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Family Planning: Why should you use contraception?

Family planning after pregnancy is a more important topic than it has ever been. There are many reasons why recent parents are concerned about...

Reintegrate Home Economics Class Into Modern Education System Since Our Children Lack Basic Life...

While it was very common for Home Economics classes to be taught at schools and universities 80 years ago, today they’re taught far less...

10 Ways To Raise A Happy Child

Raising a child isn’t a walk in the park, but how you raise a child in their early years will directly affect how they...
safety road

Road Safety Tips for Children: All You Need to Know

Parents have a responsibility to make sure their children know all about road and car safety. Let's take a look at the data. In the...
A true dad is the one who understands that family comes first.

A True Dad Is Not The One Who Pays The Bills, But The One...

Any man can become a father. Any man can create life. However, it takes someone special to nurture, shape, and love that life. A true...

Pros and Cons of Knowing Your Baby’s Gender Before Birth

Guessing the gender of an unborn child has been a hallmark of human pregnancy for thousands of years. Will it be a boy or...

When You Were Raised By A Strong, Loving Mother, You Grow Up To Be...

When you were raised by a strong, loving mother, you grow up to be a tough, confident, and self-respecting individual. When you were raised by...

Should parents have an active role in the education of their children?

Raising and educating children is a complex activity that all parents are engaged in without any empirical knowledge. It is believed that parents have...

Out with the Old, in with the New: Tips for Upgrading your life

We live in a society where everything is a rush, rush, rush and because of this we tend to live a life where we...

“Crying It Out” Can Damage Children For The Long Term

If you are a parent, you are probably familiar with the “cry it out” method to get your little one to sleep. Well-meaning parents might...