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12 Reasons Why Old Souls Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love

Finding real love can be difficult for anyone, but for old souls is a real challenge. That’s the case because of these 12 reasons. ...

These 4 Behaviors Are The Most Reliable Predictors Of Divorce

You are raging inside. Your partner hasn’t picked up the toilet seat and he does not even show signs of caring about that. He...

Science Says Lasting Relationships Come Down To 2 Basic Traits

When you were little you probably thought a successful and long-lasting love is the one where there are no fights and no lies. You...

10 Qualities Of Strong Women That Most Men Can’t Handle

Image source: Joel Sossa Strong women: we all admire them. We all hope to be as strong and self-sufficient as they are, and we also...

Strong Women Would Rather Be Alone Than Waste Time With Assholes

Let’s not mince words here, dating can be fun and amazing. However, more often than not, it is just a waste of time. Can...

5 Differences Between A Soulmate And A Life Partner

As humans, we all long for finding the perfect partner in life or what some like to call a “soulmate”. What most of us...

12 Zodiac Matches That Make The Absolute WORST Couples

Love hurts. Well not always of course, but most of the times love can be very painful. Many of us have at least once...

This Is Why People With Anxiety Are The Best People To Fall In Love...

Anxiety is a common disorder among people nowadays. I am sure that many of us have experienced what anxiety feels like at some point...

Why You Should Treat Loneliness As A Chronic Illness

Although the word “loneliness” is used very commonly, only since resent it has been acknowledged that this is in fact a psychological disorder that...

Children Read Books To Traumatized Shelter Dogs To Help Rehabilitate Them

This animal shelter proves that the power of the word and of genuine emotion is the key to every situation - in this case...