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This Italian Village Is Offering $2,175 In cash And $50 Rents If You Move There

Do you get tired living a hectic life in a city? If you do, but you think you have not enough money to move to another place – there is a solution for you.

There is the village of Bormida, located on the hillside of Italy, which offers to pay you 2,175$ if you decide to move there. Moreover, the rent will be only 50$ a month. This is an attempt to increase the village’s declining population.

According to a local newspaper, the population in Bormida has declined in 2014 to 390 residents under the office of the current major – Daniele Galliano. Not wanting this village to become a “ghost town”, Galliano started to take actions to reverse the sudden decay.

Today, the village has 394 residents; which does not seem like Galliano succeed in what he had planned. However, when you take into consideration the fact that 54 people died or moved away, and only 4 were born – this is a success.

“Instead of seeing a heavy demographic deficit, the situation is stable thanks to the initiatives of the municipal administration to encourage those who, by necessity or pleasure, wish to live in a small mountain community like ours,” said Galliano to Il Vostro Giornale.  

However, looking at the fact that the population increased to only 4 more people, Galliano started to take more serious measures and actions. He decided to lower the price of rents from $130 a month to a symbolic price of only $50 per month.

British Guardian views the offer as one that still needs to be approved by the local council. But, if the offer passes, everyone who decides to move there will be given a cash of $2000.

Moreover, if you look at the pace of life you will have in “Bor(ing)” Bormida you will see that it will take you a long time before you can spend all the money.

According to Cosmopolitan, there is one main street in the village, 4 restaurants (it’s Italy after all!), a post office which is opened 3 days a week, and a bed and breakfast. The whole architecture there dates back to 1200s.

“There is nothing much to do here,” said Oddone Giuseppe, the manager of one of the restaurants. “But life is so simple and natural, we have forests, goats, the church, and plenty of good food. Life would definitely be free of stress.”

But, some are still skeptical. One Facebook user wrote addressing Mr. Galliano that he would like to take his offer and move to Bormida if he can guarantee him a job also.

What do you think? Would you be interested in Mr. Galliano’s offer and consider moving to Italy?

NASA Confesses To Dosing Americans With Air-Borne Lithium And Other Chemicals

Many people are not aware of what they are eating, drinking, and worst of all, breathing. And while we can control what we intake when it comes to food and liquids, controlling what kind of air we breathe is unimaginable – at least for us.

There have been many conspiracy theories regarding chemtrails, as to what they contain and what they are actually used for. The common thing in all those claims is that we are being poisoned constantly and that the reason this is not revealed is because, well of course, who would tell you if they actually did poison you?

An audio recording of a telephone conversation which was uploaded to YouTube could shed some light on what is actually happening to the air we breathe. Uploaded in 2013, the recording is of a conversation between Douglas E. Rowland, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and a woman.

In it, Rowland admits that the chemtrails contain Lithium, which he claims not to be harmful to the environment in any way and that it is used for scientific and research purposes only.

What Rowland explains is that the purpose of dispersing lithium in the atmosphere is so that scientists can understand better of how the wind moves in the atmosphere. Which is more, he explains that it’s not only lithium, but also “different kinds of chemtrails” that they use.

Releasing these chemicals in the ionosphere is backed up by the need to understand how our planet works, by observing the electric currents driven by the wind. To do this, they release these chemtrails and observe their visible movement forced by the winds and take pictures.

Nasa’s official stance on this matter confirms what Rowland explains in the recording by explaining that the disturbances in the ionosphere translate in disturbed signals in their communications and GPS satellites, which send those signals through the ionosphere.

The major concern that the people have is whether we are given Lithium and other harmful chemicals to breathe in.

This, of course, is something everyone should be concerned about. Lithium is a chemical which is given as pharmaceutical treatment for people with bipolar disorder. It works by altering the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine secreted in our brains and can be very dangerous.

Doctors say that it is hard to establish the proper dosing for those who need it, and that it is dangerous – something which doesn’t sync with what Rowland claims.

The side effects of Lithium can be very dangerous:

  • Excessive urination
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Seizures
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Swelling of the hands and feet
  • Confusion or hallucinations

If this makes lithium dangerous for those who need it, the people who don’t need it are at even greater risk.

The main question is: Does lithium released in the ionosphere reach the unsuspecting citizens, and if it does, does this show an indifference to the wellbeing of the population or is something much more heinous in game?

Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine are the three most important chemicals in our brain for our mental wellbeing. If a disturbance exists, it very often translates into a mental illness.

While it’s your choice as to what to believe in, and what to dismiss, taking everything into consideration is important when yours and the lives of those around you are at play.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to share and spread the awareness!

Source: Educate Inspire Change

How to trace your ancestry

Most of us that don’t know often become curious as to where we originated from. From eye colour, to skin tone, to the length of one’s toes – our appearance is bursting with indicators of our past.

Many people dedicate years of their lives to researching their family tree in order to fill in the blanks and paint a more vivid picture of their background, with fascinating discoveries often being made.

However, beginning this process can be a daunting prospect, and knowing how and where to start can prove quite troublesome. With that in mind, this article offers five simple tips on how to simplify the process as much as possible, to help you complete your family tree with optimum ease.

Starting your tree

To begin the research, start with yourself and work back. This will get the ball rolling and begin to create links to other relations that may remained unknown up to that point.

There are websites available that have an incredibly large network of data which maximises your chances of filling in the blanks with each piece of your own information you can provide.

Ask your family

Name changes or nicknames can often throw researchers off the scent, so it’s always a good idea to double check that all names are accurate.

Information such as what your previous family members did for a living, where they lived and what they looked like can also open many doors.

Share your findings

Sharing is caring, as they say – and family historians can often hold the key to each other’s past, as paths are more liable to become interlinked the further back in time you go.

There are large numbers of societies and forums designed to help family research share their information, details for which can be found online.

Take notes

Keep a record of your search history to avoid raking over old ground. It’s also a good idea to record all of your findings and where you found them, as this will provide a backup should you misplace or lose any of your data.

See what’s been done before

Again, this is an effective way to avoid raking over old ground. If someone in your family began researching at some point in the past but gave up, it may be useful to simply pick up where they left off, as opposed to starting afresh.

DNA tests

Birth, marriage, and death records are all vital pieces of information and help to add a degree of certainty to your research. However, for traceable family members who are still alive, a DNA test can eliminate any uncertainties.

Tests of this nature are incredibly accessible in this day and age, with the some of the best DNA tests for ancestry research easily available online.

Other records worth attempting to track down include: occupation records, church records, wills, military service records, occupational records, criminal records, and newspaper documents.

Keep your focus

Research of this magnitude can be an exhausting exercise, especially if you’re getting little joy early on. It’s also easy to become overwhelmed at the amount of historical information out there.

However, it’s important to maintain your focus and remember why you began in the first place. Keep a clear idea of what you hope to gain from the research, as this can be one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll ever embark on.

This Is How A Lack Of Touch Is Destroying Men

“I trust in a man’s platonic touch, and I believe that he will trust my friendly, warm affection towards him as well, without any sexual connotation”. How many women agree with the above statement? I believe the answer is–close to zero.

We live in a culture that puts no trust in men when it comes to physical contact. We tend to believe that they sexualize all their relationships with the opposite gender. They very rarely connect with other men as well, due to homophobic upbringing and the fear of being misinterpreted.

Therefore, the result is an inability to enjoy a simple human platonic touch, which is an essential factor for healthy emotional development in the early stages of life, as well as for the psychological well-being later on. Something as simple as a warm hug given to another human, without any particular reason can heal. Why are men afraid to connect?

The Isolation

Due to the fact that the rest of the world, especially women, do not trust men’s intentions, they grow and live with a burden of proving that they are actually capable of having a platonic relationship.

Being afraid that every type of physical contact, touch or word, never mind a hug, can be interpreted in the wrong way, men keep themselves on the side. The result of such behavior is complete physical isolation, which turns boys into less confident men with tons of emotional insecurities, which is not what a woman really wants and needs.

The comfort or contact

Many researches were devoted to psychlopedia, or the comfort and stimulation one gets from a human touch.

We all remember Harry and Margaret Harrow’s experiment with little orphan monkeys that were given two choices: a surrogate wire mother that provides milk or one covered in terry clothing. They all chose the second. It is in our human nature to crave for touch, as it offers a feeling of safety, protection and peace.

Why are man driven from that natural instinct? Because of homophobic feelings that many men are raised with and taught, or have developed towards life hood. For two men who experience a physical contact deeper than a handshake, like a warm hug or peaceful leaning towards each other, it takes only seconds before thinking about the possible meaning given to the act, the intentions from the other side, or the opinion of those nearby.

And there are many people that would witness that scene and conclude that these two must be lovers. Homophobic men are afraid of that, so they rather give up a comforting touch from a friend than get involved in something similar.

On the other hand, girls are much more socially and emotionally progressive; they are not afraid to be engaged in physical contact with another girl, and as we see more often, it is not perceived with repulsion or shock.

No physical connection during childhood

Many children were raised with the thought that a mother’s touch is something reserved for babies and toddlers only, while older kids and especially teenagers need to be strong and independent. A need for a hug from the parent would be classified as weakness. Raised in such an environment, children take it for granted that physical contact is something that they should restrain from.

The problem comes later in life, when the same kids have to engage in different forms of relationships with others, and different types of life situations. They have difficulties defining what is appropriate and what not, resulting in unnatural and weird behavior. Or even worse, they grow up incapable of building a healthy and loving relationship.

Fatherhood effect

The only man-to-man relationship that society approves of is the one between a father and his young son, only until a son’s particular age. For many men, becoming a father is an experience that changes them as individuals.

According to a recent study, the hormonal balance of fathers changes as well, increasing the levels of estrogen and prolactin, making them calmer and softer. This is the moment in a man’s life when he freely experiences the heartening touch from his child, and the peace that comes with it. For many, that is a transformative moment, as they become aware of the comfort a touch brings.

Lack of human contact

The beauty of being physically related to your child ends when she or she reaches a certain age. The restrictions are certainly valid for boys; they start to lack a mother’s touch well before entering into puberty. From what boys are served since early childhood by their families and the society as a whole, it is very easy for them to come to very wrong conclusions: that all human contact must be sexual.

However, the biological and emotional need for closeness remain with these kids, and they need to find a replacement that will provide them with the comfort they lack. The replacement are usually the girls that are close to their age, and the outcome is premature entrance into sexual relationships when both parties are not ready for the same.

The “unisexualization” of the human touch will not occur in these men’s lives until they become fathers, and they re-enter the safe zone again.

The sexuality of a touch

The long years of judgement and prejudice have resulted in assumption that physical touch can only have a sexual connotation. Even if we don’t see it, other might, so better keep away from such a situation in order to avoid a sexual shaming. Consequently, a physical connection is established only with a boyfriend, girlfriends or sexual partners.  

Apparently, in some societies, like those in America, this form of thinking is very common, well accepted among all the age groups. The issue raised is this: what effect does this kind of behavior have on our kids?

How can we stop the vicious cycle and teach our kids that hugging their friend is not a bad thing when they see no such examples around them?

The risk is upbringing generations that will be more and more isolated, and incapable of establishing human contact and healthy unsexual relationships.

The need for a real connection

After all the restrictions, judgements and rules that boys are raised with, they are expected to be capable of transforming into stable boyfriends and husbands that will physically and emotionally connect with their partners, with right dosage of everything. Pretty impossible, right?

Young boys are nurtured with the idea that aggressiveness is a symbol of masculinity, and gentleness, tears and show of emotions are reserved for girls.

They are taught how to be strong, and to speak of no need about human contact other than sexual.  Consequently, they put all the expectations on that one relationship that is allowed- the one with their sexual partners. Suddenly, there is a too hard burden put on that relationship often resulting in anger, fear or disappointment.

The Value of Touch

The issue of handling the need for human touch is not only left with boys. The whole society faces this issue, men and women combined.

We have created a world in which there are hundreds of elderly people who live in loneliness, having no one to offer them a human touch. There are organizations that bring animals to elderly people homes, to compensate for the lack of human contact.

Why are we not there to give our old parents and grandparents the comfort they need? Because we are told that human touch is strange and creepy, and we avoid it at all costs, even though we need it ourselves.

The prohibition

Not only the family, but society as well imposes numerous limitation on how a man should behave. Unfortunately, as a culture, we have not taught to break the boundaries and accept diversities completely and unconditionally.

We still live with rules on how one should look, what is appropriate to wear, say or do, or which activities are suitable for men and women. Man are still expected to hide their vulnerabilities and to publicly present themselves as fearless creatures.

Every so often do men end up developing hostile and destructive behavior, even becoming aggressive towards women. Firstly, they find that behavior more suitable then gentleness, and secondly, they are damaged by all those limitations and restrictions they face.

The fear of judgement

Therefore, if we sum up all of the above, we can see that there are more factors that equally contribute to the status of the “touch culture”.

The fear of misinterpretation.  Men are afraid that women categorize their behavior as inappropriate, and misinterpret a platonic touch for a sexual invitation.

The homophobia.  Man are afraid that their relations with other men might me misunderstand.

The fear of losing the macho status. Many men think that others will perceive them as weak and that they lack authority should they express any form of gentleness.

The fear of being too close with their children. They are afraid that others might think they are slightly crossing a line.

So, practically the root of the issue comes down to one thing: the fear of what the others and the society think.

The awakening

All of this sounds pretty scary and disappointing. Luckily, we can find comfort in a few changes that society has been experiencing recently. After decades of rules about men’s behavior, we have a newly created group of men that have decided to organize their lives, as they please, not as society thinks they should.

They choose to be stay at home dads, to take care of their kids and to build healthy connections with them. And most importantly, they have started to share their experiences, and the beauty and power they get from their child’s touch.

Reaching out

Taking the examples of those that have decided not to care about the public opinion, the limitations and the imposed right and wrongs we need to try to do it ourselves as well.

Let us admit to ourselves that yes, we need someone close to us, we need to offer and to be offered physical comfort. We need to learn to express what we feel, and not to be ashamed of it.

The reward is a happy and fulfilled life.


You Can Now Buy An Entire Village in Spain For Less Than The Price Of A Single Home In U.S.

Spain sells literally more than a thousand villages for a price of approximately $80,000. 

These villages are located on the fertile ground in Galicia which is located in the Northwest Spain. Galicia is one of the most crowded locations in Spain with 3,500 hamlets; half of them abandoned.

Neil Christie is a man who in 2005 bought a tiny village called Arruñada located on the border of Galicia and Asturias for a price of $53,000. Neil (61) lives there with his wife who is a teacher and works there while he takes care of the house.

He has been renovating the house for over 4 years before he decided to demolish it altogether. He is now rebuilding it using its original stone.

Neil says that he absolutely adores his new life. It is refreshment for him from the stressful job he had in England. He was finding it difficult to relax there. Now, he has all the time in the world to enjoy the little things in life. Besides, he lives in a place with zero pollution, clean and fresh water and fresh air.

Other people are also trying to renew the life in the villages. They work on rebuilding their old homes and begin to raise livestock. Moreover, they are trying to bring more people back to the villages. This happens usually when people are tired of looking for a job in the city and could not find it, so they move back to the villages.

One major of a town near the small village Barca has gone as far as giving it away for free under one condition: the lucky patron must rebuild the old houses and employ people from the town.

If you are interested in rustic livelihood and going back to nature, go visit the website Galician Rustic where you can find many villages and homes for sale.  

Image Copyright: tomas1111 / 123RF Stock Photo

People Who Swear More Often Are More Honest Than Those Who Don’t

Today, there is still a social stereotype about swearing. Swearing is considered rude and inappropriate, and those who practice it are also seen as rude and lacking education and manners. But, according to recent studies, this is not the case.

Actually, swearing can be a sign of wit, and people who swear are a lot smarter than it is thought. Many people believe that people who swear a lot only do that because they don’t know how to intelligently express themselves since they lack proper vocabulary.

However, according to the findings of psychologists, Timothy Jay from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and Kirstin Joy from Marist College, people who use a lot “taboo words” tend to be more fluent in neutral, ordinary words.

“People who use taboo words understand their general expressive content as well as nuanced distinctions that must be drawn to use slurs appropriately. The ability to make nuanced distinction indicates the presence of more rather than less linguistic knowledge,” wrote the researchers.

Another study found that there is a correlation between swearing and honesty. In other words, those people who use swear words are more honest and trustworthy. Moreover, they are seen as more genuine because they don’t have trouble in expressing themselves.

Furthermore, yet other studies have proven the before mentioned facts. In criminal cases, for instance, those people who are innocent are more likely to swear and curse than a guilty suspect who tries to keep his “cool” and look innocent.

So, there you have it. Next time when you hear someone swear, don’t act all judgmental. Or, if you are someone who occasionally lets some F-word slip out, don’t feel guilty and ashamed – it means you are more honest and expressive linguistically.  

Image Copyright: sifotography / 123RF Stock Photo

Angelina Jolie: Islam Is A “Beautiful Religion” Americans Should Stop Stigmatizing Muslims

“It is how we treat the weakest, or the most vulnerable among us, that says the most about our commitment to human rights and equality, and justice for all people. And when we most clearly seen to truly stand for those things in the world, that is when we are safest as a nation.”

This is a part of the speech Angelina Jolie made at an Islamic event hosted by Ali Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) in Virginia over a year ago.

This speech comes as an effort to send out a strong message to the people that a religion should not be judged by the examples of the few who abuse it, but rather understood through the eyes of the many that truly follow its peaceful principles.

Joining Secretary of State John Kerry, Jolie advocated for the admission of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, who were left without their homes in the wake of a devastating war.

As Jolie reminds, the democratic society of the United States is based on the principles of acceptance and diversity. “We are not strong despite our diversity, we are strong because of it. So, it is time to reclaim for ourselves the idea of what strength is in democratic societies.”

Even a year later, her message is still very relevant to the reality which is shaking the foundations of the American society, threatening to shatter the values on which it has been based and which have made it so great.

In a time where many have chosen to toss the blame of a few to so many who have not agreed to such acts, Jolie reminds everyone that this kind of behavior does not define strength.

“Strength lies in identifying the very particular challenge from a small minority of people who choose the path of violent extremism or who abuse a religion, without stigmatizing, isolating millions of people who share in that beautiful religion.”

Denigrating people because of their religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, or because of any other characteristic or difference is not what defines strength.

“When we discriminate, when we imply by our actions that some lives are worth more than others, or when we denigrate the faith, traditions, and cultures of any group of people, we weaken our strength as democratic societies.”

In times when hate speech and stigmatization of innocent people are at large, we need to remind ourselves that these are not the real values of a strong society and that everyone could fall into a target group at any given time and for no solid reason.



How To Make A Difference Between Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety?

Anxiety as a mental condition is hard to live with. When combined with depression, it can get really complicated. People dealing with both conditions at the same time can sometimes have difficulties telling apart their symptoms, actually.

Exhaustion, lack of sleep, increased appetite – these are all symptoms that bot anxiety and depression can cause.

Living with depression is serious and doctors advise patients to treat the condition appropriately and on time in order to avoid complications. People living with anxiety need to learn the difference between depression and anxiety in order not to confuse the two. Next time you experience the following things, don’t jump in conclusion that it’s your anxiety talking, because you might be wrong.


Anxiety can make you feel uneasy and keep you awake until late in the night. However, it is unusual to sleep until noon every day and anxiety might have nothing to do with it. Constantly feeling exhausted might be a sign of depression, not anxiety.

Increased appetite

It’s ok to have a snack or two late at night, but waking up in the middle of the night just to eat might be an alarm that’s telling you to reconsider your state. Usually, this is a symptom of depression.

Lack of concentration

ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) characterizes with difficulty of concentrating. However, this condition distinguishes from both anxiety and depression. When you’re depressed, you can have difficulties focusing even on things you love doing, such as reading. That feeling of emptiness and lack of will to do anything is linked to depression.

Losing track of time

Have you ever been in a situation where you had completely forgot what you were doing? For many people living with depression, it’s really easy to lose track of time and spend hours doing nothing without noticing it. However, the opposite can also happen. You might feel like time isn’t passing and every minute feels like an hour.

Problems with medicines

It gets difficult to follow a medicine regimen when you feel that no medicine is working, even if the medicine is for depression. Medicines for depression can work for some people and not work for others. This condition is often treated in another way, by working on the well-being and emotional state of the person.

Unusual thoughts

This a classic symptom of anxiety, but it can also be caused by depression. The difference between the two is that anxiety causes intrusive thoughts about the future, usually combined with fear, while depression usually makes patients think about events that already took place in the past.

Mix of emotions

Dealing with anxiety and depression at the same time is challenging. Anxiety as a condition tends to make people overthink about details that make them imperfect. When you suddenly start feeling apathetic, you know that it’s your depression talking. If you suddenly get messy, and you know you’ve always been tidy, there must be something going on, right?

Avoiding encounters

Again, this is also a symptom of anxiety, but you can easily differentiate between the two causes and see if it’s depression-caused or just the anxiety. When you’re anxious, you’re worrying about the familiar things – small talk, things that might go wrong, ways they might perceive you etc. Depression is different. When you’re depressed, you don’t care about anything anymore, even yourself. You feel ignorant to the environment and the events happening around you. You don’t have the same worries as with anxiety.

You want isolation

Being introverted is not the same thing as wanting to be alone. Depression makes you want to be alone and isolated. You don’t chose the people you want to see, but instead chose not to see any people. This is not frightening, as with anxiety, but exhausting instead.

Being overwhelmed

When you’re depressed, even the smallest, most simple tasks can make you feel overwhelmed. Small events such as a bus being late or unexpected rain can affect you a lot. Depression makes you feel not fitting in the environment.

You want to sit and wait for it to go away. Being overwhelmed with anxiety is a different thing. Then, you are stressing about the smallest things and you’re being impatient, but because you’re afraid that something bad might happen in the future.


The President’s Committee On The Arts And Humanities Resigns In Response To Trump’s “Support Of The Hate Groups And Terrorists”

The time has come when the people aren’t afraid to say that the emperor’s naked. In response to Trump’s choice not to condemn “the cancer of hatred”, all 17 members of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities have resigned.

The reaction of the committee members comes after Donald Trump decided to avoid condemning the actions of the white supremacists, who created chaos and spread hatred and indifference to the values of the American society and the foundations it has been formed on.

Their letter addressed to the president starts with a strong message: “Reproach and censure in the strongest possible terms are necessary following your support of the hate groups and terrorists who killed and injured fellow Americans in Charlottesville.”

The letter has also been intelligently created so that the first letters of each paragraph combine to spell out RESIST – the word associated with the people’s protest of Trump and his administration.

Besides Trump’s indifference to the spread of hate and Nazi ideologies, the committee listed several other reasons for resigning, including the president’s budget-cut proposals for the arts, the reevaluation of the Civil Rights Act, transgender rights in the military, the pulling out of the Paris Agreement, the travel ban, and the president’s threats of nuclear war.

The committee members remind that ignoring hateful rhetoric would make them complicit in Trump’s words and actions and that it is their duty under a patriotic oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

You can read the whole letter below:

Image Copyright: americanspirit / 123RF Stock Photo
Source: CBS News

People Are Identifying The Charlottesville Nazis And Getting Them Fired

Several people are under scrutiny and 4 have lost their jobs over the weekend after the violent car rally of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va.

Logan Smith, together with more social media users, has opened a twitter account called ‘Yes, You’re Racist’ in order to expose the identities of the participants in the rally.

Terrance Hightower is one of the people who got fired. On Monday, he lost his job at Mojo Burrito in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Uno Pizzeria and Grill in South Burlington, V.T., fired Ryan Roy after they saw his face at the rally on the VICE documentary. Uno’s chief officer, Skip Weldon, commented that they are fully committed to the safety of their guests and employees.

Nigel Krofta who worked at Limehouse & Sons inc. in Ladson, S.C., lost his job after his picture appeared in the New York Times. In the picture, he was next to James Alex Fields, Jr. who is suspected of having injured 19 people and having killed Heather Heyer. He was also identified on social media.

To this, Krofta replied

Limehouse and Sons released statement, tells @Live5News they had no idea Nigel Krofta was involved in such an organization and condemns it pic.twitter.com/3LthYqINEz

Lastly, Cole White resigned his post at a hot dog joint called Top Dog in Berkeley after been recognized too.

Logan Smith said for CBS News that Nazis are not wearing masks and hoods anymore because they ceased to be afraid.

Although there is a risk of falsely accusing someone, this twitter account has given people courage to speak up and take actions in ending the violence.

Moreover, 2 people are getting interrogated for incriminating posts about the incident. Similarly, a police officer and a firefighter are under scrutiny for racist posts on social media. One of them, Peter Tefft, was even disowned publicly by his family.

His father wrote:

Image source: https://pbs.twimg.com