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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

Why Women Date Married Men!

Primitively speaking wanting something we can’t have has been embroiled in our genetic make up for many generations. The stark reality of poaching a...

6 Easy Steps To Becoming The Best-Liked Person Everywhere  

Work, school, friendships, everything in life today comes down to one common thing – building good relationships. Although some people are just born with...

Secrets For Sensitive People: Why Emotional Empaths Stay Lonely

Some people feel lonelier than others do, and sometimes it stays with some more than others do. However, the reason behind the phenomenon may...

Give Your Children What They Really Need- MINIMALISM

There is always a solution to every problem, sometimes there are several solutions and we need to choose one which will be the most...

According To Psychologists, Asking 1 Question Uncovers Everything About Someone’s Personality

Upon meeting someone for the first time, be it in the workplace or at a causal gathering, we cannot know their personality traits straight...

Ten Tips To Tell If Someone Is Lying To You

When it comes to telling the truth, almost all people have very difficult moment of “moral awareness”- to lie or not to lie? But...

These 11 Psychological Tricks Can Make People Like You Immediately

Friendships take time to develop, and they do at a very natural, spontaneous pace. In fact, if you look at some of your friendships,...

What Really Happens When We Give Kids Everything They Want

We often hear about our grandparents’ unbelievable stories about the times when they were young and how strict rules used to be and how...
how to change your life in a month

How To Change My Life For The Better In Just One Month (Complete Guide)

Sometimes changing your daily routine or lifestyle may seem tough. However, it doesn’t have to be. Svetlana Pokrevskaya, a blogger who received a letter...

What Anxiety Actually Is, Since It’s Certainly Not ‘Just Worrying’

Often mentioned, but rarely explained. Anxiety. What is it? How does it feel? We are anxious because we live in a world of snobs. People...