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Man Tries To Give Serious BBC Interview, Forgets He Has Children

Parenting is everything but easy and this BBC correspondent Robert E. Kelly is the real example that parenting is a real struggle. Try being a...

NASA Confesses To Dosing Americans With Air-Borne Lithium And Other Chemicals

Many people are not aware of what they are eating, drinking, and worst of all, breathing. And while we can control what we intake...

7 Reasons The Best Employees Quit, Even When They Like Their Job

The best employees are not the ones that brag about how irreplaceable or hard-working they are, but the ones that stand out from the...

The Robot That Takes Your Job Should Pay Taxes, Says Bill Gates

The technology is developing in the blink of an eye. Each day there are new inventions, such as robots, which can do a lot...

Today, 200 Years Ago, The World’s First Bicycle Ride Took Place – Here Are...

On June 12, 1817, the first bike ride took place in Germany, when a German inventor took a 14km (8.7 miles) trip around Mannheim...

This Native Indian Story Will Change The Way You Think – 20 Second Read!

In life, there is a constant battle in all of us; we are constantly struggling to control our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes our good...

How Bruce Lee Exploded A Stereotype With A One-Inch Punch

Is there a person on this whole planet who doesn’t know who Bruce Lee is? Nope. Despite being known as the “strongest man ever”,...

This 23-Year-Old Girl Has What It Takes to Be Called the “New Einstein”

How much have you done in your life so far? That wouldn’t be a fair question to ask if you were to be compared...

A 12-Year-Old Boy Genius Has 3 College Degrees And Is Starting Another Soon

It is not every day you hear about a boy genius who has been accepted into two universities at the tender age of 12....

Which Female Superhero You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If you’re a horoscope junkie, you probably know what it feels like to see the word “horoscope” in a title. You immediately stop everything...