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Staying Married for The Kids | Is This The Right Thing To Do?

Is it worth staying married for the sake of the kids? The decision of whether there is a need to continue with the relationship for...

This Goes To My Future Daughter-In-Law

Dear daughter-in-law, I am sitting on the sofa while the cutest baby is sprawled across my lap. He likes to gently touch my neck when...

I Am Raising My Sons To Respect And Love Their Wives The Way They...

I have two sons and I am raising them to respect and love their wives the way they love me. I know that they won’t...

I Love You Enough Not To Fulfill All Your Wishes

My son sat on the bed in his room, sulking, because I wouldn’t take him to the store to buy a new toy. “You know...
8 things you should stop doing for your teenager

Stop Doing These 8 Things For Your Teenager If You Want To Raise A...

Pardon my bluntness, but… Everywhere I look, I see is spoiled youngsters who own the most expensive gadgets, clothes, and cars, but have no idea...

Dear Mama, It’s Not Selfish To Take A Break – You Deserve It

Dear tired mama who is reading this, I cannot imagine how it feels to bring new life into this world. I cannot even begin to...

Fathers Have A Much Greater Role In A Daughter’s Life Than You Think, Studies...

When it comes to daughters and their relationship with their parents, there’s a general belief that the bond that exists between mothers and daughters ...
toxic families

13 Struggles People Who Come From Toxic Families Have In Common

“Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place where we find the deepest heartache,” says the famous American inspirational...
you are the most important person in my life messages

A Thank-You Letter To My Mom – The Most Important Person In My Life

How Do You Write A Letter Of Appreciation To Your Mother? The first thought that pops into your head when you think of your mother...