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Anxiety Is An Invalid Excuse

“Anxiety is an invalid excuse,” I repeat to myself as I mentally prepare to enter my classroom. The moment I touch that doorknob it’s over.

The battle with my own demons and the debates in my own mind, it is all over. It means I have won. But at what cost I ask and doubt my actions in the foreseeable future.

Is winning rather important to me so facing those looks full of judgment would be the adequate price?

The moment I enter that classroom their looks will burn and numb my skin within every glimpse they catch. The never-ending 10-second walk to my seat in the very back would feel like crossing a bridge over my deepest fears and terrors.

The whispering I hear, pounding in my ears, making a din so loud thinking such craze is life ending. The shivers and panic that would spread throughout every single atom of this body of mine while the professor is handing me my exam.

Entering the realms of this kingdom of pure devastation and self-destruction, as it seems to me, would mean I have finally won the battle fighting as long as my mind can remember and recall.

“Are you going in or what?” – My thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice. I look up to see my classmate, Marc, standing there with a slight smirk on his face and a tiny little sparkle in his rather arid and grueling eyes.

“I think I’ll skip class today” – I mumble in the quietest tone of voice ever, locking eyes with the floor which seemed the most stable thing around me at that time.

Gaze full of hesitation and confusion brushed my skin as Marc slowly opened the classroom door and went it. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the closest bathroom not paying any attention to the pupils around me, probably asking themselves what is wrong with this epic lunatic running through the school halls.

I lock the dirty, graffiti-covered door behind me and collapse on the floor. My thoughts and voices in my head were so loud, I had a significant hardship remaining indifferent to them.

I became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time. Whilst searching for my pills in the most deranged and hectic way ever, the raw reality of life hit me and opened my eyes like that first sniff of your black morning coffee.

I live in a world built on fantasy. Poisoning myself with pills, synthetic emotions in the form of medication, mind-altering chemicals and an ability to conquer psychological warfare packed up in a tiny little square of pure “happiness”.

My life, or the majority of it, is just one big hoax. I haven’t been able to put my feelings into words for as long as I can remember. Nobody knows what is wrong with me, heck even I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Everything is perfectly fine, but beneath the surface is the real nightmare, the one that deprives me of sleep. After a moment or two, the Xanax pill I took finally kicked in.

A relief, rush of euphoria and calm sensations hugged my body. I stood up dusting the grime and dirt away from my school uniform and I opened the door. My class hadn’t started yet, I still had 5 more minutes left.

I checked myself in the mirror, satisfied with my reflection I left the gross school bathroom. I felt okay, I felt normal for a change. With an abundance of confusing confidence, I opened the classroom door and went in.

Each and every one of the students was minding their own business. Nobody was staring at me with bizarre gapes, making faces or calling me various names. It was all in my head.

Anxiety is an invalid excuse, it is not the reason to skip class or cancel my girls’ night out. Although I had a significant help from my emergency pill, I still won. I still won the battle against the dark side of my own self. And the prize was an irreplaceable feeling of victory and defeat.

A rather superior emotion of satisfaction, fulfillment, and contentment. “It was worth it” – I think as I sat on my seat and waited for the professor to come in. I am worth it.


Can You Score At Least 5 Out Of 10 In This Impossible Mixed Knowledge Quiz?

Knowledge is power.

How powerful are you?

Find out with this impossible mixed knowledge quiz and see if you can score at least 5 out of these 10 questions many people struggle to answer.


Don’t forget to share your results with your friends and family and see if they have what it takes to ace this quiz!


This Is How The Pluto Retrograde In May Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Occasionally, we are witnesses of a retrograde, or backwards, movement of the planets, an occurrence that has been puzzling scientists for centuries.

Today we know that the explanation for the planets’ movement towards the west, instead of their usual eastern-oriented movement – is an illusion. It is related to the position of the Earth, the sun and the planets in a particular moment.

Interestingly enough, this manifestation has great impact on how people feel and what people think. They influence human’s sub-consciousness and psychology, further causing problems in relationships, career and friendships.

Pluto’s retrograde motion will persist until late September this year, and will have different implications on each zodiac sign.


People that are Aries are born in April, and that is the months when Pluto’s change in motion is initiated. Consequently, they will be more affected by these changes in comparison with other signs. The most vulnerable category for Aries will be family relationships, so they need to be cautious in the way they treat family members, as well as to try to avoid conflicts and disagreements.


Taurus is another sign that will experience Pluto’s influences mainly in a negative manner. Same as Aries, they need to pay attention to the relationships between family members. Additionally, their financial situation and financial planning will be another reason for trouble. Their money and property discussions, especially within the house, might contribute to the tightened family relationships, so best to avoid them completely.

On a more positive note, this is the time when those born under this sign will experience freedom of their sexual energy, which might lead to a new romance or even a relationship.


This will be a very slow and calm period for the Gemini. They will be rather in the resting mood. This will be their chance to pause for the moment from the rapid, nervous every day office life, and to devote more time to themselves. Consequently, they will be experiencing positive impact on their health.


Same as Taurus, Cancer will be significantly affected as well. They are very sensitive signs s it is. This is a period when their actions from the past might haunt them, and they might be experiencing the consequences of these actions. It will be a good idea to learn how to take responsibility for decision-making and how to start a clean slate.


Leos are famous as people that always put themselves in front of the others, caring more about their own needs than the others’. The upcoming period will indicate these changes. Those born under the Leo sign may experience troubles or conflicts, because of their behavior, especially if they have been involved in lies and manipulations. Try to change and improve yourselves in the next couple of months.


Over the summer, Pluto will be playing with Virgo’s karma. If you are a Virgo, and you have done something that was a cause of another person’s pain, better watch yourself. It is payback time, full of challenges. Watch your finances as well. Looking on the bright sight, this will be a good opportunity for making a self-analysis, learning how to improve and what to avoid.


It is a well-known fact that Libra is the most sensitive sign. Libras are emotional, calm, with an eye for esthetic. Unfortunately, the cosmic changes might influence their calmness and stability. They might adapt behaviors that are very unusual for them, which will be a trigger for further trouble and conflicting situations. Watch over your love life – Libras are great lovers and romantic souls; however, be sure to protect your relationship with your significant other in the next six months.


Scorpios are known as trouble causing and complicated people. Well, this time, surprisingly, they are not to be blamed for their behavior. Their rapid actions will be a result of the cosmic influences. For those that are in a relationship or marriage, there might be some challenges in the upcoming period so proceed with caution.


Unlike most of the signs that will be experiencing love or family related challenges, those born under Sagittarius need to take care of their job positions and finances. Their workplace will not be the happiest place until Pluto returns back to normal.


The retrograde motion will also influence Capricorns’ financial situation. They must not allow the discussion about money to bring them apart from their family member.


Aquarius is the scientific and innovative sign, always ready for action. The Pluto retrograde will be responsible for their emotions being frozen– they will lose the will to remain in movement and to communicate with others. They will become rather lethargic, so they need to make sure that this stage will not influence their relationships with others.


This is period of tiredness for the Pisces, and similar to the Aquarius, they will lack energy to take any actions or make major changes. Maybe this is the right time for Pisces to rest and find their peace.


The Oil That Can Cure Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, And Even Cancer

Essential oils are extremely popular nowadays. Mainly every condition can be treated or eased with an essential oil and it’s no wonder aromatherapy is taking such a big step for a very justified reason, because they are truly beneficial for all of us.

Meet Frankincense Oil or also known as the Kings of Oils and you’re about to find out why this name is well given to this oil. Its daily use can surely improve your overall health and you can easily combine several essential oils for best results.

This oil is present and acknowledged many years ago. It was usually used in the religious purposes, however it wasn’t long ago since people started using it as a medicine as well. 

It is extracted from the bark of the tree, taken from Boswellias and its milky sap quickly turns into a hard resin. Later on, this resin is scraped off the tree in the shape of a pear droplets.

The color of the resin determines the quality of the Frankincense.  The highest quality is usually silvery or clear in color and the lowest quality appears in brown-yellowish color.

So, if you haven’t used or tried Frankincense oil so far, maybe the following list of benefits will make you change your mind:

  1. Reduces the scaring

Using a few drops of Frankincense oil will help you greatly with those terrible scars. Applying two or three drops of this oil directly on the skin will help you fade the scars and smoothen the skin.

  1. Helps with cut wounds, burns and scrapes

Frankincense oil is generally convenient and suitable for every type of skin due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

For best results you can easily combine Lavender and Frankincense oil and these two essential oils will work miracle on the wounds. You’ll recover from it quickly and with ease. Apply the Lavender oil first and then top it off with Frankincense.

  1. Boosts the immune system

Diffusing Frankincense oil throughout your home or simply in your bedroom will influence positively on your immunity. However, you can also massage the balls of your feet regularly and boost your immune system.

  1. Improves the function of the central nervous system

Another benefit from using Frankincense is the neurological support that this essential oil has to offer. It’s especially beneficial for the function of the central nervous system by improving the balance of emotions and the clarity of thinking.

  1. Fights off stress-related depression

We are familiar with the power of stress and the negative impact it may have on the human body and brain, on a long term exposure. However, we can’t fight off stress easily and that’s way many medical conditions are closely related with accumulated stress, such as depression.

Frankincense, like any other essential oil has the power to calm you down, slow the organism and relax you to the point where stress is no longer present. So, whenever you feel stress is winning the battle over you, massage you neck and relax.

  1. Improves the quality of your skin

You can use Frankincense as a moisturizer for healthy and glowing skin. This essential oil has also the power to slow down the aging process, so using few drops of this oil can come in handy when entering the mature age.

  1. Balances the hormones

The regular and proper use of Frankincense oil can help you greatly, especially if you suffer from hormone imbalance. It will improve the balance of your hormones.

  1. Fight itchiness

If you have problems with mosquito bites or any type of rash, Frankincense oil and its soothing properties will solve the problem in no time. Apply a few drops of this oil on the affected area and massage it for some seconds. You’ll notice that the itch will be gone in no time.

  1. Helps with headaches and migraines

Stress and tension is also closely related to frequent headaches or migraines. So in order to ease the pain, massage your head or neck with a few drops of Frankincense oil and feel the difference.

  1. Clarifies the vision

Massaging each of your temple provides clarity for your vision and eases the tension in your eyes, especially if you spend several hours in front of the computer. Add a few drops of the oil on the index finger and massage the temples gently.

  1. Eases congestion

If you are struggling with congestion, then adding several drops of Frankincense oil in hot water may be the perfect treatment for you. Bend over the water and breathe in the vapors for five minutes by adding hot water when needed.

Be cautious with the water temperature, scorching hot water may be dangerous for your skin and eyes and you may want to add normal hot water.

  1. Promotes oral health

Making your own toothpaste with baking soda, coconut oil and Frankincense oil will be a great way to fight off oral infections, bad breath, cavities and canker sores. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing properties, Frankincense oil will help your greatly to promote and enhance your oral health.

  1. Helps you Sleep better

Due to its soothing properties, Frankincense oil will help you relax, slow down and sleep like a baby. So, after a tiring day, treat yourself with a massage with Frankincense oil and sleep better than ever.

  1. Eases the joint pain and reduces the swelling

If you have joint pain or tension in the muscles, then applying Frankincense oil on the affected or hurting area will ease the pain and relax your muscles.

  1. Improves the efficiency of other essential oils

Frankincense oil has the ability to drive other essential oils deeper into the cells and therefore improve their efficiency. Applying Frankincense oil over other essential oil will increase the efficiency as well as improve the properties of the other essential oils.

  1. Helps in removing the warts and moles

Using Frankincense oil can help you greatly, especially if you face problems such as warts, skin tags and moles. Apply a drop of Frankincense oil 3 or 4 times per day and repeat the action until the imperfections are gone.

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In Case of a Missle ATTACK, There’s No Need To Panic: We’re 100% SECURE – Here’s a Proof

If you have been following the recent events, you must have started imagining missile attacks from Russia, Iran or North Korea. Well, it’s just natural to assume that your safety is at stake in case of a missile attack if you didn’t know this:

According to U.S. Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency, the USA is safe. The advanced technology system, that has cost the US $40 million and has taken decades to perfect, is named Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD).

GMD is a part of the Ballistic Missile Defense System and it’s designed to destroy limited intermediate-range and long-range ballistic missile threats in space to protect the US.

This system is in no way simple, as it is made up of a few advanced technology elements that serve particular purposes and work together to achieve the desired results.

The system is 24/7 active and prepared for any potential attacks. As the Missile Defense Agency states, the components communicate through the GMD communications network, which is a secure data and voice communication system that uses SATCOM and fiber-optic cabling for long haul communications.

How does the GMD work?

The purpose of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense is to intercept ballistic missiles mid-way in space.

Once the globally deployed sensors detect a missile threat, the Ground Support & Fire Control System receives data about the location and the trajectory of the missile. This system receives data from satellites and ground-based radars and uses that data to task and support the Ground-Based Interceptors.

The Ground-Based Interceptor is a multi-stage, solid fuel booster that carries a crucial element of the mission: the Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV).

The Kill Vehicle weighs 150 pounds and is made up of more than 1,000 components. It contains no explosives, but uses the mere kinetic force (or the force of movement) of the collision with the intercepted missile to trigger the blast in space.

Once in space, the Kill Vehicle is guided by data sent by the Ground Support & Fire Control System components and its on-board sensors. Its final destination is the missile and the detonation from the collision happens space, thus preventing the missile from ever re-entering the atmosphere.

There is a total of 36 Ground-Based Interceptors emplaced in the USA. Their locations are at Fort Greely, Alaska and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

The whole system is operated by Warfighters of the 49th Missile Defense Battalion at Fort Greely, Alaska, and the 100th Missile Defense Brigade at Colorado Springs, Colorado. These two bases are in charge of the fire control, battle management, planning, tasking and threat analysis.

The Ground-Based Midcourse Defense has been proven to be effective in a number of successful flight tests and three tests that included the Ground-based Interceptors.

The video below shows flight test FTG-06a done by the Missile Defense Agency and the Ground-based Missile Defense Office.

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The Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA)

Ancient Stone Carvings Reveal How A Devastating Comet Impact 13,000 Years Ago Killed Thousands, Altered The Climate And Triggered The Rise Of The First Civilisations

It has long been speculated that a comet could be behind the abrupt drop in temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, known as the Younger Dryas, and thus the mass extinction of the woolly mammoths. Although this speculation was recently dismissed, new archaeological finds have a different story to tell.

Archaeologists have found ancient stone carvings at Gobekli Tepe in Southern Turkey, which try to tell an astronomical story of the event moments before the start of the Younger Dryas.

The Vulture Stone at Gobekli Tepe

While these carvings had nothing to say explicitly, the secret behind the mysterious symbols were revealed when experts at the University of Edinburgh tried to compare the carvings to the constellations that were present above Turkey thousands of years ago.

It turned out that these carvings were indeed representations of the night sky from that period and that they told a story of Earth from almost 13,000 years ago. The carvings suggest that Earth was hit by a swarm of comet fragments at the time when the mini ice-age struck.

Credit: Martin B. Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis

A computer analysis of the pillar, known as the Vulture Stone, pinpointed the depicted comet strike to 10,950BC, which was the time the Younger Dryas struck, according to ice core data from Greenland.

Position of the sun and stars on the summer solstice of 10,950BC
Credit: Martin B. Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis

Gobekli Tepe is thought to be the oldest temple site in the world, preceding Stonehenge by around 6,000 years. The research discovered that Gobekli Tepe had been used as an observatory for meteors and comets and that the people there had been astronomers for a very long time.

Dr. Martin Sweatman, one of the authors of the research paper, points that the research, along with the recent finding of widespread platinum anomaly across the North American continent, virtually seal the case in favor of the theory that a comet strike was the cause of the Younger Dryas.

The event that took place at that time was the spark that triggered the development of the first civilizations. With the sudden drop in temperatures, the people were forced to come together and try to find new ways of growing crops.

Until then, people had a vast supply of wild wheat and barley that had allowed them to establish permanent base camps. But with the sudden climate change, they had to start maintaining and growing the crops with the help of watering and selective breeding.

The rise of agriculture allowed the rise of the first towns and thus the first civilizations.

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Via Telegraph.co.uk

12 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love With Your Life Instead Of A Person

  1. You find your real passion in life and start doing things you enjoy doing.

We cannot live without love, but life doesn’t turn around romance only. Living life at its fullest means doing something you’re passionate about, whether it’s work and career or exploring and traveling.

People can be passionate about so many things, only if they are brave enough to look for it. Loving your life means dedicating time to yourself and your passion instead of a relationship.

This dedication to the thing that inspires you instead of a romance can be more pleasing than any love.

  1. You clearly know what you want in life.

People who know what they want and have clear goals about their future are lucky! These people stand out of the crowd because they have learned how to love their life.

After falling in love with your life, you begin to focus on things that really matter. You begin to visualize your goals and start looking for ways to pursue them.

  1. You value the other relationships more.

Instead of focusing on a romantic relationship, you spend more time on developing and harnessing the other relationships in your life – with your family and friends.

Investing in the bonds with these people will prove to be more valuable to you than investing in love relationships. At the end, it is family and friends that are with you when you’re being your best and worst self.

  1. You feel alive and want to travel and enjoy.

When you love your life, you enjoy every minute of it because you know how valuable it is. When you love your life, you want to try and see everything that it has to offer to you.

You want to visit amazing places and eat exotic food. This is what life is really about.

  1. You stop dreaming and live your dreams.

When you try to explore and experience new things, you start living your dreams. You don’t just think about them, but start to realize them.

When you fall in love with your life, you stop being passive and leave the boring and monotonous life behind you. You start having a fulfilling and wonderful life full of adventures and great moments.

  1. You grow and learn to listen to the others.

When you find time for the relationships and experiences with your family and friends, you strengthen the bond with them and learn how amazing they are.

You start to learn from them and let them inspire you to become a better person and live a better life. In addition, you find time for them whenever they need it.

  1. You see the beauty in the little things.

Many great people throughout history have said that little things can be the greatest source of happiness.

Those little things like finding a coin on the street or crossing paths with someone you haven’t seen for years are what makes life complete.

  1. You’re constantly improving and become the best version of yourself.

When you’re pursuing your goals and dreams, you are working on yourself. When you love your life, you’re constantly improving and achieve more and more every time. You’re becoming the best person you could be.

  1. You enjoy the outdoors and know the value of your health.

Taking care of your health is an important part of reaching your goals. Being in love with your life makes you see the beauty in hiking, biking and being outdoors.

You start to appreciate the nature that many people just take for granted.

  1. You cherish every moments.

Every experience you have is unique and you start to cherish it as treasure. When you’re in love with your life, the memories and experiences you have make you complete.

You fell rich, although you might not have millions. But your life has a purpose and you are happy and that’s more important than money.

  1. You’re amazed and proud of your achievements and the individual you’ve become.

When you love your life and you focus on your goals, you achieve more than you have thought you’re capable of.

This makes you proud of your accomplishments and you start to realize that you have become the person you have always wanted. You are also excited about what’s next.

  1. You love yourself!

All of your achievements and experiences you’ve had have made you realize how important it is to love yourself. You know that only people who decide to be happy, feel real happiness.

You know that by loving yourself you help yourself and the people around you and that it’s not selfish to enjoy in some things alone. And you know that others cannot love you and respect you if you don’t love and respect yourself.


He Bought An Old Iraq Tank On “eBay”. When He Got The Tank And Looked At It Carefully, He Was Shocked Of What He Found

55 year old, Nick Mead, found five gold sticks worth over 2 million pounds in a Russian tank T54/69 which was once used by the Iraq military forces.

He and the mechanic Tod Chamberlain video tapped the action of opening the reservoir, hoping to find hidden ammunition.

Instead they found something way more interesting- five gold sticks of 11 pounds!

Watch the video:

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Blind Mystic Baba Vanga Made a Chilling Prediction About Syria Conflict, Nuclear Warfare And WW3

Baba Vanga (English: Granny Vanga) was a blind mystic who lived and made her prophecies in Bulgaria during the period of the two World Wars. The eerie truth about Baba Vanga was that all her predictions were very much accurate and people flocked to her house in Petrich, Bulgaria, to have their faith told by her.

Her way of making predictions looked simple: she would take a sugar cube over which the other person slept overnight and she would tell everything the person needed to know. However, the major predictions came to her in trances that looked frightening.

The simple visions she claimed to have come with the help of the ‘small’ forces, such as deceased relatives, while the major ones were given to her by the ‘major’ forces. She didn’t prefer the major predictions as they were exhausting and terrifying to experience.

Her popularity was so big, that even the Bulgarian tsar Boris III and later the communist government of Todor Zhivkov collaborated with her in solving cases of missing people.

The Bulgarian president and his daughter (who was Vanga’s close friend) weren’t the only ones that consulted her prophecies.

Vanga also gave her predictions to Adolf Hitler, which the he did not fancy, and sayings go that she predicted his demise and showed him the gun with which he would later shoot himself.

She predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall and end of the Cold War, the end of the USSR, and Russian president Boris Yeltsin’s death and she claimed to know who the assassinator of John F. Kennedy was, but never revealed the name.

Regarding the present day, Vanga predicted the attack on the World Trade Center 9/11 2001 when she claimed that ‘steel birds’ would ‘attack the American brethren’.

She also predicted that the 44th president would be African American, who would also be the last full-term president of the USA.

In her predictions, Baba Vanga tells an eerie story of World War 3

Many prophets have told their prophecies of a third World War, but what is frightening about Baba Vanga’s predictions is that most of her prophecies about the events that precede World War 3 seem to come to pass quite accurately.

Even though the dates she mentions are not quite accurate, the events that unfold seem to fall into place just the way she predicted.

Her predictions start with the Arab Spring 2010 and the fall of Syria, from where everything else would start moving towards World War 3.

In fact, Vanga claimed that WW3 would begin with the fall of Syria. She said that the great Muslim war would begin in Syria and would soon engulf Europe.

She said that Europe would receive a great influx of Muslim refugees and that during the World War, Europe would see massive devastation and would become uninhabitable.

The first to fall is Damascus, where there would be so much devastation that it would be utterly changed in appearance.

She also predicted a similar fate for Paris, which would be left in total destruction. In fact, she predicted Europe’s demise with people dying off of a skin disease, presumably caused by chemical weapons.

She noted that World War 3 would begin and end very fast and that the destruction of the nuclear weapons would be so great that no water will be drinkable.

To the whole story of the end of days, Vanga added that the 8th president of Russia named Vladimir would restore the former might of Russia and bring peace to the world after the War.

Vanga is not the only one to have predicted that World War 3 is imminent. Mystic Horacio Villegas even points to an exact date of its start, and it’s just days away.

While a third World War has not emerged yet, many of Baba Vanga’s predictions fall into place and the events unfold in the order she mentions. Let’s just hope that this prediction won’t come true as the rest of her predictions did.

For more of Baba Vanga’s predictions, here’s an interesting YouTube video by FactsVerse.

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10 Reasons Why Men Can’t Be in a Relationship With Strong Women

Every woman who has suffered pain is strong. Every woman who has made sacrifices for someone else, without asking for anything in return, is stronger than you think.

Because that’s what made her strong. Loving, forgiving, enduring pain has made her fierce and brave. This woman is not ashamed or afraid to show her weaknesses, but she is also aware that she can do much more than anyone expects from her.

But, very often, strong women like this are single. Why men can’t handle strong women?

  1. Strong women need someone honest and human.

Women are often considered more emotional. They express their feelings more openly than men. But that doesn’t mean men don’t have feelings. Women who have experienced a lot know that.

They want someone who realizes that it is human to feel pain and to cry. Strong women want someone who is not afraid or ashamed to speak about the past, because everyone has a past and is vulnerable. Strongest people speak about their weaknesses aloud.

  1. Strong women are not afraid to fight for themselves

They don’t need a man to fight for them! A strong woman is independent and fights for herself. But, men want to feel needed. A man wants to know that his girl needs him to fight in her place.

While a strong woman is ready to fight for the both, a man wants to be the one who will solve everything and save his girl.

Strong women don’t want to be the victims because they can handle every situation. The fierce woman needs someone to be next to her, not someone who she would blindly follow.

  1. Strong women have a clear purpose in life and know exactly what they want.

No fierce woman needs a man to succeed, travel or do the things she always wanted to do. Strong women know exactly what they want and how hard they worked to get it.

She will explore the world, fight for the promotion or be the one who is asking someone on a date. This determination is intimidating for many men.

  1. Strong women know when you’re lying.

Honesty and trust are above everything else when it comes to love. Strong women know how to tell truths from lies and won’t stay to hear more lying, no matter how much it hurts. A strong woman don’t need someone fake and want to have someone completely for herself.

  1. Strong women need someone who they can be intimate with.

Intimacy is of a great importance, both in bed and in mutual trust. Strong women want to be the one who her man can trust the most.

The person who he can be intimate with, who he can talk to about anything and share their deepest secrets. Only then she will know she is loved the right way.

  1. Strong women don’t need someone immature and inconsistent.

Strong women come with strong personalities that are over with immaturities and irregularities. In this relationship, you have to show respect and integrity.

Every fierce woman needs unconditional love that comes with respect. Disrespecting her is not something she would forget about or forgive.

  1. Strong women don’t wait neither beg.

If you are not sure whether you want to be with her or not, you will lose her. A fierce woman will not beg or wait for someone to decide if he wants her or not.

She doesn’t have time for playing. She will be hurt, but she is not afraid of that because very soon, she will be as fierce as ever, ready for the next test.

  1. Strong women are fiery.

They are powerful, intense and fiery in everything they do. Even in the relationship, they are passionate and they want the same in return.

In life, strong women see problems as challenges that they will surely overcome and they are not afraid of anything. They expect the same from the partner.

  1. Strong women love with their whole heart.

If you love a strong woman, you know that the love you receive is invaluable. Every strong woman loves her man unconditionally and is ready to go against storms and tornadoes to make him happy.

Some men are not capable of returning this love and feel afraid of the intensity of it. So they would rather escape than fail to reciprocate.

  1. Strongest women inspire their men to become the best.

People say that “behind every successful man there is a woman”. The best men have a strong woman next to them, who helps them reach their highest potential and be the best version of themselves.

A strong woman who stands by her man and inspires him to be confident and strong. But, some men are not strong enough to handle this.

Barry Paul Price, mentor of female entrepreneurs, writes:Please Share