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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

This Simple Image Can Reveal Some Important Things About Your Personality

It is said that every one of us chooses to live a certain kind of reality and our personality plays the crucial role here....

How To Answer Questions On An Exam When You Don’t Know Anything!

We all remember the teacher’s advice: “Write everything you know on the subject and don’t leave an empty space”. But what should you do...

This Is Why Strong Girls Get Attached So Easily

Have you ever met a guy who got attached after the first kiss from a girl he liked? Do you know any man who...

A Harvard Psychologist Explains Why Forcing Positive Thinking Won’t Make You Happy

Rhonda Byrne has taught us that the key to happiness are positive thoughts. As we go through life, we learn that the harder you...

7 Skills Your Child Needs To Grow Up To Be Successful

Every parent wants to see their child grow into a successful and complete person. This is why parents never spare time, money and effort...

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren’t Crazy, They’re Actually Geniuses

Have you ever noticed how some people have a tendency to ‘start a conversation’ with themselves every now and then? If you’ve had such public...

Empaths Are The Best MIND Detectives – Here Are 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t...

An empath is a person who is able to feel (in great detail) what the other person is feeling. Empaths sense your emotions and...

9 Things That Make Good Employees Quit

Managers are often heard complaining about their best employees leaving. However, I agree that they really do have something to complain about as there...

They Put Pre-School Children In A Nursing Home! Here’s What Happened!

Nursing homes can be very lonely places for elderly people, contrary to popular belief. In fact, elderly people sometimes face severe isolation and some of...

Psychologists List 5 Things That Make Us Feel Happy And Fulfilled!

Being stressed, tired, anxious and depressed are mental states that are somewhat considered as "normal" nowadays. However, it can be extremely tiring waking up...