
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

It is Time to Look Younger with Truffle Infusion Face Lift Cream

Let’s face it, aging is imperative and looking younger is everyone’s wish. We can’t stop aging but what we do in order to keep...

Pilates Improves Strength as Well as Flexibility

According to a report, Joseph Pilates was a nurse for the German Army and spent a large portion of his daily life helping to...

Know Different Stages of Tooth Decay

You might know that a dental cavity is a hole in one of your teeth. And you might also know that a cavity is...

Find Out the Magic of Chiropractic Care

According to Wikipedia, Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system,...

Transform Your Body With This Simple 4-Week Exercise Plan

“A healthy mind in a healthy body,” goes the famous proverb that everybody should respect. And nowadays, people are more than aware that a...

Scientists Find That Coconut Oil Is More Effective Than Any Toothpaste

Dental health is a crucial element of our health and well-being. In fact, the medical community has pointed to the fact that poor dental...

How Your Mind Controls Your Health

Recent clinical research has found the long-searched piece of the puzzle- they have found the evidence of a mind-body connection, something we are all...

Can Turmeric Help Neuropathy Symptoms and Relieve Nerve Pain?

Many herbs have been considered as an alternative treatment for neuropathy because they pose less risk to the patient while providing naturally-occurring supplements that...

3 Face Masks worth Slathering On Your Skin This Spring

At winter times snow leads our skin to sensitive foreheads and cheeks, cold winds leave us with itchy, flaky and dry skin.   Winter weather,...

Why you should get your Veins Treated Sooner rather Than Later

Are swelled, unbearable and painful veins causing you to feel uncomfortable and unconfident in summer, don’t like yourself when you’re in front of a...