Going to court for divorce cases and hiring an attorney to assist you in the process can be stressful, expensive and very messy. But when you decide to get an affordable divorce online, then there may be no need to hire a family lawyer or even branch the doors of a courtroom. If you are looking for ways to get divorce documents online, then here is a guide that would help you when applying for divorces on any website;
First and Foremost, make sure your divorce is uncontested
Before filing for divorce online, you have to make sure your divorce is uncontested. What do we mean by an uncontested divorce? An uncontested divorce is only practical when both spouses have agreed to the key issues relating to the divorce. Which means that you and your husband or wife have decided on who is going to take care of the child after the divorce, who will make the child support payments and the division of the properties. Online divorce websites only deal with uncontested divorces, because they do not require many procedures so far as both spouses have agreed on the key issues. So before getting a divorce online, you will have to talk with your spouse and come to an agreement. Once you and your spouse have settled at least most of the divorce problems, then you can further the process by doing the following;
1) Check the internet for your state’s website to see if the divorce papers are available – You can get the divorce papers from your state’s website, and you might even get them for free. However, some states may have some requirements for you to follow, depending on your situation. For example, if your uncontested divorce involves minor children (that is your kids have not yet reached the legal age, they are still below 18 years old), then there may different divorce forms for you to purchase and other required applications. You may not want to go through all these complications by getting specific divorce forms and following the requirements because they consume time. You can still choose to use an online divorce company that can help get the divorce forms you need.
2) Check the internet for online divorce companies or website to get the divorce papers online – There are online divorce websites or companies that offer a cheap and easy way of getting an online divorce. They will help you to prepare your divorce papers and also provide other assistance. Some sites can have divorce forms that meet your state’s requirements, while some can have an all-purpose divorce form that may not be the required one in your county. Some sites can also have an attorney or paralegal to review your divorce papers. Others may be a do-it-yourself process where you do not get any help. However, if you choose to use an online company to get your divorce documents prepared, then using a company that has the right divorce documents required by your state would be the right option.
Knowing the requirements for getting divorce papers online and also when it is necessary to hire an attorney
Once you have either visited your state’s website or an online company to get your divorce documents, then you can start reading the requirements of filing for divorce online. Yes, just like your state has some rules for you to follow when applying for an online divorce, so do online companies have some requirements for those who wish to file for divorce on their site. So you will have to find out first if truly your divorce is an uncontested divorce before you can apply for divorce. As already treated earlier, online companies only deal with cases where both spouses have agreed on the key issues relating to the divorce. Therefore, you can apply for an online divorce if you have an uncontested divorce. Now, what are those main divorce problems that require you and your spouse’s agreement? There are listed below;
- Child Custody and Child Support
- Alimony, also known as spousal support
- Visitation
- Division of debt
- Division of real and personal property
If there is an agreement on the main problems listed above, then you can file for divorce online. If you and your spouse still have not agreed to all but most of the divorce issues, then you may have to hire a divorce attorney to help in this case. You can only apply for an online divorce if you have an uncontested divorce. When you and your spouse are still quarreling or fighting over the terms and conditions of the divorce. Then going to the court for a trial would be the right thing to do.
However, if there is at least still one major issue left for you both to decide and can’t come to an agreement yet. Or even though there are minor issues that you both can’t resolve, then consulting a professional divorce attorney or lawyer whose expertise is matrimonial or divorce law cases will be necessary. The same goes to situations where you and your spouse are still fighting over the terms of the divorce, or you both don’t even want to talk to each other at all. Consulting with a lawyer in these circumstances can help a lot.
Choosing the right attorney for your case
Not all family lawyers specialize in divorce cases, so it is essential to choose an attorney carefully. Also, if you own a large estate where you have a lot of assets or the assets are expensive, you will probably need a divorce attorney in this situation. The same thing goes to unresolved issues concerning the children or support payments. You will have to consult a divorce attorney help in the matter and offer better solutions. Filing for divorce online will not work when you and your spouse haven’t agreed on the issues relating to the divorce.
Knowing the right company to use for your online divorce
There are thousands of online divorce companies on the internet that offer free divorce forms on their sites. But the fact is knowing the right one to pick since there are so many available on the internet can be confusing. You can’t just trust any online divorce company with your divorce case because when things go wrong, you will have to start all over from the beginning again. For example, using an online company that gives an incorrect divorce form can make things more complicated, and you will have to start all over by filing those papers again. You may probably have to pay another filing fee at the clerk office which will bring more expenses to your budget.
Some of these websites that offer free divorce forms will give their services according to the payments made which means incorrect divorce forms, false information, and sometimes hidden fees. For example, your state may have no-fault divorces but if the site your applying for a no-fault divorce doesn’t have the papers for it and have not updated them. Then it will not be possible to get the required divorce you are needing. So to avoid filing the wrong divorce forms, you will have to use the right online divorce company. But how do you pick the right company on the internet?
Choosing the right website for your online divorce
Using your smartphone device, or even a laptop, you can search on the internet for top-rated online companies that offer quality divorce services. On the internet, there are several online divorce website that claims to offer free divorce forms and also being 100% court guaranteed. However, because you are looking for an inexpensive divorce or divorce without a lawyer doesn’t mean you should make use of any website for your divorce case. You can search for different top-ranked online companies which provide opportunities for customers to speak with an attorney or lawyer. Speaking with an attorney would at least ensure that you don’t miss out on any information regarding your online divorce. These top-ranked companies should also allow you to ask a legal question just in case you are confused about something. The companies will also have highly experienced professionals to review your paperwork if it is an uncontested divorce and know the requirements for your state.
Make sure to read the instructions the website gives you and understand that they can not submit your divorce papers at the courtroom, expect it’s either you, your spouse or your attorney. Searching on the internet can help you find an online website that will get your uncontested divorce started, get the right divorce papers for you and assist you in completing those papers. It may take a lot of time, but with patience, you will get what you want so far as you use the right website.