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15 Clever Psychological Tricks That Everyone Should Know And Start Using Immediately

Psychological Tricks

Our minds are one complicated thing, if you decide to see them that way. However, these complicated processes are, in most cases, triggered by simple actions. If used in the right way, you can be the master of your mind and of the situations that involve you.

The mind works with its own patterns and if you are able to notice these patterns and use them to your advantage, then you have started using some very powerful mental tools.

They will help you anywhere from feeling more comfortable with yourself to getting a job that you like or just getting people to like you.

This is why we have compiled a list of 15 mental life hacks that you should know and start using immediately.

1. Silence is golden.

If you ask someone a question and they give you a partial answer, maintain eye contact and keep silent. You will eventually get the whole answer. People keep on explaining if they think that their answer is not enough.

2. Stop feeling anxious or nervous.

When you find yourself in situations which can be stressful or can make you anxious, the best way to handle them is to chew gum. Chewing gum makes your brain think that you are eating and that there’s no danger. That’s why, your brain will start feeling relaxed.

3. Who likes who?

When in a group and everybody is having a laugh, try to notice who is looking at who while laughing. When laughing, people tend to instinctively look at the person they feel (or want to feel) closest to.

4. They know you believe in what you are saying.

And this is why you should avoid using phrases like ‘I believe…’ or ‘I think…’ – it’s already implied by the fact that you are saying that thing. This will make you look more confident in whatever you are saying.

5. Keep your calm at all costs.

When a person is trying to argue with you, stay calm and don’t return the same feelings. The person may become even angrier when you do this, but what you are doing is in fact training them to lose the tantrums.

6. The way you act is the way you feel.

Our emotions come with physical manifestations and these emotional expressions are triggered by the emotions. The good thing is that it works the other way around too. So if you want to feel happy – act happy and smile a lot.

7. Brilliance is confidence

Many people can’t tell brilliance from confidence. If you look as if you know what you are doing, then people will automatically think that you are the best at it. Act confident and see them rally around you.

8. Even your interviewer is human!

The worst mistake one can do is to feel and act as if they were brought in the slaughterhouse for an interview. A good trick is to imagine that you are old friends with the interviewer. Show respect and be relaxed – the results are infectious.

9. Be the one you want to see in others.

This especially refers to excitement and happiness. If you show a person how happy and excited you are to see them, the next time you meet they will be a lot more excited and happier to see you. (That’s the trick dogs use on us)

10. Lesser your chances to be taken to task.

If you are on a meeting and you expect someone to take you to task, lose their pack mentality (and with that the chances to be attacked) by sitting right next to them. People feel less comfortable to attack someone if they lose their pack mentality.

11. Let them see how they look like.

If you work in customer service, try to install a big mirror behind you. People will be automatically nicer, as they feel less comfortable to become jerks if they are able see how they look like.

12. First ask for more, then ask for less.

This technique is called the “door-in-the-face technique” and it’s what makes even you buy things ‘on sale’ on a compulsive basis. People are more likely to agree to a smaller favor if they first deny a larger one.

13. Why feeling stressed, when you can feel exhilarated.

Stress and exhilaration come with the same physical symptoms (heavy breathing, increased heart rate, etc.). If you decide to look at a threatening or stressful situation as a challenging one, your stress will become exhilaration.

14. Associate yourself with fun and excitement.

When on a first date, take your date to some fun and exciting place. The person will start associating you with the thrilling feeling he/she experienced on that date.

15. Eye contact is everything.

Next time you are talking to a person, try to notice their eye color. The slightly increased eye contact you are establishing at that moment will have the person liking you even more.

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Source: Bright Side

11 Things Smart People Won’t Say At Their Workplace

Are you one of those who just can’t hold their tongue to one’s teeth and you must give a comment or remark about everything in any situation? Well you shouldn’t be.

Because there are some words and phrases, which although true, can make you look very bad in front of your boss or colleagues.

It’s not about making mistakes or off-colour jokes, it’s about the subtle remarks.

We may not pay attention to them, but some of those phrases are filled with negative implication which can change the way people look at you.

  1. “That’s not fair”

Life is hard and probably you are thinking that many things are not fair. Put actually saying that out loud, especially in the office, will make you look as immature and naïve person for expecting everything to be fair.

To avoid looking bad, you need to stick to the facts, be constructive and don’t use interpretation. For example, if your boss assigned the project you were hoping to get to someone else, instead of saying “It’s not fair”, say that you’d like to know what you did wrong and what can you do in order to improve your skills for future projects.

  1. “This is how things have always been done”

Everything is changing in the blink of an eye so any method or technology can be considered out of date even after a year or two.

So, when you use the phrase “This is how things have always been done” you give an impression of a lazy person who is resistant to change. Your boss will wonder why you wouldn’t make an effort to do things differently because there’s always a better way.

  1. “No problem”

If a friend or a colleague asks a favour from you and they say thank you for it, don’t answer with the phrase “no problem” because it’ll sound like the request should have been a problem, and you’ve been imposed with the favour.

Instead use phrases like “I’ll be happy to do it” or “It was my pleasure” since they will leave a positive impact on people.

  1. “I think …/This may be a silly idea …/I’m going to ask a stupid question”

Never start your sentences with one of these phrases because you’ll give an impression of insecure person who lacks confidence.

Don’t criticize yourself because if you aren’t confident about the things you say and do how do you expect others to be. But if you really don’t have certain information, say that you’ll find out about it and get back with an update.

  1. “This will only take a minute”

When you say that the task can be completed in a minute it looks like you will just rush through it. Your boss will think that you undermine your obligations and consider you as unserious worker.

Unless is a task which literally can be done in a minute, use the phrase “it won’t be long”.

  1. “I’ll try”

When you are assigned with a task you shouldn’t say that you’ll try to complete it because that way you look insecure in your abilities. Either accept the task and give your best to it or offer another alternative, but never say “I’ll try” because your boss will think that you won’t give your maximum.

  1. “He’s lazy/incompetent/a jerk”

Negative comments about other colleagues are a big no. If someone in the office is lazy, a jerk or isn’t doing his job well, other colleagues have noticed that too, so there’s no need for you to point that out.

Plus, there’s always a chance that you are wrong and in the end you’ll end up being a jerk, because hiding behind someone else’s incompetence will make you look insecure about your working skills.

So, unless you have the power to fire that person or help them to become better, keep your thoughts to yourself.

  1. That’s not in my job description”

If you use this phrase when your boss asks you to do something, you sound like you aren’t willing to take up some new responsibilities.

It will give the impression that you’re in the office only to do the bare minimum expected from you to keep getting paid, which looks bad, especially if you expect security in the workplace.

Next time your boss assigns you to do something that seems inappropriate for your position (of course that rules out something morally and ethically inappropriate) do it happily.

Later, talk with your boss whether there’s a chance for an update in your job description. This way you and your boss will develop a long-term understanding of which are and which aren’t your responsibilities according to your job description.

  1. It’s not my fault”

Putting the blame on someone else is never a good idea. If you were a part of the thing which went wrong, no matter how small your part was, own up to it. If you weren’t a part of that, give your dispassionate explanation about what happened, stick to the facts, and let your boss or colleagues decide who’s to blame.

Because the moment you put the blame on someone is the moment your colleagues stat seeing you as someone who can’t own up to their responsibilities. This will make people lose trust in you. Some will avoid working with you, while others will put the blame on you for the first next thing that goes wrong.

  1. “I can’t”

When you say “I can’t” your boss will get the impression that you won’t. Even if you really don’t know how to do the task, your boss will think that you wouldn’t put an effort and consider you as a lazy person.

Instead, when you think you are lacking the skills to do something you were assigned to, ask someone to help you and show you how, so you could do it on your own.

  1. “I hate this job”

The worst thing is to hate the job that you do, let alone say that out loud. Negative feelings bring down the morale of the whole team, and bosses are quick to spot those who do that.

So, love your job and be happy to do it because there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.

To sum up

It may take some time to eliminate all these phrases from your vocabulary but once you do you’ll be a much better colleague and an employee. Be sure that those around you will notice that and you’ll get your reward for it.

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A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With BIG Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

Science finally brings some good news for all those curvaceous women that struggle to lose butt and thighs fat.

The newest research led by Oxford University professors introduces rather relieving evidence about the correlation of lower body fat, health and intelligence.

It is a well-known fact that the amount of fat stored in the human body is one of the important indicators of one’s health condition. But apparently, more important than how much body fat you have, is where you have it.

Namely, women with the so called “pear type” of body have proved to be not only generally healthier, but also smarter as well.

According to Konstantinos Manolopoulous, one of the leading scholars of the Oxford’s study “the idea that body fat distribution is important to health has been known for some time.”

The novelty brought by the research is the information on how lower body fat contributes to the improvement of one’s overall health condition.

Lower body fat keeps the fatty acids further from the heart, the main arteries, and the liver, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Unlike “apple shaped” women with more upper body and belly fat, women with larger behind report lower levels of cholesterol and glucose.  

It is associated with two hormones: leptin and dinopectina.

Leptin is a hormone that controls the appetite and generally, the overall body weight. Bodies of curvaceous woman maintain a healthier level of leptin, which makes it easier for their brain to pick up the signals of fullness and avoid overeating.

Consequently, these women have smaller chances of becoming obese. On the other hand, dinopectina is a hormone responsible for controlling the vascular condition and preventing diabetes.

Moreover, woman with high levels of lower body fat have higher levels of omega 3 acids, which is associated with brain activity and intelligence.

Omega 3 acids help fight depression, improve cognitive abilities and enhance behavioral function. Therefore, these people are smarter and in a better overall mental condition.

According to The US National Institute of Health, Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial fatty acids that must be part of their daily intake. The right amount of intake of Omega-3 fatty acids is indispensably an important aspect of the retina and fetal brain.

In addition, they also have a great impact in shaping the stretch of development and averting perinatal depression.  Ergo, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are the most naturally dynamic forms of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in algae and seafood.

A similar study by US National Library of Medicine shows that women with more fat in the lower parts of their bodies give birth to children with higher IQ, as their brain development is supported by higher amounts of Omega-3 acids during the pregnancy period.

On the contrary, upper body fat has a negative effect on the polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are crucial to brain-growth development. Therefore, the waist-hip ratio has become an imperative measure of cognitive capacity.

Dr. Michael Jensen, director of the research center in Rochester’s Mayo Clinic that devoted year on the issue, argues: “If you’re going to have fat, you’re definitely better off if you’ve got some fat in the lower body”.

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Image Copyright: 123kikovic / 123RF Stock Photo

Orangutan Gets Emotional When Pregnant Woman Reveals She’s Going To Be A Mother

Being a parent is the best thing that can happen to anyone and parenthood is in our nature.No matter if we are talking about human or animal, the bond that a parent and a child have is very strong.

And how do animals react to pregnancy? A very interesting and touching video was captured at the Colchester Zoo in England.

A man and his pregnant wife were visiting the zoo and stopped to observe a pretty large orangutan. The big orangutan, whose name is Rajang, started acting very emotionally when it saw the belly of the woman.

The future-mom-to-be got closer to the glass and the orangutan got even more emotional. Rajang caressed the belly of the woman over the glass and it even kissed the place where the baby was sitting.

The man and the woman are pretty amazed by this big creature’s reaction; it acted as it knew what was going to happen to this future mother.

However, this is not the first time that Rajang acted emotional when seeing a pregnant woman. On the official facebook page of the Colchester Zoo, in one post they say that it is attracted particularly to pregnant women and likes to caress their baby bumps. He even kisses them too!

Since these videos went viral, a flock of pregnant women go to visit this 48 year old orangutan and witness this one in a lifetime experience. They say that visiting Rajang was one of the best moments in their lives and were overwhelmed by his emotional reaction.


How To Fall Asleep In Just One Minute According To Dr.Andrew Weil, M.D

Have you ever been so anxious about something that it affected your ability to function and as a result insomnia set in? It happened to me a while ago, when I was supposed to go to a job interview in a couple of days and I really wanted to do well.

After obsessing about it for days and spending three sleepless nights – which left me completely exhausted and a bit depressed – I did some searching on the internet and stumbled upon a YouTube video by Harvard medical doctor Andrew Weil about a new sleeping ‘technique’ called the 4-7-8 method.

This technique basically consists of three simple steps that you’ll need to follow precisely if you want to get the desired effect.

Naturally, I was a bit skeptical at first, but then desperation took over and I decided to give it a try.  The results were phenomenal and exceeded all my expectations, I can tell you that.

So, how does this amazing technique work?

As mentioned above, this ‘sleeping exercise’ is made up of three simple steps that go as follows: 

  1. Inhale slowly through the nose for about 4 seconds.
  2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth for about 8 seconds.

Simple as it is, the exercise does work and if you are suffering from an anxiety-induced insomnia, give it a shot.

Stress and anxiety are known to elevate the amount of adrenaline in the blood, which in turn leads to faster and lighter breathing.

The ’4-7-8′ method basically acts as a sedative in the sense that it slows down the breathing rate and the rapid heartbeat, allowing the body to relax.

But it’s not just the body that relaxes during the exercise. The mind also unwinds, and the feelings of anxiety simply go away.

Dr. Andrew Weil, who compares the effects of the exercise to that of an anesthetic, says the technique is perfectly harmless and has been known and practiced for centuries.

According to him, Indian yogi have been using the method in their meditations for hundreds of years in order to achieve a state of total relaxation.

When to use it

Judging by my own experience, this exercise will literally change your life, even if it works half as good as it did in my case! It will relieve you from stress, it will drive away all feelings of anxiety and negativity and it will dramatically improve the quality of your sleep.

You can use it if you are having trouble sleeping, you can use it if you wake up in the middle of the night concerned about something, and you can also use it if you are feeling nervous and anxious ahead of some important event, just as I did before my job interview.

So, if you are not one of those blessed with the enviable ability to fall asleep just as soon as they hit the sack, be sure to give it a go. It’s harmless, its free and it works too.

It helped me deal with my anxiety and as a result, I got a couple of nights of good sleep and landed a great job. Take a page from my book and give it a go.

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New Law Calls For Parents To Pay A LARGE Fine If Their Child Is A BULLY!

Bullying is not a joke and it should never be overlooked or regarded as a “kid’s play”. However, more and more children are victims to bullying, to a point where they become depressed and anxious or unwilling to attend school or any other social gathering.

The bullying can be both physical and verbal and both cases are as harmful and dangerous as the other one. It’s true that bullying starts with a simple physical contact or a few rude words, nevertheless it may lead to serious harassment, which is later on evident in the victims’ development in life.

As a matter of fact, many suicide cases have been connected with bullying or similar type of harassment and this is quite concerning, because some cases are even happening among younger children.

Now, that we’ve entered the grey area or the fragile topic, it’s time to look for signs of bullying and ways to prevent them.

Wisconsin Town puts a law accounting parents whose children are bullying others

Studies often suggest that as nearly as 6,000 children have committed suicide due to bullying and most of them were aged between 15 and 24.

This fact is quite shocking, especially if we bear in mind that bullies are mainly the victim’s classmates or someone at their school or neighborhood.

For this purpose only, Wisconsin Town has decided to take matters into their own hands and put a large fine on the parents whose children are bullies or participants in the verbal, cyber or physical bullying. The fine starts at $366 for first offence and gets to $681 for a second offence within the same year.

By incorporating this law, Wisconsin Town is hoping to lower the death of children, victims of bullying as well as raise awareness in parents.

However, besides suicide, bullying can trigger many other problems connected with the development of the victim and even though parents and schools in general, try to overlook some situations of bullying and characterize them as simply “child’s play”, it ends up in creating depressed kids who are often finding the rescue in suicide.

The city council of Shawano tends to warn the parents of their child’s behavior before they give the fine, however after the first case of bullying they receive a fine of $366, which if not stopped within a year, the fine reaches to $681.

This law is applied to any bully under the age of 18 who has committed any type of harassment, including physical, verbal or cyber bullying.

However, even though parents are fined, it doesn’t have to mean that parents in general raise kids as bullies. In many cases, parents are not even aware that their kids are bullies. Bullies are often detected at schools or on the social media.

Bullying is taking an enormous part in our lives, affecting not only the parents of the victims, but also the parents of the bullies.

Dealing with bullying requires a lot of patience and therapy, so even though the fine may be helpful or useful at some point, this doesn’t mean that the child will learn to behave or stop to misbehave and harass other children, making them inferior and stepping over their confidence.

It’s no wonder this law drew so much attention in the public, especially to those who are affected by it.

So, despite the fact that everyone agrees that something should be done in order to prevent such situations, other will disagree with fining parents or blaming them for their child’s misbehaving. Many people believe that this misbehaving or so characterized as bullying may stop at any moment through a natural course simply because children do have the habit to tease each other.

However, the officers in Shawano emphasize the fact that any type of harassment, regardless of the intensity should be stopped immediately and any type of hurting others should not be regarded as “child’s play”, but regarded as bullying.

So, regardless of the criticism or the supporting of this implementing of the law, it’s up to parents and schools to decide whether bullying should be punished with a fine or other methods of punishments should be implemented.

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People Over 40 Should Only Work 3 Days A Week, Experts Claim

Brain stimulation is important in every stage of your life, and brain nourishment is as crucial as food nourishment. Giving your brain some stimulation will keep it in great shape, even when you get older.

Excessive food can make you obese, and the same goes for the brain as well. Excessive stimulation can be dangerous for your grey matter, so be careful what kind of stimulation you give to your brain.

Newest research proves that people over 40 shouldn’t stimulate their brain too much with long working hours, because the results may be counterproductive.

Cognitive decline can happen as early as in your 40s. It manifests with losing the ability to focus and remember important facts. This overstimulation and cognitive decline usually happens because of your excessive work.

The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research did interesting research about the working hours of people over 40.

This study involved 3500 women and 3000 men at the age of 40 and over. What they found out was that working up to 30 hours a week is great for your brain.

This is the good limit for improving your cognitive function when you reach this age, but once you cross the limit of 30 hours, your performance will start getting worse.

Men and women included in the study received cognitive function tests. They were also observed while working.

The study proved that 55 hours or work a week worsens cognitive function and impairment is even worse than in people who were unemployed or retired.

These people were also monitored on reading words aloud, matching letters and numbers in speed trials, and reciting lists of numbers, as a part of the test. Professor Colin McKenzie was the author of the test in this Household Colin Labour Dynamics in Australia survey.

He stated that the indicators of the tests’ results were the thinking and the knowing. The knowing ability is in the reading tests, whereas the thinking ability is in the memory, abstract, and executive reasoning.

The professor mentioned that countries nowadays want to raise the retirement age and force people to work longer time, but they have to consider the working hours first. The survey does not take into consideration the type of work, so there is still more research to be conducted.

Intellectual stimulation is good if you want to maintain your cognitive function. You can do it by brain puzzles (Sudoku), or crosswords, but not with overstimulation, because it will have an opposite effect on you.

The most important thing is the degree to which you will stimulate your brain when you are over 40. Anything that is causing you fatigue and stress is a sign you should stop and call it a day.

If you note some signs of cognitive decline, it is time to reconsider how much you are working throughout the day. Go on a holiday, take some rest, and don’t cross the limit of 30 working hours a week to keep your brain healthy!

Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series Working Paper No. 7/16

Do You Belong To The 1% Population That Is Genetically Of Higher Frequency?

Have you ever felt frustrated when some medication or diet didn’t work for you as they worked for other people? You try to do your best for your health and spirit, using the right supplements and exercises but still your immune system and mood need something extra?

Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with you, you simply belong to the 1% of the population that is genetically of higher frequency. Now what does this mean? You are very sensitive, empathetic, and you feel things deeply.

Other than that, you have the ability to feel rather than see things, which makes you intuitive and creative. Even though you attract people to be in your presence, most of the times you feel like there is nobody that understands you and you feel alone.

However, you don’t drown in solitude but you continue your path in your own way which most of the times is leaded by your heart rather than your head.

The people who are of higher frequency have several things in common.

First thing in common that these people have is the deep desire to find and later to confirm their spiritual partner, family and even the place we call home.

Another thing in common that higher frequency people have is this feeling that entities and even angels are around them. It may seem strange, but most of the times these people may see or hear those entities.

Third, these people feel that no matter how hard they try to achieve success in any field they aren’t good enough. Although they have excellent skills and are highly intelligent, these people can’t find what they truly desire.

The fourth thing that is common for these people is the constant change in their mood, energy and emotion.

Furthermore, these people often have the feeling of being more spiritually awake or conscious but those moments are very short.

The sixth thing that these people have in common is that they often have very vivid dreams followed with moving and speaking during their dreaming.

The next common thing for the higher frequency people is that they intend to take roots in relationships and even in responsibilities but this is periodically.

Another common thing is that these people feel that there is not enough time for regular activities. They may feel that they are lost due to this shortage of time.

Finally, these people are aware that there are no coincidences. They believe that everything in this world happens with a reason so they believe that there are no accidents.

Besides the common things mentioned above, these people share certain ideologies, perspectives and beliefs as well.

When making a decision, these people tend to think of how that decision will affect the others. They understand people and wish to help someone in need. Most often, these people are good listeners and advisers since they feel that all creatures are spiritually connected in this world.

Talking about worlds, these people sometimes feel that people on this planet are the experiment of higher spiritual forces from another planets or dimensions. This is the reason for higher frequency people to believe that happiness may not be the most important goal in their lives.

The people who belong to this population are unsatisfied with the fact that money is the focus in this world. They rather appreciate the spiritual wealth and most often they follow their hearts’ desires.

Above all things, the higher frequency people cherish our precious planet. Sometimes, they even feel emotional pain from the consequences of people’s wrongdoings to the planet. However, they believe that everyone has a different role in the world’s great community so they respect everyone, regardless their rank in society.

If you belong to this 1% of population, you most certainly need more time to relax. Due to the higher sensitivity that these people have, they often need to refresh themselves and relax, away from other people’s energies.

The most effective way to relax is to go on a trip in the nature. Feel the breeze on your skin, enjoy the sunshine, and swim with the dolphins. It’s simple, do as you please, just relax.

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Norway Becomes First Nation In The World To Ban Deforestation

Deforestation is becoming a serious problem everywhere in the world. It is estimated that each year 55 billion tons of fossil energy, metals, minerals and bio mass is extracted from the Earth.

In other words, people are using 50 % more natural resources that the planet can provide. According to scientists, within 100 years, the world’s rainforests will completely disappear.

These facts can cause serious problems for future generations, so Norway decided to do something about it. It became the first country to ban the practice of deforestation.

According to a report of UN partner, Climate Action, Norway is the first county to wake up and rise to solve the problem of deforestation. On May, 24th the country committed to zero deforestation.

Through the government’s public procurement policy, the country agreed to ban any product in its supply chain which is guilty of deforestation of rainforests.

In a statement on the organization’s site, Nils Hermann Ranum of Rainforest Foundation Norway said: “This is an important victory in the fight to protect the rainforest. Over the last few years, a number of companies have committed to cease the procurement of goods that can be linked to destruction of the rainforest”.

Although, in 2014, at the UN Climate Summit in New York, Norway, UK and Germany agreed to do everything to encourage deforestation-free supply chains using public procurement policies and sustainable source products like soy, timber, palm oil and beef, until now only Norway stood by its word. 

The foundation has campaigned many years in order to make this happen.

Climate Action also said that, by producing soy, palm oil, beef and wood products in the seven countries where deforestation has reached an alarming level- Brazil, Indonesia, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia, 40% of the total tropical deforestation is decreased.

Therefore, other counties must follow in Norway’s steps as soon as possible, because mother Earth needs our help.

Especially, Germany and the UK are expected to act soon, and fulfill their joint statement at the UN Climate Summit.

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12 Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs And Their Characteristics

Just like Western Astrology, Egyptian Astrology has 12 signs. Each sign is represented by a god or a goddess except the first one. However, the Egyptian Astrology signs differ from the Western Astrology in the dates.

Egyptian Astrology contains 12 constellations that form 36 decans (which are groups of stars).

The Egyptians also believed that the god or goddess of the representative sign determine one’s personality, skills, behavior, strength and weakness. So which sign are you in Egyptian Zodiac?

The Nile (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26) 

The Nile is the first sign of the Egyptian zodiac and is the only sign that is not represented by a god or goddess.It represents the beginning and new start of something. The main characteristics for the people born under this sign are that they are peaceful, logical and practical.

They can be very moody- from calm and peaceful to angry and irrational. Usually, they try to avoid conflict and try to keep the peace around them. They have analytical minds and tend to dream about the possibilities of life. They are very practical and cautious so they tend to keep the safe path to their success.

Amon-Ra (January 8-21, February 1-11)

Amon-Ra is the second sign in Egyptian Astrology. The people who were born under this sign are very good leaders since they are very talented, confident and have excellent self-control.

They are also known to be generous and helpful people. These people’s optimism and intelligence make them successful leaders. They can be very motivational to others and are often successful in mentoring and counseling.

Mut (January 22-31, September 8-22)

Mut is the third Egyptian zodiac sign. This goddess is the symbol for the mother so that’s why people who were born under this sign are considered to be nurturers by nature.

These people also are good life parents and good parents as well as role models.They are logical and practical thinkers who are determined and focused on fulfilling their dreams.

Geb (February 12-29, August 20-31)

Geb is the fourth sign of the Egyptian zodiac. These people are kind-hearted and sensitive and most often they rely on their intuition.

Since Geb is the God of earth, the people born in this sign are sensitive and environmentally conscious. Most of the times these people are shy and introvert, but if they feel anxious, these people can become very egoistic.

Osiris (March 1-10, November 27-December 18)

Osiris is the fifth sign of the Egyptian zodiac, it is the symbol for fertility and resurrection.  People who are born in this sign have two sides to their personality- strong side and vulnerable side.

Energetic and passionate, these people are very confident and natural leaders who are very optimistic about the future. They are very independent and don’t like to work with other people.

Isis (March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31)

Isis is the sixth sign in the Egyptian zodiac. She is the goddess of nature and symbolizes motherhood and protector during childbirth. People who were born under this sign are very direct and like to give advices to others.

These people are very determined and ambitious and there are no obstacles for them on their way to success. They are good communicators but sometimes they tend to be demanding.

Thoth (April 1-19, November 8-17)

Thoth, or the god of wisdom, is the seventh sign in Egyptian horoscope. People who were born in this sign are energetic, courageous and compassionate. They are good at solving problems and are very passionate and faithful partners who are dedicated to family and loved ones. Sometimes they can be very naïve and betrayal can put these people in depression.

Horus (April 20-May 7, August 12-19)

Horus is the eight sing of Egyptian zodiac. People born in this sign are very courageous, have a lot of impatience, endurance and wit.

They are optimistic and risk takers so they are inspiration to others. They are gentle by nature and careful listeners and so they are surrounded by friends who love and support the people born in this sign.

Anubis (May 8-27, June 29-July 13)

Anubis is the ninth sign in Egyptian astrology and people who were born in this sign love solitude and can be very introvert.

These people are strongly emotional and sensitive and sometime very unpredictable. Confident and determined, these people don’t have unfinished businesses. They are very helpful, generous and honest, and very caring partners.

Seth (May 28-June 18, September 28-October 2)

Seth is the tenth sign in Egyptian zodiac. The people born in this sign are extreme perfectionists, constantly looking for change around them.

These people are natural leaders, excellent orators and communicators and thrive to be in the center of attention. Other people are attracted to their charming personality but sometimes they know to lose their temper and explode.

Bastet (July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

Bastet, the goddess of cats, is the eleventh sign of the Egyptian zodiac. The people who are born in this sign are always searching for peace and balance. They surround themselves with things that make them happy, and tend to enjoy life the best they can.

These people are very caring, extremely emotional and sensitive which sometimes can cause for them to be overprotective of the loved ones.

Sekhmet (July 29-August 11, October 30-November 7)

Sekhmet, the goddess of war, is the last sign of the Egyptian zodiac.  People born in this sign are highly intelligent, so they are natural leaders who are an example of authority.

These people are perfectionist, with sense of justice and discipline. They can be very rude, direct and aggressive if they are irritated.
