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Men Who Marry Chubby Women Are 10 Times Happier And Live Longer?!

A new story started circling the Internet, which claims of a study proving that men who married chubby women were 10 times happier. Although the study
 itself doesn’t exist, we decided to look into our archive and some other related studies and try to find the connection.

There is definitely something that makes you feel nicer when being around a chubby woman. They always seem more open, affectionate, and relaxed and they shine with positivity which is infectious. Many men do prefer chubby women and can often see them as their potential partners for life.

So, do chubby women really make men feel happier?

An interesting study published in the PLOS one journal, reveals that men under stress prefer chubbier women. A total number for 81 heterosexual men were put through the study, in which 40 of these men took part in a task that increased their stress levels.

When they were given photos of women and they needed to rate their physical appearance, the men who underwent greater stress always chose the chubbier women. Although this has got a lot to do with the subconscious response to reproduction, it consciously reflects as a feeling of greater comfort.

So perhaps it is indeed true that men who marry chubby women feel more comfortable with them in a sea of stress and worries.

Another study revealed that couples who were happy in love tended to gain weight. The justification that comes with this phenomenon has got a lot to do with feeling comfortable with your partner.

So perhaps men who choose chubby women love the way those women feel comfortable around them?

If we take both studies into consideration, we can conclude that both partners in such relationship feel more comfortable with each other. From this, we can definitely conclude that if you feel more comfortable with your partner, you are definitely happier with them.

All in all, even if weight has little to do with the feeling of comfortability with your partner, it is a strong indicator of the same.

Historically speaking, women in ancient Greece and during the Renaissance period who were plump and chubby were considered to be the most attractive ones. There are even countries around the world which still consider overweight women as attractive.

Indeed, wide hips and ample bosoms tend to signify fertility, and this was especially regarded as being true among ancient civilizations. Chubbiness referred to good nutrition and high status.

However, the beauty standards have changed since then. While today many try to argue over the fact that physical appearance has little to do with real beauty, different cultures shape the way physical appearance is perceived and it does have an influence on many others.

Perhaps we are moving toward a different definition of beauty?


‘If You Want Your Life to Be Simple, You Shouldn’t Be a Leader’ says Alibaba’s CEO Jack Ma

It’s difficult to define leadership but one thing is for sure – it is a skill that you develop every day, a practice that one needs to constantly hone and nurture to get better at it.

This, in short, is Alexa von Tobel’s take on leadership. The founder and CEO of personal finance website LearnVest.com says one is never ‘done growing’ when it comes to leadership.

A successful leader herself, she recently wrote a piece on what it means and what it takes to be one, inspired by a speech from Alibaba’s CEO Jack Ma, one of the most successful businessmen in the world today.

Here are her three takeaways on the matter:

  1. You Have to Show Some Love

Being a leader is about creating a positive atmosphere and getting the best of the talent on disposal. Tobel agrees with Ma’s notion that a good leader needs to have bundles of IQ and EQ, but also of what is known as love quotient (LQ).

She says leaders should forge an emotional bond with their team, one that extends beyond their office relationship and one that reflects genuine care for them. A good leader should be looking after his team and be mindful of their wants and needs outside the workplace as well, instead of simply trying to assert his authority by force.

A good leader should be a ‘humble servant’ to the talent, she says, and showing some love is a big part of that.

  1. Being a Leader is no Fun and Games

Jack Ma is running a gigantic organization with thousands of employees and, by his own admission, it’s no walk in the park.

A leader never gets a break, he doesn’t have the luxury to go hiding and must take all hits head on.

The second anything goes south, the leader must step up and fix the problem, whether it is after hours, on a sunny Sunday or during their child’s birthday.

It means hard work, dedication and rolling the sleeves up, it means not being afraid of getting your hands dirty.

  1. A leader must lead by example

As a leader, one gets to deal with lots of stressful situations all the time. It is in times like these when tensions run high and a leader must push his team to the limits.

When faced with a difficult problem, a leader must persevere and inspire people, to lead them through the rough patches until they all emerge together to the day where things are beautiful again.

The best leaders are those who look at problems from every angle, those that take the time to get to know their people, those that are aware of their shortcomings and are constantly working to better themselves.

A good leader can always become a better leader, it’s a journey that never ends.


Marshmallow Rabbit Transforms Into Kim Jong-Un

It turns out that if you squeeze a marshmallow rabbit, it actually comes out looking like Kim Jong-Un.

You can’t miss the similarity. Maybe we should all turn our Easter rabbit marshmallows into Kim Jong-Un, or not. Either way, it’s fun to look at.

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Netflix Vs. HuluPlus-Which Offers you Best Video Streaming Services

Believe or not but traditional TV is being overshadowed big time by video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. Especially people who use the Internet so much will never rely on TV much for sure. What makes them popular? Well, both of them show TV shows, and they have their benefits and disadvantages.

If you’re ever going to ditch your TV and make a choice between the 2, it will be a tough decision because both the media titans have huge competition among each other. However, you can decide which suits you better by knowing their features. Recently, Hulu Plus underwent branding change to make it a simple Hulu so don’t be confused between the both.

More or faster?

If you want to access content faster, then go for Hulu and if you want more definitely Netflix. Don’t understand exactly what it means? Well, we will explain you a bit more clearly. If you want to watch your favorite television show soon after it airs then Hulu can be your choice. Especially if you are a viewer who watches it on a daily basis as soon as possible and wants to keep up with the latest updates, then Hulu gives the content faster, but it lacks behind in having so many channels like Netflix. Netflix has more TV channels and shows than Hulu. Netflix covers a wide range of channels but fails to specialize in areas like Anime which Hulu is robust. However, Hulu Plus channels cover the most popular channels.

However, if you are a viewer who wants to watch all the episodes and want to catch up with the show, then Hulu cannot be up to mark since it doesn’t show up episodes in sequential order whereas Netflix has a huge collection of many shows including their previous seasons. The main drawback of Netflix is, its changing licensing agreements. You will never know when your shows won’t be available.

If you are a daily television viewer wanting to keep up to date with content then Hulu and if you want to watch previous seasons or shows more than Netflix.


Not all of Netflix’s content, is good, but it has some original, content, and some online series gained a huge popularity. Hulu lacks behind in original content. However, their upcoming show The Way is quite promising.


Both Hulu and Netflix can be accessed through various platforms. They work perfectly in desktop browsers without, a doubt, but they also perform equally well in game consoles, mobile devices, and set-top boxes.


Both the media titans offer you a flat rate pricing model which allows you to stream how much ever you want. Both of their prices start for $7.99 each month. The other pricing, however, is more expensive for Netflix. Hulu offers some free content on desktop browsers which includes current shows and archival material.

Which among Netflix Vs Hulu is the Best?

Depends all on you because if you are a daily viewer then Hulu can be your cup of tea but if you want to enjoy a wide number of channels then Netflix will be useful. If you are not into binge-watching then go for Netflix or if you are among those who loves keeping upto date with current series then go for Hulu.

US Drops “The Mother Of All Bombs” On ISIS Target In Afghanistan

The US military dropped the United States’ most powerful non-nuclear bomb, MOAB, on ISIS targets in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province in Afghanistan. The bomb, nicknamed the Mother Of All Bombs, was dropped from an MC-130 carrier aircraft.US Drops "The Mother Of All Bombs"

The Nangarhar province is located in the east part of Afghanistan, on the border with Pakistan and is reported to be an ISIS hideout and strategic location which facilitated ISIS fighters’ movement in that area.

The target of the attack, according to officials, was an ISIS cave and tunnel complex and personnel in the area. After the fight had intensified between the US military forces and the ISIS terrorists, the US decided to use the MOAB (nicknamed the mother of all bombs) in battle for the first time.

The purpose of the attack, as White House press secretary Sean Spicer said later that Thursday, was to deny ISIS fighters operational space, and the operation is deemed successful.

What is the MOAB?

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) is the largest and most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal. It weighs 21,600 pounds and contains 18,000 pounds of explosives. The blast is designed to destroy a target area spreading over thousands of feet.

Although the size of the explosion is nowhere near that of an atomic bomb, with the explosive yield of 0.011 kilotons (that of a nuclear bomb being 10-180 kilotons), the force of this bomb is not to be underestimated.

Also nicknamed the Mother Of All Bombs, the MOAB is satellite guided and is designed to explode in the air. The blast is capable of collapsing underground tunnels and instantly killing people within the area.

The MOAB was first tested in 2003 and this is the first time ever it has been used in combat.

The Americans have the Mother, but the Russians have the Father Of All Bombs (FOAB)

While the MOAB is America’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb, Russia currently possesses an even bigger one. It is the world’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb, nicknamed the Father of All Bombs.

It is thought to be about four times as destructive as the MOAB with a blast radius of 1,000 feet and a force of 44 megatons of TNT. It is a thermobaric bomb, which makes it different from the MOAB in the way it interacts with the environment.

The Russian Father of All Bombs combines with atmospheric oxygen to extend the blast radius. It also explodes in midair, and is designed to annihilate targets and collapse structures by producing powerful blasts and aftershocks.


How To Raise a Successful Daughter? Increase Their Self-Confidence And Kill The Self-Doubt

Ever since we were little we learned and heard about the heroic accomplishments of many scientists, activists and public figures who have influenced on all of us in some way.

Martin Luther King– what a spokesman he was, Einstein and his accomplishments in physics and math, all of those presidents improving our lives in the State.

However, have you ever had the time to consider that all of these role models and influential people are actually men? In all fairness women had smaller roles back in time, however why do we still allow this pattern to stay the same?

Why it only comes natural for us to have men ruling the world and women sitting at home and wondering what if?

There’s no doubt that girls can be as smart as boys. Intelligence is not something that you’re born with or it’s an innate thing, it’s something that you work on, develop and nurture it constantly.

Assuming that boys are smarter than girls just because they are boys seems ridiculous at this point, but believe it or not, girls as young as six years old are lead to believe in the superiority of men.

According to the university researchers:

  • young boys and girls at the age of 5, believe that both boys and girl are equally smart and intelligent.
  • young boys and girls at the age of 6 and further in the education tend to believe that boys are likely to be smarter than girls.
  • further in life, it’s only normal for girls to be less ambitious or have fewer career goals in life.
  • on the other hand, boys will pursue ambitious careers and achieve better results simply because they were made to believe in that.
  • both boys and girls should be encouraged and praised for their hard work, their achievements and efforts, not for the supposition that they are simply born with a gift of being intelligent or simply being boys.

Even though there have been plenty of efforts in the past and even nowadays, to prevent such assumptions or prevent gender discrimination, according to the research even though many girls won’t feel inferior to boys, the majority will feel that way in the future.

So why after so many years of struggling with this issue, we make little girls believe that boys are predestined to succeed in life even more than girls will ever succeed?

Extremely debatable and troubling topic and many things may clear up, thanks to the findings of the research.

More on the Study

The study was conducted by the researchers from three universities and involved millions of children from the elementary schools of Illinois.

The experiments included pictures of woman and man which were shown to the kids and they had to answer to the question of who looked “really, really smart” and identify that person from the pictures.

Furthermore, the children had to choose between two games. One game was for the ones who are “really, really smart” and the other game was for the ones who “work really hard”. Their answers were being marked and noted during the experiments.

The results may have been expected or they may come as a shocker, either way, it doesn’t seem bright for the ladies.

Young boys and girls at the age of 5, who participated in the experiment, were choosing both man and woman from the picture which purpose was to present the “really, really smart” ones.

Those kids were also equally choosing the game for the ones who are “really, really smart” as opposed to the one for the ones who “work really hard”.

However, older kids or the ones from six years old and on, were generally assuming that the man on the picture looks “really, really smart” as opposed to the woman next to him.

The girls also failed in choosing the game for the “really, really smart” ones and just settled for the ones who “work really hard”.

Why did the results come out the way they did?

Well, it seems that this isn’t a surprising fact, especially if we bear in mind that even in the 21st century we struggle with gender equality and discrimination.

In a society like this, it’s only normal for girls to assume that they should leave the “really, really smart” stuff to the boys and settle for the mediocre instead.

There is no actual clue or research that had shown that boys do have innate intelligence. On the contrary, what we can say is that girls score much huger during their education, they have better grades and they even complete college education at higher rates than man.

So, bearing in mind that girls can also achieve as much as boys can, or even more, why do we keep pushing them down?

One explanation may be that many public figures or role models are actually men. Moreover, most of the historical people they learn about at school are also men.

So, girls are made to believe that men have the superiority, intellectual and physical, and they just settle for mediocre careers or stay at home and look after the family, like God intended them to be, right?

Wow, this is so infuriating, especially if you take into consideration that no scientific evidence proves about the intellectual superiority of men. So, it’s not just the school, in many households families tend to see their son as the “really, really smart” kid as opposed to their daughters.

I’m sure you’ve heard all of those questions during a pregnancy “Is it a boy? Is it a boy?”- So, what if it’s a boy or a girl, isn’t the health of the baby that really matter or maybe it’s the gender?

Another study, reveals that many woman may feel inferior to men in the STEM fields due to the fact that they are maybe made to believe that the courses are too difficult for them.

What can we do to change this pattern?

Well, there are many things we can do, starting from the home and finishing with education and society. Maybe incorporating female role models in various ways is a great idea. Seeing all of those successful women in any field may be a great boost for women’s confidence in their ability to reach the stars.

However, the most important thing that one can do is not separate boys and girls for their innate gifts such as innate intelligence, but instead focus on their ability to solve problems and efforts in life.

Praising girls and boys at an early age for their achievements and hard work may be the healthiest way to naturally boost both women’s and men’s confidence.

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6 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Have a Hard Time Finding Happiness

Thanks to their high intelligence, most intelligent people seem to have their lives set to run in a smooth and seemingly satisfactory pace. The truth, though, is that because of their intelligence, these people can’t find happiness easily.

While many people would be satisfied with the life of an intelligent person, and would be happy to possess even a fraction of their fascinating minds, the old saying ‘ignorance is bliss’ is what helps less intelligent people to be much happier than the most intelligent ones.

Perhaps you’re wondering why?

Here are six reasons why highly intelligent people have a hard time finding happiness.

  1. Their over-analysis eventually brings them down in the dumps

High intelligence comes with the gift of analysis – and not just any kind of analysis, but that deep one, which can connect everything to everything else. Intelligent people are used to this kind of analysis to such an extent that they tend to over-analyze everything.

While possessing this ability is indeed a gift, it is also a curse at the same time. Being able to see right through people, understand their motives and next moves, and sniff out their true nature usually leads intelligent people to great disappointment.

It is true that we live in a muddy world full of wrong people, not to mention the global affairs which show just how evil this world can be. Having the advantage of perceiving all this is more of a curse than a gift when regarding happiness.

Perhaps taking a lighter approach and understanding that knowing won’t change anything is the key to happiness?

  1. Almost everything seems to fall below their high standards

Intelligent people know exactly what they want and anything which falls short of their standards fails to satisfy them. This refers to pretty much everything – from their private relationships, to work and career.

The truth is, in practice, not all expectations are to be met. Creating idealistic views of the world around them is what keeps them dissatisfied with the practical outcomes. This can be easily overcome, though.

Instead of expecting for something to turn out the way you anticipated it should, you could try and work on that same thing and bring it up to the levels of your expectations. If some things are far out of reach, be aware that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself about things you don’t have control over.

  1. They judge themselves too hard

Their high standards also include themselves. This is one of the biggest reasons for their unhappiness. Their ability to analyze everything with a single thought pattern involves them into analyzing themselves too – and they compare the results against the highest of standards.

This is not only about their successes and failures, but pretty much everything about themselves. A simple flashback of a past mistake can haunt them for days. Once their standards are not met, they beat themselves over it and they start seeing themselves as inefficient and as being below what they should be.

The thing is, nobody is perfect and nobody should be perfect – that’s what makes us genuinely US. Instead of going all gloomy about your imperfections, bear in mind that even those ‘imperfections’ are beyond reach for many others. If they pose a problem in your head, work on correcting and improving them.

  1. They aim for bigger and bigger things

Highly intelligent people have so much to offer from their minds. This has them always aiming for things greater than the simple feats of life. They always try to aim for a bigger purpose, meaning and patterns. The intellectual power they possess doesn’t allow them to be satisfied with ordinary things.

Their search for exceptionalism in life and in everything they undertake is what can make them feel stressed out and dissatisfied. Not being able to accept the world and their lives as they are, because they can be so much more, is what thrusts them down in the dumps.

The world needs this kind of thinking and this kind of people, but you should know that feeling down because of the place where you are at won’t change anything.

Turn your aims into action and be happy with every new achievement. Your view on a better world is what keeps the world growing, so don’t get disappointed with what is, but be happy with what you know it can be.

  1. Very few who can appreciate them or have meaningful conversations with them

Having who you can relate to and who can understand you is a very important thing that can affect your happiness. Unfortunately for highly intelligent people, there are so few who can understand their complex minds.

It’s frustrating to know that you can understand and communicate with anyone about anything, but there are so few who can do the same when your topics of interest are out for discussion. This makes intelligent people feel lonely in a world full of people.

Science has proved that people with high IQ don’t need as much socialization as people with average IQ to be happy. Nonetheless, even people with high IQ want to interact with people and have enjoyable conversations.

It’s true that these people don’t want to engage in small-talk conversations that lead to meaningless or no conclusions at all. That’s why finding likeminded people is their primary focus… which doesn’t always come to satisfactory results. Keep on searching!

  1. Intelligent people can often develop psychological issues

Many studies have found a connection between psychological disorders, such as bipolar disorders and social anxiety, and people with high IQ. It’s not that all intelligent people suffer from disorders by default, but even those who don’t are susceptible to depression and isolation because of their over-thinking.

The truth is that their dissatisfaction with almost everything about life, as it can be much better than it is, can lead them to feeling lonely, unsocialized, and eventually depressed. Many of the conclusions they come to are the key to developing different psychological issues that can turn their lives around. 

If you think that this planet is not good enough for you, think again. You are the best thing that can happen to this planet. Even if not many are aware of the things you are aware of, everybody equally needs the same change you crave for.

Use your brilliance to help this world grow and be happy with the gift you possess. There are always those who will appreciate your perfectionism and scrutiny.

And don’t forget that even if you are destined for great things (and you are) happiness lies in the simplest of things, while success in the greatest ones. Combine the two and work on fulfilling your part in the world, as it’s a great one.

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Either Love Like You Give A Sh*t, Or Be Alone — Your Choice

“Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love. But in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again” – Liam Neeson.

Loving doesn’t hurt, not if you do it right. Loving because someone else thinks you should is not right. Neither is loving someone because society tells you to. If you love because of reasons like this, it’s better not to love at all.

When you love right, you know it. You give all of you for that person. You show that you care. Because that person is important for you. That person means everything to you and you want to see them happy. And loved.

It’s that love that doesn’t limit you, but it inspires you. It’s the love that you are not afraid to show in front of the others, even if that means making out in public. So what if people criticize you?  

It’s love that doesn’t tire you and doesn’t get boring even after years. But it’s up to you to keep it alive. To light the fire when you see that it’s burning out.

Both of you deserve to be loved the right way. To flirt and be intimate. Everyone deserves to be accepted and to be listened to. To have support by someone.

Nobody is perfect, but love also means apologizing and forgiving. Love is investing into the relationship, but that way you always receive more than you expected.

Love is going on dates, even if you already know everything about each other and have nothing new to talk about. Going on fun dates, unusual dates and casual dates. Because spending quality time with your loved one is one of the best experiences you will have in your life. It’s something you cherish and remember always.

If you love a person, don’t keep that to yourself. Tell them every day. They need to know it. That will strengthen your connection and make your relationship more authentic.

If you love someone, don’t be afraid to talk to them. No matter how difficult the subject might seem, they will be there for you to hear you. As you need to be for them.

If you love someone show it! Kiss and hold hands whenever you can. Find time to see them and hear all about their day.

Love them deeply and find a way to show that affection regularly. Take them to romantic dinners and walk with them under the stars. Stay alone on the beach and wait for the sunrise together.

Love them wholeheartedly because this way both of you will grow and become the best version of yourself.  This way, you’re becoming a better person for them and for yourself.

Love them sincerely and you will have the love that you’ve read about in books. This way, you will not be afraid or ashamed of anything. You will feel free to explore and be happy.

When you love someone this way, you enjoy each other every minute. You love them when they are sexy in bed, wet in the rain or sweaty after a hike. And they reciprocate that love to you.

When you love someone this way, it doesn’t matter if they are dressed up or sick in bed. They are beautiful either way.

You should love only if it’s love that you’re willing to invest in. Love that is romantic, enjoyable, deep, sometimes maybe even dramatic.

If you love this way, you’re willing to give everything and expect nothing in return because having them by your side is enough for you.

If you love this way, nothing can stop you on your way – family, society, the world.

If you love this way, you know it’s worth it.



Man Dragged Off Plane By United Airlines Has Finally Been Identified

You’ve booked your flight, you’ve planned your trip, you went to the airport and got on board, when a flight-attendant comes to you and asks you to get off the plane and leave.

What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Wouldn’t you be furious at the airline?

Of course, even worse happened to the man of whom we’ve all heard. His identity is finally known.

The man who was dragged off a United Airlines flight going from Chicago to Louisville on Sunday night is the 69-year-old Dr. David Dao.

Doctor Dao specializes in internal medicine. He is a father of five children and a grandfather as well. He and four of his children work together as doctors.

Dao’s wife Teresa, also 69 years old, graduated pediatrics at Ho Chi Minh University in Saigon. Both she and her husband now practice medicine in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.

Oscar Munoz deeply apologized for the “re-accommodation of the passengers” but somehow he forgot to apologize to the elderly man who was left bleeding on the flight.

The private email which Munoz sent to the staff says:

As expected, social media burst with negative comments about the incident, calling the CEO many names like “tone-deaf”, patronizing, arrogant and some more.

A policeman who supposedly hit the passenger has been suspended because bosses criticized his actions in the situation.

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Scientists Have Found That Memories May Be Passed Down Through Generations In Our DNA

Are you afraid of spiders? Can you think of a solid reason, or experience that made you afraid in the first place? If not, it could mean that you have genetically inherited that phobia from your ancestors, who could have had a traumatic experience with arachnids.

Common knowledge is that memories and learned experiences through one’s lifetime are passed down by teaching future generations or through personal experience. However, new research suggests that certain information may be transferred through the genes.

According to researchers at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, the genetic transfer of memories occurs as a result in change of the chemical makeup of the genes which happens during certain experience. In particular, the results from the study show that traumatic experiences can be genetically passed down to future generations.

In this study, researchers trained mice to fear the smell of cherry blossoms. Before allowing them to reproduce, they conditioned the mice to be traumatized by the smell of cherry blossoms by using electric shocks.

After the mice reproduced, their offspring were exposed to the smell of cherry blossoms, and surprisingly, they showed fearful responses to the smell, although no such experience was actually present in their lifetime. Which is even more curious, the same response could be seen in the following generation too.

During the conditioning process, the brains of the group exposed to the shock showed structural and chemical change in the area that detected the odor, which the offspring and the third generation exhibited as well. Not only did their brain change, but the DNA of the mice had changed too.

To make sure that this phobia was not a social transmission, the scientists inseminated some of the females through IVF. When they saw that the change in the brain structure persisted, they concluded that the brain anatomy was not socially conditioned, but rather inherited.

The resulting phobia in the future generations was inherited through the DNA, which shows how the reactions of these generations were already programmed, perhaps to protect them from the experience which proved to put their ancestors in danger.

The results of the study gave “compelling evidence” that biological transmission of memory is possible, said Professor Marcus Pembrey, a pediatric geneticist at University College London. He added that this addressed constitutional fearfulness that was highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and PTSD, plus the controversial subject of transmission of the ‘memory’ of ancestral experience down the generations.

The implications of the finds can be huge when it comes to human behavior, especially in understanding the rise of neuropsychiatric disorders or obesity, diabetes and metabolic disruptions among humans by taking a multigenerational approach, notes Marcus.

Research like this may prove to be crucial in understanding certain things about the human mind, and what makes us who we are. It could prove beneficial in enhancing treatments for certain illnesses and provide better treatment altogether.

The notion that our DNA could be carrying lessons learned from our ancestors is quite interesting in itself. Perhaps we relive the history of our ancestors without knowing it?

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