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Yes, Anxiety Is Different For Every Person But It’s Never A Weakness Or A Flaw

What are the first things that come to mind when you think of anxiety?

I assume a confused mind, dark, scary thoughts, extreme panic attacks, and intensified stress.

Well, you are not wrong. Those are the usual anxiety symptoms. People survive dangerous, life-threatning panic attacks, they live with their dark, daunting thoughts and they go through life stressing about everything.

But anxiety cannot be properly described with just these four conditions. Anxiety is bigger than panic, attacks, stress and loud, confusing mind.

Anxiety is different for each and every one of us.

I realized this 2 years ago when my brother struggled with this condition. He had a very stressful period in his life. He just started college. And as soon as his new journey started unraveling in front of him, he started panicking. He couldn’t sleep at night, he barely ate and after a certain period, he isolated himself from the world. He didn’t even want to talk to me. At first, everyone, including my parents convinced him that all of that is a normal part of the process. They thought that it’s a teenage phase that everyone’s been through. Can you imagine what their first response was?

“Relax, you are exaggerating.”

“There is nothing wrong with you.”

“Focus on studying and everything will be fine.”


The worst possible advice a person with anxiety can ever get. And from his parents. The people who he thought he can always rely on.

It was too damn difficult. But I don’t blame them. They just didn’t know any better. They lived in a society where one, hard slap on the cheek was the solution for everything. So, to them, panic attacks were an excuse for needing attention. Oh boy, how wrong they were.

The moral of the story is… Yes, anxiety is different for every one of us.

Some may experience it through panic attacks, others through long, sleepless nights and then there are some who struggle with it in the most unusual ways. Ways that would never make you think that the nice, talkative person next to you is going through a nightmare in that exact same moment.

Anxiety is not a flaw and it is not a weakness. Anxiety is a condition that must be acknowledged and properly treated. It can be a stomach ache or a shaky knee. It can be a tapping hand or a bouncing leg. It can feel like anger or frustration. It can make you laughing when you feel like crying or scream like a crazy person. Anxiety can be literally everything.

However, the most important fact about anxiety is that it is a mental illness. Don’t ever forget that! It’s not a weakness, it is not a bad trait and it is certainly not a flaw. Anxiety is a condition and as such, it should be handled with extreme care.

We all deal with some form of it, whether some people like to accept it or not.

If you are someone who struggles with this, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Others may say or do whatever they want, but in the end, you are the only one who knows how it really feels inside of you. Accept yourself, acknowledge your condition and don’t ever let anyone convince that you are exaggerating.

You are a survivor, my dear!  

Here’s How Negative Childhood Experiences May Affect Adult Relationships

Your childhood experiences  have a great influence on your mental and emotional development. Your parents and siblings, who are the people with whom you first connect, play an essential role in the way you experience the world since they create the foundation of what the world is going to appear to you.

Is the world around you a safe place where you could freely take emotional risks? Are those around you going to take advantage of you, betray you, and hurt you? Can you rely on important people in your life to be there for you in difficult times?

The truth is that although you’re unceasingly learning how to connect with yourself as well as other people throughout your life, your childhood experiences, especially the negative ones, have a great role in shaping your attachment style in your adulthood.

Generally, people who were raised in a healthy, happy, harmonious home where their parents were emotionally available, caring, supportive, and loving have a healthy, secure attachment style.

These individuals do not ignore or neglect their partner’s feelings and needs and they don’t depend too much on them. And they do have problems in their relationships, but an insecure-avoidant attachment style is not the cause.

On the other hand, people who were raised by emotionally unavailable, unloving, and manipulative parents tend to avoid building close relationships in their adulthood. They may hide their emotions, keep secrets, and seem uninterested in developing genuine emotional intimacy.


Individuals who experienced constant neglect or emotional abuse in their childhood may fear both emotional intimacy and being alone as adults. These people may have trouble trusting others and feeling comfortable communicating their feelings and showing their vulnerabilities. They may also fear rejection and abandonment.

Last but not least, a person who grew up in a family atmosphere in which their parents alternated between being responsive to their needs and neglecting them may grow up to be a clingy individual. They may crave lots of attention and intimacy and they may pay careful attention to changes in their relationships.

Additionally, they may have frequent mood swings as well as low self-esteem and they may feel like they’re more invested in their relationship than their partner.

What you need to remember is that the impact of your negative childhood experiences on your adult relationships doesn’t have to be long-lasting. All you need to do is share your attachment problems  with your partner so that they can help you overcome them.

If your partner is someone that’s sensitive to the way your difficult, toxic relationships from your childhood impact you and if they’re willing to help you overcome it, this will undoubtedly help you build and maintain a healthy, fulfilling, and loving relationship with them.

Can Online Psychic Readings Help You Find Love?

We are immersed in a culture of online chats, social media, dating sites and so on and one of the platforms would be the obvious place one would think to find your ideal partner. Some people manage to do that but for others, they are left wondering what it is all about as they have met either unsuitable partners or partners who are looking for sex and not love. It can be very difficult to meet the right person who is looking for the same from a relationship as you.

Not as many people would consider psychic readings as a way to find love but yet it may very well be the way to go.

A psychic reading can put you in touch with more than your deceased relatives and your future, it can help put you in touch with yourself! When you understand yourself and even get to like yourself, that can put you in a much better position to be able to find the love that you have been looking for. When we feel content and happy, we exude that to others and others find us much more attractive whereas when we are troubled, that is what we exude and as human beings, we do like to be happy, so would tend to avoid anything that we find unpleasant. Therefore if you are giving out the wrong messages, that is why you could be attracting the wrong people. 

A reading may also help you discover some of the personality traits that you have that may be preventing success in your search for love. It may be that you are going for the wrong type of partner, so to look at the characteristics of your ideal partner may be a helpful way forward for you.

A psychic may also be able to see opportunities for you, places to go, things to do that may point you in the direction of finding your ideal love interest.

The help doesn’t stop there, a psychic can be invaluable when you think that you have managed to find the person of your dreams. When we meet someone for the first time, it is easy to idealize the life we would like to have and what we tend to do is to fit the person into that life, not paying too much attention to the red flags that might be blowing. A psychic can help to ground us and put back in touch with our reality so as not to have us remain in an unrealistic ‘high’. A Best Online Psychic Reading Sites can also help us understand whether or not this person has good intentions and whether or not their actions and feelings are honorable. As another reason for a love psychic reading, it is also becoming increasingly popular for couples to both go and see a psychic reader in order to improve their relationship status if they are somehow experiencing some struggles in the relationship.

A true psychic has a gift that can be shared with others. It is important that you are open to being able to receive the information. In addition to finding love, a psychic has the potential to be able to help you overcome a number of obstacles in your life but you have to be in a place in your life where you want to do that.

The Guide for Happy Family Camping

Camping solo, as a group, or with family — these are all fun things to do but camping as a family is probably one of the more trickier things to accomplish, especially if you don’t have the right items yet. So we compiled a few tips, a checklist of family camping gears to have on hand and some not-so-essential but definitely helpful items that families need to have on hand. wicker picnic basket would be a great addition to your camping essentials, it can be a great storage for your food supply. 

First things First
Before you start buying everything, make sure you have the dates settled, and that you know the weather conditions of your camping destination. If it’s extremely cold, warm, or drizzly, camping is mostly about adapting to your surroundings so take that into mind before buying everything.

Tent, stakes, cookware, trashbags, utensils, food, fire source (for cooking), first aid kit (including repellant, etc), clothes, sleeping bags, and a source of entertainment or two (cards and a board game) are essentially the main items you need for camping. If you have special comforting items (like a child’s teddy bear), don’t forget to bring that. But don’t make it too important that you then start to hate camping because of the tedious planning involved.

Try to downsize as much as you can even if it means that you’ll have to make do without your comfortable pillow or your fancy water bottle. Try to list down the most important things you need to bring and if you’re only going on a 2 day camping trip, do you really need to bring all the pots and pans? Or perhaps you can just bring ready-to-eat food that just requires hot water? Weigh the pros and cons and adjust your checklist accordingly.

Minimalist Camping
It’s tempting to bring the whole house with you but is that really going to make the trip a happier one? With the Marie Kondo phenomenon in full force, a lot of people are taking the minimalist approach even when it comes to camping gears, bringing only the most essential things they need to have with them. If you feel overwhelmed about the things you have to buy, remember that at the end of the day, it’s not the aeropress or the microfiber pillowcase that will make the trip worth it: it’s the memories you create with the ones you love.

Why Do You Need a Professional Dental Cleaning

Many, if not most of us have brushed our teeth regularly at least twice a day, floss daily, and rinse our mouth with mouthwash after each brush. If all of them are good enough, do I still need a dentist from North York Smile Centre to clean my teeth professionally?

Professional dental cleaning hass many benefits that are not covered by regular oral hygiene practices like brushing or flossing, some of them can save you from more severe problems in the future, and thus saving your money in the long run—not to mention saving you from pain and discomfort caused by various diseases.

Below, we will discuss some of these benefits.

Preventing Tooth Decay and Damages

What is actually the main reason of decaying tooth? There are two main reasons, both related to the accumulating food debris within your mouth.

First, when we eat foods and drinks with high sugar, our saliva will release a certain enzyme to deconstruct the sugar, which will in turn, create acids. High acidity levels in your mouth can damage your teeth and gums, and this is why we tend to get tooth decay when we eat a lot of ice creams and candies.

Second, food debris can accumulate to create plaque, which is a thick, sticky layer of bacteria that covers our teeth. These bacteria can damage the teeth and gums, and when not cleaned, can develop into a tartar buildup, which is even more dangerous.

Plaque and high acidity levels in your mouth can be easily cleaned with regular brushing and flossing, but we can’t remove tartar buildup the same way. Also, we can’t effectively clean all the areas in your mouth with regular brushing, for example, the area between the gums and teeth. This is where a professional dental cleaning is necessary.

A dental cleaning procedure will effectively remove plaque and tartar buildup, along with other damaging residue.

Restoring or Even Improving Your Smile

One of the biggest reasons of getting your teeth cleaned is cosmetic: your smile will look a lot better after the cleaning procedure. Tartar buildup will give your teeth yellow-ish or even dark brown stains, and you can’t remove it with regular brushing.

Brushing can remove most buildup from the surfaces of your teeth, but will often leave the residue between your teeth, near the gum line, and in the spaces between your gums and teeth. This remaining plaque buildup can still develop into tartar and stains.

With a professional dental cleaning, you can get a naturally white teeth that are as bright as possible, improving your natural smile.

Eliminates Bad Breath

Removing food debris and plaque from your teeth, plaque, tongue, and mouth will get rid of bacteria that can cause bad breath. Having a fresher breath can significantly improve your confidence, and can possibly generate positive impact on your social relationships.

After a professional dental cleaning, you also get the fresh sensation of smooth teeth and fresh mouth, just like what you’ll get after a toothbrush, but will linger a lot longer.

Preventing Gum Diseases

Gum diseases can be very painful and can be hard to treat when it’s already developed. Some of the gum diseases like gingivitis can be quite expensive to treat, and more costly than getting a professional teeth cleaning.

Gum diseases are often caused by plaque buildup under the gums, on the spaces that can’t be reached by regular brushing or flossing. To clean this area, your dentist will use a special tool to clean the area under the gumline. If necessary, local anesthetic will be applied so you won’t feel any pain during the process.

Various gum infections can also be caused by bacterial buildup, and while infections can easily be treated with over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs, it’s better to prevent it rather than deal with discomfort and pain.

In short, a professional dental cleaning procedure is a preventional effort that can save more money in the long run.

Less Chance of Receding Gums

Gum recession is the medical term to describe the process of how the gum tissue pulls away, exposing more of the teeth and even a tooth’s root. This condition can obviously be aesthetically unpleasant, but there are also medical disadvantages.

Bacteria can easily accumulates in the new gap formed between the teeth and gum line. This can encourage various conditions from tooth decay and cavities to gum diseases. If left untreated, the surrounding gum tissue and even the bone structure of your jaw and teeth can be damaged, often resulting in tooth loss.

One of the most common causes for receding gums is infection caused by bacterial buildup that destroys the gum tissue, and professional cleaning can minimize the risk. Dental cleaning can remove plaque—and bacteria— especially from below the gum line.

Easier To Spot Present Health Issues

After plaque, tartar, and stains are removed from the teeth, it will be easier to spot any damage and health issues of the teeth and gums. Tiny tooth decays are often hidden under the plaque, as well as enamel cracks and other issues that are not easily discoverable.

Issues to gums, tongue, and mouth tissues are also often detected during and after the cleaning procedure. One of the key areas that is observed by the dental specialist is discoloration. Gum and tongue discoloration can be a sign for underlying health issues, including severe ones like diabetes or oral cancer.

For example, if during the cleaning procedure the dentist observed a white discoloration on the tongue, they might examine the area further after the cleaning process is completed. In this case, whiteness on the tongue can develop to oral cancer, and so by conducting early tests, we can prevent it from happening.

Earlier detection of various health issues—both oral and non-oral— will save you from future pain and expensive medical treatments.

End Words

With all the benefits, it is important to schedule regular dental cleaning appointments at least twice a year (every six months). Depending on your dentist, the appointment will usually include a regular dental check-up, where the dentist will check your oral health and determine the needs for future treatments.

Ideas of the Perfect Mother’s Day Present

Have you thought about what to surprise your mother on mother’s day? Or have you forgotten about it completely? Mother’s Day comes once every year, and we all want it to be memorable for the lady who has worked so hard to raise us. Party or no party, the mere recognition of the day will mean the world to your mother.

If you are looking for a sweet surprise for your mother, visit this website www.emicakes.com.sg/mothers-day-cake. Not all of us have pockets full of hard cash to spend on a lavish present for our mother. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot to spend; homemade gifts show the most love.  Here are some ideas for the ideal gift for your mother on this special day:

  • A Homemade card or collage: This is the least expensive option of giving a gift. It only needs paper, glitter, and other decorative materials to make it. You can fill the card with pictures and tell your mother how special she is to you. It will mean the world to your mother since it’s the time and effort you put in for the card that will matter to her. 
  • Jewelry: Women love jewelry, and your mother is no different. Varying from great fancy necklaces to tiny nose rings, these types of gifts will please your mother immensely. There are several websites that offer mother’s day sales and several others which have perfect jewelry at affordable prices. Get name necklace sells customized mother’s rings, so every one of you can surprise your mothers with pretty rings.
  • Cake: It is a fact that most women love chocolate and what better way to give chocolate than giving it in the form of a chocolate cake. Whether it is a homemade cake or brought from outside, a cake is an excellent way of celebrating your mother’s years of hard work she spent in raising you. It isn’t necessary to gift your mother a chocolate cake. Any cake will do but be sure to decorate it and ice it with a lovely heartfelt message for the lady of the day.
  • Kitchen gadgets: If your mother is a housewife, and she spends most of her time cooking tasty and delicious dishes for you, then the perfect gift for this lovable chef is a cool kitchen gadget. Whether it is an electrical blender or a flour tortilla (roti) maker, a kitchen gadget will make working in the kitchen easier for your mother and trust me; she deserves it as well.
  • Tech gadgets: If your mother has a smartphone, then why not gift her cool smartwatch or air pods to match it. You don’t necessarily have to buy her the latest gadgets; an affordable one will do as well. The thought counts, you know. If your mother is a fitness freak, gift her fit bit watch that tracks her calories and steps.

The best way to surprise your mother is to give her a day off. You and your siblings with your dad can give her a special birthday breakfast, divide the house chores amongst yourself, and cook her mind-blowing delicious dinner. After all, she does get tired from all the housework and certainly deserves a break.

How to Locate the Best Vape Shop Near Me

vape shop

There are different factors I had to take into consideration before I can locate the best vape store near me. First, the store should have quality vapes in the store. There are several other people who do business with the vape shop. To easily know whether the store can deliver the best products, you need to start by discussing with the past buyers. A quality store which has been selling quality products for long has a good reputation in offering the best services. Apart from the company selling quality vapes, you should ad well check on the reputation of the attendants at the store. There are times when you would like to try new vapes but you need more explanation from the sellers. In such a case, you need to work with professionals who will offer the necessary advice before you proceed to buy the vapes. Here are tips to locate the right store where you can buy vapes.

Get Referrals from Friends

The best way for me to the best online vape shop is getting a referral from friends. If you have close friends who use different vapes then you can ask them about stores where they buy the products. They can offer you good recommendations of stores where you can buy and realize value for your money in the long run. Always take your time to assess different stores available out there which sell the products after you get a referral from friends and you will easily locate the best. Remember it is very necessary to take time and locate the best store where you will buy quality products which can serve you for long. To enjoy your vaping experience, you need to ensure you buy the vapes from a store which ash good reputation in delivering quality products.

Availability of Replacement Parts

There are some replacement parts you would like to have after you have bought the apes. For instance, you may like to replace the batteries among other accessories. Always take time to check on the availability of accessories in the store where you would like to buy the vapes. If you can order the products from a store which will offer you all the necessary accessories, then it will be easy for you to save money even if the device will develop complications. It is upon you to ask the store where you would like to buy the aspire vape device whether it can deliver the accessories in case you need them. Remember different people have varied preferences, if you prefer a device with certain accessories, then you need to ask them about the availability of the accessories.

Quality of the Vapes Sold in the Shop

You need to ensure the products you buy are made to meet the highest standards. If possible, buy from a shop where you will be offered a warrant. Remember with a warranty you will be in safe hands because you will have a refund in case you buy the products and they end up developing complications. The aspire vape is among the best products which have been designed to guarantee you value for money. If you can buy a genuine product, it will serve you well which is necessary to realize value for money in the long run.

Check Online Reviews

As a way of locating the best store where you can buy aspire vape, you need to check on what people say about a given place where you are about to buy the products. There are some stores where you can buy the products and they will offer you great reviews. It is necessary to check out such stores before you can make the right decision. For instance, you may notice from the reviews offered that a given store sells quality vapes at the best prices. You increase the chances of getting the best deals if you can proceed and order your vapes from such a store. It will save you a lot of time and money if you can check out reviews and make the right buying decision rather than taking a lot of time trying to test products from different stores. To easily access the reviews, you need to visit review stores from where you can get to know what other people are saying about a given vape.

Take into Consideration the Cost of the Aspire Vape

Different stores which sell the vapes will tend to price them at different prices. To
make the right decision when buying the products, you need to buy from a store which has a good reputation in selling the vapes at the most attractive prices. You can carry out a quick comparison of the prices from where you can know whether a given store will guarantee you the best deals. There are cases where you may
like to buy aspire vape devices in bulk. In such a case, you need to order from a store where you can access the products in bulk and the store is ready to offer
you at the best prices. Remember if you would like to use them in your retail store, then you will have to buy them at the most attractive prices so that you can resell them in your retail store at the most attractive prices for potential buyers to prefer your store. If you can order from the best sellers, then it will be easy for you to realize the best results in your decision to deal with vapes.

Can They Deliver the Vapes Fast?

Would you like to start using the products as fast as possible? If you would like to
start using the products as fast as possible, then you need to order from a store which has put plans in place to avail the [products as fast as possible. Ask around or contact the company from where you will get to know more about the time. They can take the delver the products fast. Always consider buying from a store which will not inconvenience you. If you decide to order the devices online, then you need to order from a store which can deliver them very fast.

You Are Never Going To Fly Unless You Take A Leap Of Faith And Jump

Life is a series of calculated risks.

Yes, taking risks is like walking in pitch-black darkness, but in the end, those steps that we take on our road to uncertainty are essential for our growth.

They scare us, sometimes even terrify us, but most of all they challenge us. Taking risks forces us to get out of our comfort zone, rethink our choices, broaden our horizons, learn everything about life, experience more and ultimately change.

Risks are the beginning of every metanoia, every new journey that we start. They are necessary and beautiful parts of our life, regardless of how difficult they sometimes are.

The truth is, you are never going to fly if you don’t take a leap of faith and jump first.

You are never going to grow if you are afraid to get out of your warm, comfy, comfort zone.

You are never going to flourish if you don’t dare to dream and chase your goals no matter how much people discourage you to do that.

I know that you are afraid of failing, I was too. But that is a normal part of life. We all feel that, and we all go through the same struggle. The only thing that it’s important for you to understand is that ONLY YOU can retrain your brain to stop thinking that failure is the end of the world.

It’s not.

Failure is just a stepping stone toward success. Making mistakes is how you learn. Playing it safe is not going to help you grow and become the person you’ve always dreamed to be.

If you allow your fear of failing to get to you, you will be forced to spend a life of misery forever. If you let your insecurities outweigh your desires, you are going to spend your whole life regretting your choices. Time will pass, everyone will reach their desired goals and when you realize that you’ve done nothing for yourself, all because of fear, you will regret your decisions. But then it will all be too late.

So, how about you stop hiding from changes and conquer that fear of taking risks?

Can you do that? I think you can.

You see, as tempting as it may seem to say no to things that are new to you, you are never going to learn to fly if you stay on the ground. That is the truth. It’s your choice whether you will accept it and stay in your comfort zone or you will challenge yourself, take a deep breath and take the risk

You are never going to learn to fly unless you take a leap of faith and JUMP.

Those wings aren’t going to open on their own. So, what are you waiting for?

I Hope You Never Settle For Less Than You Deserve Just Because Time Is Pressuring You

I truly hope you find the right path in life. The one that will lead you to your happiness. The one that will help you learn the most valuable lessons in life. Most importantly, the one that will face you with many challenges and help you grow in your own time and at your own pace.

I hope you never make the mistake of accepting less than you deserve. I hope you never settle for half-assed love. Because you deserve the whole world. You deserve to reach your goals and fulfill your wildest dreams. You deserve to feel love in its purest form. You deserve to be loved unconditionally. You deserve to find your happiness and create a life that is worth living.

I hope you never let others tell you what you need in your life. I hope you never take a wrong leap of faith and jump only because you are afraid of ending up alone. I hope you never give your precious, little heart to someone who doesn’t deserve your love.  I hope you never fall for someone who takes you for granted. Because life is short. We have today, but we are not sure if tomorrow will ever come for all of us.

I hope you never feel like you have to hurry and make those big, life-changing decisions in life just because time is ticking away. I hope you never let society pressure you into doing something you don’t really like. Because your life is about your choices, your wishes, and your dreams, no matter how different they make you from the rest of the world.

I hope you never have to rush your life because of time. I hope you never let anyone convince you that you are a lost cause because you are not. I hope you never miss out on every moment in life because each and every second of your existence is golden. And I hope you realize that you need to stop running around in circles and just take your time to enjoy life as it is. Imperfect, difficult, sometimes strange, but incredible. I truly hope you learn how to give yourself a break because we all need it.

People say do what makes you happy. And I agree, it is the biggest cliché there is. But it is also the most important thing you’ll ever get to do in your life. And remember, you only get one life.

In the end, it all comes down to you and your happiness. Whatever that word means to you. At the end of the day, when the party is over, the atmosphere softens and you are all alone by yourself, happiness is all that really matters.

So, seize those rare, incredible moments. Find what makes you should flourish, your eyes glisten and make your life extraordinary. It shouldn’t be something others would approve of; it should be something that makes you the happiest. There are no rules in this game. You make them yourself. Your choices shape up your journey.

So, don’t let it be ordinary. Don’t let others tell you what’s good for you and what isn’t.

Don’t say yes when you feel like saying no. Don’t settle for a life in black and white when you dream in colors that some people cannot even see. Don’t satisfy yourself with the crumbles when you desire the whole loaf. Don’t settle for less than you deserve just because time is pressuring you.

Live life at your own pace. What’s yours will find you.

Fun Activities To Do In London Night And Day

London Night

If there is a city in the world where you could never run out of fun activities and places to visit, that city is London. There is an abundance of activities to engage in, from watching London shows to having dinner at a fancy restaurant, whether it is just you and a date or with your friends and family. The city guarantees an experience that will leave you with a thirst for more day and night time fun. So to the question, where do you begin your journey through the city to see what it has to offer? Well, we have created this post to help you find fun activities that you can do in London.  From cruises on the River Thames to drinking wine at some of the coolest bars, the city will leave you charmed.

Plonk Crazy Golfing

Plonk Golf offers a completely different experience when it comes to mini-golf. If you are looking for the perfect fun activity to do in London in the day or night time, Plonk Golf venue is where you should be. There are more than eight venues located across London from Camden to Hoxton, designed to bring out the fun in you as well as keeping you busy taking on the 9 holes. The venues are suitable for all age groups from kid to adult, and golfing skills of any level, whether professional or beginner. The best part is that there are outdoor and indoor venues, so if you like to have drinks you can visit Plonk BYOB venues in Camden Market and Shoreditch. For more information visit Plonkgolf.co.uk

Clay Shooting on the Thames

Whether you are a big spender or hanging out with some big shots in the corporate world, you might want to give clay shooting a go. Not only is it fun, but you will also be shooting from a traditional trading barge on the Thames, which offers a unique experience whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned shooter. This is a day time activity that begins with a journey along the River Thames while enjoying a view of some of the city’s monuments. You will be able to compete against friends to see who shoots the most clay.

The Great British Bake off

This is a fun activity for anyone who loves to bake or is a fan of the Great British Bake Off. It’s a great idea to partake in with your friends, and compete against them or other teams for the grand prize and the title of star baker. This is an engaging activity for day time fun.

Rooftop Film Club

Enjoy spectacular views from the rooftop, and enjoy great classics sitting in comfy deckchairs. What better way to enjoy the evening than with your partner? The Rooftop Film Club offers a unique experience – watching your favourite classics with the beautiful city as a backdrop and a panoramic view of the bustling city. There are four cinemas located in Shoreditch, Peckham, Kensington, and Stratford, so you are only a short ride from the nearest rooftop cinema.

Visit Soho

Soho is one of the most popular places to visit in London. Diverse, risqué and vibrant are just some of the words that come to mind when you hear Soho. There is plenty of entertainment, boutique shopping, and exquisite cocktails. If you are up for some adventure, you can check out one of Soho’s burlesque clubs. Jazz clubs, comedy shows and cabaret performances can all be found with this part of the city.