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Cooking For Dating: Recipe Ideas to Impress Your Partner

One of popular themes throughout dating-related blogs will be using cooking as a tool for dating. If you check the leaders of a dating niche such as Eharmony, Okcupid or Loveawake you will find plenty of cookery singles event such as wine tasting, cooking classes and quiz nights.

They are fun because you have a topic of conversation with the other singles. Cooking can show your ability to express yourself artistically, and it can take your passion for your partner and transform it into the culinary realm. Or, if you, say, cook them for your co-workers in the office using a tabletop grill as a heat source, it might solidify their view that you are quite crazy.

I’ve always found that there is a simple, elegant dish which gets great reactions from friends and lovers alike – The omelet. But let me clarify, I’m not talking about that thing that you get at some diners and restaurants where they pour a ton of egg onto a flat-top grill, cook it until it looks like a 27-inch amoeba, rubbery enough to stop a bullet, then roll it into a burrito shape.

That’s an egg abomination. I’m talking about French-style pan omelets which are thicker and not cooked into oblivion. While it may be odd for a male to admit, my indoctrination into the omelet lover’s world came via Julia Child, and the copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking which I received back in high school.

Her instructions have stayed with me to this day, although she’d be horrified for a number of reasons if she saw the video below (editing in process, to be added later), and I’ve altered them based on my own preferences and style.

What do you need to cook an omelet? A seven-inch nonstick pan is ideal, although I have to admit that mine is 9-inches.

You will also want a plastic spatula so you don’t ruin your pan’s non-stick finish if you have one. That’s it for equipment, other than a heat source, which I will always recommend be gas, but you can manage most anything with a little ingenuity, as you will hopefully see when we finish the video edits.

After that, it’s all about the ingredients. Eggs of course, in a seven-inch pan, a 3-egg omelet is ideal, while you probably want 4 for a 9-inch pan to avoid it being too thin.

Then it is all about the fillings, which could be anything your heart desires quite honesty. Meats, vegetables, fruits I suppose but I’ve never used them personally (unless we get into the tomato: fruit or vegetable argument), and cheese always makes a great filler or topper. Use your ingenuity.

If this had bacon in it I would never leave the house.

So if you really want to know how to do this right, grab MTAoFC right now. You won’t regret it. Or, I found an excellent excerpt from the publisher here.

If you can live with a dumbed-down version, I’m your guy:

Whip 3 eggs rapidly, and for a slightly fluffy texture you can add cream, milk or water. I suggest you experiment with each over time to see what suits your tastes. Heat the pan and add your oil of choice, with my suggestions in order of preference being: clarified butter, non-stick spray, butter. I also suggest pre-sautéing the appropriate vegetables, i.e. onions, mushrooms, garlic etc. You can certainly use them in their raw state and just cook them slightly in the omelet, that’s your call.

Once the oil source is heated, you can either add the eggs with the fillers already mixed in, or mix them in the pan itself, either way. The eggs will immediately begin to set. Using your spatula, lift up the edges of the set eggs and tilt the pan, allowing the uncooked eggs on the top to spill under unto the surface of the pan. This is a simplified way handle the technique described by Child. The goal is to quickly work around the edges so all of the runny egg on top is transferred to the bottom and is cooked.

Once there is no more egg which naturally runs to the side, do a quick flip of the omelet to cook the current top side. If you have a good seven-inch pan and are practiced, you can use a jerking motion and flip the eggs in the pan. If you use a larger pan or are worried about the flip technique, you can use a plate to flip the eggs manually, and I show that in the video below at the X: XX time mark. It’s not a wonderful presentation technique, but it gets the job done, and I’m assuming if you’ve read this far that you’re not a master chef, as this all will be quite laughably over-simplified if you are.

Once it is flipped, throw any cheese onto the now-exposed, cooked side facing you. You can also add any fillers which you didn’t want to cook, i.e. tomato, nuts, fresh herbs, whatever tickles your fancy. Within 15 seconds, longer if you prefer your eggs more well-done, use your spatula to fold the circular egg along the diameter into a half-moon. If the half you see now looks cooked enough for you, tilt it onto the plate for serving. If not, give it a few more seconds, flip it to the other side and repeat, then serve. You’ll have to practice since each pan/heat source combo will cook at a different speed.

Garnish if you like, serve with your homemade home fries and cheddar cheese sauce, and a glass of juice or coffee, and viola, breakfast is served. After a few practices runs this will honestly be second nature to you, and the best thing is that omelets are great for any meal, so you always have an excuse to practice.

How Often Should You Vacuum?

Cleanliness and hygiene are one of the most critical yet most challenging home management tasks. Especially, if you are living with your family, or your household includes kids or pets or both, keeping your living space clean and spotless can give you a tough time. Things become even harder for home caretakers who have to look after the house, take care off of the kids, run errands and also go out and work to make a living.

There was a time when homemakers had to spend hours cleaning the house using a conventional broom and mop. Despite cleaning with all the hard work, it was close to impossible to make sure that the house remains dust free beyond a couple of hours. Even multiple brooming sessions throughout the day failed to keep the dust and dirt away entirely. Thanks to technology, ever since vacuum cleaners took over, cleaning became a whole lot easier.

Although maintaining a clean, dust-free house is still very difficult, vacuum cleaners certainly made things more comfortable, especially when you need multiple cleaning sessions. However, everything has its pros, cons and side effects and too much of everything is always debatable. Likewise, the frequency of vacuum usage in your house is often the question of debate among home improvement experts.

How Often Should You Use a Vacuum Cleaner?

There is no single correct answer to this question. The frequency of your vacuum cleaning sessions depends on many factors. One of the main factors is the traffic in your house and how exposed to dirt and dust your home is. For example, if you have kids and pets in your home, you might need to vacuum high traffic areas such as the living room multiple times a day, while you can sweep your private bedroom or the study once a week.

Likewise, if your house is located in a place, such as near a beach, you should be getting a lot of dust in the house, which might need a lot of vacuuming. However, if there are only one or two adults in the house with no kids or pets, a weekly vacuum session is adequate for things under control.

There are specific areas of your house such as hallway, living room and lounges and dining area that you should Bagged Vacuum at least twice a day if you have kids and pets around. This is essential to ensure that any fine dust particles or pet hair that might have shed in your living space is taken care of. However, it is understandable that too much vacuuming is neither good for your body nor your appliance nor the life and health of your expensive carpets and rugs.

Therefore, if you’re more delicate pieces of fixtures and carpet are in a high traffic area, better move them to a low traffic zone and try not to vacuum them more than a week. It is a good idea to run a vacuum all over your mattress, curtains and nooks and corners of your furnishings to keep bed bugs and ticks away.  

The 5 Things That Make Electronic Gadgets “Shrewd”

If you find it impossible to imagine life without your smartphone or other wireless gadgets, you are not alone. Gadgets are becoming a part of our everyday life and we are starting to be addicted, liableto them for our daily activities. As advancement in the technology, software and automation,smart home technology devices make everyone’s life relaxed.These gadgets that we are fond of and we are astonished by the new perceptions created by young and determined designers.

Practically everything what we purchase in our home nowadays can be associated with our iPad or mobile phone. Wireless gadgets have squeezed the world in many important ways.


Let’s initiatewith the most basic element: sensors. Before a device can perform, it needs to have data. All electronic gadgets begin by assembling some form of information. This input forms the invention of a smart gadget and concludes what the device is able to do. For example drones are used for best sharper image drone in 2018 through sensors to get unexpected views.


Mechanisation can take many forms. Usually speaking, it is the process of a device automatically acting a job based on particular sensor inputs or programmable triggers.

Remote Approachability

The next step is the skill to use a device remotely via a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. Remote accessibility permits you to give or take information without any need of physical presence.


A gadget starts getting really innovative when it begins to recognise and examine its surroundings. This means the device can detect its location (GPS), what devices are adjacent (via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth), and/or what is happening around it (computer vision). By accumulating awareness into a distantlymanageable and automated device, we begin to see intelligence advance in exciting new ways.


Learning devices automatically recognisethe arrangements over time, and change how they react to different triggers or actions without being programmed again. Preferably, this learning makes them more effective, suitable, and simpler to use over time.

The Police Are Warning Women To Carry A Carabiner On Their Purse And This Is Why

Christmas has passed, and we can say that the shopping spree has slowed down. This, however, doesn’t change the fact that we all need to go out and buy stuff every day. And if there’s one thing that most women dread, it’s the endless opportunities for thieves to snatch their purses.

Purses are the easiest target for thieves in supermarkets and large shops, simply because no matter how much you pay attention to where it is, looking away for even a second means a big opportunity for a thief to simply grab it and walk away.

And it’s not only money that’s going to be the problem then. Car keys, credit cards, documents, everything we take for granted will need to be renewed. Imagine the tedious procedures and added expenses.

To combat this, the New Hampshire Police Department has sent out an announcement advising women to protect their purses with an easy and simple trick: a carabiner.

If the place where you shop has carts with a child-safety strap, the Police recommend that you use that strap to protect your bag.

 “A holiday shopping safety tip for women. When using a shopping cart as you browse through the store, keep your purse zipped or closed and secure it to the cart by clipping the child safety belt through the strap(s).”

This way, it will be much harder for the thief to simply grab it and run away, as more steps will be required for them – enough so that you turn around and alert the shop in time while saving your belongings.

And if the cart doesn’t have a child-safety strap, carrying a carabiner with you will make the difference between a care-free shopping and one filled with anxiety and a potential for loss.

“For those carts that don’t have the child strap, keep an inexpensive carabiner clip attached to your purse strap. Simply clip the carabiner to the cart and your purse is more secure. HAPPY SHOPPING!”

Who would’ve thought of this simple and inexpensive tool that could have saved so many purses from being snatched so far?

And finally, to prevent those thieves from getting the idea of leaving you void of your personal belongings, it’s perhaps best to just take the essentials with you and leave the bag at home.

How do you protect your purse from thieves? Share your tips in the comments!

Few Managed To Solve This Viral Math Equation – Are You Up For The Challenge?

Yes, the word mathematics is just a synonym to ‘a headache’ for many, but it shouldn’t be a problem to solve a simple equation right? While it’s a piece of cake for all you math geniuses out there, the rest of the world seems to get tricked by this one.

The thing is, only one answer is correct here

Although you may hear some divided opinions and explanations, the rules are simple and straightforward if you know them. Are you up for the challenge? Take a deep breath…

6 ÷ 2(1+2) =?

Most who tried, say that the solution is either 9 or 1, depending on how they approached the equation. Then there are those who went with 0, 3, and 6, which are far from correct. What did you get?

A YouTube channel created by Presh Talwalkar called MindYourDecisions has made a video about this equation, and in it, you can hear the explanation as to why people get stuck between the two options that can be used in solving it.

One is the “old” option, which, if you have used, will yield 1. The other, “new” option will have you end up with 9 as a solution.

However, only one way is correct. Watch below and see if you got the right result.

Don’t worry if you didn’t get the right result, though. Life is complicated enough even without math. And in the end, it’s not that you’ll get to meet these equations on a daily basis, hopefully.

But whatever the case, it’s a simple matter of knowledge that everybody can acquire nowadays. Google is your best friend, right?

Did you get the correct answer? Let us know in the comments!

10 Things The Government Doesn’t Want YOU To Know

things the government doesn't want you to know

Do YOU ever feel like you’re being kept in the dark? Ever get the feeling that the government is lying to you?

What the government doesn’t want you to know?

Don’t get us wrong, we respect the Government and we know that they’d never lie to us, except when they actually DO LIE to us, but of course – everything is done for society’s best interests, right?

The truth is there are many things that the Big Brother strives to keep secret, things that would bring a lot of attention on the ruling classes if everyone found out about them.

Noam Chomsky once said: “People, in general, don’t know what is happening and they are not even aware that they don’t know.”

That’s why we would like to share with you 10 things the government doesn’t want you to know:

1. The police are not legally obligated to protect you

Most of the crowd is blinded by the propaganda and ignorantly assume that the sworn duty of the police is to really serve us and protect us.

Keep in mind that, they’ll be never there for you. They stand their ground and fight people in the name of the government. As long they’re obligated to serve the “Their Highness” and their interests while trying to make a living from it, don’t expect a human approach.

Power tends to corrupt, and that especially applies to the police. Because they are specially trained to be oppressive, extorting and violent enforcers of the current political propaganda.

2. It’s almost impossible to pay off the national debt

The reason behind it is because state money is created out of debt in a one-to-one increase in public debt. The national debt is $20 Trillion, and that roughly means 234 Americans would have to pay approximately  $62,000 each to pay it off. This includes everyone, even poor people, babies, homeless people.

As former Governor of the Federal Reserve Board Marriner Eccles said, “If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”

3. There is no underlying thing backing money (it’s all an illusion)

If every person in the world required a physical representation of the amount of money they own, there wouldn’t be enough money that exists to represent the figures.

Money used to be backed by a gold standard – the government had $100 worth of gold from which they made a $100 bill which went out into the market. However, since they moved away from gold, society needs to take government’s word that the note is indeed worth $100.

There are also people who claim that it’s mathematically impossible to pay off the debt. Still, almost every country is in debt to every other country. It’s insane.

4. How to live off the grid

I’m sure you knew this by now, but they don’t want you to know how to live independently. The more farming you do, the less you need to pay someone for food. The more they rise from your codependency the more they profit the hell out of it.

Once you learn how to “live off the grid” and on your own account, you can’t be controlled by them. And you’re no good for them. Because the blinder the sheep that are following them are, the more indestructible the government becomes.

5. Planned obsolescence

Don’t even get me started on this. When we talk about the government making money off of you, the first thing that pops into my mind is planned obsolescence. You know how your iPhone charger keeps getting damaged and for some reason, this is happening every 3 or 4 months?

Planned obsolesce is the policy od designing a product with an artificially limited useful life (expiration date), so it will become obsolete after a certain period of time. Ah, the noble art of consumerism.

Because greedy companies just know that you’ll bend over backward and come running to them whenever you need “the fix”.

6. Civil asset forfeiture

As if the things I already stated are not enough. Despite the police brutality and overreach of power(corrupted), these same police officials are manipulating the defective federal and civil asset forfeiture laws in a way that it gives them permission to keep, seize or sell any property that is allegedly involved in a crime.

The key word being ALLEGEDLY. For the love of God people, I’m asking you this, whatever happened to the good old “admissible evidence”?

7. The US imprisons more of its population than any other country (and profits from it)

We are led to believe that we live in the “land of the free”, yet the statistics show us otherwise.

The total prison population over the last 300 years have grown by 500%. The United States alone has less than 5 percent of the world population, yet we somehow manage to have almost 20 percent of the world’s prison population.

This story sadly ends with the fact that big corporations are profiting from the prison system in the way that prison doesn’t help rehabilitate the inmates, but rather it is using them for more profitable causes.

8. Forced taxation is theft

If your country is forcing you to pay your taxes, don’t lie to yourself that you live in a free country. And if your country threatens you with violence and prison if you fail to pay their debt, it’s a clear case of extortion.

And since all of this is done by an authoritarian government, we clearly live in the nest of plain tyranny.

Simple as that.

9. You’re not “allowed” to be stateless, but you can be

You should know that the minute you were born, you became the property of the state and your social security number might as well be considered as your own barcode.

Same as living off the grid, they don’t want you to know that you can actually be stateless because that way the corrupt nation-states in the world would have less power over you.

As Nietzsche famously said, “State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: ‘I, the state, am the people.”

10. We exist in an oligarchic plutocracy disguised as a democratic republic

If we were really a part of a horizontal democracy, we would be able to run free. No masters, no thrones, no rules and no chance for power to be concentrated into the greedy hands of the ruling classes.

However, instead of freedom, we live in an era where “money makes the world go round”. And the last time I checked money was equal to power. Since power tends to corrupt and easily break all hell loose, people have the right to demand transparency at any cost.

But, as a result of an easily manipulated and militarized police force, people are not free to do that. So, here we are slipping and sliding directly into an autocratic society.

12 Signs He Is Falling For You Hard

signs he is falling hard for you

Love is the most beautiful emotion there is that everyone should eventually experience it. It’s that profound feeling we get when we finally meet the person that was meant for us.

However, there are times when you can drive yourself crazy trying to decipher what does a guy think of you and how he actually feels about you. Before you take this to the next level and totally freak about it, stop for a second and breathe.

There are a lot of ways to tell if a person is crazy about you, no matter how mysterious they can be.

When someone is infatuated with you, you can tell by the way they treat you. Some people have a difficulty expressing themselves verbally, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. Some of us just show it the other way. It’s so intense, it’ll shake you to your very core.

So, if you find yourself questioning and doubting whether he’s falling in love with you,

Here are 12 signs he is falling for you hard: 

1.He won’t shut up about you to his friends

You know how you annoy the hell out of your girlfriend for every triviality there is? Well, guys talk to their friends too. Another indicator that he’s going crazy about you is having their friends spill out in front of you “Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you”.

News flash ladies: He cares for you enough to talk about his feelings to his guy friends. Hello! You mean a lot to him!

2.He takes most of the time out of his life to spend it with you

You can really tell a guy is going crazy after you when he finds all the possible ways to reschedule his dense weekly agenda just, so he can spend more time with you.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s only for an hour, it’s the precious time that is spent with you that matters to him the most.

3.He needs to protect you from all the harm there is

This world is hard and filled with all sorts of evil that we face every day. So, having a significant other who’ll be there to make it easier to go through, it is everyone’s desire.

If your partner goes out of his way to make you feel safe and secure when you’re with him, he cares about you deeply. 

4.He tries hard to have good relations with your closest friends and family

He knows that sharing a life with you and loving you means respecting your loved ones and family as equally as you. And if he enjoys doing that, you can rest assured that you’re the love of his life.

5.He takes your pieces of advice

The fact that he includes you in his decision-making process and needs to consult you on any matter which determines his life says a lot about his affection towards you. You mean the world to him and your words have a huge impact on his life.

6.He’s making plans for your future

You can feel he has fallen in love with you when he starts planning your summer vacation 6 months in advance, or carefully manages his savings in order to settle down with you.

He discusses his career options with you just, so he can align his world with yours. This kind of behavior indicates that he’s about to seal the deal with you.

7.He’s not afraid of completely showing his feelings in front of you

Whenever a guy encourages himself to open up his soul in front of the one he’s seeing, it’s certain that he is madly in love. It’s often said that guys don’t express their feelings in the same emotional manner as us girls.

But when a man falls in love, he’s capable of doing the impossible in order to be with the one they love. He has the courage to lay his heart in front his woman and not be afraid of any consequence.

8.He shows you off to other people 

He is proud of you and enjoys meeting you with his fellow friends. “Meeting the friends” is a serious step in the relationship, so you should definitely stop worrying. You’re the one for him.

9.You often catch him giving you that infatuated, happy look 

Do you ever catch him watching you with a loveable and happy face? He just looks at you while having a cute smirk on his face and you just feel that he’s fallen harder than words could ever describe.

10.He’s more than pleased to share his interests and activities with you

He’s interested in discovering everything that makes your eyes sparkle and your heart beat faster. He wants to know every passion and interest of yours, the same way he wants to share his life with you. This means he wants you to be a part of his world, always and forever.

11.He’s the real gentleman

Spoken from a personal experience, when a guy falls hard for a girl, he’ll act like quite the gentleman around her. His loving embrace will be tight but soft. You know he’ll hold your hand firmly but tenderly. Whenever it happens, you’ll feel it.

12.His eyes are only for you

He’ll never imagine even thinking about another girl. When a guy is crazy in love with you, he’ll do his best to let you know that you are the only one in his life.

He won’t notice other girls flirting with him because he’s not interested. All he wants to think about is you- and that’s what true love actually means.


People Who Point Out Grammar Mistakes Are JERKS, Science Says

Are you one of those people who just can’t resist pointing out other people’s grammatical mistakes while showing off your impressive grammar knowledge? Are you a person who always points out the differences between ‘there’, ‘they’re’, and ‘their’, and you get a heart attack when someone writes “your” instead of “you’re”?  

If you are, science says – you are a jerk!

A study from the University of Michigan discovered that those people who are ‘grammar police’ are in fact huge jerks, and their behavior is a result of certain personality traits that they possess.

For example, extroverted people tend to overlook grammatical mistakes and typos, while introverted ones are prone to judge harshly those people who make grammatical mistakes.

The study included 83 participants who were asked to read email responses to an ad for a roommate. Some emails were changed on purpose to include typos, such us abuot (about), mkae (make), or grammar mistakes, such us its/it’s, your/you’re or to/too.

Then, the participants were asked whether they noticed the mistakes. Those who said ‘yes’ were then asked to elaborate their answer.

The researchers found a correlation between agreeability and sensitivity to errors. Namely, those participants who got the most disturbed with the mistakes were said to be the least agreeable ones. Contrary to them, people with more agreeable personalities were more likely to overlook mistakes and typos.

Agreeability is a set of psychological measurements also knows as the BFI (Big Five Personality Index), and people who are ‘agreeable’ are described as generous, trusting, cooperative and sympathetic. Contrary to them, those who are not ‘agreeable’ are described as cold and aggressive.

Julie Boland, a professor of psychology and linguistics and also the lead author of the study, said that their experiment served to examine the social judgments that listeners/readers have about the writers and also to show how the personality traits of the readers impacted their interpretation of the texts.

It was found that those participants who got annoyed by the mistakes in the emails were judgmental about the writer of the email also.

“Agreeability was the only personality trait to have a main effect on the Housemate Scale. Participants who tested as more agreeable on the BFI tended to rate the paragraphs more positively overall than participants who tested as less agreeable,” according to the study.

So, next time when you find yourself in a situation when you have an urge to correct someone else’s grammar, just stop for a moment and ask yourself: Do I really have to do this? Or am I really a jerk?


Start Your Fitness Journey Successfully With These Quick Workouts for Absolute Beginners

Beginning the journey towards your fitness goals is certainly not an easy process. Far too many people get started on the wrong foot. Before they know it, they have developed bad workout habits and are just struggling with every exercise.

Are you a beginner?

A beginner is anyone who has not been following a professionally designed weight training routine CONSISTENTLY for the last six months. If you are one, this article will help you to understand how high-intensity interval training can help you to start off on the right track and succeed in your fitness goals.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT improves your fitness level, stamina, endurance and cardiovascular health. It is a quick way to burn more fat and calories.

HIIT works because it raises your respiratory and heart rates and causes bursts of energy. Since the body takes longer to recover from these energy bursts, it burns more calories. Another advantage of HIIT is that it minimizes muscle loss and this makes it a better way of weight loss than cardio exercises alone. HIIT workouts for beginners include:

i). walking workouts: Starting with what you know is a perfect way to make your first steps into fitness positive.

You can walk off those pounds as you try to get into a regular habit of exercising. There are many walking workout options to fit your needs. A 10-minute walking routine is best for busy days and during times of unfavorable weather. For more results, you can do 20 minutes or more of high-intensity walking on three nonconsecutive days per week. Walking workouts can greatly help to lose belly fat and get slimmer faster.

ii). Metabolic conditioning: This HIIT helps you to maximize your caloric burn by performing full-body, multi-joint movements.

The best metabolic conditioning exercises for beginners include: push-ups, squats, butt kicks, and tricep dips.

Push-ups for beginners: There’s a good reason to do push-ups regularly. During a push-up, every muscle gets touched. Your arms, the triceps specifically, assist the elbows to bend and provide stability for your trunk. Your core tightens to hold your body rigid. Legs and buttocks fire up to prevent the hips from sagging too low or hiking too high. Your shoulders, back and chest also get worked out in the process. For more tips on how to exercise your back, fitnessgoals.com has the best back workouts for women.

Squats: There are many fun ways to do squats and enjoy working out your butt and legs as well as strengthening your hip and knee joints. Check out squats options such as the low side step, squats with up and down whines, plié squat jumps, sumo squat jump with turn, jump squat with heel click, plié squat pulses, grand plié with hip whine, squat with right and left/forward and back hip isolation, parallel first and parallel second, and clock squat jump.

Butt kicks for stronger lower body: Butt kicks are cardio exercises that strengthen the hamstrings. It is an excellent addition to your strength-training routine.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead. Contract your glutes, and then jump up as you bring your heels to your glutes. Land back softly and repeat.

Tricep dips for stronger arms and a healthier back: Dips are an excellent compound bodyweight exercise that easily makes your triceps crazy strong. Two variations of tricep dips are great for beginners: Bench dip with knees bent and bench dip with legs straight.

With the right information, you can successfully develop a training habit and attain the weight and shape you want. Remember, to succeed in the gym and avoid injuries, do exercises the right way, learn and practice the right posture for every workout, remain consistent in your training and eat the right foods to support your transformation.

What You Need To Know about Macros on Keto Diet

Keto diet is one of the best diets for weight loss and health. However, in order to make this diet a success, you need to understand the most important concept: your macros.

Macros stands for macronutrients, the fat, protein, and carbohydrates amount you should eat every day. Knowing your personal macros is to know exactly how much carbs, protein and fats in grams you should eat for your body and goals.

Everyone has a unique set of macros, so you need to find out your personal macros. This is where keto is different from other diets. It’s almost like mathematics. It has formulas to follow. The best way is to use a keto calculator to work out your macros.

Once you get your calories, fats, protein and carbs, your next step is to track it using an app to log the details in. Tracking is required for success. If you want to stay on track, keep tracking! There are many keto diet apps you can use to do this.

Why You Need To Track Your Macros

The first step to a healthy, ketogenic diet is knowing your daily breakdown of macronutrients. Keeping a food diary or using a resourceful app like MyFitnessPal can be useful for understanding portions and intake.

Here are some reasons why logging can work for you:

  1. Learn how to control your calorie consumption

If you have never tracked before, you may be surprised at how much or how little calories you are consuming. Getting to know the values for each nutrient can lead you to making healthier decisions based on knowing the right nutrition you need.

  1.  Understand your sources of calories

Calories aren’t just about total calories, but about the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. By entering your macronutrient breakdown in the goals section of MyFitnessPal, you can set daily ranges to achieve.  

  1. Get a feel for portion control

By learning more about calories in and out, you will also learn more about food nutrients, portion control and what types of foods you can eat in larger portion and the types of food you want to eat sparingly. Overall, you become far more cognizant of portion control.

  1. Identify situations where you binge

You begin to recognize situations or foods that could trigger binge eating tendencies and elevation of hunger hormones.

  1. Provides a hard, objective record

When you have a written log, or journal, it provides accountability when you go array on your keto lifestyle and takes the guess work out of the equation. You will know exactly how you are eating and that objective feedback can help inspire change.

  1. Identify if you have a calorie surplus, or deficit

By having a food journal, you can see the total calories you are eating and how many more, or less calories you need to eat and the relationship between your calories in and out. Consult a dietitian, nutritionist, doctor or fitness professional who can help you determine your specific intake values.

Tips to Stay Within Your Macros Limits

To hit your macros, you need to specifically design your meals and the specific type of foods from the keto food list that you will eat. Otherwise you will find yourself in dilemmas such as meeting your protein requirements but under your fats.

For example, if you tend to eat lean meat, such as chicken breast or beef, you will be more likely to hit your protein goal very quickly as these foods are very high in protein. To avoid such problem, it’s best to eat fatty meat cuts so you can meet both your protein and fat at the same time.

Of course, the most important limit to watch is your carbs. On keto, it’s best to stay under 20g of net carbs per day to remain in ketosis. To achieve this, you need to look out for foods that are high in carbs as well as foods that contain hidden carbs and sugar.

The best source of carbs should come from vegetables, not sugar candy. Therefore, you need to choose your veggies wisely to get enough carbs and fibres at the same time.

Some of the best vegetables are spinach, broccoli, cauliflowers, cabbage, zucchini, etc….

One important tip to notice is that vegetables that grow under the ground tend to have more carbs content than those that grow above the ground. The sweeter the veggies taste, the more sugar content it has. Yes, vegetables have sugar in it. Even it is natural sugar, it still counts towards your daily carbs limit.

If you find yourself not meeting your daily fat amount, some options you can try are taking MCT oil, coconut oil, bullet proof coffee, and fat bombs.

Keto diet is not hard to follow. As soon as you know what you should eat and how much you need to eat, the rest is easy. All you need is to find a keto meal plan to follow and your success is almost guaranteed.