
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

Your Ultimate Girls Night Out Survival Kit

Crashing an all-boys party, signing up for a yoga/pole dancing class, getting cocktails at a new bar, or even heading out to see a...

5 Aspects of Healthcare That Are Contributing to The Post-Pandemic Lifestyle

The spread of Coronavirus shook the socio-political, environmental, and healthcare structures of many countries in the world. It increased suffering in almost every aspect...

Common causes of eye irritation in children

Children are prone to all kinds of health conditions, from stomach bugs to head lice, but parents can often start to panic when their...

Tips for Managing Chronic Pain

Three out of 10 people in the United States experience chronic pain. This refers to pain that lasts longer than three months, hampers daily...

6 Ways to Create an Instant Vacation

Working for weeks on end quickly starts to feel like an exhausting cycle. It’s easy to overexert yourself and then find your resolve grinding...

5 Low Calorie Cereal Options that are Fit for Your Breakfast

Are you looking for low calorie cereals perfect for healthy breakfast? There are many ways to start your day. Currently popular choices of healthy...

Insomnia: symptoms and treatments

What is insomnia? Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the general population. It consists of a reduction in the ability to sleep or...

6 Things To Remember Before Choosing A Psychiatrist

Not only your physical wellbeing, but your mental health is equally important. Often we suffer from physical ailments and when that happens we all...

Can exercise cause your hormone imbalances?

Exercising is one of the natural ways to keep your body healthy. Some people even use exercise to improve their health. In some instances,...

How to Find the Best Optometrist

Are you having issues with your eyesight? There is a good chance you need to see a professional to help you resolve the issues....