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Beginner’s Guide: How to Do Couponing in 5 Simple Steps

Think getting started with couponing is tough? Worry not as we share the easiest ways on how to start couponing for beginners & where to find the best coupons.

Americans spend about 6 percent of their annual income on food. This means it can cost a family of four around $700 to $1,100 a month on groceries. Are you trying to save money and considering couponing?

Think getting started with couponing is tough? Worry not as we share the easiest ways on how to start couponing for beginners & where to find the best coupons.

  1. Set Aside Time and Set Goals

Before you can start, figure out your goals. Do you want to save money, stock up the pantry, or reduce your budget? This will help you get started.

It’s best to set aside at least 1-2 hours a week to plan for the week. Put together your meal plan, shopping goals, and decide where you can save the most.

  1. Find the Coupons

Next, you need to know where to look for coupons. Here are places you should check each week:

  • Sunday paper: find the one closest to you with the biggest circulation for the most coupons
  • Check online: check out sites like MUD WTR coupon, Coupons.com, RedPlum, SmartSource, Dealwiki, and RetailMeNot
  • Ask friends and family for coupons
  • Coupon apps: Look for smartphone apps like Coupons.com, Cartwheel (Target), and Ibotta
  • Store: you can find the deals and coupons in the store’s flyers or on their websites

You can also join Facebook groups or follow blogs for more tips on how to find coupons. You don’t have to print out all the coupons and use them because you have them—that may cost you more money if you buy something you won’t use.

If you are looking for ways to save money while preparing your tax, do collect this coupon H&R Block coupons.

  1. How to Organize

After you find your coupons, you need to organize them so you can find them and use them. There are various ways, so you choose the method that works for you.

You can use a binder and divide the pages into categories such as dairy, drinks, pantry, and snacks. You can also use envelopes for the same categories. You want to find a method for organizing that is easy for you to carry to the store with you.

  1. Know Coupon Policies

You will need to do a little research to figure out your store’s coupon policy. Some stores will double or even triple coupons under $1. Find out ways to stack coupons like a store loyalty program. 

Check to see if you can use one coupon per item. You also need to know if there is a limit. 

  1. Stockpile

When you find a good deal, it’s best to stockpile items. For example, if the soup is on sale and you have a coupon, buy more than you normally would. You will learn about the store’s sale cycle. 

Buying when it’s the best price puts you in control. You don’t want to buy something when you need it because you may not have the best price or a current coupon. 

How to Start Couponing for Beginners Final Thoughts

Couponing does not have to be complicated. Once you learn how to start couponing for beginners, you will get better with practice. The main thing you need to do is set aside time and make a plan.

A Useful Tip: How To Open A Can Without A Can Opener Or A Knife

Imagine this situation: You’re camping in the woods. You’re hungry and the only food you’re carrying in your backpack is a can of tuna (or soup, or beans, or whatever). And just as you’re about to open it, the can opener breaks. And that’s not all – you don’t have a spoon or knife with which you could open the can.

So, the question is: How are you going to open it?

Well, don’t worry – you aren’t going to have to spend the rest of the day hungry because we have one easy, practical solution.

Popular YouTuber ‘The Crazy Russian Hacker’ has posted a video in which he explains how to open any kind of can without a knife or any type of tool. And no, to do this, you don’t need to possess magical powers. Instead, all you need is your hands and a piece of concrete.

Here’s the video.


5 Powerful Ways To Shift Your Mindset And Stop Giving A Damn About What Others Think

Look around you.

We are desperate for attention. We are slaves of other people’s opinions about us.

We carefully pick what to wear so that others don’t say something bad about us.

We go out of our way to make ourselves more attractive and appealing to others because we desperately want to be loved by everyone.

We beat ourselves up after everything we say (or don’t say), worrying that others would immediately change their opinion about us.

We practically live for other people. We live to fulfill their expectations of us.

Enough of that!

Other people’s opinions should not concern us. They are none of our business and they certainly have nothing to do with us. What others think or say about us is a reflection of what they think of themselves. It has everything to do with their own judgments, fears, insecurities, preferences, likes, and dislikes.

So, let’s stop going out of our minds to please everyone.

The truth is, no matter what you do, you are never going to be liked by everyone.

Here are 5 powerful ways to shift your mindset and stop giving a damn about other people’s opinion:

1.Know your values. Find out what gets you going, what leads you in life. Find out what gives you a direction and what makes you hopeful and confident in the pursuit of your dreams. Find what you truly value and follow that road. Knowing your core values is like having a bright lantern to lead your way through the dark woods. Without it, you will be completely lost.

2. Stay in your own business. People say there are three types of business in the world. The first is God’s or nature’s business. The second is other people’s business and the third one is your own business. Now, the first one will always be out of your reach. You cannot control it. The second one should never concern you. And finally, the third one is the only business that you should care about. Who you are and what you do should only concern you.

3. Do your best. I know a lot of people who had very big expectations of themselves and spent their life beating themselves up every time they failed to meet them. That is not the way to live your life. That is not self-love. That is self-hate. Can you think of how many times you failed? Too many to even count, right? Fine. Regardless of how many times you made a mistake, know that every single time you did your best. That is right. Even if it doesn’t seem to you like you did. Every moment in your life happens exactly the way it’s supposed to happen. So, every action that you take at the moment, is you doing your best.

Your best doesn’t mean working your ass off until you collapse as a result of exhaustion. Your best means working with what you’ve got at the moment.

4. Take control of your emotions. Base your emotions on your own opinion about yourself, not on the opinions of other people. Because when you let others take full ownership of your feelings, or in other words, when you let your happiness depend on other people, you practically give them the right to control your life.

Don’t let their actors influence the way you feel.

5. Accept the fact that we all make mistakes. Stop striving for perfection and realize that we are all flawed. We are all imperfect and we all make mistakes. We are terrified when it comes to talking about how we feel. But that is only because we think that we are the only ones going through those experiences.

Well, newsflash. We are all going through the same experiences and we all make mistakes. The good thing is, it is up to us whether we will decide to learn from those mistakes or keep doing them until we learn our lessons the harder way.

Reintegrate Home Economics Class Into Modern Education System Since Our Children Lack Basic Life Skills

While it was very common for Home Economics classes to be taught at schools and universities 80 years ago, today they’re taught far less often. In addition, the content is regarded as “diluted” and incorporated in several undergraduate related courses, like Family Studies, Food, and Nutrition, or Health and Safety. 

Of course, reading, writing, English, Math, Science, and History are all important subjects to learn in school, but an entire range of basic life skills that get students through daily life is not present in school curricula.

What’s more, today’s students often say that they don’t need to learn basic life skills in schools because they can learn these at home with the help of their parents and grandparents.

Yes, parents can do a lot to provide children with simple real-life skills at home, but schools can do a way better job of helping students to be better individuals not only in the education system but at home and in society as well.

Students need programs that will help them develop and master the needed skills for cooking, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, tackling budgets, and doing taxes. After all, what’s the point of expecting a student to know to analyze properly or write a Shakespearean sonnet if they’re not able to identify nutritious plants, cook, manage their finances, or use screwdrivers?

Therefore, Home Economics or Consumer Sciences Classes need to be brought back home. Schools need to provide students with all the knowledge they need so that they can enter the “real world” well prepared and know how to take care of themselves as well as rear their own loved ones.

Opinions are divided over the importance of Home Economics classes. But, we believe that it’s wrong to consider them as a part of an outdated schooling system. Because they are what provide students with valuable skills that last a lifetime.

Dropshipping: Why it’s the Best Way to start your Online Business

Are you thinking of ways to make money without having to put up a physical store or invest in inventory? If you are, then we have a solution for you – dropshipping. Dropshipping is a supply chain management method in which the business person doesn’t keep inventory in stock, but instead, gives his/her client’s orders and delivery details to the producer, wholesaler or another retailer, who then delivers the products to the client. The whole reason the dropshipping model became so popular is the dropship lifestyle that it promulgates, meaning that you can work from anywhere on the world, sitting on the beach, etc.

So let’s say you are into an on-demand print or embroidery stuff and have orders from your clients, you don’t need to design and stock these items. Instead, you can ship your details to a printing company like https://www.printful.com/and have the items sent directly to the client without you having to lift a finger.

So, when you offer dropshipping services, you do not have to worry about stocking items in a store; you also don’t need to worry about product fulfillment. Your only problem would be to market the item, receive orders, and earn a decent income. Dropshipping is a great way to start your online business without any hassle.

But don’t get us wrong – dropshipping isn’t a walk in the park. Like with other business, you’ll need to invest time to perform some research to understand your market, find a reliable supplier, study your competitors, among other things. It’s also important to note that your business will only be as good as the kind of supplier you are working with – successful dropshipping needs a partnership between you and your supplier, and trust is critical. So, before you depend on any dropship distributor, you should place a test order and take note of how it is handled. Look at:

  • How fast the order ships
  • How the order is packaged
  • And the quality of customer service

Why dropshipping is the best way to start your online business without any hassles:

No initial investment

Unlike other businesses that will need a couple of dollars to start, dropshipping is practically zero. In fact, the only cost that you’ll incur is the hosting fee, which is about $3. The rest of the things, including installation of open source shopping cart and SSL certificate, are absolutely free.

Easy to setup

With hundreds of solutions to help you set up an e-commerce platform in a few hours available today, you don’t need to worry about the tech stuff. Just browse around for a free, easy to use tool with the kinds of features you are looking for and click some buttons, and you’ll be good to go.

Lower risk

Imagine investing your money into something, and it fails to pick off – that would be a great blow financially and emotionally. The good thing about dropshipping is it’s almost free, so the risks are much lower.

Its location independent

With dropshipping, you won’t have to worry about how you’ll serve a client in the US or the UK because you can run it from anywhere. It allows you to focus on growing your business rather than trying to find a warehouse and/or employees. As it stands, dropshipping is among the few most scalable e-commerce models today.

How Women Can Succeed in a Male-Dominated World

As inequality issues continue to hit the headlines, it appears that in certain situations women still have a long way to go to be seen as equivalent to their male counterparts. With terms such as ‘mansplaining’ becoming commonplace in mainstream media, it is easy to see why there is such a need for change in traditionally male-dominated settings. But until that day comes, many women will continue to be faced with challenges these situations present. So, how can women overcome these challenges and strive for success in a male-dominated scene?

Team power

Women everywhere already know the daily struggles that come with being a woman, so avoid making it any worse by picking holes in other females. Instead, look to support and lift other women around you to create a powerful collective bond. Studies show that women react differently to stress than men. While both men and women release cortisol and oxytocin when they are dealing with stress, women also have the hormone oestrogen which enhances the effect of oxytocin, encouraging them to nurture and protect. One way that this is achieved is by gathering with other women. As more friends are made, more oxytocin is released which counters the stress and creates a sense of peace and calm. 

Call it out  

On a daily basis, women have to deal with getting the short end of the stick. If this happens to you or you are a witness to it happening to someone else, call it out. You don’t have to be combative or rude, simply state why you feel the situation is not being handled in the best way. By recognizing and drawing attention to unfair situations that leave women at a disadvantage, we can collectively begin to create the change that needs to happen in society. 

Know your stuff

Nothing is going to set you apart from the rest like knowing your subject. Whether you’re working in a male-dominated corporation or you want to break out into a new discipline, playing to your strengths and possessing the skills you need to succeed is the best way to get ahead. Liv Boeree is a great example of this. One of the most successful female poker players of all time, Boeree has asserted herself as a highly knowledgeable and skilled player in an industry that is traditionally male-dominated. By studying the game and knowing her stuff, she repeatedly outsmarts her competitors, and currently sits at #5 on the female all-time live poker winnings list.

The term mansplaining is commonly used in mainstream media  

Recognize your worth 

Many women are guilty of waiting patiently for someone to recognize their value. But if you aren’t recognizing it, then other people aren’t going to either. Make a list of all of the values and attributes that you have that make you worthy of that project you want, or the raise you’re after. Then, turn these values and attributes into positive affirmations that you can repeat to yourself when you’re in the shower. Studies show that repeating phrases such as “I am reliable, responsible, and respected” or “I am a confident, strong person and I accomplish my goals” can have a positive impact on your outlook for the day, helping you to achieve what you set out to. 

Learn to speak

This might sound like an odd one, but your communication style is everything when it comes to being heard. Weak communication can often mean being talked over or ignored, so one way to get around this is to practice being assertive. This doesn’t mean you need to be rude, just address your language and tone of voice by losing the apologies and qualifiers and speaking with authority and confidence.    

Cool as a cucumber

Mastering the art of remaining calm under pressure or in situations of conflict is a surefire way of getting yourself noticed and putting yourself into a position of leadership. Rather than engaging in conflict or avoiding it altogether, learn to keep a cool head and find solutions that will work for all parties. High-pressure situations are also a great place to demonstrate your ability to move past awkwardness and get on with your day. Reacting with emotion, especially when tired, angry, or upset, is not going to reflect well, so maintain your composure and stay focused.

So, let’s work towards a new future by inspiring change in the present. By stepping up and owning our power in male-dominated situations we can move forward in the knowledge that we are making a difference for women everywhere.

A Heartfelt Letter To The Woman Who Has Forgotten Her Worth: You Are More Than Good Enough

This goes to you – the woman who has forgotten her worth. The woman who has stopped believing in herself. The woman whose heart has been broken time and time again.

I know how you feel. I know what you’re going through. Because I’ve already been through it myself.

I know what it’s like when your trust is tested. I know what it’s like when your character is challenged. I know what it’s like when the hurtful words of someone you love so dearly pierce your heart like a knife.

I know that you can still hear in your head the words he told you. I know that every time you look at yourself in the mirror, all you see is your imperfections.

I know that when you lie down on your bed late at night, you hope that tomorrow will be a better day. You hope that you’ll be the old you one day.

I know that you’re the woman who has forgotten her worth, but let me tell you something: This is just a bad phase you’re going through and it’ll be over soon. Because you are smart, beautiful, and strong. You’re worthy of love.

You are more than good enough.

I know it’s hard for you now to remind yourself of your qualities and strength and restore your confidence. But, trust me, the state you’re currently in won’t last forever.

Very soon, you’ll manage to cure your wounds and mend your broken heart. Very soon, you’ll be the old version of yourself, only tougher and wiser.

What you need to do is just open your eyes and realize that your romantic relationships don’t determine your worth. You need to realize that all those guys who took you for granted, played with your feelings, and broke your trust didn’t deserve you. They didn’t deserve your kindness, your patience, your compassion, your affection. They didn’t deserve to have someone like you by their side.

Because you were better than them. Your soul was purer than theirs. Your heart was bigger than theirs. You love was selfless compared to theirs.

Therefore, know that the way you’re feeling now has nothing to do with who you are and it certainly doesn’t define your worth.

You deserve a lot more out of your life. You deserve someone who will be able to love you honestly, deeply, selflessly, and unconditionally. Someone who will be able to understand and deal with the intensity of your love. Someone who will be willing to fight for your happiness.

You deserve someone who will be able to hear your unsaid thoughts, sense your most hidden emotions, and look deep down into your soul. Someone who will even be able to interpret your silence.

You deserve someone who will feel grateful for having you in his life. Someone who will know what a genuine, kind-hearted, loving person he has in his life. Someone who won’t be afraid to fight for you and commit to you. Instead, the only thing he’ll be afraid of is losing you.

You deserve someone who will be able to see your worth and who will make sure you’re always aware of it yourself.


10 Movies with Life Lessons

Movies exist to entertain, but some go further than this. Instead of just scaring you, making you laugh, or give you a romantic tickle, some movies have a deeper purpose below their surface level. There are movies whose actual goal is to teach you something while keeping you entertained. Life lessons in the movies might not be as frequent, but when you find a movie that contains a fierce message, it will sure inspire you in its own way.

Inspiring movies don’t always have a life lesson as their primary goal or the biggest element in the plot. It is the job of the viewer of the movie to grasp the message and learn to it, even if it is subconsciously.

In our list, you’ll find some movies that are explicit about their message and you’ll literally see it from start to finish. Moreover, you’ll find others with a core message that’s deep into the plot of the movie, waiting for you to find it. Whichever it is, the list below is a list of life changing movies you should definitely be watching, also there is one more option like a Putlocker where you can watch movies online free.

1.  The Blind Side

The Blind Side is a story about a wonderful individual who’s ‘found’ by a family that helps him succeed. They choose to take him in despite the doubts and judgment of others. The family takes him in and helps him find himself, shows him how wonderful a family is and that people can be there for him in the good and the bad times.

The idea of this movie is that you should help people regardless of their race or age. It’s a movie that clearly fights against discrimination of all kinds and makes people open their hearts.

2.  Mrs. Doubtfire

This is a much older movie that was aired back in 1993. Still, it’s one with a very powerful message. Some view it as a comedy where people cross dress, but the movie has a much deeper purpose. The purpose is similar to that of our previous choice – a family can be very versatile and take many forms. Regardless, it still is a family and it’s the most powerful connection out there.

3.  The Matrix

You probably did not expect to find this movie in the list, but it’s here for a reason. Keanu Reeves enters a future where the machines take over the mind of humanity by using a VR program. Seeing how long it’s been since this movie first aired, it is incredible how ahead of the time the movie was. Even so, there’s actually a very good story in this movie – one that teaches you to free your mind and keep it open to different possibilities.

4.  Liar Liar

Jim Carrey’s movies might be hilarious, but this one actually has an extremely strong message. This particular movie removes the lying altogether, making it so hilarious and at the same time devastating, that you realize that lies are too big a part of our lives. The message of the movie is to be more open with people and try to eliminate lies as much as possible.

5.  Memento

A man with serious memory problems attempts to solve his wife’s murder. In the final moments of this movie, you can witness a twist that makes you question yourself and the world that surrounds you. This particular movie gives viewers a stronger sense of the world, boosts their self-awareness, and make them think deeper of their behaviors.

6.  Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

If you’ve seen this movie, you know that the main character has gone through a lot and grown up a lot since the start. The movie teaches you to take responsibility and respect yourself. You need to do some changes to make your life better and grow into a great individual. This applies to every sphere of life, starting from personal relationships to work. Students request writing help online when deadlines are tough. Adults delegate their tasks at work to meet a deadline. When something critical appears, you need to take action and find a solution.

7.  The Incredibles

It was about time that we put an animated movie in this list. The Incredibles has a strong message that unites people. Its message lies in the family unit that stands together. Through this superhero story, the author breaks down the themes of trust, isolation, and infidelity, making it one of the best family films people have seen.

8.  Pursuit of Happiness

You can’t just give in to anything that happens and let it determine the outcome. Happiness is something you must pursue and this movie is literally pushing you into that direction. This example is perhaps the most direct example of a movie with a strong, life changing story. The story of a struggling father that invests everything in scanners that quickly became an old technology. When that happens and pulls him backwards, Chris decides to take on a new challenge and takes an internship position as a stockbroker.

9.  The Bucket List

Only by reading the title, you know that this is a very rich and educational movie. It’s a movie about a man who makes a friend and decides to share his bucket list with him. The two men create a bucket list together and test their strength at trying and completing everything on it. It’s an extremely powerful story that teaches you to have no regrets and take action.

10. Zootopia

Zootopia did not receive as much popularity as, let’s say, Frozen. However, it has an amazing message in the story. The non-pixar animated film by Disney is perhaps the first great creation after the unforgettable The Lion King. It teaches people that they can be anything they want to be and fights stereotypes, racism, and discrimination.


Have you watched all of these movies, or at least a few? If you haven’t, it’s an excellent bucket list for you to go through this month. Add these movies to your to-do list and make sure to look for the message within. Each and every one of these choices has a great message to share with the viewers. Movies are there to entertain you, but no one says that they can’t inspire you or provide you with a strong and memorable life message.

If you know of another movie that shares a strong message, make sure to tell us about it. People love movies and being able to learn or get inspired in the process is a big plus.

Author’s Bio:

 Alvin Franklin has a PhD in psychology with a major in human behavior. As such, he’s always ready to provide the audience with useful advice, inspire and motivate them to live their life to the fullest. Thankfully, Alvin is also an excellent and a professional writer, making it possible for all to read his wise words and learn from his experience.

6 Ways To Accept The Pain And Get Over You Unrequited Love For Good

Unrequited love is one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life.

I remember those times. I remember those moments as if they were yesterday. I loved you, but I was never enough for you. I gave everything I had to you, but I didn’t get anything from you in return.

I will be honest with you; it wasn’t easy for me to go through all of that on my own. It took me a lot of time, a few kind people, an unconditional understanding from them and my own will to get to where I am now.  

But I did it. I accepted pain as a new feeling in my life and I let it flow through me. I allowed myself to feel it inside of me. It hurt like hell, but eventually, it got better. With time I learned that some things are not meant for us, no matter how much we think they are.

If you are struggling with the same, here are 6 ways that will help you accept the pain and overcome your unrequited love:

1. Cut off any contact with them for some period. I know that they would probably want to be your friend. I’ve been through it. I’ve pretended to be a friend to a person whose touch I desperately craved.

Some people do that purely out of their hearts, but then, three are some that usually do that out of pity for you.’

Don’t let them control you. Don’t let their guilt force you to do something that hurts you. Cut off any contact with them if that is how you feel. And don’t let them make you the bad guy for doing that.

2. Allow yourself to feel grief and go through all of its stages. The emotions that you will feel after realizing that they will never love you the way you love them will be painful. They will sting your heart. And they will make you feel as though you’ve broken up. Accept them anyway. Accept the pain. Accept the sorrow. Give yourself time to grieve and process what happened. Let your emotions consume you.

3. Tell everyone that you need time. Isolate yourself. Take as much time as you need to recharge. Let everyone know that you will be gone for a while and don’t give a damn what others have to say about that. I used to think that doing this is an act of selfishness, but now I know that if it’s what you need, then you should do it!

4. Talk to a person that might help you out. A lot of people struggle with moving on. I was one of them. I know it looks like I can talk to you for hours about it, but back then it was very hard for me to open. The only solution was visiting a professional. And if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here today giving tips on coping with unrequited love.’

So, yes. If you feel like you cannot find the way out of the maze, don’t hesitate to talk to someone who can help you.

5. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love. Remind yourself that you are an amazing, loving, caring and awesome human being who deserves to be loved truly. Replace every negative thought inside of you that is dragging you down with positivity and see what happens. Once you embrace the fact that you are worthy of love, value, respect, and understanding, the right person will come along.

6. Stop running into them. Whatever you choose to do, just know that running into them accidentally (on purpose) will not help you move on. Seeing them will be like a slap on the face. Like a knife in the guts. It will only hurt you more and more. So, don’t do that to yourself. Don’t hurt yourself more. You won’t overcome the pain of your unrequited love if you let that person be a part of your life.

10 Signs He Doesn’t Really Love You – He Is Only Using You

Being in love is the most amazing feeling in the whole world, but not when you force it. Love is not something that can happen when you want it to happen. Love is an uncontrollable force that has its own pace.

So, if you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t seem certain about you, it may be time for you to start asking some questions. When a person loves, they love from the bottom of their hearts and everything seems easy. But when a person doesn’t want to be with you, you can feel it in your guts.

Here are 10 signs that he may not be that into you:

1. He is always busy doing something else. It seems like he has more important things in his life than being with you. Every time you call him, he is already somewhere having the time of his life with his friends or colleagues.  He barely makes time for you.

2. He doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends and family. Every time he comes across someone, he knows he introduces you as his friend. He hasn’t mentioned that he has a girlfriend to anyone, so no one really knows who you are. This is a sign that he is not really in love with you – You are just convenient.

3. You are the only one who plans your dates. He doesn’t bother to call you and make plans with you. Once a week is enough for him. If you don’t bother to text him or suggest doing something fun, you will probably never see each other again.

4. He convinces you that he is honest with you, but you can feel it in your heart that he doesn’t want to open up. He is simply not there when you talk. Every time you try to ask him something more about who he is, he finds a way to avoid that question and blame you for asking personal stuff.

5. He rarely calls you. He prefers to text you.

6. He doesn’t mention you in his future plans. He often talks about certain events in the future, but he rarely includes you in them. It is almost like he doesn’t even consider your relationship as something serious.

7. He often cancels your plans with an excuse that he has something more important. He doesn’t really care whether you’ll get mad or anything because he knows that whatever happens, it won’t be long until you forgive him.

8. He still talks to his ex-partners. He says that he is friends with every single one of them, but it is pretty clear that he is not really good at maintaining those kinds of friendships. This a big red flag. You mustn’t avoid it.

9. He doesn’t take time to get to know the real you. That is because he doesn’t care about what you two have. He is only playing you. And he will keep doing that until he gets bored and actually finds someone else.

10. He avoids all forms of affection in public. He doesn’t want to put his arm around you or hold hands with you when you are out in public. In fact, he doesn’t really want to be seen with you. He may not say that, but his actions do. Every time he takes you out for lunch, it is always someplace secret. Somewhere no one can see you.