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Despair No More – The Man Who’ll See Your Worth Will Come Along

I know your heart has been broken many times. I know you’ve been through hell and back.

I know you’ve suffered.

I know you’ve sacrificed yourself to prove to some people how much they mean to you. And I also know that it was all in vain.

Because you loved and trusted men that appreciated neither you nor everything you were doing for them. Men who didn’t care about all the sacrifices you made for the relationship. Men who took you for granted. Men who nonchalantly shattered your heart and left you to pick up the pieces by yourself.

You loved men who instead of seeing your worth only saw the things they didn’t like about you. They saw your weaknesses, insecurities, and fears. They saw your mistakes and failures. They saw your flaws and turned them against you.

They made you feel like you weren’t good enough for them.

For them, you were never smart enough, beautiful enough, attractive enough, interesting enough. Instead, you were naïve, dumb, boring, and full of imperfections.

They diminished your confidence to boost their own ego. They criticized you and made you feel weak and useless to make themselves feel smarter and important.

You gave them your all and they stomped on your heart and shattered your hopes.

You loved and trusted men who tried to make themselves feel and look like they were “machos” by playing with your feelings and manipulating you.

You loved men who made you lose trust in everyone surrounding you.

You gave your heart and soul to men who made you think that love is hard and painful. That it does not exist.

Now, you think that every man out there is planning to fool you and hurt you. You think all men are the same.

But, you’re wrong.

Because the man who will see your worth will come along.

There will come a man who will appreciate every single thing about you and everything you do for him. A man who will see the purity of your soul and your outward and inner beauty the moment he lays his eyes on you.

There will come a man who will accept and cherish you just the way you are. He’ll know all your annoying habits, whims, and insecurities, and he’ll have seen you at your worst, but he won’t criticize you or make you feel bad about it.

He’ll embrace your imperfections because he knows that they’re a part of the person that occupies the most special place in his heart.

There will come a man who will respect you as a person and your feelings, opinions, needs, and wishes as well. He’ll respect you and act maturely and responsibly when you disagree with him and when your opinions are totally opposed to his.

There will come a man who will be your best friend. Your greatest help. Your cheerleader. Your crying shoulder. Your strength. Your companion. Your partner in crime. The most amazing lover.

There will come a man who will know how to treat you – with kindness, compassion, dignity, and lots of affection. A man who will make you feel like you’re the happiest and most loved and important person in the world.

There will come a man who will stick with you through thick and thin. He’ll never leave you to deal with your worries, problems, and pains on your own. He’ll never allow himself to be the reason for your sadness or pain.

There will come a man who will always have your back and who won’t let anyone criticize you or make you feel sad in his presence.

He won’t be hesitant or afraid to sacrifice his own happiness and needs for you because he knows you’re worth every effort. Every struggle. Every pain.

There will come a man who won’t be afraid to walk through fire to defend you from any evil and make you feel safe and protected.

There will come a man who won’t hesitate to go the extra mile to make you happy.

There will come a man who will treat you as his equal and who will never try to make you feel weak and unimportant.

There will come a man who will know that you are more than good enough. When he looks at you, you’ll know he truly loves you. You’ll never have to question his feelings for you or wonder where you stand with him.

There will come a man who will be hopelessly and deeply in love with you. A man who will be sure about you and choose you every day. A man who will know he always needs you by his side and that you’re the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

There will come a man who won’t have to lose you to realize your worth.

10 Brutal Realities That Will Slap You In The Face And Help You Get Your Life Together

I’m sick and tired of reading and listening to these fairytale stories. I mean come on…

I am a very realistic person. Well, okay sometimes I sometimes get a bit pessimistic, but let’s put that aside for now.

The thing that pisses me the most is the fact that there are more and more people that enjoy living in a complete delusion. I can’t seem to understand that.

I know many grown, mature people who are simply unwilling to accept the harsh realities of life. It’s not that they’re not aware of those truths, they simply love living their lives inside their imaginary bubble.  

And then when they finally face some of these inevitable obstacles in life, they are disappointed and broken. The whole world is suddenly conspiring against them.

That is why today I wish to talk about this and challenge you. These are 10 brutal truth you all have to accept in order to get your sh*t together and start living:


If you are not working hard towards a certain goal that fills your life with meaning and gives you the purpose for your existence, you are walking in the wrong direction.

Trust me on this, we are all here for a certain reason. Stop wasting your time and find out what’s yours.


I know. This is the biggest cliché a person can say. And I know that you’ve probably heard it a thousand times, but that is only because it is the truth.

Not worrying about what others think about us is a skill we should all master. Because at the end of the day, you know how it is… “What Susie says of Sally says more of Susie than of Sally”.


I know a lot of people who suffer from anxiety as a result of not having control over their lives. I truly understand their pain. I’ve been there myself.

But luckily, I’ve also learned the most valuable lesson in life. You are a human being. Some things will never be in your power. Accept that. Let go. Release the stress.


Life is full of ups and downs. You cannot avoid those painful moments and failures and make a shortcut right to success. It is unavoidable to fail in life. That is how you learn and become even stronger.

Don’t fear failures. They are just stepping stones to success.


Cool tech-gadgets, expensive clothes, massive jewelry, cars, bags – they are all just possessions. And they have nothing to do with you. You cannot be defined by what you own.

No matter how much you buy in order to make yourself the person you’ve always wanted to be, these things will never add real value to you. You are what your soul carries.


We are all dreaming about something. Daydreaming it is important. But, the consequences of it really scare me.

Every time you think about your goal and decide to daydream some more instead of actually making the initial step and take action, remember… Success will not knock on your door. It’s your responsibility to chase after it and get it!


This is coming from a person who was once too afraid to even change the route from home to work. I hated change. I feared change. I was way too anxious about the fact that everything in life is temporary.

But, here I am. My life has been completely changed since then and I absolutely love it.

You cannot resist change. Whatever you do, you will never stop the natural flow of things. So, you might as well just accept it.


Accept it. We will all face the same destiny. It’s only a matter of time.

That is why it’s so important to be grateful for the people you have in your life. Hug the ones you love and let them know just how much they mean to you. Tomorrow might never come for some of us.


Worrying is just a waste of time and it doesn’t do anything useful to actually change the outcome. Stop wasting your energy and time on things that you cannot control. Instead, try to focus your attention on finding a better solution to make things right again.


So many of us think that our temporary feelings like excitement and joy are happiness. We fail to realize that all of these emotions are fleeting. They only exist in the heat of the moment, they give us this natural high and make us feel blessed.

That is not real happiness. True happiness comes from our inner equilibrium. When we are at peace with ourselves, we shine with happiness.

Why Empaths Are Like Magnets For Toxic People And How To Break The Vicious Cycle

Empaths are these kind, compassionate, tender, incredible human beings. With their unique personality and sweet, compassionate, intuitive nature, they’re like sent on a mission from the Universe to help and save others.

These people possess the gift to feel other people’s feelings and energy. They intuitively know the state of mind, tastes, and yearnings of the people they are around. Therefore, they understand everyone.

Empaths enjoy helping others. When they notice someone is struggling with problems or pain, they can’t resist helping them. It’s no wonder they are called “the healers of society.”

Empaths make a special, meaningful connection with other people. They connect with others on a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

These sensitive, compassionate, caring human beings can’t stand seeing other people suffer and therefore they’d never allow themselves to be the reason behind someone’s sadness, pain, or suffering.

One more quality that makes empaths so unique is that they’re sincere, trustworthy, and principled. They take responsibility for their own actions, and they’re not ashamed or afraid to admit when they’ve made a mistake and apologize if they’ve hurt someone’s feelings unintentionally.

Empaths try to see only the good in people and they tend to think that other people are decent, honest, unselfish, and genuinely good as they are. But they’re wrong about this and they pay the price for it.

Because this is exactly what makes them magnets for manipulative, lying, inconsiderate, negative people.

Toxic people use the kindness, softness, and compassionate nature of empaths as a means to satisfy their own selfish needs.

Empaths are unable to understand that not everyone is honest and caring as they are and that not everyone takes responsibility for their actions as they do.

They can’t understand that unlike them, who are driven by the need to help and make others happy, there are people who are driven by a need for power and attention.

There are people who place their opinions, needs, priorities, and wishes above everyone else’s. There are people who don’t apologize for their mistakes and wrongdoings because they don’t think they ever do anything bad.

There’re people who are ready to do anything to satisfy their own needs, even if that means hurting others and wreaking havoc on someone’s life.

Therefore, all empaths need to be extremely careful about who they let into their lives and who they put their faith into.

Empaths need to remember that if they’re involved with a toxic person, be it a family member, friend, coworker, or partner, they are setting themselves up to be manipulated and mentally and emotionally abused.

And most importantly, this unique kind of people needs to always keep in mind that it’s not their duty to always try to help and take away the pain of other people.

It’s not their duty to fix their relationships, whether romantic or otherwise.

It’s not their duty to be emotional sponges or someone’s punching bag.

It’s not their duty to take responsibility for other people’s actions and mistakes.

It’s not their duty to internalize other people’s feelings and feel angry, afraid, sad, or depressed when someone around them is feeling that way. Because in this way, they only exhaust themselves and ruin their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Empaths need to establish firm boundaries and honor them. They need to stop trying to help and heal everyone around them. They need to take a break and let go of all people that take advantage of them and treat them badly.

Because once they decide that they don’t need to carry all the pain in the world on their shoulders, they’ll regain control over their lives and stop attracting toxic people.

Is vaping healthier than smoking?


Smoking is dangerous.  Point blank, studies have proven time and again the detrimental health effects of smoking.  Vaping is a rising alternative to the bad habit that is sweeping the nation.  The question remains though, is vaping healthier than smoking?  Long story short, the answer is yes, absolutely.  However, there are some factors to keep in mind.  Take note, that it says healthier, not that it is healthy.  If you do not smoke, do not vape.

The reasons that vaping is healthier far outweigh the reasons it is not.  First and foremost, when you smoke traditional cigarettes, you are inhaling trace amounts of thousands of chemicals that really hurt your lungs.  This does not mean vape juice is without chemicals.  The truth is that vaping is a non-regulated industry.  While most vaping liquids are simple flavor and nicotine mixed with polyglycerol, there have been studies finding trace chemicals inside vape juices.

The most dangerous of which is mentioned by name, nicotine.  This substance is highly addictive, restricts blood flow, is a mood and appetite suppressor, and can cause multiple health issues.  While cigarettes and vaping can hold relatively the same amount of nicotine, there is an inherent danger of nicotine poisoning by too much vaping.  Remember moderation is the key, just like chain smoking leads to early demise, chain vaping is not great for you.

The last major worry to keep in mind with vaping is the infancy of the industry.  The technology has not been around long enough to know the long-term effects of smart vapes to use.  When compared to smoking, there are very few definitive studies that show results.  Smoking has been studied for decades and proven to show how bad it can be.  While vaping may not be mapped out yet, scientists do know the long term effects of some of the chemicals and nicotine found in vaping. 

Other than these factors, smoking is by far unhealthier than vaping.  This compares across the board with the amount of chemicals found, the nicotine levels, and the long term.   When marketed as a safer alternative to smoking, they are not exactly lying.  Just do not fall into the common trap that many teens and others are falling into by thinking that if it is healthier than smoking that it is healthy.  It truly is not, especially when it comes to teens.  Countless studies have shown the negative impacts among young people with nicotine usage.

The bottom line is that if you have never smoked or used tobacco products, vaping is a bad idea.  It is taking dangerous and addictive chemicals into your body that could lead to health detriments.  If you are a smoker, than switching to vaping can prove to be a smart, healthier choice.  Ultimately, the goal should be to wean off nicotine and vaping entirely.  However, this works well as an intermediate step.  TL: DR, vaping is much healthier versus smoking, if you currently smoke.  If you do not smoke, do not vape. 

How to Satisfy your Lover (Just Two Powerful Steps)

You need to satisfy your lover or else.

So let’s get down to business an stop looking the other way, pretending there isn’t a problem.

You have a lover. Could be a romantic partner, spouse, or live-in. I don’t care, as long as you’re lovers.

This lover should not be a figment of your imagination or the one you’d like to hook up with. No, this is for your actual romantic partner, a real person with whom you relate consistently. You need to keep him/her satisfied, right?

Warning: You simply must find a way to satisfy your lover, even if the tips in this post turn out to be bunk in your case. Don’t give up. Unsatisfied lovers have a way of turning into ex-lovers sooner or later.

If you DON’T KNOW how satisfied your lover is with you, beware. If they were over-the-moon satisfied, you’d know it. You can always ask. In fact, I dare you to ask. “On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with me as your lover?”

Do you want to know? You should! I just asked my lover that very question. The answer was, “Super satisfied. An 11 on a 1-10 scale.” I guess that qualifies me to write this post. No kidding. I really did ask my lover. Whew. I’m good!

The Formula for Satisfying your Lover. Are you Ready?

It’s a fair question. You may NOT be ready to satisfy your lover after all. When you do, you’ll suddenly be on the receiving end of a highly happy person. A satisfied lover who sees YOU as the source of the greatest goodies in life.

You might not be ready for the sheer bliss of a mutual love-fest. You may be a massive self-sabotager who cannot get out of your own way to save your very life. If that’s the case, you’re not going to benefit by the following the steps here. Overcome the self-sabotage first. Just sayin’:)

Without further ado:

  1. Put your EGO Aside to Satisfy your Lover

Good god if only the world’s inhabitants could drop the ego like a hot potato. EGO = I am only in this for myself.

Nope, you’re in a two-way relationship, my friend. And it’s not all about you. You’d be best served by forgetting all about yourself in this case. Forget. Your. Self.

Mind you, I’m not suggesting there are no benefits for you in this charade. Are you kidding? The benefits of having a satisfied lover are out of this world! When you keep your mate happy – really happy – the bennies coming your way multiply 10-fold.

Think of the poor self-centered bastard who only cares about his own satisfaction. No one wants to do anything for him. Nobody respects him. He’s a loser, schmuck; someone all alone in this world. And he’s miserable.

Contrast that with the lover who makes his partner’s needs a priority….and you’ve got a night/day scenario. The selfless lover is a magnet for personal satisfaction. Let it go! Put your ego aside in this case and know that the more you satisfy your lover  – without concern for yourself – the more YOU will be satisfied.

If you don’t get this, click away. Buh-bye.

  1. Get Deviously Specific (Seeing, Hearing, Feeling)

(Hello NLP )

Satisfying your lover becomes abundantly clear when you understand how s/he receives love. You might say this is the NLP (much simpler and easier) version of love languages.

Does your lover receive love by seeing, hearing or feeling? In other words, do you need to:

  • show your lover
  • tell your lover
  • or touch your lover? (hugs work)

Most people have a preferred way to receive love. Tragically, most of us give love through the same channel (see, hear, feel) that we like to receive it. If your lover isn’t a match, you won’t get credit for the giving and s/he won’t feel loved!

Ask your partner the best way for you to give love!

3 Ingenious Tips to Enhance your Brain Health

There are numerous crazy myths and misconceptions out there about ways to become smarter or train your mind to be more intelligent or healthier. However, what most people may not know is that most of these claims have been scientifically tested, and some rather compelling evidence exists to support many of them. So if you are looking for techniques to boost your mental prowess, here are some tested and proven ways to sharpen your brain.

Perform Some Brain Training Exercises

Psychologists have acknowledged for quite some time that basic cognitive skills, like a person’s information processing speed, are quite stable throughout an individual’s life. Until recently, psychologists have also known that while a person can usually perform more with the skills he/she already possesses, it is fairly difficult to improve his/her basic cognitive skill levels. Currently, the latest trend on self-improvement is brain training, including all its seriousness and pledges of real improvements to a person’s basic cognitive skills, like decision making and working memory speed.

Most brain training exercises are performed through entertaining games or activities designed to stimulate some important parts of the brain linked to basic cognitive activity. Regular practice at these activities leads to actual changes in the cell density of those parts. The fundamental premise is that people can literally improve their mental capabilities with the appropriate types of mental exercises. For instance, a recently published high-profile research led to a high level of confidence among psychologists that an activity referred to as the dual N-back task can actually increase at least one essential aspect of intelligence, fluid intelligence – substantially and in the long-term. Other studies have reported IQ increases of up to 13 points in children exposed to behavior analytic kind of intellectual skills training known as relational skills training.

Stay Away from Drugs

The other sure way to improve and maintain your brain health is to avoid substance and drug abuse. This is due to the simple fact that drugs can have severe adverse effects on the human brain. Whenever you introduce drugs into your body, either through smoking, eating, inhaling, or injecting them, the drugs tap into your brain’s communication system and interfere with how nerve cells normally transmit, receive, and process information or stimuli. Different drugs will work on the brain differently because of their different chemical structures. Drugs work in the brain in two main ways:

  • Imitating the natural chemical messengers in the brain
  • Over stimulating the “reward circuit” system of the brain

Consequently, drugs can ultimately lead to drastic changes in brain circuits and neurons. These changes can persist even after a drug user has stopped using or abusing the drugs and it is more likely to occur when a particular drug is abused over and over.You can learn more here on how to reverse this.

Maintain a High Degree of Mental Activities

Research has shown that the more conversations a parent engages with their child, the more intelligent the child will be. For instance, simple games that involve naming objects or solving simple puzzles together helps to make learning a social and educational activity, as well as improves the child’s IQ. Furthermore, talking to a child boosts their vocabulary, which is extremely important for the child’s general intelligence levels.

In summary, improving your brain’s health is not as difficult as some people may want to imagine. With the right timing, the right habits, and proper timing, you can increase and maintain you brain’s thinking ability in a remarkable way.

How Dietary Habits Contribute to Stress and Anxiety

If you suffer from stress and anxiety, you may not realize that your diet could be to blame. The types of food you eat can be doing you more harm than good. Here, we will explore the types of food and drink that could be the driving force behind your stress and anxiety, which will enable you to make changes for the better.


Whether you believe it or you don’t, the beverage that you’re drinking to help your social anxiety is actually making it much worse. While it may feel like it calms you down and gives you confidence, alcohol can have a negative impact on sleep and hydration, both of which can bring on anxiety symptoms when suppressed. When consuming alcohol, your levels of serotonin in the brain change, which makes your anxiety worse. Once the alcohol wears off, you may end up feeling more anxious than before. Make sure to drink in moderation or opt for alternatives such as mocktails or non-alcoholic beer.


Caffeine may be a big part of your everyday life, such as having a coffee in your morning routine. However, you might not know that the amount of caffeine you drink each day could be doing you more harm than good. High levels of caffeine can increase nervousness and anxiety, not to mention decreasing the feel-good chemical called serotonin in your body, which leaves you feeling depressed. However, caffeine is safe to consume in low doses. It’s best to take the time to analyze how much you drink every day, so you can make the necessary changes for the better.

Aged, Fermented, and Cultured Foods

While a glass of red wine accompanied with a meat-and-cheese plate may sound relaxing, according to science, however, it isn’t so much. Whole foods such as milk, grapes, and beef change when they are cured, fermented, and cultured. During this process, bacteria break down the food proteins into biogenic amines, with one of these being histamine (a neurotransmitter that aggravates hormones, digestion, and the nervous systems). It can trigger insomnia and anxiety in susceptible individuals, so making little changes and refraining from some whole foods the best option to take.

Added Sugar

While there is no way to avoid sugar 100% of the time, there are ways to avoid added sugar in your food. Added sugar causes your blood sugar to go on a ride of crashes and spikes, which sees your energy fluctuate. When your blood sugar crashes, your mood decreases, which brings on anxiety symptoms. Your body releases insulin, which helps absorb excess glucose and to stabilize blood sugar levels. When purchasing food, always make sure you read the label to see what ingredients go into the foods you’re consuming.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Not only can changing the foods in your diet make a difference, but there are also certain products that may have several potential benefits such as CBD oil. Medical cannabis for anxiety may be able to reduce anxiety, lower inflammation, improve bone health, protect your brain, lower blood pressure, and reduce any pain you’re experiencing. However, it’s always best to speak to a medical professional first before you try out CBD oil. Getting advice from an expert can help you make up your mind on whether CBD oil is right for you.

Cutting down on alcohol and caffeine can make a great difference to your life and see your stress and anxiety reduce significantly. Making small but notable changes to your diet will help you lead a healthy and happy life. Having a positive outlook is enormously helpful, so ensure you take time to analyze what foods you are eating.

9 Ways to grow your followers on Instagram

Instagram has become one of the most targeted visual media channels for cooperates and small businesses in branding and building a loyal audience for their businesses. In a day, over 500 million Instagram users browse the application daily. This has made it become the social media with the most engaged users. Just like any other social media network, there is a common way of using it, the wrong way of using the network and there is a smart of creating an impact with the social media.

In this post, I will educate you on the right and the most effective way to use Instagram to increase engagement and increase followers over time.

How to get more followers on Instagram.

Use the right Instagram hashtags

Your main aim on Instagram is to engage with your current audience and also grow your engagement by having automatic Instagram likes and followers. Posting a new interesting and engaging photo will fulfill the first requirement, but for you to increase your Instagram followers you will find using hashtags to be very important. Hashtags help people to easily find your photo when searching for a specific term, therefore look for the right and popular hashtags to use on your posts.

Use the right filters

Use of the hashtags is not the only thing that you should take note of. An Instagram user should understand how the Instagram community is responding to different filters and choose the most favorable filter.

Post on Instagram at the right time

After using Instagram for a while, you can analyze what has worked when posting and what has not worked. In this case, you can know your target audience and the best time to post. Knowing the right time to post will increase your Instagram followers and improve your engagement with your followers.

Steal your competitors’ followers on Instagram.

Some say it is unethical but it still works. Since your competitor’s Instagram followers have the same interest in the products you share, then you can easily steal them. This can be done by following the competitor, liking their photos and commenting on their photos often. Your competitor’s followers will start following you.

Pay for sponsored posts and product reviews.

Posting using hashtags, using preferred filters and posting the right time, will help you to get instagram followers but if you need to cover a wider scope of followers, using of paid posts and product review is the right way to go. This will increase the number of Instagram followers within a small duration.

Use of geotags on Instagram

Apart from using hashtags, use of geotags makes your posts and stories to be easily discoverable on Instagram. This may attract a new Instagram follower’s fan base from a certain location.

Organize your stories into highlights.

When anybody visits your profile, you have a few seconds to make the person hit that follows button. Therefore you should organize your stories in a manner they will easily tell what your profile is all about.

Ask for more followers

Just like on YouTube, buy instagram followers is not a crime. Sometimes people enjoy what they see on your profile but they do not follow you after viewing the post, therefore reminding them to follow you for more posts is not a crime.

Be consistent with your Instagram posts.

Consistency in posting will help you to gain more followers. People will not follow you because of your past posts but will follow you the hope that you will continue posting such great posts.

Dear Mama, It’s Not Selfish To Take A Break – You Deserve It

Dear tired mama who is reading this,

I cannot imagine how it feels to bring new life into this world. I cannot even begin to understand how incredible and amazing it is to grow a life inside of you and give birth to a human being. It is the greatest blessing and a privilege to be able to do this.

Motherhood is truly an eye-opening, all-consuming and at the same time all-exhausting experience. Once that tiny little person, that beautiful, fragile soul arrives in this world, every part of your life starts gravitating around them. Everything you once did becomes secondary. Everything that you once cared for is no longer your number one priority.

You are no longer the same person you used to be. You’ve created a life and you’ve brought him into this world. It is now your responsibility to guide this little human being and help them find their place in this world.

And I can see your happiness in your eyes, but I can also see that you are exhausted.

You are tired, dear mama.

But what bugs me the most is the fact that you are afraid to admit that to yourself. You feel bad about it. You desperately need a break, but you think that saying that out loud makes you a bad mother. Even worse, it makes you doubt your love for your baby.

Well, let me tell you something.

It is not selfish to take a break. You not only deserve it, but you also NEED it.

So, it is okay to pause. It is okay to take some time out. I know that you’re a superhero woman and you can do almost everything, but don’t forget… You are also a human being made of flesh and blood. You have to take care of yourself. You have to find time to sit down and have a good conversation with yourself.

Give yourself a break from that guilt of not being the best mother ever. You cannot possibly manage all of it without going crazy.

Give yourself a break from thinking that everything has to be perfect. Perfection doesn’t exist. It’s just an illusion. Focus on what matters.

Give yourself a break from running around and doing everything because you are the mom. Talk to your partner and let them know that you cannot continue living like this. Make him aware that you are in this together. You are equal.

Give yourself a break from feeling like a failure. You are doing everything that you can. You deserve to have some quiet alone time for yourself.

Give yourself a break from refusing to take a break. You deserve it. You need it. Otherwise, you’ll crack under the pressure. And that is not the way you’re supposed to live your life. That is not something that your children should see.

Motherhood is a blessing, but it is also one of the most challenging roles you’ll ever have in life. You’d think that you could control it. But the truth is, you cannot always prepare for everything that you’ll face in life.

Make time for yourself, nurture your soul, work on your mental issues, take care of your body and be a role model for your children. Be the person that you’ve always admired.

Take a break before you completely break, mama.

Learn to love and respect yourself.

7 Behaviors All Toxic People Display Within 5 Minutes Of Meeting Someone

People come in all shapes and sizes, and, unfortunately, there are these highly negative, draining, and insufferable people that can suck the energy and happiness out of you before you can even blink. Yes, you guessed it – the toxic people.

With billions of people in the world, it’s normal to come across this kind of people at one point or another during your lifetime. They literally lurk around every corner.  

These people are the masters of all manipulation tactics and mind games. They defy logic and they can poison your mind and heart within seconds.

To prevent a toxic person from manipulating you and filling you with negative energy, you need to be able to immediately recognize when you’re dealing with one. Fortunately, when it comes to this kind of people, first impressions do count.

Here are 7 behaviors toxic people display within 5 minutes of meeting someone:

1. They complain 24/7.

“The weather is too hot; the meal is too cold; the music is too loud; their job is lame; their partner is insanely jealous; their kids are so irritating; their boss is a pain in the *ss.” Their complaining never stops.

Being in the company of a toxic person can literally suck all the positive energy out of you and leave you feeling frustrated and exhausted. So, make sure you steer clear of them.

2. They expect you to treat them like they’re special.

Toxic people, especially narcissists, feel entitled to everyone’s attention, time, and praise. They consider themselves smarter, better, and more important than you and therefore expect you to treat them as such.

3. They gossip.

Gossip is meaningless and vile, but there are people who simply don’t agree with this. People who are toxic don’t mind spreading all kinds of lies about someone and talking bad things behind their back.

So, if you find yourself in the company of someone who talks sh*t about people they know nothing about, just ignore them and walk away.

4. They brag about their successes.

Toxic people can go on and on boasting about their skills, talents, accomplishments, and successes even when they meet you for the first time. They’ll brag about how smart, successful, and happy they are and what an amazing career they have.

They’ll spend hours teaching you lessons about how to do things because in their view, they know best.

The truth is that when someone behaves this way, they actually try to compensate for their shortcomings and prevent you from discovering those.

5. They expect you to please them.

Who doesn’t want to be happy? But toxic people think that other people exist to serve them and make them happy.  They don’t take “no” for an answer and they don’t hesitate to use you to get something done, especially if they notice that you’re kind and helping.

These people don’t mind asking you for favors, and if they see that you’re about to reject them, they’ll be quick to use all the manipulation tactics they know and get under your skin to get what they want from you.

 6. They have zero interest in your worries.

They’ll talk with you about all kinds of things, but they’ll never ask you how you’re feeling or whether you need help if they see you’re struggling with problems.

You can be angry, extremely sad, or even cry, but they won’t give a damn about it. They won’t care if you tell them that you need to take a day off because you or your child is sick, and they certainly won’t lift a finger to help you solve a problem. They’re simply incapable of feeling compassion for anyone. All they care about is themselves.

7. They make you feel bad.

Not only will they drain all your energy, but they’ll make you feel bad about yourself. They’ll make some cynical comments about your physical appearance or clothes and then they’ll tell you they were just joking. They’ll undermine the importance of your successes and make you feel like everything you have achieved in life is only a matter of pure luck and nothing else.

So, if you find yourself in the company of someone who is trying to put you down, either stand up for yourself and let them know that you’re not going to put up with their bullsh*t or walk away.