V E, N,W F, O, X G, P, Y H, Q, Z I, R

Significance of the Destiny Number– This number is the one that unveils your hidden talents. It might make you aware of the talents you inherited but were unknown of the same.

How to Calculate the Maturity Number?

It is the addition of Life Path Number and Destiny Number! Just sum up the two and you will get your Maturity Number.

Significance of the Maturity Number– Just as its name suggests, it is the one that indicates about your maturity. It is basically the age at which your thoughts of early age starts manifesting. This is the time when your deliberations visibly shape up.

How to Calculate the Personality Number?

Now that you have used the vowels of your name in the calculation, this number uses only the consonants in your name.

Significance of the Personality Number- this number reveals the personality of an individual. It mirrors how others think of you when they meet you for the first time and vice versa.

NOTE- In all of the calculations above, do not reduce ster Numbers to a

single digit value.

Why Numerology App?

We have embraced digitization like anything. Even the food that we eat comes with food delivery apps. So why not handle these complex calculations through a Numerology App?

The computerization has reduced the probability of occurrence of errors and manual work. Everything around us is fast-paced including our routine. Practically, who would want to sit with a pen and paper to do all the calculations? We guess no one.

A numerology app is capable of doing all such calculations very quickly. You can expect personalization from these numerical apps. There is no limitation on the number of times you want to know about your compelling  numbers. Plus it is available right on your fingertips.

Which is the Best Numerology App for iPhone and Android?

There are umpteen apps on both the Google Play Store and the App Store. But not all of these apps are trustworthy and reliable. The vulnerability attached to these digital entities is out of the perimeter of general users.

With the intent to offer the best to all, we have placed under our scanner the numerology app for iPhone and Android that has been exceptional interms of its accuracy and precision.

This fantastic app is ‘Tarot Life’. It does all of the numerical computations effortlessly and in a jiffy! So even if you are in a hurry and want to know about your lucky number, you can get it in just a few seconds.

It is interesting and a fun element sometimes to know about your characteristics. You can even cross check your personality traits within yourself, and definitely, you will be amazed to know how this app knows  this much about your personality. Give this app a shot and see it with your own eyes!

This numerology app calculates your vital numbers by utilizing the information about your date of birth and your name. Since apps now tend to offer multiple attractive features to the users, you can also get equipped with another interesting method of foretelling which this app has.

Tarot prediction is what the app offers along with numerical predictions. So if you want to know about your forthcoming day you can try Daily Tarot. If specifically, you want to know about your Love, Career, and Finance, you can go for these respective readings in the Tarot section.

This ‘numerology and tarot app- Tarot Life’ has especially been developed to cater to the needs of people who find it difficult to share their problems with others. And for the ones who are very much occupied in this modern cobweb of a hectic routine.

There also exists an option of chat support and you can ask your question to an expert clairvoyant. The expert will get to you as soon as possible with the best answer choices for your question.

Now that you know everything about this language of numbers, you can efficiently mould your future with this numerology app for your iPhone and Android. So what are you waiting for? The only thing standing between you and your great future is YOU!! Yes, download the app NOW!




Every Person That Comes Into Our Life Is There For A Reason: Some Are A Blessing, Others Are A Lesson

Every single human being that enters our lives is here on a mission. Some of you who have been through many painful experiences and traumas in life may not believe this, but it is the truth. If you find it hard to understand this, just stop for a second and look back at your life.

Everything is connected, right? What you have now wouldn’t be here in the first place if none of those people came into your life or none of those situations happened to you. What you are today is a result of everything that you’ve been through.

And even though it is hard to accept the fact that some of the people who did you wrong and hurt you in the worst possible ways were all an essential part of your journey, that is the truth. We don’t meet people by accident. Everyone who crosses our path has a purpose for being right here and right now.

Here are 5 cosmic reasons why people come into our lives:

1. hey are sent to unconditionally love us. Some people enter our lives and just like that they fall madly in love with us. They see past our flaws; they accept our imperfections and they adore us just the way we are. Sometimes they stay forever, sometimes they are here for a very short period of our lives and sometimes they stay just enough time to help us learn our lessons. Regardless of how long they are here, their love is pure and unconditional.

2. hey are sent to help us grow. Some come into our lives and help us reach our goals. They stay long enough to make sure we are strong enough to keep following our journey. They motivate us to never give up, no matter how hard it is. They remind us to always be authentic no matter how much others might find that strange. Most importantly they give us the strength to start working on ourselves.

3. hey are sent to awaken us and change us. Some of the people we meet while we are here are sent to give us that necessary nudge in life when we are too busy enjoying our comfort zones. There are times in life when we fall into an autopilot mode. We are unhappy, but we are too afraid to make a change because it might cost us our lives. At that time, the universe sends us people who help us make that initial move and change our life for the better.

4. hey are sent to remind us of certain things in life. Sometimes certain people are there for us only to remind us of things that we’ve somehow forgotten. They come into our lives and make sure to remind us why we’ve chosen that path in life and what our dreams always were. These people are like our guardian angels. Always watching our steps, always holding our hands.

5. hey are sent to stay by our side forever. Lastly, some of the people we meet are sent to stay with us until eternity. These souls come into our lives when we least expect them and completely change our life. They have a big impact on us and our journey. Whether it’s a best friend, a partner, a colleague, a certain family member, the minute they enter our world, we can feel it in our heart that they have always been destined to find us and become a crucial part of our life. And so, they stay. They stay to love us, inspire us, teach us and guide us.

There Is A Reason Why Fate Make Us Fall For Certain People And Then Takes Them Away From Us

Some say that there is no explanation why some people make you feel a certain way and some people don’t. Some cannot find the words to explain why they immediately feel attracted to a person they’ve never met or why they instantly click with people whom they’ve never even talk to.

I refuse to believe that life is so random. It just doesn’t feel that way. I believe that all of these strange encounters and weird experiences in life happen for a reason. I genuinely think that everything that happens to us, no matter how good, bad or terrible, happens for a certain reason.

Each and every person that steps into our lives and becomes a part of our world has a certain mission that needs to be accomplished. Even the ones whom we love but we have to let go forever. Even the ones who we think we couldn’t live without. All of these people leave a mark on us and are there for a reason. Regardless of the fact that their time spent with us may be short.

The problem is, sometimes we think that these short-term relationships are meant to last a lifetime. And so, we give our best efforts to turn these temporary people into our forever partners. But we fail desperately. Because their role is not to stay by our side forever. Their role is to teach us the lessons we must understand and leave us.

To help us accept certain things that we’ve struggled accepting and then when their job is done, to help us accept the fact that we have to let them go forever. No matter how much it hurts. What some of us don’t understand is that one of their biggest purpose for coming into our lives and then leaving for good is teaching us how to let go…

So, we get frustrated. We try to find the reason why the universe must take away something so beautiful from us. We question ourselves where we went wrong with our actions. We get mad at the whole world and blame ourselves for letting someone so special slip through our fingers.

But it is all for nothing. Because that was meant to happen. And we don’t have the power to change what’s been already predestined.

Fate has brought us closer to someone because at that moment we needed that special someone in our lives. We needed to be with them, learn from them and then… let them go.

So, don’t despair. Don’t waste your tears. Don’t give up on life.

When the day comes for you to meet the right person, when your forever person finally finds their way to you, you will know. You will feel it in your heart and a voice inside of you will tell you… That’s the one. That person is here to stay forever.

The Right One Won’t Be Bothered By Your Flaws, Weirdness And Your Overthinking Mind

The one that is destined to spend their life next to you won’t mind your flaws.

Your soulmate, your kindred spirit, your twin flame, your lover, your one true love, whatever you want to call it, they won’t be bothered by your imperfections.

This person will accept you for who you are. They will fall in love with your wild, untamed side. They will find your silly little quirks cute. Your different opinions and ideas will not be something they’d wish to change. In fact, your differences will inspire them to question and change certain things in life.

The right one will not be bothered by your loud and overthinking mind. They will hush down your loudest insecurities and calm down your paranoias. They will not judge you. On the contrary, they will understand the reason why you always overanalyze everything. They will know that you do that because you deeply care for them.

The right person will not go running for the hills when you two have a small fight. They will not be afraid to confront you and openly talk to you about any kind of issues you two might have. They won’t mind your mini breakdowns. They are not going to leave you all alone when you feel the weakest. They will stand by you, hold your hand and let you know that the best is yet to come.

The right person isn’t going to judge you for being weird. They will enjoy your peculiar traits. In fact, your craziness will complement their craziness. They are going to make you laugh until you cry. They are going to make sure you feel comfortable to be yourself in front of them, without masks and without embarrassment.

The right person isn’t going to be afraid of the intensity of your love. They won’t feel overwhelmed by your affection. In fact, they will enjoy your small acts of love. They will love the way you spoil them, treat them and make them feel like the happiest person alive. They will never need a break from you or your love. Because this person will be thrilled to spend their life by your side.

Most importantly, the right person for you will never hurt you, leave you, lie to you or abandon you. They are going to take care of your heart and soul the way they take care of their own.

Tough And Self-Respecting Women Don’t Settle For Less Than They Deserve, Even When They Feel Lonely

Right, we get it – rolling solo means going to bed alone every night, having no one to caress you when you wake up in the morning, attending weddings alone, and blah blah blah.

But, now let me tell you something: Settling for crappy love is much lonelier than being alone.

Settling for immature, fickle, selfish people is much lonelier than rolling solo.

Unfortunately, what many people fail to understand is that being lonely is not as bad and scary as dating someone who makes you feel lonely when they’re around you. Every strong, smart, and self-respecting woman knows this. And what makes this kind of woman even more special and unique is that she doesn’t let her loneliness convince her to settle for less than she deserves.

Here’s why this is so:

1. We’re not afraid of being alone.

The thought of going to birthday parties, concerts, or weddings alone doesn’t scare us. Because we know that we are a lot more than our relationship status. We’re aware of our strength and we know that our loneliness is temporary.

We know that sooner or later we’ll find the right person for us and until that moment, we will just roll solo and live our lives to the fullest.

2. We don’t need a partner to feel complete.

If you don’t feel fulfilled, whole, and complete before you get into a relationship with someone, what makes you think that you’ll suddenly start feeling that way when you begin dating someone?

Of course, a relationship can make your life more fulfilling and exciting than it already is, but for you to feel whole and complete, well, my friend, it takes a lot more than just dating someone. Remember, wholeness is about being complete in yourself.

3. We know our worth.

No. We don’t think that we’re the prettiest, smartest, and most important women in the world. We don’t think that no one is worthy of our love and attention.

We just know how hard we have worked to get where we are in life now. We know how many times our hearts had to be broken so that we could understand that we should be very careful about who we let into them.

We know who we are, we are aware of our worth, and we’ll never let anyone or anything take that away from us.

4. We have no time to waste on crappy relationships.

We respect ourselves enough not to devote our time to some guy out there who is incapable of loving. We have no intention of wasting our energy on a guy who is irresponsible or manipulative. A guy who doesn’t deserve our attention, respect, and love.

It’s simple: We’d rather be alone than be in a one-sided, messy, toxic relationship.

5. We don’t let our relationship status determine our happiness.

We don’t search for happiness in others. Instead, we search for it in ourselves. In our qualities. In our strength. In our soul. In the depths of our being.

Besides, we’re grateful for everything we have in life. We’re grateful for the unswerving support and unconditional love our family and friends have given us. We’re grateful for every difficult challenge, problem, and pain life has thrown our way.

And last but not least, we’ve had many sh*tty relationships which have taught us that we are the only ones who are responsible for our own happiness.

6. We enjoy our own company.

Strong, confident, and self-respecting women enjoy spending time alone. When we are on our own, we explore our deepest feelings and thoughts. We reflect on our needs, priorities, goals, and desires. We reexamine our decisions. We connect with our true selves. We enjoy the silence.  And we don’t need anyone to share it with.

7. Last but not least, we don’t give a damn about what other people think of our relationship status.

“When are you going to find yourself a partner?” “All your friends are married, what are you waiting for?” SO, WHAT?

We respect ourselves enough not to care about what others think of us and our relationship status. We know there will always be someone who will judge and criticize us for the way we live our lives. But, let them think and say whatever they want to think and say.

We’ll get into a relationship when we know he’s the right person for us. When we’re sure he’s the one we deserve to be with!

Children Won’t Tell You They Have Anxiety, They’ll Say “I Don’t Feel Well”

During early childhood, kids experience different negative feelings and emotional reactions. But, they don’t have the self-awareness and experience to understand what’s happening to them.

However, they’ll let their parents know that something is wrong even when they don’t know what they’re dealing with or what its name is.

While kids perceive things in a different way from adults and they have a totally different perception of the world around them from adults, they are not as self-aware or educated as a grown-up is.

Therefore, to a child, his/her feelings can be quite confusing. So, making an accurate prognosis of their health is not likely at all. Instead, they’ll tell their parents the symptoms they experience and then wait for their help.

Up until recently, the majority of adults were unaware of the regularity of mental disorders children suffer from. And when it comes to anxiety, it appears that grown-ups don’t take this condition as seriously as they should, since most adults still think that anxiety is just a fear which takes hold of us.

But, the truth is that anxiety is much more than feeling fear, and only the person suffering from it knows how overwhelming, draining, and all-consuming it can be.

Unfortunately, children, too, can develop an anxiety disorder. If a child’s anxiety is left untreated, it can be detrimental to them since it may turn into serious sleep disorders, difficulty creating and maintaining relationships with other people, and substance dependency.

Additionally, untreated anxiety can also undermine your child’s confidence and self-esteem, and in turn, prevent them from fulfilling their true potential.

And last but not least, untreated anxiety can cause your child to develop depression.

So, the question is: How can you recognize your child’s cry for help?

Since more often than not, your child won’t tell you, “I have anxiety,” you have to be able to recognize the symptoms of it yourself.

Here they are:


Continuous stomach aches


  Avoiding situations or people that could stress them out

–  Becoming extremely upset over the smallest problems

  Being an extreme perfectionist

Unusual coping mechanisms that can even be regarded as self-harm, such as scratching, pulling their hair out, pinching, biting, and etc.

If you notice that your child is showing these behaviors, and they’re interfering with his/her day-to-day activities, make sure you seek help from a professional therapist.

Don’t Settle For An Almost Relationship. Wait For A Person Who Seeks The Same Things In Life As You

I know that you are feeling left behind and I know exactly why. Everyone around you is either in a loving relationship, happily married or about to tie the knot. Your friends are all engaged, some of them are expecting their baby, people are falling madly in love, but for some reason, none of this happens to you. You are convinced that there is something terribly wrong with you. But there is not.

Still, when you are feeling lonely and left behind like this while everyone you know is having the best time of their life, it is pretty easy to settle down for just about anything.

In those moments, your brain doesn’t work as rational as it should. You are desperate for some kind of affection and someone’s touch on your skin that you forget about your real feelings.  And you enter a relationship. You know, the kind of that looks like the real thing but lacks intimacy and sense of security. You settle for an almost connection because the only thing you need more than anything in this world is to be loved by someone. But that person you’ve chosen is not capable of giving you what you want. And you know that.

That is why I feel obligated to say a few things to you and hopefully talk some sense into you.

Everything in life is pretty much mediocre. That doesn’t mean that love should be. If you ask me, love should be the most intense, the most passionate and the most beautiful part of your life. You deserve to feel that way. You deserve to dive deep inside the realms of true, unconditional love and feel every emotion on the spectrum of love. You deserve to experience intimacy with another person.

Here’s the thing… If you want to find a serious partner and commit to them for real, then stop wasting your time on casual flings. Recognize your desires, create boundaries around the ones who don’t align with your dreams and start searching for what you truly desire. If someone is stringing you along, cut them off and focus on the purpose of your journey. Finding true love.

Stop settling for crumbles when deep down you desire the whole load. If that person next to you isn’t capable of giving you what you need, someone else will. You may not believe it, but someone would be happy to be your today, tomorrow and forever. You just have to remind yourself that you are worthy of true, long-lasting love. Once you do that, it will be easier for you to know when to say NO and when to say YES.

People may have forgotten about the real values of life, but that doesn’t mean that true love doesn’t exist. It does. And it is up to you whether you will give yourself the time to grow and find it or you will give up and settle for just about anything.

Please, please, please… don’t ever allow your fear of being alone to sabotage your opportunities of finding something real. Wait for someone who will seek the same things of life as you. Wait for someone that will love you for real.

Here’s What You Need To Know About Dating An Introvert

When you hear someone mentions the word ‘introvert,’ the first thought that pops into your mind is probably of someone who is quiet, shy, reserved, and antisocial. Someone who is very complicated when it comes to relationships and expressing their feelings. Someone who is difficult to understand and handle. But, let me tell you something:

We, the introverts, are not complicated at all. We are not difficult to understand and handle at all. We just don’t crave the things that the rest in this extroverted world crave.

And in our relationships, we don’t look for superficial things. Instead, we look for depth – depth in our partner. And yes, we look for genuine, raw, deep, intense love – the kind of love that not many people are able to offer.

If you ever have the privilege of dating an introvert, here’s what you should know about them:

1. We don’t like to rush things.

We tend to open up and talk about our feelings to new people more slowly than our extroverted fellows.

Therefore, we crave your understanding and patience. We need to know that you’re not going to rush us and put pressure on us. We need to know you understand that it’s going to take us some time before we start feeling comfortable wearing our heart on our sleeve and undressing our soul in front of you.

2. We need to know that you accept us just the way we are.

We need to know that you’re not going to call us “overly sensitive” or “dramatic” when we get emotional and start crying at a sad movie. We need to know that you’re not going to call us “paranoid” or “clingy” when we get jealous.

We need to know that our insecurities and fears don’t repel you. We need to know that our overthinking and need for space will never scare you away. We need to know that you accept and cherish us for who we are, with all our weaknesses. We need to know that we’re perfect to you with all of our imperfections.

3. We flirt differently.

Think a warm, loving gaze. A gentle, enigmatic smile. Listening attentively and asking deep questions. Revealing every layer of our personality to you. Telling good funny jokes. And we may even come up with a dirty joke when you expect it the least, but we won’t hit on you aggressively for sure.

4. We need you to know that we’re not afraid to leave our comfort zone for you.

Yes, we don’t like being surrounded by a lot of people. Crowded, loud places drain our energy. They make us feel exhausted, confused, and overwhelmed.

That’s why we prefer spending Saturday nights at home, eating pizza and watching movies on Netflix together with you to spending Saturday nights in some crowded bar with you, and, of course, a bunch of strangers.

But, when we’re genuinely in love, our love forces us out of our comfort zone. When we’re deeply in love with you, suddenly doing extroverted things is no longer difficult for us. We come out with you for a drink at bars, we dance with you, we laugh with you until our stomach hurts. Because we love seeing you happy. We love seeing you content and fulfilled around us.

5. We need alone time.

We often need to spend time on our own. When spending time alone, we reflect on our needs, our priorities, our desires. We reexamine our decisions. We explore the depths of our soul. We connect with our true self. We recharge our batteries. We heal old wounds.

We need to know that when we tell you we need to spend some time alone, you won’t think that’s because you said or did something wrong.

6. And most of all, we crave your love.

We crave your genuine, profound, intense, unconditional love. We need to know you feel about us the way we feel about you. That you love us from the bottom of your heart. That you can feel the connection between us. That you will always be there for us.

We need to know that you’re invested in the relationship as much as we are. That what we have means the most to you. That we mean the world to you.

Here’s Why We Are Attracted To Someone Who Is Wrong For Us

Attraction is the principal reason a romantic relationship is created. Regardless of whether it’s an emotional attraction or physical one, it’s the factor that causes two individuals to feel magnetically drawn to each other.

When the attraction is not genuine, once the honeymoon phase ends, couples usually break up. But, when a genuine attraction is established between two individuals, love takes over and feelings such as loyalty and commitment begin to develop.

So, the question is: What causes us to feel attraction for someone who is not right for us in the first place?

In what follows, we presented five possible reasons why you might get attracted to someone who is wrong for you and who is likely to break your heart:

1. You think they need your help to change.

This is probably the primary reason why a lot of people decide to stay in troubled, toxic relationships. They care about the other person and if they notice that they have some personal problems, let’s say they are emotionally unstable, they wrongly believe that they can help them deal with their issues and in turn change.

If you too happen to be in this kind of relationship, please know that it’s not your responsibility to ‘fix’ or change anyone. If your partner truly loves you, they, themselves, will make an effort to solve their problems, get out of their bad habits, and change.

Moreover, you need to know that some people simply don’t want to change.

2. You think you can see yourself in them.

You feel you’re connected to them on a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual level. You think that they understand you completely. You think they understand your feelings, your insecurities, your fears. You think they know your story. There is simply something about them which makes you think that you can see yourself in them.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is not true. That intense infatuation and that strong connection have nothing to do with mutual understanding. Because no one can completely understand your issues nor you can understand theirs.

What you need to understand is that when someone has problems, they are not in a state to develop a healthy, harmonious, meaningful relationship. So, the best thing you can do to help them is to be there for them but as their friend, not as their partner. And if this hurts you, them, or both of you, then you should just leave them.

3. You think you’re the one to blame for your relationship problems.

When a relationship breaks down, couples generally take into consideration all the factors which may have caused the breakup, such as different time schedules, disagreements, or commitment issues.

But, when you’re in a toxic relationship, you change the way you perceive everything that happens between you and your partner. You begin thinking that you’re the one to blame for everything that goes wrong in your relationship. Even when you didn’t say or do anything wrong, the toxic person may easily convince you that some relationship problem is your fault.

But, what you need to know is that you can’t be the only person that’s responsible for your relationship problems. So, don’t blame yourself and don’t let your partner blame you for things that are not your fault.

After all, relationships should be based on mutual trust and respect and both partners should take personal responsibility for their actions. And if your partner doesn’t behave in accordance with these principles, then know that you’re definitely not in a healthy, happy relationship.

4. Others advise you to get back together with your partner.

It takes two to tango and it takes two to form a relationship as well. Add one more person to this, and it’ll all turn into a mess.

The thing is that your close friends and family don’t want to see you hurt. That’s why when you break up with someone, they usually advise you to get back together with your ex and give them another chance.

But, here’s the truth: A toxic person is a toxic person and  you can’t do anything to change that. By giving them another chance and hoping that they will change, you’ll hurt yourself even more.

5. You think that what you and your partner have is genuine love.

People often confuse love with infatuation, attraction, or longing. But, love in its truest and purest form has nothing to do with these three feelings or states.

Relationships are supposed to bring happiness, joy, and a sense of fulfillment into your life. But, if you are in a relationship which drains your energy, brings you stress and disappointment, and takes your happiness away, then what you and your partner have is certainly not genuine love.

Fall In Love With A Person Who Makes You Laugh Until You Cry

People fall in love for many reasons. Sometimes they fall in love because they feel understood and accepted. Sometimes they fall in love because they’ve found someone who makes them feel like they know them their whole life. Sometimes they fall in love because they feel that their hearts are synchronized. And sometimes because they feel free to be exactly who they are in front of that other person.

All of these things are rare and extraordinary, but if you ask me, I believe that the most important reason why people fall in love is that they find someone who makes them laugh.

Think about it. Life is short. It’s imperfect and sometimes really difficult. We go through a lot of pain, betrayal, heartbreaks, disappointments, doubts, sleepless nights, failures, ups, and downs. We get knocked down. We lose the ones we love. We are forced to lose faith. We are forced to lose hope. But eventually, the only thing that helps us stand up and find a way to the exit is love. True, genuine, unconditional, warm love.

We feel lost and then all of a sudden comes a person who understands our soul and knows the way our heart beats. We find a partner who makes it all easier and believes in us. We find a person whose smile makes us feel those beautiful butterflies in our stomach and whose humor makes us laugh until we cry.

They look into our eyes and immediately bring a smile to our face. Their existence brings joy into our life. Their touch makes us feel loved. And their kiss makes us feel things that we’ve never felt.

We realize that this human being was the one that we’ve been waiting for our whole life. That we’ve always known this person. Maybe from a previous life or some parallel universe. That our paths crossed right on time. And that they’ve found us and chose us out of 7 billion people in the world.

The reason why I am saying this is because I don’t ever want to see you settle for something average.

Having someone whose laughter and a smile can make your day and fill your life with joy is one of the most priceless things in life. Being in love with someone who makes you feel the happiest person alive is the biggest blessing. Life is incredibly hard, that is why love shouldn’t be. Love should help up grow, thrive and experience every joy while we exist here on earth. Love should make us flourish.

So please, don’t give yourself to people who take everything for granted. Fall in love with a person who will never stop reminding you what a joy it is to be alive.