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5 Steps To Becoming A Perfect Mother For Your Child

They say children are like sponges – they take up everything they see or hear. Parenting is hard because of the many responsibilities and tasks, but also because of the raising part. Raising a child remains the greatest life challenge of all.

Working from 9 to 5 and raising a child, simultaneously is unimaginable for many. However, there are strong women who manage to do both – have a full time job and raise a kid.

Briefly, being a working mother consists of a lot of multi-tasking, numerous job tensions and regular lack of sleep.

How to make all of this happen? Follow the following pieces of advice to be a perfect mother for your kid.

  1. Spend more time with your children for bonding

Instead of leaving your children with nannies, try to spend more time with them during your free time.

Spending time with them during weekends will make them happier than you could imagine – and so would you! It’s crucial to have a bond with your child in order for them to trust you.

  1. Do things that your children love

Encourage your children to choose their own activities. Allow them to play that game that they love, no matter how pointless it seems to you. They want to paint or bake?

Do it together! They will remember those happy moments spent with you doing their favorite activities. In addition, you’ll learn more about your child’s preferences and you’ll see what are their talents.

  1. Encourage them to play social games and brain games

Games aren’t only those that are played outdoors. Every mother should encourage her child to interact with others as much as possible. Socialization plays an important role in the development of a child.

Thus, social games with other parents and children are a great way for you to spend time with them while they socialize.

Brain games are another thing that helps in the development. Puzzles are useful to enhance the cognitive development of children. 

  1. Cook something healthy and unusual with your children 

Food experimentation is interesting by itself, but imagine experimenting when cooking with your kids. Cooking interesting meals with and for your children will motivate them to eat healthier.

Don’t have any ideas? Luckily, we live in an era where we can find the answer of every question in a less than a minute.

Search the web for some exotic recipes, buy the ingredients and start cooking! You will have fun and there will be a tasty meal waiting for you afterwards.

  1. Go on more vacations

Vacations are always fun, but family vacations are the best! It’s these vacations that we remember after decades. Those happy moments that you’ve lived with your family have a special place in your heart, don’t they?

Make that happen for you children, as well! Let them create their own happy memories that they will remember for decades afterwards. You know you will get extra points if you let your children choose the destination.


Edward Snowden Tweet Hints That The NSA Can Access Your ‘Secret Thoughts And Feelings’ – Telepathy And Extrasensory Perception

As most of you are aware, Edward Snowden is a former Intelligence Community officer who blew the whistle on NSA’s secret mass surveillance programs which were shown to be operating outside the limits of the US Constitution.

For this, the US government is still trying to hunt him down on the basis of ‘theft of government property’ and further charges under the 1917 Espionage Act.

Before his leaks, many considered the such notions to be a conspiracy theory. But the thing about conspiracy theories in most cases is that these theories are just that until proven to be true. The same was the case with Snowden.

Today, there is still a large number of information considered to be conspiracy theory. One such issue is in the realm of parapsychology, the study of phenomena ranging from psychokinesis, telepathy, remote viewing, clairvoyance and much more.

The US government has a lot to say regarding this ‘theory’. Just imagine the government being able to ‘spy’ on people using the findings about extrasensory perception (ESP).

Well, instead of imagining, you can look further into the sources we’ll put and see for yourself that this is not a conspiracy theory.

ESP has long been studied by the US government. A classic example is the government’s Stargate program (you can look deeper in detail in CIA’s declassified documents on this program), which studied the realm of parapsychology and its uses thoroughly, especially extrasensory perception.

This program lasted for 20 years and was run by the CIA, NSA, in conjunction with the Stanford Research Institute. While many of you believe that extrasensory perception is a bunch of hogwash (and it’s what just many want you to believe), this program proved its existence and used it in various scenarios.

You can hear more about it in the Cancelled TED Talk by Russell Targ we’ve embedded below. Russell Targ was one of the main scientists involved with project Stargate and he has something extraordinary to say about ESP.

Of course, even long after the project was terminated, many people are being stopped from talking openly and inform the public of the knowledge these agencies possess and can use at any time. Such example is Russell Targ, whose TED Talk was cancelled.

Ingo Swann, one of 500 highly skilled participants in the program (Stargate), had also something to say in a lecture YouTube, but it turns out that the video “is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been closed.”


On 29 October 2016, NYT Minus Context tried to remind people that not everything could be under NSA surveillance, tweeting “Remember that people don’t have access to your secret thoughts and feelings.”

Edward Snowden retweeted the tweet, responding “Well, most people.” See below:

He could have simply been implying that the NSA is capable of collecting so much data that they could determine your thoughts, moves, and feelings. It wouldn’t be surprising to think that the NSA has such systems and algorithms that can make such predictions based on your online activity.

However, he might have suggested that these people actually possessed a bit more knowledge in how to tap into this kind of information, if needed.

The main thing is that, although project Stargate was terminated despite its successfulness, the NSA may still be using the techniques discovered during the project.

In the lecture given by Ingo Swann, he accounts to a moment in the project when during the Stargate project, the participants started exploring the concepts of precognition and the ability to perceive the thoughts of another individual at a remote location.

He stated that when these concepts emerged, the program was immediately terminated by the ‘men in suits’. We have Anonymous to thank for this information, which would be otherwise forgotten if it were to depend on YouTube.

To learn more about the extrasensory perception that was being explored by the government agencies, you can watch the Cancelled TED Talk by Russell Targ, one of the main scientists involved in the Stargate program.

We also have an article on how to unlock your extrasensory perception abilities, and you can read more about it here.


Via Anonymous

13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful

This sure seems like the definition of hell. Therefore, in order to escape this “hell” of what we could have done differently or the person we could have become, we need to take action and step-by-step start altering our lives and ourselves in order to become the person we always wanted to be.

You’re tired. I know what it feels like. You are tired but not just physically. The world is a dynamic place to live in, it demands your full attention, energy, and effort, and eventually, you get tired. You become tired of everything: the people who surround you, your job, your boss, your spouse, your kids, or perhaps your studies, your school, your professors, your assignments, or even looking for essay writing help to make sure you get good grades…the list goes on endlessly. You simply get just tired of everything.

The definition of success may not be the same for everyone, but there are always things we can add and omit from our daily routines to make us more success and productive.

1.Don’t play small

Lose the fear! Don’t be afraid to try new things and follow your dreams.

Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from working on your potential and towards your passions in life.  The world needs more of that.

Dream big and never fear success.

2. Don’t expect perfection

Nothing will ever be perfect regardless of how much we want it to be.

Therefore, do not strive towards perfection and do not let your fear of not being good enough get the best of you.

Instead, take action. If you are always waiting for the “perfect” time and circumstances, you will probably lose great opportunities. There is no such thing as perfect.

3. Don’t make excuses

You are the creator of your own life. Successful people have taken the matter in their own hands and know that they are the only ones who are responsible for their life choices – both successes and failures.  

However frightening this sounds this may sound, it is also exciting once you realize that the power for success is within you.

4. Don’t let your mindset be short-termed

If you want success, you must give up the short-termed mindset, and like all successful people start making long-term plans.

Successful people follow these long-termed plans with a series of everyday habits.

These habits become part of who they are. For example, there is a difference when someone exercises to get in shape for a season, as opposed to someone who exercises daily because it is a part of who they are.

  1. Beware of the fixed mindset

Do not let yourself believe that your intelligence and talent are fixed virtues and that your success in life will be based solely on your traits.

Successful people know that in order to succeed they must work hard daily on improving their talent, perceptions, learning new things and developing a progressive mindset.

Don’t be the same person today as you were yesterday. Grow and improve yourself daily.

  1. Don’t multi-task

Being fully present and focused on one task is the key to success. No matter what the task is – a workout, a hobby, a business idea – you need to take one thing at a time and excel in it.

  1. Lose your need to be liked

Sometimes, no matter how much effort you put in your work, there will be people who won’t approve of it. And that is perfectly fine, as long as you believe in yourself, your capabilities and understand that you cannot expect everyone to like you.

What you can do, however, is improve yourself, work on yourself and your talents every day, and understand that sometimes your biggest “haters” are your secret admirers. 

8. Don’t say ‘Yes’ to things that don’t back your goals

Successful people know that in order to achieve long-term success they need to give up on many short-term gratifications and pleasures.

Therefore, if you want success you have to be prepared to say ‘no’ to certain plans and activities with friends, colleagues, or family.

It’ll all be worth it in the end.

9. Remove leading an unhealthy lifestyle from your habits

Every achievement and happiness starts within yourself.

Taking care of your health and well-being is essential. You should keep in mind two things: healthy diet and physical activity.

10. Avoid believe in the “Magic Bullet”

There is no such thing as overnight. Life is not a fairytale with a magic wand.

However, successful people know that in order to succeed they need to take small steps of improvement every day.

Plan for the future, focus on the present by making the most of your day, success is sure to follow in time.

11. Drop the theory that you can control everything

Learn the difference between the two.

Some things are out of our control and no matter how much we try, we cannot change them.

You must learn to separate yourself from the things you cannot change, and focus on the things you can.

Do however, keep in mind that sometimes the only thing that you can change about something is your attitude towards it. 

12. Say ‘No’ to toxic people

Take a closer look at the people in your surrounding and try to see them as they really are. Some people are more accomplished and successful than you, and some are not.

Surround yourself only with people that are more successful and more accomplished than you are however scary and challenging this may seem at first. Chances are success will translate soon.

On the other hand, if you spend time with people who are less accomplished than you are, they will bring down your success to their level.

13. Don’t be dependent on TV and social media

Television and the internet have become diseases of our modern society.

Avoid using this virtual reality as an escape route from real life.

Unless your work depends on them, you should cut short your dependency and focus your time and energy on more meaningful and important things.


A Norfolk Doctor Discovers a Treatment For Sepsis. Now He’s Trying To Get The World To Listen

Sepsis is a serious medical condition. It’s caused when the body starts releasing an overwhelming amount of immune chemicals into the bloodstream to combat an infection.

These chemicals trigger a widespread inflammation which leads to blood clots and leaky vessels.

This condition impairs blood flow, which in turn damages the organs due to the deprivation from nutrients and oxygen.

In severe cases, organs can fail, and the worst-case scenario is when the blood pressure drops and the heart weakens, thus spiraling the patient toward a septic shock.

During the septic shock, multiple vital organs may quickly fail and the patient can die. The mortality from sepsis increases by 8% for every delayed hour without treatment.

Doctors view sepsis as a three-stage condition (1. sepsis, 2. severe sepsis, 3. septic shock) and aim to treat it during its early stage, before the condition becomes more dangerous. The treatment is complicated and not always successful.

The current treatment involves broad-spectrum antibiotics, constant oxygen and intravenous fluids supply, and sometimes even mechanical ventilation, kidney dialysis, or surgery to clear a local site of infection.

The complexity of the therapy takes a lot of effort and incurs high costs, and the success rate is not very satisfactory.

It is currently one of the leading causes of death in the intensive care unit (ICU) and it’s also a leading cause of people being readmitted to hospital.

However, Dr. Paul Marik, chief of pulmonary and critical care at Eastern Virginia Medical School, has found a treatment that has saved many lives in Norfolk General’s ICU since 2016. His discovery came as a result of a final effort to save Valerie Hobbs, 53.

Dr. Marik created a concoction, which he dubbed “the cure for sepsis”, and it is a simple combination of Vitamin C, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), and Hydrocortisone, a steroid which reduces inflammation.

Since he started using this “miracle juice”, the Norfolk General’s ICU saw the mortality rate in patients with sepsis drop from 40% in 2015 to only 8% in 2016.

The study that revealed these results also states that this treatment is effective even in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.

However, in order for this to become regular practice in the ICUs worldwide, the study needs to surpass its limitations. The study compares the treatment of patients in 2015 to that in 2016 and it involves a small number of patients. Furthermore, all the cases were at one hospital.

While Dr. Marik agrees and wants there to be a comprehensive study, he also notes that it would be difficult to fund such study. “We are curing it for $60. No one will make any money off it,” says Marik, hinting to the pharmaceutical companies that usually fund such studies.

“By the time it’s done, it could be three years and the number of people who will die of sepsis by that time will be ginormous,” he adds.

This treatment will definitely save many lives and reduce the economic costs of the hospitals. Currently, the sepsis statistics worldwide are grim, and this could change very easily.

Sepsis.org reports that sepsis affects over 26 million people each year and kills over 5 million children each year. More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with sepsis and every 2 minutes a person dies from sepsis in the U.S. alone, making it the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals.

It is the #1 cost of hospitalization in the U.S., costing the States more than $24 billion each year and is the #1 cause for readmissions to the hospital, additionally costing the U.S. more than $2 billion each year.

Source: The Virginian Pilot

One Of The Most Confusing Relationship For You Will Be With The Boy You Almost Dated

The greatest Sex and the City fans remember the time when Big dated a movie star in Season Four. “She can reach me, but I can never reach her”, he would say to Carrie anxiously. The amazing thing about this scene is that it’s totally relatable. Haven’t you dated someone who has made you analyse his every move just to find out where you stand with him? I believe we have all been there.

The thing about this kind of relationship (if you can call it that) is that can never be sure about what the other person likes or wants. At times, you are sure that you finally know what he is like, what he wants, but then he does something and takes you back in the vortex and you are lost again.

You’re sure he likes you whenever he reaches you first, inviting you to his place for Netflix and chill. When he sends you a cute message just to say hi late in the night before he goes to sleep.

But, just as you are thinking about your future together, he does something stupid like not answering for days or cancelling your date for no reason. Sometimes, he just starts acting cold and he seems like a totally different person from before.

In this period of going back and forth, you expect the right moment when everything seems perfect to start a relationship and get things serious. But, at the same time you doubt that he likes you as much as you like him.

His behavior confuses you. Some days, he is romantic and thoughtful and other days, you get the feeling that he is bored when he is with you and every other person would make him happier than you. You keep getting these mixed signals from him as it gets more and more confusing.

You try to be open. “We are all different”, you say to yourself. Maybe you’re overreacting to everything. You don’t tell him how you feel because you don’t want to push him away. So, you act like everything is just fine. You don’t ask questions and start to follow his steps. When he wants to kiss you, you enjoy the moment. When he hasn’t answered for two days, you don’t tell him that you have waited for his message. You don’t know your relationship status, but you decide that it’s better not to ask because it might scare him away.

But only you know how frustrating this situation is and with time it only gets worse. The fact that you don’t know what he wants makes you anxious. You realize that it would be better if you were honest from the beginning and talked to him about everything that bothers you.

It would have been much better to end it back then rather than go through these games. You like him, but you hate the way he makes you obsess about little details that don’t even have significance at the end. You love how he kisses you and tells you you’re beautiful, but you hate him every time he ignores your messages and cancels the date the last minute.

You love the way he makes you feel like the only girl in the world, but you hate him every time he goes out with his friends and doesn’t invite you.

You love spending time with him, but you hate how he decides when you hang out, not you. You hate how he can always reach you, but you cannot reach him.


12 Things You Know To Be True When Your Sibling Is 10 Years Younger

When you were 10, you thought it would always be only you in the family. You had friends who had siblings, but their age difference was really small, so you gave up on the idea that you would get a sibling. Until one day, your parents announced they were expecting a baby.

You were confused and didn’t know if your new brother or sister will cause problems for you. You didn’t know if they would like you. You expected the worst.

However, I turned out to be fun and awesome to have a sibling so much younger than you. You practiced diaper changing, babysitting, cleaning, cooking. But in return, you got the best friend you could ask for.

You got a companion, partner in crime, singing partner and, most importantly, support.

Here are 12 things that you know are true if you have a sibling 10 years younger than you:

  1. Growing up you turned into what your parents loved to call the “free babysitter.”

Babysitting may be a challenge for your friends, but not for you. Being 10 years older than your sibling made you, what your parents used to call, free babysitter. You didn’t babysit your sibling and other families started to call you to babysit for them, too.

  1. You’ve received awkward looks from people.

Many people have gave you “the look” on the street, thinking he or she is your child. There were moments when you had to explain that you were his/her sister.

  1. Your parents allow him/her much more than they allowed you.

You notice they get away with much more things than you as a child. Your parents didn’t let you do so many things!

  1. You find yourself acting like a parent.

Sometimes, you act like the mother. But it happens automatically, you don’t even notice you’re giving your sibling a speech about good behavior.

  1. At Christmas, you dedicate a whole day wrapping up presents and putting them under the tree for him/her.

You wake up really early to leave the presents under the tree so that it looks like Santa was there. You love seeing him/her happy.

  1. You still have fight duels.

Fighting with your sibling never gets boring. Sometimes, you let him/her win.

  1. He/she grows up before you even notice.

Before you realize your sibling is growing up, he/she already knows how to hack your phone and search Google. You see now that your parents were right when they told you that you grew up fast.

  1. He/she becomes your “mini me” and you’re glad about it.

You’re proud of your sibling, especially because he/she looks just like you when you were his/her age.

  1. You start to realize that your sibling is better than you at many things.


He/she excels at many things you were bad at, but that’s good. You are lucky to have such a talented sibling.

  1. He/she is your karaoke partner for singing in the car.

Actually, you sing together everywhere and all the time. You have a favorite guilty pleasure song that you like to sing when alone.

  1. He/she is your best friend.

You don’t admit it to him/her, but your sibling is your best friend. He/she know you the best and you can trust him/her about anything.

  1. He/she is even part of your group.

Sometimes, you wonder if your friends like your sibling more than you because he/she is friends with everyone in the group.


This is How You Can Unlock Your Telepathic Abilities

Do you believe in telepathy? Telepathy is a form of communication that surpasses the common sensory perception we are all used to. It requires no language or non-verbal communication and is not conditioned by space and distance.

In simple cases, telepathy may have occurred to you more than once. Have you ever thought of someone and that person instantly called you on the phone, or messaged you? At that moment, or just a few moments before that, you communicated on a telepathic level.

However, telepathy is an ability that can be developed even further and it can help you to communicate with all living things in a very interesting way. You can establish telepathic communication with animals, plants, crystals and other etheric sources.

Telepathy doesn’t necessarily involve words or images in the literal sense. In fact, it’s much subtler, especially in the first stages of its development.

This kind of communication possesses a complexity that cannot be explained by words, but rather felt in such way as to understand but not being able to articulate the thoughts and feelings that emerge in the way.

In the essence, these telepathic messages can be translated, but they come in such a natural form, that all communication is basically based on these perceptions. This is why telepathy is considered as a universal means of communication, which is the basis of all communication.

The highest level of communication achieved through telepathy is called Empathic Telepathy. It listens to the entire being and allows you to access a boundless amount of information, wisdom and cognition in a nanosecond.

Unlike the communication we are generally used to, which requires and is limited by the time-space continuum, Empathic Telepathy can communicate all the rich information, which is beyond any language, regardless of space and time.

This ability has been coded in our genes and we are all capable of unlocking it and enhancing it. In fact, the very fact that you are sometimes able to sense a person thinking of you means that you have already unlocked it naturally.

So, how to enhance this ability? Who can be our teacher?

Nature is the best teacher. Sit by a tree and relax. However, you need to do some things before you start receiving the boundless wisdom and information from nature.

Before being able to enhance such power, you need to start eliminating the limitations that are currently blocking you from experiencing yourself fully.

In fact, in order to become an Empathic Telepath, you first need to get to understand your innermost thoughts and understand the language of the silence that lies deep within you. This sounds too philosophical, but the hands-on approach is rather simple:

Talking to yourself and understanding the complexity of your thoughts can be something very difficult to face, but the challenge is worth it. Spend time in nature and focus on the silence within.

Instead of obsessing your mind with the trivial and unnecessary thoughts of your everyday concerns, start accepting them as a reality you will get to later and focus more deeply on your innermost silence and peace.

Once you focus on your innermost silence, you will see that this silence has soft whispers with such heavy weight in wisdom and information that are beyond the common comprehension. Don’t try to understand everything by interpreting it.

The best thing to do is to send out this silence to your best telepathic teachers: the trees and plants around you. You will see that you are not much different than them when it comes to the essential silence that springs out of your consciousness.

Open your mind to the vastness of the natural beauty and start listening. Note that listening has nothing to do with hearing. Listen with your mind and with your heart instead of your ears. This way you will start connecting with nature.

This technique takes practice and patience, but in the end the result is magnificent. You will get to understand nature in a way that cannot be described. You will sense the life teeming in the smallest and largest of life forms and you will understand that which words are unable to describe.

And I am not writing this as a theory, but from experience. Connecting with nature will open up a new gateway of understanding. It will help you connect with the thoughts and information bursting out of everything alive around you.

Give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Spread the awareness and SHARE.

Copyright © Curious Mind Magazine

Heyoka Empath – The Most Powerful Type Of Empaths

heyoka empath

What Is An Empath?

Empaths are individuals who are physically sensitive to other’s feelings and often more spiritual than the rest. These people have a gift to “read the mind” of people.

More precisely, empaths can feel what people are feeling and thinking, thus often, their lives are under the influence of other people’s intentions and moods. 

An empath is someone who is highly attuned to the feelings of others. They can immediately feel when someone is not feeling well, or is in pain. They can understand everyone and why they react the way they do because they can see things from their perspective. They can feel, see, and think what others are feeling, seeing, and thinking.

Also, it is usually said that empaths are not only very aware of the emotions of other people, but they also feel them as if they were their emotions. Empaths are also known to be one of the most gifted healers and nurturers in this world because they are very emotionally intelligent and highly intuitive.

Empaths can “read a room” and pick up other energies. That’s why they are often feeling tired, overwhelmed, and depleted of energy. Therefore, they often need to isolate themselves and recharge their batteries.

Heyoka: Meaning

What Is “Heyoka”?

‘Heyoka’ is a Native American word that means ‘fool’ or a ‘sacred clown.’ This term is very suitable for an empath who uses their humor and light energy in order to heal them and bring positivity in their life.

What Is  Heyoka Empath?

Heyoka empath sees and experiences life in a different way than other people and empaths. They are aware of the fact that sometimes the best thing to shift a person’s thinking is to distract them completely by startling them out of it. These empaths show others a completely new view of things which is usually a total opposite of what they are accustomed to.

Heyoka empaths help people heal by behaving as a mirror, i.e reflecting their behavior back to them so that they can see their errors and start correcting themselves, thus commencing the healing process.

The Heyoka empath’s role is to disrupt things and shook them in order for people to see life differently. This empath uses the sacred clown’s energy to open the eyes of other people to look at things differently and be open to new possibilities. They can make them look at life differently and approach situations from different angles.

Heyoka empaths will usually say or do something out of order to change the energy of the room and shift the perception of others so that they can begin their healing process and start seeing things more clearly. And when it comes to their healing, Heyoka empaths don’t heal in a conventional way.

For their healing process, they make space for other people to become aware of their behavior and in that process, they heal themselves. They heal through chaos and disruption. Their healing is not a calm and peaceful one. It is shocking and explosive, but that is what they need to move on from people and things that no longer serve them.

11 Signs You Are  Heyoka

There are some traditional signs that show a person is a heyoka empath, for example, being dyslexic, born breech, emotionally unpredictable, being left-handed, doing things backwards, and thinking outside of the box.

Moreover, you can instinctively know and feel what other people are needing to know or do in order to heal. Plus, when you have noticed that when you have deep conversations with another person, they often have life-changing epiphanies.

Maybe you heal others through your sense of humor and your ability to point out the funny aspects of a situation. And if you often find others being shocked by your words and actions, then probably you are in your Heyoka energy.

11 Signs That Show You Are A Heyoka – The Most Powerful Empath:

1. You are an empath

In order to be a Heyoka empath, first, you need to be an empath. If you are sensitive to the feelings of others, if you can understand them and feel an urge to help anyone in need, then it is very possible that you are an empath.

2. You are the ‘joker’ of your group

You have a very positive and jovial view of life. You always use humor when you communicate with others. Even during difficult times, you joke around and manage to find the fun in every situation regardless of how depressing it is.

Moreover, you have no problem telling other people what you think about them. You tell them the truth with humor. However, sometimes even your humor can be too much for them because some people are not used to it.

If you are a Heyoka empath, with your humor and satirical nature, you can disrupt and alter the thought patterns of other people, thus enabling them to heal and change their perspective.

3. Other people react emotionally towards you

And this is because being a this kind of empath, you are a mirror that reflects back the emotions of other people. Therefore, you can reflect people’s personalities back to them thus allowing them to see themselves for who they truly are which furthermore provokes emotional reactions from them.

There will be times when people will find you overwhelming and irritating. They may even act with anger towards you. However, that is because you have shown them their true character and they cannot stand to face themselves.

4. You have a young heart

Your heart is young. You are energetic, with a child-like passion and zest for life. You always look at the world with new eyes. You may even look younger than your actual age because you feel young. Your spirit is young.

You could also be very creative and into the arts. You probably love to daydream and always making new plans and taking action to fulfill your dreams.

5. You don’t follow societal norms

Most people see you as a free spirit who goes against any norm. You are unconventional and you don’t conform to any stereotypes. You are always doing what you like doing without thinking about what other people might think about it.

Plus, you have no problem talking about unconventional topics or topics that are considered taboo by other people. You are very honest and up-front and that scared other people because they are not accustomed to meeting someone who is that true to themselves.

6. You are emotionally unpredictable

Other people look at you as emotionally unpredictable because of your strong and rapid reactions. If you are a Heyoka, you are someone who is extremely sensitive and reactive to the emotions of other people.

Moreover, you don’t feel the need to hide how you feel. You wear your emotions on your sleeve. You are open and honest, and that can be overwhelming to people. You can even bring yourself into situations where when most people are laughing you can start crying and vice versa.

7. You enjoy your alone time

Even though you are a person who is a joker and gives joy and happiness to those around them, you are also someone who values and enjoys their time in solitude. Being an empath is hard and it can be very exhausting, so you need your alone time to recharge your batteries and refuel your energy.

Being this special kind of empath can be even more draining because you reflect other people’s emotions and they influence your energy. So, spending time alone and focusing on you is essential to your wellbeing.

8. You are very blunt and honest with people

Heyoka empaths are always blunt and honest. They see no point in lying to someone. They want people to heal and therefore, they know that they can’t help someone to heal if they are not honest with them.

If you are a Heyoka empath, when someone asks for your opinion, you never lie. You tell them like it is. So, your honest nature gives them a chance to learn and grow in their lives. You help them by unmasking them and forcing them to look at themselves as they are, flaws and all.

You don’t sugarcoat anything. You tell people things that they don’t want to hear, and they may be angry at you at first, but when they think about it they will see that you were having their best interests at heart.

9. You genuinely care about people

Yes, it is a human trait to care about other human beings. However, if you are a Heyoka empath, then you care about others deeply. You feel their emotions as your own. You feel their pain. You feel their happiness. You go through everything they are going through. That’s why you connect to them on a deep and profound level.

Heyoka empaths want to help everyone they encounter. Especially if they sense that the person is sad or upset, they want to help them release those negative emotions however little they know the person. They will do anything to help them heal.

10. You can sense energy

You can not only feel other people’s feelings, you can also feel an energy of a room or a place. You are extremely sensitive to energies, positive or negative. Negative energy especially has a troubling effect on you.

But, being a Heyoka empath, you can easily alter the energy and transform it into a pleasant one. And even though being at social gatherings can be challenging and overwhelming for you, you know how to balance yourself and change the energy in the room. That’s your gift and you are one of the rare people that have that power.

11. You are a survivor

You embrace life and all its ups and downs. You deal with anything that life throws at you. You are aware that there are good things and bad things and you are prepared for them. For you, life is incredible and worth living.

In addition to this, heyoka empaths are people that are so sensitive that they can mirror the feelings of their surrounding individuals.

But being an empath is not something you could easily learn. Even if one wants to be an empath, they might not succeed no matter how hard they try. Being an empath is something you take with you from birth.

Being an empath can have its own consequences, though. Many people born with this trait experience the feelings and thoughts of the people around them.

At times, they can even feel the physical symptoms of an illness or anxiety. As a consequence, they are often misdiagnosed as hypochondriacs.

Many people misunderstand empaths and fail to relate to everything they’re experiencing. And the empaths themselves know that because they can read the emotions of others. 

Empaths are affected by other’s energies and their life is influenced by their environment unconsciously. Thus, when they’re anxious or sad, those emotions might be just a reflection of someone else’s feelings.

Heyoka Empaths – The Most Powerful Ones

Some empaths manage to block out emotions and may even appear ignorant. However, there is one type of empathy that is most powerful – Heyoka.

The most important trait of Heyoka empaths is their ability to show the negative traits of others. As the term (which means “sacred clown”) reveals, these individuals act as expressive reflectors to people in their environment.

Traits of a Heyoka Empath

The traits of a Heyoka empath may even include dyslexia or young appearance. In addition, they are born with the ability to help the people who express their negative traits.

Sometimes, their intentions may be misinterpreted and they may be accused of being intrusive or irritating. But being irritated or anxious after a conversation with Heyoka empath might mean that they were only mirroring the emotions you are releasing to the world.

Similarly, if you feel happy and confident afterward, it might be that they have tried to show you how important it is to feel that way.

Many people would leave and not think about this experience. It is easy not to accept your flaws and always blame others for your misfortunes. Or you could learn from a Heyoka and let them help you.

You could be open-minded and share the experience with the Heyoka. It’s good to accept your negative traits and try to improve instead of running away from them.

Because there will be a time when you will realize that you could’ve improved many things and you could’ve influenced other lives with your positive example.

The Spirit of a Heyoka Empath

The Heyoka empath will help you overcome everything and you will learn from them to be satisfied with yourself. They are wise and they have practiced their gift since they were born.

They will be your support when you need it and they will give you the best advice you could ask for when you find yourself in the middle of a crossroad. 

Being a Heyoka empath is a true blessing. These empaths are God’s gift to the world to help us heal and change for the better.


How To Cope with Angriness During Pregnancy And Ways To Control It

Pregnancy should be the most joyful and angelic period in a woman’s life, however this is not always the case. Sometimes, due to various factors such as frustration, hormone elevation and even disappointment, anger and stress can be triggered.

Those kind of emotions are the last thing you want to feel during your pregnancy.

However, anger is inevitable. You can’t control it easily, you can’t run from it and no matter how hard you try to stay calm and relaxed for the sake of your baby, it’s inevitable to get overwhelmed or caught up in an endless situation.

Some will say that anger is a normal reaction to the surroundings and there’s nothing wrong with it, if of course, occurs every once in a while. However, angriness during pregnancy can affect your fetus greatly.

You may want to consider about the fact that now you’re thinking about two people and putting your baby’s health above anything else, is just the right thing to do.

What can lead to angriness during pregnancy?

Many factors can trigger this negative emotion, but to name just a few…

Firstly, women who are expecting are a walking bomb thanks to the ravaging hormones, so mood swings are only normal and expected in this period.

So, you can expect angriness during pregnancy due to the intensive release of various hormones, which affect your mood. It’s only normal to be taken by the anger when pregnant and get all emotional for no reason, the great catch is to learn how to cope with it.

-I haven’t met a single mother that has enjoyed the morning sickness and other “perks” that pregnancy has to offer. Your body is normally changing, you get a different body shape and feeling uncomfortable in your own body seems only natural during your pregnancy.

These types of changes trigger angriness during pregnancy and once you get on board with the idea that the “discomfort” is caused by the most miraculous thing on Earth, then you’ll easily find a way to deal with it.

Fear is also another trigger of angriness during pregnancy. Is my baby OK? Is all of this normal? Is my baby healthy? Are these contractions expected in this period of the pregnancy? You can’t help these thoughts, however regular check-ups with your doctor may calm you down.

How to cope with angriness during pregnancy?

  1. Positive thoughts trigger positive events

Always have faith that everything will be all right. Pregnancy is a challenge and thinking of the worst can only affect your baby’s health. Think about the positive changes that await you after those glorious months, at the end of the day you are responsible for the creation of another human being. What’s more miraculous than that?

  1. Find your inner peace

Whether you choose to do yoga, meditate or simply take a long walk in order to find your peace and quiet, everything that works for you, works for the baby as well. Angriness during pregnancy will lead you nowhere, however once you’ve come to terms with yourself, it’s all rainbows and unicorns.

  1. You are what you eat

This is literally true! Junk food and too much sugar will only increase your anxiety and remember that you baby’s in need of those precious nutrients which you won’t find it in unhealthy food.

Eat frequently, properly and choose wisely. Take as many naps as you want and have a good night sleep during the night. Sounds perfect to me, I am calm and relaxed just by reading this!

Possible consequences from angriness during pregnancy

Any negative feeling, emotion or event may impact your pregnancy, negatively or positively. It’s your call! You can decide how your pregnancy will take its course and we hope that you’ll choose wisely.

Angriness during pregnancy will affect your pregnancy in the most negative way, for instance be the reason for the premature birth, affect the baby’s growing in the womb, cause hyperactivity and even lead to the birth of underweight babies. So, think twice if, angriness during pregnancy is worth all that much.
