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How do Breasts Look After Explant Surgery?

Breast implants

Breast implants change the appearance of your breasts. The procedure gives your breasts a desired beautiful look and you can enjoy the implants for your entire lifetime. However, you might consider explant surgery in the future to remove the implants. It is then a good idea to understand what will happen after removing the implants.

What do I expect after explant surgery?

For most patients, breasts don’t return to their pre-augmentation state after explant surgery. That’s because the implant replacements stretch your skin and the weight of the implants causes a degree of sagging. 

Other factors such as weight gain or pregnancy will also cause variation in your breast size and shape after explant surgery. For instance, if you gain weight since the initial breast augmentation surgery, your breast volume will increase more than before the implant.

Luckily, with an experienced surgeon, you can be sure that you’ll still have natural-looking breasts. After the explant surgery, you need adequate recovery time. Although the time varies, this can last between a few days to a few weeks.

During recovery, avoid lifting heavy stuff or similar strenuous activities. Unfortunately, you might experience some potential aesthetic issues after the surgery. Also, it’s normal to experience soreness, bruising, and sensitivity in the first few weeks post-surgery. Breast procedures such as breast reduction can resolve these problems. (1)

When to consider breast implant removal

Before getting your breast implant removed, it’s essential to consider the reasons for considering the procedure.

Such reasons include:

1. Changing activity levels.

If you have been increasing your cardio workouts, you can consider removing your implants to achieve a lean, toned physique.

2. Keeping up with trends.

You might consider removing or downsizing your implants to match current trends.

3. Physical illness or discomfort.

You can seek breast implant removal if your implants feel painful or problematic. Also, if you experience implant illness, you can seek medical attention to remove the implants.

4. Return to a more natural look.

Sometimes, breast implants make you have an overly round, artificial look. To achieve a natural look, you’ll have to seek implant removal or replace them with ones that suit you.

Is breast lifting necessary after implant removal?

Doctors recommend combining breast implant removal with a breast lift to reshape your breast contours and remove excess skin from the implant-related stretching. The procedure gives your tighter breasts a younger look.

What procedures will improve breast appearance after implant removal?

Usually, your breast appearance will be affected by implant removal. But with the proper techniques, you can reverse the effects. The procedures will restore your breast’s natural look, revive your breast volume and shape, and restore your nipple positioning.

Such procedures include fat transfer. This aims to take fat from other body parts and insert it into your breasts. It will restore the volume and shape of your breasts. (2)


Change is inevitable, and circumstances may force you to change your looks through explant surgery. That is why it’s normal to consider breast removal surgery. Regardless of the reason, you’ll want to know what to expect after your explant surgery.

6 Health Benefits Of Hugging

hug therapy

I believe everyone loves being hugged, and there’s a good reason for that. A good hug can feel warm and soothing. It can make you feel cared for and loved. But did you know that hugging can be therapeutic too? It’s been proven that hugging can contribute to your health and make you feel happier.

In this article, we’ll explain what hug therapy is and what the most common health benefits of hugging are. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in.

What Is Hug Therapy?

Hug therapy involves hugging to help a person effectively respond to and manage different emotional experiences and provide emotional support and comfort to them. Studies have shown that hugging can greatly benefit people that suffer from anxiety, depression, or stress and struggle with loneliness. It’s also worth mentioning that hugging therapy can benefit both adults and children.

The benefits of hugging can be attributed to the power of touch. Touch is one of the ways we interact with other people. For example, we hug our friends and family, shake our colleagues’ hands, and high-five children. 

Every person feels the need and a desire to be hugged or touched regardless of their age. And there’s a good reason for that. Namely, when someone hugs you or cuddles you, this makes you feel good and also strengthens the social and emotional bond you have with that person while decreasing symptoms of anxiety. The reason for this is that when you engage in cuddling, hugging, or any other pleasant touch, your brain releases oxytocin, which is one of the four feel-good hormones and is also known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone.”

6 Health Benefits Of Hugging

1. Hugging May Improve Your Heart Health

In one study, participants were divided into two groups. In the first group, romantic partners had to hold hands for over 10 minutes while watching a romantic video, followed by a 20-second hug. The second group included couples who were asked to rest quietly for 10 minutes and 20 seconds.

After being exposed to a stressful situation, participants in the first group demonstrated lower diastolic and systolic blood pressure compared with the second group (1).

2. Hugging Can Reduce Stress

Give them a hug when a loved one is feeling down or going through a rough time in life. 

Science has shown that giving another person your support by touching them can decrease their stress. Moreover, it can even reduce your stress levels.

In one study, which included twenty romantic couples, men received electric shocks. During the electric shocks, each female participant held her partner’s arm. 

The results of the study showed that there was decreased activity in the parts of each woman’s brain related to stress and more activity in those parts related to rewards of maternal behavior (2). So, when you hug someone to support or comfort them, these parts of your brain may react similarly.

3. Hugging May Help Relieve Pain

One study has found that therapeutic touch can be effective in reducing pain in people with fibromyalgia syndrome. Namely, all of the participants in the study had this condition and received 6 therapeutic touch treatments. The participants reported a considerable decrease in pain and substantial improvement in quality of life (3).

4. Hugging May Help Keep You Healthier

Due to the stress-reducing effects of touch, hugging might also protect you against illness.

One study, which included 404 healthy adults, has found that perceived social support protects against the increase in infection risk, while hugging has stress-buffering effects. Additionally, those participants who got infected but received more frequent hugs and greater support had less severe symptoms compared with those participants who had no support at all or had little support. These results suggest that social support may be effectively conveyed through hugging (4).

5. Hugging Helps Reduce Existential Concerns In People With Low Self-Esteem

One study, which investigated the effect of touch on existential concerns in individuals with low-self esteem, found that a brief touch on the shoulder decreased anxiety symptoms in individuals who had death concerns. It also led to more social connectedness after participants were reminded of death (5).

6. Hugging Helps You Interact With Others

Verbal communication is not the only way we can interact with others. We can interact with one another through touch too.

One study found that a stranger could communicate different emotions to another person by touching various parts of their body. Some of the feelings they could express were happiness, sadness, love, sympathy, gratitude, disgust, anger, and fear (6).

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Hug Therapy Work To Reduce Anxiety?

As we already said, your brain releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin when you cuddle, hug, or touch someone. This hormone plays an important role in reducing the levels of cortisol – a hormone that helps regulate the response of your body to stress. Oxytocin also helps induce relaxation and has anxiolytic-like effects.

Can Hug Therapy Help Reduce Depression?

One study, which included 20 adolescents with depression, found that hug therapy alone couldn’t reduce depression in the participants (7).

How Long Does A Hug Have To Last To Have Therapeutic Effects?

This question may be a little bit difficult to answer. If you try to find the answer on the internet, what you’ll most likely end up finding is 20 seconds. However, there’s limited research to confirm this.

Since hugging does have a therapeutic effect on our minds and bodies, as it encourages the release of the hormone oxytocin, we may conclude that a hug should last until each person feels the effects of this hormone.

What Happens When You Hug Someone For 20 Seconds?

When you hug a loved one or another person for 20 seconds, your brain releases oxytocin, which is known as the feel-good hormone. 

Oxytocin has been shown to decrease stress and have anxiolytic-like effects. It’s also been shown to have an essential role in social interactions, such as parent-infant bonding.

What Are The 3 Types Of Hugs?

1. The Warm Bear Hug

The warm bear hug is the type of embrace you give your brother or sister. It’s also the type of hug you give your friend when you haven’t seen them for a long period of time.

The warm bear hug makes you feel comforted, cared for, and content, and it’s reserved for those who mean the most to you.

2. Side Hug

This is when two people hug each other by putting their arms around the other person’s shoulder or waist. This is the type of hug you give acquaintances, i.e., people you’re not close to, rather than family or friends.

3. One-Sided Hug

In this type of hug, you’re facing another person, and one of you is giving a hug, and the other person is receiving it. The person receiving the hug usually keeps their arms by their side, while the person giving a hug is hugging them tightly.

The one-sided hug indicates emotional support.

What Happens If You Don’t Get Hugs?

Every person craves physical touch. But, when you don’t get as many hugs as you need or you’re used to, this leads to a condition known as touch starvation.

Touch starvation, also known as skin hunger or touch deprivation, has been a common issue many have been facing over the last two and a half years due to the social distancing caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Touch starvation can have various effects on your body. When you’re deprived of touch, you can become stressed and even develop symptoms of anxiety or depression. When you’re under stress, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol, which can cause your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate to increase, which, in turn, can negatively affect your digestive and immune systems. All of these things can also affect your sleep quality and lead to an increased risk of infections.

How Can Self-Hugging Therapy Benefit You?

As we already said, hugging provides comfort. When a parent, friend, partner, or relative hugs you, this can help you feel closer to them. Hugging can also make you feel happier and cared for and give you a sense of fulfillment.

Getting a hug from a loved one can make you feel better fast. But what should you do if you’re on your own and need someone to hug you? The answer is pretty easy – hug yourself.

I know self-hugging might sound weird, but it’s a great and easy way to comfort and make yourself feel better. In fact, it’s believed that self-hugging, also known as havening, can benefit you in the following ways:

  • It can make you feel secure, safe, comforted, and less alone.
  • It can help reduce your pain.
  • It can increase feelings of love toward yourself.
  • It can boost your mood.

Pros And Cons Of Oval Cut Diamonds

engagement ring

While the round cut is the most sparkly in the diamond world, the new oval diamond engagement ring with thin band also glows brightly and is less pricey. An oval diamond engagement ring with thin band is also uncommon, lending a distinct touch to your symbolic jewel. It is, most certainly, an excellent alternative to the round diamond.

The ‘Ideal Cut’

The extreme quality and detail necessary for an ‘Ideal Cut’ diamond require twice as much time as a regular cut diamond. Marcel Tolkowsky observed that light would escape from a diamond if the cut were either thin or too profound, resulting in some of its splendor being lost while investigating diamond grinding at the University of London. To solve this, he discovered a means to balance ‘Brilliance’ (white light), fire (color), and Scintillation (sparkle).

Marcel’s invention has been used on a few of the world’s most important gems. Almost 70 years after his groundbreaking discovery, De Beers commissioned Marcel’s great-nephew, Gobi Tolkowsky, and his son Jean-Paul to make ‘The Centenary Diamond,’ which at over 273 carats was the world’s most giant grade D flawless diamond.

History Of The Oval Cut Diamond

From signet rings to Queen Victoria’s purchased and reshaped Koh-i-Noor diamond from India, ovular stones have been present for centuries and centuries. The oval cut has its place in jewelry heritage, but Lazare Kaplan developed the magnificent contemporary oval cut we saw today in 1957. Kaplan is a Russian-born diamond artisan from New York who comes from a dynasty of jewelers. His unique design won him a well-deserved spot in the Jewelers International Hall of Fame. Kaplan’s extraordinary cutting ability allowed him to repurpose diamonds. He effectively transformed unusable fractured or badly imperfect diamonds into desirable tiny stones. When he invented the oval, the avant-garde cut differentiated itself from the angular cut stones of the period. The oval-cut diamond is now regarded as one of the most highly dazzling stone cuts. Its elongated, slim design exudes a distinct air of subtle refinement. (1)


  1. Less expensive

An oval diamond engagement ring with thin band is worth less than a round cut diamond of the same carat and clarity, allowing you to get a larger diamond for the same price. As an extra plus, the increased surface area of an oval cut diamond makes it appear more prominent than a round cut of the same size, so if you want a set with a giant diamond, this is an excellent cheap alternative.

  1. More glimmer

How a diamond is cut determines its sparkle and brightness, and the oval cut is one of the brightest cuts available. When you pick an oval-cut center stone ring, you are guaranteed a bright glitter on your finger.

  1. Finger slimming effect

If you want to slim down your fingers, the oval diamond engagement rings with thin band might make them appear longer and thinner. Always try on different shaped stones before making your final decision to ensure that the structure of your ring matches your finger.

  1. It does not catch or scrape.

Because oval-cut diamonds have no sharp corners, they are ideal for everyday use. Any diamond with sharp corners is prone to snag on surfaces while doing regular duties, putting the prongs that hold the stone in its exact place at danger of fracturing. The prongs of an oval diamond are significantly less prone to shatter than the prongs of a square-cut diamond.


  1. The bow-tie effect

The biggest worry with oval shape diamond rings is if the diamond has a visible “bow tie look.” The light cannot diffuse uniformly across the diamond in any fancy cut diamond, mainly the oval cut, resulting in the appearance of a bow tie in the middle of the stone. Most oval cuts have a bow-tie appearance; however, they are usually subtle and scarcely discernible. Before purchasing your stone, you should consider whether the bow-tie effect will irritate you.

  1. Demonstrates faults

Because the oval cut tends to showcase faults, blemishes, and inclusions within the diamond, you’ll need clarity of VS1 or higher and color of G or higher to get the most out of your purchase. The good news is that while oval-cut diamond rings are less expensive than round-cut diamonds, you may afford to invest in greater clarity and color.


Overall, the oval cut diamond is a fascinating choice if you want a more extensive, high-quality stone with a lot of added sparkle at a reasonable price. If you take the time to evaluate the color and clarity of your chosen diamond, you will have a one-of-a-kind spectacular diamond ring. (2)

MAKO Medical Laboratories CEO Chad Price Explains Four Strategies on How to Engage Your Employees


Managing a large team of people is no easy feat. At MAKO Medical Laboratories, we employ more than 1,000 expert workers. Each individual plays a vital role in the ongoing success of the brand. However, one of the most difficult challenges is keeping each of them engaged in the role. It’s hardly rocket science. When employees’ positions become mundane, staff members will start looking elsewhere for employment.

Since starting the business back in 2014, I’ve learned a wealth of strategies to engage staff members. The team has grown massively since we first started as a result of the large demand for medical testing. With that in mind, we have had to adapt time and time again to the new way of working with team members. Within this article, I want to share some of the approaches I have found to be effective when overseeing workers.

1. Recognize their accomplishments

First things first, you need to recognize when your team does a good job. Your staff work around the clock to make the business a success. Overlooking that fact is sure to be a real mistake. Whenever you’re managing a large-scale team, it’s important to commend them on the hard work that they have put into things. Should you ignore this vital aspect of management, you may find that your employees start looking for new opportunities.

Of course, there are plenty of ways you can show your staff that you appreciate their hard work. Offering regular promotions or appraisals is a good place to start. You may also decide to offer bonuses or benefits to members of staff who excel in their role.

Speak with the managerial department and consider what options are available. The truth of the matter is that this doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Setting aside a small pot to offer people when they do well in the job could be all that it takes. It’s these gestures that are sure to make a big difference when it comes to how much effort your staff put in.

2. Communicate well with them

Communication is the foundation of any management style. When you’re overseeing a large group of people, you need to make sure that you communicate with them well. Often enough, this means sharing complex ideas or strategies with the wider team.

When you first start out, that in itself can be intimidating. You might not be sure where to start. However, it’s all about using the simplest language and means of communication. Since the modern world is fast-paced, you need a system to best serve your company.

For example, when you work on-site with your team, you may find that the best way to go is to communicate face to face. You can host regular meetings with your team and explain any new updates to them in person. Of course, if you are offering remote or even hybrid working, you may need a different means of communication. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to go. For example, you can use Skype, Teams, or even Zoom to work together.

3. Build strong relationships with workers

Creating the right culture in your office environment is important. You need to make sure that you’re focused on working in a collaborative manner. That means that you will have the chance to create an environment in which all staff members feel valued. Workers spend the vast majority of their waking lives at the office. For that reason, it’s important to make the company feel as much like a family as possible. It’s that simple.

Whenever you’re managing a team, you should encourage them to build strong relationships. You might want to host team building days or take them on retreats. At MAKO Medical Laboratories, we encourage our staff to work together on voluntary projects. This initiative helps them bond with one another and help the community.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. When you’re working with a team of people, that is made up of individuals. What works for one person may not work for the next. Put simply, you need to take the time to determine what is right for you and your employees.

4. Help people with professional growth

Humans are geared for growth. We want to excel and reach new heights. If there’s no room for progression within your business, your team members are unlikely to be engaged. It’s important that you show them a clear pathway toward success. Often enough, that can be easier said than done. In small-scale businesses, there may be nowhere for savvy employees to go when they have reached the managerial level.

Should that be the case, consider how you can nurture your staff member’s talents within the company. For example, you might want to offer training opportunities or give them additional duties. Look for ways that they can expand their skill-set. When you’re managing a team, it’s crucial that you identify each of the worker’s strengths. Having done that, you can look for ways in which they can enhance these skills and work better.

The Takeaway

Engaging your staff members doesn’t have to be an obstacle. When you’re managing any size team, there are ways that you can keep their attention. It’s important to consider what works for your team members. You may find that this is a case of trial and error. Trying out the approaches I have highlighted above may make a world of difference to each of them.

MAKO Medical Laboratories and Chad Price

Supported by an expert team of nationally-recognized doctors specializing in methodology development and pathological services, MAKO Medical Laboratories is an innovative medical brand. Offering patients total transparency, accuracy, and speed in their testing results, the company is set to revolutionize the world of healthcare.

Founded in 2014 by Chad Price, Adam Price, and Josh Arant, the community-focused business is now a well-known name in the world of medical testing. The forward-thinking company was started with the mission of standing out from the crowd, for all the right reasons, while delivering a super fast service to clients.

Know How to Use an Off-Grid Solar System and its benefits

solar panels

Around the world, there are numerous isolated villages and towns that have had little or no electrification. Off grid solar system, nevertheless, is enhancing these regions’ conservation and financial prospects. The availability of energy in many rural areas across the globe has been constrained or dependent on pricy, toxic generating units. But as nations work to expand their electrification for supporting economic development simultaneously lowering their carbon pollution to achieve environmental requirements, the use of off-grid photovoltaic panels energy systems is rising. These systems work with lithium batteries.

What is an off-grid System?

Since an off-grid device is not wired into the power grid, battery technology is necessary. Off-grid photovoltaic cells should be properly planned such that they could still produce enough electricity all year long and have adequate battery storage to fulfill the needs of the residents, even during the darkest months of the year whenever there is typically significantly less sunshine. You can also check out lithium battery price on various sites.


Off-grid methods are normally only required in more distant places that are distant from the electrical grid because they are substantially more pricey than on-grid devices due to the significant expense of batteries as well as off converters. Off-grid photo voltaic lithium batteries are becoming more and more popular, even within urban centers, as battery prices are falling quickly. (1)

Are there any types?

Off-grid solutions come in a variety of forms, and we’ll discuss them in some more extensive length. In the meantime, though, let’s keep things In compact DC-linked systems, the bank charging is controlled by a charge regulator, as well as the DC energy is then transformed to AC and transmitted to your facility’s utilities via an off-grid converter.

What is a Battery Bank? 

There seems to be no official grid infrastructure with an off-grid setup. Any extra solar energy left over after your property’s utilities have used it would be delivered to your lithium battery. When the bank is filled, the solar panel will no longer supply power. Your devices will take electricity from the battery if your photovoltaic system does not function.

Is there a backup generator required?

You will typically require a second source of electricity, like a backup generator as well as a gen-set, during periods of the season when the panels are short on charge as well as the climate is severely gloomy. The generator’s size must be sufficient to power your home and store the energy simultaneously.(2)

The Bottom Line:

Globally, the electrical sector is changing quickly as people address the climate catastrophe and build out the existing network. Off-grid living could sound like a good concept, but it might be too complicated for projects bigger than a tiny cottage or workshop. A distributed renewable energy system has various advantages, including dependability, lesser prices, increased autonomy, and reduced emissions. Each residence that adopts solar reduces the burden on infrastructural development, resulting in reduced bills as well as greater community security.

What Are CoolSculpting Results


What Results Can I Realistically Expect?

The results you can realistically expect depend on multiple factors, including the size of the parts being treated, the volume of excess fat in the targeted spots, and how much excess fat you wish to have removed. For example, if you are wanting to eliminate fat from smaller spots, such as your chin, neck, underarms, or knees, you can expect to lose around 80% of the localized fat cells.

If you are targeting a larger area of your body and you have a moderate amount of excess fat, you can expect to lose about a quarter of the localized fat cells. If you have a very large volume of fat, you can expect to lose approximately 20% of localized fat cells. (1)

How Quickly Will I See the Results of CoolSculpting Treatment?

You can expect to feel the initial results immediately after treatment. You might notice that the treated area feels smaller as soon as the procedure is done because the fat cells take up less volume once the walls are destroyed. However, at this point, the fat cells have not been flushed out of your body yet.

It will take between one and three months until you begin to see pleasing results, and it can take up to six months to see your best results. If this sounds like a long time to wait for the fat removal results this treatment was created to provide, there are a couple of factors we’d like you to remember. First, it takes easily six months to see the results of liposuction due to extensive swelling. Second, you can promote faster results.

What Can I Do to See the Results of My Procedure Faster?

The first thing you need to do to facilitate faster results is to massage the treated area for five minutes at a time five times daily. You should begin doing this right after your treatment and proceed through the fourth day following your procedure.

This breaks up the blocks of frozen fat cells to make them more easily taken up by your lymphatic system as well as boosts circulation to the local area. Improving circulation is essential because a strong circulatory system boosts the efficiency of your lymphatic system.

Will My Results Be Permanent?

The results of CoolSculpting Treatment are permanent. This procedure removes fat cells in the targeted treatment area. One of the reasons this body contouring procedure is so excellent is that, unlike losing weight by yourself, it actually removes the fat cells. This is amazing because adults can not grow new fat cells.

Once fat cells are destroyed and eliminated from the area, there will never be as many fat cells in the treated area. Having said that, we find it necessary to remember that this treatment does not eliminate every fat cell from a treated area. Therefore, if you consume calories in excess of your maintenance needs, fat cells will expand as they fill with stored energy.

If you gain weight after treatment, there is a chance that the remaining fat cells in the treated area will expand. Just keep that in mind when you make decisions about whether to skip your exercise for dinner with friends. (2)

Will This Treatment Help Me Lose Weight?

Yes. When the fat cells are cleared out of your body via your lymphatic system, weight loss will occur. While this treatment gives similar results to liposuction, and liposuction normally results in a 10- to 11-pound weight loss, this treatment might only result in a five- to six-pound weight loss. The cause of this difference is the distinction in the fat removal technique.

Like liposuction, this treatment results in the removal of fat cells from your body. However, they are not sucked out of your body as is the case with liposuction. Rather, this non-invasive procedure lets your lymphatic system eliminate the destroyed fat cells from your body. Liposuction causes such a considerable weight loss since it also removes blood during the suction procedure.

The Psychology of Design in Casinos

playing in casino

The Psychology of Design in Casinos

When you visit a casino, you probably take a look around before choosing a game to play. But, did you realize that your selection might not be random? In fact, it might be the design of the casino that is drawing you to a certain game. It may even be encouraging you to spend more when you are with your friends.

Perhaps you think that this concept is impossible. But, there are actually psychological reasons behind why casinos are designed the way they are. Things are not as random as you may think. So, let’s take a closer look at the psychology of design in casinos.


The Floor Plan

First of all, let’s consider the floor plan when it comes to casinos. You have probably visited some and once you are in, you cannot find your way out. It is not that you have lost your sense of direction. In fact, that casino has been designed so that you are immersed in casino games. The owners do not want you to find the exits easily. Instead, they will make you walk past different games. The hope is that you find another one you want to play and you stay longer.

The Décor

A lot of thought has been put into the décor of casinos. Yes, the owners want the place to be exciting and appealing to players. But, their aim is still to get you to keep spending money and playing at their casinos. So, you are not going to see things like clocks when you are in an establishment. Of course, this is so that you are not watching the clock. They want you to feel fully immersed in the experience and not realize how long you have been playing.

Something you might also experience is different rooms and areas in casinos. They all have their own style and theme. This is something that is deliberate when it comes to design. It allows you to experience different styles without having to leave. You can go from a tropical theme to a classic and traditional vibe. This is all without leaving and you can spend your money in one place.

Online casinos are designed in a similar way. You will find that the best slots sites offer a variety of exciting games and themes you can enjoy. Since there are so many different variations for you to choose from, you are more likely to stay on that site and use that casino provider. You will notice that new avatars and themes are released on a regular basis too. This is to keep up the excitement and make you want to try all of the variations.

The Service

Have you ever noticed that you get good service in a casino? In other words, drinks and food are never far away. Well, this is no coincidence. Instead, this is a tactic that casinos you so that you do not have to give up on your favorite games. For example, if you are hungry, you are going to leave and stop playing. But, if you constantly have refreshments, you have no reason to leave. In fact, some food and drinks can be free in casinos and you only have to tip. This is to create a great experience and make sure you enjoy your time. Plus, you spend longer there and you will have more money to play games all night long.

Again, online casinos also keep up with the psychology. For example, they know that if they do not offer fast and fun service, players are going to go elsewhere. In particular, players hate to wait around and play slow games. So, websites have to be regularly updated and maintained for the best experience online. After all, you can simply go to Google and find a lot of other options.

Everything that you find in a brick-and-mortar casino, as well as an online one, is designed to make sure that you have no stress. When you are relaxed and having fun, this is when you are going to spend more money. This means that casinos are now less about the traditional bright lights and sounds of the slot machines. Instead, they are offering everything from music to fun activities so that you stay longer.

Worried about delayed period? Here’s some reasons for late periods

delayed period

Is your menstrual cycle late or erratic? Do not worry; this symptom is frequently caused by a medical condition or a change in lifestyle. A delayed period can have several typical causes, including hormonal abnormalities and serious medical conditions. Most women who have not yet entered menopause have cycles that last 28 days. The menstrual cycle of a healthy woman might last anywhere between 21 and 40 days. You can track your menstrual cycle at period calculator, and check here a few reasons for a late period.

Reasons for late period

  1. Stress

Stress causes the hormone cortisol to become active, sending your body into survival mode. If you are under a lot of stress for a long time, your body may produce amenorrhea and prevent menstruation.

  1. Weight loss and gain

Another frequent cause of a late or missed period is a change in weight. A person’s period may also be delayed if they are underweight or overweight. The body’s hormones can be impacted by rapid weight reduction brought on by dieting or extreme exercise. After losing or gaining weight quickly, the body needs time to recuperate. Menstrual periods can return to being regular by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being physically active.

  1. Birth control

Estrogen and progestin are hormones found in birth control tablets. The likelihood of getting pregnant is considerably decreased by these hormones, which stop the ovaries from releasing eggs. Additionally, they can lessen the frequency of periods. After discontinuing hormonal birth control, it may take some people up to three months before their cycle returns to normal.

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Period irregularities are a symptom of PCOS. The body produces more androgen as a result of this disease. When follicles don’t burst to release eggs, it also results in tiny cysts developing on the ovaries. (1)

Common signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome include irregular periods in addition to:

  • Excess facial hair growth (hirsutism)
  • Infertility
  • Weight gain
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Male pattern baldness
  1. Thyroid disease

Your menstrual cycle may be affected by thyroid issues like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. You might not have periods if your thyroid isn’t functioning properly because it produces hormones that help regulate the body’s activity. If you think you might have a thyroid problem, make an appointment with an endocrinologist for a blood test.

When should you see a doctor?

Missing a period now and then is usually not cause for concern. Consult a doctor if you miss more than one period or if your missed period is accompanied by new or unexpected symptoms. Make sure to visit your healthcare provider if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Unexpected heavy bleeding
  • Severe pain
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Dizziness
  • High fever
  • Pressure in the lower abdomen

Every woman will have a different period cycle, which can vary in length from month to month. If you have any concerns about your symptoms or do not continue having delayed periods, a health care provider can answer your questions, offer advice, and diagnose and treat any underlying issues. Kotex is also an excellent tool for period tracking, symptom logging, and cycle prediction. (2)

What You Need to Know About Gold IRA Rollovers

Investing in gold

In times of economic uncertainty and the highest inflation of all time, investing in gold is a great option to save for your retirement. A gold IRA is a great way to do so, and choosing the right vendor and custodian is important for ensuring a smooth process.

Investing in gold diversifies your retirement portfolio

Investing in gold is one way to diversify your retirement portfolio. Physical gold is a safe, stable investment that offers a unique combination of benefits. The investment has a proven track record for protecting funds in times of economic instability, such as when currencies or markets falter. In addition to offering an additional layer of diversification, it also acts as a hedge against inflation and deflation. By combining physical gold with traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, you can protect your retirement portfolio from the effects of inflation and deflation.

Another great benefit of investing in gold is that it is a good hedge against inflation. Over time, gold has done very well as a store of value. As the value of a dollar dwindles due to inflation, gold will protect your money by increasing in value. Because gold moves opposite to the dollar, it is also a good hedge against inflation. While gold is not a perfect hedge against inflation, it remains a decent way to mitigate the effects of inflation.

No transfer or rollover fees

Choosing a service that does not charge transfer or rollover fees is a smart move if you plan to roll over your retirement funds to gold. Most 401(k) providers allow for verbal transfers of the assets. If you have a government-sponsored retirement account, however, you will need to complete internal rollover documents. The entire process will take anywhere from two to six weeks. It is important to remember that the IRS allows one rollover a year from your traditional IRA to a gold IRA.

The process is simple. 

A gold IRA rollover is the process of transferring assets into physical gold bullion bars. This process is the most common way to transfer money from a 401(k) to a gold IRA. 

You can usually do it over the phone or online, and the funds will be held for a few days before being deposited into your new IRA through a different administrator. However, you should discuss the process with your financial adviser before moving assets to gold.

Choosing the right vendor

While precious metals represent a tempting investment option, they can also cause headaches. Choosing the wrong vendor can lead to lost funds and divert them to derivative or bullion-related investments instead of a true asset preservation vehicle. So, how do you choose the right vendor for your gold IRA rollover? Listed below are some things to consider before doing so.

Reputation is essential when shopping for a gold IRA rollover vendor. Beware of companies that are poorly reviewed online and are eager to exploit unsuspecting customers. Look for customer-generated reviews and testimonials. Some companies publish paid-for reviews on social media profiles, which raises the red flag of inauthenticity. To avoid this, look for companies that have positive reviews and offer detailed information about their fees.

You should choose a custodian who is licensed by the IRS to administer gold and other SDIRAs. Choosing a vendor without proper credentials will risk your investments and expose you to legal action and financial consequences. A custodian should also be able to handle purchases and sales of precious metals. This way, your investment will be protected by an IRS-approved custodian.

Choosing a custodian

When you’re planning a gold IRA rollover, you want to make sure you select a reputable company. A reputable custodian will offer transparent pricing and help you navigate the process. They should also be trustworthy and provide all of the necessary paperwork. Check to see if they have any hidden fees or clauses at the end of your account, which could cause you a lot of trouble. Check online reviews and testimonials to determine which gold custodian is right for you.

When it comes to customer service, Augusta Investments is one of the best. Its website refers to its representatives as “customer success agents,” which highlights their dedication to customer satisfaction. The Augusta team is continually educated about the latest issues and trends surrounding alternative assets. Augusta prides itself on exceptional customer service and treats customers like people, not just transactions. Their team can help you learn about the ins and outs of diversifying your precious metal portfolio, and they provide peace of mind as a result.

Living with Depression

medical cannabis

June marked Loneliness Awareness Week in the UK, an annual week that aims to bring about awareness regarding the significant impact that loneliness can have on emotional and mental health. Our understanding of mental health in general has expanded significantly over the years. We now recognise that conditions like depression are complex and tend to have a variety of underlying root causes. Loneliness can certainly contribute to this.

Treating depression is a very difficult task. The strategies that work for one patient may not work for another and over time, how an individual responds to therapeutic intervention may change. Learning how to live with depression is an ongoing battle.

Your doctor or psychologist will be able to recommend a number of strategies to help manage symptoms associated with depression, from lifestyle changes to pharmaceutical products, including medical marijuana.

Continue reading to learn more about what causes depression and how a patient can learn to live with this condition.

What is depression?

The World Health Organisation defines depression as being “characterised by persistent sadness and a lack of interest in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities.” The WHO notes that depression can also cause a patient to struggle with sleep and appetite and that tiredness and loss of concentration are common symptoms.

The causes of depression tend to be very complex and differ from patient to patient. It is often a combination of physical, psychological, and social factors that cause an individual to be diagnosed with depression.

Specific circumstances — like being diagnosed with a serious physical illness — can trigger depression. Some people are also at added risk of developing the condition due to family history or their personality.

Drug and alcohol misuse is also closely linked to depression. Statistics from the Mental Health Foundation suggest that adults with drug dependence are twice as likely as the general population to be using psychological therapy. (1)


Depression and loneliness

While loneliness does not necessarily cause depression, it can be a contributing factor. The Marmalade Trust, the only charity in the world specifically dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness, suggests that loneliness is a very complex state of mind that can have an array of physical and emotional side-effects. Our cognitive and immune functioning may be affected by a prolonged experience of loneliness.

There are known key points in your life that are associated with loneliness. Transitioning from high school to university, for example, often results in isolation and decreased social interaction. Starting a new job or moving to a new town is another. As we age, we naturally lose touch with friends and family, meaning the elderly are often most affected by feelings of loneliness.

These experiences may trigger depression. Alternatively, many people diagnosed with depression have an excellent support network around them but are still affected by this mental disorder. While being lonely certainly won’t help manage symptoms associated with depression, it doesn’t always lead to this diagnosis.

Strategies for managing depression

If you have received an official diagnosis of depression, your doctor or psychologist has no doubt provided you with an array of strategies to help manage your condition. The fact that we don’t fully understand the root cause of this condition means there is no strict cure. Instead, a combination of lifestyle changes, therapeutic interventions, and pharmaceutical products may be recommended. 

These can include:

Lifestyle changes: For mild cases of depression, focusing on making positive changes to your lifestyle can have a significant impact on mood and symptoms. Enjoying a healthy diet, getting an appropriate amount of exercise, reducing your screen time, and prioritising sleep are all simple steps you can take to improve your symptoms.

Talking therapies: Talking to a trained therapist, counsellor, or psychologist is often recommended as a strategy to help manage depression. Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT, is a popular approach that is designed to identify practical ways you can address the root cause of your issues.

Prescription medication: A range of prescription medications are available to help manage symptoms associated with depression. In the United Kingdom (and an increasing number of countries throughout the world) this list of medications includes medical marijuana.

Medical cannabis may be offered to patients who have been diagnosed with depression and struggle to manage their symptoms for a prolonged period of time. Such patients have likely tried multiple strategies, including making lifestyle changes and speaking to a qualified professional.

Medical marijuana contains a number of active ingredients, including cannabinoids known as CBT and THC, which interact with our endocannabinoid system. This system has a regulatory effect on several body functions, such as mood and appetite.

Feelings of loneliness and depression are common and can be difficult to manage. If you have been living with depression for a prolonged period of time, consider speaking to a medical cannabis clinic in the UK. They may identify you being eligible for a medical marijuana prescription and recommend it as a strategy to help manage symptoms associated with depression. (2)

Author Bio:

Bridget is a writer and editor, currently living in Melbourne. She is a copywriter for Newpath Web and loves working with words of all shapes and sizes. When not playing around with punctuation and grammar, she enjoys travelling and curating her Spotify playlists.