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Google Doodle Celebrates Ghanaian Entrepreneur Esther Afua Ocloo

Speaking of women empowerment, a woman who could easily be called a role model for many women around the world is surely Esther Afua Ocloo, also known as Auntie Ocloo.

Google Doodle has decided to feature a doodle in honor of Esther Afua Ocloo. April 18, 2017 is the date which signifies what would be Esther’s 98th birthday, if she were alive.

Why is Auntie Ocloo so important for the world to know?

Back in the 1930s, Esther Afua Ocloo started her entrepreneurial career as a teenager with less than a dollar she got as a gift. With the money she had, she bought firewood, sugar, oranges, and used jam jars to make 12 jars of marmalade, which she sold for profit.

From there, her entrepreneurial career started growing to such an extent that she became one of Ghana’s leading entrepreneurs and one of the women who played a great role in women’s economic development.

But the way up was not easy for Esther. Besides the ridicule she received from her classmates, the effort she had to put in the making of the marmalade was not an easy task. She put the profits she made back into the business and eventually, success was on her side.

She later won a contract to entirely supply her old high school with marmalade and was also asked to start making orange juice from the orange trees that grew on school grounds.

Six years later, she managed to get a contract to supply juice to the military. However, she lacked the funds to create such amounts of juice and even though she had no collateral, she managed to persuade a bank to give her a loan on the basis of the contract.

The result of this contract was her company, Nkulenu Industries.

With the money she made, she went on to study food technology, preservation, nutrition and agriculture in Bristol University, Long Ashton Research Station, UK. There she also learned leather work and lampshade-making and she brought her knowledge back to Ghana with hopes to empower the rural women there.

She wanted to empower women.

Besides running her own company, Esther Afua Ocloo started a program on a farm which was designed to train women in agriculture, preparing and preserving food products, and making handicrafts.

She believed that every woman should be able to take care of their financial needs as much as they could and she was doing everything to make this idea a reality for many women.

In fact, she tried to teach these women everything she knew about starting and running a business. Her impact was so big that in 1975 she was invited to the first U.N. Conference on Women.

Her wish to empower women was so great that, knowing from her own experience with bank loans, she helped found and became Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Women’s World Banking in 1979.

The purpose of the global non-profit Women’s World Banking has since been to empower low-income women by providing them funds to start their own micro businesses.

Auntie Ocloo was happy to know that women thrived

Even if this meant that the same women she taught and trained wanted to compete against her, Esther’s reply to this idea was that her goal was to help her fellow women. She believed that if they made better marmalade than her, she deserved the competition.

Esther Afua Ocloo died on February 8, 2002 in Accra, Ghana – where she started her inspiring journey. She died at the age of 83.

Today, Google Doodle honors her what-was-to-be 98th birthday with an illustration which shows her helping out fellow women by teaching them the crafts and skills they needed to become financially independent.

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The New York Times
Google Doodles

Steve Stephens, The Monster Behind The Cleveland Easter Massacre, Promises To ‘Kill Until He Is Caught’

Tread carefully if you are in the Cleveland area, as 37-year-old Steve Stephens has posted a video in which he states that he would continue killing people until he was caught.

Stephens killed a 73-year-old father of 9 after making him say “Joy Lane”. Some minutes after that, he posted a video on Facebook where he confessed to killing 13 people and that he intended to continue killing until he was caught.

His justification for killing is, as he claims, that he felt that nobody cared for him and that he was tired of everything.

Another reason that pops out in the video is his ex-girlfriend, because of whom he lost control over his anger.

Whatever his justification, there is no solid reason to kill innocent people!

This man is still at large, so if you are in the Cleveland area, beware of this man and report to the police once you get to a safe distance from him.

GPS Tells A Woman To Drive Into A Lake And She Listens

We have all been known to use GPS technology one time or another, but not quite like this. A woman from Tobermory, Ontario wins the prize when taking GPS directions too seriously.

She followed the directions all too well that they propelled her into a lake.

While driving through a harsh fog during the night, a 23-year old woman was obviously replying too much on her GPS, reported the Toronto Sun.

The night of the occurrence was with quite severe circumstances, through rainy weather and bad conditions. As a result, while driving, she missed the Little Tub Harbor since she had a hard time spotting it. This what not even the worst part.

Since her GPS technology instructed her to keep driving, she apparently drove right into Lake Huron.

Luckily, she was capable of opening the window, taking her belongings in the process and climbing out. Since she could swim, she safely made it to shore on time.

On another fortunate note, they were able to get her car out of the lake and no injuries were reported. The woman did not seem to have any repercussions or trauma after the incident and no charges were claimed.

Moral of the story: make sure you either know where you are going, and if not, print out the instructions prior to leaving for the road. 


A Mystic Claims that THIS Date Will Be the Onset of WW3 – And It’s Just DAYS Away!

World War 3 seems to be closer than we think, according to mystic Horacio Villegas’ prediction.

Many clairvoyants and mystics have tried to foretell the end of the world as we know it. Interestingly, whoever the mystic was, many prophecies seem to agree in their predictions on some details about the end.

To be precise, they’ve all got to do with a third World War, which would end with devastating consequences.

Now, the self-proclaimed ‘supernatural being’, clairvoyant Horacio Villegas, has revealed to Daily Star Online that we’re very near the onset of a nuclear World War that “will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and death!”

In fact, Horacio gives out a specific date for WW3 and a series of events that will precede it. Horacio does not only consult his visions, but also keeps a scrutinous eye on the holy scripture, the Bible, as well as various famous prophecies made by Nostradamus and other clairvoyants.

For this event, Horacio points the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima, the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. Two important dates related to her six appearances are going to signify the start and the end of WW3.

The start of the nuclear devastation, thus Horacio claims, will be May 13 2017 and the end of the war will be October 13 2017.

If we compare this to the previous World Wars, the prophecy seems to make the period very short. However, don’t forget that even a week of nuclear attacks is too much for the world to suffer.

So how does Horacio justify his prophecy?

Horacio claims not only to foresee the events in visions, but he also consults old prophecies and predictions, and tries to see the connection between them and his visions. What his vision revealed to him as a hint to when World War 3 is about to start is an event that will make you think twice:

Horacio mentions that a major “false flag” event will precede the War, and that it will spark conflicts which would involve Syria and North Korea. This event would take place near Good Friday 2017.

It actually did, though one can’t really tell of the ‘falseness’ in it. Just a day before Good Friday, the US military dropped the Mother of All Bombs in Afghanistan and this did spark a lot of reactions. Some time earlier, the US launched an attack on a Syrian regime airbase.

In just about the same period, North Korea started sending threats to the US that go to as far as a thermonuclear war, due to their military exercise provocations.

Horacio’s indicator to WW3 has been proved, just as many of his previous predictions.

He predicted Trump’s presidency, back in 2015, and his attack on Syria when 59 missiles were fired on the regime airbase.

Horacio connects his world war 3 prediction to the secrets of Our Lady of Fatima and Nostradamus’ prophecies. He believes that the same has already been foretold and that the clock is ticking closer to the date than ever.

An important part of the first secret of Our Lady of Fatima reads as follows:

Interestingly, the Virgin Mary mentions Russia in her second secret, and how its role could be crucial to the outcome of humanity after the war.

Horacio also mentions Nostradamus’ prophecy which reads:

He believes that Mabus could refer to the president of Syria, Assad, who may be targeted by Trump’s military. He claims that if Assad was bombed and killed, it could very much fulfill the prophecy.

Let’s just hope that this is just another prophecy that foretells Armageddon and doesn’t come true. Because if it does, the devastation would mean the end of the world as we know it, perhaps the end of many of us too.

We are nearing that date and all one can say is that time will tell what awaits us.

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Can It Work for You?

When most people think of therapy, they picture a crying person lying on a couch pouring their heart out while a doctor nods quietly, takes notes, and asks cryptic questions every so often.

While this is certainly true in movies and on television, most modern forms of therapy are more positive and goal-based. Cognitive behavioural therapy has gained steam since its inception in the 1960s when it was introduced by psychiatrist Aaron Beck.

Beck noticed that his patients seemed to internalise thoughts that in turn caused feelings that may or may not have been appropriate for the situation. These automatic thoughts happen involuntarily and instantaneously when faced with a situation. For example, imagine you are having lunch with a close friend. During conversation, your friend seems short and slightly irritated.

Your automatic thought would probably be that your friend is angry with you. This, in turn, causes you to worry and wonder what you did to upset her. What you don’t know, however, is that before leaving her home for your lunch date, she had an argument with her husband. The residual negative feelings left her feeling agitated and inadvertently passing the negative feelings to you.

On the other hand, automatic thoughts can be helpful in our everyday lives. If you are driving and another car comes flying up the road behind you, your automatic thought may be “They are going to run into me!”.

You immediately switch lanes to avoid a collision. You have no way of knowing if the other driver was going to slow down, but your automatic thinking potentially saved your life.

Automatic thoughts are just that – automatic. We have no control over our automatic thoughts, but we DO have control over the feelings they produce. If negative automatic thoughts are adversely affecting your life, you may be a good candidate for cognitive behavioural therapy.

CBT focuses on recognising automatic thoughts and looking at them from another point of view. For instance, in the lunch example above, your automatic thought remains the same (“My friend must be upset with me”) but by taking a moment to consider other possibilities (“Maybe she’s tired”, “Something else could be upsetting her”), you can change your feelings toward the situation. In other words, we can’t change our automatic thoughts, but we can change our reactions to those thoughts.

Patients with specific goals in mind and a willingness to change are better suited to cognitive behavioural therapy than patients with major chronic disorders and no set objectives. Patients and doctors work closely together to set goals and determine milestones, and therapy generally progresses relatively quickly.

Keep in mind that CBT is meant to be short-term and may not be right for everyone. To find a doctor who practices cognitive behavioural therapy in London, talk to your primary care doctor or current mental health professional.

Men Who Marry Chubby Women Are 10 Times Happier And Live Longer?!

A new story started circling the Internet, which claims of a study proving that men who married chubby women were 10 times happier. Although the study
 itself doesn’t exist, we decided to look into our archive and some other related studies and try to find the connection.

There is definitely something that makes you feel nicer when being around a chubby woman. They always seem more open, affectionate, and relaxed and they shine with positivity which is infectious. Many men do prefer chubby women and can often see them as their potential partners for life.

So, do chubby women really make men feel happier?

An interesting study published in the PLOS one journal, reveals that men under stress prefer chubbier women. A total number for 81 heterosexual men were put through the study, in which 40 of these men took part in a task that increased their stress levels.

When they were given photos of women and they needed to rate their physical appearance, the men who underwent greater stress always chose the chubbier women. Although this has got a lot to do with the subconscious response to reproduction, it consciously reflects as a feeling of greater comfort.

So perhaps it is indeed true that men who marry chubby women feel more comfortable with them in a sea of stress and worries.

Another study revealed that couples who were happy in love tended to gain weight. The justification that comes with this phenomenon has got a lot to do with feeling comfortable with your partner.

So perhaps men who choose chubby women love the way those women feel comfortable around them?

If we take both studies into consideration, we can conclude that both partners in such relationship feel more comfortable with each other. From this, we can definitely conclude that if you feel more comfortable with your partner, you are definitely happier with them.

All in all, even if weight has little to do with the feeling of comfortability with your partner, it is a strong indicator of the same.

Historically speaking, women in ancient Greece and during the Renaissance period who were plump and chubby were considered to be the most attractive ones. There are even countries around the world which still consider overweight women as attractive.

Indeed, wide hips and ample bosoms tend to signify fertility, and this was especially regarded as being true among ancient civilizations. Chubbiness referred to good nutrition and high status.

However, the beauty standards have changed since then. While today many try to argue over the fact that physical appearance has little to do with real beauty, different cultures shape the way physical appearance is perceived and it does have an influence on many others.

Perhaps we are moving toward a different definition of beauty?


‘If You Want Your Life to Be Simple, You Shouldn’t Be a Leader’ says Alibaba’s CEO Jack Ma

It’s difficult to define leadership but one thing is for sure – it is a skill that you develop every day, a practice that one needs to constantly hone and nurture to get better at it.

This, in short, is Alexa von Tobel’s take on leadership. The founder and CEO of personal finance website LearnVest.com says one is never ‘done growing’ when it comes to leadership.

A successful leader herself, she recently wrote a piece on what it means and what it takes to be one, inspired by a speech from Alibaba’s CEO Jack Ma, one of the most successful businessmen in the world today.

Here are her three takeaways on the matter:

  1. You Have to Show Some Love

Being a leader is about creating a positive atmosphere and getting the best of the talent on disposal. Tobel agrees with Ma’s notion that a good leader needs to have bundles of IQ and EQ, but also of what is known as love quotient (LQ).

She says leaders should forge an emotional bond with their team, one that extends beyond their office relationship and one that reflects genuine care for them. A good leader should be looking after his team and be mindful of their wants and needs outside the workplace as well, instead of simply trying to assert his authority by force.

A good leader should be a ‘humble servant’ to the talent, she says, and showing some love is a big part of that.

  1. Being a Leader is no Fun and Games

Jack Ma is running a gigantic organization with thousands of employees and, by his own admission, it’s no walk in the park.

A leader never gets a break, he doesn’t have the luxury to go hiding and must take all hits head on.

The second anything goes south, the leader must step up and fix the problem, whether it is after hours, on a sunny Sunday or during their child’s birthday.

It means hard work, dedication and rolling the sleeves up, it means not being afraid of getting your hands dirty.

  1. A leader must lead by example

As a leader, one gets to deal with lots of stressful situations all the time. It is in times like these when tensions run high and a leader must push his team to the limits.

When faced with a difficult problem, a leader must persevere and inspire people, to lead them through the rough patches until they all emerge together to the day where things are beautiful again.

The best leaders are those who look at problems from every angle, those that take the time to get to know their people, those that are aware of their shortcomings and are constantly working to better themselves.

A good leader can always become a better leader, it’s a journey that never ends.


Marshmallow Rabbit Transforms Into Kim Jong-Un

It turns out that if you squeeze a marshmallow rabbit, it actually comes out looking like Kim Jong-Un.

You can’t miss the similarity. Maybe we should all turn our Easter rabbit marshmallows into Kim Jong-Un, or not. Either way, it’s fun to look at.

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Netflix Vs. HuluPlus-Which Offers you Best Video Streaming Services

Believe or not but traditional TV is being overshadowed big time by video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. Especially people who use the Internet so much will never rely on TV much for sure. What makes them popular? Well, both of them show TV shows, and they have their benefits and disadvantages.

If you’re ever going to ditch your TV and make a choice between the 2, it will be a tough decision because both the media titans have huge competition among each other. However, you can decide which suits you better by knowing their features. Recently, Hulu Plus underwent branding change to make it a simple Hulu so don’t be confused between the both.

More or faster?

If you want to access content faster, then go for Hulu and if you want more definitely Netflix. Don’t understand exactly what it means? Well, we will explain you a bit more clearly. If you want to watch your favorite television show soon after it airs then Hulu can be your choice. Especially if you are a viewer who watches it on a daily basis as soon as possible and wants to keep up with the latest updates, then Hulu gives the content faster, but it lacks behind in having so many channels like Netflix. Netflix has more TV channels and shows than Hulu. Netflix covers a wide range of channels but fails to specialize in areas like Anime which Hulu is robust. However, Hulu Plus channels cover the most popular channels.

However, if you are a viewer who wants to watch all the episodes and want to catch up with the show, then Hulu cannot be up to mark since it doesn’t show up episodes in sequential order whereas Netflix has a huge collection of many shows including their previous seasons. The main drawback of Netflix is, its changing licensing agreements. You will never know when your shows won’t be available.

If you are a daily television viewer wanting to keep up to date with content then Hulu and if you want to watch previous seasons or shows more than Netflix.


Not all of Netflix’s content, is good, but it has some original, content, and some online series gained a huge popularity. Hulu lacks behind in original content. However, their upcoming show The Way is quite promising.


Both Hulu and Netflix can be accessed through various platforms. They work perfectly in desktop browsers without, a doubt, but they also perform equally well in game consoles, mobile devices, and set-top boxes.


Both the media titans offer you a flat rate pricing model which allows you to stream how much ever you want. Both of their prices start for $7.99 each month. The other pricing, however, is more expensive for Netflix. Hulu offers some free content on desktop browsers which includes current shows and archival material.

Which among Netflix Vs Hulu is the Best?

Depends all on you because if you are a daily viewer then Hulu can be your cup of tea but if you want to enjoy a wide number of channels then Netflix will be useful. If you are not into binge-watching then go for Netflix or if you are among those who loves keeping upto date with current series then go for Hulu.

US Drops “The Mother Of All Bombs” On ISIS Target In Afghanistan

The US military dropped the United States’ most powerful non-nuclear bomb, MOAB, on ISIS targets in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province in Afghanistan. The bomb, nicknamed the Mother Of All Bombs, was dropped from an MC-130 carrier aircraft.US Drops "The Mother Of All Bombs"

The Nangarhar province is located in the east part of Afghanistan, on the border with Pakistan and is reported to be an ISIS hideout and strategic location which facilitated ISIS fighters’ movement in that area.

The target of the attack, according to officials, was an ISIS cave and tunnel complex and personnel in the area. After the fight had intensified between the US military forces and the ISIS terrorists, the US decided to use the MOAB (nicknamed the mother of all bombs) in battle for the first time.

The purpose of the attack, as White House press secretary Sean Spicer said later that Thursday, was to deny ISIS fighters operational space, and the operation is deemed successful.

What is the MOAB?

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) is the largest and most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal. It weighs 21,600 pounds and contains 18,000 pounds of explosives. The blast is designed to destroy a target area spreading over thousands of feet.

Although the size of the explosion is nowhere near that of an atomic bomb, with the explosive yield of 0.011 kilotons (that of a nuclear bomb being 10-180 kilotons), the force of this bomb is not to be underestimated.

Also nicknamed the Mother Of All Bombs, the MOAB is satellite guided and is designed to explode in the air. The blast is capable of collapsing underground tunnels and instantly killing people within the area.

The MOAB was first tested in 2003 and this is the first time ever it has been used in combat.

The Americans have the Mother, but the Russians have the Father Of All Bombs (FOAB)

While the MOAB is America’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb, Russia currently possesses an even bigger one. It is the world’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb, nicknamed the Father of All Bombs.

It is thought to be about four times as destructive as the MOAB with a blast radius of 1,000 feet and a force of 44 megatons of TNT. It is a thermobaric bomb, which makes it different from the MOAB in the way it interacts with the environment.

The Russian Father of All Bombs combines with atmospheric oxygen to extend the blast radius. It also explodes in midair, and is designed to annihilate targets and collapse structures by producing powerful blasts and aftershocks.
