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Exhausted Tiger Suffers Seizure On Stage And Collapses After Being Forced To Jump Through A Ring Of Fire

Humanity never ceases to amaze me and disgust me at the same time. I’ve said this once and I will say it million times over again. We don’t deserve this planet. We don’t deserve this nature. We don’t deserve animals.

We are cruel, heartless and exploitative.

The following story is an example of that.

The six-year-old tiger, called Zena, was a part of a show that was led by brother-sister duo Artur and Karina Baldasaro at the circus in Magnitogorsk, Russia.

In the video below, you can see two tigers performing their acts. They are both running around the ring and then jumping through 2 dangerous rings of fire. But halfway through their act, Zena the tigress falls down and starts having seizures. It is clear that she is in a great deal of pain. After a few seconds of convulsing, she collapses.

But what comes next is even more shocking.

In an attempt to bring back the collapsed tigress, Arthur pokes her with his stick and pours a few buckets of water over the poor, exhausted creature. After realizing that she doesn’t respond to that, he grabs her tail and drags her around.

Ever since this incident, the pair have been accused of animal cruelty, but have defended themselves by saying that everything they did was necessary since there were 6 other tigers that would have eventually attack Zena.

Karina said: “Artur did his best to bring Zena back to her senses and he did all the right things – he touched her reflexive zones, he poured water on her.

“The main thing was to stop other animals from attacking. For them a weak animal is a target, it is an order to kill.

“If we had not stopped them, it would have ended with a bloody fight. And nobody knows who would have been alive after that.”

Arthur also explained that he had no choice but to grab her by the tail.

“I had to drag the animal away from the wire fence, she was about to fall between the stage and the wire. I dragged her to a safe place where there were no other tigers around.

“Any other tiger could have attacked her when she was so weak. Karina was controlling six animals, so they did not do any harm to the tigress.

“So, the tigress was away from spectators and away from other tigers. Why the tail? What else could I drag her by? She has claws on her paws. She is not a soft cat. I could not lift the whole tiger.

“It was an emergency situation for all of us. It was a shock.”

He also added that he shouted for the music to be turned off during Zena’s seizures. The crowd sighed with relief when she finally stood up.

A woman who had taken her two children to the circus said:

“When the tiger was convulsing, spectators laughed. When the animal defecated, it became clear it was an attack of illness.

“Both animal trainers behaved normally, the sister [Karina] was watching the other animals. The brother controlled everything and helped the tigress.

“There was no stun gun. Artur beat his whip at the floor to calm down other animals.”

If you ask me, this whole animals-jumping-through-fire-rings thing is complete madness. Circuses should be banned. If nothing, they should stop recruiting animals. Wild animals belong in the jungles and the forests, not in tents surrounded by hundreds of people.

Share this video with everyone and start sharing awareness about circus animal cruelty! 

Why Are Social Events Important?

Ok, so you’ve got a social event. Seems pretty important, right? Well, in a lot of respects, it is. It doesn’t really matter what context they are in, they’re all important. You need to know that something is going to be okay, and that the affair is going to go off without a hitch. 

So why are social events so important? Well, that’s something we’re pretty interested in figuring out for ourselves. We’ve decided to take a look at why social events are often so important, just to try and see if we can solve what the big deal is. 

An Emphasis on Memories 

For a lot of people, the idea that the very best memories they have can come from social events is pretty important. People like social events. They make them feel important. They’re a great way to connect with others. But most importantly, there’s some really great memories being made all the time. 

Imagine that you’d celebrated with the help of an entertainment company like Celebrate Just Right. You’d have an incredible source of fun and a great way to explore so many different options, and the best part about it? They have a midget for hire! You wouldn’t have to worry about something like not making an incredible memory, because you will. 

Connecting People in a Big Way 

What you will find is that social events help to connect people in a big way. You start to understand exactly how important these events are when you first experiment with different social interactions. 

Let’s suppose that you really connect with someone at a party. You make friends, and go on to have a deep and lasting connection with them. That would never have happened if you didn’t take the time to have that social connection. If you didn’t try and befriend them, you might not have known how good the relationship could be. It wouldn’t be possible without that all important social interaction. We’re a pretty social species. It’s what we do best. We work with each other to accomplish tasks, feel good about things, make connections – all the stuff that we can’t do unless we work together. Social events are important because they remind us that we need to stay connected with the people who matter. It’s easy to wander if you’re making the wrong choice on your own. But when you’ve got people in your life that you value? You feel like every decision is the right one. 

All in all, there’s a lot of hidden reasons why social events are important. We think it’s because at the base level, we’re all social creatures. We all count on each other for support and guidance. Imagine if you couldn’t get that. You’d be pretty crushed. Social events help us to make friends, work together with people and explore new options together as a team. You might not know it at first, but you could meet someone so important to you thanks to a social event. Can you afford not to meet a future romantic interest or best friend?

Self Education and the Path to Success

Though most people assume that “education” means “diploma,” you can learn in almost any environment with just a little help like enrolling in a data science bootcamp. Thanks to modern technology, self studying has become easier than ever before. No matter why you’re pursuing this, you’ll find yourself feeling more knowledgeable before you know it!

What Is Self Education?

The first thing to understand is what self education actually is. Simply put, it’s studying by yourself without the aid of a formal institution. That means that you don’t have to worry if someone has to “grade my peper” or if you use resources such as Paper AP running your free papers through a plagiarism checker. There is no need to “do my essay on time”. Instead, the focus is on yourself and learning in general.

Why Is It Important?

That’s the question that most people ask. If you’re not receiving a diploma, certificate, or accreditation, what’s the point? It’s simple: The point is that learning betters yourself. Whether you’re a professional looking to learn a new skill, a student wanting to dive into a particular subject, or just someone who wants to study more, it can only make things better. Self-development enriches a person.

It can, however, be confusing. So, below, we’ve included five tips on getting started.

  1. Get Your Environment Ready

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that your study environment is the best that it can be. Though it’s possible to learn while surrounded by a hectic atmosphere, it’s better if you can go to some place comfortable. If you prefer studying outside your home, then a library is well suited for this person. If you’d prefer to stay in, make sure that the room is quiet and calm. Play low music, but turn off television, and try to get rid of any distractions.

  1. You Need a Dictionary

It’s a little thing, but it counts. You need to learn words you don’t understand. Paper dictionaries are great when you are sifting through books, but online dictionaries are better for a quick lookup. And don’t stop at a dictionary: If what you’re studying has a reference book of its own (coding languages are a good example), keep it nearby while you work.

  1. Highlight, Highlight, Highlight

Or underline. Or change the color of the pen. Or use another font. Whatever you choose, have something available that can mark information as crucial in a neat, orderly way that you can clearly see. It’s a good idea to have at least one physical and one digital way of doing this. Being able to separate information by importance is a big part of studying.

  1. Don’t Believe Everything You Read

No matter how you get the education, this should be done. People who study by themselves can easily fall prey to lies and false data since there is no one around to correct them. Because of that, you need to be a skeptic. Check and double-check that what you’re reading is correct. Read two (or more) different sides of an issue and think which is more likely to be correct. Talking to the experts is a great way to reach a conclusion on a matter.

  1. Take Online Courses

Studying at home doesn’t mean that you have to do everything yourself. There are many apps, websites and schools like a  Best Bootcamp that allow you to take courses. For example, check the list of coding bootcamps on BootcampRankingsWhile you don’t get credit for these classes (usually), you’ll find it to be an easy way to learn about a subject.

Self-development is essential and learning is a big part of that. No matter where and how you study, the enrichment will follow you and improve your life. It doesn’t matter how you get an education, only that you get it to start with.

Autor bio:

Jack Gallaher is the founder of Play Pulse, a place where players from all over the world can find the best online casinos Internet can offer. He enjoys creating game guides and sharing his strategies with community and frends. Prior to founding Play Pulse Jack worked as a cummunity manager on a famous gambling portal.

These 2 Ladies Celebrated Their 30-Year Friendversary By Getting Cute Tattoos Of What They Both Enjoy

They say friendship is the purest form of love. And I agree. There’s nothing more genuine than the connection between two people who share similar visions, dreams, fears, and passions. They also say that if a friendship lasts more than 7 years, then you are no longer just friends, you are family.

Well, this story is proof of that.

These 2 lovely ladies from Brazil have been friends their entire lives and a few months ago they celebrated their 30-year friendiversary.

However, instead of going to a usual date, looking at some old photos, reviving old memories and taking pictures of themselves, they decided to give each other some really memorable gifts. The gifts didn’t include jewelry, flowers, or books. They were something much bolder and much more adventurous.

The ladies decided to get tattooed. And so, they did!

They went to the local tattoo artist and got two, lovely, minimal, matching tattoos on their arms. The tattoos were two smiling beers holding hands. Their families couldn’t resist the cuteness of these two best friends, so they shared a photo of them posing next to one another.


They said that the tattoo they chose actually symbolizes the things that they both enjoy. Having a nice conversation over a glass full of beer.

I mean! Is there anything you would rather do with your best girl?

Bravo, ladies! You are my definition of friendship goals! Considering that we live in a world of lost values, it is really refreshing to see that there are still friendships like this. It is definitely not easy to take care of a relationship for so many years. But when the connection is real, there is nothing that you can’t do!

I wish you an entire life of love, mutual understanding, and joy.

Don’t forget to share this story with your best friends and remind them how much they mean to you!

Meteorologist Wears Her Toddler In A Swaddle While Reporting Weather Forecast

Susie Martin, a certified meteorologist and on-air weather person for the weather company Praedictix, has received the attention of thousands of social media users after footage of her and her one-year-old son was shared on the Facebook page of the company.

The footage features Martin strapping her toddler son to her back while reporting the national weather forecast.

Besides showing that parenting doesn’t stop only because a parent is at work, Martin had one more important reason why she decided to report the weather forecast this way. She said:

“I wanted to promote this wonderful tool that’s helped me as a mom and the bonding experience between mother and son. I suppose it’s a way for the baby to be comforted. It was nice for me personally because I could multitask while comforting my child.”

In addition to the thousands of favorable comments that the video of the weather forecast has received from social media users, Praedictix officials have also supported and praised Martin’s display.


And that’s not all, Dr. Jason Homme, assistant professor of pediatrics at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, has also approved of the move. He said: “I think it’s reasonable to conclude that it can help with bonding for both for the parent and child. I think to promote it in this way is creative.”

And when it comes to Martin, she said she’s glad that the video went viral and she hopes that she inspires other parents to follow her example and bond with their toddlers with babywearing.

Martin said: “It does make me feel like a mom that can be very capable of doing things. That’s just the message that I love about it and I would say as a working mom, it’s nice to be able to have this tool with me to help me do my job.”

These words of Martin truly show how much she appreciates and enjoys babywearing and what an invaluable tool it’s been for her as a mom.

Dear You, If You Feel Like Love Is Escaping You, Please Read This

I know how you feel. I’ve felt that same restlessness in my soul. I’ve felt that same fear.

People say love will find you when you are ready. But when are we really ready?

There are moments when we feel that we are 100% open for it, yet it doesn’t happen.

That is exactly how you feel right now. I can see it in your smile, and I can feel it your touch. You feel ready to find the love of your life. In fact, you are eager to fall in love and experience that feeling for the first time in your life. But for some reason, it doesn’t happen.

For some reason, you are still alone. And you are scared. Scared that it will never happen to you. Scared that love will never find you.

Well, let me tell you something.

Love is not that simple as some people usually paint it to be. Love doesn’t always come when we are ready.

Sometimes, it is you that is the problem. Sometimes no matter how much you think that you are ready for it, you are not. You think that love is the only thing missing from your life, but deep inside you are afraid of showing your vulnerable self to another human being, so you unconsciously hide from the world. Sometimes reality has nothing to do with what your dreams are. And you realize that maybe you aren’t ready after all.

And sometimes, it is the opposite. You are ready, but they are not. They tell you how perfect and amazing you are, yet they don’t want to commit. They tell you that you are the best person someone could ever ask for, yet you can feel their distance. You can feel that they are only here for a while. You give, but you don’t receive anything in return.

I know that it seems like love is not meant to happen to you, but that is not true.

Love is not avoiding you. Love is not escaping you. Love is not passing you by.

Your expectations are destroying you.  Because, let’s face it, no matter how much we want to have everything under control, we cannot always control the timeline of our life. Life and love don’t always go according to our plans. From everything that I’ve experienced, they happen when you least expect it. They happen while you are busy making other plans.

So, stop pitying yourself and think for a second. 

Love is not escaping you; it is preparing you for what’s to come. It is giving you chances and opportunities from which you can learn many lessons before you take a leap of faith and fall for someone. It is letting you experience other things in your life. It is helping you fall in love with yourself and grow at your own pace. It is showing you how wonderful life can be when you don’t rush it.

So, stop rushing it. And stop despairing.

Everything that you are going through right now is exactly what you need in this moment.

Maybe you can’t understand that now, but there will come a day when things will become crystal clear. When that moment comes, you will realize that even though you may have waited for a long, in the end, it was all worth it.

When You Really Love Someone, You Make Room In Your Life For Them

When you truly, madly, deeply fall in love with someone, you do everything to make room in your life for them. You welcome them in your world. You give them the key to your heart. You let them know that they should feel at home. And you make sure they do.

When you really love someone, you put them high on your priority list. You take time to be with them. You show them how you feel about them. You allow them to enter your realms and find shelter in your heart. You give them the freedom to be exactly who they are.

When you really love someone, you rearrange your priorities. That doesn’t mean ditching everyone else and leaving everything aside just to be with them. It doesn’t mean slacking during work hours because they are all you can think. It doesn’t mean giving up on your hopes and dreams for them. It simply means making more room into your life for them.

Because when you find that special someone, when you finally fall in love and experience that sublime feeling of being loved, you change. You are no longer the same person that you used to be when you were alone. You no longer make decisions without thinking about them. You no longer accept a co-worker’s invitation to lunch before consulting them. You no longer come home 3 hours later than usual while they are waiting for you.

You include them in your plans because they are now a part of the bigger picture.

A part of your life.

Because even though they should never expect you to drop everything for them or give up your life to be with them, they deserve to be placed high. They deserve to be shown that they are loved and cared for. They deserve to be appreciated.

So, remember this. When you truly, madly, deeply love another person, you never make them your second-best priority. You promise to be there for them, to take care of them, to support them, to listen to them, and to accept them with all of their flaws and differences.

You go out of your way to make them feel loved and welcomed in your world. You appreciate them for everything they are to you. You make sure they know how much you respect them. And you make sure they know how important part of your life they are.

It’s really simple. When you love someone, you make room in your world for them.

Woman Playing ‘Chicken’ With Her Children Runs Over And Kills Her Three-Year-Old Son With SUV

Lexus Stagg, a 26-year-old mom from Houston, was charged with Criminally Negligent Homicide for fatally striking her three-year-old son with SUV on June 11, authorities said.

The atrocious act was caught on a surveillance camera from an apartment complex. On the video footage, Stagg can be seen getting into a sport utility vehicle and then backing up. As her 3 kids start running after the car, Stagg drives the SUV forward. Two of the youngsters move out of the way, but she fatally strikes the three-year-old with the front of the vehicle.

And that’s not all – Stagg continues to drive forward and runs over her son again. Later she told the police that she thought she hit a speed bump when she was reversing.

The child was taken to the hospital but died due to the severe injuries.

Authorities condemn this act. In a statement, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said: “Cars aren’t toys and playing chicken with your kids isn’t a game.”

And Sean Teare, chief of the Vehicular Crimes Division, said: “You should be playing Peek-A-Boo with a three-year-old instead of forcing him to try and dodge a 5,600 pound deadly weapon.”

If convicted, Stagg faces up to 10 years in jail.

Why An Exerpeutic Elliptical Machine Is The Perfect Piece Of Exercise Equipment For People With Bad Knees

Suffering from bad knees? Well, you might have abandoned exercise to avoid further pain. Nonetheless, regular workouts are essential. Participating in low-impact exercise increases the flow of blood and nutrients to your cartilage. And this is crucial for good knee health. Research shows that those who do light exercises regularly tend to have healthier knee cartilage than those who don’t exercise at all.

Elliptical machines are often designed to combine the leg action of stair-steppers with the arm movement associated with cross-country skiing. Utilizing an elliptical machine is often considered a low-impact activity, and won’t actually cause knee pain as long as it’s used correctly. And since they provide low-impact aerobic activity, elliptical trainers can be a great alternative for those who’ve bad knees or those who’ve joint pain resulting from arthritis. If you’ve any injuries or health issues, you may want to consult with your doctor first.

Here are 3 ways in which exerpeutic 1000xl elliptical workouts benefit your bad knees

Protect your knees from stressful impact

Elliptical workouts are popular for being less stressful on the knees, back, and the hips. They’re a perfect alternative to running, walking, or jogging as they cause less impact.  Since your knees are connected to the machine’s pedals, there’ll be zero-impact exerted on your knees. Besides, these workouts require minimal stabilization around the knee joints and offer a minimum impact.

They Boost Quick Recovery

Utilizing an elliptical can be an incredible way to resume exercise after injury, as long as your doctor has given you clearance to work out. Elliptical workouts can help prevent injuries like stress fractures and mild meniscus tear. But if you experience pain while exercising, stop it and avoid pushing through your workout. Try speaking to a physical therapist as the elliptical shouldn’t be causing any pain to a healthy knee.


They Strengthen Other Muscles Which Keep Your Knees Healthy

Research shows that elliptical machines can accelerate the flow of blood to a person’s knee cartilage and improve muscle strength. And this helps keep the knee joints healthy, especially in those who’ve arthritic knees. In addition, elliptical trainers strengthen the quads, ankles, as well as the hamstrings. All these contribute to healthy knees.

Things to Consider When Choosing an Elliptical For Your Bad Knees

  • Intensity- If you suffer from bad knees, consider starting out slow on the elliptical machine and gradually increase intensity. Pick a machine with resistance options that match your personal needs.
  • Size– Elliptical trainers feature an average height of 6 feet and a width of 2.5 feet. However, big models can extend up to 84 inches in length. So, when making your purchase, look for a machine that can be elevated and its pedals extended.
  • Ergonomics– Certain elliptical trainers force your body to bend forward so as to reach the pedals. You’ll definitely want to choose a machine which allows you to maintain an upright posture for comfort as well as better ergonomics.
  • Programs– Any form of exercise can become boring after some time. Maintain interest in your exercises by choosing an Exerpeutic Elliptical machine with built-in user programs. Certain programs keep track of your objectives/goals whilst others suggest new workout routines.

The Bottom Line

If you want an effective workout, getting an elliptical machine could be an incredible option. Using this gadget will exert less stress on your knees, back, and hips. The movable upper body handles allow you to effectively exercise both your arms as well as legs. Plus, most of these machines can be pedaled in the reverse direction, allowing you to work your hamstring and calf muscles a bit more than you’d with the forward motion. 


What You Must Know Before Buying Himalayan Salt Lamp?

The Himalayan salt lamps are among the most popular holistic remedies you’ll find on the market today. Some of many benefits of pink Himalayan salt lamps include their ability to help reduce stress and anxiety, boost your mood, help alleviate allergy and asthma symptoms, purify the air in your home or office, and neutralize electromagnetic radiation.

In addition, the natural salt lamps look beautiful and make a great décor addition to any living or working space.

Moreover, it is believed that Himalayan sea salt is that old that is actually composed of dried remnants of the primal sea dating back to the creation of Earth, which adds a hint of mystery to these unusual lamps. 

What is Pink Himalayan Salt?

Pink Himalayan salt lamps is considered to be the cleanest and purest form of salt available in nature today. Also known as rock salt, Himalayan crystal salt, pink salt, and Himalayan sea salt, this versatile salt comes from the region in Pakistan close to the Himalayan Mountains that is home to the richest salt fields in the world. It contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and iron oxide (hence the reddish pink color).

Why is Pink Himalayan Salt so Beneficial?

Besides its countless culinary uses, Himalayan pink salt has many other benefits, including numerous therapeutic and nutritional properties.

It is believed that Himalayan salt provides essential minerals, normalizes metabolic functions, and balances the body’s pH, and increases circulation and energy flow in the body.

While the people of Himalayas have used this salt to preserve fish and meat in the past, today is Himalayan salt widely used as a healthier substitute for processed salts in all cuisines around the world. It is also an important ingredient if you want to create homemade, natural bath soaks, bath bombs, and body scrubs.

And of course, you can buy a lamp made of Himalayan sea salt.

What is the Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp?

The salt rock lamps are often called pink Himalayan salt lamps because of their pink-orange color. The rock for these lamps is harvested from the mines near the Himalayan Mountains, typically in Pakistan. The lamps are actually blocking of halite or rock salt with bright light bulbs that give off a pleasant, soft glow. 

Himalayan Crystal Salt Lamps Benefits

It is believed that natural salt lamps reduce air pollution, negative ions and electro-smog produced by electronic devices around us. In addition, many people believe that sea salt lamps help them alleviate anxiety and stress and lessen seasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms. Also, proponents of crystal salt lamps claim that these lamps are beneficial in reducing symptoms of asthma, allergies, and other illnesses.

Easing Anxiety Symptoms

A suggested health benefit of the Himalayan salt lamp is a decrease in anxiety symptoms. Studies show that Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions into the air, helping reduce anxiety and stress.

Negative ions are invisible molecules or atoms in the air which bear an electric charge. While positive ions harm the human body, whereas negative ions are must to remove their effects. The presence of negative ions is associated with nature. These invisible molecules are created by things such as sunlight, lightning, ocean waves, and waterfalls. In fact, running water is believed to be the greatest source of negative ions in nature. 

Thanks to negative ions which stimulate the biochemical reaction in the body that raises levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being), helping reduce anxiety and depression symptoms and boost energy. 

Promoting Healthy Sleep Patterns

As Himalayan salt lamps release negative ions into the air, they have a relaxing effect, encouraging a relaxing atmosphere and normal sleep. In addition, the warm pink-orange light of the salt lamp has a soothing effect, promoting relaxation and calmness.

Improving Air Quality

Air purification is one of the main reasons why people purchase these lamps. With their normal ability to attract water vapor, pink salt lamps attract pollutants in the air. Pollutants such as mold, bacteria, and allergens that come with the vapor remain trapped in the heated salt while the water evaporates, leaving your home or office with cleaner air.

Soothing Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

People who struggle with asthma and allergies often use Himalayan salt in inhalers, to relieve the symptoms, which results in easier breathing. Many studies have confirmed the benefits of salt therapy in helping alleviate asthma, bronchitis, and allergy symptoms.

A Decrease in Electromagnetic Radiation

From our cellphones and computers to television, devices around us that release electromagnetic radiation (electro-smog) in the form of positive ions are plentiful. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is responsible to cause severe long-term consequences such as a weakened immune system, fatigue, and stress. Moreover, many studies suggest that frequent exposure to radiation can cause different forms of cancer, and contribute to dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and other illnesses.

Natural salt lamps are believed to produce negative ions by cutting down the effects of positive ions, therefore neutralizing the charge of electrosmog. The balance of negative and positive ionization in the air promotes better moods, relaxed mind and reduces airborne infections.