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Hilarious Moment: Man Wakes Up To Find His Dog Wearing His Dentures

Dogs are man’s best friend isn’t just an adage. It is the real truth. Besides always being loyal to you, they bring joy and happiness into your life. Whether they are warmly and innocently looking at you while you eat so as to give them a piece of your food, chewing your slippers, hiding your TV remote, or just greeting you by wagging their tail excitedly when you get home, these 4-legged adorable creatures do all of the little things which put a smile on your face.

Indeed, when you have a cute, playful dog roaming about the house, you simply never get bored. And Eunice, a woman from Long Island, New York, knows this the best. On her Twitter account, she decided to share a funny story about her cute little Shih Tzu dog called Maggie that played a really funny trick on her elderly father.

This mischievous deed was done one afternoon while Eunice’s father was taking a nap. But as his gums had been hurting him, he took the dentures out and put them aside before he took his afternoon nap.

However, when he woke up later, he was surprised to find that his dentures were gone. He immediately thought that perhaps he had absentmindedly left them in a different place. But, he was wrong.

While he was searching for his dentures, he found Maggie hiding under his living room table with a hilarious grin spread across her face.

Yes, the dog’s mouth was full of  Eunice’s father’s teeth. And, of course, he couldn’t help but take pictures of this little thief’s hilarious grin. When Eunice posted them on Twitter, they went viral in no time. And it’s no wonder since the photos are adorable.


Solar Panel Return on Investment: 7 Benefits of Using Solar Energy

When looking at the return on investment for solar panels, one may want to invest in using solar energy for their home. Click here to learn more!

The energy generated by solar panels in the United States has now reached the capacity needed to power 5.7 million homes. Not only that, installations have increased seventeen-fold since 2008.

Besides environmental benefits, the main reason for this is that the average solar panel return on investment is impressive. Keep reading to learn more about the financial advantages that are available.

  1. Much Lower Electric Bill

The average lifetime of a solar panel system is 25 years. Most systems get paid off within eight years, leaving 17 years to benefit from free electricity.

Dividing your saved energy costs by the initial investment in the system results in an average ROI of 10 to 30 percent. That kind of return on investment rivals stocks and bonds.

The higher your electric costs, the more you’ll save with solar energy. Even if your solar system doesn’t generate enough power to eliminate your bill in full, the reduction will still save you a ton of money.

Use solar energy panels by Solar Energy Systems and reduce your Florida electricity costs.
  1. Security From Energy Rate Hikes

Electric energy is a volatile market. Residential energy rates go up an average of three percent each year. The continued surges are due to the scarcity of non-renewable resources like oil, gas, and coal. These are the three main fossil fuels used in electricity generation. With a home solar power installation, you’ll enjoy self-sufficiency in clean energy and become independent from traditional electrical providers. The switch to solar will protect your pocketbook from the increases.

  1. Energy Tax Credits

The federal government offers a tax credit to homeowners that install solar energy. This tax credit applies to the entire cost of your system:

  • Equipment
  • Installation
  • Shipping
  • Permit Fees
  • Other Miscellaneous Fees

Keep in mind that this solar tax credit expires in 2022.

  1. Rebates

Some states or counties have rebate and grant programs for solar panel investment and use. Check with your local and state governments to find out what’s available in your area.

  1. Net Metering

This is a program that allows you to sell solar power to utility companies for use in the grid. Check with your local utility company to find out if this option is available to you. Not every utility offers it and rules vary from company to company.

  1. Solar Renewable Energy Credits

If you live in one of the 30 states that take part in renewable portfolio standards (RPS) you can sell the solar renewable energy certificates that you earn for a financial return.

  1. Property Value Increase

If you’re wondering, “Do solar panels increase home value?” the answer is yes. Installing solar energy tends to increase property value because it’s considered an upgrade. Not only that, on average, they also sell faster.

The demand for homes equipped with solar energy will continue to increase as more and more buyers learn the benefits of it. Real estate agents selling such homes will help spread the word.

Solar Panel Return on Investment in a Nutshell

The total solar panel return on investment will vary depending on the location that you live in. There are many different types of programs available to help with installing one. Beyond these, you’ll increase the value of your home and save money on electricity when you switch to solar.

Make the next move in deciding if a solar panel investment is right for you by investigating which programs are available in your area.

5 Key Tips for Finding the Best AC Repair Company

Not all AC repair companies are created equal. Keep reading for 5 key tips for finding the best AC repair company.

When the weather heats up, you rely on your home’s air conditioner to keep your space comfortable. But since the average air conditioner costs between $3,000 and $7,000, making your current unit last is always a priority.

To do this, you’ll need to find a reliable AC repair company. They’ll be able to handle all the repairs, maintenance, and tune-ups required to keep the unit running well.

So, where do you start?

Here are a few simple tips to help you find the best repair company for your needs and your budget.

1. Ask Your Friends and Family

The best place to start looking for AC companies is with the people you trust. Ask your friends, family, and coworkers who they use to keep their units in good shape.

If they’re happy with the service, you’ll likely have the same experience.

When contacting the company, make sure you tell them who referred you. This lets them know that their customers appreciate their services and may earn you a discount on an appointment.

2. Research Online

If you can’t get a referral from someone you know, start looking around online. Search for companies in your area and look at the services they offer.

You’ll also want to look at the online reviews to get a feel for the quality of service the technicians offer. If most people have positive experiences, the company is worth contacting. But if the reviews are overwhelmingly negative, keep searching.

3. Get Estimates from More Than One AC Repair Company

Your budget matters and every repair should be as affordable as possible. This means you’ll want to get estimates from more than one company.

Schedule an appointment with the technician and let them see what’s going on with your unit. They’ll tell you what needs doing and how much it will cost. Then, compare the estimates with those given by other companies.

Remember, though the price of repairs is important, it’s always best to choose a company you’re comfortable with. The cheapest option may not be the best one.

4. Ask for Proof of Insurance and Business Licenses

Every HVAC technician should have a valid business license and insurance policy in place before ever working on your unit. And reputable companies are more than happy to provide proof before they ever start working on your system.

Don’t be afraid to ask for it. If the company won’t give you the relevant documentation or tells you they don’t have insurance, keep looking.

5. Look for Emergency Availability

When the temps rise, you need your AC to keep your home comfortable. If it breaks in the middle of the hottest summer day, you need to know someone will come to repair it quickly.

Look for companies that offer emergency availability. This way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your system will get fixed when you need it most.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right AC repair company can feel like a daunting task. But with these tips, you’ll find a repair technician you can trust in no time.

For more helpful tips and useful tricks to help you keep your house in order, check out our recent posts!

Improving your career with knowledge and free certifications

I know that summer will decide, to enter the OFF mode and recharge the battery. We need to rest and enjoy family, friends and ourselves.

But this is also a good time to reflect study, read a good book and why not get free certifications that allow us to return to the last four months with more hope if possible. For this, we can take advantage of all the free online certifications provided by the Internet to develop our digital potential and talents.

One day I was talking to an acquaintance that was actively looking for work and didn’t know one of the best free certifications, the BitDegree certification. At present it is an obligation, whether we actively seek employment or not, that we increase our Digital Talent. We will all agree that the world is increasingly digital, that most companies have begun their journey towards Digital Transformation and that this transformation began with the people who formed these companies.

And to develop this digital talent we talk about what is called Soft Skills (Behavioral Competence) and Hard Skills (Technical Skills). Here are some of my “free” recommendations so that this summer, you will strengthen your personal and professional empowerment by focusing on becoming your company’s Digital Transformation Superhero. Here are some of good free certifications I have tried in my efforts to get certificate.

Leading Digital Transformation in organizations:

Mooc (Massive Online Open Courses) from the Miriadax platform:

In this course you will know in a very simple way what is digital transformation. Through various modules, you will find out the main pillars that form the basis of Digital Transformation; Digital Marketing, Digital Strategy, Digital Talent Management, Digital Operations Management and Digital Financial Management. You are still in time to register and take a course that ends on August 12.

Google Activate:

Google Activate has special attention in this article. In this certificate of achievement, you will access free training in digital competitions, both in online courses and in direct courses. From the Online Digital Marketing Course, Electronic Commerce, Cloud computing, Application Development … That is, if you don’t use the free resources provided by this Google, I suggest you do it from YES. Usually in this course all modules have a test and then there is a final exam to get free certifications.

Digital Competence:

This certificate of achievement covers general concepts, keys and strategies for developing your Digital Competence. Through various modules, interesting topics such as digital culture, personal branding and social networking are touched.

Marketing Inbound:

At present it is very important to move from more troubling marketing to marketing which really adds value to the final client. Hubspot offers a free inbound certification course where you can get certificate, learn more about the Inbound methodology and enhance your professional career. In addition, you will get a certificate that accredits this knowledge. This is one of the best free certifications.

Big Data and Business Intelligence:

You know what Business Intelligence is and what it can bring to your company. In this case I share a Webinar that my colleagues gave, in which they explained what you need to be #DataDriven and use all the power of the Data.


Nowadays we have to work with English and it has to be part of our competences. If you want to get certificate, be up to date and research your specialty you must control English. It is clear that the ideal thing would be to have a native prof @ r to our side, but failing that we have many resources online and free. For example, the Mooec program focused on English and some tools to learn a free language and have fun.

As Buddha Dhammapada said “Everything we are comes from our thoughts” so think that everything is possible, that you will get where you set out and empower yourself by developing your skills. Your career depends on you. If you improve your skills then you will naturally increase your chances of getting a better career. Hopefully this article is able to provide great motivation to you and to anyone who wants to improve his career, especially what is called Digital Talent.

3 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Confidence is a tricky thing. If it is nurtured right, it can take you to the top of the world, and show you the extent of human achievement. If, however, it is pricked, it can drag you to the darkest pits of the world, and expose you to the depths of human misery.

Depending on how you wield it.

This is something every individual has to struggle with at least once in his/her lifetime.

Low self-esteem, dejection, and absolute faithlessness regarding one’s true potential.

I know I have had my fair share of it. Nevertheless, each time, I’ve come out more empowered than before, and in control of myself. You just have to understand that it is only a state of mind, which can be conquered and turned around for the better. So, hang tight, and follow the three crucial confidence-boosting tips I’ve gathered for your convenience, below. They have proven to be quite effective so far.

Break the Chain of Comparisons

Measuring yourself with a yardstick of ‘comparisons’ is more toxic to your essential being than anything else. You are YOU. Not Bill Gates, not Rihanna, not your class topper, not your next-door Olympic-champion neighbor, and certainly not your favorite Avengers character from the Infinity Saga series, you might’ve order on-demand from your reliable Cox services. You are YOU.

Unique, incomparable, and full of wonders.

So, stop belittling your abilities by hankering after the achievements of others. When you look in the mirror, see your true reflection and own it. Recognize your being for what it really is, and estimate it on the level that it deserves. Break off the chains of comparison and come out of other people’s shadows. Open up to your flaws, be proud of who you are, assert yourself where needed, and walk with your head held high. Treat yourself to lavishness, and gradually, desensitize yourself to rejection by accepting yourself wholly. This is the real secret, after all.

Step out of your Comfort Zone

You’ve always feared taking risks, right? Do you know why? Because you, like everyone else, are used to the safety of your comfort zone. However, a thing about this zone is that it does not really allow growth. At all. It only suffocates your self-confidence and prevents you from actualizing your true potential. Is that how you want to spend your entire life? Under the shadow of fear? No.

Life is an endless adventure that demands participation for rendering a fruitful result.

So, after you’ve taken the first step out of the door, confront what terrifies you. Do something you’re afraid of every single day. Desensitize yourself to fear. Conquer heights, dive into the oceans, and trek through the desert. This thrill will induce a huge amount of confidence in you. Trust in your potential to come out of it alive. Believe in your abilities to make the best of whatever circumstances life throws at you. Be free. Be fearless.

Give More and Receive More

Confidence goes hand in hand with compassion. One of the best ways to boost your self-confidence while staying in tune with your softer side is by extending a hand of help to others. Once you aid someone in their times of need, you will feel a lightness in your soul. A utility. Relevancy. Thereby, you will become attuned to your purpose in life, and have something to be proud of. In short, volunteer in social works as much as you can.

So, don’t wait an eternity under the duress of low self-esteem. Instead, try the aforementioned tips to resurrect your self-confidence, and live life up to its fill.

Myths you have to stop believing before going on your summer vacation

Summer is the quintessence of life and the time to be happy. In order to avoid summertime sadness, stop believing these popular myths about summer, studies, and life right now.

Myth #1: Now you can finally forget about reading

Please, don’t. You have your summer vacation and you can put your math, law, and whatever academic manuals into the darkest closet, but don’t refrain from fiction books. Reading is the way to live several lives in an hour. It is a way to stimulate your imagination. With classic fiction, you can learn the history and culture of different countries. Don’t rid yourself of opportunities every book cover hides.

Myth #2: Getting help with your studies is cheating

When the summer is close, many students find themselves in a huge time crunch. In order not to be buried under piles of books, papers, and manuscripts, some of them ask for professional help. And here they face one of the major myths of the modern education system. Writing companies nowadays are surrounded with negative connotations and you will never prove to your college that you’ve used their help according to academic integrity principles.

Yes, it is cheating, when you turn in a paper you’ve ordered like if it were yours, without making changes to it. However, you can always use FastEssay writing service to find out what your teacher wanted from you and how a perfect piece of writing should look. Use a paper you receive from professionals as an example or as a basis for your own assignment. To have a great summer vacation without stress, make sure the website of your choice is reliable and provides a confidentiality guarantee.

Myth #3: You will do it next time

When you’re around 20 years old, you think that you have all the time in the world at your disposal. You don’t. Travel now, make weird choices now, and enjoy your life now. It doesn’t mean you have to give up college or stop planning. Just allow yourself to make some instant decisions and impulse actions from time to time. You might regret them in the future, but what you will definitely regret is that you had dull teenage years and have no crazy stories to tell your grandchildren.

Myth #4: You will die without Wi-Fi

There are some cases when you can. However, if you are not in the wild or on a desert island.  The absence of the Internet for several hours, days, or weeks won’t harm you. By the way, the influence of blue light that you face every day is not fully studied yet. So in theory, you can do good to your health by omitting seeing screens for a couple of days. Have a digital detox for a week to feel the full difference between online and offline.

Myth #5: You have to buy a new wardrobe every season

No, you don’t. Of course, Pantone regularly offers its “color of the year” and you want to get at least several pieces of this shade in your wardrobe, but don’t go to extremes! It is true that fast fashion brands provide cheap clothes. Modern fashionistas can say it is a sin to ignore them. However, some authorities say minimalism and conscious consumption are the way to a better future. So, instead of a total renewal of your wardrobe, opt for one or two pieces for a season. And always share things you don’t wear anymore with someone who needs them.

Myth #6: You don’t need to put on your skincare in the summer

It sometimes depends on the climate you live in. But in most cases, hot weather means higher transepidermal water loss and dry skin as a result. Moisture is essential for any kind and type of skin. Help it to stay young and healthy for longer. And it’s better to start taking care of it when you’re in your teens.

Myth #7: Sun only does harm to your skin

Unfortunately, for the last several years, skincare brands have demonized sun so much that many young people consider it to do only harm to the human body. This is not true. Sun rays are the source of life and warmth. Yes, they produce UV radiation and free radicals that lead to oxidative stress, but they also stimulate the production of vitamin D that is crucial for our happiness.

It is great to have perfect skin with no signs of photoaging till the grave, but what is the point if you won’t be happy because of a vitamin D and beta-endorphins deficiency in your body? All these hormones and vitamins are important for the well-being of our brain—don’t neglect them. It is true that sun rays can increase the risk of getting some skin diseases. This is why it is so important to use sun-protection products and to tan wisely. However, avoiding the sun totally is like avoiding life itself.

Just stop it. As well as believing all the myths we have listed above.

Mommy Tiger Gives Birth To A Lifeless Cub But Her Motherly Instincts Help It Draw Its First Breath

There are many miracles on this Earth, but there’s nothing more heartwarming and beautiful than the miracle of birth.

The unshakable connection between the mother and the newborn is so strong that it can literally do wonders. It’s simple. A mother’s love is unconditional and pure. There isn’t something stronger and warmer than the love a mother has for her children.

And this story is just proof of that.

Recently, Kaitlyn, the Sumatran tiger from The Australia Zoo gave birth to two tiny male cubs. Things seemed like they are going fine, but then halfway through the procedure, something happened. The first cub that she gave birth to couldn’t breathe.

But, to everyone’s biggest surprise, Kaitlyn didn’t give up on him.

In fact, seeing the tiny cub lying helpless triggered her motherly instincts and she immediately started licking the little baby. This stimulated the cub’s lungs and within moments, the baby started breathing. To make things even cuter, the Australia Zoo caught this whole moment on tape.

Below is the link of the heartwarming birth:

In case you didn’t know, the Sumatran tiger is one of the most critically endangered animals on this planet. It is reported that there are only 400-600 Sumatran tigers in the wilderness. That is the reason why they were carefully observing and monitoring Kaitlyn’s birth.

 “We can’t risk the Sumatran tiger going extinct like its cousins, the Bali and Javan tiger. As a first-time mother, it’s even more important for the zookeepers to watch the birth of Kaitlyn’s cubs closely. They need to be ready to jump in at a moment’s notice if something goes wrong,” The Australia Zoo caretakers stated.

Kaitlyn did not give up and thanks to her love and devotion, her little cub drew his first breath. Like I said… A mother’s love is truly unconditional and eternal.

Don’t forget to share this story with your loved ones and tell them how much they mean to you.

4 Kittens Show Appreciation To A Street Singer That Everyone Else Ignored

In Malaysia, a street singer was giving a performance in the hope that he’ll attract the attention from a nearby audience and make some money, but no one appeared to show interest in his performance or take a moment to listen to him sing.

The musician was about to finish and call it a day when all of a sudden a miracle happened – he had an audience in front of him. And not just any kind of audience, but the cutest and most appreciative one.

This Malaysian street singer’s audience consisted of 4 adorable kittens. Yes, this is not a joke. While the busker didn’t manage to catch the attention of the people around him, he did catch the attention of these 4 cute kittens.


As he was playing his guitar, the sweet kitties sat in front of him and patiently and enthusiastically listened to him singing. Obviously, the cute kittens didn’t think that showing someone appreciation for a minute or two wasn’t a waste of time. And while these cute little creatures didn’t understand the words of the song, they did like the tune and they enjoyed the performance.

The kittens sat without any movement until the busker finished his show. And when he finished singing, he thanked this adorable, supportive, unique audience for watching his performance.

Scroll down to check out the video.


Young Artist Uses Old Tires To Create Beds For Stay Animals And The Result Is Amazing

I don’t know if you know, but our planet is drowning in garbage. It’s reported that there is at least a billion tons of trash that end up in the oceans every year. The wildlife is slowly but surely going extinct, and we are barely living.

The thing is, you can share your #StopClimateChange videos for as much as you like, but in the end, it is all pointless unless you actually take real action and start changing your own habits.

Amarildo Silva is a true example of what happens when we decide to take responsibility for our planet. This 23-year-old lives in the city of Campina Grande, Brazil and he has developed a new, simple solution for reusing waste, such as old tires.

He works as a store cashier by day and turns into a creative craftsman at night. Silva collects old, discarded tires and then with the help of his artistic mind he transforms them into adorable and comfy beds for animals.

This young, socially responsible and admirable man gathers every tire he can find, cleans them one by one and then paints a lot of beautiful designs on them. As a finishing touch, he adds a soft, fluffy cushion in the middle. After that, the tire is ready to be gifted or sold to any pet lover who needs a comfortable tiny bed for their pets.

As the interest for these adorable beds increased, so did his followers on Instagram. As a result, Silva has more than 20,000 followers and has sold more than 500 tire-beds in only two years.

What began as a hobby slowly turned into a real business and it is flourishing.

If you are interested in purchasing one for your furry friends, you can reach him on his Instagram profile. At the moment he delivers to Brazilian addresses, but he has also received a lot of requests from North America, Asia, and Europe.


What’s even more important is that Silva’s work is a great way of maintaining sustainability and minimizing waste. His creative work is not only beneficial for stray animals, but it is also truly important for our environment.

But that’s not all.

Apart from taking care of animals and creating small beds for them, Silva also creates amazing flowerpots and yard decorations from tires.

Additionally, he also loves raising awareness on this subject by holding educational talks at the local schools. His goal is simple. Don’t throw away. Instead, modify and reuse.

If you are interested to see more of Silva’s work, make sure to check the video below.

I hope this article helps you raise awareness about the plastic pollution this world is dealing with and I honestly hope it inspires you to change some of your harmful habits for the sake of our future.

If he can do it, so can we!

6 Mistakes You Need To Avoid Making After You End A Relationship With Someone

Regardless of whether you’ve been in a relationship with someone for 5 months or 5 years, breakups are generally difficult and nobody likes them. Breaking up with someone who treated you badly can bring you a sense of relief. But if you’re putting an end to a relationship in which you were emotionally invested a lot, the period that comes after the breakup can be quite hard and painful and it can take you a great amount of time to get over it.

During the post-breakup period, there are going to be moments of wondering if you made the right decision. There are going to be moments of wishing to get back together with your ex. There are going to be moments when you have to search for your inner strength and courage so as to begin to trust and love someone again.

So, the real question is: How can you make your breakup recovery easier?

Well, in what follows, there are 6 mistakes you need to avoid making after you end a relationship with someone. In this way, you will help yourself heal your emotional wounds and move forward faster.

1. Trying to punish your ex-partner.

Let’s assume that your ex-lover is an inconsiderate, selfish, awful person. They lied to you, cheated on you, and ghosted you. So, when you break up with them, you’ll probably feel a strong, irresistible urge to take your revenge on them.

But, the truth is that making your ex pay for the way they treated you won’t make you feel any better or speed your breakup recovery. Instead, it’ll only prolong your feelings of disappointment, bitterness, and resentment.

2. Justifying your feelings.

When you end a relationship, your ex-partner might try to get you to explain the reasons why you’re breaking up with them. Know that while being completely honest and direct with your ex about why you’re ending the relationship with them will do both of you good, trying to justify your feelings or the relationship won’t be productive at all.

Instead of going into painful and needless details, make sure you give your ex clear, sound, and valid reasons for your decision to break up with them.

3. Thinking about getting back together with your ex.

It’s normal for you to think about your ex-partner and revive memories of both happy and sad moments you spent together after you break up with them. You’ll probably think about how great it would be if both of you gave your relationship one more chance and that the reasons why you split up weren’t that “grave” in the first place.

But, what you should do is ask yourself whether you really want to get back together with your ex because you truly love them and believe that things will be better between you this time or because you are desperately trying to return to your comfort zone. Oh, and let’s not forget another reason why you might want to get back together with your ex – your fear of being alone.

Remember – if you broke up with someone, that was because you had strong, sufficient, and justifiable reasons to do that in the first place.

4. Trying to get in contact with your ex.

Breaking up with someone means deciding to break off any contact whatsoever with them. Because the truth is that there’s no point in texting or calling your ex-partner only to “check what they’re doing with their life.”

Trying to get in contact with your ex-lover will only create mixed feelings and even confusion as it may lead your ex to think that you want to get back together with them.

Therefore, if you want to get over your ex and move on more easily and faster, going no contact is the best thing you can do.

5. Worrying about your and your ex-partner’s mutual friends.

You’ve decided to end your relationship with your partner and then you realize that you two are friends with the same people. So, you’ll probably begin to wonder which friends will support you and which friends will begin ignoring you or even stop being friends with you.

While it’s true that this may be a complex, difficult problem that you’ll have to deal with, it’s also true that friendships are not a part of romantic relationships. So, if your friends get mad at you and decide to stay with your ex and not you, then you can take this as a sign that they were never your true friends, to begin with.

And if you don’t lose any of your friends, then this means that you’ll have a shoulder to cry on and someone who will listen to you venting about your problems and talking about your emotional pain during the first few months after the breakup.

6. Jumping into a new relationship immediately after the breakup.

This is a definite no-no. Entering a relationship with another person when you still haven’t healed your emotional wounds completely and finished grieving for your last relationship is a bad idea.

Because this means that you’re starting a new relationship into which you’ll bring all your past pain, disappointment, and negative feelings. It means you’re starting a relationship that’s doomed to fail.