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Tricks Your Body Has Been Hiding From You – Part 3

In Part II, we learned some really useful tricks, but that’s not where the list ends. Here we come with 5 more which will definitely make your body work to your advantage:

  1. Overcome Your Urge to Pee 

When you just have to go to the toilet, but there is no toilet near, the best way to overcome the urge is to think of whatever turns you on. You can preoccupy your brain by thinking about sex and sexual fantasies and that way you won’t feel so much discomfort. Do you remember ever having to pee during a passionate sexual intercourse? 

  1. Fight Acid Reflux so You Can Go to Bed Easily 

Have you ever had such a bad acid reflux that you couldn’t go to bed because of it? You can use gravity and your body to your advantage – just sleep on your left side. The stomach and esophagus are connected at a certain angle that when you sleep on your right side the stomach is higher than the esophagus and this allows food and stomach acid to slide up your throat. This means that when you lie down on your left side, gravity and organ positioning won’t allow any acid to crawl back to your throat. 

  1. Don’t Let the Burns Turn Into Blisters 

If you get burnt on the stove, don’t panic since you’ve had the remedy against blisters with you all along. Just clean the skin (do not use alcohol!) and apply gentle pressure on the burnt spot with the fingers of your other hand. This way you bring the burned skin to a natural temperature and because of that it is less likely to blister. If you are impatient or the pain is just unbearable to do this, try apple cider vinegar and see the wonders for yourself. 

  1. Relieve a Migraine in an Instant 

Who needs pills for that when you have yourself and your fabulous body to do the trick? To get rid of a headache, just pinch down on the muscle on the web of your hand between the thumb and index finger (place your thumb on the back of your hand and the forefinger under), hold the pressure for 2 minutes and repeat. Most headaches and migraines ease after 4 minutes. 

  1. Relieve a Toothache 

The exact same spot where we cure out headaches is responsible for toothaches as well. You see this spot has nerve endings that stimulate apart of the brain that blocks pain in the head area. So how to relieve the toothache? Apply ice on the V shaped area between your thumb and index finger at the back of your hand. This trick can reduce pain up to as much as 50 percent.

And this is not the end of our list! Our bodies have so many secrets to tell us and the next 5 are coming in Part IV. See you there!

This Body Hacks Tricks Can Save Your Life – Part 2

In the previous series we went from tickling throat, enhanced hearing and running or bleeding noses,to a better way to swallow pills. In this series we’ll dive even further in the secrets of our bodies.

  1. Calm Yourself With Water 

Don’t let the nerves get the best of you. In situations where you feel like hitting a wall, hit the water. A big splash of cold water on your face will trick your body into thinking that you are making a dive, which will in terms make it use oxygen more efficiently. And we all know: more oxygen means better function of the nerves. This is called the mammalian dive reflex and it is genetically present in all mammals including humans. 

  1. Breathe Underwater 

When we dive, the urge for air is not because of absence of oxygen, but rather because of large presence of carbon dioxide which makes your blood acidic. So before you dive, clean your blood from the carbon dioxide buildup by taking several short breaths in order to hyperventilate. This will allow your body to endure 10 seconds more under water as it tricks your body into thinking that it has more oxygen. 

  1. Calm Your Heart Down

Feeling nervous before your big interview or before you meet that girl or guy you have a huge crush on? Calm your heartbeat by blowing on your thumb. This will get your heart rate back to normal, as the nerve which is responsible for the heart rate can be controlled through breathing. Also take a moment to calm your mind down too – just focus on blowing your thumb.

  1. Feel No Pain From Needle Pricks

Whether it’s taking an injection or giving blood, as much as we might think we’re doing a good job to our body or to others, the pain from the needle is not so enjoyable. You can lessen the pain by coughing during the needle stick. Coughing creates a rise in pressure in the chest and spinal canal, which will in terms inhibit the pain-conducting structures of the spinal cord.

  1. Relieve Brain Freeze

We can end this series with a nice cold ice-cream. Don’t worry – after reading this you won’t be concerned of brain freeze anymore. The reason for brain freeze is that when the roof of your mouth gets chilled by the ice-cream, your body thinks that your brain is freezing too, so it overheats to prevent this from happening. What you can do is press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth and cover as much as you can. This will heat back the roof and the headache will disappear. The more pressure you apply to the roof of your mouth, the faster the headache will go away.

Stick around for part III, where you will learn even more interesting tricks and facts about your body.

Here Are 5 Hidden Secrets to Finding Real Love

Ah, true love! One of the most desired things in life, aside from money and fame, perhaps, is true love. Everyone strives to find it; everyone wants to find their better half, their soulmate, someone to share a life with. Finding a worthwhile relationship might come easy to some, but others, the more unfortunate ones, need to learn how to avoid making the same mistakes, how to overcome the fears they live with on a daily basis, how to keep up motivation after failure and so on. It sounds complicated, right? Well, it can be, and it does take a lot out of you, but once you’ve started down the right path, you can be sure that the journey will be worthwhile and you will find what you’re looking for. You just have to keep a few things in mind.

  1. Love is something that is truly fundamentally important to us, but the issues and misunderstandings it comes with can be overwhelming and sooner than later we find ourselves lost. Ego, fear and emotional insecurities come first and cause the biggest problems of all. This is where you have to start. You have to liberate yourself from these unnecessary mental restraints if you want to overcome the obstacles that might prevent you from building the foundations of a strong and healthy relationship. You must overcome neediness, the constant seeking for validation from your partner, and the dependency that gradually grows as the relationship deepens. These are so-called “relationship killers”. One has to be confident and happy with one self before even allowing someone else in.
  2. Remember: you have to be true to yourself and love yourself for what you are; once you’ve achieved that, others will start to see and appreciate the real you. You must never forget to remind yourself what really makes you happy, what makes you sad, what exhilarates you and what “pushes your buttons”. Don’t hide these things. These “things” are the building blocks of your personality and personality is what we fall in love with once we’ve passed the “physical attraction” part. The one you’re meant to be with will know all these things about you as well and will love you BECAUSE of these traits, not IN SPITE OF THEM. Never allow yourself, or anyone else, for that matter, to change who you are; never allow anyone to suffocate your passions and turn you into something “more suitable”. Your true love will love you for who you are.
  3. Another very important thing to remember is that appearance does matter. You have to take care of yourself and appreciate your inner and outer beauty. Men find attractive women more appealing and not everyone has the time orthe patience to build the “friendship foundation” first so that the “sparks of love” can start flickering later. If you want someone to like you off the bat, you have to look good. Try to stay healthy, exercise, hydrate your body and smile as much as possible. The aura of confidence and strength will surely land you a “hunk”. If you want to land a hunk, you have to hunk up a bit yourself.
  4. The accent on confidence cannot be overstated. Confidence makes all the difference in the world. You have to be confident that you are meant to find THE ONE. Let’s start with that. If you believe that you deserve to be with someone that will love and respect you for who you are, you’ll find him sooner or later. He might be your best friend, the guy standing in line in front of you in the bank, your neighbor. You never know. Yet if you let insecurity or timidity take over, you could miss the chance of a lifetime. Let them notice you. Let them see you and once they do, they won’t be able to take their eyes off you. Remember: loving yourself comes first; loving someone else comes second.
  5. Research has shown that men are more attracted to strong, confident women, rather than the introverts. If you want to draw someone’s attention or strike up a conversation with someone, you have to be open and engaging, you have to smile and be friendly. Overcoming the restraints of the mind can be a tough task, but once you achieve it, nothing will stand in your way. Lasting relationships are born from pure and unrestrained interaction. It might seem frightening going up to someone and striking up a conversation, but it’s less frightening than the very thought that you could miss out on a great, long-term relationship with someone just because you lacked the confidence and the courage to utter a simple “Hi!”. Think about it. It doesn’t take much. Try to smile as much as possible. Choose to be happy. Be ambitious. Be strong. Love yourself and true love will find its way home.

This 5 Mistakes People Make When Living Together Before They Get Engaged

Many believe that people who are in a long-term relationship should shack up first and try living together before they dive into the sometimes turbulent waters of marriage. Others, on the other hand, believe that shaking up could shake up the relationship and ruin the chances of a tying the knot.

These opposite sentiments can be confusing; so if you want to know whether or not you should or shouldn’t live with your partner before marriage, you should follow these tips.

1. Marriage is an established union that forms a legally, religiously, and socially recognized bond. With marriage come new responsibilities, people develop new traits and the outcome isn’t always a good one.

2. The one thing you should always remember is that the fear of divorce is real and it can arise from daily instances that seem trivial at first but hold the potential to grow into bigger and more serious issues later on.

Always focus on the positive; do not hold onto the negative and always remind yourself why you two are together. There must be a good reason if you are considering living together.

If you can’t find anything good to hold onto to, you should revise your relationship and make the difficult decision of calling it off before it becomes more serious. After all, a serious relationship is no relationship if it stands on shaky, glass legs.

3. Another thing you should always keep an eye on is money. Money is trivial; understanding, respect and love are crucial. You need to watch out from the so-called money mistakes.

If you are a power couple and if both of you have successful careers, you probably have separate accounts and spend your earnings just as if you were single. Try to talk it out and make a plan about your financial future.

Don’t forget why you are together and start making plans about your future together; this includes children, a joint checking account, a pension fund, a home and so forth. If you can’t see eye to eye on such an issue, reevaluate the relationship. Adults don’t fight over these things.


4. Living together doesn’t mean you have to get married right away. Slow down. Test the relationship out; let living together settle. Don’t put unwarranted pressure on your partner.

Let the relationship take its natural course. What’s the rush? If it works, marriage will definitely come. Unwarranted pressure can only ruin a relationship; it has never resulted in a happy ending, you can be sure of that.

5. Don’t forget to be spontaneous; don’t let yourself be dragged into a dull everyday life because it will ultimately ruin your relationship.

Don’t forget to leave each other some breathing space and enough time to appreciate your life together. Living together doesn’t mean you should stop being adventurous and turn into a boring couple that eventually drowns in their daily routine.

Don’t grow old before your time. Enjoy your youth together. These could be the best years of your life. Don’t overthink it, just go with the flow.

6. One of the biggest aspects of living together is dividing up the chores around the house. The biggest mistake you can make is letting chores – like washing the dishes or doing laundry – turn into full-blown arguments.

It all depends on you and how you were brought up. If one of you likes the house to be spick and span all the time, they will probably do most of the work; but helping out will only make your partner love you more and appreciate your effort.

There are other “traps” along the way, but if you only focus on the love you have for each other and if you respect each other, nothing will stand in your way.

Living together is like taking the relationship for a test drive. If it fits, it fits; if it doesn’t, at least you will know before taking it to the next level.

Everything You Need To Know On Chakra No. 2 + How To Heal It – Svadhisthana!

Affirmative Statement: I Feel

Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana (dwelling place of the self)

Color: Orange

Frequency: 417 Hz (Solfeggio), 288 Hz (Carrier Wave)

Musical Note: D

Element: Water

Organs: Reproductive system, spleen

Endocrine Glands: Ovaries and Testicles

Identity: Emotional

Rights: To feel, to want

Challenge: Guilt

The sacral chakra, also known as Svadhisthana (which in Sanskrit means “Dwelling Place of the Self”) is the chakra which governs the feelings, emotions, sexuality, creativity, change and movement, emotional consciousness and personal/social needs and procreation.

Once stability and security are achieved and once fear is overcome , one can start experiencing the world through feelings, emotions, pleasure and their creative power. This energy vortex is located in the abdomen, or more precisely at the pubic bone as its front and its back being near the tailbone.

It is one of the physical chakras, as all these aspects are still closely connected to physical stimuli and interaction. The sacral chakra is the seat of your inner child. It is quite simple, you can see children feeling free to express their emotions, be creative and playful through life – this is so because their development has come to a stage where they start experiencing the vibratory level of the sacral chakra, once the root chakra balance has been achieved.

Our inner child usually ‘dies’ when we start living our lives concerned with how much we get, what we need to do to live and how preoccupied we are in life due to work, responsibilities and all other ‘grown-up’ aspects.

This means, the little space for pleasure we should reserve is given away to restraint, concerns and obligations. With this, we start losing our sexuality, sensuality and pleasures and we start acting as robots. As a result, we suppress our sacral chakra and it becomes underactive and consequently we start suffering the consequences.

Which organs is the sacralchakra responsible for?

As we mentioned in Part I, this chakra governs over the reproductive system and the spleen, and its glands are the ovaries and testicles. So if you are having problems with impotence or low libido, you may have problems with your sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is also responsible for the lymph system.

So, what are the characteristics of a balanced sacral chakra? 

A person with a balanced sacral chakra can express oneself emotionally without any problems. They are emotionally intelligent. They let their feelings flow freely and have no problems with their sexuality and sexual expression. They are open to intimacy in a healthy manner and they are sensual.

These people are playful and have a great passion for life. They have a strong ability to embrace change and they live their lives to the fullest, experiencing every day as special and as a gift. These people are creative, free and open.

What are the characteristics of a sacral chakra out of balance? 

There are two scenarios for a sacral chakra out of balance: it can be underactive or overactive. Both cases are unhealthy, as they bring many negative aspects to one’s being.

Underactive sacral chakra:

People with an underactive sacral chakra experience a fear of pleasure and they deny themselves. They are rigid, they fear change and have poor social skills. They are typically emotionally numb and sometimes even insensitive.

These people usually deny themselves of the things that make them feel good and they can’t manifest what they desire because their thoughts usually lean towards negativity.

This makes them lazy, sluggish, they may suffer from chronic fatigue disorder and they have a low sex drive, which may even escalate to impotence or frigidity. They try to ‘fit in’ with people as hard as they can, to such an extent that they lose their true and authentic self.

Overactive sacral chakra:

People with an overactive sacral chakra tend to be over emotional, creating drama over people and events. They tend to have an unhealthy social interaction and poor boundaries which also includes invasion of others’ boundaries too.

They have excessive mood swings, obsessive attachments and emotional dependency. Sexual addiction may occur in relationships and also not taking proper caution with their partner(s). They are usually too childish and too sensitive. Addiction to stimulation is another trait they possess, which may lead to drug or alcohol addiction.

How to balance the sacral chakra?

If you find yourself in one of the scenarios of an imbalanced sacral chakra, you might want to help yourself by trying to balance it. While energy healing (such as Reiki or Crystal Therapy) is a very good step, you will need to work on yourse.

lf even afterwards, since your body is your temple and you have to keep it healthy, nourished and clean all the time. There are several ways of balancing this energetic center. Below you will find some useful ways of balancing it, but be careful as these techniques are only good for an underactive sacral chakra! If your chakra is overactive, try balancing the neighboring chakras, and the energy will adjust itself.

Color therapy (or chromo therapy) 

Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which means wearing something orange will instantly boost the chakra as it vibrates with the same frequency. However, if your sacral chakra is overactive, we recommend that you stop wearing orange for some time. You can also place an orange poster in your bedroom if your sacral chakra is underactive.

Sound therapy (audio therapy)

You can play solfeggio harmonics at 417 Hz on YouTube. You can also chantVAMas a mantra, since its sound frequencies stimulate the sacral chakra.

Nutrition for the sacral chakra 

Orange foods, such as oranges, carrots, tangerines and also almonds, cinnamon and water.

Physical activity 

Besides yoga, you can dance like no one is watching. Just close the doors, play your favorite song and dance like crazy – especially with your hips! Playing child’s games, as building sand castles on the beach or playing with the toys you used to love. This will awaken your inner child and balance your sacral chakra. 


Sitting comfortably while focusing your attention the region just below the navel and visualizing an orange flower blooming at that spot will stimulate the energy of the sacral chakra. You can chant VAM while meditating on the sacral chakra.

Meditation in nature is always the best one there is, but if you can’t find the time, just tidy your room and meditate facing a window.

Everything You Need To Know On Chakra No. 1 + How To Heal It – Muladhara!

Affirmative statement: I Am

Sanskrit name: Muladhara (root support/base)

Color: Red

Frequency: 396 Hz (Solfeggio), 256 Hz (Carrier Wave)

Musical Note: C

Element: Earth

Organs: Kidneys, Skeletal Structure, Base of Spine

Endocrine Glands: Adrenal Glands

Identity: Physical Identity

Rights: To Have

Challenge: Fear

The root chakra, also known as Muladhara [mooladhara] (which in Sanskrit means “Root Support”) is the most physical chakra. It represents one’s physical manifestation into the world and with it, the basic aspects of existence –food, water, shelter, safety, vitality, movement, survival, lack of fear.

When these needs are met, you can easily let your energy start moving up to the rest of the energetic centers in order to cover other aspects of your being. This energy vortex is located at the base of the spine (the first three vertebrae) and it is related to the perineum, near the anus. It is very important to have this chakra functioning properly, because if not, one cannot let other chakras function as they should.

The root chakra is the place from which all theEarth’s energy moves upwards to the rest of the body. In order to work on the higher chakras, one must first feel safe and secure. This is why this chakra is very important.

Which Organs is the Root Chakra Responsible For?

As we mentioned in the previous article, this chakra governs over the adrenal glands. Adrenalin, as we already know, is very important for the function of our body.

Also, if you have problems with your kidneys, you could help yourself by trying to balance your root chakra, as it is connected to the kidneys. This is also true if you have problems with your legs, since the nerves responsible for the legs are exactly those starting from the first three vertebrae.

So, what are the characteristics of a balanced root chakra? 

A person with a balanced root chakra is a physically healthy person. They are characterized with a strong physical presence and groundedness. They are realistic, comfortable in their body, and they feel a sense of safety and security.

They are stable and possess the ability to be still and patient, but at the same time they have a strong passion for life, are active and they tend to work out to stay physically fit. They live their lives with reason, passion, focus and joy. These people create a stable and healthy connection to their families and they treat the others as they would like to be treated themselves.

They are survival-oriented, which means they work their way through life finding means for a healthy life and environment. They have a solid self-esteem and a moral compass and they are reliable and have a healthy sense of loyalty.

What are the characteristics of a root chakra out of balance? 

There are two scenarios for a root chakra out of balance: it can be underactive or overactive. Both cases are unhealthy, as they bring many negative aspects to one’s being.

Underactive root chakra:

People with an underactive root chakra have difficulty manifesting themselves physically, as they feel unnoticed, disconnected from the world around them. They are usually disorganized, lacking the will to take action. These people tend to get depressed, they lose the will to live their life to the fullest and create a comfortable and safe environment for themselves.

Because of this, they are usually the most common target for bullies, as they manifest their sense of insecurity around them, which makes them look weak and vulnerable. These people lack self-confidence and are usually lazy and not active. They have an underactive sex drive. They lack the desire to do or want anything out of life. They are filled with fear and may even have nightmares.

Overactive root chakra:

These people tend to be aggressive, filled with anger and easily annoyed by people and events in their lives. They are greedy and feel the need to control others. They have very rigid boundaries, making it very difficult to accept change.

They are very materialistic, to that extent that they start hoarding and they start believe that their being is defined by how much they have and what they have. This is why they may become workaholics and may turn to excessive spending. They can easily become obese and they may have an overactive sex drive.

How to balance the root chakra?

If you find yourself in one of the scenarios of an imbalanced root chakra, you might want to help yourself by trying to balance it. While energy healing (such as Reiki or Crystal Therapy) is a very good step, you will need to work on yourself even afterwards, since your body is your temple and you have to keep it healthy, nourished and clean all the time.

There are several ways of balancing this energetic center. Below you will find some useful ways of balancing it, but be careful as these techniques are only good for an underactive root chakra! If your chakra is overactive, try balancing the neighboring chakras, and the energy will adjust itself.

Color therapy (or chromotherapy) 

Red is the color of the root chakra, which means wearing something red will instantly boost the chakra as it vibrates with the same frequency. However, if your root chakra is overactive, we recommend that you stop wearing red for some time.

You can also place a red poster in your bedroom if your root chakra is underactive, since while we sleep our energy is being regenerated and it absorbs the frequencies from our surroundings (keep your room tidy!).

Sound therapy (audiotherapy)

You can play solfeggio harmonics at 396 Hz on YouTube. You can also chant the LAM (or LANG – NG as in ‘tongue’) as a mantra, since its sound frequencies stimulate the root chakra.

Nutrition for the root chakra 

Red foods, such as red apples, strawberries, red cabbage, beetroots and foods that are high in protein.

Physical activity 

Cleaning the house, working out, walking in nature or doing yoga. Anything connected to movement and physical presence will stimulate the root chakra to manifest its energy and start working properly. 


Sitting comfortably while focusing your attention on the base of your spine and visualizing a red lotus or rose blooming at that place will stimulate the energy of the root chakra. You can chant LAM (or LANG) while meditating on the root chakra.

Meditation in nature is always the best one there is, but if you can’t find the time, just tidy your room and meditate facing a window.

Tricks Your Body Has Been Hiding From You – Part 1

Our bodies are a universe for themselves. There are so many useful things and tricks we still don’t know about, but thanks to the scientists who work tirelessly on exploring and analyzing the functions of our bodies, we can say for sure that the functions that our bodies have been hiding for us are now available at our disposal to make our lives easier.

Here’s a list of tricks that your body has been hiding from you.

1. Don’t Let That Throat Tickle

The throat is connected with the ears and the nose through channels and nerves and they function together and are dependent on each other. If your throat starts tickling, you most likely start coughing to scratch that itch, but there’s no need to do that since there is a much easier way to cure that nuisance. Scratch your ear, and see for yourself. The ear has nerve endings which when stimulated can cause a muscle spasm in the throat which will in terms relieve the tickle.

2. Enhance Your Hearing Sense

If you go to loud parties and want to hear every word being told to you, you already have the ability to do so! Lean your right ear towards the speaker and it will do the job. The right ear is connected to the left hemisphere which is responsible for speech recognition, which means the information you’re trying to receive will go directly to the right place. On the other hand, if you are trying to hear a soft tune playing, you just turn your left ear to the direction of the sound. Your ear will recognize that information more easily since it is connected to your right hemisphere responsible for music, melodies and rhythm.

3. Swallow Horse-Sized Pills

If you have the honors of taking enormous pills (and that is more than one), you can save yourself from taking them one at a time with the help of this trick. Take the pills and then take the water, but before going to the next step of leaning your head backwards to swallow them, do this: Lean your head forward and let the pills float to the back of your mouth cavity. This will help you swallow them more easily since they will be the first ones to go down your throat.

4. Clear A Stuffed Nose

We all know how annoying a stuffed nose can be, but you don’t need a run to the pharmacy to help with that problem anymore. You already have the mechanism in your body waiting to be used. Thrust your tongue alternately against the roof of your mouth and then press between your eyebrows with one finger. This causes the bone that runs through the nasal passage to your mouth to rock back and forth and loosen the congestion. After 20 seconds, your sinuses will start to drain.

5. Stop a Nose from Bleeding

Don’t tilt your head back. The swallowed blood that may run to the back of your throat can irritate the stomach and make you vomit, which will worsen the nosebleed even further. On the contrary, lean your head forward and pinch the soft part of your nose where nosebleeds usually occur. Holding your nose like this for 10 minutes can stop a nosebleed since most nosebleeds stop after 10 minutes of direct pressure. Some cold can help too, you can apply a pack of ice on your nose and cheeks while pinching your nose as cold will constrict the veins. Don’t forget to hold your nose for at least 10 minutes without releasing. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, repeat for another 10 minutes. Afterwards, don’t blow your nose and rest for some time.

These, and so many more tricks to help you use your body to the fullest. Stay put for another series of 5 on our list of tricks that your body has been hiding from you.

Apple And Grape Seed Extracts Reduce Cancer-Causing Chemicals From Cooking Meat

Meat-lovers may not be aware that the chemicals HCAs or heterocyclic amines are created when meat is cooked at high temperatures. Recent research linked exactly these chemicals with the most ominous disease of our era, which is cancer, of course. Fortunately, there is a “counter-strike” for these very harmful substances: Some past research also indicated that extracts from apples and other organic fruits may reduce HCAs formation, thus making the meat much safer for consumption.

Researchers from the University of Hong Kong and Rutgers University have tested the effects of different extracts from apples, elderberries, grape seeds and pineapples on the formation of HCAs. The results that emerged from all the testing done are these: Apple and grape seed extracts can reduce the formation of HCAs by up to 70 percent. Actually, apple and other fruit extracts are able to inhibit several different HCAs! The researchers indicated that, in the case of apple extract, the HCAs formation was reduced from 59 to 72 percent, depending on the type of HCAs.

The Cancer Institute carried out testing on animals exposed to HCAs which, later, became cancer “patients”. Although the scholars have not proven unmistakably that HCAs cause cancer in humans too, the formation of these admittedly-carcinogenic compounds could be linked to the increased risk of certain types of cancers in those who mostly have meaty diet.

The HCAs formation in meat is dependent on several factors:  First and foremost, this bad formation depends on the type of meat cooked. The second contributing factor is the temperature at which it is cooked. And the third one is the duration of the cooking itself.

Researchers stated that this is the first report showing the inhibitory activities of apple phenolics on the formation of HCAs. They are also positive that: “The findings provide valuable information for the development of effective strategies to minimize the HCAs content in cooked meats and to identify several new natural products that may have new applications in the food industry.”

These researchers didn’t announce whether we will derive exactly the same benefits if we simply eat unprocessed apples or combine them with meat dishes. Anyhow, that should not stop you from searching for other evidence on raw apple effects. If nothing else, you will find out that compounds in apples (known as oligosaccharides) could kill up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells.

One important thing was added by The Cancer Institute for all meat –lovers to remember and implement: You can reduce the amount of HCAs formed in the course of cooking by not exposing meat to an open flame or a hot metal surface! As for the cooking time, it is best to reduce it whenever possible.

Get enough supplies of organic apple extract and grape seed extract because they certainly reduce cancer-spurring chemicals from cooked meaty meals.  And, when your health is seriously undermined by developing cancer, they superiorly outperform common chemo drugs!

Source: The Cancer Institute

How to Make Your Own Home Made Detox Spa

After all that junk food, exposure to polluted air and water, toxic chemicals in personal care and cleaning products, your body needs a break and a detox as well, don’t you think so? Some of us are not even aware of the high toxic content our bodies have to deal with on a daily basis and therefore do not know where all their problems come from. Try best insulated water bottle.

However, you do not have to do something over the top to eliminate all the toxicity from your body; you just need to try a natural approach. Instead of spending tons of money on some spa treatments, you can save your money and read this article to get the right information.  This is for all those who feel that they should give their body some rest and help it breathe freely again. This homemade detox spa will definitely purify and heal you.  For optimal results, you should prepare the homemade detox spa once a week and enjoy in it for 20 minutes.

Benefits of the Detox Spa

Our homemade detox spa will provide you with the following benefits:

  • It relieves the pain into your muscles and joints
  • It helps with arthritis
  • It will lower the level of stress
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Helps with diabetes
  • Helps you cut some extra fat
  • Rejuvenates
  • Detoxifies
  • Keeps your concentration level high
  • Helps with digestion problems
  • Hydrates your whole body

What you need?

A cup of Epsom or sea salt (the magnesium in sea salt will keep your skin moisturized, and it also has antimicrobial properties which fight all bacteria)

– Half a cup of baking soda (it works best for exfoliating your skin, easing any yeast infections and making your skin smooth)

-10 drops of an essential oil by your choice, and here are our suggestions and every single time you prepare your spa, you can choose a different one, according to the right purpose at the moment:

Lavender- It has a calming and relaxing effect

Grapefruit– Whenever you feel tired, this oil will uplift you

Peppermint– Use it whenever you have fatigue

Cedar Wood– If you feel down and depressed, this is the best choice for you

Chamomile and Rosemary– Both have a soothing effect and will relieve your headache

How to prepare the homemade detox spa?

Fill your bath with hot water and add the ingredients.  The hot water will melt and mix the salt, baking soda and  essential oil all together, so you should wait a couple of minutes before getting in the bath. It is also optional to cleanse your body with a loofah to get rid of any dead skin, to have a better detox effect. You should lay in the bath for approximately 20 minutes, while having your lights dimmed and listening to some relaxing music, which will also add to the enjoyable atmosphere. After the homemade detox spa, take a shower with lukewarm water.

10 Ways To Fall In Love With Yourself Again After Leaving A Toxic Relationship

Toxicity can come in many forms. It can come as a relationship with your partner, a toxic friendship or a work situation. Regardless of its form, one thing is certain – it is very damaging to your wellbeing.

A toxic relationship is controlling, anxiety-inducing, lonely, painful, sad, and dramatic. It will make you fearful and full of self-doubts, making you feel like you are walking on eggshells every single day.

Therefore, walking away from a toxic relationship can be one of the most difficult things to do. If, however, you managed to find the courage and free yourself from the toxicity – congratulations. You did something that many people cannot.

But the process of healing is a long one. And the first step you should take is falling in love with yourself again because somehow you forgot how to do it in your previous relationship.

Here are 10 ways that you can do to start loving and appreciating yourself.

1. Liberate Yourself of Their Hold on You

Block their number. Delete their texts and photographs. Erase all the reminders of your time together. When your mind goes back to them, shift your focus immediately. And don’t talk to yourself in the way they talked to you. You are free now, you have your own voice.

2. Allow Yourself to Be Single

Don’t try to find ways to make them jealous or make them want to come back to you. Embrace your single life. Start becoming a better friend to yourself. Enjoy your freedom and all the wonderful things that come with being single. And don’t try to convince yourself that you miss them and the comfort that comes from being in a relationship. That’s only your fear talking.

3. Be Selfish with Your Time

Instead of wasting your time worrying about them and your relationship, not that they are not in your life, spend that time on you. Do what you want. Cook your favorite meal. Buy yourself something nice. Be gentle to yourself. You have one life, why not spend in on you and the things you love?

4. Surround Yourself with Love and Positive Energy

Spend time with your friends and family to remind yourself that love is all around you. When you are with your loved ones, you’ll feel the love and the positive energy that comes from within yourselves. And sometimes that’s all you need.

5. Don’t Think That You Could’ve Tried More to Save The Relationship

Stop agonizing and telling yourself that you could’ve done better to save your relationship. The thing is, you can’t save something that is toxic. And please, don’t believe all the things they said to you that made you think that you’re not good enough. You are. But of course, you are not good for toxicity. No sane person is.

6. Forgive Yourself for Letting Them Hurt You

You don’t need to forgive them for hurting you, but you must forgive yourself for allowing them to hurt you so much. Forgive yourself for staying when you should have left long ago. Forgive yourself for sharing your love with someone who didn’t deserve it.

7. Apologize to Those Who You’ve Unintentionally Hurt While You Were Hurting

Maybe your toxic relationship separated you from your friends and family and all the people that you love. Apologize to them for the pain they’ve felt during your absence and for you not being there for them when they needed you.

8. Give Yourself All the Time You Need to Heal

Healing doesn’t happen overnight. Therefore, allow yourself to feel all the pain and hurt and be patient. Everything will fall back into place in the right time.

9. Don’t Dwell on The Past; Focus on Your Future Ahead

Stop replaying the past in your head. Stop trying to find the reason why everything fell apart. Accept that it is over and move on. Focus on the wonderful new opportunities that are in front of you, waiting for you.

10. Love Yourself Like You Wanted Them to Love You

Because you deserve it.