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Mother Dies In House Fire After Dropping Her Newborn Baby In Car Seat From Second-Floor Window

Shelby Carter, a 21-year-old woman from Wyoming, Illinois, heroically saved her newborn baby daughter Keana Davis from a raging fire by strapping her in a car seat and dropping her out of a second-story window.

Shelby Ann

When Carter called 911 for help, she only said that she was inside a house which was burning and that she was having difficulty breathing. But, she did not mention her baby daughter.

When firefighters arrived, they found the baby strapped in a car seat on the ground and they took her to a nearby hospital.


Shelby Ann

Ed Foglesonger, chief of the volunteer fire department in Wyoming, said in a statement: “I guess it’s the motherly instinct to take care of their young. We’re all wondering why she didn’t go out after the baby.”

Shelby Ann

Carter heroically managed to save her baby’s life from the very fire which killed her. An autopsy revealed that she died from smoke inhalation.

The baby is now being cared for by her relatives.


Shelby Ann



7 Behaviors Toxic Individuals Show Within 5 Minutes Of Meeting Someone

Behaviors Toxic Individuals Show

With billions of people in the world, it is normal to meet different types of them throughout your life. And every now and then you’ll meet someone that is so negative and insufferable that you feel bad simply being in their presence.

Toxic people come in all shapes and sizes: The negative Nancies. The Debbie Downers. The manipulators. The judgmental. The envious – to name just a few. And what they all have in common is their ability to drain your energy and suck the happiness out of you in the blink of an eye.

They can do this since they’re very skilled at manipulating and playing mind games with others. They simply always know how to control their victim and get what they need from them.

So, to prevent yourself from falling prey to toxic individuals, you need to be able to spot them within minutes of meeting them. Following are 7 behaviors toxic people show within 5 minutes of meeting someone:


While you probably think that gossip is vile and worthless, some people simply don’t agree with you. Toxic individuals love gossiping about other people. They’re not ashamed to spread all kinds of lies about others.

So, next time you find yourself in the presence of a person who talks sh*t about other people, make sure you walk away.


Toxic people, especially narcissists, believe they are inherently deserving of special treatment. They consider themselves smarter and better than everyone else and that’s the reason why they’ll expect you to shower them with praise, devote your time to them, and act in ways that suit their needs and desires.

Toxic Individuals


Toxic people always find something to complain about: the meal is too hot, the weather is too cold, the car is too dirty, they’re too skinny, their nose is too big, their house/flat is too small, their job is too boring or too demanding,  their boss is a pain in the *ss, their partner is obsessively jealous, their children are too naughty, blah, blah, blah. Their complaining never stops.


Yes, we all want to be happy, but toxic individuals think that other people exist to please them and make them happy.

If a toxic person notices that you are kind and empathetic, know that they won’t think twice about asking you to do something for them. They can even ask you to do something that’s opposed to your own beliefs and values. And remember – they never take “no” for an answer.


While it is okay to boast about your skills, talents, and successes during a job interview, it can be quite irritating to listen to someone bragging about how smart, talented, and successful they are when you meet them for the first time.

But, what you need to know is that when someone is behaving this way, they’re actually trying to hide their own insecurities and flaws and make themselves appear superior to you.


A toxic individual will spend hours talking about their worries and problems to you or boasting about their successes, but they won’t ask you a single question about your life. Why?

Because your feelings, your opinions, your worries, and your pains don’t interest them. The only thing or person they care about is themselves.


It is exhausting to be around toxic people. They ooze negativity and they can drain your energy, make you feel stressed out, and suck the happiness out of you in the blink of an eye.

So, if you ever find yourself around a person that makes you feel bad, make sure you walk away. Or even better – run and don’t look back.

Pros + Cons of Getting Laser Dentistry Treatment For Treating Cavities

Our teeth are essential to our comfort for eating and for our appearance and it’s no wonder that we look for ways to maintain and improve on them all the time. Regular brushing and cleaning with floss or small interdental brushes can go a long way to maintaining our oral health and many of us adopt this practice daily with great attention to detail. We are all aware that our diets are also important and eating sugar filled snacks can lead to cavities, so limiting our intake of the offending foods can also go a long way toward helping our teeth remain cavity free.

However, it is sadly the case that no matter how well we brush and how carefully we maintain our teeth, cavities and problems are unfortunately going to be inevitable at one stage or another. We can certainly do what we can to minimise their appearance but there is always the chance that they will appear despite our best efforts.

Dentistry of old was not kind when it came to treating cavities or anything else for that matter. Anaesthetic, both local and general was commonplace and work was carried out using a drill. For those of us who remember, the drill would make a horrendous noise which is one of the reasons why many of us fear dentists today. The drill was extremely invasive and in order to have a cavity treated, large sections of the tooth had to be removed. It would normally have been a case of then filling the  tooth with an amalgam material which is now the subject of some controversy.

Contrary to what many people would think, laser dentistry is not new, it made its appearance around 1990 and since that time has continued to develop and offer a kind alternative to a lot of the traditional methods. So, if you were considering having work carried out on your teeth, what would be the pros and cons of laser dental treatment?

  • Often when people think of a visit to the dentist, they think of pain. One big advantage of laser dentistry is the lack of pain associated with it. People who use laser dentistry have commented that it is a pain free procedure and continue to use it as their first choice treatment.
  • Laser dentistry can do away with the need to have anaesthesia. Having an anaesthetic can in itself be painful and uncomfortable with you having to nurse a numb mouth in the hours following or worse still, recover from the after effects of a general anaesthetic. Not all laser procedures do away with the need for having an anaesthetic, but many will. 
  • Wounds can heal far faster compared with traditional methods as the laser itself helps in the body in its process of healing.
  • It is a healthier procedure as it sterilises the area being worked on and as such kills the bacteria that have the potential to cause the disease.
  • There is less bleeding with laser dentistry as the laser provokes the blood into clotting.
  • When cavities are drilled, a lot of the tooth has to be taken away but with laser dentistry for cavities, more of the tooth can be preserved as it is a much more targeted procedure. Laser dentistry does not do away with the need for drills altogether and as we have mentioned, there are procedures for which a laser is just not indicated. Methods can also be combined. It is worth however taking advantage of as many of the processes as possible for which a laser can be used.
  • There are many uses for the laser in dentistry but not every procedure will be suitable, you would have to make an appointment with the dentist to have your situation assessed. Lasers have the ability to detect cavities at a very early stage so that immediate corrective action can be taken which obviously has the potential to save you a great deal of difficult work down the line. It is not all cavities however that can be treated with the laser.
  • Procedures of the soft tissue can be treated with a laser. Folds in the skin can be corrected and problems in the gum area can be attended to as well.
  • The laser has multiple uses and you can discuss other options with your dentist.

A question asked by many, relates to their insurance and whether or not they would be able to have laser dentistry and still have their insurance pay for the procedure. It is of course essential that you check the contents of your policy but normally a dental policy would not make a stipulation on how the work was to be carried out and so if your policy covers the problem, you can usually choose which method you would want to use to have it treated. So, im most cases, having laser treatment would be no different compared with using a drill. 

As with any procedure, its success and failure is largely going to be dependent on the skill of the person carrying out the task and laser dentistry is no different. Performed poorly, it can have a negative impact on the surrounding tissue, so it is essential that you carry out proper research to find yourself a dentist with the proper credentials and experience in this area. You could check to see how long the dentist has been in business, usually the dentist that you approach will be local and so it should be easy to obtain some feedback from neighbours and friends. 

A reputable dental practice will be only too willing to speak with you to explain their procedures and help you with your decision. You may even be able to have a consultation to discuss your needs and put a forward plan of action in place for yourself.

Laser treatment need not be expensive and often is similar to the cost of traditional dentistry, with less of the side effects, pain and problems.

10 Things You Should Never Be Ashamed Of

Things You Should Never Be Ashamed Of

As a result of living in a society where people are constantly trying to make us live our lives in accordance with their own beliefs and principles or in accordance with what is deemed acceptable and popular, a lot of people are ashamed of the way they live their lives.

But, the thing is that when you’re living your life the way others expect you to, you are not being true to yourself. You are not living an authentic and meaningful life. You’re allowing others to prevent you from achieving happiness.

So, if you want to live a happy and meaningful life, you need to stop being ashamed of who you are and worrying about how other people see you.

You need to stop being ashamed of the following 10 things:

1. Your body.

You have bodily imperfections? Well, so does everybody else around you. Whether you’re too skinny or overweight or whether you have a pound more or a pound less – it doesn’t matter. Your imperfections don’t define you. They don’t determine your worth. Remember: You’re perfect just the way you are.

2. Past choices.

You’ve made some really bad choices in the past and now you regret that. Well, you know how they say, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

So, instead of blaming yourself for your mistakes, forgive yourself. And instead of trying to change your past, let go of it. Try to focus on and live in the present.

Things You Should Never Be Ashamed Of

3. Trying your best.

Anyone who makes you feel ashamed of trying your best to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams should actually be ashamed of doing so. Never stop trying your best even when you know that your chances of success are really small.

4. Your diet.

Why would you think that someone has the right to tell you what you should or shouldn’t eat? As long as you’re healthy, as long as the food you eat is good for your body, you can eat whatever you want and how much you want.

5. Showing your feelings.

Showing your feelings makes you human. It shows others that you’re in touch with your emotions and that you let both your positive and negative feelings flow freely. It also helps people connect with you better. That’s why you should never be ashamed of expressing how you feel.

6. Taking time for self-care.

In the hectic world we live in, it’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself. So, if you belong to that small group of people who truly understand how important practicing self-care and self-love is, then all I have to say is CONGRATULATIONS! You obviously know that your physical, mental, and emotional health should always be your number one priority.

7. Your family and friends.

You’re the only one who decides who you want to spend your time with. You’re the only one who decides who you want to devote your energy to. So, if you’re surrounded by people who bring happiness, joy, and a sense of fulfillment into your life, then make sure you keep them in your life forever. And what others think about this – well, you should never care about it.

8. Being an optimist.

Being an optimist doesn’t mean you’re naïve or that you’re seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. It just means that you don’t give up easily. It means that you believe in yourself and that you’re willing to work towards your goals no matter what. It means you don’t expect the worst even when everyone around you thinks negatively about what’s going on in the world and tells you to give up.

9. Forgiving others.

You’ll never be able to live a truly happy life unless you’re willing to forgive the person who has hurt you. 

So, if instead of holding a grudge against the person who’s done you wrong and carrying bitterness in your heart, you forgive them, all I can say is – just keep doing that.

10. Last but not least, being yourself.

Never be ashamed of who you are. Never be ashamed of your insecurities, fears, mistakes, and wounds. Never be ashamed of your past experiences.  Because there will always be someone who will judge you and criticize you for the way you eat, talk, walk, dress, or you name it. That’s why you must never allow other people’s opinions of you to direct your own life and shape your happiness.

And you’ll succeed in this if you’re always yourself and if you’re always proud of who you are.


10 Things About Women Which Women Are Usually Too Embarrassed To Share With You Themselves

a woman won't tell you

Guys, just because you have mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives, and female friends and co-workers, don’t think that you know everything about women.

Here are 10 things about being a woman which women are usually too embarrassed to share with you themselves:

1. Tired.

Yes, we are tired. We’re tired of hearing men making comments about our breasts or legs while we’re standing right there in front of them. We’re tired of dealing with the humiliation of just being a woman.

We’re tired of hearing that we live in a gender-equal society when we all know that’s not true. We’re tired of fighting for what should have already been given to us.

2. Periods.

Periods- the reason why I’ve said countless times, “I wish I was a man.” Even though we are now 30, our periods are still a traumatic experience. I mean, imagine this: One day, you are just a happy, careless boy and the next, all of a sudden you are feeling like you’re on an emotional roller coaster, crying while you watch Friends, and swallowing Ibuprofen as if they are Tic Tacs.

Did I just hear you say WTF?! Well, that’s exactly what we think and say every month.

3. Talking.

Yes, women love to talk. We enjoy talking about the things that make us happy. We love talking about our partners, children, career.

Yes, we simply enjoy talking and sharing knowledge. That’s why we really hate it when we hear men say things, like: “Women talk all the time,” or “It’s men that are being silenced these days, not women.”

4. Fear.

Yes, we are scared. But, we don’t want to talk about our fears to you because it’s a little annoying and we’d rather talk about things that make us happy than about what makes us feel insecure and scared.

5. Abortion.

You might think that there’s absolutely no reason why we should be embarrassed to talk about abortion, but just imagine that you get pregnant accidentally at 15 and then having to walk past hundreds of anti-abortion protestors shouting and holding up signs and photos of dead fetuses. Is there any way you could deal with this in a civilized, calm, and polite manner? No, not really.

You’d more likely be like, “I assume that your concern  for the welfare of kids turns into a life spent donating your salaries to charities and care homes and volunteering in hospitals for children while you don’t give a f*ck about women that have been harassed and raped and that are now just trying to get a safe medical procedure so that they don’t ruin the rest of their lives!!!

6. “The Man.”

What we need you to understand is that when we talk with our BFF about “The Man,” we are not actually talking about you.  You are just … John, Marc, Nick, or you name it.

When we are talking about “The Man,” we are simply singling out the cause of the problem.

7. Saying the word “feminism.”

I’m certainly not going to explain what feminism is or try to convince every guy out there that feminists DON’T hate men.

All I’m trying to say is that we feel a little embarrassed about saying the word “feminism” since it has this slight implication, “Now I am going to talk about what an amazing person I am” – and that’s certainly not what we want to talk about when we say this word.

8. Clothes.

What we wear is extremely important to us. That’s why you shouldn’t go crazy when you see us standing in front of a wardrobe full of clothes and complaining that, “I don’t have anything to wear.” Because what we actually mean is, “I have nothing to wear for who I want and need to be today.”

And another reason why it takes us so much time to choose what clothes to buy or wear is that we know that appearance TRULY MATTERS.

9. Carbs.

Carbs. Carbs. Carbs. Enough with them. You know what? Low-carb diet actually sucks. When it comes to guys and dating, our ultimate goal is to find a partner we can lie on the couch with, watching 6 episodes of GOT in a row and eating French fries. Who cares about the carbs?

10. Trainers.

Do you remember when I told you the other night that someone had broken into our apartment and stolen your old trainers? Well, that was actually me. I threw those awful dirty trainers away. I could no longer stand seeing you wearing them.

10 Things Every Introverted Individual Needs To Be Happy

Introverted Individual Needs To Be Happy

If you are an introvert, then I’m sure you know that you have somewhat different needs from an extroverted person. You don’t perceive the world around you the way extroverts do and you don’t have the same interests in life as extroverts.

For example, you don’t need to be surrounded by a lot of people so as to feel fulfilled and energetic. You enjoy your own company and you don’t bother to be the center of attention at social gatherings. 

Undoubtedly, being an introvert in a highly extroverted world is not easy at all. Being an introvert in a world which favors extroverts is being misunderstood by others and perceived as antisocial, distant, cold, and even weird.

So, this goes to all extroverted people out there who don’t really understand but would like to know why introverts behave the way they do. Here are 10 things every introvert needs to be happy:

1. Meaningful, stimulating conversations.

Introverts can’t stand gossip and small talk. They want to have meaningful and intellectually stimulating conversations. They want to have conversations which help them broaden their knowledge of the world and offer them new perspectives on life.

2. A huge amount of time to recharge their batteries.

Introverts need to spend some time alone after attending big, loud parties and all kinds of social events in order to rest and recharge their batteries.

But, introverts need to spend some time alone after the “small” things as well. They can feel drained and stressed out after having a hard day at work, arguing with someone, or shopping in a mall. Spending time alone allows them to process their experiences and feelings and recharge their energy.

3. Spending time in silence.

While most extroverts find spending time in silence scary and awful, introverts simply love it. Whether it’s for 2 minutes or 2 hours – it doesn’t matter – introverts enjoy spending time in silence. Silence helps them get rid of stress, anxiety, and negative energy. It helps them relax and recharge their batteries.

4. Enough space to focus on their interests and hobbies.

Having enough time and space to focus on their interests and hobbies helps introverts relax and fills them with positive energy. So, whether it’s reading, listening to music, watching movies, cooking, cycling, or walking in nature, introverts need enough space to dive deep into it.

5. Time to think.

It takes an introvert some time to process and reflect on their thoughts before they put them into words. They think twice before they speak and act, too. They behave this way so as to avoid saying the wrong thing, hurting someone’s feelings unintentionally, and making wrong decisions.

6. A quiet space which is only theirs.

Introverts need a quiet, private space to retreat to when the world around them is too noisy to endure. Ideally, this is a room which they can organize and decorate themselves and in which they can enjoy their own company knowing that no one will interrupt them.

7. Permission to stay quiet.

Sometimes introverts don’t have the energy to talk to others. That’s why they need others to simply let them remain quiet when they don’t feel like talking. And they absolutely hate it when someone tells them: “Oh, don’t be so quiet! Let’s talk about something.”

8. A real purpose in life.

Yes, we all need to pay our bills, and sadly, for many of us, that is the only reason we go to work. But, introverts are not content with this kind of “arrangement.” They want to have a job that is meaningful and that brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness into their lives.

9. Independence.

Introverts live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs, principles, and values. What those around them deem popular does not interest them. That’s why they never bother to please others and fit in with the popular crowd.

10. Friends and family who accept and love them for who they are.

Introverts need to be surrounded by family and friends who accept them just the way they are. They need their loved ones to embrace their annoying habits, quirks, insecurities, and fears.

They need to feel free to be themselves when they are around the people they hold dear. They need to know that those who mean the world to them love and appreciate them just the way they are.

Here’s Why Everyone Needs To Have A Best Friend With A Sarcastic Mind

Friend With A Sarcastic Mind

While everyone makes snarky and sarcastic remarks here and there, for sarcastic individuals, sarcasm is as natural and essential as breathing.

Making sarcastic remarks is a fast way to get misunderstood. But, what many people, (obviously those who don’t have a sarcastic mind), fail to understand is that sarcasm is not necessarily a negative characteristic to possess. This means that not every sarcastic person you know uses snarky remarks to criticize you and hurt your feelings.

Here are 10 reasons why you need to have a sarcastic best friend in your life:

1. They are always honest.

Sarcastic people are brutally honest. They don’t beat around the bush and they don’t sugarcoat ugly and harsh truths so as to make them appear more positive or pleasant than they really are.

So, if you are acting like a fool, they’ll be quick to give you a verbal slap. And if they notice that someone is trying to manipulate you or lie to you, they won’t think twice about revealing that person’s intentions and protecting you from them.

2. They never get offended.

A sarcastic best friend will always tell you the harsh truth, and they’re always ready to receive and handle feedback from you, too. So, if you get mad with them for something and even start shouting at them and criticizing them, know that they’ll handle your reaction with grace and dignity. They’ll never get offended by anything you say to them.

Here’s Why Every Person Needs To Have A Sarcastic Best Friend

3. They can make you laugh even when you’re down in the dumps.

Having a sarcastic best friend means having a friend who will always remind you to find humor in everything. Even in the things you would be terribly afraid to joke about with other people.

So, whether they’ll tell you funny or dirty jokes or make a joke out of serious, difficult situations, know that they’ll always be there to brighten your day.

4. They make you become bolder and more confident.

Having a sarcastic best friend means having a friend who will make sure you maintain high self-esteem. They’ll help you become tougher and bolder. They’ll help you become more aware of your qualities and you’ll never ever care about what other people think about you.

Additionally, don’t be surprised if you start catching yourself making snarky remarks and witty comments because when you spend a lot of time with a sarcastic person, their sarcasm can become really contagious.

5. They are fiercely loyal to you.

If you already have or if you ever have the privilege of having a sarcastic best friend, know that they’ll never break your trust in them or hurt you. And most importantly, know that they’ll always be there for you when you need them.

6. They teach you how to handle a**holes.

How? Of course – by using sarcasm.  Shallow, conceited, deceitful people don’t get sarcasm. This means that you can make fun of them as much as you want and they won’t even understand a thing you say. By showering them with snarky remarks, you’ll leave them to rot in their own toxicity.

7. They always have your back.

Having a sarcastic BFF means having a friend who will dislike the same people you’re not really fond of and who will always take your side when you argue with someone. They won’t think twice about using their sarcasm to put the person trying to mess with you in their place.

8. They express their love for you in their own way.

Terms of endearment, such as “sweetie,” “dear,” or “honey” simply don’t exist in a sarcastic person’s vocabulary. But, words, such as “bitch,” “stupid,” and “weirdo” surely do.

But what you need to always bear in mind is that every time they call you a weirdo or bitch, that is actually a code word for “I love you so much,” or “you’re the most important person in my life.”

9. They know when they need to be serious.

You might find this hard to believe, but a sarcastic person knows when it’s time to act serious. When you try to share your problems and worries with them or complain about something, don’t doubt that they’ll listen to you attentively without making any snarky remarks. Indeed, sarcastic people can be very compassionate and caring and that’s why you can always rely on them.

10. Last but not least, who wouldn’t want to have a friend like Chandler Bing in their life?

I’d definitely want. What about you?

5 Tips for Hosting a Fundraiser

When you were younger, you might have tried your hand at selling lemonade on the corner of the street. You got your parents help at making a giant pitcher, put some cookies in the oven, and walked down to the end of your driveway to see what you can do.

At the end of the day, you might have been able to collect $20, but that was a fortune back then when all you were buying was baseball cards or dolls.

While food is a huge part of fundraisers today, they take a bit more planning than simply throwing together some drinks and snacks. They often take months and months of planning in order to get everything right.

Below, we’re going to run through some basic tips to help you plan the perfect fundraiser.

Pick a Cause

Fundraisers can be hosted by just about anyone. Businesses, individuals, and nonprofits can host fundraisers for whatever they see fit. If you fall into one of the first two categories, you need to think about what cause you want to support.

This cause also needs to be tied to a specific charity. People want to know where their money is going and what it is going to be used for. So you can’t just come out and say “We’re raising money for polar bears.”

Are you raising money in conjunction with a certain organization? Where will the proceeds go? What exactly is being done with the money?

This all needs to be explained in either a texting platform for nonprofits or pamphlets that are handed out and more in-depth at the fundraiser itself.

Start Planning…Early

Fundraisers are not like parties that can be thrown together a week ahead of time. They require months if not an entire year of planning. People need to have these events on their schedules and it’s going to take a long time for you to organize everything.

For example, you’re going to need to lock down:

  • The venue
  • Food
  • Drinks
  • Entertainment
  • Activities
  • Volunteers
  • 100 other things

The venue is often one of the more difficult places to find, which is why you need to start so early. You’re going to have to find a place that is available and in your budget as well. If you’re with a non-profit, you will be able to use your tax exempt status to save a bit but they’re still going to be expensive.

Many fundraisers also give some kind of party favor or promotional item, so think about what you could give back to your members.

Be sure and speak with food and drink vendors to see which options work best for you. It’s never too early to start planning!

Set Up a Real Goal

What will always help people to give is by having a fundraising mark. “This year, we’re trying to raise $50,000 for cancer research.”

Set up a thermometer in your office and color it up the more money you have. It’s a great booster for people to see their money visualized and actually doing something.

You also encourage a team effort for those that come by and see your progress. You should be sending out progress to participants when you can and announcing it at the fundraising event as well.

Send Out Notices

You probably already have a database with people’s contact information and it’s best to start sending out reminders early as well. Use multiple channels to communicate the event, email, phone calls, direct mail, and face to face interactions.

Send out personal invitations in the mail and be sure to follow up with people. People might be hesitant to commit, but always make sure you’re encouraging and cheerful with them when you see them next.

Give Donation Options

In this day and age, the majority of transactions and exchanging on money comes from online sources. Are people going to be able to donate through online channels? Are you going to accept cash? Can people pay with their credit cards?

This all needs to be made obvious and upfront so donors will have all the information they need from the get-go. Make it as easy as possible for everyone involved.

You’ll also need to plan out how you plan on thanking donors. Will it be through a personal letter signed by the staff? An email? Or something else entirely?

How To Prevent Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a shockingly common disorder and can strike anyone at any stage of their lives. Our current unhealthy lifestyle is not conducive to maintaining a healthy blood pressure level. Once it takes root in your body, hypertension opens up the doors to a wide range of ailments.

Why should you be scared of hypertension?

High blood pressure – irrespective of its type –  can be your heart’s worst enemy. High pressure allows plaque to build up along the walls of those blood vessels that carry blood to your heart. The walls thicken up and lose their elasticity. This means blood flow to your heart is reduced and as the blood has to push its way through a narrowed passage, it increases the pressure on your arteries which raises your blood pressure even more. Eventually, this vicious cycle severely cuts off the blood supply that your heart needs to carry out its functions. And those muscles of the heart that get parched slowly begin to die. This is how you get a heart attack. High blood pressure can also give you a cardiac arrest.

What is the normal range of blood pressure?

Firstly, you have to realize that your blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day. And it also keeps changing with your age. Only your doctor will be able to tell you what should be your ideal blood pressure based on your health, medical history, weight, gender and other factors. However, there is a universal scale of blood pressure that you might be interested in learning to give you an idea as to whether your blood pressure is within bounds.

120/80 mmHg or anything slightly less is considered a healthy blood pressure reading. Up to a reading of 139/89 is a state of prehypertension. If your systolic pressure (the higher number) escalates to 140 or beyond and the diastolic pressure rises to 90 or above, then you definitely have high blood pressure.

 How can you prevent high blood pressure?

Preventing high blood pressure starts with understanding what triggers it in the first place. If you are aware of the risk factors of hypertension, you can nip this disorder in the bud.

The causes of hypertension

  • If someone you are related to by blood has high blood pressure, chances are you will end up with it too
  • Obesity or even being overweight facilitates the formation of plaque in your blood vessels which will continue to drag up your blood pressure
  • Menopause makes a woman more prone to high blood pressure
  • Not exercising and living an inactive life drastically increase your chances of getting high blood pressure
  • Smoking shrinks your blood vessels and makes the passage of blood difficult
  • Too much of alcohol and a diet that is high in saturated and trans fats are directly responsible for high blood pressure
  • High levels of bad cholesterol or LDL cause hypertension
  • Diabetes is another common cause of hypertension
  • Sleep apnoea and mental stress too have been linked with high BP

So your plan to prevent high blood pressure should start with avoiding the risk factors.

Some factors such as family history or menopause are beyond your control. In such situations, it would be wise to regularly monitor your blood pressure. Often, prehypertension does not exhibit any symptoms and you may notice the signs when you have contracted full-fledged high blood pressure. But keeping regular tabs on your BP will help you avert that.

Since obesity and lack of exercise are the leading causes of hypertension, you should get in shape if you want to avoid high BP. Do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises like, jogging, swimming, brisk walking or running every day. They will help you shed the kilos and ward off hypertension. Exercise will also reduce your chances of getting diabetes which is another risk factor of hypertension. But if you do have diabetes, do not miss your insulin doses because studies have found that insulin injections can also prevent hypertension.

Give up smoking right away and if you are not a smoker then do not acquire the habit. Also, if you drink, then do it in moderation.

You have to be very particular about your diet. Avoid fatty and greasy foods like processed or junk foods or red meat. You can consult a dietician who will draw up a diet plan based on your needs. Remember to lower your salt intake. Salt retains water in your body and the more the water content the greater the likelihood of developing high blood pressure.

Stress is mostly unavoidable. But you can learn how to control it and not allow it to usher in hypertension. Just enrol in a yoga class or practise meditation and breathing exercises.


High blood pressure is dangerous and all around you, you will see people being diagnosed with it. But you can avoid that fate just by being cautious. A healthy lifestyle is crucial to healthy blood pressure levels.





Personal Injury Cases: 7 Tips for an Independent Medical Examination

Every year, approximately 31 million people in the U.S. sustain injuries that require medical treatment. About two million of these injuries also require hospitalization.

Are you currently dealing with an injury right now? Did it occur because of negligence on someone else’s part? 

Whether you’re dealing with a car accident injury, a slip-and-fall injury, or any other kind of personal injury, you may be entitled to compensation from the at-fault party. In order to receive that compensation, though, you’ll likely need to go through an independent medical examination (also known as an IME).

Never heard of this before? Not sure what it entails or why you ought to have one done? Read on to get answers to all these questions and get some tips on how you can prepare for your examination.

What is an Independent Medical Examination?

Sometimes, when you’re going through a personal injury or workers compensation lawsuit, the at-fault party’s insurance company may dispute some of your medical claims in an effort to reduce the amount of money they have to pay you in your settlement.

To overcome these disputes and help you move forward with your case, you may need to undergo an independent medical examination. This is an exam performed by someone other than your treating doctor.

The theory is that, by having a neutral doctor perform your exam, you’ll get more accurate and objective medical reports. This, in turn, will help your lawyer and the insurance company to come to a fair agreement about what you’re owed.

Insurance companies often call for an IME if they disagree with the settlement amount put forth by the accident victim’s lawyer. You and your lawyer may also call for an IME, though, if you feel that the first doctor you saw misdiagnosed you or didn’t provide a thorough enough examination. Sometimes hiring your own IME physician will be simply necessary to get the best settlement.” at the location in the screenshot below.

If the insurance company calls for the IME, they will likely be the ones to choose the physician. If you and your lawyer call for the IME, you will be able to choose your own physician in most cases.

What Happens During an IME?

Before or during an IME, the doctor assigned to you will review your medical records, as well as other documents related to your case. The insurance company may also send additional questions to the doctor to help them understand your situation and ensure you’re receiving the appropriate amount of money in your settlement.

Some questions they may ask include the following:

  • Was your condition correctly diagnosed?
  • Did the accident in question actually cause your symptoms?
  • What, if any, additional treatment or testing do you need?
  • When (if at all) will you be able to go back to work?
  • Will you need any kind of accommodations if you do go back to work?
  • Do you have any kind of permanent disability?

The actual exam will be similar to any other medical exam performed by your treating doctor. The doctor will look at your injuries, talk to you about your symptoms, and perform tests like x-rays to get a better sense of what’s going on from an internal perspective.

What are the Benefits?

There are lots of reasons why an IME is helpful when you’re trying to come to an agreement about the settlement you’re owed. The following are some of the greatest benefits that come with undergoing an IME:

Get a Second Opinion

If you suspect that your doctor missed something during your first examination after your accident, it’s worth it to get an IME. This will help you learn more about your current state and find out exactly what injuries did or did not result from your accident.

An IME can also help to confirm your condition and shut down any objections you may be receiving from the insurance company.

Get Results Faster

Often, with an IME, you get results very soon after the examination is complete.

When the doctor knows that the exam is part of a personal injury case, they tend to work more quickly and do their best to get you your results as soon as they can. This, in turn, will help you to move forward and get your case wrapped up sooner.

Settle Out of Court

Between 95 and 96 percent of personal injury cases settle out of court. You can increase your chances of your case being part of this majority if you undergo an IME.

Undergoing an IME will help your lawyer and the insurance company reach an agreement about your settlement without you having to go through a long, drawn-out court case. This will free you up to focus on your recovery and put your accident behind you.

How to Prepare for the Examination

Now that you know more about what an independent medical examination is and why you ought to have one done, it’s time to go over what you need to do to prepare for this exam.

Here are some tips that will help to put you at ease during the exam and ensure you cover all your bases:

1. Dress Appropriately

Make sure you dress in an appropriate way, just like you would for any other doctor’s appointment. Wear clothes that are comfortable. If you wear a shirt long sleeves, make sure it’s easy for you to roll them up to have your blood pressure monitored or blood drawn.

You may want to be cautious about wearing clothing that contradicts your story, too.

For example, if you claim that you cannot move comfortably because of your injuries, your doctor might raise an eyebrow if you show up to the appointment in workout clothes and look as though you just finished up a training session at the gym.

2. Arrive Early

It’s best to show up early to your appointment. Aim to be there 15-30 minutes before your appointment is scheduled to start. This will give you time to fill out any required paperwork.

Whatever you do, do not be late. This will not reflect well on you and could have a negative impact on the doctor’s report. 

3. Know Your Medical History

The doctor who performs your examination will have already received your medical records and will be familiar with your medical history. Because of this, it’s important to avoid fabricating or exaggerating any aspect of your history.

They will know whether or not you’re being truthful about your past medical issues. If it appears that you’re lying or bending the truth, that will be relayed back to the insurance company in the doctor’s report.

4. Be Honest

In addition to being honest about your medical history, it’s also important to be honest about your pain.

Don’t try to exaggerate how severe your symptoms are. Don’t be afraid to talk about treatments that have helped, too.

It won’t derail your case if you mention that you experienced temporary relief from a certain procedure. This helps to validate your injury and gives the doctor a better sense of what may or may not have gone wrong as a result of the accident.

5. Be Aware of Your Behavior

Be prepared for the likelihood that you will be monitored during your appointment. Not only will the doctor be watching you, but there may also be video footage of you going into your appointment or waiting for the doctor to arrive.

Don’t do anything leading up to the appointment that contradicts the story you and your lawyer have been telling the insurance company and medical professionals. This will come back to haunt you and will have a negative effect on your settlement.

6. Bring a Friend

It often helps to bring a friend or loved one with you to the appointment.

While they’re there, they can take notes and keep track of when the exam begins and ends. They can also record the questions the doctor asks you and the tests they perform.

Having someone to act as a witness could come in handy, especially if the doctor’s report contradicts what you were told or what happened during the exam.

7. Don’t Focus on Appointment Length

There’s no standard when it comes to the length of the appointment for your independent medical examination. Don’t let yourself get psyched out by how long the appointment lasted.

A short appointment isn’t necessarily good or bad, nor is a long appointment. The duration depends on a lot of factors outside of your control, such as the doctor’s schedule and what they knew about your case before you arrived.

You can read on here to learn more about what happens during an exam and what might affect the duration of your appointment.

Start Preparing for Your Examination Today

Are you ready to go ahead and schedule your independent medical examination?

If your lawyer has recommended that you undergo this exam, you definitely ought to move forward with it. It could help you win your case and increase your chances of receiving the kind of settlement you deserve.

Do you want to learn more about how to handle other aspects of a personal injury case?

Whether you need help finding the right personal injury lawyer or taking care of yourself after your injury, we have tons of resources available. Check out some of our legal-focused articles today for more advice.