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Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of Wrist Pain-Get Specialized Care Now!

Did you know how your hands and wrists are structured? Thirty-plus muscles control the movement of your hand and wrist and 27 small bones (8 of those bones are in your wrist) that make up each hand and wrist. Muscles are attached to bones by tiny but tough pieces of connective tissue called tendons that pass in your wrist, through a bony passage known as the carpal tunnel.

Have you suffered hand and wrist injury?

Hand and wrist injuries are widespread and can take many forms, such as open fractures, a laceration, crushed fingers, or loss of fingers or the whole hand. Most cases of pain or injury will not be a sign of long-term or a severe problem and will settle in a few days or weeks- most probably with some simple self-care at home. However, if you have severe pain, numbness, deformity, or are unable to move your wrist, call a specialist for an immediate appointment–urgent care could save you from a major problem.

 What Causes Wrist Pain?

Pain, whether simple fatigue, may occur for many reasons. The most common causes include:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

A Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and arm, and this happens when one of the major nerves to the hand is compressed or squeezed as it travels through the wrist. It is a condition that develops when a ligament puts pressure on a nerve, and here you need urgent care! Visit your nearest hand and wrist specialist as soon as possible.  

People who have diabetes or arthritis or who have obese are at an increased risk of developing CTS. Moreover, the condition is also linked with repetitive work like typing, lifting, or using a device that vibrates the hand.

Rheumatoid arthritis

It is a long-term and disabling autoimmune disease that can occur in any joint. RA occurs where tissues are broken down into pieces by the body’s immune system and can cause severe wrist pain, swelling, and inflammation if the joints in the area are affected.


Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage (smooth elastic tissue) that covers the bones wears away. It causes inflammation of the joints, including the wrist. Wrist Osteoarthritis tends to occur most often in middle age or older people, and those with a family history of this condition.

De Quervain’s disease

De Quervain’s is a painful condition in which tendons of your wrist become inflamed and swell. It is often associated with repetitive thumb movement, however; the exact cause is not known. Symptoms include swelling, and weakness along the forearm, thumb, and wrist, or a grating feeling inside the wrist.

Wrist sprain

As per the research conducted by an American Society for Surgery of the Hand (oldest and most prestigious medical society), a wrist sprain is usually caused by bending or twisting the wrist backward forcefully when the hand hits the ground.

Ganglion cyst

A ganglion cyst hurts a lot. It is a small sac of fluid that builds over a joint or tendon. Inside the cyst is a sticky, thick, transparent, colorless, jellylike material that causes wrist pain, sometimes quite hard, depending on the size of the cysts.

Symptoms of Wrist Pain

Swelling, Heat/warmth, Discoloration, Deformity, Pain, and Limited ability to move the joint are some of the common symptoms of wrist pain. Whereas, some people may develop;

  • Stiffness in the wrist and fingers.
  • A clicking sound while moving the wrist– can become more severe after periods of rest.
  • Trouble gripping objects– holding or grasping may be painful or uncomfortable.

Depending on the cause, symptoms of the wrist pain may be mild to start and become worse as time goes on.

When to Seek Medical Care?

At first, pain may not occur too frequently but during certain activities only.  Later, as the condition worsens, pain or numbness can also progress to the point where you cannot feel cold or heat and may unable to hold things, you should call your hand and wrist specialist for an immediate appointment, or go to an urgent care clinic/hospital emergency department.

If there is severe swelling or a visible deformity, there may be a broken bone, or there also can be a dislocation of bones, although they are not broken.


The doctor may:

  • Check your wrist for swelling, tenderness, or deformity
  • Check for a decrease in range of motion by asking you to move your wrist in different directions.
  • Assess your forearm and grip strength

In some cases, your hand and wrist specialist may suggest imaging tests, nerve tests, or arthroscopy.

Imaging tests

  • X-rays.It is the most commonly used test for hand and wrist pain. This test can reveal signs of osteoarthritis or bone fractures.
  • For a more detailed view of the bones, your doctor may go for CT scans to spot fractures that didn’t show up on X-rays.
  • This simple noninvasive test can help visualize cysts, tendons, and ligaments.
  • This test uses radio waves to produce detailed images of your soft tissues and bones. For a wrist MRI, the patient may be asked to insert their arm into a smaller device and not in a whole-body MRI machine.

Nerve tests

If carpal tunnel syndrome is suspected, your doctor might order an electromyogram (EMG) to test the extent of tiny electrical discharges produced in muscles. The nerve test is performed by inserting a needle-thin electrode into the tissue to record its electrical activity when the muscle is contracted and at rest.

Arthroscopy/ arthroscopic surgery

Arthroscopy (aka keyhole surgery) is a procedure in which a pencil-sized instrument ‘arthroscope’ is inserted into the joint of your wrist through a small incision in your skin. The instrument contains a tiny camera, which projects the test images onto a television monitor. This treatment is known as the gold standard for evaluating wrist pain. And, in some cases, the doctor may repair your long-term wrist problems through the arthroscope.

 Last words

If you’re experiencing long-term hand or wrist pain, do not delay treatment. Although you may initially visit your family physician, who may refer you to a Chiropractors or even an orthopedic surgeon. Take it seriously!

Trouble Losing Weight? Try These Four At-Home Tricks

With over two-thirds of the American population weighing-in as overweight or obese, weight loss is a big industry. There are hundreds of programs and products that promise a quick fix, but most people know that these “miracle pills” won’t produce sustainable, healthy weight loss. So, if you’ve been dieting and exercising but are still struggling to lose weight, you have two reasonable options: (1) ask your doctor for help, or (2) adjust your at-home strategy. 

If you have been struggling to lose weight for a long time, it may be worthwhile to talk with your doctor. He or she can screen you for conditions that make weight loss harder (e.g. hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome), or prescribe medications to help you lose weight. Prescription weight loss medications, like Adipex (phentermine) or Belviq, are effective for some patients, but they also come with a long list of contraindications and potential side effects. If you think you may have a condition that makes weight loss harder, or could benefit from a pharmaceutical boost, make an appointment with your doctor.

Otherwise, try these four at-home tricks to lose more weight, faster!

1. Track Intake and Activity

Research repeatedly shows that dieters who track what they eat and drink, as well as their daily activity, lose more weight than those who don’t. Tracking is far from a perfect science, and even experts are prone to underestimate portions by up to 20% (especially when eating out), but it helps keeps you accountable. Commit to at least two weeks of consistent tracking to reap the benefits of this “trick”.

You can either write everything down in a notebook and then Google & record calories at the end of the day, or use a mobile tracking app (like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt or MyPlate). Apps are easier for most people since they automatically calculate calories and macros, plus set daily calorie goals, but some people still prefer pencil & paper for simplicity.

For this method to be effective, it’s important that you:

  • Track all seven days a week (not just weekdays)
  • Record all of your nibbles and snacks, as well as your main meals
  • Measure your portions of food, or find a reliable way to eyeball it
  • Accurately calculate calories burned by activity

2. Eat More Protein, Especially at Breakfast

Eating more protein helps increase satiety, which means you won’t be rummaging for snacks by 10am. In one study, researchers found that people who doubled their protein intake (from 15% to 30% of their daily calories) experienced a marked decrease in appetite, which means they naturally ate fewer calories throughout the day and lost more weight as a result.

More, another study reported that dieters who ate an egg breakfast lost 65% more weight in eight weeks than did a similar group who ate bagels for breakfast. This indicates that protein at breakfast is especially important for weight loss.

Looking for some high-protein breakfast ideas? Try an omelette, cottage cheese with berries, a protein shake, or whole-wheat toast with smoked salmon.

3. Drink Enough Water

Proper hydration is vital to successful weight loss. In fact, a 2016 study found a noteworthy correlation between hydration status and body mass index (BMI); US adults with inadequate hydration were significantly more likely to be overweight or obese.

Drinking enough water helps people lose weight faster for two reasons:

  • Decreased appetite (intake)
  • Increased lipolysis (breakdown of fat cells)

Hydration needs vary from person-to-person, but most adults need at least 64 ounces (8 glasses) of water per day. Needs are higher for men, athletes, individuals living in hot or cold climates and bigger people (whether taller or heavier).

If you’re not sure how much water you should be drinking, look at your pee. It should be light yellow – if it’s darker it means you need to drink more, while clear urine indicates you may be over-hydrating. Even among the medical community, urine color is considered the best indicator of hydration status.

4. Combine Cardio and Strength Training

Many dieters focus almost-exclusively on cardio, usually because cardio burns more calories in the moment. This tends to be especially important to people who are tracking intake & activity and love that big negative number in the daily calorie report. However, while the standard 30-60 minutes of daily cardio are important to promote both weight loss and aerobic fitness, strength training is also vitally important since it helps maintain & build lean muscle mass.

Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, plus people with more muscle mass are less prone to injury and tend to stay more physically-active as they age. Using boxing resistance bands is also ideal for training exercises in upper body strength, it helps tone the arms and create lean muscle mass in these areas.

These are all important factors in weight loss given that we spend the majority of our time not exercising, injuries undoubtedly hinder weight loss efforts and becoming sedentary promotes weight gain.

Common strength training exercises include lifting weights, climbing stairs, yoga, Pilates, bodyweight exercises (lunges, squats, push-ups, crunches, etc.) and working with resistance bands. 

I’m An Independent And Modern Woman, But I’ll Always Appreciate These 10 Old-Fashioned Dating Habits

old fashioned

I’m a modern, independent, and confident woman that knows how to take care of herself. And when it comes to love, I know what qualities my partner needs to possess and how I deserve to be treated in a relationship.

I love men that openly and proudly show their emotions. But, most of all, I respect people that aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zone and go the extra mile for the person they love.

And I know. We live in a modern-dating society of the 21st century in which to most people, chivalry is only an abstract term and romance is slowly dying.

But, I also know that this will never prevent me from respecting the real values.

Here are 10 old-fashioned dating habits I will always appreciate:

1. Asking her out on a date.

Guys, if you really want to go out on a date with the girl you like, ask her directly. Do not beat around the bush and wait for her to guess what you have on your mind. Being open about your feelings and intentions keeps you from ending up friendzoned.

2. Holding a door opened for her.

It may seem like a small and unimportant gesture, but it’s, in fact, one that every lady out there appreciates. Taking your time to open a door for her shows her that you are a real kind gentleman.

3. Surprising her with a small gift or flowers.

It is really not the bouquet or the gift that’s important, but the thought that you made an effort to do something meaningful for the one you love.

4. Being honest about your intentions.

Just because having an open conversation with your partner about where your relationship is headed can be a little weird, especially if you’re in the beginning stages, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid it.

Being clear about your intentions is essential. The woman you’re in a relationship with deserves to know whether you consider her as a temporary fling or you’re truly in love with her.

5. Dressing up nicely for a date.

It’s not like you’re supposed to wear a specific type of clothes for a date, but, please, make sure you put some effort into your looks. Make sure you look neat and elegant. Because clothing style speaks volumes about you.

6. Putting your phone away.

When on a date, scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed or counting how many likes your recently posted selfie on Instagram has got will certainly not show your date that you like her.

So, if you want her to know that you’re truly interested in her, put your phone away and be there with each other.

7. Walking her home.

When you walk her home, not only do you make sure she is safe on her way home, but you also show her that you genuinely care about her. You also show that you want to spend more time with her, even if that means that you have to rearrange your schedule or stay out late.

8. Always being on time.

It’s highly disrespectful and rude to be late on a date. It kind of sends the message that you’re not really interested in your date. So, to prevent this, make sure you arrive on your appointed place 5-10 minutes earlier.

9. Going dancing to loud music.

Perhaps you won’t agree with me, but there is something about these modern-day clubs that makes me sick. The thing DJs play doesn’t even deserve to be called MUSIC. It’s just noise.

Fortunately, you can still find some rare places where you can really have some fun. Places where you and your date can dance to real music like no one is watching you.

10. Not assuming that you and the girl you like will be physically intimate on the first date.

… or on the second date. When it comes to such expectations, the only thing I can say is that they sicken me. In fact, I believe that any self-respecting lady out there despises this as well.

7 Phrases That Matter More To Your Significant Other Than “I Love You”

more than i love you

While “I love you” is a wonderful way to show your genuine, deep affection for the person you are in a relationship with, this phrase is not enough to make a relationship deepen and last long. It is not enough to prove that the love you feel for your partner is real, selfless, and unconditional.

Here are 7 phrases that actually mean more to your significant other than “I love you:”

1. “I believe in you.”

When you say this to your significant other, you show them that you know they have the strength, skills, and talents necessary to fulfill their goals and dreams. You show them that you believe they can achieve anything they set their mind to. And most importantly, you make them be more aware of their worth.

2. “Thank you.”

When you say “thank you” to your partner, not only do you show them how grateful you are for their patience, kindness, compassion, and affection and for everything they do for you, but you also show them how important they are to you.

3. “Love yourself.”

When you say this to your significant other, you teach them about the importance of self-acceptance and self-care. You tell them that they need to appreciate their strengths and embrace their weaknesses as well. You tell them that they should never ignore their feelings, needs, desires, and problems. You tell them that they need to accept and love themselves the way they are.

4. “I understand.”

When your partner is sharing their problems with you or complaining about their jealous friend, sometimes understanding is all they’re seeking.

Letting your significant other know that you fully understand how they’re feeling or what they’re going through shows them that you are attentively listening to them. It shows them that their words have meaning for you.

5. “I appreciate you.”

Letting the person you are in a relationship with know that you appreciate them is essential since it shows how much you value them. It shows how much you respect them and how important to you they are. It shows that you recognize the happiness, joy, comfort, and peace they bring into your life.

6. “I forgive you.”

Forgiving someone who’s hurt you can be really hard, especially if that “someone” is the person you’re in a relationship with. But it is essential that you forgive the person you’re in love with for all the times they’ve hurt you so as to move forward and heal your emotional wounds as well as those of your partner.

7. “I am yours.”

It is important for the person you are in a relationship with to know that they’re the only one who occupies a special place in your heart. It’s important for them to know that you are entirely committed to them. It’s important for them to know that you couldn’t imagine living without them. Telling them, “I am yours” will make them be aware of this.

A Delicious Dessert: Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Sandwiches Dipped In Chocolate

If you have a sweet tooth and you can’t say no to chocolate and cookies, then you’re going to adore these chocolate-covered peanut butter banana sandwiches.

You just need bananas, peanut butter, and chocolate to make this tasty healthy dessert. These peanut butter banana sandwiches dipped in chocolate are not difficult to make at all and, trust me, no one can say no to them.

I’ve been making these little cutties for years and all of my friends love them. I mean, who wouldn’t?

Before I share the recipe with you, let me tell you first why I adore these frozen chocolate-covered peanut butter banana sandwiches.

Well, first of all, they’re truly delicious. Then, they are easy to make – you just need 3 ingredients to make them. Next, they’re perfect to eat when it gets hot outside as they are refreshing. And most importantly, they are healthy.

Peanut butter has many health benefits. It’s rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, like vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, and zinc. It’s also low in carbohydrates and a good source of protein.

In addition to being delicious, bananas are very healthy too. They are a great source of vitamin B6, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and different antioxidants. They’re also naturally low in sodium and there’s almost no fat in them.

Due to being an excellent source of potassium, bananas are beneficial to your cardiovascular health. Potassium helps your body flush out extra sodium in the urine and it also reduces tension in the walls of blood vessels.

Additionally, being rich in fiber, eating a banana helps you feel satiated longer, which causes you to eat less during the day. In this way, eating a banana helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Chocolate can be beneficial for you as well, of course, if you always keep in mind the valuable advice “everything in moderation.”

Quality-made dark chocolate – the one that doesn’t contain preservatives and that isn’t high in fat and calories, can benefit your cardiovascular health as the flavonoids which are naturally found in chocolate can lower systolic blood pressure and bad LDL cholesterol levels.

Quality-made dark chocolate can also stimulate your brain, which can make you more attentive and alert.

banana bites

And last but not least, I’m sure you’ve already heard that many people refer to chocolate as “mood food.” And this is for a good reason. Chocolate contains a high amount of polyphenols, which improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Now, let’s see how frozen chocolate-covered peanut butter banana sandwiches are made:


2-3 sliced bananas

1/3 cup natural peanut butter

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


1. Slice the banana into 1/4 inches (0.7 cm) thick rounds and put half of the slices on a baking sheet. Set aside the other half of the slices.

2. Spread peanut butter on the slices of banana and then top with the other half of the slices.

3. Freeze the peanut butter banana sandwiches for an hour.

4. Melt dark chocolate with coconut oil in a small bowl.

5. Take the frozen sandwiches out of the freezer and dip them, one by one, in the melted chocolate. Then place them back on the baking sheet.

6. Freeze them for an additional hour.

7. Bon appétit!

frozen chocolate

4 Common Dental Issues And How To Fix Them

Dental health is extremely important. This is not breaking news. But whilst we all know that taking care of our teeth and mouths is crucial to our overall health and wellbeing, we don’t always listen to the warning signs until it’s too late. So if you’ve got a niggling feeling that something’s just not quite right with your teeth, check out these four very common dental issues so you can get things sorted! 


Otherwise known as tooth decay, cavities are a very common dental problem. Cavities are caused when sugar and starches from the food we eat interacts with plaque that forms on our teeth. The result is the formation of acid which attacks our tooth enamel.

Many people mistakenly think that cavities only affect children but this is not the case. Cavities or tooth decay can occur at any age, especially if you have a poor diet full of sugary drinks and snacks.

Avoiding cavities is fairly simple. Keep sugary drinks to a minimum (or abandon completely if possible) and avoid a regular intake of sugary foods. But of course, diet alone won’t prevent tooth decay. In order to keep the enamel of your teeth intact you need to maintain a regular and rigorous cleaning routine. This involves brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day, flossing once a day and  visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups. 

Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the major causes of tooth loss for adults. It’s essentially an infection of the gums surrounding the teeth. It’s very common amongst adults and usually occurs after age 30. Smoking is considered a huge contributor to gum disease and diabetes and dry mouth have also been linked.

Symptoms of gum disease include tender, swollen, red or bleeding gums, sensitive teeth, painful chewing and bad breath. Like most dental issues, brushing twice a day, flossing daily and visiting the dentist regularly are all key to preventing gum disease.

If it’s too late for prevention and you believe you have gum disease, then visit your dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to give you advice and gum disease treatment to prevent complications such as tooth loss.

Bad Breath 

Bad breath is a lot more common than you think. A lot of people suffer from bad breath and it can be due to a variety of factors. Often, bad breath is the symptom of another issues as opposed to an issue in itself. Bad breath can be a symptom of a number of different dental issues such as bacteria on the tongue, gum disease, cavities and oral cancer.

Of course, brushing and flossing regularly will help you to maintain a healthy mouth but if the bad breath persists despite this routine, consult your dentist to rule out anything serious. 

Sensitive Teeth 

This is a very common issue that can cause discomfort when your teeth come into contact with sweets, drinks, ice cream or even cold air. Some people even find brushing and flossing to be painful with sensitive teeth.

Sensitive can sometimes be a sign of a cracked tooth or tooth abscess but more often than not it’s something simple that can easily be treated. If you suddenly start experiencing tooth sensitivity, make an appointment with your dentist to get to the root of the issue. 


Dental issues come and go, and as we get older some issues may occur more often. The key to good dental hygiene is of course to brush and floss regularly but remember that having regular appointments with your dentist is also extremely important.

If you’re worried about a particular dental issue or have recently experienced some new symptoms, consult your dentist. If caught early, most dental issues are fairly straight forward to treat but if they are left untreated, they can escalate to bigger issues and could ultimately result in tooth loss. So when it comes to dental issues, always play itself with regular check-ups at the dentist.

10 Tips How To Stay Sane While Planning Wedding

It is a popularly known fact that there exists a high level of excitement, anxiety and stress during the period of wedding planning. Being the major decision a marriage is; one that concerns and combines two families, tensions can be high during the weeks leading up to the wedding. This is why it is a great idea to have a plan or tips on how to stay sane when everything seems to be high up in the air.

From pre-wedding events, to guest lists, budgeting, travel and accommodation logistics, probable family meetings or clashes, there is much to experience when planning your wedding. While a wedding planning checklist is very helpful, you will also need to manage your stress levels while ticking off items on your list. So, before you turn into a bridezilla or succumb to the stress, check out our free wedding planning kit on how to deal with wedding planning stress.

  1. Employ the services of a planner

Whether you are having a simple and small wedding, or a big one, it helps a great deal to get someone to manage the wedding planning organization. Even if you don’t have a budget that covers a professional planner, you can get a close friend or family member who is great at event planning to assist.

  1. Have designated help

Having this type of assistance will enable you take some time for yourself whenever you begin to feel the pressure. You will need to decide on a planner right from the beginning of the process, so that you are assisted all the way. From the wedding printables, to hiring vendors, managing your budget, scouting venues and so on. Wedding planning can be a lot more fun and less stressful if you have designated help.

  1. Be flexible

Try to decidewhat is most important and what is not. The most important aspects of the wedding are the parts that would need your absolute attention. However, it is possible to get distracted and worry over certain aspects that wouldn’t make much of a difference to the success of your union. Realize that you may not be able to do it all, and that the picture would still be perfect.

  1. Focus on what’s important

So, decide early on, the absolutely vital stuff, and focus on those. This will enable you to be flexible about a number of other things. You can’t get the table linen in the desired texture? It’s not something to worry about. This kind of flexibility goes a long way in ensuring that you survive wedding planning.

  1. Schedule breaks

While planning a wedding is quite vital to the success of your wedding day, contrary to popular belief, it should not take up every waking moment you have before the wedding. Schedule break periods where you don’t have to worry, think or engage in any aspect of the wedding planning.

  1. Take time for yourself

From your work, to the lives of your friends and family, use these breaks to engage just as you would normally. Spend some time even with your partner, without bringing up wedding planning discussion.

  1. Enjoy the journey

Find ways to enjoy the journey and have some wedding planning fun. This is an opportunity to continuously be in close proximity with friends and family who you might not have with you otherwise. While wedding planning can be stressful, do not forget that this is a time for celebration.

  1. Bathe in the excitement

It is a most exciting time, and a time to make beautiful memories with the ones that you love. Decide to see the glass as half full instead of half empty, no matter the circumstance, and enjoy this blessing that has come your way.

  1. You are not alone

Even though it might seem that most decisions and planning depend on you, this event is not all about you. You have a partner in all this, and remembering to include him in most things will divide and ease the burden for sure.

  1. Let go a little

While you might be tempted to be in charge of everything, this is a great time to learn to let go, and let someone else take the reigns on decision making for a while. This is a partnership after all, so it would be great to start getting used to working together instead of alone.

Some people think about wedding planning, and they immediately begin to panic about all that needs to get done. Do not fret, among a sea of wedding planning articles, these tips can guide you on how to stay sane while planning your wedding.

10 Differences Between True Love vs. False Love You Need To Be Aware Of

true love vs fake love

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether you’re in a relationship with the right person for you – the person who genuinely loves you and cares about you, or with someone with whom you have a toxic bond. So, the question is:

How can you distinguish between genuine love and fake love?

Well, when you’re in a relationship that is based on true, pure, unconditional love, you feel this with every fiber of your being. You feel it in your heart. In your soul. In the depths of your being. 

And sometimes, when you have doubts about your partner’s feelings for you or you’re wondering where your relationship is headed, even if you can’t imagine living without your partner, it may, in fact, turn out that they’re not the right person for you.

10 essential differences between true love and false love that will help you dispel any doubts or concerns:

1. True love is selfless; false love is self-centered.

When you truly love someone, you are not afraid to sacrifice your own needs and wishes for your partner’s happiness. You are not afraid to make compromises for the sake of the relationship. You want to see your significant other happy and fulfilled. But, when your relationship is not based on true love, the only person you love and care about is yourself. (1)

2. True love nourishes a relationship; false love makes it toxic.

When you find genuine love, you can hope to build a healthy, happy, and long-lasting relationship with your significant other. But when you’re in a relationship which is not based on true love, your relationship will never deepen and flourish. As time passes, it’ll only get worse and worse.

3. True love thrives on honesty; false love thrives on lies.

When you and your partner love each other truly and wholeheartedly, lies, secrets, and manipulation will never be part of your relationship. Rather, you’ll both value honesty and trust – virtues which are never a part of a relationship which is based on fake love.

4. True love is pleasant; false love is bitter.

True love gives you sweet, unforgettable, precious memories and fills your life with rewarding experiences.  On the other hand, false love offers you superficial, momentary pleasures.

5. True love equals kindness and empathy; false love equals cruelty.

When the person you’re in a relationship with is truly in love with you, they treat you with kindness, patience, and compassion. They treat you with respect and dignity. And when their love isn’t true, they act coldly towards you and they treat you with disrespect.

6. True love equals loyalty; false love equals infidelity.

When you’re truly in love with your partner, the idea of cheating on them will never cross your mind. But, when what you feel for them is not real love, you’ll have no problem sharing your bed with someone other than your significant other.

7. True love protects you; false love hurts you.

When the person you’re in a relationship with is truly in love with you, they make you feel safe and protected. They’re not afraid to walk through fire to protect you from every evil in the world.

On the other hand, when your partner doesn’t truly love you, what characterizes your relationship is not safety and comfort, but worries and pain.

8. True love equals patience and understanding; false love is far from that.

When your partner loves you genuinely, they are always patient with you. They don’t think you’re “overly sensitive” or “needy” when you get emotional around them. Instead, they try to understand the reason behind your worries or sadness. Additionally, when you two have different opinions about something, they don’t judge you. Instead, they respect and value your opinions.

On the other hand, when your partner doesn’t truly love you, they don’t bother to understand your feelings, ideas, opinions, needs, and problems.

9. True love makes you feel fulfilled; false love makes you feel lonely.

True love makes you happy. It brings joy and a sense of fulfillment into your life. It makes your life more fulfilling and interesting than it is.

On the other hand, fake love drains your energy. It sucks the happiness out of you. It makes you feel lonely. Empty.

10. True love lasts forever; false love dies early.

When your partner is genuinely in love with you, they see you as an essential part of their future. They can’t imagine living without you.

On the other hand, when they’re not truly in love with you, they don’t bother to fight for you nor do they include you in their plans for the future.

6 Things Genuinely Happy And Confident People Don’t Give A Damn About

6 Things Genuinely Happy And Confident People Don’t Give A Damn About

Genuinely happy people are happy not because they were born under a lucky star or because they have a better life than you, but because they maintain a positive mindset, even when they feel stressed or they are faced with problems.

They understand that they can’t control every aspect of their lives and that certain things, such as stress, worries, temptations, failures, and pain are an inseparable part of life. They know that there will always be people who judge them, or don’t like them, or tell them how to live their lives.

But, they don’t allow what other people think of them to affect their happiness and sense of peace. They don’t let life’s challenges and struggles have control over them too. They simply understand that in order for them to live a truly happy, meaningful, and satisfying life, they should never care about certain trivial things.

Here are 6 things genuinely happy and confident people don’t give a damn about:

1. Their mistakes.

Mistakes are an inseparable part of life. What you need to remember is that your mistakes don’t define who you are. They don’t define your worth and neither should they shape your happiness.

Genuinely happy and confident people don’t dwell on their mistakes. Instead, they learn from them. They turn them into valuable lessons from which they learn how to be better and do better.

2. What others think of them.

Truly happy and confident people are aware that there will always be individuals that don’t like them. They know there will always be people who don’t like the way they look, the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they dress, the things they believe in, the things they like, etc.

But they don’t let other people’s opinions of them ruin their day or convince them that they’re not good enough or that they need to change. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses as well and they accept and appreciate themselves the way they are. And most importantly, they know their worth.

3. What they don’t have.

Instead of worrying about what they don’t have, truly happy people are grateful for and appreciate what they already have in life. They’re grateful to God for sending into their lives the people who are always there for them and who unconditionally love them. They’re aware of and proud of their successes and everything they’ve achieved in life.

4. Their failures.

Happy and confident people don’t perceive failure as a sign of weakness or a sign that they’re not good enough or smart enough. Instead, they view failure as an opportunity to begin again and try again – but this time, more intelligently.

Instead of allowing their failures to undermine their confidence, they learn from them. They continue trying. They continue working towards their goals.

5. What their future has in store for them.

Truly happy people live in the present moment. They don’t let their thoughts be overwhelmed by regrets about past events. And they don’t worry about what the future might bring them. They live in the now, ready and willing to accept whatever the future throws their way.

6. Other people’s expectations.

Society expects us to graduate, get a good job, buy a house, get married, start a family, and when we’ve done all these things, then we can quietly die.

Well, genuinely happy and confident people don’t give a damn about any of these. They live their lives the way they want to. They live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs, values, and principles. And whether others like that or they don’t, well, that’s their own problem.

5 Distinct Signs You’ve Found Yourself A Real, Faithful Friend

Distinct Signs You’ve Found Yourself A Real, Faithful Friend

Friendships enrich our lives. They provide enjoyment and comfort. They bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into our lives. 

But, sometimes it can be difficult to tell if someone is your friend. The truth is that there’s a huge difference between a casual friend and a true, loyal friend. Because not every person deserves to be called a friend, and you need to know the difference so that you can maintain boundaries in your friendships.

Here are 5 telltale signs you’ve found yourself a true, faithful friend:

1. They accept you and cherish you for who you are.

A true friend will never expect you or ask you to be someone you are not. They’ll never criticize you or judge you for your insecurities, fears, and mistakes.

They’ll never call you “overly sensitive” or “drama queen” when you start crying in front of them. They’ll never try to convince you to change so as to be more likable. Instead, they’ll embrace your weaknesses and imperfections and let you be yourself around them.

2. They are always honest.

A true, loyal friend doesn’t beat around the bush or sugarcoat the ugly truth so as to make it seem positive or pleasant. Instead, they tell it like it is. They tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it. They tell you the truth no matter how cruel or painful it may be because they value honesty the most.

3. They make time for you, even when they are busy.

A true friend will never say something, like, “I can’t help you. I’m too busy” or “I didn’t text you back yesterday because I couldn’t find the time.” Because when someone genuinely cares about you and appreciates you, they will do everything in their power to find the time to talk to you, call you, text you, or see you.

4. They help you become the best version of yourself.

A real friend wants to see you grow and become better. They want to see you learn from your own mistakes and failures and do better. They want to see you make an effort to overcome your insecurities and fears.

A real friend encourages you to pursue high goals and believe in yourself. They remind you of your strength and worth when you’re feeling weak and unimportant. They encourage you to give up bad habits and they inspire you to become the best version of yourself.

5. They encourage you to share different sides of yourself with them.

They encourage you to share your feelings, both positive and negative, your thoughts, your ideas, your insecurities, and your fears with them.

You feel free and comfortable opening yourself up to them because you know they’ve got your back. You know they genuinely care about you and love you wholeheartedly.