Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.
4 Substitutes for Coffee that Won’t Give You Jitters
Trying to break your coffee habit? It can actually be easier with these healthier substitutes for coffee that still give you plenty of energy.
Healthy Mind Activities to Promote Healthy Body Exercise
Many people believe that in order to lose weight or focus on the body and self-improvement you need to start at the gym. Unfortunately...
5 Tips to Sleep Better at Night
Sleep troubles seem to be a common challenge for many people. Think of all the factors that could interfere with your sleep –from family...
Nicotine-free vaping
The popularity of e-cigarettes is driven in part by the fact that they do not contain the same high levels of toxins and carcinogens...
Top 3 Alternative Approaches to Overcoming Stress
Life in our modern day society seems to have brought a new form of "stress." Stress that is chronic and insidious. Evolutionary psychologists believe...
Most popular complementary and alternative medicine methods: What? Why? Where?
Any method that is generally used instead of conventional medical treatments, which aims to achieve the healing effects of medicine, however relying on pseudoscience,...
CBD-High On A Real Market
Similar to pot, can be vaped like pot, in fact, eaten like pot. But, its actually not pot. The name is CBD, an abbreviation...
Women’s Multivitamin Supplements: Do They Work?
Nowadays, many multivitamins are readily available over the counter. Despite its popularity, though, there is still much doubt as to whether or not these...
5 Top Ways To Get Relief From Pain
Pain can hamper our quality of life as well as they can outweigh our thoughts. No matter how much we try to be positive,...
5 Signs You Need an AC Fix from a Pro
Air conditioners don't last forever. Here are the signs it's time you got an AC fix from a professional.
A quality air conditioning unit can...