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8 Top Traits That Make A Man Desirable

When I say “what makes a man desirable,” I’m not solely referring to his physical appearance or the way he smiles and flirts with women.  I’m not referring to his financial status either.

Because the truth is that a guy’s physical appearance is not the only thing that determines whether and how attractive he is. There are other traits which, I dare say, are usually overlooked, that make every man out there highly desirable.

Here they are:

1. A highly desirable man listens to you attentively.

The way a man listens to you is more important than the way he talks to you. And a desirable man always makes sure he actively and carefully listens to you. Whether you talk to him about how you spent your day or complain to him about your jealous co-worker, he pays attention to you and shows that your words have meaning for him.

2. An attractive man speaks clearly and effectively.

A highly desirable man doesn’t beat around the bush or change the meaning of words when talking to you. Instead, he expresses his feelings, opinions, ideas, intentions, and desires in a clear, effective way. He does his best to avoid confusing you and creating any misunderstanding.

3. A desirable man treats everyone with kindness.

This kind of man simply knows that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, and dignity. Therefore, he’s kind to everyone around him and he pays attention to the way he talks to others. He doesn’t want to offend anyone or hurt other people’s feelings with his words or actions, whether unintentionally or deliberately.

4. An attractive man has clear goals.

This kind of man knows what he wants in life and how to get it. He has clear goals and dreams and he is willing to invest a great amount of time and energy in accomplishing them. And most importantly, he doesn’t depend on anyone for help and support.

5. A desirable man is compassionate.

Besides being kind, a desirable man is compassionate, caring, thoughtful, and loving. He is able to relate to your feelings when you feel sad. He’s willing to offer you his help and support when you’re going through a rough time in life. He makes sure he helps you overcome your worries,  problems, or pain. He makes sure he’s always there for you when you need him.

6. An attractive man shows a strong identity and maturity.

This kind of man lives his life in accordance with his own principles and values. He doesn’t bother to fit in with the crowd. He doesn’t feel the need to be accepted by everyone around him. He knows who he is and he’s well aware of his qualities. He knows, too, that his happiness, worth, and success don’t depend on anyone, but himself.

 7. An attractive man is open-minded.

This kind of man is willing to gain new skills and broaden his life experiences. He’s willing to change his opinions, learn new things about the world around him, and gain new perspectives on life. Additionally, he respects the opinions of other people regardless of how different they are from his own.  

8. A desirable man is not afraid to leave his comfort zone.

This kind of man doesn’t let the fear of the unknown prevent him from fully living and enjoying his life. In both his personal and professional life, he’s willing to accept challenges, take risks, and gain new experiences if he thinks that this will help him get where he wants to be in life.  

These People Are Going On “Birth Strike” Due To Climate Change

Climate change is changing the environment so fast that a growing group of women has decided not to just sit, do nothing, and patiently wait to see what consequences our planet will have to suffer due to climate change but to actively wield a weapon in the war against this grave issue.

Blythe Pepino, a 33-year-old, British musician, is so scared about what climate change can do to the environment that she’s made a decision not to have biological kids.  To her, raising children in a world that is so seriously affected by climate change doesn’t seem like a good idea.

At the end of 2019, Pepino founded BirthStrike, a movement consisting of more than 330 people, of which 80% are women. The BirthStrikers are openly declaring their difficult decision not to bear kids due to the severe environmental crisis.

The BirthStrikers are refusing to raise children in a world where climate change will cause more droughts, shortages of food, and bigger wildfires as scientists predict.

Lori Day, a member of the group, says: “When climate change gets worse, it multiplies other things. It’s like dominoes that are falling. It goes beyond sea level rise and storms. It affects food production, migration, resources and war.”

It’s interesting to note that BirthStrike is not the only movement in the world which is questioning the ethics of raising children in a warming world. Conceivable Future, a women-led network, is another group founded in 2015 so as to increase people’s awareness of “the threat climate change poses to reproductive justice,” even though the members of the group haven’t made the same decision about not having children as the members of BirthStrike.

The reason why the BirthStrikers are refusing to have children is that they fear the quality of life that future generations will have. Additionally, they don’t want to have kids due to the extra carbon emissions that their children and all future generations will produce.

It’s worth mentioning, too, that neither BirthStrike nor Conceivable Future seeks to judge those people intending to have children and they’re against any enforced population control measures.

Lori Day even wondered if a child who is due to be born could actually be the person that resolves the climate crisis. Day remarked: “Sometimes I wonder, what if Greta Thunberg’s mother had not wanted to have children because of climate change?” – referring to the Swedish, 16-year-old, outspoken climate activist that inspired climate protests all around the world.

Mom Embarrassed To Discover What Mysterious, Dark Mark In Baby’s Mouth Actually Is

Darian Depreta’s Facebook post is going viral because of a huge, dark brown spot which was found on the roof of her daughter’s mouth. Could the unusual, dark mark be a sign of some serious skin disease?

Darian tried to wipe the patch off so as to see if it would come off, but it didn’t. So, the rightly worried mom immediately took her baby to the doctor just to discover that she had nothing to worry about.

Last week, Darian was playing with her little daughter Bella when she spotted an unusual, dark mark on her daughter’s palate. As the mark wouldn’t come off when she tried to wipe it off, she made a doctor’s appointment.  

The Nurse Practitioner and even the doctors couldn’t figure out what the mark was, so they told Darian that it could be a birthmark. However, Darian insisted that it wasn’t a birthmark as she regularly checked and cleaned her daughter’s mouth.

Darian said: “I’m now being told that my daughter will be set up with 2 specialists. After insisting it wasn’t a birthmark on the roof of her mouth, the NP decided to take another look at this medical mystery.”

“I point out it looks a little white on the side and she really gets in there trying to scrape it.”

It is exactly at this point that they all realized what the mysterious, sinister-looking mark actually was … a chunk of cardboard.

Yes, the mysterious, dark brown mark was a piece of cardboard from a box that Bella chewed and it stuck to her palate.

“I can never show my face in that office again. I cried/laughed for a solid 5 minutes straight,” says Darian in her Facebook post. Besides saying that she’s embarrassed about the whole situation, she also appreciates the fact that everything turned out well at the end. She writes:

“The only reason it was posted was because after crying, panicking and trying to figure out what it was (the doctors didn’t even know), she was ok. The laugh was after the storm of it all.”

“And I don’t “let“my baby chew on cardboard. She’s teething and tries to chew on EVERYTHING. She just so happened to find a box while I was loading the dishwasher, which I of course took off of her right away. I just didn’t realize a piece got stuck up there. I checked her mouth for small pieces right away.”


Everyone Called Them Weird And Disgusting, But They Just Celebrated Their 29th Anniversary

Maryanne and Tommy are two amazing people who fell in love and said YES to spending their lives together. But there is something about these lovebirds that makes their fairytale a bit different from others.

Both Maryanne and Tommy are born with Down syndrome. So, you can only imagine how ugly they’ve been treated throughout their lives by strangers and people who don’t know any better. Still, they didn’t let critics, naysayers, and skeptics bring them down.

Instead, they proved that love is indeed stronger than everything else.  

And this year they celebrated their 29th anniversary!

This beautiful and amazing couple first met in 1990 and they immediately connected. It somehow seems as though fate brought these two lovebirds together because their first encounter was at a local training center for people with disabilities. Both Maryanne and Tommy shared the same passion for cooking, and so it became instantly obvious that they are made for each other.

They got together and they dated for 18 months before Tommy finally proposed to her. Both Tommy’s and Maryanne’s parents wanted their engagement to last a bit longer in order for them to meet each other. And so, after 5 years they happily got married and possibly became the first couple of this kind. Shortly after that, they moved together independently into their own house next to Maryanne’s family where they live ever since.

Some of their relatives were a bit nervous about their relationship and their lives at first, but these two proved everyone that when love is pure and genuine, nothing can stand in the way.

In fact, some people had a lot of empty, and short sided comments about their love story that some even said that their wedding was disgusting. Can you imagine that?

Still, regardless of their ugly words and attempts to bully them, these two amazing human beings showed them that they don’t care what others have to say as long as they have each other.

I am genuinely speechless. I don’t know about you, but this story has just made my day a whole lot better. This is truly a connection that was meant to last a lifetime. An inspiring story that leaves no one indifferent. And it should be celebrated for years and years to come.

Please share this beautiful story with your loved ones and let the naysayers know that true love always wins!

The Real Reason Why Some People Behave Rude And Disrespectful Towards Others

A few days ago, I was sitting at a local bar (a place where I usually go for lunch when I don’t feel like cooking). I mean, the place is practically my second home. Sometimes I feel the staff is bored of me, but then I remember that my constant lunches and brunches are actually supporting their business.

But yesterday one of the waiters lashed out on me for calling him twice to let him know that I want my pasta without mushrooms because I am actually allergic. He rolled his eyes at me and yelled at me for no absolute reason. It was a short moment of everyone staring at us, but I survived. Still, no matter how much I try to justify his actions (because supposedly he was new and inexperienced), I cannot.

Why? Why would you allow yourself to let your anger out on someone who has nothing to do with how you feel?

To me, that’s utterly irresponsible and uncalled for.

But, hey… People behaving rude, mean and disrespectful towards others is nothing new. It’s practically an epidemic. You just need to go out and analyze people for half an hour. And you will know everything you need to know.

What interests me, and I assume you as well, are the reasons for those behaviors. The root causes of their toxic and rude behaviors. It’s a fact that modern life itself is the number one trigger for our frustrations and stresses. But it’s not all there is.

Here are some of the most common causes:

1. Low self-confidence. If a person constantly blames themselves for anything or regards themselves in a very negative way, that destructive attitude is bound to backfire in a nasty way. Insecurity can easily be recognized in someone’s behavior towards others since people with low self-esteem usually mask their insecurities by being loud and sometimes rude.

2. Personal issues which derive from repressed emotions. We are all dealing with stress, whether it’s from our relationships, our work or our own mental issues. Sometimes we think that by avoiding these issues we can actually solve them. But the more we repress them, the more they pile up and the more likely that they may come out when less expected.

3. Cultural differences and a different set of values. There’s no escaping from that. Deep inside, we have different fears, insecurities, beliefs, opinions, and perspectives. And sometimes, some people simply cannot control that.

4. Personality disorders. Whether they are painful childhood traumas, experiences with toxic relationships, bad work environments, these can all be causes for serious personality disorders which if not treated can eventually be the reason for explosive and impulsive behaviors.

5. Emotional handicap. This can also be caused by heavy emotional trauma in the past. However, there are also cases where people are simply not matured enough. They grow old, but they never grow emotionally. And since they have no ability to identify their behavior as hurtful, they don’t really think before they do something wrong.

So, what do you think? What would you add to this list?

Is The Modern Diet A Cause Of Inflammatory Disease?

Inflammatory conditions are at an all-time high and scientists continue to discover new connections between inflammation and disease processes. Why, though, is inflammation such a serious problem? Research suggests that the issue may stem from changes in our diet, with the typical American diet putting people at especially high risk for inflammatory diseases.

Inflammation And Disease Processes

Certain common diseases are obviously inflammatory in nature; consider, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, which causes the body to attack and inflame joints throughout the body. Other diseases, though, deploy inflammation more subtly. Chronic metabolic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and even many forms of cancer seem to be triggered by chronic, low-grade inflammation, as opposed to individual incidences of severe inflammation.

Because of certain biological tendencies, our bodies have evolved to be more prone to inflammation. In evolutionary terms, inflammation helped us survive diseases and eventually go on to reproduce. Unfortunately, the very traits that helped us survive, now make us vulnerable to our modern lifestyle.

Foods The Fuel Inflammation

Certain foods seem to play a much more direct role in inflammation than others. Sugar, for example, has been shown to depress the immune system, making people more prone to infections. Additionally, because of the metabolic demands involved in processing sugar, eating too much of it can deplete necessary minerals. Taken together, these traits make those with high sugar diets more likely to get sick, leading to more inflammation.

Another food frequently associated with inflammation is processed meat, including products sausage, bacon, and ham. These foods contain high amounts of advanced glycation end products that can cause inflammation in the colon. That’s why individuals who consume a lot of processed meat are more likely to develop colon cancer than the rest of the population. Unprocessed meats pose a far lower risk of inflammation.

Reducing Your Risk

In addition to sugar and processed meat, American diets are packed with the types of foods that cause inflammation, such as refined flour, fats, and alcohol, but the news isn’t all bad. There are plenty of things the average person can do to reduce their risk of chronic inflammation. One option is to follow the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet, which eliminates many of these inflammation-causing foods. You can then introduce foods one by one and watch for potential signs of inflammation to determine what your body is sensitive to and what you can eat safely.

For those following the trends, another way to manage inflammation is through the use of CBD products. Preliminary research suggests that CBD can mediate immune response pathways, reducing symptoms of autoimmune disorders and minimizing inflammation throughout the body. Our understanding of CBD products is still rudimentary, however, the right form and dosage to benefit from these anti-inflammatory properties remains unknown.

Even without a formal dietary plan, you can minimize inflammation by focusing on those foods generally thought to be at the core of a healthy diet. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans, rather than heavily processed foods. The closer a food is to its original form, the better it’s going to be for you. Michael Pollan offers some good guidelines here, including the recommendation not to eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food and, his most famous line, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

Inflammatory diseases are the major killer of Americans and in order to set the course straight, we need to radically change the way that we eat. Mostly, that just means going back to eating the way our ancestors did – not in terms of some paleo diet or other trend, but simply by getting back to basics. The goal is a sustainable lifestyle, not a quick fix.

Combing Theoretical and Practical Education For Better Knowledge

Theoretical education & practical education

Successful education combines various tools and methods in a healthy mixture that teaches children and adults the needed skills and knowledge. Through the right balance, learners can learn new concepts that help them become more competent at what they do.

There’s always a debate about the best type of education, with advocates recommending theoretical knowledge as a better method of learning than practical applications. So which type is actually better?

Comparing Theoretical and Practical Education:

Theoretical education relies mainly on knowledge obtained from written sources like books, journals, and online academic websites. Learners learn by reading texts, taking notes, and revising the concepts they read about. This type of knowledge is more structured and gives weaker students a chance to learn by repeating the same information several times. Students don’t have to do anything on their own, as theoretical education emphasizes the importance of others’ experiences, so it sheds more light on the big picture and allows learners to learn about various concepts.

The most important problem with this type of education is that sometimes learners are unable to relate to the concepts they read about. Still, they can get online tuition help by checking wyzant reviews where they can find experienced tutors to provide assistance with various tasks and assignments. 

Practical education, on the other hand, is all about hands-on activities. Learners learn when they do things with their own hands. Touching and seeing objects while doing experiments teaches students skills that they don’t easily forget. This is a good approach to learn about science because what you won’t easily forget what you learned. Most students feel that this type of knowledge is more fun and entertaining. They learn new things through fun activities without having to memorize anything. Students easily relate the acquired knowledge to their lives and know how to use it later on.

For some students, this type of education can be quite confusing. They need more guidance and structure; otherwise, they might feel lost. Moreover, they should have access to reliable sources, so they have the needed knowledge through practical applications. Teachers and parents should review various tools to help students have access to academic assistance when they need to.

Which Type of Education Works Best?

It’s quite challenging to pick one type of learning and decide that this is the best approach. The difference between theoretical and practical learning make them both work together to provide the needed balance. Theories teach you the “what and why” while practical work teaches you the “how.” Working with both methods provides students with a better learning experience where they can understand various concepts easily.

Today, students have access to various resources that combine theories with practical experiments. They can check books and execute experiments, or work with online resources that combine both methods. People learn differently, and there is more than one way to teach the same topic. Teachers should make sure that the needs of their students are met by combining various interesting tools that help teach different subjects.

7 Reasons Why You Should Get an Eye Exam Today

If you have not gotten your eyes checked in a while, you should click here to see the several reasons why you it would be beneficial to get an eye exam today.

Are you one of the 150 million Americans that wear corrective eyewear, including glasses or contacts? Even if you don’t wear corrective lenses, you should get your eyes checked because you may need glasses and to check the health of your eyes.

If you have not gotten your eyes checked in a while, you should click here to see the several reasons why it would be beneficial to get an eye exam today.

  1. Can Detect Serious Health Problems

The eye is one part of the body that allows doctors to get a clear view of blood vessels, tissues, and nerves. These blood vessels can mirror other vessels in the body, which means they can help doctors detect health problems elsewhere. A thorough exam of your eyes and the blood vessels can help point to potential medical problems like cancer, strokes, hypertension, or diabetes.

In addition, many eye diseases do not have symptoms. Early detection helps prevent vision loss. 

  1. Vision Screenings Are Not The Same

If you think that you or your kids are okay with a vision screening, you may be wrong. These screenings only identify visual tasks like reading road signs or seeing the chalkboard. 

A comprehensive eye exam checks that your vision is clear. You may find that a little vision correction could go a long way in helping you see better. The vision screening would not identify that small change, and it would not detect any eye health problems.

  1. Establish a Baseline

Your eye doctor will develop a baseline for all your eye tissues, so he can identify any changes quickly. You should have a comprehensive exam before age 40.

  1. Vision is Vital to Learning

Undetected vision issues can cause problems for kids at school. They could fall behind and have reading difficulties. This is why your child should see an eye doctor every year to correct any issues immediately.

  1. Your Eyes Change

The best vision helps you perform your best whether it’s at work, school, or even sports. Even a slight correction to your prescription can keep your eyes from fatigue and prevent headaches.

You can also see if you are a good fit for corrective surgery at places such as Focal Point Vision.

  1. Digital Eye Strain

Everything we do involves a screen whether it’s working on the computer, watching tv, viewing our phones, and using a tablet. Using these devices changes how we blink. We blink slower when we stare at a screen and can cause dry eyes.

Because you are blinking less, your glands by the eyelids do not produce as much tear or lubricants. Your glands can clog up, or you can suffer from dry eye. Your eye doctor can check the condition of your glands and help treat any dry eye symptoms.

  1. Look Good and See Good

The main reason you probably visit your eye doctor is for your eye health. If you wear contacts, it’s vital to check the health of your eye and ensure the brand and style of the lenses agrees with your eyes. 

If you wear glasses, you can find the latest and greatest frames to keep you stylish.

Get Your Eye Exam Today

It’s very important to get your eye exam today. You want to make sure your eyes are as healthy as possible and you can see clearly. Check out these other tips on how to keep your eyes healthy, and check out our blog for more health and self-help advice. 


Get Your Home Summer-Ready: The Ultimate Summer Maintenance Checklist

Summer is around the corner, which means it’s time to do some maintenance on your home. Read this guide to discover a summer home maintenance checklist.

On average, Summer is the second most expensive season of the year. Homeowners in the South may find it the most expensive on cooling bills alone. The key to staying ahead of these rate increases is through early maintenance.

Using a home maintenance checklist for each season lets you budget your time and money effectively. There’s nothing worse than getting stuck with a repair at the height of the summer’s deadly heat. It’s a good idea to start every summer with proper maintenance and preparation of what is to come.

Here is a list of things to keep your house in great shape.

Easy Home Maintenance Checklist

We’ll start off with a list of to-dos that shouldn’t take too long to do.

  1. Cleaning Out the Fridge

The refrigerator has to do heavier lifting in the summer, but there are ways to reduce its footprint. Start by cleaning the outside with your vacuum cleaner. Get underneath and behind the fridge, sucking up any hair, dirt, or crumbs you find.

On the back of the fridge, you’ll want to vacuum over the coils to prevent dust buildup. A thin layer of dust can create a huge impact on the fridge’s efficiency. If you find the vacuum isn’t picking up enough, you can buy a long coil brush to take care of it.

Next, start purging your fridge to reduce the amount of cooling your fridge needs to do. Use this opportunity to downsize on stuff that doesn’t have to stay cold. It’s better to use up more ice than using up more fridge space.

  1. Windows, and Curtains, and Blinds

Windows are either gateways to heat loss or heat penetration. During the summer, you’ll need to get used to keeping natural light at a minimum. Keep the windows covered between 1 pm and 4 pm, at the very least.

Invest in some nice blackout curtains or reflective blinds. This will dramatically reduce your electric bill, especially if your house has modern insulation. Consider treating your windows with UV coating or investing in thermally insulated windows.

  1. Summer Kitchen Setup

Kitchens get messy quickly if things aren’t organized properly. During the summer, smaller appliances will be higher in demand. The blender is the new smoothie station and your ice dispenser is going to get a lot of work.

If your fridge’s dispenser only accommodates a standard glass, consider keeping a medium-size Tupperware filled with ice in the freezer. This is great for quickly chilling drinks and making desserts. Mix half cubed and half crushed ice for easy smoothies and coffees during the summer.

  1. Check Your Alarms

We’re throwing this in because it takes little effort to swap out batteries for your detectors. Yeah, some of you will need a ladder, but you’ll get over it. Summer is the perfect time to check alarms because it’s the halfway mark.

Would you rather deal with the repeated harassment of the beeps in the cold? We thought not.

Semi-Professional Maintenance for Summer

These tasks are doable by yourself, but it’s a little more involved than cleaning the house. A professional eye will help avoid costly mistakes.

  1. Check Your Pipes

Leaks become a little harder to detect if they are small enough. In the summer, a slow leak can evaporate on the surface and leave no evidence to the untrained eye. That’s why you should check all your lines and faucets.

Your water bill rates go up significantly over the summer, so you can get into a lot of trouble if there’s a hidden leak.

  1. AC Inspection and Maintenance

There are a lot of common a c problems that occur during the summer. This is because your AC is working harder, which exacerbates any underlying problems. Changing the filter every season is a given, but you’ll want a closer look before the heatwave arrives.

Hire a professional to inspect your AC unit each year before the rates go sky-high. If you’re calling the repairman during the dead of summer, prepare to spend 30-50% more.

  1. Roof Inspection

Why should you inspect your roof during the driest month in the year? It’s the easiest way to prevent future leaks. Before the hurricanes and heavy rains return, get up there and check for any damage. 

Look for loose and damaged shingles, debris, and any warping that could compromise your roof’s integrity. Having a professional inspect your roof during the summer is a very smart and cheap investment.

  1. Landscaping

Keeping your lawn green is the toughest thing to do in the summer. There’s only so much you can do if you’re under a water restriction, of course. You can reduce the damage done by the heat by eliminating weed growth.

Weeds suffocate your grass and steal what little water there is in the ground. Use mulch around trees and garden beds to prevent any encroachment. For the rest of your property, don’t over-cut your grass.

Taller grass holds more water and helps defend against weeds. Water in the morning for a proper soaking. Get about three inches in the ground before the sun evaporates it all away. 

  1. Exterior and Siding

Take care of your home’s perimeter during the summer. You’re going to get a lot of uninvited guests wanting to find a way inside. Insects catching the slightest draft from your cool interior will exploit any cracks.

Check your siding and make sure it’s in good condition. Look for any cracks in paint or mildew growth. This is really important for those who live in very humid climates.

Make sure your gutters are also clean and clear of any debris. The smallest amounts of standing water will attract mosquitos by the truckload.

Stay Safe in the Heat

Summer is not a time to procrastinate on your home maintenance checklist. The longer you wait, the more likely you’ll have to do it in the heat. It’s hard to do any basic tasks when you’re being boiled alive.

Stay safe if you’re going to do home repairs in the heat. Wear wide-brimmed hats, drink lots of water, invest in a cooling towel, and take lots of breaks. Or, you can avoid all of that by having professionals handle the job for you. 

Keep checking back for more posts like this!

Different Reasons Why Your AC Unit Blows Warm Air in the Summer

There can be several reasons why your AC unit blows warm air in the summer. Click here to learn what the problem may be and what should be done about it.

Air conditioners are complex machines, despite the fact that 87 percent of all American homes use them in some form. Because of their complexity, they can develop mechanical and functional issues with time due to use. One of the most common problems that your AC unit may experience is blowing hot air.

Knowing a few of the most common reasons why your ac unit blows warm air can help you diagnose problems before they grow too serious. This can help you get your air conditioner working properly again as soon as possible.

AC Unit Blows Warm Air Because of Thermostat Settings

One of the first and most common reasons why your AC unit may be blowing warm air is because of the wrong settings on your thermostat. If you hit a button and switch your central system from cooling to heating, you may actually be running your furnace instead.

In a similar vein, if you don’t notice air flowing out of your vents, you may have turned the fan off by accident. Make sure that it is set to the automatic function, which will engage the fan once your air conditioner turns on.

Blocked Condenser

The condenser is the section of your central air conditioner located outside of your home. With time and age, it can become clogged with leaves, dirt and other debris. This can prevent the system from conducting a heat exchange between the interior and exterior of your home.

In extreme cases, this can lead to your air conditioner struggling to produce cold air throughout your home. By trimming back plants that may be growing too close to the condenser, and washing away stuck on dirt and debris from within the unit, you restore the effectiveness of your air conditioner.

Most condensers can hold up to power-washing and scrubbing. However, take care when doing so, and if in doubt contact a professional. Moisture can damage the wiring of your air conditioner and further hamper its function.

Refrigerant Leak

Another reason why your AC unit may begin to blow warm air is if the refrigerant has leaked out of the system. This is a rare occurrence, but can happen when a seal or hose within your air conditioner breaks down. Refrigerant, which is a gas that your condenser condenses into a liquid, can leak out of your system and leave your air conditioner unable to vent heat out of your home and chill air inside.

Warm air is the most common and noticeable sign of a refrigerant leak. You may also notice that ice has built up on your AC unit, usually around the area where the leak has developed. You should have a professional inspect your system to verify that a refrigerant leak is to blame.

In some cases, if your unit is old enough it makes more sense for you to consider new AC installation instead of repair. Leaking refrigerant usually points to improper installation or an older, less efficient unit that is in need of replacement. 

Diagnosing Other AC Issues

Narrowing down the causes of an air conditioner that blows warm air can help you direct a professional to figuring out the best way to fix the issue.

If your problem is not that your AC unit blows warm air, but something related, you should talk to a contractor to have a professional inspection done to diagnose the issue. 

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