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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

According To Science, Kids Born With Huge Heads Are More Likely To Succeed

If your baby is born with a big head, don’t freak out, celebrate instead. Because according to a research conducted by UK Biobank, children...

People Who Post Their Fitness Routine To Facebook Have Psychological Problems

How many gym photos do you see when you head to the newsfeed on Facebook? We all have at least one friend who posts...

Why People Need To Stop Saying “Everything Happens For A Reason”

Most people get stuck in an endless loop searching for answers that would put an end to their pain. They think pinpointing the cause...

21 Things Only People Who Were Raised By Really Strict Parents Understand

For many, asking for permission to go out and see a friend was unimaginable. But for those with strict parents, it was something inevitable....

Anxiety Makes Me Look Like An Asshole

“Look at her, she probably thinks she is way better than anyone else.” But I don’t. I stay quiet because I cannot engage myself in...

Why Women Date Married Men!

Primitively speaking wanting something we can’t have has been embroiled in our genetic make up for many generations. The stark reality of poaching a...

6 Easy Steps To Becoming The Best-Liked Person Everywhere  

Work, school, friendships, everything in life today comes down to one common thing – building good relationships. Although some people are just born with...

Secrets For Sensitive People: Why Emotional Empaths Stay Lonely

Some people feel lonelier than others do, and sometimes it stays with some more than others do. However, the reason behind the phenomenon may...

Give Your Children What They Really Need- MINIMALISM

There is always a solution to every problem, sometimes there are several solutions and we need to choose one which will be the most...

According To Psychologists, Asking 1 Question Uncovers Everything About Someone’s Personality

Upon meeting someone for the first time, be it in the workplace or at a causal gathering, we cannot know their personality traits straight...