
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

How alternative medicine from India can support your mental health

Life sometimes feels empty. You can feel a rainbow of happiness one day, and cry out all your tears on another. Anger, anxiety, and...

5 Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the most diverse spices we have in the kitchen. It is a spice we use in both sweet and savory...
borderline personality disorder

6 Best Online Tests For Borderline Personality Disorder (BDP)

If you have difficulties regulating your emotions, and you feel emotions intensely, you may suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It is a serious mental...
CBD gummies

How Long Do 3Chi Gummies Take to Kick in?

With a boom in the cannabis industry, many people have started using Delta 8 in various forms, such as smoking, dabbing, vaping, or as...
Migraine Suffer

How Can Sumatriptan Help Migraine Sufferers?

A Guide Have you ever had a terrible headache? Perhaps it has been a few hours since you ate, or you have had a long...
making dinner

A Basic Guide to Intuitive Eating

Despite what you may have heard, intuitive eating is not a diet. Instead, it is a method for understanding and responding to your body's...
food for thyroid

8 Thyroid-Friendly Foods to Eat for Better Health

Do you struggle to stay healthy? Have you ever considered that your thyroid health could be the root of your troubles? Eating a balanced,...
Injuries at the Gym

The 7 Most Common Injuries at the Gym (and How to Avoid Them) 

If you're interested in maximizing your lifespan, reducing your susceptibility to various illnesses and conditions, and just feeling better in general, one of your...
Taking probiotic supplements

Advanced Gut Care+ By WiseHuman: Features, Benefits, and More

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a vital role in overall health and well-being. A balanced gut microbiome...
Brain Nootropics

Unlocking the Power of Brain Health and Cognitive Performance: A Deep-Dive into Nootropics

Central to our being, the brain steers us through every facet of our life - from mundane activities to complex decision-making processes, it's the...