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How To Raise a Successful Daughter? Increase Their Self-Confidence And Kill The Self-Doubt

Ever since we were little we learned and heard about the heroic accomplishments of many scientists, activists and public figures who have influenced on all of us in some way.

Martin Luther King– what a spokesman he was, Einstein and his accomplishments in physics and math, all of those presidents improving our lives in the State.

However, have you ever had the time to consider that all of these role models and influential people are actually men? In all fairness women had smaller roles back in time, however why do we still allow this pattern to stay the same?

Why it only comes natural for us to have men ruling the world and women sitting at home and wondering what if?

There’s no doubt that girls can be as smart as boys. Intelligence is not something that you’re born with or it’s an innate thing, it’s something that you work on, develop and nurture it constantly.

Assuming that boys are smarter than girls just because they are boys seems ridiculous at this point, but believe it or not, girls as young as six years old are lead to believe in the superiority of men.

According to the university researchers:

  • young boys and girls at the age of 5, believe that both boys and girl are equally smart and intelligent.
  • young boys and girls at the age of 6 and further in the education tend to believe that boys are likely to be smarter than girls.
  • further in life, it’s only normal for girls to be less ambitious or have fewer career goals in life.
  • on the other hand, boys will pursue ambitious careers and achieve better results simply because they were made to believe in that.
  • both boys and girls should be encouraged and praised for their hard work, their achievements and efforts, not for the supposition that they are simply born with a gift of being intelligent or simply being boys.

Even though there have been plenty of efforts in the past and even nowadays, to prevent such assumptions or prevent gender discrimination, according to the research even though many girls won’t feel inferior to boys, the majority will feel that way in the future.

So why after so many years of struggling with this issue, we make little girls believe that boys are predestined to succeed in life even more than girls will ever succeed?

Extremely debatable and troubling topic and many things may clear up, thanks to the findings of the research.

More on the Study

The study was conducted by the researchers from three universities and involved millions of children from the elementary schools of Illinois.

The experiments included pictures of woman and man which were shown to the kids and they had to answer to the question of who looked “really, really smart” and identify that person from the pictures.

Furthermore, the children had to choose between two games. One game was for the ones who are “really, really smart” and the other game was for the ones who “work really hard”. Their answers were being marked and noted during the experiments.

The results may have been expected or they may come as a shocker, either way, it doesn’t seem bright for the ladies.

Young boys and girls at the age of 5, who participated in the experiment, were choosing both man and woman from the picture which purpose was to present the “really, really smart” ones.

Those kids were also equally choosing the game for the ones who are “really, really smart” as opposed to the one for the ones who “work really hard”.

However, older kids or the ones from six years old and on, were generally assuming that the man on the picture looks “really, really smart” as opposed to the woman next to him.

The girls also failed in choosing the game for the “really, really smart” ones and just settled for the ones who “work really hard”.

Why did the results come out the way they did?

Well, it seems that this isn’t a surprising fact, especially if we bear in mind that even in the 21st century we struggle with gender equality and discrimination.

In a society like this, it’s only normal for girls to assume that they should leave the “really, really smart” stuff to the boys and settle for the mediocre instead.

There is no actual clue or research that had shown that boys do have innate intelligence. On the contrary, what we can say is that girls score much huger during their education, they have better grades and they even complete college education at higher rates than man.

So, bearing in mind that girls can also achieve as much as boys can, or even more, why do we keep pushing them down?

One explanation may be that many public figures or role models are actually men. Moreover, most of the historical people they learn about at school are also men.

So, girls are made to believe that men have the superiority, intellectual and physical, and they just settle for mediocre careers or stay at home and look after the family, like God intended them to be, right?

Wow, this is so infuriating, especially if you take into consideration that no scientific evidence proves about the intellectual superiority of men. So, it’s not just the school, in many households families tend to see their son as the “really, really smart” kid as opposed to their daughters.

I’m sure you’ve heard all of those questions during a pregnancy “Is it a boy? Is it a boy?”- So, what if it’s a boy or a girl, isn’t the health of the baby that really matter or maybe it’s the gender?

Another study, reveals that many woman may feel inferior to men in the STEM fields due to the fact that they are maybe made to believe that the courses are too difficult for them.

What can we do to change this pattern?

Well, there are many things we can do, starting from the home and finishing with education and society. Maybe incorporating female role models in various ways is a great idea. Seeing all of those successful women in any field may be a great boost for women’s confidence in their ability to reach the stars.

However, the most important thing that one can do is not separate boys and girls for their innate gifts such as innate intelligence, but instead focus on their ability to solve problems and efforts in life.

Praising girls and boys at an early age for their achievements and hard work may be the healthiest way to naturally boost both women’s and men’s confidence.

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6 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Have a Hard Time Finding Happiness

Thanks to their high intelligence, most intelligent people seem to have their lives set to run in a smooth and seemingly satisfactory pace. The truth, though, is that because of their intelligence, these people can’t find happiness easily.

While many people would be satisfied with the life of an intelligent person, and would be happy to possess even a fraction of their fascinating minds, the old saying ‘ignorance is bliss’ is what helps less intelligent people to be much happier than the most intelligent ones.

Perhaps you’re wondering why?

Here are six reasons why highly intelligent people have a hard time finding happiness.

  1. Their over-analysis eventually brings them down in the dumps

High intelligence comes with the gift of analysis – and not just any kind of analysis, but that deep one, which can connect everything to everything else. Intelligent people are used to this kind of analysis to such an extent that they tend to over-analyze everything.

While possessing this ability is indeed a gift, it is also a curse at the same time. Being able to see right through people, understand their motives and next moves, and sniff out their true nature usually leads intelligent people to great disappointment.

It is true that we live in a muddy world full of wrong people, not to mention the global affairs which show just how evil this world can be. Having the advantage of perceiving all this is more of a curse than a gift when regarding happiness.

Perhaps taking a lighter approach and understanding that knowing won’t change anything is the key to happiness?

  1. Almost everything seems to fall below their high standards

Intelligent people know exactly what they want and anything which falls short of their standards fails to satisfy them. This refers to pretty much everything – from their private relationships, to work and career.

The truth is, in practice, not all expectations are to be met. Creating idealistic views of the world around them is what keeps them dissatisfied with the practical outcomes. This can be easily overcome, though.

Instead of expecting for something to turn out the way you anticipated it should, you could try and work on that same thing and bring it up to the levels of your expectations. If some things are far out of reach, be aware that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself about things you don’t have control over.

  1. They judge themselves too hard

Their high standards also include themselves. This is one of the biggest reasons for their unhappiness. Their ability to analyze everything with a single thought pattern involves them into analyzing themselves too – and they compare the results against the highest of standards.

This is not only about their successes and failures, but pretty much everything about themselves. A simple flashback of a past mistake can haunt them for days. Once their standards are not met, they beat themselves over it and they start seeing themselves as inefficient and as being below what they should be.

The thing is, nobody is perfect and nobody should be perfect – that’s what makes us genuinely US. Instead of going all gloomy about your imperfections, bear in mind that even those ‘imperfections’ are beyond reach for many others. If they pose a problem in your head, work on correcting and improving them.

  1. They aim for bigger and bigger things

Highly intelligent people have so much to offer from their minds. This has them always aiming for things greater than the simple feats of life. They always try to aim for a bigger purpose, meaning and patterns. The intellectual power they possess doesn’t allow them to be satisfied with ordinary things.

Their search for exceptionalism in life and in everything they undertake is what can make them feel stressed out and dissatisfied. Not being able to accept the world and their lives as they are, because they can be so much more, is what thrusts them down in the dumps.

The world needs this kind of thinking and this kind of people, but you should know that feeling down because of the place where you are at won’t change anything.

Turn your aims into action and be happy with every new achievement. Your view on a better world is what keeps the world growing, so don’t get disappointed with what is, but be happy with what you know it can be.

  1. Very few who can appreciate them or have meaningful conversations with them

Having who you can relate to and who can understand you is a very important thing that can affect your happiness. Unfortunately for highly intelligent people, there are so few who can understand their complex minds.

It’s frustrating to know that you can understand and communicate with anyone about anything, but there are so few who can do the same when your topics of interest are out for discussion. This makes intelligent people feel lonely in a world full of people.

Science has proved that people with high IQ don’t need as much socialization as people with average IQ to be happy. Nonetheless, even people with high IQ want to interact with people and have enjoyable conversations.

It’s true that these people don’t want to engage in small-talk conversations that lead to meaningless or no conclusions at all. That’s why finding likeminded people is their primary focus… which doesn’t always come to satisfactory results. Keep on searching!

  1. Intelligent people can often develop psychological issues

Many studies have found a connection between psychological disorders, such as bipolar disorders and social anxiety, and people with high IQ. It’s not that all intelligent people suffer from disorders by default, but even those who don’t are susceptible to depression and isolation because of their over-thinking.

The truth is that their dissatisfaction with almost everything about life, as it can be much better than it is, can lead them to feeling lonely, unsocialized, and eventually depressed. Many of the conclusions they come to are the key to developing different psychological issues that can turn their lives around. 

If you think that this planet is not good enough for you, think again. You are the best thing that can happen to this planet. Even if not many are aware of the things you are aware of, everybody equally needs the same change you crave for.

Use your brilliance to help this world grow and be happy with the gift you possess. There are always those who will appreciate your perfectionism and scrutiny.

And don’t forget that even if you are destined for great things (and you are) happiness lies in the simplest of things, while success in the greatest ones. Combine the two and work on fulfilling your part in the world, as it’s a great one.

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Either Love Like You Give A Sh*t, Or Be Alone — Your Choice

“Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love. But in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again” – Liam Neeson.

Loving doesn’t hurt, not if you do it right. Loving because someone else thinks you should is not right. Neither is loving someone because society tells you to. If you love because of reasons like this, it’s better not to love at all.

When you love right, you know it. You give all of you for that person. You show that you care. Because that person is important for you. That person means everything to you and you want to see them happy. And loved.

It’s that love that doesn’t limit you, but it inspires you. It’s the love that you are not afraid to show in front of the others, even if that means making out in public. So what if people criticize you?  

It’s love that doesn’t tire you and doesn’t get boring even after years. But it’s up to you to keep it alive. To light the fire when you see that it’s burning out.

Both of you deserve to be loved the right way. To flirt and be intimate. Everyone deserves to be accepted and to be listened to. To have support by someone.

Nobody is perfect, but love also means apologizing and forgiving. Love is investing into the relationship, but that way you always receive more than you expected.

Love is going on dates, even if you already know everything about each other and have nothing new to talk about. Going on fun dates, unusual dates and casual dates. Because spending quality time with your loved one is one of the best experiences you will have in your life. It’s something you cherish and remember always.

If you love a person, don’t keep that to yourself. Tell them every day. They need to know it. That will strengthen your connection and make your relationship more authentic.

If you love someone, don’t be afraid to talk to them. No matter how difficult the subject might seem, they will be there for you to hear you. As you need to be for them.

If you love someone show it! Kiss and hold hands whenever you can. Find time to see them and hear all about their day.

Love them deeply and find a way to show that affection regularly. Take them to romantic dinners and walk with them under the stars. Stay alone on the beach and wait for the sunrise together.

Love them wholeheartedly because this way both of you will grow and become the best version of yourself.  This way, you’re becoming a better person for them and for yourself.

Love them sincerely and you will have the love that you’ve read about in books. This way, you will not be afraid or ashamed of anything. You will feel free to explore and be happy.

When you love someone this way, you enjoy each other every minute. You love them when they are sexy in bed, wet in the rain or sweaty after a hike. And they reciprocate that love to you.

When you love someone this way, it doesn’t matter if they are dressed up or sick in bed. They are beautiful either way.

You should love only if it’s love that you’re willing to invest in. Love that is romantic, enjoyable, deep, sometimes maybe even dramatic.

If you love this way, you’re willing to give everything and expect nothing in return because having them by your side is enough for you.

If you love this way, nothing can stop you on your way – family, society, the world.

If you love this way, you know it’s worth it.



Man Dragged Off Plane By United Airlines Has Finally Been Identified

You’ve booked your flight, you’ve planned your trip, you went to the airport and got on board, when a flight-attendant comes to you and asks you to get off the plane and leave.

What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Wouldn’t you be furious at the airline?

Of course, even worse happened to the man of whom we’ve all heard. His identity is finally known.

The man who was dragged off a United Airlines flight going from Chicago to Louisville on Sunday night is the 69-year-old Dr. David Dao.

Doctor Dao specializes in internal medicine. He is a father of five children and a grandfather as well. He and four of his children work together as doctors.

Dao’s wife Teresa, also 69 years old, graduated pediatrics at Ho Chi Minh University in Saigon. Both she and her husband now practice medicine in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.

Oscar Munoz deeply apologized for the “re-accommodation of the passengers” but somehow he forgot to apologize to the elderly man who was left bleeding on the flight.

The private email which Munoz sent to the staff says:

As expected, social media burst with negative comments about the incident, calling the CEO many names like “tone-deaf”, patronizing, arrogant and some more.

A policeman who supposedly hit the passenger has been suspended because bosses criticized his actions in the situation.

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Scientists Have Found That Memories May Be Passed Down Through Generations In Our DNA

Are you afraid of spiders? Can you think of a solid reason, or experience that made you afraid in the first place? If not, it could mean that you have genetically inherited that phobia from your ancestors, who could have had a traumatic experience with arachnids.

Common knowledge is that memories and learned experiences through one’s lifetime are passed down by teaching future generations or through personal experience. However, new research suggests that certain information may be transferred through the genes.

According to researchers at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, the genetic transfer of memories occurs as a result in change of the chemical makeup of the genes which happens during certain experience. In particular, the results from the study show that traumatic experiences can be genetically passed down to future generations.

In this study, researchers trained mice to fear the smell of cherry blossoms. Before allowing them to reproduce, they conditioned the mice to be traumatized by the smell of cherry blossoms by using electric shocks.

After the mice reproduced, their offspring were exposed to the smell of cherry blossoms, and surprisingly, they showed fearful responses to the smell, although no such experience was actually present in their lifetime. Which is even more curious, the same response could be seen in the following generation too.

During the conditioning process, the brains of the group exposed to the shock showed structural and chemical change in the area that detected the odor, which the offspring and the third generation exhibited as well. Not only did their brain change, but the DNA of the mice had changed too.

To make sure that this phobia was not a social transmission, the scientists inseminated some of the females through IVF. When they saw that the change in the brain structure persisted, they concluded that the brain anatomy was not socially conditioned, but rather inherited.

The resulting phobia in the future generations was inherited through the DNA, which shows how the reactions of these generations were already programmed, perhaps to protect them from the experience which proved to put their ancestors in danger.

The results of the study gave “compelling evidence” that biological transmission of memory is possible, said Professor Marcus Pembrey, a pediatric geneticist at University College London. He added that this addressed constitutional fearfulness that was highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and PTSD, plus the controversial subject of transmission of the ‘memory’ of ancestral experience down the generations.

The implications of the finds can be huge when it comes to human behavior, especially in understanding the rise of neuropsychiatric disorders or obesity, diabetes and metabolic disruptions among humans by taking a multigenerational approach, notes Marcus.

Research like this may prove to be crucial in understanding certain things about the human mind, and what makes us who we are. It could prove beneficial in enhancing treatments for certain illnesses and provide better treatment altogether.

The notion that our DNA could be carrying lessons learned from our ancestors is quite interesting in itself. Perhaps we relive the history of our ancestors without knowing it?

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Stop Making Everything Perfect For Your Kid

Back in the day, when children did not obey the rules, they were “spanked”, if you will. Children are now being awarded for “standing up for themselves” when questioned by authority, even when they are not necessarily doing the right thing. However, times have changed drastically.

Present day parenting seems to be all about showing off whose child is the most independent, smart-mouthed, perfectly dressed whiz kid. How times have shifted.  

In today’s tech-induced environment, parents act as if they are running a marathon to the “Perfect Parent” finish line.

Of course, all parents want the best for their children, but when it comes to actually doing the best thing, it seems to be backfiring. Parents seem to think they have it all figured out with their day care apps, infant formulas and Do-It-Yourself Guide Books.

When we observe the issue from an objective point of view, it is clear that today’s toddlers are much more spoiled than they ought to be and all fault fingers point to methods of parenting.Have you ever asked yourself why that is? Well, for one thing, there were no guidebooks to assist parents on how to do their job.

Correspondingly, the roles of males and females have also shifted since our parents were children themselves. Just a few decades back, men were the major breadwinners in the families and a woman’s role was quite clear.

However, today when women have shifted from stay at home moms to equal breadwinners, it can be quite difficult to manage who does what.

There seems to be a fuzzy line between who handles the finances and who takes care of the kids, which is evidently causing collisions in parenting techniques.

Jennifer Senior, a contributing editor at New York Magazine explains the parenting phenomenon in her Ted Talks about the “Crisis of Parenting.” She states that, “the goal of raising happy children is so elusive it has put modern, middle-class parents into a panic.”

Long before the shelves of bookstores were stacked with teachings of the countless ways on how to properly raise children, Dr. Benjamin Spock, who wrote “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care”.

In today’s world, Senior states that when you walk into a Barnes and Noble, you see “a candy colored monument to our collective panic.”

This goes back to the original thought on how parents are raising children differently than our parents and grandparents were brought up. Being raised strict may have frustrated us as children, but we reap these rewards as adults, when we are able to function independently, without the help of our parents.

In today’s world, we see children being raised gluten-free, sugar-free and homes that are built “child proof”. Parenting that goes along these lines would inflict the idea that centuries of parenting have been proven wrong and buying your child an iPad is a lot better than buying them a puzzle for Christmas.

However, fairly recently, children were viewed as economic assets, as they worked on farms and even in factories.

This went on until the progressive era, where this was seen as unjust and child labor was banned. Moreover, to quote the sociologist William Doherty, “kids have become economically worthless, but emotionally priceless.” More work is being put into the education and well-being of children than ever before.

By all means, this is not to say that those parents did not care about their children or that parents are not doing the best they can. On the contrary, they are trying excessively hard and it is going in the wrong direction.

Children are born into a world where they feel entitled to do anything they please and feel the world should simply accept this approach. Automatically, this sets them up for disaster once they enter the real world, where you are supposed to earn everything you want to achieve.

Although the bar is set higher for children, paradox ally, they are expected to do less.

If we take a closer look at how today parents treat their children, the picture will become clear as day.

Nowadays, everything children do is rewarded, from potty training to making their own breakfast. Where this phenomenon has stemmed from is beyond most of our knowledge. However, most of it has to do with the way the world has shifted from self-reliance to technology-based activities.

We live in a world where food and apparel can be delivered to our door with the touch of a button, a process that does not involve much work. Everything seems to be “automatic” and nothing is done with much thought or effort.

In turn, this plays a domino effect on children, making them spoiled and entitled. They do not feel the sense of authority from any other adult apart from their parent or guardian and they do not sense the need to follow certain rules.

All of these changes going on have wreaked havoc on the ways in which parents are raising their children, making them breathe and force panic in their day-to-day activities.

What they fail to realize is that there is no one way or right way to raise a child. Parenting is a trial and error process that is perfected in every individual’s own way. No manual can teach you the right way to bring up your children and loosing up now and then might be the only way to stay sane.

Instead of trying to raise a perfect child, maybe we should try to raise more empathic, ethically correct and loving offspring.

Who says we have live by some standards, anyway? The more mistakes we make, the more we learn. If we are always trying to avoid making an error, we will be forever living in misery, and our biggest failure will be trying to raise a perfect child.

Relax breath and let them be, for all we know, they will turn out to be a lot better than we anticipated.


The Dirtiest Thing You Are Willing To Do In Bed, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

Having an Aries as a partner means experimenting with new things. They want to explore and discover what works for them and they expect the same from their partner, too. Everything is accepted except monotony in bed for the Aries, so be ready to take risks and explore.

Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)

The Taurus is never boring, but they can be complicated if you don’t know their expectations. They can do surprising things, but only if they proposed them. Being in charge is what every Taurus wants and needs in bed. As long as you allow them have the control, both of you will be satisfied. 

Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st)

Geminis are full of fun and love and they are always ready for new adventures in bed. You can initiate new things or wait for their initiative, but you can be sure that you will have a great time in bed with them. Be careful, though – they like everything, but in moderation. 

Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

If they are sure they have the right person next to them, Cancers will do anything just to make their partner happy. But, they will not be the first one to suggest something new. They would do the things that you want and be satisfied as long as you are pleased, even if that means they have to experiment.

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Leo is the star of the zodiac signs. They enjoy being the center of attention and that is especially true when it comes to bed. The attention gives them greater confidence, which makes them open for lots of different things.

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Virgos are perfectionists, so you can be sure that they have worked hard to get everything in life. However, that makes them less experimental and unadventurous lovers. In bed, Virgos usually like to play it safe and prefer the conventional acts.

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Just as in everyday life, Libras don’t have to try to be the center of attention. That comes naturally to them because they are really good in the communication with others. In bed, they don’t experiment and stick to the things that work for them.

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd)

You can get everything with a Scorpio as a partner as long as you allow them to stay in charge. Dominating a Scorpio is not the way to get them do the things you want. Some Scorpios don’t control their huge ego in bed, which can have negative effect. But, if they manage to control it, Scorpios are the perfect lovers.

Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)

You can be sure about one thing when it comes to Sagittarius – they won’t say no to ideas including butts. In bed, they like to experiment and they expect their partners to be up to new things. Be prepare to implement their ideas if you want to make them happy.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)

Capricorns can be complicated in bed. They accept initiatives to try new things, but don’t be surprised if they brag about it afterwards. You can always talk about your past sex experiences to make them try harder. Capricorns are competitive, so they will do anything to be the best, even in bed.

Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)

As a partner, the Aquarius is someone who takes care about the other half and would anything to make the other person happy. In bed, they prefer to keep it traditional, but they will respect your willingness to compromise for them and won’t forget to return the favor.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Pisces transfer their everyday creativity even to bed. They are sensual lovers and great kissers, and being emotionally connected to the partner is important for them. However, they are far from boring because they always add their special ingredient in everything they do, no matter how conventional the act is.

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Scientists Find That Taking a Hot Bath Burns As Many Calories As a 30-Minute Walk

How relaxing is taking a nice hot bath after a hard day of work and stress? What if somebody told you that besides the relaxation, an hour-long soak can burn as many calories as when you take a 30-minute walk?

To spice things up, this activity can also help you improve the function of insulin, lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke!

If you thought for a second that taking a hot bath can’t be that good, the scientists behind these studies will prove you otherwise.

In fact, taking a hot bath or going to the sauna is a lot more beneficial than you may have previously thought.

Steve Faulkner, a research associate at Loughborough University, has compiled some very intriguing information in an article in The Conversation, which shows just how useful some increase in the core temperature of the body can be.

In a study done by scientists at Loughborough University, 14 men were recruited to do three different activities: soaking for an hour in a 40˚C hot bath, walking, and cycling for the same amount of time.

They wanted to find out how passive heating affected the blood sugar levels and the energy expended during each of them.

It turns out that although cycling burned more calories away from the participants, soaking in hot water burned as many calories as a 30-minute walk. The bath soak also lowered the peak blood sugar levels by 10% more, compared to physical exercise and it showed a similar anti-inflammatory response to that which follows physical exercise.

The anti-inflammatory response protects us against inflection and illness and the study showed that repeated passive heating (such as taking a hot bath or going to the sauna) can reduce chronic inflammation, which often occurs with long-term diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.

This is not the first study which points to the fact that passive heating has some very positive effects on human health. In 2015, researchers in Finland found that going to the sauna often can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke.

This was later supported by the University of Oregon, where researchers confirmed the fact that regular hot baths can improve the cardiovascular function by lowering blood pressure.

When it comes to diabetes, the same research team from the University of Oregon found that passive heating contributed to the raise of the levels of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that dilates the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

This same molecule has been found to be present in smaller quantities among people with type 2 diabetes, and activities which passively increase the body heat can contribute to the reduction of blood pressure among these people, thanks to the same molecule.

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New French Law Makes It Illegal To Email Employees After Work Hours

Starting from the beginning of this year, France took a bold step and implemented its new “right to disconnect” law. The law is implemented for one purpose only- work must be left at the workplace.

How many of you have had perfect plans for the weekend or even for the rest of the day and found yourself in front of the computer, reading a bunch of e-mails from the office and ended up working from home, just to lower your responsibilities in the office or catch that dreadful deadline?

Probably, 90% of you reading this article will relate. Sometimes our working hours are simply not enough to finish all the obligations that have been piling up. At the end, you start to lose control over what’re your working hours and your free-time.

However, France decided to put an end to this. We are familiar with France’s practice to threat its workers good by giving them 30 days off per year as well as 16 weeks of paid family leave.

It seems that France is planning to level up its awesomeness with its latest “right to disconnect” law.

So, if you are working in France in a company of 50 or more employees, you’ll be receiving e-mails within your working hours.

So employers wanting to remind their employees about some work-related obligations, won’t be able to do that after working hours, but wait until working hours start.

This new law is especially important in the 21st century, because it seems that it becomes more and more difficult to distance yourself from the workplace and focus on your personal life.

It’s true that the fast-developing technology makes our lives easier and simpler, however it comes with an enormous price. People have no longer time for themselves or their families.

We are becoming and creating generations where staring at our phones for hours and working from our homes is completely normal, even though we are not particularly paid for that.

We just want to finish faster so we can spend more time with our families and all that pressure triggers an enormous amount of stress, which later on affects our health and well-being. This law will allow all employees to take some time off or even take their minds off the workplace and the office.

All the stress which mainly originates from our workplaces will start to decrease as soon as we allow ourselves to have some personal time. It’s true that no one can force you to work overtime, however reading all of those e-mails during a relaxing weekend can surely spoil all the fun and it’s only in our nature not to ignore e-mails from the office, even though they may refer to obligations for Monday or even the next day.

So, you may not be physically at work, however you take the same stress as if you were working. All that stress accumulates over the time, to the point until it breaks.

This law is about to solve that and in that manner overworking and stress will hopefully be diminished.

Even though there are not yet penalties for companies which will disobey the law or violate the amendment, it will give the employees the freedom to distance themselves from the office and take full advantage of their own, personal, free time.

This should definitely be a practice in every company, because overwork often means underperformance and thousands of dollars spent on healthcare. It seems that both employees and companies can benefit from such law, because the more relaxed workers are, the greater the possibility that he/she will perform better in the office.

There have been similar attempts in major European corporations such as Volkswagen, where there was a case when e-mails were deleted when on vacations.

Germany had also implemented similar law in order to reduce the stress and establish fixed working hours, however the difference between the French law and the German law is that in Germany, when an emergency happens, employers or managers are allowed to contact their employees.

So, even though this law came across some criticism, about French people not being able to keep up with the rest of the world, where such law doesn’t exist, the truth is that we can all benefit from such law as soon as all the countries realize the importance of distancing yourself from the workplace and start to follow France’s footsteps. Happy employees mean greater performance and better results.

 Source: https://www.good.is

Being Happy In Love Makes You Gain Weight, According To Science

Have you gained weight recently? Do you find it hard to fit in your clothes? Don’t be alarmed! It just might be an ample sign that you are in a happy relationship.

According to scientists if a pair is head over heels in love they tend to put on some extra pounds. Take it as a blessing but watch for your health.

A recent study published on the American Psychological Association shows that if spouses are happy in their marriage, they are prone to gaining weight. There is nothing wrong to feel comfortable with your partner and enjoy cooking together, it can only bring you joy and a good appetite.

In the study, 169 newly-wed couples were monitored by scientists over the span of four years. Their weight was measured twice each year and they provided a brief rating on their satisfactory level in their relationship.

The results showed that the couples who were happy and in love gained weight. On the other hand, those couples who went through periods of stress, which often resulted in divorce, stayed slim. 

The scientist explain that the happy couples are satisfied and aren’t under stress so they don’t have the urge to search for a different mate.

This makes them feel comfortable and confident with their loved ones so they feel like they don’t have to be impressive anymore in order to attract them.

On the other side of the story, the slim couples are constantly under alert due to the pressure in their relationship so they stay fit in order to attract any potential mates. 

Being in love is good, but staying healthy is important too. Andrea L. Meltzer, a researcher behind the study warns that married couples should be aware of their increasing weight, as it can have negative consequences on their health such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.  

She suggests that couples should focus more on their weight not because of appearance but solely as a preventive measure for future health issues.

What does your weight say? Are you happy in love? Keep in mind that health is as important as finding your perfect match. Eat healthy, do some sports and keep your love and happiness eternal.

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