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How to Make Your Own Home Made Detox Spa

After all that junk food, exposure to polluted air and water, toxic chemicals in personal care and cleaning products, your body needs a break and a detox as well, don’t you think so? Some of us are not even aware of the high toxic content our bodies have to deal with on a daily basis and therefore do not know where all their problems come from. Try best insulated water bottle.

However, you do not have to do something over the top to eliminate all the toxicity from your body; you just need to try a natural approach. Instead of spending tons of money on some spa treatments, you can save your money and read this article to get the right information.  This is for all those who feel that they should give their body some rest and help it breathe freely again. This homemade detox spa will definitely purify and heal you.  For optimal results, you should prepare the homemade detox spa once a week and enjoy in it for 20 minutes.

Benefits of the Detox Spa

Our homemade detox spa will provide you with the following benefits:

  • It relieves the pain into your muscles and joints
  • It helps with arthritis
  • It will lower the level of stress
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Helps with diabetes
  • Helps you cut some extra fat
  • Rejuvenates
  • Detoxifies
  • Keeps your concentration level high
  • Helps with digestion problems
  • Hydrates your whole body

What you need?

A cup of Epsom or sea salt (the magnesium in sea salt will keep your skin moisturized, and it also has antimicrobial properties which fight all bacteria)

– Half a cup of baking soda (it works best for exfoliating your skin, easing any yeast infections and making your skin smooth)

-10 drops of an essential oil by your choice, and here are our suggestions and every single time you prepare your spa, you can choose a different one, according to the right purpose at the moment:

Lavender- It has a calming and relaxing effect

Grapefruit– Whenever you feel tired, this oil will uplift you

Peppermint– Use it whenever you have fatigue

Cedar Wood– If you feel down and depressed, this is the best choice for you

Chamomile and Rosemary– Both have a soothing effect and will relieve your headache

How to prepare the homemade detox spa?

Fill your bath with hot water and add the ingredients.  The hot water will melt and mix the salt, baking soda and  essential oil all together, so you should wait a couple of minutes before getting in the bath. It is also optional to cleanse your body with a loofah to get rid of any dead skin, to have a better detox effect. You should lay in the bath for approximately 20 minutes, while having your lights dimmed and listening to some relaxing music, which will also add to the enjoyable atmosphere. After the homemade detox spa, take a shower with lukewarm water.

10 Ways To Fall In Love With Yourself Again After Leaving A Toxic Relationship

Toxicity can come in many forms. It can come as a relationship with your partner, a toxic friendship or a work situation. Regardless of its form, one thing is certain – it is very damaging to your wellbeing.

A toxic relationship is controlling, anxiety-inducing, lonely, painful, sad, and dramatic. It will make you fearful and full of self-doubts, making you feel like you are walking on eggshells every single day.

Therefore, walking away from a toxic relationship can be one of the most difficult things to do. If, however, you managed to find the courage and free yourself from the toxicity – congratulations. You did something that many people cannot.

But the process of healing is a long one. And the first step you should take is falling in love with yourself again because somehow you forgot how to do it in your previous relationship.

Here are 10 ways that you can do to start loving and appreciating yourself.

1. Liberate Yourself of Their Hold on You

Block their number. Delete their texts and photographs. Erase all the reminders of your time together. When your mind goes back to them, shift your focus immediately. And don’t talk to yourself in the way they talked to you. You are free now, you have your own voice.

2. Allow Yourself to Be Single

Don’t try to find ways to make them jealous or make them want to come back to you. Embrace your single life. Start becoming a better friend to yourself. Enjoy your freedom and all the wonderful things that come with being single. And don’t try to convince yourself that you miss them and the comfort that comes from being in a relationship. That’s only your fear talking.

3. Be Selfish with Your Time

Instead of wasting your time worrying about them and your relationship, not that they are not in your life, spend that time on you. Do what you want. Cook your favorite meal. Buy yourself something nice. Be gentle to yourself. You have one life, why not spend in on you and the things you love?

4. Surround Yourself with Love and Positive Energy

Spend time with your friends and family to remind yourself that love is all around you. When you are with your loved ones, you’ll feel the love and the positive energy that comes from within yourselves. And sometimes that’s all you need.

5. Don’t Think That You Could’ve Tried More to Save The Relationship

Stop agonizing and telling yourself that you could’ve done better to save your relationship. The thing is, you can’t save something that is toxic. And please, don’t believe all the things they said to you that made you think that you’re not good enough. You are. But of course, you are not good for toxicity. No sane person is.

6. Forgive Yourself for Letting Them Hurt You

You don’t need to forgive them for hurting you, but you must forgive yourself for allowing them to hurt you so much. Forgive yourself for staying when you should have left long ago. Forgive yourself for sharing your love with someone who didn’t deserve it.

7. Apologize to Those Who You’ve Unintentionally Hurt While You Were Hurting

Maybe your toxic relationship separated you from your friends and family and all the people that you love. Apologize to them for the pain they’ve felt during your absence and for you not being there for them when they needed you.

8. Give Yourself All the Time You Need to Heal

Healing doesn’t happen overnight. Therefore, allow yourself to feel all the pain and hurt and be patient. Everything will fall back into place in the right time.

9. Don’t Dwell on The Past; Focus on Your Future Ahead

Stop replaying the past in your head. Stop trying to find the reason why everything fell apart. Accept that it is over and move on. Focus on the wonderful new opportunities that are in front of you, waiting for you.

10. Love Yourself Like You Wanted Them to Love You

Because you deserve it.