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Three Kinds Of Relationships That Strong And Successful People Are Attracted To

Relationships are never a smooth journey. And they are not an easy journey for strong, successful people either.

If you know someone who fits the above-mentioned description, you probably think that their life runs smoothly. But, this isn’t always the case.

I’ve seen independent, confident, tough, successful people get into relationships that are messy, stressful, and toxic. And I’ve often wondered why this is so. I mean, shouldn’t these people be wise enough to know better?

There’s probably a myriad of reasons as to why strong and successful people tend to attract difficult, draining relationships, but it seems that such people feel so comfortable in their own skin and they’re so good at handling their personal problems as well as the emotional baggage they’re carrying around from the past that it often takes a relationship to force them out of their comfort zone.

One more possible reason as to why tough, successful people tend to attract unhealthy, troubled relationships is that such people want to embark on additional journeys of self-discovery and self-improvement.

They want to gain a more profound insight into themselves and their purpose so that they can identify and overcome their insecurities and fears and continue to grow, both at a personal and professional level.

So, if you’re struggling in your love life and if you’re wondering why this is so when you appear to have everything else running smoothly in your life, this could be a sign that you fit into the category of confident, tough, and successful people.

Here are the three kinds of relationships that strong people are attracted to:

1. Healing relationships.

A lot of tough, confident, spiritually awakened people tend to be healers as well. They possess the strength to handle the pain and problems of people who need emotional support and attention. Therefore, they often attract individuals who need healing.

The healing in this kind of relationship usually benefits both partners. However, the tougher person has to be extremely careful not to get trapped in a one-sided relationship in which he/she is going to be the only one doing the healing.

And if they start feeling exhausted from all the healing they do, this may be a sign that they need to stop investing all of their time and energy in healing their partner for a while and take better care of themselves instead.

2. Soulmate relationships.

Soulmates are people who enter your life to challenge you intellectually and inspire you to work on and change yourself in order to grow. Working on a soulmate relationship requires a lot of energy and hard work. It’s stressful, draining, and rewarding all at the same time.

It is exactly in this kind of relationship that strong, successful people discover their true selves. Because when they’re romantically involved with someone, their weaknesses and imperfection are highlighted.

A soulmate relationship does not necessarily last forever, but in regard to growth, the effects of the relationship surely do.

3. Karmic relationships.

Karmic relationships are probably the most intense and challenging relationships that strong and successful people tend to attract since they overflow with karma from their past.

In this type of relationship, both partners help each other heal old wounds,  purify their souls, and get rid of the shackles of their past.

What Tough And Successful People Can Do In Difficult Relationships

1. Every challenge we’re faced with in our relationships is only a small part of the journey which is supposed to make us grow and become the best version of ourselves.

Therefore, embracing the difficult relationships and trying to enjoy every moment they spend with their partner as much as they can is the best thing strong people can do in order to discover their true selves and grow.

2. They need to remember that even the toughest, most confident, and most successful people have the right to be vulnerable and emotional.

3. They need to turn their challenging relationships into valuable lessons and learn from them. They need to let these experiences teach them how genuine, deep, and happy relationships work.

4. They need to understand that practicing self-care and self-love should always be their number one priority. Because only when they truly love themselves will they be able to love and take good care of their partner and nurture the relationship.

5. They need to always be themselves. Because if their partner is the right person for them, they’ll accept and cherish them exactly the way they are.

This Is Why Empaths Usually Fall For The ‘Wounded And Poor Narcissist’

People say opposites attract. Some don’t believe this.

Personally, I think that’s not far from the truth. Just look at narcissists and empaths. They are completely different worlds, yet for some reason, they are always attracted to each other. Together they are trouble, but somehow, they are always incredibly drawn to each other.

Being with an empath is heaven for the greedy, soul-sucking narcissist who enjoys being the center of attention. Empaths, on the other hand, are attracted to the narcissist’s need for care and love. They are open and loving people, so it is in their nature to take on other people’s pain. This is how they get involved with narcissists in the first place.

So, what usually starts as an innocent attempt to help a troubled and miserable soul ends up as a hellish experience that often leads to mental and emotional distress.

But the question still remains. If narcissists are the worst thing that could ever happen to empaths, why oh why are they so attracted to them?

As I already mentioned, empaths are loving and emotionally open people who exist to help other human beings. But they are not only compassionate. They have the extraordinary ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes and do everything in their power to help these poor beings overcome their pain. Empaths have hearts of gold. They believe that there is good in every human being.

And that is exactly what narcissists look for. Kind, loving and trusting people who would boost their egos like crazy and treat them like they are the most important people in the whole world. Narcissists know that empaths have a hard time accepting that someone could be that self-absorbed and they take advantage of that. And so, their games begin.

They usually start with seducing the poor empaths by pretending to be a victim that desperately needs their help and then when they finally trap them in their web of lies, they show them their true colors. They take everything empaths hold dear and day by day they suck the energy out of them. Until the empath completely loses a sense of self and falls into despair.

Having in mind that empaths are bad at setting those necessary boundaries in life, they are quite the easy catch for the greedy and manipulative narcissists. Once the empath is within the narcissist’s clutches, the chase is over. From this moment on, the game of lies and manipulations begins.

Which leads us to a conclusion that even though it is very easy for these completely contrasting sides to attract, it is unlikely for them to ever work out as a couple. If they can even be called a couple.

Empaths and narcissists could never ever find balance, no matter how much they try.

Their union is doomed from the very start.

So, ending a toxic and a manipulative relationship like this would not be considered a bad thing. In fact, it would be an absolutely positive step for both sides. In the end, it is important to remember that holding on to something that doesn’t help us grow, but pushes us down can have a big impact on our life and our mental health.

Hugs Speak Louder Than Words: Here Are 5 Different Types of Hugs And Their Meaning

Hugs may not be considered official therapies, but they are the most incredible healing methods. Trust me, I’ve struggled a lot. But luckily, I’ve also hugged a lot.

The thing is, not every hug feels the same. There’s something special and indescribable in hugging someone you truly love. There are no words to explain those powerful emotions. You can only feel them.

So, when the hug is great, or in other words when the hug is shared with the right person, it may feel a lot different than the hug with someone else. There are many types of hugs and each has a different meaning. If you are a big huger, you’ll probably recognize some of them. But if you are not, here are 5 different types of hugs and their meaning:

A hello hug is a gentle squeeze which is sometimes accompanied with a brief kiss on the cheek. However, it is usually so quick that it is not really considered an embrace. A hello hug is something you do with almost every person you meet, so it’s not really a moment of affection. Even if you like this person, the desire to hug them will probably depend on how much you enjoy physical touch.

A friendly hug.

Now, this is different. It is a hug that goes on much longer than the one with a random person. And I am sure that you’ve all felt the magic of this embrace. A friendly hug has the power to fill your soul with happiness, joy, and comfort. A friendly hug is a reassurance that pure, genuine love does exist. Those who have felt it are the luckiest people alive.

An excited hug is a combination between a hello hug and a friendly hug. Because an excited hug usually occurs when we see someone that we’ve really missed. A person whom we respect and love very much even though they are not our best friend. This hug is one of the best things that can happen to you on a bad day. An excited hug has the power to brighten your day and lift up your spirits.

A comforting hug is offered when someone is upset or sad. This is a warm, loving and comforting embrace that says, “Don’t worry, I am here for you” and it is usually shared with a loved one. But sometimes, only sometimes this hug can also be received from a random person. And in those moments, there is nothing purer than that embrace. Being hugged by someone who doesn’t know you is proof that there is hope for humanity. 

A sexual/lover’s hug.

Last, but never the least, a sexual hug is a lover’s embrace. This is an intimate hug between two people who are in a romantic relationship. And this hug is the most intense and the most passionate embrace of them all. It is often the beginning of something even more sensual. But all in all, a sexual, lover’s hug is the most powerful way to connect to another human being. It is a moment that comes straight from the heart, a pure and genuine embrace that says, “I surrender both my soul and body to you because my love for you is unconditional”.

Hugging is an extraordinary and truly intimate experience. It is a connection that binds two people through their energies. An experience that makes two hearts beat like one. In order for us to hug another human being, we have to be open to receive their energy and share ours with them. We have to be open to acknowledge our emotions in that fragile and intimate moment and to connect with someone. We also have to pay attention to the message that the person wants to share with us.  

All in all, it’s safe to say that hugs speak louder than words.

You May Not Notice It, But Your Smartphone Is Affecting Your Life And Your Relationships

Technology has been given to us as a tool to improve our lives and stay connected with literally everyone whenever we feel like it. But the sad reality is this… Humanity has never ever felt more disconnected than now.

Take smartphones for example. Sit in a café and try to find at least 5 people that are not looking at their phones. Come on, I dare you. You can’t do it, can you?

That is because we are addicted to our phones as if they are the water and the air that we breathe. We think that posting that new photo of us or commenting on our friend’s new post will keep us connected to the people that we love, but we are mistaken. The more we spend our energy and time on technology, the more detached we are from the real world and the real relationships.

We are getting more and more disconnected by the day and the scariest part is… we fail to notice it!

What’s even more alarming is that science also proved it!

A new study has confirmed that if we remain plugged into our phones while we are spending time with someone, it is likely that our time spent together will be less fulfilling than it could have been if we were present.

Researchers explored the effects that technology and our smartphones have on us by conducting an experiment with the students from the University of Virginia. They took the students out for lunch with their friends. One-half of the participants were asked to put their phones on vibration but keep them on the table and the other half were asked to put their phone in a container. The results showed that the ones who had their phones taken away from them enjoyed their dinner more than the ones who had their phone on silent.

But they didn’t stop at that. The researchers also surveyed 120 university students five times a day for a week and they analyzed their face-to-face interactions. What they found was that students who didn’t use their phones so much felt less distracted, more engaged with their friends and actually enjoyed interacting with other people.

The truth is, smartphones can have a really powerful impact on your life and your relationship and in a negative way! Just think of how much alerts, buzzing sounds, calls, messages, and notifications you receive through the day. Now think of how many hours you usually spend reviewing all of them. Probably too many, right? Well, those cannot be returned. Ever.

So, here’s what. Why don’t you stop allowing your phone to distract you from your real life by putting it down and turning it off for a while? Sit down and ask yourself what you want to do with your life.

Do you want to spend all of your spare time scrolling t through your feed and liking/hating people’s posts? Or you want to focus on your real-life and pay attention to the people sitting right across from you?

Real-life is outside of social media. Real-life is among the people that you love. It is out there waiting for you. All you have to do is log off and enjoy the present moment.

Can you do that?

Family Planning: Why should you use contraception?

Family planning after pregnancy is a more important topic than it has ever been. There are many reasons why recent parents are concerned about learning different contraceptive methods. Raising a child is a lifelong commitment which requires solid planning and resources, so people are more cautious than ever about unexpected pregnancies. This is especially true for young couples who have recently had a baby.

Early infancy is a critical time when parents typically must allocate a significant portion of their physical, mental, and emotional resources to rearing their child effectively. During this time, many parents are especially alert towards reducing the chances of a new pregnancy. This is a very sensible approach since it will ultimately contribute to the well-being of the entire family.

Asides from the obvious financial constraints, there are other good reasons why even a stable young family may want to avoid unexpected pregnancies

Modern reasons to prevent unwanted pregnancies

Looking at the cost of modern living, the increasingly busy lives people lead, and the implications of properly raising and educating a child, most families now have to make a deliberate choice to have fewer children. Otherwise, they risk spreading themselves too thin. In many cases, the worst time to have an unexpected pregnancy is while raising a baby; this is why many young couples are so concerned about family planning after pregnancy.

Constraints of time and money are likely the biggest reason to prompt new parents to withhold from immediately having another baby. But even in families where time and money isn’t an obstacle, family planning after pregnancy still makes good sense, since it can actually reduce abortions and minimise infant mortality – as well as introducing some other unexpected benefits.

Improving contraception always means reducing abortions

The link between improved contraception and reduced abortions isn’t immediately clear for everyone (especially those from a conservative background), but it’s actually reasonably apparent. Most abortions are needed for unwanted pregnancies, and nearly all of these pregnancies could be avoided had there been a proper consideration and use of contraceptive methods.

Improving contraception invariably reduces abortions – even for established families who may fantasise about the idea of having a new baby, only to realise it’s not feasible only after unexpected conception has occurred. There are too many young couples who believe they don’t really need to worry about contraception….until they find themselves having to choose between an abortion or a baby they can’t possibly afford.

Better family planning as a way of reducing infant mortality

Even for families that can afford to have a new baby, better family planning still plays a vital role as a way to reduce infant mortality associated with unplanned pregnancies. Infant mortality was once a familiar drama that has been drastically curbed by modern science. However, achieving the best results involves closely monitoring the baby even before the moment of conception – usually starting by checking the health status of the parents and running genetic tests to anticipate possible obstacles.

When a couple wants to remain (as much as possible) in control of the pregnancy, planning is key. Effective planning starts long before having a baby, by making intelligent and deliberate use of contraceptives to ensure conception will only happen when the time is right. Effective contraception means a new pregnancy will be carried out in the best possible conditions, by reasonably planning and anticipating for potential medical issues before trying to conceive.

Benefits of contraception beyond conception

There are benefits of contraception that are actually unrelated to avoiding pregnancies or ensuring they only happen when the time is right. In fact, There are aspects of contraception that can improve the health of the couple – most notably by reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Additionally, contraception may in some cases help regulate the menstrual cycle (which will positively impact the well-being of a woman), as well as reducing occurrences of ovarian cysts, and even preventing anaemia. These are just some of the positive effects of birth control that could make it useful beyond the prevention of a new pregnancy.

Consuming Meal Replacements: How It Benefits The Individual

In a sensible society, we are in control of our time enough to prepare homemade healthy meals every day. There is no doubt that the best course of action is sitting down while eating these healthy meals, indulging every benefit it is giving to the body.

It is not surprising that in today’s time, meal replacement bars, shakes, and snacks are becoming popular over the past few decades. Even with our most excellent intentions to have a moment and sit down for a meal, it is most of the time merely impossible to do in this fast-paced globe. People are becoming busy with work and other essential matters. Thus, having a limited time to cook a healthy meal.

Frequently used today, meal replacements can substitute food meals while still enriched with the same nutrients and vitamins from the supposed healthy meals. These meal replacement foods can be in the form of a snack, shakes, bars, etc.

Meal replacement shakes seem to be available for a while now, helping through weight management as well as losing weight. These shakes are providing everyone with nutrients, as they also are much more convenient to consume.

According to an article by Healthline, meal replacement shakes contain 200-400 amount of calories and a good protein, essential vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Thus, they are shakes meant to offer a complete nutritious meal. Usually, these shakes are powder in the form which is designed to mix with other favorite liquids such as milk or water. Pre-mixed types that came in cans and bottles are also available for consumption.

Moreover, pre-made snacks such as juices and bars can also assist in keeping the body satisfied between meals. It helps maintain sugar levels in the blood, as well as can avoid overeating to keep the necessary weight needed by the body.

Beneficial Effects Of Meal Replacements

  • Advocates Weight Management 

While looking forward to losing extra pounds, it can be beneficial to incorporate a few weight loss substitute shakes in your daily routine.

Many studies indicate that trading off a meal per day to a meal replacement can cause energy deficit, helping to boost weight loss. Moreover, a study conducted the year 2004 showed that apart from traditional diets, meal replacements discovered to reduce excess weight better.

However, not all ingredients of meal replacement shakes are the same. Several are rich in protein, which is one of the most significant weight loss nutrients. Thus, high protein diets contribute to higher satiety, which can assist individuals to consume fewer calories all day long.

A research conducted in the year 2011 found that males with a high protein intake decreased the urge to eat during at night, and fewer food cravings than those who consume a smaller amount of protein.

Besides, people with high protein diets correlated with other advantages such as enhanced lean body mass decreased lower abdominal fat as well as body fat, and better weight maintenance. Thus, they lost more body fat and lowered their “bad” concentrations of LDL cholesterol.

Meal replacement shakes can also function as a useful instrument if you are hoping to gain weight.

For older adults, individuals with chronic health illnesses, or those with reduced appetite, taking meal replacement shakes and snacks between meals can be a simple and efficient way to boost caloric consumption. Thus, supporting weight gain without filling the body on junk food with high calories.

  • Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Overeating can occur with a broad spectrum of prospective side effects, particularly when it comes to blood sugar concentrations. One thing that can shoot up blood sugar levels is the consumption of meals that are high in carbohydrates. Thus, it can lead to symptoms of diabetes, such as fatigue, unintended weight loss, and frequent urination.

Consuming a liquid meal replacement such as shakes as part of a periodic diet resulted in essential changes in body weight.  Thus, it contributes significant effects on the insulin and blood sugar concentrations to individuals with type 2 diabetes. This study is according to the journal of Obesity Research.

  • Convenient And Ideal For On-The-Go Consumption 

The most significant barrier for many individuals to eat right is time. If people run short or low in energy, taking the time to prepare a tasty and nutritious meal could be the last thing to come up in your mind.               

If people are busy working through a 12-hour shift, or try to maintain up with the sports schedules of your children, you don’t have enough time to cook your meal. Thus, with just plenty of duties and responsibilities to take every day, it seems stressful to think about sitting at your counter and closely chopping vegetables.

Research indicates that this phenomenon can lead to fatigue in decision making, and can increase the chance of eating delicious but unhealthy foods. Most people become tempted to jump into a drive-thru, grab any junk food in the refrigerator, or order unhealthy foods for a fast meal on the go.

Thus, meal replacement shakes and bars are available and accessible in today’s time. These foods give solution to all mentioned problems above by providing a calorie-controlled meal replacement that can fit into a backpack or even a small purse.

Not only that, people can save time, but they can also enjoy the various delicious flavors it is offering.

Possessing a few suitable meal replacements shakes on hand can be a convenient approach to prevent unhealthy options. Thus, this can also prevent setbacks to keeping track of your health objectives.

Indeed, meal replacement shakes can genuinely provide benefits to individuals whether they aim to lose or gain weight while maintaining healthy wellbeing. Scientific claims promote the use of meal substitutions as an efficient and safe dietary means.

There are plenty of replacement foods, and beverages available to choose from, and these alternatives fill enormous space on the shelf of every gym, health stores, and even in the grocery stores.

However, it is essential to become aware of the nutrition label and the list of ingredients. The meal replacement meal should contain the proper nutrients needed by the body. Consuming these foods with caution is also a must since it is only advantageous to the body if taken with moderation.

4 Signs That There’s Too Much Drama In Your Relationship And It’s Time To Move On

They say if you have love, you have everything you need. And in most cases, that is true. But there are exceptions in life that prove that love isn’t always enough.

Yes, you love each other. You would do everything for each other. At least that’s what you think. But drama is an inevitable part of your life. Somehow, you always find something about each other that bothers you and for some reason, you are always up for a fight. Still, you always find a way to kiss and make up. And just like that, you feel relieved again. You reunite, you talk about it and everything seems perfect.

But then, the drama starts again. And it is like a bad déjà vu happening all over again.

You are on the same rollercoaster that you’ve been for years and you are sick of going through the same fights. You think that by now you’ve probably solved your issues, but reality shows you that you haven’t. You cannot help but ask yourself… “What am I still doing in this relationship?”

Here are 4 crucial signs that there’s too much drama in your relationship and it is probably time to move on:

1. Your relationship lacks passion. Passionate feelings are essential for a thriving relationship. They are not the only things that make a relationship last, but they drive many relationships. In the beginning, it’s easy. Passion and fireworks are the only things that we see. But once these feelings fade away, and we realize that they’ve been the only things that kept us going the whole time, it is hard to keep going down the same road.

2. Your partner avoids taking responsibility. They don’t behave like a mature person. Instead, they avoid taking responsibility for their actions and put the blame on you. You cannot understand each other and no matter how much you try to reach out to them; they seem like they are living in a completely different world from yours.

3. They don’t support your goals and ideas. This one is the biggest red flag if you ask me. If your partner isn’t your number one cheerleader, what are they? The most important thing that you can do in a relationship is to be there for the other person. To support them 100%, to encourage them to chase their dreams and to offer them a shoulder to cry on when they feel overwhelmed.

4. You no longer share the same values and interests. There is no doubt that attraction will keep you drawn to your partner, but love is not all about the physical connection. There’s more to it than just pure animal magnetism. You may share the same passion in bed, but if you no longer share the same values and interests in life, you have a big problem.

If you see most of these red flags on a daily basis, I am afraid that your relationship is not built to last a lifetime. Still, it is all up to you. Are you willing to do your best to save what you have, or you are tired of fighting for something that is not destined to be?

The truth is, there are relationships that are exceptions and have many positives. Those, in my opinion, are worth saving. But relationships that keep stagnating even after the partners have made every effort to save it, are a real waste of time.

If you are in one of those relationships and you decide that you want to end it, you have to know that is not going to be easy. That is why you have to make a plan that will help you go through the process of letting go much easier.

You can start by setting healthy boundaries and focusing on more productive activities. Spending more time with your friends will also help you clear your mind after your breakup and eventually move on. Painful as it might be to do so, it is probably time to start following your heart for once and live the life that you want to live.

If You Want A Happy Marriage You Have To Set Expectations That You’ll Be Able To Meet

Having expectations for marriage is exactly the same as having them for everything else. Setting them low won’t disappoint you, but it would also do nothing to strengthen your connection and maintain your relationship in the long run.

On the other hand, setting them high will probably result in a happy, successful marriage. But it would also leave you devastated and shattered if your relationship suddenly started changing for the worst. That is why it is very important to maintain the right balance in life.

A lot of newlyweds think that once they get married, their relationship will only improve, and they will only get happier and happier over time. But that’s not always the case. Surprisingly, according to researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, the most optimistic partners tend to show the greatest decline in marital satisfaction.

They tried to decide what is the best way to set your expectations for a satisfying and long-lasting marriage and they conducted a study. They had a few couples as their participants. The researchers analyzed the first four years and found that the couples were the happiest when their expectations match their abilities to meet them. When the partners exhibited strong communication skills, their happiness increased with their high expectations but decreased with their low expectations. On the other hand, when the couples exhibited poor interpersonal skills, they were the happiest when they didn’t try to reach their high expectations.

In conclusion, every relationship has these certain phases in which the couple cannot really meet their high expectations, no matter how much they try. For some is much more frequent than others, but in the end, the most important thing that you can do is recognize these fluctuations in your marriage and adjust your sails accordingly.

In other words, finding balance is the key to strengthening your relationship and maintaining a happy marriage. Being aware of you and your partner’s flaws and accepting each other regardless of them is the first step to reaching that balance. After that, everything is a lot easier.

So, here’s what.

Instead of aiming high and setting very high expectations for your marriage, try acknowledging the general dynamics of your relationship by accepting the strengths and the weaknesses that you two have. Being honest with yourself and with them will definitely help you decide how to proceed. If you are happy with where you are right now and you are working on your issues, you will surely benefit from setting your expectations high. But if you feel like you two need more time to work on your problems, it might be best for you to set your expectations lower than usual.

In the end,  being aware of where you are in life and what you want from it are the most important factors that will eventually lead you to happiness and satisfaction.

The Slippery Slope Toward Compassion Fatigue: A Warning To All Empathetic Individuals

Ahh, those empaths – the healers of the world. They are the kind of people who have a gift – they can sense and absorb the feelings and energies of other people. So, if you happen to be an empath, then know that you’re a unique person.

But, also know that possessing an empathetic nature can be both a blessing and a curse. Being an empath means that you go through life sensing and internalizing other people’s colorful energies. You feel their happiness, their stress, their sadness, their pain.

When you’re an empath, you sense not only what those around you feel, but also what they need. You can sense when they need attention, validation, or an offer of support or help.

While it’s great having compassion for others, being so sensitive and feeling so deeply come at a cost. Having empathetic nature, you feel other people’s anxiety, stress, anger, and pain in your body. You might feel their pain both physically and emotionally. And if you let these negative emotions sit in your body, your mind and body can become overloaded.

Not only will internalizing other people’s feelings and energies lead to burnout, but it can also lead you down a slippery slope to compassion fatigue.

Compassion fatigue is a condition which often befalls highly sensitive people, caregivers, empaths, and most people that are regularly exposed to suffering in either people or animals.

It is caused by the physical and emotional burden created by the distress and trauma of listening to other people’s difficult and painful circumstances and helping them. When the empath, or any other highly-sensitive person, begins to experience compassion fatigue, this causes them to withdraw emotionally in order to preserve their well-being.

Typical symptoms of compassion fatigue include: feelings of helplessness, loss of pleasure, mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, insomnia, nightmares, and chronic stress.

Compassion Fatigue Sometimes Makes Empaths Come Off As Antisocial and Even Weird

Like we said, empaths are sensitive to the myriad of intense emotions, energies, and life struggles which occur around them. As a result of absorbing all of this and letting it sit in their body for a long time, empaths end up getting overwhelmed and in turn, they isolate themselves from others to preserve their health.

This sometimes makes emptahs come off as unfriendly and detached. Moreover, it makes them feel like no one understands them.

If you happen to be an empath and you’re struggling with compassion fatigue, know that it may be time for you to stop devoting yourself to helping other people for a while and start to practice self-care instead.

But, don’t shut down. Instead, turn to your family and friends for support. And if time spent with a particular family member or friend drains your energy or causes you to feel stressed out or anxious, you may wish to reduce the amount of time you spend with them as much as possible.

Remember – maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical health should always be your number one priority.

What Are The Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms And When Do You Need Medical Help?

alcohol withdrawal syndrome treatments

What happens when you stop drinking? Alcohol withdrawal can cause some serious symptoms or even death. Discover the signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Did you know that over 15 million Americans struggle with alcohol abuse?

There are plenty of reasons why quitting alcohol will benefit your health, but the journey is challenging. Learning about the recovery process can help prepare you for some of the alcohol withdrawal symptoms you may experience.

Do you want to learn what happens when you stop drinking? Keep reading to understand what your body will do.

Alcohol Withdrawal Causes a Wide Range of Negative Emotions

When your body loses its supply of something you’ve become dependent on, it’s normal to feel angry. One of the first symptoms of alcohol withdrawal you’ll notice is a wave of negative emotions. Detoxing from alcohol causes people to lash out, have mood swings, and feel anxious or depressed.

Although the emotional turbulence is strong for the first week, journaling can help you stay in charge of your feelings.

Mental Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal: Fogginess, Hallucinations, and Nightmares

Addiction changes the wiring in your brain so that you have a hard time functioning without the substance. During withdrawal, your brain will have to learn how to restore peace. As the alcohol leaves your system, the most common side effect you may experience is brain fog and fatigue.

Since detoxing is a traumatic experience, your brain may also respond by producing nightmares or, less commonly, hallucinations.

Tremors, Sweating, and Fever Are Common

Our livers are effective filters, which means you may start to feel the physical side effects of detoxing within a couple of hours after your last drink. Tremors, sweating, and fevers are signs that your body is purging the toxins. When it comes to quitting alcohol, you have to feel worse before you start to feel better.

An Alcohol Detox Induces Headaches, Loss of Appetite, and Nausea

Some other unpleasant symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include headache, loss of appetite, and nausea. One of the best ways to counteract these symptoms is to drink plenty of water. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means you have to make a strong effort to stay hydrated so your detox process is more tolerable.

What Happens When You Stop Drinking in Excess? Seizures May Occur

If you’re a heavy drinker, quitting alcohol will be a lot harder for you than for someone who drinks less. The best way to ensure that your journey to sobriety is safe and successful is to attend a detox clinic. Heavy drinkers are more prone to severe withdrawal symptoms like seizures, which can be life-threatening.

Home And Medical Treatments For Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

During the whole withdrawal process,  professional care is vital for your wellbeing. Not only will the staff keep you safe, but they also have the tools and experience to make your detox as comfortable as possible.

Your health provider will ask you some questions to see when did you stop drinking and whether you have been through the same process earlier before. 

The best way is to consult a doctor, and they will do an exam, during which they will see if you suffer from some other health conditions. 

The Clinical Institute for Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol—revised (CIWA-Ar) scale is used as an assessment tool for evaluating the severity of the Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. (1) This assessment tool will help the doctor decide whether you need a medication or not. If your score is >20, it means that your withdrawal is severe and can have a serious impact on your life. 

The maximum score you can get is 67 and is rated as follows: 

  • 8 ( absent or very mild symptoms) 
  • 9- 14 ( symptoms of a mild withdrawal) 
  • 15 – 20 ( symptoms of a moderate withdrawal) 
  • >20 (symptoms of a severe withdrawal) 

You will be treated according to your symptoms and the severity of your withdrawal. 

So, if you have mild symptoms like insomnia or mild anxiety, you might only need supportive care, but in case you have moderate or severe symptoms, you will probably need pharmacological treatment. (2)

Home treatment for patients with milder symptoms 

Unless you have some severe health condition or you had a complex and difficult alcohol withdrawal in the past, and you have mild symptoms of the current alcohol withdrawal, you will only need : 

  • A healthy diet supported by a lot of fluids
  • A quiet, isolated place to stay, with soft lighting 
  • Positive atmosphere and support from your family and friends
  • Limited contact with other people 
  • Electrolyte balance

Type Of Food To Eat When You Try Alcohol Withdrawal 

As already stated, one of the most important things when you try an alcohol detox is staying hydrated. But, besides drinking a lot of water, eating a healthy diet is also very helpful for lowering the chances of getting some side effects.

The first rule to follow during the detoxication process is drinking water because staying hydrated can reduce the chances of vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea. 

When it comes to food, the following food is recommended to be taken during the detoxication process: 

  • Whole grains like oats and whole wheat bread are high in fiber and B vitamins that give energy and are good for the gut. When you have a healthy gut, you can support your liver and kidney which are important and vital organs in your body
  • Foods that are rich in protein such as eggs, poultry, lentils, seafood, and bone broth. 
  • Cayenne pepper is believed to reduce the desire for alcohol and improve the gut, vomiting, and headaches that usually appear during this process.
  • Healthy fats rich in Omega 3, such as walnuts, chia, and flax seed can reduce inflammation and improve your mood
  • Fruits and vegetables, since they are packed with vitamins, can help you stay hydrated and regulate the sugar level in your blood and sweet cravings.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B 

Medical Treatment For Patients With Severe Side Effects And Seizures

Nevertheless, if you have some serious side effects such as high temperature, high pulse or high blood pressure, hallucinations, or seizures, you should immediately seek medical care ( dial 911). 

Seizures usually occur in patients that had a history of withdrawals and sometimes may end up in Alcohol withdrawal delirium, which has a mortality rate of 1 to 5 %. Risk factors that might occur are: 

  • Older age 
  • Liver health issues
  • Additional acute medical condition 
  • Heavy drinking on a daily basis

Intravenous fluids

Intravenous fluids can be administered to patients with severe withdrawal from time to time. 

Additional treatment with supplements

Additional supplements can be given to patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, such as : 

  • Magnesium sulfate for cardiac arrhythmias (3
  • Multivitamins and thiamine (B1 vitamin) (100 mg on a daily basis) 

Treatment with medications

Medication can be given with a fixed schedule, usually a benzodiazepine, according to the symptoms and the severity, usually if the CIWA-Ar score is higher than 8 points. Benzodiazepine is prescribed for preventing seizures and delirium, sometimes with other adjunctive agents. 

Some medications ( diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and lorazepam) can be given according to the need of the patient and their symptoms without a fixed schedule, but this is closely monitored by a trained team. (4

In most cases, outpatient detoxification can be safe and effective, but some patients need inpatient treatment with close monitoring. 

In ambulatory treatment, treatment with a fixed schedule administration should be used. 

Patient Follow Up 

Unfortunately, the treatment doesn’t address the addiction itself, and there is little hope for abstinence in the long term. 

Some patients join anonymous groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) that enhance recovery and receive help from others. They hold 12 step program with on-site meetings. (5)

Other patients stay in treatment facilities that offer different therapies, such as family therapy and behavioral therapy, with additional programs according to the needs of the patients and include the elements the patient can afford.

Keeping in mind that sometimes the problem is not addressed, you can always speak to your health provider for additional information and advice.

What Are The Stages Of Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal can be a really unpleasant process, so if you want to try it and get sober, you should know the stages of this process to help you overcome it easily.

This withdrawal is caused by the neurotransmitters in your brain that are suppressed when you drink alcohol and make you feel euphoric. 

When you stop drinking, they become overstimulated and cause many of the symptoms that occur during the detoxication process.

They occur very quickly after the last drink you had, usually after two hours.

Let’s see what symptoms you will have in every stage when you start the detoxication process:

6-12 Hours After Last Drink

  • Vomiting
  • Mild Anxiety 
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • Small tremors
  • Stomach upset 

12-24 Hours After Last Drink

  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations and disorientations
  • Shaking hands

48+ Hours After Last Drink

  • Fever and high temperature
  • High blood pressure
  • Delirium tremens
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Visual or auditory hallucinations
  • Impaired attention

All of these symptoms may differ depending on the individual and whether they have some other complex health issues, how long they have been drinking, if they abused heavily other substances, and other factors.

What Is Delirium Tremens?

Delirium tremens is the most serious symptom and can sometimes be fatal. Fortunately, only 5% of the cases are deadly. The most common symptoms of delirium tremens are:

  • High fever
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations

If you or someone in your family shows these symptoms, seek immediate medical help.

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)

If you are a heavy drinker and you have been drinking heavily for several years, some symptoms may last for a year. 

They are usually milder but can still make the life of the people who go through the rehabilitation process difficult: 

They are as follows: 

  • Low energy
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Irritability and anxiety 
  • Problems with memory 
  • Susceptibility to accidents
  • Low reflexes 

You need to be patient and know these symptoms will subside with time. 

How To Try Quitting Alcohol Safely At Home 

If you are an alcohol addict, it is dangerous to stop drinking overnight, and you should try reducing the amount you take step by step, with a little bit of preparation and careful planning.

When you try to detox yourself at home, it means that you will do it without any medical or professional help. 

This can be an option for you only if you do not experience any severe withdrawal symptoms but is still not recommended. 

Nevertheless, it is crucial to consult your health provider before trying to stop drinking at home. 

If you decide to make it home without any medical help, you can take the following steps:

1. Keep a drinking diary

Before you stop drinking, you should keep a diary to see how much you consume every day and try to keep it at least for a week with the following information:

  • The time of the day you have it 
  • Each drink you take it 
  • How many units of alcohol it contained ( in case you drink from a bottle, you can measure each drink to see how much drink you had)

2. Reduce the intake by 10 % each day 

You can start reducing your alcohol intake by 10 % each day. Then continue with the process and try reducing by 10 % every four days. If some symptoms start to appear, it means that you are going through the whole process too quickly, and you should lower to cut down by 5% on a weekly basis instead of 10%. 

This process is called tapering or weaning off alcohol and it is quite rational and is already accepted in medical practice with antidepressants, for example, whose doses are gradually reduced when the patient is taken off this medication. 

It can be effective in some individuals and it is a self-treatment strategy that is most cost-effective, especially if you do not have health insurance or you cannot afford medical care. 

3. You are ready to stop

You can put an end to drinking if you drink less than 10 units of drink on a daily basis. But, seek immediate medical help in case you: 

  • Have hallucinations
  • Feeling dizzy and unsteady
  • Have a seizure
  • You are confused and disorientated
  • Have double visions

Important note: Do not stop drinking alcohol entirely in case you had experienced seizures or hallucinations before when you stopped.

8 Additional Tips To Consider When You Try To Stop Drinking Alcohol At Home

1. Be physically active and go for regular walks or take some yoga classes

2. Take out all alcohol you have at home and ensure that you do not have access to it

3. Get support from your family and friends and in case it sometimes doesn’t go as it should, they should consult a medical expert

4. Start some new activities, like a new hobby, to stay focused on something that doesn’t involve drinking

5. Avoid keeping the company of people with whom you drank together
Drink a lot of fluids and take electrolytes

6. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because you will likely have sugar cravings and fruit will help you to overcome them more easily

7. Keep yourself distracted with other types of drinks, especially water and drinks with electrolytes

8. Stay away from people who make you feel stressed and feel angry

There are benefits from home detox despite the fact that it can be risky such as:

  • You are surrounded by your close family.
  • You keep your privacy all the time
  • It is less expensive
  • You are not stigmatized by society that you have been to a rehabilitation center.

However, the risk remains and some severe withdrawal symptoms may appear that should be treated only by a medical health professional and are considered dangerous, so probably the best way to detox from alcohol is with the help of a health professional.

Want to Learn More Alcohol Detox Facts and Tips?

Now that you know about what happens when you stop drinking, you can be prepared to succeed on your journey of improving your health.

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