
Home Lifestyle
Enrich your home and family lifestyle with Curious Mind Magazine. From inspirational stories and spiritual wisdom to hygge, astrology, and meditation, broaden your perspective on various spheres of life.

I Am Gradually Learning Not To React To Everything That Upsets Me

I am gradually realizing that I don’t have to let everything that happens to me affect me. I am gradually realizing that I don’t have...
Everything In Life Happens For A Reason

Everything In Life Happens For A Reason: Here’s Why You Should Believe In This...

“Everything in life happens for a reason” is a concept we are all familiar with. And yes, it’s a concept which is difficult to...

7 Reasons Why I Keep Cutting People Out Of My Life

1. Different opinions and different morals. We will differ in opinions, sure. But if we disagree over everything, then why are we even friends? If...

Bullied Boy Adopted A Cat With The Same Rare Eye Condition As Him And...

Being different and flawed in a world that is constantly judging you based on your appearance is a truly difficult thing. The pressure from...

Whatever You Take For Granted Will Be Taken Away From You Eventually

They say that you are not aware of what you have until it is all taken away from you. But, the truth is that...

The Happiest People Alive Know That Life Is Wondrous Journey, Never A Competition

I see you. I see that sorrow in your soul. I see that disappointment in your eyes. You are someone who has failed in...

8 Promises You Should Make Yourself And Honor Forever

Life is not all sunshine and rainbows. It can be pretty rough sometimes. And you’ve made many sacrifices, faced innumerable challenges, and overcome many...
i regret letting her go

Why Changing Your Name When You Get Married Can Name-changing be a Terrible Idea?

Getting married is very stressful but some get excited as a lot of new experiences come your way which has its own uniqueness. It...

8 Bitter Realities Of Life That Will Help You Get Your Sh*t Together

Are you the best version of yourself? Have you achieved all your goals, whether personal or professional? Have all your dreams come true? Well, if...

Improving your career with knowledge and free certifications

I know that summer will decide, to enter the OFF mode and recharge the battery. We need to rest and enjoy family, friends and...