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Electronic Cigarette – The Best Guide

Electronic Cigarette

What is an electronic cigarette?

The electronic cigarette is a type of device or device created to use batteries for smoking. Its structure and design make it similar to a cigar or tobacco cigarette, so it serves as an excellent substitute for these. The main substances contained in the liquid of e-cig are propylene glycol (generally around 70%) and/or vegetable glycerin (typically around 20%), nicotine in different doses (between 0 mg and 54 mg/ml), flavors and aromas.

How does electronic cigarette work?

To simplify it, the electronic cigarette uses one or two batteries and resistance to generate high temperatures and turn into vapor the substance of liquid consistency that you want to smoke, which almost always Propylene, however, you can use other liquids.

The use of an electronic cigarette is known as “vaping.” The user inhales from the mouthpiece of the device. This causes the vaporizer to heat the liquid inside the cartridge. The liquid contains nicotine and other chemicals, which then becomes the vapor that is inhaled.

What are the best Vaporizers to buy?

In the great world of Vaporizers, there is an excellent variety of vaping devices. From searching the highest quality, the most economical, to the most suitable for newbies, will depend on what you really need, however, we will help you a little mentioning some of the best electronic cigarettes on the market.

First, we will start with one of the vaporizers by kandypens with a great popularity for its great comfort and easy use, which makes it a great friend for beginners:  


It is considered as a big brother of the KandyPens Prism.  Due to the usage of a substantial amount of power, it is capable of producing fat clouds of vapor. Its thin design gives more flexibility to its users so that they can carry anywhere easily because it comfortably fits in your pocket.

Kandy Prism Plus Vaporizer uses two Atomizers.  Due to the usage of the dual quartz coil, you can produce lots of vapor from it even on the lowest temperature.  Both atomizers are fixed and leak-proof with a silicone plug that is put inside the coil at the base. Kandy Prism Plus Vaporizer cost is 127.99$ in the online markets.

Secondly, we have the Rubi Vaporizer by Kandypens, which is second to none.


This vaporizer allows you to vape almost every e-liquid you want due to its flexible and versatile features. Despite having a lot of features, it is super slim and discreet. Rubi Vaporizer is dynamic and lightweight so you can easily keep Rubi in your pocket like a normal pen (Ink pen) without letting people know about it.

Rubi Pod-based Open system allows you to refill the cartridges on the go easily. These pods are extremely easy to open and fill up. It’s totally up to you to fill up the pods with e-juice of your choice. This compact model stands out for being compatible with e-liquids and oils, and despite its small size, it is quite powerful. On the other hand, it only has 1 ml of capacity and a quite low charging capacity (about 6 hours), but fortunately, it recharges very fast!

When compared to other devices with the same feature, Rubi is totally a budget fit device. This vaporizer can be used with wax or e-juice. It costs around 50$. Yes, you read it right. It’s super cheap with all these splendid features and on top of that its battery comes with a lifetime warranty. Find out more on these vaporizer from Kandypens. Last but not least, the resistances of this cigarette allow that when vaping, do not feel a slightly burnt taste as it happens with several cigarettes, so it makes an incredible device.

You can choose the one that suits your tastes, plus they are mid-range, so you do not have to worry about their quality.

Electronic cigarette vs Traditional cigarette?

There are many important questions about the effects of electronic cigarettes on safety and health, as it is a relatively new technology, but a new study says that electronic cigarettes are less toxic than traditional cigarettes.

E-cigarette uses nicotine dose (optional) for quitting tobacco little by little. However, today, there are vape devices in the market without this substance, which is the one that produces addiction. In general terms, we can say that they have vegetable glycerin and propylene, materials that when heated release the nicotine or the flavoring of the device.

Tobacco cigarette affects many parts of the body. These effects are at the level of the respiratory system (lungs, throat, bronchi) and cardiovascular (the heart and the entire circulatory system). The combustion of toxic chemicals affects the bronchi and lungs. One of the most common diseases related to smoking is COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease); this can cause chronic bronchitis or emphysema, which is an affectation of the air pockets of the lungs called alveoli. Whereas, In the case of electronic cigarettes, when the person ‘vape’, there is no combustion, because of nothing ‘burns.’ Consequently, they do not produce smoke, but steam produced by the heating of the substances.

Another doubt that inevitably arises is the effects on third parties known as second-hand smoke. It has been scientifically proven that cigarette smoke affects not only the smoker but also the people around who perceive it, for this reason, it has been prohibited for consumption in closed places such as bars, restaurants, etc. It is not the same with electronic devices, steam is diluted quickly, is more discreet and there are no restrictions to evaporate. There are no sufficiently reliable studies-scientifically speaking-that prove their effects on third parties.


When you want to stop smoking, it’s never easy to choose the right method for your habits, behavior, or addiction. The best is to find the one that will allow you to stop calmly while limiting the risk of relapse.

Quitting smoking is a difficult challenge. If you want to quit smoking, you can make small changes in your lifestyle that will help you resist the temptation to light a cigarette.

Here are some techniques you can use to say goodbye to tobacco cigarettes.

Healthy exercise and diet

Doing exercises will help you not only to feel better but also to maintain your weight when you stop smoking. Doing exercises stimulates the production of dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin, the quartet of happiness, this will compensate the pleasure that the cigarette generated and will prevent you from falling into a depressive state.

On the other hand, the basal metabolism in the absence of nicotine becomes slower. That is, if you follow the same diet as before you quit smoking, your body will burn fewer calories. It is normal to feel more food cravings when you stop smoking because of the sense of taste and smell recover. However, it is important to keep in mind that your metabolism will be slower, so it is advisable to eat healthy snacks with low calories.

Nicotine substitute

Nicotine substitutes work very well if used properly. It can be chewing gums, patches to apply on the skin, nicotine to suck through an inhaler, oral spray or tablets to suck or melt under the tongue. They are readily available in pharmacies, without prescription.


In recent years, e-cigarettes have become an alternative to tobacco cigarettes. It is an electronic device generating a flavored vapor and may or may not contain nicotine (if it is the case, at a lower dose than the conventional cigarette). According to recent studies, electronic cigarettes are a 95% healthier option than traditional cigarettes, and you will not have to deal with withdrawal symptoms if you use e-liquids with nicotine.

Nicotine alone is not carcinogenic. The danger is that it produces an addiction to tobacco that has thousands of components that cause cancer. In the case of liquids for vaping, its components are suitable for human consumption, vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavorings. Vaping is pleasant and healthier than smoking, so every day; more people are encouraged to make the change. If you want to join the vaping community we have the best vaping start kits in our online store where we offer wide ranges of quality vaporizers and dab pens that have long-lasting batteries, so you don’t have to worry about charge again and again. Check out more here on dab pen battery by yocanvaporizer.com. 

Pull everything related to smoking and clean your home

Keep all your old ashtrays and lighters is a sign that you are not genuinely committed to the idea of quitting. Throwing them can be difficult, but eliminating these items will make you think less about smoking cigarettes and avoid falling into temptation.

When the date to quit comes, refresh your home. Wash your clothes, vacuum the furniture, and clean the carpets. The smell of tobacco smoke, though old, can trigger your cravings. Getting rid of the smell of cigarettes and a more pleasant environment will make it easier for you to stop smoking.

Make a list of why quit smoking

Keep reminding yourself why you decided to quit smoking and its benefits. Whatever your reason, to improve your health, avoid diseases such as cancer, for a saving issue, lifestyle change, for your family. Make a list of the reasons, keep it at hand, and read it when you feel tempted to light a cigarette. 

Plan your meals

Healthy diet and exercise routine will help you feel better and not gain weight, also help your body to repair faster the damage of the cigarette. You will improve your cardiovascular capacity, and you will increase your muscle mass, your heart rate will decrease when you are at rest, your skin will look better you will have more oxygen in the blood. Eat well and start moving. 

Celebrate your achievements

Quitting smoking, especially when the phrase “forever” is included in the sentence, can be psychologically very hard. Adopting the “one day at a time” philosophy can help you psychologically. Especially at the beginning, every hour is a challenge, so focus on the present, one day at a time.

Every day without smoking is a battle, celebrate your victories. Quitting smoking is one of the most challenging things you will do in your life, celebrate your strength, every cigarette you did not smoke, every day, every party you attended and resisted the temptation. Keep your motivation to the full. 

Drink a lot of water

The first symptoms of nicotine withdrawal appear between 12 and 24 hours after the last cigarette. The physical dependence on nicotine can last between 2 and 4 weeks.

Water accelerates detoxification, drinking lots of water will help relieve cough by allowing your lungs to dislodge mucus and cleanse your body in less time. Also, it will help you regulate your uncontrolled appetite.

Panic Attacks And Hyperventilation Attacks May Be Related To Vitamin B6 And Iron Deficiencies

Considering what a great number of people all over the world have panic and hyperventilation attacks, many researchers and scientists have dedicated themselves to trying to understand better these conditions, i.e. what causes them to occur.

One Japanese study offers an essential insight into the relation between mental health and nutritional deficiencies, showing that low serum concentrations of iron and vitamin B6 are related to panic and hyperventilation attacks.

In order to clarify the pathophysiology of panic and hyperventilation attacks, the research team analyzed the serum levels of iron and vitamins B2, B6, and B12 in 21 patients with hyperventilation episodes and panic attacks. After measuring each parameter in the patients, the researchers compared the measurements with data from 20 healthy volunteers.

What they found was that iron and vitamin B6 levels were considerably lower in the patients who were suffering from panic and hyperventilation attacks than in the volunteers.

The authors of the study also explained that both PA (panic attack) and HVA (hyperventilation attack) are clinically considered as psychiatric disorders caused by factors, such as stress, anxiety, or depression.

However, the exact cause which triggers a PA or HVA hasn’t been identified yet. But, from a neurobiological perspective, reduced serotonin level is known as one of the triggers of PA and HVA. Why is this important?

Serotonin, also known as the happy hormone, is synthesized from tryptophan. Both vitamin B6 and iron play an essential role in the synthesis. So, when there’s a reduction in iron and Vit B6 levels, this can suppress the progression of the synthesis of serotonin.

While the study showed that vitamin B6 and iron deficiencies are involved in PA and HVA, the authors of the study still acknowledged that “further studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms involved in such differences.”

Nonetheless, the study findings undeniably present an important step in understanding potential causes of panic and hyperventilation attacks.

Knowing the risks of performance-enhancing drugs

The use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) is not exclusive to the Olympic Games only. In fact, the PEDs have rooted their demand in other fields as well. Other professional sports such as bodybuilding, cricket, and basketball have also seen the rise of the use of testosterone and growth hormones. Moreover, in the past three decades, the use of these hormones has also brought forth a cadre among non-athletes.

The purpose of using performance-enhancing drugs mainly for athletes is to improve their physical performance and quickly recover from injuries. Drugs such as anabolic steroids, stimulants, growth hormones, and diuretics have short-term effects contributing to muscle massing, bodybuilding, speed, and weight management; however, they also bring a number of side effects with their consumption. Heart and blood pressure issues, liver problems, psychological instability, and physical deterioration are only a few to count. Before anyone feels lured to use PEDs, it is important for both athletes and non-athletes to take a steroids overview and know about the potential risks associated.

Risks of performance-enhancing drugs

Anabolic steroids

These steroids are medically prescribed to treat delayed puberty and impotence. However, synthetic anabolic steroids such as oxandrolone and methyltestosterone can bar the overall growth and building of a body, especially when consumed by adolescents and teenagers. In addition, they may also cause acne, liver damage, male pattern baldness, aggressiveness, abnormal sexual behavior, impotence in men, decrease in sperm count, irregular menstrual cycles, and facial hair growth.


Diuretics such as furosemide and spironolactone can reduce weight in a very short period. People also use them to conceal the use of other drugs. These drugs cause excess fluid in your body to flush that leads to your body feeling severely dehydrated. Dehydration results in various other dangerous side effects, including potassium deficiency, weariness and heart issues, muscle spasms, extremely low BP, and dizziness. When left unattended, these conditions can be fatal.

Cardiovascular effects

Abuse of oral and injectable anabolic steroid is related to a higher risk of hypertension, heart stroke, and heart attack. Growth hormones, for example, human chorionic gonadotropin and corticotrophin can develop diabetes, which likewise augments the danger of cardiovascular issues. Using diuretics can also lead to heart arrhythmias.

Emotional effects

One of the prominent side effects of using PEDs includes emotional effects. These drugs can make a person extremely aggressive and violent. They may also initiate the begging of mental issue such as depression. Users of steroids often have delusional beliefs, paranoid jealousy, unnecessary irritability and grouchiness, and biased judgment. Although painkillers and narcotics may be mentally animating, they can result in fanciful convictions about an athlete’s physical ability and strength that make him act in rash ways. Furthermore, while stimulants, for example, ephedrine and amphetamines can escalate readiness and lessen the feeling of weakness; they are likewise responsible for causing misguided thinking and increased threatening vibes.

Effects on the liver

Steroid abuse can greatly affect the liver and its functioning. A person may develop liver tumors leading to other health issues such as edema, jaundice, swelling in different body parts, etc. Anabolic steroid injections can also pass on hepatitis from one person to another when these injections are shared. If the use of these drugs is not stopped, then there is a high chance of liver failure.


Thank You For Breaking My Heart And Giving Up On me. I Am Stronger Because Of You

I never thought I’d see the day when I finally say THANK you.

I never thought that I’d be strong enough to survive the mess that you did in my life. Back then I was so deeply stuck in the never-ending misery that I thought that I would never ever find happiness again. I was convinced that this will always stay and haunt me. I was desperate, hurt and alone. I cursed the day I met you and I fell for you. I cried myself to sleep every night. I thought that I will be stuck in this loop forever.

But time passed. And I matured. The pain transformed me into a different person, and today I am thankful.

I am thankful for every struggle, every experience, and every heartbreak.

But more importantly, I am thankful to you. For everything.

Thank for you breaking my heart. Thank you for teaching me a lesson about being careful before I fall for someone. Thank you for letting me know that you are not capable of loving. Your indifference and your heartlessness made me the person I am today. Your selfishness helped me find myself and become stronger than ever.

Thank you for giving up on me. Thank you for teaching me that I am the only person that will ever take care of myself. Thank you for forcing me to understand that I can, and I will survive on my own. Thank you for teaching me how to make it on my own. Thank you for not loving me the way I deserved to be loved because that opened my eyes and reminded me how important self-love is.

Thank you for not giving a damn about my feelings. Thank you for being selfish. For letting me open up to you and give you my heart when you knew that you couldn’t love me the same way that I do. Thank you for that. Thank you for not worrying how bad you hurt me when you left. I struggled, but now I am a better person because of it. Today I value myself. And I know that I would never ever give myself to someone before I am truly certain.

Thank you for not fighting for me. Thank you for showing me that fighting for you was one big waste of time. Thank you for always putting yourself first before our relationship. Thank you for convincing me that I am not worthy of love. Thank you for letting me know that I am not enough for you. Because of that, I am now more than enough.

Thank you for lying to me. Thank you for showing me that lying, conniving, manipulative people exist, and they usually wear masks. Thank you for every time you tried to cover your lies. Thank you for making me stupid and naïve. Thank you for taking me for granted. All of this gave me the strength to rise up from the ashes and become who I am today. A stronger, bolder and much braver person. I no longer spend my nights mourning your loss.

Now, I am thankful.  Thankful for everything that I experienced with you. It gave me the wings I desperately needed. 

Stop Trying To Be Nice To Everyone And Just Be Yourself

Be nice. Be polite. Be respectful. Smile. Be careful not to offend others with your opinions.

In other words, keep it to yourself and make sure you don’t piss someone off with your attitude.

Ever since we were kids, our children always taught us that we should always be nice to others, no matter what. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been raised by people who always turned the other cheek. I guess that is a value that some of the old generations followed passionately.

But, back to my story. I was raised with the idea that being nice to everyone is something I must always do. So, I did. People were always people, but I was nice and respectful. I learned that I must be patient and tolerant of others. And so, I was. People were mean, inconsiderate and rude, and I, the nice one, always found a way to justify their actions. I learned to control my temper, stay calm and behave.

Until one day, every emotion, every feeling, every injustice that people brought to me, burst out of me…

I remember that day like it was yesterday. Every person in my life knew that I am a softy. In fact, they called me that way. Some of them even called me a coward, a sissy. But politeness could do nothing at that moment. That was the day when I finally realized that being nice has nothing to do with being kind.

So, I opened my mouth and started speaking my mind.

People were shocked by this new person, including my parents. They weren’t used to seeing me stand up for myself. But I couldn’t care less. From that moment on I decided that I will never ever shut my mouth or turn the other cheek. I promised myself that I will always speak my mind and tell the truth, no matter how offensive, brutal or strange it may sound.

And so should YOU!

Stop trying to be something you are not in order to get people to like you. You don’t have to be nice to everyone. In fact, you cannot be nice to everyone even if you wanted to. There are 7.53 billion people in the world. You cannot get everyone to like you. And you shouldn’t. Just be yourself. Your flawed, imperfect, unapologetic, sometimes rude, honest and bold self. You want to take a day off to yourself instead of going out with friends or use a coursework writing service instead of spending another sleepless night studying? Go ahead and do it.

Yes, people will dislike you for it; yes, they will hate your guts and yes, they will do everything they can do discourage you from staying true to yourself, but the ones that matter will always love you for exactly who you are. Being yourself after a long time of trying to be nice to everyone will help you realize how self-care and self-love actually is.

You will no longer prioritize other people’s needs. You will finally understand that having strong opinions and a tough attitude doesn’t make you an arrogant person. Quite the opposite, it makes you one of the rarest kinds of people in the world. A brave, independent and honest human being who sticks to their guns and follows their path in life.

So, stop trying to be something you are not. You don’t have to be nice to everyone. Just be who you are. I guarantee you; People will appreciate you for it.

You’re A Worthy, Beautiful Person With Anxiety And Depression

If you happen to think that your depression or anxiety will prevent you from forming close, deep, and fulfilling relationships, both romantic and otherwise, please, know that you are not alone. A lot of people worry that having anxiety or depression might make them unlovable, or even repulsive, to other people.

So, if you happen to worry that once a person finds out about your condition, they will leave you, let me tell you that this is not true. Why?

Because not everyone is looking for perfection in you. Not everyone is expecting and wanting you to be flawless. Instead, they’re looking for honesty. They’re looking for kindness, compassion, and empathy. Because these qualities are the basis of any healthy, fulfilling, lost-lasting relationship and genuine intimacy.

So, if you happen to be concerned that your depression or anxiety might limit your chances to make friendships, love, and be loved, please, get rid of these negative thoughts. Because your psychological condition doesn’t take your worth and beauty away.

Your psychological condition, your insecurities, and your fears don’t outweigh your qualities and strength. They don’t define who you are.

And if someone is refusing to accept you for who you are, if someone is refusing to accept and cherish you with your condition, then know that their choice doesn’t define you. If someone can’t understand and accept your struggles, that says more about who they’re than it says about you.

Still, this doesn’t change the fact that when someone is put off by your condition, it hurts. This type of rejection is strong enough to cause you to think negatively of yourself: “I’m not lovable;” “I’ll never be happy:” “I wasn’t meant to love and be loved;” “No one wants to hang out with me.”

Remember, these negative thoughts have nothing to do with the truth. Because you are lovable. You deserve to be happy. You were meant to experience love. You are a worthy and beautiful person just the way you are.

Last but not least, remember that there are people in your life who truly love and care about you. People who want to see you happy and fulfilled. People to whom you mean a lot and who would do anything to help you overcome your anxiety or depression.

Maybe you find it hard to believe, but your family and closest friends are now more willing to love you and be there for you than you even know.

So, why don’t you just let them do that?

Best Numerology App for Android & I phone | Tarot Life

Are you curious to know about your numerology number? Or are you looking for the best ways to find out about a numerology app? If you are suspicious or interrogative, then you must grab the essence of the importance of numbers in our daily lives.

Numbers may seem like nothing distinctive. They are just a part of mathematics or day to day calculations. This is where the majority of human beings lack in understanding the importance of these numbers.

These numbers have colossal powers of sniffing your future and drawing the blueprint of your whole life. Also, celestial beings use these numbers as a method of sending their signals to you. If you are wondering how it happens then keep reading to know it all.

Many of the apps are implementing prediction methods today to give a sneak peek in the future to the users. Numerology Apps is one such category of these prediction apps.

You might be familiar with future prediction methods that involve your natal birth chart, or the predictions based on your name, Palmistry, Vedic astrology, horoscope, etc. But, did you know that your future can be determined even with the help of these numbers?

Yes, numbers have a significant effect on your life events like your health, relationships, love, career, personality traits, etc. The best thing about dealing with numbers is that these are highly sorted. No complexities, only a fixed set of numbers you have to deal with!

A Numerology App can do it for you easily. But before going directly to the app, let us satisfy the hunger of the ones who doubt about the relevancy of numbers in future prediction.

How are Numbers Used for Predictions? 

Numbers utilize a piece of basic information that involves two entities of your life. One is your name, the other being your date of birth. All of the calculations that numerology implements are through these two parameters used in different combinations.

Some numbers may use only your date of birth, some may use only your name while some may pick data in combination from both your name and your date of birth.

Based on the data of your name and date of birth, certain calculations are done. The calculations are not random instead they exercise a fixed algorithm which is easy to follow. As a conclusion, it is just a matter of belief. The intention and trust matters.

What are the Major Numerology Numbers?

Major numerology numbers are as follows

  1. Life Path Number
  2. Destiny Number or Expression Number
  3. Maturity Number
  4. Personality Number

Numerology readers and numerology apps implement two types of numbers broadly. One is Cardinal Numbers and the other is Master Numbers. All of the numbers that Numerology predicts use these two numbers for future foretelling.

Cardinal Numbers are the ones that range from 1 to 9 while Master Numbers are only 11 and 22. Master Numbers are not further reduced to a single digit while Cardinal Numbers are extracted by reducing the numbers to a single digit.

How to Calculate the Life Path Number?

This number uses just your date of birth. It is the easiest one to be calculated. Just add all the digits of your birth date and reduce the final digit to a single number except for the Master Numbers.

Significance of the Life Path Number – It tells about major opportunities, achievements, and challenges faced by an individual in his/her life. If you are struggling with achieving happiness and fulfillment then this is the number you should seek for.

How to Calculate the Destiny Number?

Every alphabet corresponds to a numerical value, and calculation of this number is done with the help of numerical value of your name. You can refer to the data provided below for the same.

Root number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Alpha bets A, J, S B, K,T C, L,U D, M, V E, N,W F, O, X G, P, Y H, Q, Z I, R

Significance of the Destiny Number– This number is the one that unveils your hidden talents. It might make you aware of the talents you inherited but were unknown of the same.

How to Calculate the Maturity Number?

It is the addition of Life Path Number and Destiny Number! Just sum up the two and you will get your Maturity Number.

Significance of the Maturity Number– Just as its name suggests, it is the one that indicates about your maturity. It is basically the age at which your thoughts of early age starts manifesting. This is the time when your deliberations visibly shape up.

How to Calculate the Personality Number?

Now that you have used the vowels of your name in the calculation, this number uses only the consonants in your name.

Significance of the Personality Number- this number reveals the personality of an individual. It mirrors how others think of you when they meet you for the first time and vice versa.

NOTE- In all of the calculations above, do not reduce ster Numbers to a

single digit value.

Why Numerology App?

We have embraced digitization like anything. Even the food that we eat comes with food delivery apps. So why not handle these complex calculations through a Numerology App?

The computerization has reduced the probability of occurrence of errors and manual work. Everything around us is fast-paced including our routine. Practically, who would want to sit with a pen and paper to do all the calculations? We guess no one.

A numerology app is capable of doing all such calculations very quickly. You can expect personalization from these numerical apps. There is no limitation on the number of times you want to know about your compelling  numbers. Plus it is available right on your fingertips.

Which is the Best Numerology App for iPhone and Android?

There are umpteen apps on both the Google Play Store and the App Store. But not all of these apps are trustworthy and reliable. The vulnerability attached to these digital entities is out of the perimeter of general users.

With the intent to offer the best to all, we have placed under our scanner the numerology app for iPhone and Android that has been exceptional interms of its accuracy and precision.

This fantastic app is ‘Tarot Life’. It does all of the numerical computations effortlessly and in a jiffy! So even if you are in a hurry and want to know about your lucky number, you can get it in just a few seconds.

It is interesting and a fun element sometimes to know about your characteristics. You can even cross check your personality traits within yourself, and definitely, you will be amazed to know how this app knows  this much about your personality. Give this app a shot and see it with your own eyes!

This numerology app calculates your vital numbers by utilizing the information about your date of birth and your name. Since apps now tend to offer multiple attractive features to the users, you can also get equipped with another interesting method of foretelling which this app has.

Tarot prediction is what the app offers along with numerical predictions. So if you want to know about your forthcoming day you can try Daily Tarot. If specifically, you want to know about your Love, Career, and Finance, you can go for these respective readings in the Tarot section.

This ‘numerology and tarot app- Tarot Life’ has especially been developed to cater to the needs of people who find it difficult to share their problems with others. And for the ones who are very much occupied in this modern cobweb of a hectic routine.

There also exists an option of chat support and you can ask your question to an expert clairvoyant. The expert will get to you as soon as possible with the best answer choices for your question.

Now that you know everything about this language of numbers, you can efficiently mould your future with this numerology app for your iPhone and Android. So what are you waiting for? The only thing standing between you and your great future is YOU!! Yes, download the app NOW!




Every Person That Comes Into Our Life Is There For A Reason: Some Are A Blessing, Others Are A Lesson

Every single human being that enters our lives is here on a mission. Some of you who have been through many painful experiences and traumas in life may not believe this, but it is the truth. If you find it hard to understand this, just stop for a second and look back at your life.

Everything is connected, right? What you have now wouldn’t be here in the first place if none of those people came into your life or none of those situations happened to you. What you are today is a result of everything that you’ve been through.

And even though it is hard to accept the fact that some of the people who did you wrong and hurt you in the worst possible ways were all an essential part of your journey, that is the truth. We don’t meet people by accident. Everyone who crosses our path has a purpose for being right here and right now.

Here are 5 cosmic reasons why people come into our lives:

1. hey are sent to unconditionally love us. Some people enter our lives and just like that they fall madly in love with us. They see past our flaws; they accept our imperfections and they adore us just the way we are. Sometimes they stay forever, sometimes they are here for a very short period of our lives and sometimes they stay just enough time to help us learn our lessons. Regardless of how long they are here, their love is pure and unconditional.

2. hey are sent to help us grow. Some come into our lives and help us reach our goals. They stay long enough to make sure we are strong enough to keep following our journey. They motivate us to never give up, no matter how hard it is. They remind us to always be authentic no matter how much others might find that strange. Most importantly they give us the strength to start working on ourselves.

3. hey are sent to awaken us and change us. Some of the people we meet while we are here are sent to give us that necessary nudge in life when we are too busy enjoying our comfort zones. There are times in life when we fall into an autopilot mode. We are unhappy, but we are too afraid to make a change because it might cost us our lives. At that time, the universe sends us people who help us make that initial move and change our life for the better.

4. hey are sent to remind us of certain things in life. Sometimes certain people are there for us only to remind us of things that we’ve somehow forgotten. They come into our lives and make sure to remind us why we’ve chosen that path in life and what our dreams always were. These people are like our guardian angels. Always watching our steps, always holding our hands.

5. hey are sent to stay by our side forever. Lastly, some of the people we meet are sent to stay with us until eternity. These souls come into our lives when we least expect them and completely change our life. They have a big impact on us and our journey. Whether it’s a best friend, a partner, a colleague, a certain family member, the minute they enter our world, we can feel it in our heart that they have always been destined to find us and become a crucial part of our life. And so, they stay. They stay to love us, inspire us, teach us and guide us.

There Is A Reason Why Fate Make Us Fall For Certain People And Then Takes Them Away From Us

Some say that there is no explanation why some people make you feel a certain way and some people don’t. Some cannot find the words to explain why they immediately feel attracted to a person they’ve never met or why they instantly click with people whom they’ve never even talk to.

I refuse to believe that life is so random. It just doesn’t feel that way. I believe that all of these strange encounters and weird experiences in life happen for a reason. I genuinely think that everything that happens to us, no matter how good, bad or terrible, happens for a certain reason.

Each and every person that steps into our lives and becomes a part of our world has a certain mission that needs to be accomplished. Even the ones whom we love but we have to let go forever. Even the ones who we think we couldn’t live without. All of these people leave a mark on us and are there for a reason. Regardless of the fact that their time spent with us may be short.

The problem is, sometimes we think that these short-term relationships are meant to last a lifetime. And so, we give our best efforts to turn these temporary people into our forever partners. But we fail desperately. Because their role is not to stay by our side forever. Their role is to teach us the lessons we must understand and leave us.

To help us accept certain things that we’ve struggled accepting and then when their job is done, to help us accept the fact that we have to let them go forever. No matter how much it hurts. What some of us don’t understand is that one of their biggest purpose for coming into our lives and then leaving for good is teaching us how to let go…

So, we get frustrated. We try to find the reason why the universe must take away something so beautiful from us. We question ourselves where we went wrong with our actions. We get mad at the whole world and blame ourselves for letting someone so special slip through our fingers.

But it is all for nothing. Because that was meant to happen. And we don’t have the power to change what’s been already predestined.

Fate has brought us closer to someone because at that moment we needed that special someone in our lives. We needed to be with them, learn from them and then… let them go.

So, don’t despair. Don’t waste your tears. Don’t give up on life.

When the day comes for you to meet the right person, when your forever person finally finds their way to you, you will know. You will feel it in your heart and a voice inside of you will tell you… That’s the one. That person is here to stay forever.