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Sometimes Life Makes Us Feel Lost, Alone And Confused But That’s Okay. It’s All A Part of The Journey

Sometimes life makes you doubt everything. Everything is well and you feel fine and then you suddenly fall off the track and lose balance. The next thing you know, you are in complete darkness.  You don’t feel sure about anything anymore. You start to doubt every person around you, every relationship in your life and every situation that you experience. Nothing feels the same anymore.

Sometimes it makes you feel like the loneliest person in the world. It forces you to convince yourself that no one truly cares for you. It puts you into a bad place. A place where self-doubt and self-hate flourish. You stop believing in what others say. You stop believing in yourself. You isolate yourself from the whole world and you soak in your own misery. The world has made you feel like you are not enough.

Sometimes it makes feel overwhelmed for nothing. You feel like crying and staying in bed. You cannot imagine yourself allowing the sun to kiss your skin because it would probably burn you. The only thing you need is your own comfort and your own embrace. But it doesn’t feel comforting enough, because your emotions are much more intense than ever.

Sometimes it makes you give up on everything and leave for good. Something shifts in your mind and you no longer feel okay with what you have. People are jealous of you for having it all, but only you know how ‘having it all’ feels inside your heart. You don’t have it al. You are far from having it all. That is why you feel like giving up and getting lost.

Sometimes it makes you question your mission, your journey here on Earth. There are days when you are confident about where you are headed, and then there are days when you feel completely lost. You start to doubt your actions, question your purpose here on earth, fear for your life, worry that you don’t have time and you completely lose your mind. You don’t think that you have what it takes to make it. Your insecurities inside of you whisper make you feel like one big loser.

Sometimes it forces you to focus your mind on dark thoughts. Sometimes life sabotages you. Your mind starts to make up certain scenarios that make your skin crawl. You feel like you lost control. You start to push people away. And you lock yourself inside your comfort box. Only now it is not as warm as it used to be. It is dark and cold.

Sometimes life does this to you and more. Sometimes it punishes you and sometimes it awards you. But each time, it teaches you a valuable lesson.

Because all of those ups and downs, failures and successes, are a part of the journey. Sometimes you lose hope that there is an end to all of this, but luckily life is always here to remind that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even though you cannot see it right now. Even though you don’t want to see it right now.

Be With A Man Who Is Not Afraid To Pursue You Long After They’ve Got You

I know… People meet people. They fall in love. They bend over backward to show their partners how much they love them. And then after a while, they find their comfort zone, they fall into a nice, little routine. All of a sudden, everything becomes a habit and life gets pretty much dull. But it is what it is, right? Everyone goes through the same experiences…

Well, hell no!

I refuse to follow that path in life. You should do the same!

Pursuing a woman is not something that happens when you are at the beginning of your relationship. Seducing her by pretending to be everything but yourself is not a smart move. Doing your best to get the girl and then turning into a lazy, inconsiderate and indifferent partner is unacceptable.

A man, a real man who is serious about the woman he loves, doesn’t stop pursuing her. He keeps proving his love to her long after he’s got her. He keeps fighting for her even after a long time. He keeps showing her how special she is even though she is convinced that his love for her is real. A man who truly loves a woman knows the importance of pursuing her.

He gets excited every time he thinks of her and sees her pretty smile.

He thinks about her because his only wish is to make the woman of his life the happiest woman alive.

He spends a lot of time planning the details of his romantic dates.

He is not afraid to show his woman how big his love for her is and how much she means to him.

He is endlessly fascinated with his woman and he is proud to be a part of his life.

He is certain that wants to spend his life with her by his side and he lets her know that his intentions are serious.

He is aware that he is the luckiest person alive with her beside him.

He never lets her question his thoughts or feelings. His heart is an open book to her.

He never stops proving his love for her.

He loves her the way she deserves to be loved.

He makes her feel chosen every day all over again.

He remembers every little thing that makes your heart flourish, eyes glisten and heart beat faster.

He cares for her because she is the only love of his life.

A man who truly loves the woman in his life will do all of this and more. He will never ever forget the importance of pursuing. Most importantly, he will never take you for granted. This man will unconditionally adore you.

It’s Time To Make Kindergarten An Engaging Place For Learning Again

It’s a fact – kindergartens have changed. Nowadays, not only in the US but all over the world as well, children that attend kindergartens study more and play less than they did two centuries ago. More academics and less play – this is what kindergarten has turned into and it’s definitely not going to do kindergarteners any good.

According to Christopher Brown, Ph.D., professor of Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin, explains that the constant pressure on kindergarteners to learn to spell, read, and do math through routinized activities can have a negative influence on their learning both in elementary school and high school.

So, the question is: What measures can we take to make kindergarten engaging for children again?

For a couple of years, Christopher Brown and his research team have been carrying out interviews with kindergarteners, their families, school administrators, teachers, policy analysts, policymakers, university educators, lobbyists, and researchers. They’ve done their research in Texas, Washington D.C., and West Virginia and their intention was to identify what these stakeholders think that should happen in kindergarten classrooms.

What they found was that almost every person they interviewed is concerned about the changes in kindergarten. One principal in Texas told them: “We’re killing their joy for school in kindergarten. We have to ask ourselves, ‘What are we setting children up for later?’”

In order to make kindergarten an engaging place for learning again, these stakeholders put forward a variety of suggestions, including: more play, less testing, more interaction with and among the kindergarteners so that teachers can encourage children’s creativity, interest and inquiry, and sense of wonder, and ensuring that kindergarten don’t be as first grade.

The stakeholders said that they want school administrators and policymakers to implement reforms which provide more time during the day for emotional and social learning and for the kindergarteners to have more opportunities to communicate and play with each other.

They also want to better teacher training in order for teachers to have the professional knowledge to help kindergarteners gain learning experiences which support their physical, emotional, cognitive, and social learning while boosting their academic success.

In relation to state and national policy change, the stakeholders want new program and content standards to be established and implemented across the whole K-12 education system.

So, based on this study, it turns out that it’d be beneficial for everyone if all of us stop thinking that being ready to achieve both kindergarten and school success means that kids must gain knowledge and specific academic skills.

Instead, we all should think about how teachers, schools, and families can work together with kindergarteners and students so as to create an engaging learning environment which helps children grow into as well as perceive themselves as competent learners.

For How Many Hours Your Child Should Sleep

Sleep is an important factor for your child’s growth. If your child is not sleeping for the right amount of time then it will not facilitate the growth which your baby is entitled to. Therefore, you have to see whether your child is sleeping in a proper way or not. Many parents complain that their child is facing the problem of lack of sleep which is creating health issues. However, what you need to know is, you have to figure out how many hours of sleep is enough for your child.

Generally, the amount of sleep your kids require depends on essential factors, including age. Below is the recommended hours according to your kid’s age:

  • Babies (aged 0 to 11 months old) – 12 to 16 hours
  • Toddlers (aged 1 to 2 years old) – 11 to 14 hours
  • Preschool (aged 3 to 5 years old) – 10 to 13 hours
  • School-age (aged 6 to 12 years old) – 9 to 11 hours
  • Teenagers (aged 13 to 17 years old) – 8 to 10 hours

Knowing the standard sleep requirements can be essential to ensure kids’ physical and mental health. If they don’t get enough sleep, they become tired throughout the day and have trouble concentrating. Hence, you must figure out the cause of sleep deprivation and how to address it effectively.  

Also, it’s important to know that there are certain things that can help facilitate the sleeping of your child. You have to understand everything that revolves around your child’s sleeping and then take any step regarding his sleeping. So, let’s see those things which will help you to make your child’s sleep proper.

The Bed Size Matters

If you know that the bed size matters for proper sleeping of the adults, you should also know that it is the same for the children as well. If your child sleeps in a separate room, you have to take a look at which bed he or she is sleeping in. The possibility of the bed being bigger or smaller than what it should be is immense.

If that is the case then it is absolutely certain that the bed needs to be changed. You cannot let your child sleep in such a bed because it is the reason why your child is facing the problem of sleep. What you can do instead is understand the bed sizes in meters properly. If you understand the proper size of the bed your child needs, you should buy such a bed for your child. As it is a matter of your child’s growth, you have to consider changing the bed.

Provide A Well-Balanced Diet  

Diet can also play a crucial role in your child’s sleeping patterns. For instance, eating sugary or starchy foods can cause blood sugar spikes, adversely affecting your kid’s sleeping behavior.  

Because of this, it’s essential to feed your little one a well-balanced diet. For example, if you have a baby, provide them with foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and other organic ingredients. This can help minimize the risk of blood sugar spikes and avoid sleep interruptions.  

However, if you want to know more about why babies refuse to sleep and how to help them get the rest they need, you may check some reputable websites like Serenity Kids to get valuable information.

Period of Sleeping

When you have the right bed for your child and your child is still struggling because of the lack of sleep, it is time to consider the period of time for your child’s sleep. Now, this is an imperative aspect. There is a huge confusion out there among the experts as far as the proper sleeping time is concerned. Some advocate sleeping 7 to 8 hours, some thinks 9 to 10 and some even believe over 11 hours is the right period of sleep for your baby.

So, how can you determine the exact time period for your child’s sleep? Well, you will find some websites where you can get a sleep calculator for kids. Visit those websites, fill the details, and you will find the exact sleep cycles that your child needs to complete. In this way, you will be able to understand how many hours your child should sleep.

Choose the Right Pillow

Apart from the two things mentioned above, another thing that plays a key role in making your child’s sleep proper is the pillow for bed. Now, some parents buy very soft pillows for their child. It might look nice and comfortable but when your child uses it during his or her sleep, it can cause neck problems. Also, going for hard pillows may not work because it can also cause the same problem. Therefore, you should go for moderately soft pillows which will help your child to sleep in a sound manner.

Final Thoughts

You have to do everything you can to ensure that your child is having a good night’s sleep which will make him or her energized to continue the exploration the next day. So, follow these things and you will know for how many hours your child should sleep and your child will be able to sleep in a better way.

How to Improve Your Family Living Style with Home Accessories

Everyone wants to improve their lifestyle. However, that improvement starts with your family and if you go deeper, you will understand that improvement will actually begin from your home. Now, what you have to understand is, in order to change the living style of your family, the first and the foremost thing that you need is the right home accessories. If you don’t have the right accessories at home, then you will not have the kind of comfort you want. You have to understand that changing the living style does not only mean the change in the appearance of your home, but it also means the change in the comfort level of your house which could get enhanced due to the inclusion of some of the home accessories. Let’s see how you can improve your family living style with home accessories.

Get the Right Matters

There can be no denying that the bed in which you sleep is the most comfortable place in the house. It must be because, in the bed, you could spend the most peaceful time in the entire day. But, what is it that really makes your time in the bed so comfortable? It is the mattress in which you sleep. The mattress is a key part for your sleep and you have to make sure to sleep in a more comfortable way, you have to get a better mattress for your sleep. Now, the one mattress that can really take your comfort level in bed to the very next level is the natural latex mattress. These kinds of mattresses are really beneficial for making one’s bedtime comfortable. Also natural latex mattress cost is reasonable, so, make sure you are bringing these mattresses in your house.

Use Shag Rugs

In your quest for improving your family’s living style, you will be looking for things which are not only comfortable but also aesthetically pleasing. Now, getting such things can be easy if you know what you need. You have to think about the appearance of the living room because that is where your guests will come and sit. So, how can you improve the aesthetics and the comfort of the place in one go? Well, for that, you have to make use of the modern shag rug. You can check modern shag rug online for getting the best deal. Rugs are one such thing that enhances the appearance of the entire place and also give comfort. So, you can have them on your floor which will surely reflect their presence with grandeur.

Buy a Comfortable Sofa

A sofa is that furniture when you sit and relax in your house. Therefore, the sofa can be referred to as a thing which is very important for your living. So, when you are looking to improve the living style of your family, it is quite obvious that you will have to look at your sofa as well. Buying a new sofa is definitely worth it if it brings more comfort for you. Therefore, you can buy a new bundle living sofa which will surely help you to get the comfort you desire. Your sofa has to be aesthetically magnificent and superior in comfort. You can rest assured bundle living sofas will give you exactly that.

Final Thoughts

Improving the living style of your family is very easy if you have the right accessories. More people get confused as to what they need when it comes to home improvement for a better living style. You should remember that even some baby steps can take you a long way. So, bring these accessories in your house and see the impact they make in your living style. 

Chiropractic Care is Helping Numerous Athletes Perfect Their Form

Most of us have heard about chiropractic care. We know that this is something that can help with a number of conditions, ailments, and more. Chiropractors аrе highly trained professionals, аnd they hаvе a track record оf returning thе health оf their patients through therapy. Sоmе оf thе benefits provided bу chiropractic care include a reduction іn muscle spasms, higher flexibility, improvement іn training level fоr reduced soreness аnd pain, better circulation аnd prevention оf injuries.

With the use of this type of care, not only do normal individuals get the care that is needed, but athletes are finding that it is helping them, as well. You shouldn’t have to worry about a thing when the time comes because you can learn even more about the athletic benefits that come from chiropractic care.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes

There are a number of benefits that you can get when you are an athlete that is using chiropractic care to your benefit. This type of care is important because you want your body to work the best that it can. Sporting activities play аn important раrt іn thе society today. Hоwеvеr, аѕ people аrе increasingly involved іn these activities, thе number оf sports-related injuries аlѕо increases. Accidents, poor training practices аnd inappropriate gear аrе ѕоmе оf thе causes. Sоmе people gеt hurt аnd injured bесаuѕе they аrе nоt іn shape оr they were nоt able tо warm uр оr stretch еnоugh.

Thе mоѕt common sports injuries аrе: sprains аnd strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, Achilles tendon injuries, pain аlоng thе shin bone, fractures, аnd dislocations. When a person gets hurt, he/she ѕhоuld stop playing. Continuing tо play оr exercise whіlе injured саn саuѕе mоrе harm. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression аnd Elevation) method іѕ used аѕ аn initial treatment tо relieve pain, reduce swelling, аnd speed uр healing. The only way to do this is through the use of the right professional that provides this care. 

Here are what you can expect from this care:

-Expect to have looser, more comfortable joints and limbs after having  chiropractic care provided. This is because you can ensure that you are loosening up these areas of the body that you would normally use a lot for the sport being played. 

-You can also expect to get the best possible range of motion. This is not something that you would just normally get. You have to make sure that you can move your limbs, run, throw balls, and so much more. 

-It reduces the injuries that might come about from playing the sport that you regularly play in. This is one of the biggest benefits and reasons why athletes choose to use this method of care. Reducing the number of injuries allows them to play better and for longer. 

-Chiropractic care can also help to improve their form and performance, which is another great benefit that comes from the use of this type of care. This is definitely something you want to think about, and something to consider if you want to benefit from the use of chiropractic care. 

-It is non-invasive and doesn’t use drugs in order to be able to help with different conditions and ailments that might happen. A lot of athletes try to stay away from types of treatment that require drugs because it can be a problem and the drugs can become addictive to the athlete.

– Chiropractic care is very helpful in reducing pain and increasing strength. This is a great thing to think about when you want to make sure that you can keep going, but also not have to deal with the pain that might come from overworking these muscles and parts of the body that athletes often find themselves using over and over again. 

-Chiropractic care provides more relaxation not only to athletes, but also to anyone that chooses to have this type of care provided. You can benefit from the use of the process that helps the body relax and gets you back at it with no pain and more strength, increasing performance and decreasing strain and injuries. 

Chiropractics іѕ a drug-free science, surgeries аrе nоt bеіng used tо correct ailments. Chiropractors uѕе adjustments tо return spinal segments tо their normal movement аnd bу using physical therapy tо help thе supportive tissues such аѕ muscles, tendons, аnd ligaments. Mаnу athletes hаvе bееn receiving benefit frоm chiropractic adjustments аѕ a раrt оf a comprehensive treatment plan.

It is estimated that 90% of all professional athletes use chiropractic care routinely. This not only helps them with all of the above benefits, but it provides the user with everything that they need and more from the sport and what comes along with it.

Chiropractic care goes bеуоnd treatment аnd medication аѕ wе know іt nоw. Conventional treatment mау nоt bе needed аt аll, іf you decide tо gо іn fоr chiropractic care. Chiropractors play nо lеѕѕ a role than doctors аnd new doors hаvе bееn opened tо patients dealing with chronic illness оr injury duе tо advances іn chiropractic care.

Always Work with a Professional

Of course, if you are not sure about chiropractic care and playing the sport that you are into, then make sure to always speak with a professional that is able to provide this care. This is important to think about because you want to ensure that you are getting all that you can get when the time comes. This might be the best thing that can help you loosen up, feel good, and more. Chiropractic care helps so many, and it can help you. It is affordable, beneficial, and provides the athlete with a way to reduce the chances of becoming injured, allowing them to keep playing.

When it comes down to choosing the best place to get chiropractic care from, then check out all that comes from Dr. Roy Nissim Chiropractic & Sports Medicine Center. This center welcomes one and all to come in and provide the care that is needed. Take the time to learn more, get more and feel good about choosing to use this office and professional to provide chiropractic care, so you can play sports better than ever.

Best Friends Build A Mini Town Just For Themselves To Grow Old Together

When you are young, you usually spend huge amounts of time with your best friends. You hang out together every day, you share both happy and sad experiences with each other, and you believe that nothing and no one will ever separate you.

But, the truth is that as you and your best friends grow old, you begin having different responsibilities and the time you spend with each other gets reduced. Sometimes you move from one city to another and even forget about your childhood friends.

Well, this is certainly not the case for everyone, as demonstrated by the people in this story that went the extra mile to maintain their friendship. They made a mini town just for themselves so that they can grow old together. Amazing, right?

These four couples have been best friends for 20 years. However, they couldn’t see each other very often, so they decided to pool their money and build their own tiny town near the Llano River just outside Austin, Texas.

The settlement, which they called the ‘Llano Exit Strategy,’ consists of 4 small cabins, facing the river Llano. The cabins were designed by architect Matt Garcia and each of them costs approximately $40,000.

The cabins have insulated windows, reflective walls, and slanted roofs with water barrels which can store up to 5,000 gallons of water.

Each of the four cabins measures roughly 350 square feet. And because they are smartly organized and have plenty of windows, they look quite spacious. 

When it comes to the exteriors of the cabins, they reflect sunlight so that the interiors remain cooler during summertime.

It’s important to note that each cabin is surrounded by amazing natural scenery and no cabin blocks another cabin’s view.

The interiors of the cabins are covered in plywood, which gives them a warm feel.

Additionally, the friends didn’t make a kitchen in each cabin. Instead, they built one spacious communal kitchen.

And last but not least, since these four couples have other friends, they included a tiny guest bedroom.

Indeed, this is a perfect place to grow old with your best friends!

Undoubtedly, what these friends did deserves to be called FRIENDSHIP GOALS.

But, what about you? How can you keep your best friends close to you for good? Following are some tips that can help you achieve that:

1. Always be compassionate towards your friends.

Make sure you’re there for your friends when they need you. Let them know they can always rely on you for your help and support.

2. Say “I’m sorry” when you know you’ve made a mistake and hurt your friends’ feelings.

We all make mistakes, but only the genuine people are not ashamed to admit their mistakes and apologize to the person they did wrong or hurt. If you want your friendships to last forever, you must be willing to apologize and forgive.

3. Always be yourself

Your best friends love you for who you are and not for who you pretend to be. That’s why you always need to show your true self when you’re around them.

No Shoes Rule In My House: Here’s Why I Always Ask Visitors To My Home To Remove Their Shoes

Here’s a simple question for you: What do $500 Gucci shoes and $20 trainers have in common? The answer: Both of them have the ability to bring an unsettling amount of bacteria and dirt into my house. That’s the reason why I always ask guests to remove their shoes before they enter my house.

The reason why I’m writing this article is not to convince you to do the same. After all, it is your house and you have the right to do whatever makes you happy.

The thing is that I’ve often been asked why I have a no shoes rule in my house. And trust me, I have some really good reasons for this and once you learn why I ask visitors to my house to take off their shoes, I’m sure you’re going to take the same route soon.

First things first, as someone who is trying hard to maintain cleanliness and hygiene at my home, I’ve declared shoes a chief obstacle which prevents me from keeping my home clean and tidy.

The bottoms of your shoes harbor more filthiness than you might even think. First of all, there is the obvious stuff: dirt, mud, leaves, grass, and all kinds of liquids from different unknown sources. Then there’s the stuff from the floor of your car, your office, or any café, restaurant, grocery store, or public restroom you go to before you show at my door.

Dr. Charles P. Gerba, microbiologist and professor at the University of Arizona, found considerable numbers of bacteria both inside and on the bottom of shoes. Some of the bacteria our shoes harbor include  Escherichia coli, which is known to cause intestinal and urinary tract infections and diarrheal disease, and Klebsiella pneumonia, which is known to cause wound and bloodstream infections and pneumonia.

Then, in another study, researchers collected 127 environmental samples from shoe bottoms, bathroom surfaces, house floor dusts, or other household surfaces from 30 houses. The samples showed that Clostridium difficile, a bacterium that causes diarrhea and colitis, is more commonly found on soles of shoes than toilet seats.

If you still can’t understand to what extent wearing shoes in your house can affect your health, just consider this scenario: If you have little children at home, then you already know that they spend most of their time playing on the floor with their fingers in their mouths. When you walk along that same floor with dirty shoes, then you can guess what huge amounts of filthiness you cause your kids to put into their mouths.

But, I want you to know that I’m aware that some individuals consider the shoes-off request rude. And I do understand that there are cases in which you can’t tell a guest to take off his or her shoes. For example, I would never tell someone using a wheelchair to take off their shoes or someone using a cane to wipe it down or leave it on the porch before they walk into my house.

And to be honest, I make one important exception. When I host a cocktail party, and as you know – shoes are an important part of the outfit at this kind of parties, I do allow guests to walk into the living room with their shoes on. But, don’t doubt that I clean thoroughly the floors throughout the entire house the next day.

Affordable Parking at Luton Airport

London Luton Airport is among the most rapidly growing airports in the United Kingdom with number of passengers elevating up to 18 million annually. The London Luton Airport is an international airport on the east of Luton located in the Bedfordshire county in England. According to statistics in 2018, Luton is the fifth busiest airport in the United Kingdom. It is among the top six international airports present in London.

The airport provides a platform for airlines such as Easyjet, Wizz air, TUI Airway and Ryanair. Many of the routes for the airport are present in Europe. Luton airport hosts a significant number of passengers and is an international city airport. Therefore, airport parking at Luton airport is quite vast.

Parking at Luton airport can be very challenging if you choose to park by your own. It is not recommended that you choose to park your car with no prior planning as it can be extremely hectic and even worse, it can negatively impact the time you would have for departure.

Airlines usually page passengers and announce relevant messages in the relevant airline terminal at Luton Airport. Many times, passenger paging is an appropriate procedure through which the message to the passenger at the airport is delivered as the paging is in the direct contact with the passengers in the terminals. 

Important tips to consider while driving to airport

You can reach Luton airport easily via driving. With the help of Parkos, you can easily compare reliable parking providers at the Luton airport parking and get your parking space booked accordingly. Parkos enables you to not only get the right parking space with the most reliable parking providers but also get them at highly affordable rates. With the help of Parkos, you can save a lot of time and money by planning before your departure time and get the job done through a reliable source.

Already full parking lots will not be displayed so your time is saved. Moreover, you can get your car parking spot which is accessible and near the airport. You can easily have access to your car when you return from your destination. Be sure to book for your spot at the best airport parking deals from Parkos at absolutely fair prices.

The providers for parking are not based on the Luton airport itself, but in vicinity to accessible locations near the Luton Airport. For instance, there is a space near the exit of M1. Parking at Luton airport is spread to several directions. The airport parking spaces are located at an approachable and convenient distance from the airport so there is no need to cover a huge distance to your terminal. Also, you can car parks through Parkos at highly affordable prices to save the money you would otherwise not be able to save if you choose to park on the spot and go unplanned on the day of your departure.

Many people think that getting services at cheap rates will not be beneficial for them as they do not guarantee good service. However, with the help of Parkos, you will not have to worry about getting a good parking lot with excellent surveillance service and other services, that too in an extremely cheap rate. The providers for the car parking will keep up with the quality standards to make sure to stay relevant. On some occasions, you can also get extra services.

For instance, some providers will be offering to wash your car while you are away on your trip. This way you have the option to select the parking package of your choice for an ultimate parking experience. The parking providers work with a long term strategy as they realize the importance of building up long and sustainable relationships with their client on delivering excellent quality services. This way you can have double the treat as you would be getting quality services in highly affordable prices using Parkos as the platform where you can compare the parking lots when you decide to travel through the Luton Airport.

Shuttle bus and valet parking

You can choose either shuttle parking or valet parking when deciding to park your car at the Luton Airport London. In the shuttle parking at Luton airport, you can drive your car to the parking provider at the airport and then reach the terminal through the shuttle bus service. The same procedure goes on the way back from your destination when a shuttle bus would be taking you to your parking lot from where you can drive your car back to home when you return from your trip. By booking the car spot in advance, the parking provider will be informed about your arrival time so you will not have to take any stress when you are planning to return.

Meet and greet or valet parking is another option for car parking where you can give the keys to the service provider and the provider would park your car in the booked space.

I Will Be Okay On My Own Even If Loving You Breaks My Heart To Pieces

It’s not that I don’t want to fall in love. It’s not that I am afraid of getting hurt.

I just want to find happiness on my own. I want to search for myself and find out what makes me smile in life. I want to find that kind of happiness that doesn’t fade away after just one heartbreak. I want to be my own source of happiness. I want my soul to be fulfilled on its own. I want my heart to flourish without having someone else water it.

I want to be self-sufficient in my happiness. I want to depend only on myself. I want to be my own spark maker. I want to see the world in rose-colored lenses even when I am on my own. I want to feel that tingly feeling in my stomach even if I am single. I want to be my own reason to wake up in the morning. I want to fall in love with myself and do everything in my power to make my journey worthwhile.

I want to have my life together. I want to have control over my feelings. I want to be enough. I don’t want to fall down on my knees and despair if someone decides to leave me. I don’t want my whole world to be built on the foundation of someone else’s. I want to be independently happy with who I am and what I do. I want to be my own brightest star.

It’s not that I don’t want to fall in love. Don’t get me wrong. The thing is… I no longer want to hurt myself loving someone else. I want to walk into love. But first I want to be love. I want to be full of everything that I crave for. I want to be full of joy, tranquility, peacefulness, and love. I want to feel enough. And I want to be complete.  I want to shine with this happiness that would never ever be destroyed by some other person.

Even If I fall in love with someone, I want to know that I will be fine on my own.

If I choose to be with you, if I decide to let you come into my life, I will love you right back. I will give you everything that I have to offer, and I will share my life with you. My happiness will be yours. Your joy will become mine. But if one day our paths cross, I want to know that I will be completely fine on my own. I want to be sure that my life won’t come crashing down.

Because together we can create a fire. We can lift each other up and support one another.

But I know that alone, I have the power to create fireworks.

And I won’t let anyone stop me!