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Entertainment Satisfaction: How to Build a Home Theater System That Rocks

How to Build a Home Theater System That Rocks

Is your home entertainment boring? It’s time to shake things up! Here’s how to build a home theater system that will keep you at home all weekend long.

Did you know a home theatre installation can cost as much as $30,000?

Whether you’re looking to spend more or less than that figure, it’s important to understand what makes a top-notch home theatre system. After all, you could spend lots of money but still be unhappy with your installation if it fails to meet your needs.

This post will show you how to build a home theater system that does everything you want it to. Use these tips, and you’ll end up with a home theatre system that leaves guests with a sense of awe.

Let’s begin!

Invest in High-Quality Speakers

One of the essential parts of a home theatre system is the speakers.

One option is to invest in something known as a soundbar.

A soundbar is best described as an elongated, horizontal speaker that’s designed to replace a ‘traditional’ sound system. In some cases, this speaker might also come with a subwoofer, which can help provide some bass that the soundbar might be unable to deliver.

The good thing about soundbars is that they’re often very affordable and they work well in small rooms.

However, due to the nature of their design, they’re typically not as effective as a traditional setup. While they may be able to mimic 5.1 surround sound, they don’t deliver anything close the real experience.

Following this, it’s a good idea to invest in a conventional, 5.1 surround system.

If you’re worried about wires making the place look messy, you might want to select a wireless sound system. Such systems can be more expensive, but they can be worth it if you want to keep everything tidy.

What Screen Should You Buy?

Every year it seems as though there’s a new kind of television screen being released. Not so long ago it was all about LED screens – but now there’s OLED and even QLED! With so many acronyms flying around, it’s easy to be confused.

You’ll generally find that OLED screens are the best option.

Of course, that also means that they’re typically the most expensive. But if you can, try to get the chance to see an OLED screen in action. In doing so, you’ll see firsthand why this screen is worth the money.

How Will You Use Your System?

Everybody is going to have their own particular preference when it comes to how they’re going to use their home theatre system.

It’s because of this that you should think about what you need, and then take steps to cater to this need.

For instance, if you want to stream content from your laptop, you might need to invest in an IPTV player. If you’re looking to do some online gaming, you may want to install an ethernet port, so you don’t have to deal with significant lag times.

Do You Know How to Build a Home Theater System?

If you’ve always wanted to know how to build a home theater system, you should now have enough knowledge to help you get the job done.

As mentioned, the most critical part of this process is defining your needs. Your needs will define the kinds of things you install in your home theatre system and whether you’ll need to make some unusual purchases.

Try to not to rush through this process, as it can be difficult to correct mistakes. Just take things slow and develop a clear vision for your theatre system. If you can do that, it won’t be long before you end up with a system that leaves you jumping for joy.

Do you have any thoughts on how to create a stellar home theatre system? Please share your thoughts in the comments below! 


Date A Man Who Gets Excited About Spending The Rest Of His Life Beside You

Life is short. The clock is ticking away. Time is slowing passing us by. It all ends before it’s even started. Hours feel like minutes. Years feel like months. Everything is happening right before our eyes, but we are too blind to see it.

What’s even scarier, most people who do realize this keep making the wrong moves. They are afraid and they settle for anything life gives them. The thought of ending up all alone in a cruel world like our gives them nightmares.

I cannot say that I don’t understand this. I really do. We’ve all felt that fear in our lives. But luckily some of us have matured and realized that life is simply too short for mediocre things. Especially mediocre love.

So, I say… No! Don’t give yourself away to just about anyone. Don’t be so reckless with your heart.

Instead, wait for the one who makes your heart sing with joy.

Date a man whose burning desire for you is bigger than anything else. Someone whose love is pure, passionate and real. A man who loves you the way you deserve to be loved. A man who not only touches your naked body but also makes love to your mind and soul.

Date a man who gets excited about spending the rest of his life besides you. Someone whose eyes light up every time you mention your future with them. Someone who doesn’t hide that you are the one and only for him. Someone cannot wait to wake up beside you for the rest of his life.

Date a man who is not afraid to openly express his emotions to you. Someone who talks about their past experiences, someone who is not afraid to show how vulnerable he actually is underneath all that tough exterior. A man whose heart pounds faster and faster when he tells you all the reasons why he fell in love with you.

Date a man who loves seeing you happy. Someone who relishes in your joy. A man who falls in love with you each and every day all over again. Someone who would give anything to make you the happiest person alive.

Date a man who knows the rhythm of your heart. Someone who wants to understand the song your soul sings. A man who sees you for who you are and loves you with all of your flaws and imperfections. Someone who wouldn’t change a single thing about you because your quirks are exactly what makes you special to them.

Date a man who cannot imagine his life without you. Someone who gets excited every time he sees you. Someone whose smile shines the brightest when you wrap your arms around him. A man who loves from the very depth of his heart. And a man who would give everything to see your cheek gently pressed against his heart for all eternity.

This article is written by Stephanie Reeds. If you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to give you my opinion.

Road Carnage: What Are the Top Causes of Car Accidents in the U.S?

Millions of car accidents happen in the U.S. every year. Why is this the case? Click here for the top causes of car accidents and what you can do to avoid them.

Road accidents and fatalities are slowly getting recognized as a public health concern. It has become a worldwide epidemic. Approximately 1.35 million people are killed yearly in road accidents. More than 50% of these victims are vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.

Approximately 20 to 50 million more people suffer injury and disability as a result of road accidents. Road accidents cause significant economic losses to countries, continents, villages and even the most basic family level.

In America, there are more than 143 million daily commuters. In the year 2016, there were 34,439 fatal road accidents in the US alone. These road accidents caused the deaths of 37,461 individuals where 25,096 were vehicle occupants, 5,288 were motorcyclists and 7,079 were non-occupants.

The top causes of car accidents vary from country to country, there are, however, a few that are standard across the globe. As much as it may seem like wishful thinking, accidents, are indeed preventable. There somehow does not seem to be an end in sight to this epidemic. Here are the major causes of accidents on our roads.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Other Drugs

One of the top causes of accidents in the world is drunk driving. It is responsible for more crashes in North America than any other cause. Alcohol causes impaired judgment, poor decision-making reduced alertness on the road, reduced vision and drowsiness.

All these side effects combine to force the driver into an accident. Sometimes even one of the effects is enough. Pedestrians under the influence also have a hard time finding their balance as they walk. This causes them to stumble dangerously onto the road causing accidents.

In the year 2016, 10,497 people lost their lives as a result of drunk driving in the united states. More than a million others were arrested for getting behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. The bulk of these accidents occur at night when poor visibility also comes into play.

Marijuana is also a major contributor to the accident statistics as it increases the driver’s chances of crashing by 25%. These chances are however dependent on factors such as age and gender.

Measures such as mass media campaigns, administrative license revocation laws, ignition interlocks, sobriety checkpoints and many others, have been taken in order to reduce or completely wipe out driving under the influence in the U.S. if you have been a victim of an accident due to drunk driving, reach out to a car wreck lawyer to help you in your pursuit of justice.

Distracted driving

When driving, the driver has to pay complete attention to whatever is around them on the road. A lot of drivers get distracted turning their attention to factors either inside the car or on their sides. Traveling at such high speeds, this is courting death.

Cell phone use is currently the leading cause of distraction behind the wheel. Younger generations are particularly victims of cell phone distraction while driving. From texting while driving to logging into social media to video calling, the smartphone era has definitely come with its cons. Other devices such as GPS, radio and air conditioners also contribute to this.

Arguing with a passenger or during episodes of road rage with another driver, rubbernecking at sights beside the road or just simply daydreaming all fall under this category.

Trying to divide your attention in order to handle other tasks while driving reduces your reaction time and alertness on the road. A few seconds is all it takes to reply that text, but it’s also all it takes to get into a life-changing or fatal accident.

Texting while driving is declared illegal in many states in the U.S. the government and other well-wishers also conduct mass media campaigns against this growing epidemic.

Reckless Driving

Driving too aggressively, tailgating, swerving and abruptly changing lanes. All these are examples of reckless driving. Reckless driving not only reduces the time the driver will take to recognize potential danger on the road, but it also puts fellow drivers on edge.

Hazards pop out on the roads all the time, it takes seconds for a driver to recognize the danger, make a decision on the next course of action and then execute it. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to apply emergency brakes instead of swerving onto the adjacent lanes.

If there was a tailgating driver or one who changed lanes too fast without looking fast, a rear end accident occurs. It is for this reason that states incorporate theoretical knowledge in their driving schools. This knowledge, among many other safety measures to know, consists of the stipulated safe distances to drive behind the car in front.

Speeding is also an example of reckless driving. There is a reason that speed limits and speed bumps are erected on the roads. There are maximum speed limits and minimums on all the roads depending on its type and the general area around the road.

Bad Weather

Rain comes with reduced visibility on the roads. With poor visibility, it takes more time just to see and recognize a hazard on the road. This, in turn, reduces the amount of time a driver has to react to the danger. A lot of rear-end accidents happen during rainy periods.

Snow also reduces visibility and increases the slipperiness of the road. Tires have less contact with the tarmac and therefore less grip. This causes the car to slide, reducing the driver to a passenger behind his own wheel.

Poor visibility and slippery roads are some of the top contributors to accidents where cars drove into a tree or drove off a cliff in extreme cases. Speeding during bad weather conditions is almost a death sentence.

How You Can Avoid These Top Causes of Accidents

Human factors such as negligence and recklessness are some of the top causes of accidents. A small factor such as regularly checking your car can make the difference on the road. Although it might seem unrealistic to aim for zero road related accidents, one less accident is definitely worth the effort.

Careful driving, obeying road rules, avoiding distractions, getting off the wheel when distracted and parking the car safely during bad weather, are all decisions we have to make for our own safety and that of other road users. Make a safe decision, it is always the best decision. Be sure to check out our page for more tips on staying safe, healthy and much more.

10 Telltale Signs You Could Be On The Verge Of Having A Mental Breakdown

Do you ever feel like secluding yourself in a quiet, dark room and screaming the dissatisfaction and resentment out of your lungs? Do you ever feel like flying off the handle if your co-worker makes a sarcastic or negative comment about you? Or do you ever feel like storming out of your office in the middle of a meeting since you simply can’t take it anymore?

Well, if you answered all of the questions with a yes, chances are that you could be heading for a serious mental breakdown. The mental breakdown definition is a result of a protracted period of accumulative stress, anxiety, and depression.

What you should know is that regardless of how good you are at tolerating and handling the symptoms of a mental breakdown, if you don’t practice self-care and find a way to release the pressure and get the rest you need, mental breakdown can negatively affect your overall health as well as the quality of your life.

Here are 10 telltale signs that you could be on the verge of having a mental breakdown:

1. You’ve been experiencing frequent, radical mood swings.

You are feeling great one minute, and the smallest, least important thing can make you lose your temper and lash out at whoever is near you the next. Although you normally have no problem controlling the way you react, lately you’ve been having a hard time doing this because you feel like everyone and everything around you gets on your nerves.  

2. You’ve been isolating yourself from everyone.

You are an outgoing person and you enjoy hanging out with your friends and family, but lately, you’ve been avoiding seeing them. Perhaps the reason for this is that you don’t have a lot of free time or perhaps you don’t want them to find out about what you’re going through. Whatever the reason is, you’ve been doing your best to avoid seeing them lately.

3. You’re feeling very confused.

Your mind feels cloudy. You keep making mistakes at work because you find it extremely hard to concentrate. You often can’t remember where you put your phone last. Your mind keeps wandering off while others are talking to you. Sometimes you even think that you’ve heard or seen something which is not there. You feel like you’re no longer in control of what goes on in your life.

4. You feel numb.

Some moments you feel upset, anxious, or sad and other moments you just don’t feel anything. You feel numb. You lose interest in the things you generally enjoy doing and sometimes you even don’t care about the way you look.

5. You’ve been trying to distract yourself in every way you can.

In order to escape from your reality, you’ve been spending most of your time watching movies, reading books, and playing computer games lately. Doing these things helps you clear your mind of unwanted, negative thoughts and stay focused both at home and work.

6. You’ve been experiencing health issues.

You’ve been feeling so stressed out, anxious, and bitter lately that all this has started negatively affecting your physical health. A rapid heartbeat, stomachaches, and headaches have become your everyday issues.

7. You’ve lost hope for a better future.

Negative thoughts are beginning to overpower your positive thoughts. You’ve been feeling so disappointed, bitter, and hopeless lately that you feel like you’re stuck in a dark, bottomless hole and you can’t find the way out. What’s even worse, you feel like there’s no point in looking for it.

8. You’ve gotten into bad habits.

You’ve fallen into self-destructive habits and you find it really hard to break yourself of them. You’ve started smoking and drinking alcohol more. You’ve also been wasting a lot of money on expensive, unnecessary things.

The problem with this is that you don’t consider these habits bad, instead, you see them as a way which helps you manage your stress more easily.

9. You’ve got so much to take care of that you’ve started procrastinating.

All the stress you’ve been experiencing lately has sucked all the energy out of you and left you feeling mentally and physically exhausted. As a result, doing your chores and taking care of your responsibilities at work is extremely hard for you. You don’t know what to do first and what last.

Planning and organizing your daily activities is so difficult and exhausting for you that procrastination has become something you practice every day.

10. You’ve been struggling with dark thoughts.

Your mind has been so swarmed with dark, negative thoughts lately that you often feel hopeless. Besides being unproductive at work, you feel like you don’t have the energy to do even basic things, such as hanging out with your friends and family.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]            

6 Main Characteristics That Most Toxic People Have In Common

Toxic individuals are scavengers in human form. These people exist to make life a living hell for other human beings. They feed off our energy by draining both our emotional and your physical strength.

The scariest part is that most of the time, some of us don’t even notice that we are being manipulated until it’s too late. That is how devious and dangerous toxic individuals are.

If you are reading this, then you’ve probably already been through the hell of living with one. But if you haven’t, here are 6 main characteristics that most toxic people have in common that will help you recognize them very easily:


The first thing you need to know about toxic, manipulative individuals is that they are always right. You and I may not understand that, but in their eyes, they are never wrong.

You can explain your reasons for one whole hour, but they won’t bother to listen. You can expect an honest and heartfelt “I’m sorry”, but the reality is, you are never going to get it. Because these people don’t apologize.


These people are probably the most judgmental creatures that ever walked the Earth. If you’ve met one, then you already know. The thing about them is, they have a buttload of insecurities and repressed emotions inside of them.

So, in order to avoid opening that box but still release the anger inside of them, they judge others. They notice everything about other people because deep down they possess those same traits.


Instead of owning up to their mistakes or picking up on how they actually are feeling, toxic individuals, tend to blame others for everything and project their feelings onto other people.

That is their own sick and twisted defense mechanism that helps them avoid reality and continue living inside their bubble of lies.


The main purpose of their lives is to get what they want. So, if something doesn’t go according to their plan, they do everything in their power to make their wishes come true. In most cases, this means manipulating other people to achieve their goals. You may find this inconsiderate and horrible, but they don’t. Other people’s needs are not important to them. They only care about their own.


No matter how hard you try to really understand their weird nature, you simply cannot. Toxic people are very hard to keep up with. This is due to their inconsistency, mood swings, terrible, unstable behavior and the masks that they usually wear to trick other people.


One of their greatest skills has got to be making people feel like they are worthless. If you’ve been friends with these people or even spoke with them for an hour, you are probably familiar with the feeling of being completely doubtful of your own actions.

Well, these people can do that to you. That is how they trick people into being with them. They lure them with their charm, but after a certain time, they start treating them like trash. They humiliate them, they take away their last bits of self-confidence and then they turn them into human beings who no longer feel capable of achieving something.

This article is written by Stephanie Reeds. If you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to give you my opinion.

8 Clear Signs That You Were Destined To End Up With Your First Love

It’s not easy to forget the person that won your love first. It’s hard to forget the person who entered your heart first, and if you are truly honest with yourself, most likely is still in it.

Irrespective of whether or not you and he/she ended your relationship kindly, calmly, and respectfully, your first love is most probably someone you think about or maybe even dream of till this day.

I know that admitting such a thing to yourself is not easy, but if you’re still thinking about your first love and wondering if you two are done with your love forever, here are 8 telltale signs that you were destined to end up with them:

1. They occupy your mind when you are with your current partner.

If you’re in a relationship with someone, but still thinking about your first love and reviving memories of the time you spent together, this signals that you still haven’t liberated yourself from your past.

Dwelling on your past is easy when you aren’t satisfied with your present life, yet, if your past is still haunting you even when you’re satisfied with the present, chances are that you are not done with your past yet.

2. You still feel something about them.

Does your heart still beat like crazy when you think about them? Do you often find yourself longing for their touch? Do you feel ready to get back together with them every time you bump into them in the street by chance?

Well, if you answered all of the questions with a yes, then know that things aren’t over for you yet. And what you should do next is try to find out if your first love still feels about you the way you feel about them.

3. You can still have open communication with each other.

If you still feel free to talk with each other openly about anything, then this is a sure sign that you still feel comfortable in each other’s presence. This is very important if you’re thinking about getting back together with them.

By freely and honestly communicating with each other, you can easily overcome all the problems you failed to solve the first time.

4. The connection between you has not disappeared.

Perhaps it’s been years since you broke up and both of you have headed in different directions, but the connection between you hasn’t lost its strength yet. If you can tell that you still respect and care about each other, then this really proves that there are some bonds that neither time nor distance can break.

5. You’ve stayed in touch after you broke up.

People that are destined to be in your life will always find a way to stay there. So, if you and the person who entered your heart first are still communicating or hanging out with each other like two close friends, well, that’s a telltale sign that you were destined to end up together.

6. Being in their presence feels natural.

You feel as comfortable and at ease in their company as you felt when you dated. You still look at each other’s eyes with warmth and affection. You still give each other compliments and tell each other jokes and laugh until your stomach hurts. You feel nice and lively when you’re together. You feel like nothing has changed.

7. Your intuition tells you that you were meant for each other.

If you always believe what your gut feeling tells you and let your intuition guide you through life, then you can say goodbye to all your doubts about whether you were destined to be together with your first love. Your intuition has the answer.

8. You have always known that your love story was never finished.

If you and your first love ended your relationship since it was not the right place or time, then chances are that you feel like your thing is not over yet. Well, if this is how you feel, you are left with two options:

a) Get back together

b) End what you started for good.

What’s going to be your choice?

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]    


Stop Waiting For People To Make You Happy And Look For That Happiness Within You

Let me tell you a story.

I am a person who has struggled with relationships my whole life. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been the who was left out. I was always the loner. For some reason, I had a hard time fitting in. So, considering that this was my greatest wish, you can only imagine how hard it was for me.

I just wanted people to like me, you know?

High school was pretty much the same, if not even worse. For me, it was the epitome of hell. I had a period in my life when people bullied me. And just like everything else, that also stopped at some point. But I was never a part of something big. I was never a part of a group of people, or let’s say the popular ones in the class. I am utterly ashamed of classifying people in such groups, but we all know how shallow and desperate the mind of a teenager sometimes is.

All I know is that I wanted to stop feeling like that. I wanted to wake up into a world where I am not an outcast and people actually love me. I just wanted to be accepted for who I am.

Luckily, that time has passed, and I grew up. Today I am much stronger as a person, much wiser and much more mature. Those painful years of my life were really hard on me. I can honestly say that if it weren’t for a few, amazing people that arrived into my life at that exact moment (you know who you are), I probably wouldn’t have made it…

But you know what? Those horrible years of my life opened my eyes. After so much time and energy spent on getting people to like me, I finally asked myself, “But what about what I genuinely want? Do I even like these people? Or is it the sheer loneliness that makes me crave the presence of others that much?”

The thing is, life is short enough as it is. I know that this is the biggest cliché that you’ve ever heard, but it is the truth. So, tell me. Why are we so damn eager to spend it looking for our happiness in other people?  Why are we so obsessed with forcing people to love us? Why can’t we just let go and live our lives?

Your happiness and your will to live can only be found inside your heart. The people that we spend most of our time with, the ones that come into our lives and leave a certain mark on our heart, whether they’re friends, family, partners or colleagues, they shape us as we grow. They become a part of us. That’s a given. But regardless of their influence on us, we are the only ones who can build ourselves up or knock ourselves down.

We are the ones who have that power. And not only power but also a responsibility.

You have to understand that people will always find a way to be mean and hurt you. That is a part of our damned nature. It is up to you whether you will accept that kind of life or you will finally acknowledge your worth and keep moving on your own.

Stop waiting for people to make you happy and try to find that happiness within you. It’s no one’s responsibility to fix you or change the things that you don’t like about yourself. It’s only yours. Plus the clock is ticking away. If you don’t do it today, you may not have tomorrow.

Release yourself from that victim mentality and realize that you don’t need others to be happy. You are not miserable because people reject you. You are not angry because no one likes you. You are not sad because others don’t care about you. You are miserable because you don’t accept yourself for who you are. You are angry because you don’t love yourself. You are sad because you don’t bother to take care of your wellbeing.

So, let’s change that today, shall we?

This article is written by Stephanie Reeds. If you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to give you my opinion.

6 Things You’ll Experience When You Meet A Good, Honest Man After Dating A Narcissist

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is hard and painful, but breaking free from that prison is even harder and more painful.

Narcissistic individuals are incapable of building meaningful, harmonious, happy, healthy relationships. When you’re in a narcissistic relationship, you’re dating someone who doesn’t treat you like a priority, but an option.

You’re dating someone who always puts his feelings, needs, desires, and problems before your own. You’re dating someone who considers himself smarter, better, and superior to you, which causes you to gradually lose your sense of self-respect and self-worth.

When you’re in a narcissistic relationship, your main role is to boost your partner’s ego, flatter him, and always make him the center of attention since it is all about him and the way he wants to feel and never about you.

When you’re in a narcissistic relationship, you get used to being disrespected, criticized, and manipulated, and the bad thing is that you don’t do anything to change this until things get out of control.

When you finally pluck up the courage to break free from the relationship and let go of the narcissist, another obstacle is thrown your way. You meet a nice man who gives you all the attention, respect, and affection you deserve, but it’s very difficult for you to trust him and give in.

This man will be a complete opposite to your narcissistic ex-partner and here are 6 things you’ll experience when you meet him:

1. He’ll want you to trust him.

He’ll know that your trust was broken time and time again in your last relationship. He’ll know that you were in a relationship in which you were always given empty promises and lame excuses. He’ll know that your narcissistic a**hole of an ex manipulated you and lied to you many times.

But, this man will never treat you this way. Instead, he’ll treat you with kindness, compassion, dignity, and love. He’ll be patient with you. He won’t rush you or expect you to do things you don’t want to. He’ll prove that he deserves your trust.

2. He’ll know your worth.

Unlike the narcissist that didn’t believe in you and never encouraged you to pursue your goals and follow your dreams and passions, this man will believe in you and know your worth. With his words and actions, he’ll inspire you to set high goals and never stop chasing your dreams. He’ll believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

And most importantly, he’ll make sure you’re always aware of your qualities and strength yourself.

3. He’ll attentively listen to you.

Unlike your manipulative, egotistic narcissistic ex who never showed interest in your opinions, ideas, and beliefs, this man will show you that your words have a meaning for him.

He’ll attentively listen to you when you want to tell him how you spent your day, but also when you want to vent about your problems or complain about your jealous co-worker. He’ll show that your opinions and problems mean to him.

4. He will apologize.

In your last relationship, you rarely, not to say never, heard the phrase, “I’m sorry.” Because whatever went wrong between you and your narcissistic ex, it was always your fault-never his. He never admitted his mistakes and wrongdoings.

But this man won’t be ashamed or afraid to take responsibility for his actions. He won’t blame you for your relationship problems and arguments. And most importantly, if he does something that might hurt your feelings, he’ll apologize to you for it and make sure he corrects his mistake and make it up to you.  

5. He’ll be thoughtful, gentle, and loving.

In your last relationship, you were the one who had to plan all your dates, birthday parties, and holidays. You were the one that had to keep the spark between you alive and make your relationship exciting.

But, things will be different with this man because you’ll do all of this together. This man will be willing to do all those little and seemingly unimportant things that actually mean a lot. He’ll leave you cute love notes on your bed in the morning so that you can start your day knowing how loved you are.

He’ll send flowers to you at work so that you know that he’s always thinking about you. This man will shower you with sweet words and affection.

6. He’ll teach you what real love is.

Unlike your narcissistic ex who made you believe that love is hard and painful, this man will show you the opposite – that loving and being loved by someone is one of the most amazing and fulfilling experiences one can ever have.

He’ll show you that genuine, honest people are real and he’ll help you start believing in love again. He’ll make you feel like you’re the most cherished and important person in the world. And most importantly, he’ll be the person who will make sure you always love yourself.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]  

6 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do

Does anyone around you always act like they know everything? Do they consider themselves smarter, more attractive, and more successful than everyone else? Do their conversations always start with ‘I,’ ‘me,’ and ‘my?’ Well, if your answer is yes, then this is an obvious sign that you have a narcissistic person at hand.

Narcissistic individuals are the most self-absorbed, conceited human beings that exist on planet Earth. These people simply defy logic and social norms and values don’t apply to them. They live their lives following their own rules and manipulations.

Therefore, never think that you know them. Narcissistic individuals have many disguises behind which they hide their true colors. Narcissists are ready to do anything to make themselves look and feel smarter, more beautiful, and better than everyone else and they don’t care whether they’ll hurt your feelings in the process.

However, there are certain things that narcissists will never do.

Here they are:

1. Listen to you.

A narcissist is not the type of person you go to when you want to vent about your problems. They’ll look at your eyes and act like they’re paying careful attention to every word you’re telling them, but the truth is that they’re not listening to you at all.

A narcissist will listen to you only when they want to take advantage of you, using your problems, insecurities, and fears to get what they need from you.

2. Show compassion and empathy.

Narcissists are incapable of empathy and compassion. These are just abstract terms for them. You could be going through a very difficult period in your life and struggling with problems or emotional pain, but they’ll never show you compassion or show interest in your problems. And if they’re compassionate or offer to help you solve some problem of yours, it’ll only be for showing other people what they did for you.

3. Apologize.

Narcissists never take responsibility for their mistakes and wrongdoings. They will criticize you, belittle you, lie to you, and hurt your feelings time and time again, but they’ll never admit to it. Whatever goes wrong between you two, it’s never their fault – they never make mistakes. They are always right. They’re simply flawless.

Therefore, know that no matter how many times they hurt you with their words and actions, you’ll never hear them say: “I’m sorry.”

4. Do you a favor for free.

A narcissist will never do you a favor unless it benefits them. If you ask them for help, they’ll agree to help you but not because they’re kind and generous but because this will help them get what they want from you. They’ll never do anything for you for free. They’ll always expect you to return the favor.

5. Express gratitude.

The phrase “Thank you” doesn’t exist in the vocabulary of narcissists. You can be good to them and put their needs, wishes, and problems before your own time and time again, but they’ll never appreciate it. They simply feel entitled to special treatment.

6. Express their feelings.

Never expect a narcissistic individual to show you the true, uncensored side of their character. These people wear different masks – each carefully suited to every occasion. They’d never show you their state of mind and how they feel inside.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]  

5 Ways Mentally Strong People Deal With Life’s Challenges

Everything we go through in life, everything we choose to do, or not to do while we are here on Earth pretty much depends on our attitude towards life. In a nutshell, on our determination and our mental strength.

I am not saying that there aren’t other important circumstances that dictate our journey. I just think that regardless of those external factors, we actually do have control over our lives. The truth is, life happens regardless of whether we like it or not. We decide how we respond to it. That’s what actually matters the most.

With that being said, I believe that mental strength is one of the best assets a person can possess today. Mentally strong people are some of the happiest and wisest people that walk the Earth. Here’s why:

1. They don’t waste their time complaining about their lives. They are not the kind of people who enjoy having a victim identity. In fact, if there’s anything in the world that they hate the most, that is the victim mentality in people. Instead of sitting on their asses and whining about a problem, they face the issues and focus on finding the best solutions.

Mentally strong people have been through many things in life to finally learn that difficulties are a part of life. They’ve faced many obstacles to finally realize that all of these challenges push us, shape us into wiser beings and teach us the most important lessons about life. That is why they’ve chosen to always go with the flow.

2. They accept everything that life faces them with, and they learn from their experiences. These amazing human beings are aware that no matter what we do, life will never come with an instruction manual. That is why mentally strong people are never surprised. They don’t live their lives with their expectations up in the clouds. They focus on the present moment, appreciate everything that life gives them, search for the purpose of their experiences and learn to dance in the rain.

Where everyone else sees an obstacle, mentally strong people see a challenge.

3. They have control over their lives. Mentally strong people like to be on top of things. They are aware that they cannot always be in control of everything that happens in their lives, but still, that never stops them from being organized and responsible human beings.

These people don’t waste their time and energy waiting for something to fall off the sky. They get up and work hard for it. They get things done, they take responsibility for their actions and they suffer the consequences on their own. Mentally strong people don’t expect people to save them. They save themselves.

4. They always stand their ground even if that means standing alone. This means saying NO when it’s a clear NO. Holding on to their beliefs even when the whole world is up against them. Expressing their opinions when they are completely different than everyone else’s. Creating boundaries and building up walls to protect their world.

Mentally strong people have respect for themselves and they would never let another human being treat them like they are nobody.

5. They let go of everything that simply doesn’t help them grow. Mentally strong people know that the only way for them to create their best life and find their happiness is by first getting rid of the toxicity around them. Whether that’s a negative influence from a friend, a toxic partner, or an unhealthy lifestyle, mentally strong people distance themselves from everything that pushes them down.

At the end of the day, who we are is pretty much determined by everything that we do in life. So, who are you?

This article is written by Stephanie Reeds. If you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to give you my opinion.